Moses was herding his flock in the wilderness. He came to
Sinai, the mountain of God. There he saw a
thornbush. It was burning and yet it was not being burned up. Filled with
curiosity, Moses drew nearer. Then he heard a voice: Moses, Moses! I am the
God of your father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Hearing this, Moses
covered his face. He was afraid to look at God. But God spoke to him: I have
seen how my people are maltreated in Egypt. I have heard their
cries. I know their sufferings. And so I am sending you to Pharaoh. You are
to lead my people out of Egypt. Moses answered: Who am
I to go to Pharaoh and give him orders? But God said: I shall be with you.
But Moses had another objection: The Israelites will not
believe me if I tell them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you. They
will ask me: Tell us his name. What answer shall I give them? God said: I AM
who I AM. That is my name for all time. But Moses still did not want to obey
God’s command. He said: I am a poor speaker. Then God replied: Just go; I
will tell you what to say. Please send someone else, protested Moses. But God
had chosen Moses.
Moses returned with his family to Egypt. His brother Aaron came
to meet him. Together they summoned all the fathers of the Israelite
families. Moses told them what the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had
commanded him to do. The Israelites learned that God wanted to put an end to
their distress. They put their trust in him and worshipped him.