74. The
beggar and the rich man Once
there was a rich man. He used to dress in expensive clothes and had
everything he desired. At his gate sat a poor man called Lazarus. Lazarus was
in a pitiful state. He had sores all over his body. He was so hungry that he
would have gladly eaten the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Stray
dogs harassed him and licked his sores. When
Lazarus died, an angel came and brought him to Abraham in heaven. The rich
man also died and was buried. He suffered great torment in the world of the
dead. When he looked up he saw Abraham. He also saw Lazarus, safe in
Abraham’s bosom. So he cried out: Father Abraham, have pity on me. Send
Lazarus to me. Let him dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,
for I am in agony in this fire. But Abraham replied: Call to mind your life!
You always had whatever you wanted. With Lazarus it was the other way round.
So now he is being comforted. There is a great gulf between us and you. No
one can cross from here to you, or from you to us. The
rich man implored: I beg you, Father, send Lazarus to my parents’ house. He
should warn my five brothers, so that they do not end up in this place of
torment too. Abraham replied: They have Moses and the prophets; let them
listen to them. The rich man respected his plea: Certainly, they have Moses
and the prophets, but if someone would come to them from the dead, they would
change their lives. But Abraham replied: If they will not listen to Moses and
the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the
dead. (Lk
16, 19-31) |