The people of Israel wandered through the
desert from one stopping-place to another. During the third month they were
camped on Mount
Moses climbed up the mountain to God. God commanded him: Say this to the
people of Israel: You have seen that I
am mightier than the Egyptians. I have carried you here on eagle’s wings. If
you listen to what I say and keep my Covenant, then you will become a people
that is closer to me than all the other peoples. But you must belong to me
like priests who are ready to serve me. You are a chosen, holy people.
When Moses came down from the mountain and
told the people what God had commanded, they all shouted with one voice: We
are ready! We want to do all that God had said. We want to live as he wishes
us to. On Sinai God gave his people commandments. They are for all people and
for all time. All who are faithful to God will see God is faithful to them.
God said: I am the Lord your God. I brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of
1.You shall have no gods except me. You shall not make any
images of God. You shall serve none except me.
2.You shall not utter
God’s name to misuse it.
3.Remember the seventh day
and keep it holy. No one shall work on that day.
4.Honour your father and
your mother.
5.You shall not murder.
6.You shall not commit
7.You shall not steal.
8.You shall not say
anything untrue about your fellow man.
9.You shall not covert
another man’s wife.
10.You shall not covet another person’s goods.
Moses carved the commandments that God had given his people
onto two tablets of stone. He laid these tablets in the sacred Ark of the
Covenant. They are the pledge of the Covenant which God has made with his
people, Israel.