9.   Isaac, Esau and Jacob


Isaac inherited Abraham’s herbs, his servants and his maids. He also inherited God’s blessing. Since his wife Rebecca was barren, Isaac prayed to God. God heard his prayer. Rebecca became a mother. She gave birth to two sons. They were twins, but from the moment of their birth they were completely different. The first-born had hair on his arms and legs. His parents called him Esau. The other son had a smooth skin. They called him Jacob. Esau grew up to be a hunter. Jacob was quiet and remained close to the tents, working as a shepherd and farmer. Isaac preferred Esau, for he liked to eat wild game; but Rebecca preferred Jacob.


    Once, Jacob had just cooked some lentil soup, as Esau returned home exhausted from the hunt. Give me some of that red soup, he said. Jacob replied: First sell me your birthright. Esau replied: Here I am starving, what use is this right to me! He took an oath and sold Jacob his birthright. Only then did Jacob give him bread and lentil soup.


    Isaac grew old. He could no longer see well. One day he said to Esau: Go out and hunt. Bring me wild game to eat. Then I will give you God’s blessing. Rebecca heard what Isaac said. She wanted to secure the blessing for Jacob. So she said to him: Fetch two small kids. She roasted the goat meat. Then she covered his arms and neck with the goatskins and sent him to Isaac.


    Isaac heard the footsteps. He asked: Who are you? I am Esau, said Jacob. I’ve brought you the roast meat. Eat first and then give me the blessing you promised. Isaac reached out for his son’s arm. He felt the goat-skin, and it deceived him. He blessed Jacob: God give you everything that you need on earth. Blessed be he who blesses you!


    Soon after, Esau returned from the hunt. He brought his father roast meat and asked him for the blessing. Then Isaac realised that his son Jacob had tricked him. But he could not take back the blessing that he had passed on to him. Esau grew angry. He said: When our father Isaac dies, I will kill Jacob. Rebecca heard this. She said to Jacob: Flee to your uncle Laban in Haran. You can wait there until Esau has forgotten his anger. Thus Jacob came to Laban. He worked as a shepherd for Laban. But he also tended his own flock. He married and had children.


    After twenty years Jacob returned to Canaan with his whole family. Along the way he rested one night next to the river Jabbok. He had sent all his belongings across to the other bank and had remained alone. That night someone wrestled with Jacob until daybreak. After the fight he blessed Jacob and said: From now on you will no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, which means: A fighter of God. For you have fought against God and men, and have prevailed. 


       Jacob made peace with his brother Esau. He lived in the land of Canaan and had twelve sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. They were the ancestors of the people of Israel.


(Gen 25 – 35)