

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







第一篇演词 劝以民重修圣殿
1:1 达理阿王二年六月初一,有上主的话借哈盖先知传给沙耳提耳的儿子犹大省长则鲁巴贝耳,和约匝达克火儿子大司祭耶叔亚说:
1:2 万军的上主这样说:这百姓说:「建筑上主的殿宇的时候还没有到!
1:3 于是上主的话藉哈盖先知说:「
1:4 当这座殿还尸一堆废墟时,难道为你们就到了住有天花皮的房屋的时候﹖
1:5 如今万军的上主这样说:你们应细心考虑一下你们的行径!
1:6 你们播种的多,却收割的少;你们吃,却总吃不饱;你们喝,却总喝不够;你们穿衣,却总不觉温暖;赚了工资,无异是将工资投了破囊。
1:7 万军的上主这样说:你们应考虑一下你们的行径!
1:8 你们应上山去,搬运木材,建造殿宇!荤到家时里,我必因此喜悦,并发显光荣──上主说。
1:9 你们期望丰收,看,反而歉收;你们运到家里,我反把它吃散;这是为了什么﹖──万军上主的断语──是为了我的殿宇尚在荒废,而你们竟各自赶造自己的房屋。
1:10 为此,上主对你们停降雨露,大地也停止了出产,
1:11 因为我向大地、群山、五谷、新油、田地的出产、人畜和手中的一切工作招来了旱灾。」

1:12 于是沙耳提耳的儿子则鲁巴贝耳,约匝达克的儿子大司祭耶叔亚,以及全体遗民都听从了上主,他们天主的声音,也听从了上主,他们的天主给他们派遗来的哈盖先知的话;因此百姓在上主面前都起了敬畏的心。
1:13 上主的使者哈盖就以上主使者的名义向人民说:我与你们同在──上主的断语。
1:14 于是上主振兴起了沙耳提耳的儿子犹大省长则鲁巴贝耳的精神,以及约匝达克的儿子大司祭耶叔亚的,和全体遗民的精神,他们便都上前来兴工建造万军的上主,他们的天主的圣殿。
1:15 时在达理阿王二年六月二十四日。




第二篇演词 新殿的光荣
2:2 「请你对沙耳提耳的儿子犹大省长则鲁巴贝耳,和约匝达克的儿子大司祭耶叔亚以及遗民说:
2:3 你们这些遗民中,凡见这座殿在昔日的光荣之中的,你们现在看它怎样﹖在你们眼中,岂不是如没有一样﹖
2:4 但是如今,则鲁巴贝耳,努力!─上主的断语。约匝达克的儿子大司祭耶叔亚,努力!境内全体民众,努力!──上主的断语。努力工作吧!因为我与你们同在──上主的断语。
2:5 [这是我在你们出离埃及时,与你们订立的盟约:]我的神常存在你们中间,你们不要害怕。
2:6 因为上主的断语这样说:再过不久,我要震动天地海陆,
2:7 震勫万民,使万民的珍宝来;我必使这殿宇充满荣耀──万军的上主说。
2:8 银子是我的,金子也是我的──万军上主的断语。
2:9 这座后起的殿的光荣,比以前那座有的还要大──万军的上主;在此地我要颁赐和平──万军上主的断语。」 

第三篇演词 上主的恩许
2:10 达理阿王二年九月二十四日,上主的话传给哈盖先知说:
2:11 万军的上主这样说:请你去询问司祭们有关法律的事说:「
2:12 如果有人用自己的衣襟携带了圣肉,然后又用自己的衣襟接触面饼,或汤,或酒,或油,或其它的食物,这些东西是否也成了圣的﹖」司祭们答说:「不。」
2:13 哈盖又问说:「如果一个因接触尸体而陷于不洁的人,触摸了这些东西,是否这些东西也成了不洁的﹖」司祭们答说:「成了不洁的。」
2:14 于是哈盖答说:「这百姓就是这样,这民族在我面前就是这样,──上主的断语;他们手中的一切工作都是这样;凡他们在这里所献的,都是不洁的。
2:15 但是现在,从今日起回头想想:在上主的殿还没有石上垒石以前,
2:16 那时你们怎样﹖有人来收二十斗,却只有十斗;有人来到榨油池舀五十桶,却只有二十桶。
2:17 我以热风,以霉烂,以冰雹打搫了你们手中的一切工作,而你们仍没有归向我──上主的断语。
2:18 请你们由今日起,留心注意,即由九月二十四日,上主的殿宇的奠基日起,请你们留心注意:
2:19 仓房里不是还没有种子吗﹖葡萄树、无花果树、石榴树和橄榄树,不是还没有结果子吗﹖从今天起,我必要祝福你!

