8. Abraham’s
faith God kept his promise. Sarah, an old woman, became a mother.
Abraham, an old man, became a father and acquired an heir, Sarah and Abraham
gave their son the name that God himself had chosen for him: Isaac, which
means: May God smile. Isaac grew up into boyhood. God wanted to test Abraham. He said to
him: take your son, your only son, whom you love, and offer him to me as a
burnt sacrifice. The next morning Abraham fetched his donkey and loaded it
with wood. Then he called his servants and his son. They travelled fort three
days until they reached a mountain. There Abraham left his servants and the
donkey. Stay here, he told them. Isaac will go with me up the mountain. We
will return when we have prayed and offered sacrifice. Isaac carried the wood. Abraham carried
the knife and the pot with the glowing coals. Father, said Isaac, we have wood and fire, but no
lamb to sacrifice. Abraham replied: God will provide that. On the mountain
Abraham built a stone altar and arranged the wood. Then he bound his son
Isaac and laid him on the altar. He took the knife. At that moment he heard
the voice: Abraham! Do not harm the boy!
You have shown that you are ready to obey me and trust in me. You were
prepared to offer me your only son, Isaac. When Abraham looked around he saw a ram
which had become entangled in a thicket. He placed the animal on the altar
and offered God the burnt offering. Then he came back down the mountain with
Isaac. (Gen 22) |