know the commandment that states: Do not murder. Whoever kills another is
liable to judgement. Now I tell you: Whoever is angry with his brother is
liable to judgement. (Mt 5, 21)
you are on your way to bring a gift to God and you remember that your brother
has something against you, leave your gift before the altar. Turn around, be
reconciled with your brother. Then come and offer your gift. (Mt 5, 23)
know the commandment that states: Married people must be faithful to one
another. Now I tell you: Whoever covets another woman or another man in their
heart, has been unfaithful. (Mt 5, 27-28)
have learned: Love your neighbour and hate your enemy. Now I tell you: Love
your enemies and do good to those who act against you. When you do that you
are children of your Father in heaven. He lets the sun shine on good and bad
alike. He sends rain on the just and the unjust. (Mt 5, 43-45)
your enemies, help them and lend them what they lack, even when you cannot count
on having it returned. God will reward you: you will be his children. For he
is good even towards the ungrateful and sinners. Be merciful, just as he is.
(Lk 6, 35-36)
not judge one another, and God will not judge you. Do not condemn anyone, and
God will not condemn you. Forgive one another’s debt, and God will forgive
you. Give, and God will give to you.