第四篇演词 选拔则鲁巴贝耳
2:21 你要向犹大省长则鲁巴贝耳说:我要震动天地,
2:22 推翻列国的宝座;我要毁灭异邦列国的势力,我要推翻战车和驾车的人,战马与骑士个个必倒在自己兄弟的刀下。
2:23 在那一天──万军上主的断语──沙耳提耳的儿子,我的仆人则鲁巴贝耳!我必提拔你──上主的断语──我必以你作印玺,因为我拣选了你──万军上主的断语。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB HAGGAI Chapter 1


The movement to rebuild the Temple

1:1 In the second year of King Darius, on the first day of the sixth month,[*a] the word of Yahweh was addressed through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, high commissioner of Judah, and to Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, as follows,

1:2 'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "This people says: The time has not yet come to rebuild the Temple of Yahweh.

1:3 (And the word of Yahweh was addressed through the prophet Haggai, as follows:)

1:4 Is this a time for you to live in your panelled houses, when this House lies in ruins?

1:5 So now, Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Reflect carefully how things have gone for you.

1:6 You have sown much and harvested little; you eat but never have enough, drink but never have your fill, put on clothes but do not feel warm. The wage earner gets his wages only to put them in a purse riddled with holes.

1:8 So go to the hill country, fetch wood, and rebuild the House: I shall then take pleasure in it, and be glorified there, says Yahweh.

1:7 Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Reflect carefully how things have gone for you.

1:9 The abundance you expected proved to be little. When you brought the harvest in, my breath spoilt it. And why? - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks. Because while my House lies in ruins you are busy with your own, each one of you.

1:10 That is why the sky has withheld the rain and the earth withheld its yield.

1:11 I have called down drought on land and hills, on wheat, on new wine, on oil and on all the produce of the ground, on man and beast and all their labours."'

1:12 Now Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and all the remnant of the people, paid attention to the voice of Yahweh their God and to the words of the prophet Haggai, Yahweh having sent him to them. And the people were filled with fear before Yahweh.

1:13 Haggai, the messenger of Yahweh, passed on the message of Yahweh to the people, as follows, 'I am with you - it is Yahweh who speaks'.

1:14 And Yahweh roused the spirit of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, high commissioner of Judah, the spirit of Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and set to work on the Temple of Yahweh Sabaoth their God.

1:15 This was on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month.


The glory that is to come to the Temple

In the second year of King Darius,

JB HAGGAI Chapter 2


2:1 on the twenty-first day of the seventh month,[*a] the word of Yahweh was addressed through the prophet Haggai, as follows,

2:2 'You are to speak to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, the high commissioner of Judah, to Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to all the remnant of the people. Say this,

2:3 "Who is there left among you that saw this Temple in its former glory? And how does it look to you now? Does it seem nothing to you?

2:4 But take courage now, Zerubbabel - it is Yahweh who speaks. Courage, High. Priest Joshua son of Jehozadak! Courage, all you people of the country! - it is Yahweh who speaks. To work! I am with you - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks -

2:5 and my spirit remains among you. Do not be afraid!

2:6 For Yahweh Sabaoth says this: A little while now, and I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.

2:7 I will shake all the nations and the treasures of all the nations shall flow in, and I will fill this Temple with glory, says Yahweh Sabaoth.

2:8 Mine is the silver, mine the gold! - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks.

2:9 The new glory of this Temple is going to surpass the old, says Yahweh Sabaoth, and in this place I will give peace - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks."'


The prophet consults the priests

2:10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius,[*b] the word of Yahweh was addressed to the prophet Haggai as follows,

2:11 'Yahweh Sabaoth says this: Ask the priests for a decision on this question,

2:12 "If a man carries consecrated meat in the fold of his gown and with this fold touches bread, broth, wine, or food of any kind, does such food become holy?"' The priests answered, 'No, it does not'.

2:13 Haggai then said, 'If a man made unclean by contact with a corpse touches any of this, does it become unclean?' The priests answered, 'Yes, it does'.

2:14 Haggai then spoke out. 'It is the same with this people,' he said 'the same with this nation as I see it - it is Yahweh who speaks - the same with everything they turn their hands to; and what they offer here is unclean.


A promise of agricultural prosperity

2:15 'Reflect carefully from today onwards. Before one stone had been laid on another in the sanctuary of Yahweh,

2:16 what state were you in? A man would come to a twenty-measure heap and there would be ten; he would come to a vat to draw fifty measures and there would be twenty.

2:17 I struck with blight and mildew and hail everything you turned your hands to. And still you would not is return to me - it is Yahweh who speaks.

2:18 Reflect carefully from today onwards (from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day the foundation of the sanctuary of Yahweh was laid, think carefully)

2:19 if grain is still short in the barn, and if vine and fig tree, pomegranate and olive, still bear no fruit. From today onwards I intend to bless you.'


The promise to Zerubbabel

2:20 On the twenty-fourth day of the month the word of Yahweh was addressed a second time to Haggai, as follows,

2:21 'Speak to Zerubbabel, the high commissioner of Judah. Say this, "I am going to shake the heavens and the earth.

2:22 I will overturn the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kings of the nations. I will overthrow the chariots and their charioteers; horses and their riders will be brought down; they shall fall, each to the sword of his fellow.

2:23 When the day comes - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks - I will take you, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, my servant - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks - and make you like a signet ring. For I have chosen you - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks."'


END OF JB HAGGAI [2 Chapters].