Ahaz was king in Jerusalem, two kings declared war
on him. They surrounded Jerusalem with their soldiers.
The King’s heart and the hearts of the people trembled, just like trees in the
forest tremble when the storm breaks out upon them.
Ahaz went to the water channel to inspect it. The prophet Isaiah went there
also. He brought the king a message from God: Stay calm, do not fear. The two
are plotting evil against you. Be loyal to God and he will be loyal to you.
Isaiah said: God will give you a sign – any sign you ask for – so that you
can be sure of his help. But Ahaz rejected his offer: No, I will not ask God
for a sign: Then Isaiah said: Nevertheless, God will give you this sign: See,
the maiden shall conceive a child. She will give birth to a son and give him
the name Immanuel. That means: God is with us.