wanted to be alone with his apostles. But the people followed him everywhere.
Jesus spoke to the people about the life that God gives. He cured all those who
were in need of his help. In the evening the Twelve came to him and said:
Send the people into the villages so that they can find shelter and something
to eat. Here it is as lonely as in the desert. But Jesus answered: Give them
something to eat yourselves. But they said: We only have five loaves and two
fishes. We would have to go first and buy food for all these people. There
were around five thousand men there, as well as women and children.
Jesus said: Get them to sit in groups of about fifty. The disciples did as
Jesus had ordered them. Jesus took the five loaves and the two fishes. He
raised his eyes to heaven and blessed the loaves and the fishes. Then he
broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute among the crowd. All
those who were there ate and were satisfied. And there was even some bread
left over: twelve baskets full.