23. David,
the shepherd from David
of Bethlehem became the second and the greatest king of David was the youngest son of Jesse. He was guarding the
sheep when Samuel came to anoint him king. David was a good shepherd. He knew
his sheep and loved them and did not run away when a wild animal came
prowling round. David was brave. He had no fear of the enemies of God and his
people. When he was still a youth, he went to visit his brothers in the
battle-camp. There he saw how a huge and powerful man, the giant Goliath, was
mocking the Israelites and their God. None of the Israelites dared to do battle
with Goliath. But David said to him: You will find out how strong the God of
Israel is. David placed a stone in his sling, whirled it around above his
head and let it fly. It struck the giant Goliath in the middle of his
forehead. At that the enemy took fright. They no longer wanted to fight
against David could sing and play the harp. In the Book of Psalms,
the hymn-book of the people of God, there are one hundred and fifty songs
that David used to sing. For a time David lived in King Saul’s palace.
Whenever Saul was sad, David would play on the harp. Then Saul would become
happy again. David was able to defeat all their enemies, because God was with
him. So Saul made him the commander of his army. But because David won so
many victories and was so popular with the people, Saul became jealous. He
wanted to get rid of David. For many years David and a group of his friends
had to hide from Saul. When the Philistines went to war against (1 Sam 16-31) |