was walking through Jericho. Zacchaeus lived there.
He was a senior tax-collector and a very rich man. He dearly wanted to see Jesus,
but the crowd would not let him through. Zacchaeus was a small man. So he ran
on ahead to a place which Jesus had to pass. He climbed a sycamore tree. When
Jesus reached the spot he halted, looked up and said: Zacchaeus, come down! I
want to stay at your house today.
climbed down quickly from the tree. He was glad that Jesus wanted to be his
guest. But the others who saw this were indignant: He has gone to stay with a
sinner. But Zacchaeus said to Jesus: Lord, I will give half my property to
the poor. If I have
anybody I will give him back four times the amount. Jesus said to him: Today
you and your family have seen that God saves. For I have come to seek out and
save those who were lost.