1. God creates the world In the beginning God created heaven and earth. The earth was
waste and empty. But God’s Spirit hovered over the waters. God said: Let there be light! And there
was light. God saw that the light was good. God separated the light from the darkness.
He said to the light: You are day. To the darkness he said: You are night. It
was the first day. God said: Let clouds gather up above. Let
rain from them fall on the earth. God said to the skies above: You are
heaven. It was the second day. God said: Let the waters gather together,
so that dry land appears. God said to the dry land: You are earth. To the
waters gathered below he said: You are the sea. And God saw that earth and
sea were good. God said: Let the earth bring forth all
kinds of plants and trees. The plants sprouted up and grew green. God saw
that it was good. It was the third day. God said: Let there be lights in the
heavens. The sun during the day, the moon and the stars at night. Let them
show the times: day and night, week and month, and the seasons. God saw that
it was good. It was the fourth day. God said: Let fish swim in the water. Let
birds fly over the earth. Let all kinds of animals, great and small, live on
the land. And so it happened. God saw that it was good. It was the fifth day.
God said: Let us make man in our own image
and likeness. I will entrust the earth to him: all the fishes, birds, animals
and plants. God created man in his own image. As male and female he created
them. He blessed them and said: Be fruitful and multiply. I entrust the earth
to you. You are more than the fish, the birds, the animals and the plants.
You are to care for them. The plants are to serve as food for you and the
animals. God saw everything that he had made; it was very good. It was the
sixth day. God created the universe in six days:
heaven, earth, sea and all living things. On the seventh day God rested. So
the seventh day is a blessed and holy day for man. (Gen 1) |