73. A
father and his sons Jesus
said: A man had two sons. The younger one said: Father, give me my share of
the inheritance. So the father divided his possessions between them. The
younger one took everything he had inherited and left for a far country. He
wanted to enjoy life and carelessly squandered his money. When he had spent
everything, a severe famine broke out. The young man began to feel the pinch.
He went to a farmer and asked him for work. The farmer sent him out to a
field to care for his pigs. He was starving and would willingly have eaten
the husks which the pigs were given. But no one gave him anything. Then he
came to his senses and reasoned: My father has many hired workers. They have
enough to eat. Before I die here of hunger, I will mend my ways and go back
to my father. I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against God and
against you. Employ me as one of your hired workers. His
father saw him coming while he was still a long way off. He was moved with
pity for his son, ran out to meet him and embraced him. Then his son said:
Father, I have sinned against God and against you. So I no longer deserve to
be your son. But the father said: Let us prepare a feast and rejoice. My son
was dead, now he is alive again. He was lost, now he has returned home. As
the elder son came back from the fields, he heard the music and merriment. He
asked a servant: What is going on? The servant replied: Your brother has come
home. Your father is having a feast, because he has his son back. Then the
elder son was angry and his son reproached him: All these years I have worked
for you, yet you never even gave me so much as a kid, so that I could
celebrate with my friends. The father said: You are my son. You are with me
always and all that I have is yours. But today we can only celebrate and
rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life. He was lost, and
now he has returned home. (Lk
15, 11-32) |