

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 上主的话传给培突耳的儿子岳厄尔:

1:2 曾老人们,你们应听这事!地上的一切居民你们的应侧耳细听!在你们的时日,或在你们祖先的时日,是否有过这样的事﹖
1:3 你们应将这事告诉你们的子孙,你们的子孙应传给他们的的子孙;他们的子孙又应传给下一代:
1:4 蝻子吃剩的,飞蝗来吃了;飞蝗吃剩的,冬斯来吃了;冬斯吃剩的,蚱蜢来吃了。
1:5 醉汉,你们醒来恸哭吧!一切爱暍酒的人,为了新酒悲泣吧!因为已由你们嘴边夺去了。
1:6 因为有一个民族侵入了我的地域,既强大而又不可胜数;你们的牙犹如狮子的牙,臼齿有如母狮的臼齿。
1:7 他们蹂躝了我的葡萄园,折断了我的无花果树,将树皮完全剥掉,使树枝光秃发白。
1:8 你哀伤吧!如同一个身披丧服的处女,哀哭她青年的未婚夫。
1:9 上主殿中的素祭和奠祭已中断;上主的仆人──司祭都悲哀不已。
1:10 田园已荒废,土地已凄凉;因为五谷已遭蹂躝,美酒已枯竭,油已干涸。
1:11 农夫,你们应哀哭!葡萄园丁,你们应为小麦和大麦而号咷!因为田园的出产已遭破坏。
1:12 葡萄树枯槁了,无花果树凋谢了;石榴树、棕树、苹果树,以及田间的一切果树都枯死了;为此,喜乐已由人间消失。

1:13 司祭,你们应披上麻衣而哀悼!服务祭坛的人,你们应号咷!我天主的仆人,你们应进来,披上麻衣过夜!因为素祭和奠祭在你们天主的殿内已中断了。
1:14 你们应制定一个斋期,召开一个盛会,聚集长老和当地的一切居民,在上主你们天主的殿内,向上主呼号o
1:15 啊,那日子啊!上主的日子来近了,它来有如全能者施行毁灭。
1:16 食物不是在我们眼断绝了吗﹖喜乐和欢欣不是离开了我们天主的殿吗﹖
1:17 麦粒已在土块下腐烂,粮仓业已荒废,廪仓业已坍塌,因为五谷都枯死了。
1:18 牲畜为什么悲鸣﹖牛群为什么彷徨﹖因为没有了草场;连羊群也感绝望。
1:19 上主,我向你呼号,因为烈火吞灭了原野的牧场,火焰焚烧了田间的一切树木。
1:20 连野兽也向你恳切哀鸣,因为水流已枯竭,烈火又吞灭了原野的牧场。




2:2 那是一个阴霾昏暗的日子,是一个浓云漆黑的日子!一个庞大强盛的民族犹如曙光一样,散布在各山上;像这样的民族,是亘古以来从未有过,此后历尽万世万代,也不会再有。
2:3 在这民族的前面,有吞灭的烈火,后面,有燃烧的火焰;这民族未来以前,大地有如伊甸乐园,既来以后,却成了荒凉的旷野;什么也没有留下。
2:4 它们的形状有如马的形状,它们奔驰有如战马.
2:5 它们跳跃,发出有如战车越过山巅的辚辚声,发出有如烈火焚烧稻草的爆裂声,活像一支严阵以待的强大军旅。
2:6 万民一见,为之惶恐,人人脸面顿时失色。
2:7 它们疾进有如勇士,攀登城墙有如战士,各走自己的路线,从不混乱自己的行列。
2:8 它们各不相挤,各循自己的路线进行;既使冲锋陷阵,仍不散乱。
2:9 它们进攻城邑,奔上城墙,攀登屋顶,闯进窗户,有如盗贼一般。
2:10 在它们面前,大地为之震荡,诸天为之摇动,日月为之昏暗,星辰为之失光。
2:11 上主在他的军旅前发出了自己的声音,他的队伍极其庞大,执行他命令的,又是强而有力的;上主的日子实在伟大,极其可怕:有谁能抵得住﹖

2:13 应撕裂的,是你们的心,而不是你们的衣服;你们应归向上主你们的天主.因为衪宽仁慈悲,迟于发怒,富于慈爱,常懊悔降灾。
2:14 有谁知道,也许他会转意后悔,在这场灾祸后,给你们留下祝福,好使你们能给上主你们的天主献上素祭和奠祭。
2:15 你们要在熙雍吹起号角,制定一个斋期,召开一个盛会。
2:16 要召集民众,制定一个集会。召集老人,集合幼童,甚至吃奶的婴儿;新郎应走出他的洞房,新娘应离开她的闺房。
2:17 上主的仆人──司祭,应在殿廊与祭坛之间痛哭,说:「上主,求你怜恤你的百姓,不要让你的基业遭受侮辱,使异民取笑他们!为什么让人在异民中说:他们的天主在哪里﹖」

