3. Man
loses The man and the woman lived in the garden that God had
entrusted to them. There was enough to eat. They lived in peace with the
animals. They were happy, since God was their friend. Everything was good.
But then the serpent said to the woman: Did God really forbid you to eat from
any of the trees in the garden? The woman replied: Not at all! We may eat the
fruit of all the trees in the garden, except for the one in the middle of the
garden. We may not eat its fruit, otherwise we shall die. But no, said the
serpent. You will not die. On the contrary, your eyes will be opened. You
will know what is good and what is evil – just like God. The
woman saw that the fruit of the tree was delicious to eat and could make them
wise. She took and ate. And she gave some to her husband to eat. Then their
eyes were opened. They realised that they were naked. So they sewed
lion-cloths out of fig leaves. In the evening they heard God’s footsteps in
the garden. They hid themselves. But God called out to the man: Where are
you? Adam answered: I heard your footsteps. I was afraid. I hid myself
because I am naked. God asked: How do you know that? Have you eaten of the
tree from which I have forbidden you to eat? Adam passed the blame onto the
woman: She gave me the fruit to eat. And the woman blamed the serpent: It
tempted me. God said to the serpent: Because you have done this, you are
accursed. You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust. The woman will be your
enemy. Her children will be the enemy of your children. They will crush your
head and you will bite their heel. God said to the woman: It will be hard for
you. You will bear your children in pain. God said to the man: You have
broken my commandment. You will see that earth is not paradise. You will have
to work hard until you die, so that you and your family do not go hungry.
Then you will return to the earth from which I formed you. Adam called his wife Eve, which means: life. She became the
mother of all those who live. The Lord God expelled the man and the woman
from paradise. His guard, with a sword of flame, kept watch over the entrance
and over the path to the tree of life. (Gen 3) |