5. Noah
and the great flood God saw that the men he created in his image were
growing more and more evil in their thoughts and deed. The earth was full of
violence. So God regretted having made man. He said: I will wipe the men I
have created from the face of the earth; the men, the animals and everything
living on earth. Noah had remained faithful to God. So God
wanted to save him from the coming judgement. God said to Noah: Make an ark
out of wood, that can float on water like a big ship. Then I will send a
mighty flood over the earth. All living things will perish in the water. Only
you and those you in the ark will be saved. Noah began to build an ark with his sons,
just as God had said. They built many rooms in the ship because they were to
take a pair of every kind of animal with them. God had told them to. When the
ark was ready, Noah gathered supplies. Then he boarded the ark with his sons
and their families. They took one pair of each kind of animal with them. God
himself closed the door behind them. Then it began to rain. Water poured
down from heaven and flooded the earth. It rose higher and higher. The
animals drowned – and the men also. The birds found no tree to perch on. Thus
all living things on earth drowned. Only Noah and those with him in the ark
survived the flood. Finally, after forty long days, the rain
stopped. When the water began to go down, Noah first let out a raven. It soon
returned to him. Then, a week later, he released a dove. It also returned.
Finally, a second dove, which Noah let fly a week later, brought an olive
branch back to the ark in its beak. Soon after, God said to Noah: Now you can
come out. You and all who were saved with you. They came out of the ark. The
men and the animals. A new life began for all of them. Noah thanked God and
offered him a sacrifice. God spoke to Noah: I will establish my Covenant for you, for
the men and the animals. You and your children can live under the Covenant. I
also promise that I will never again send a flood to destroy life on earth. (Gen 6-9) |