2:19 上主答复他的百姓说:看,我必再赐给你们五谷、酒、油,使你们得享饱饫;不再使你们在异民中遭受羞辱。
2:20 我要使从北方来的大军,远离你们;要驱逐他们到荒凉不毛之地,使他们的先锋面向东海,使他们的殿军面向西海;他们的臭气要上升,他们的腥臭要上腾。「因为他们行了大恶。」
2:21 田地,你不要害怕,反要欢愉喜乐,因为上主行了大事。
2:22 田间的野兽,你们不要害怕,因为原野的牧场又已发青,树木已再结果,无花果树和葡萄树必再供给出产。
2:23 熙雍的子女!你们应欢乐,应喜乐于上主你们的天主,因为他按公义,像昔日一样,赐给了你们时雨,且给你们降下甘霖:秋雨和春雨。
2:24 禾埸必充满庄稼,榨池必溢出美酒和新油。
2:25 我必要补偿你们,我对你们所派来的大军:飞蝗、冬斯、蚱蜢和蝻子,连年所吃掉的收成。
2:26 你们必得饱食,必要颂扬上主你们的天主的名,因为他为你们行了奇妙的事。[我的百姓永不再蒙受羞辱。]
2:27 你们将会知道:我是在以色列中间,我是上主你们的天主,此外再没有别的神;而我的百姓永不再蒙受羞辱。




3:2 在那些日子里,甚至在奴仆和婢女身上,我也要倾注我的神。
3:3 我要在上天下地显示奇异的征兆:血、火和烟柱。
3:4 在上主伟大可畏的日子来临以前,太阳要变为昏暗,月亮要变成血红。
3:5 将来,凡呼号上主名号的人,必然获救,因为如上主所说,在熙雍山,在耶路撒冷必有救援,必有上主召选的劫后余生。




4:2 我必聚集万民,领他们下到约沙法特山谷,在那里我要关于我的百姓,我的基业以色列,审问他们,因为他们使我的百姓散居在异民中,且瓜分了我的土地,
4:3 为我的百姓抽了签,以男童换取淫妇,卖掉女童,换洒买醉。

4:5 因为你们夺去了我的金银,将我的珍宝带到你们的宫中;
4:6 又将犹大子民和耶路撒冷子民卖给雅汪人,使他们远离自己的祖国。
4:7 看,不拘你们把他们出卖到什么城邑和地方,我必要使他们从那里回来,却把你们所做的,归在你们头上:
4:8 将你们的儿女卖在犹大子民的手里,使他们再转卖给远方的民族舍巴人,因为上主这样说了。

4:10 将你们的犁头铸成刀剑,将你们的镰刀铸成长枪;连弱者也要说:我是个战士!
4:11 四周的异民!你们急速前来,在这里聚合。上主,使你的勇士降临吧!

4:13 伸出镰刀,因为庄稼已成熟;前来践踏!因为洒榨已满盈,酒槽已溢出,因为他们已恶贯满盈。
4:14 成群结队的人齐集在审判谷,因为上主的日子已临近了审判谷。

4:16 上主从熙雍怒吼,从耶路撒冷发出自己的声音,天地为之震动;但上主却是自己百姓的避难所,是以色列子民的堡垒。
4:17 那时,他们必要知道:我上主是你们的天主,我住在熙雍,我的圣山上。那时,耶路撒冷必要成为圣地,外人不能再从那里经过。

4:19 埃及将变成荒地,厄东将成为旷野,因为他们虐待了犹大子民,在他们的境内倾流了无辜者的血。
4:20 但犹大必永远有人居住,耶路撒冷也必世世代代有人居住。
4:21 我必要追讨我尚未追讨的血债;因为上主住在熙雍。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB JOEL Chapter 1



1:1 The word of Yahweh that was addressed to Joel son of Pethuel.






a. Lamentation over the ruin of the country

1:2 Listen to this, you elders; all inhabitants of the country, attend. Has anything like this ever happened in your day, or in your fathers' days?

1:3 Tell it to your sons, let your sons tell it to their sons, and their sons to a generation after them.

1:4 What the gnawer has left, the grown locust has devoured, what the grown locust has left, the hopper has devoured, what the hopper has left, the shearer has devoured.[*a]

1:5 Awake, drunkards, and weep! All you who drink wine, lament for that new wine: it has been dashed from your lips.

1:6 For a nation has invaded my country, mighty and innumerable; its teeth are the teeth of lions, it has the fangs of a lioness.

1:7 It has laid waste my vines and torn my fig trees to pieces; it has stripped them clean and cut them down, their branches have turned white.

1:8 Mourn like a virgin wearing sackcloth for her young man betrothed to her.

1:9 Oblation and libation[*b] have vanished from the house of Yahweh. The priests, the ministers of Yahweh, are in mourning.

1:10 Wasted lie the fields, the fallow is in mourning. For the corn has been laid waste, the wine fails, the fresh oil dries up.

1:11 Stand dismayed, you farmers, wail, you vinedressers, for the wheat, for the barley; the harvest of the field has been ruined.

1:12 The vine has withered, the fig tree wilts away; pomegranate, and palm, and apple, every tree in the field is drooping. Yes, gladness has faded among the sons of men.


b. A call to repentance and prayer

1:13 Priests, put on sackcloth and lament. Ministers of the altar, wail. Come, pass the night in sackcloth, you ministers of my God. For the house of our God has been deprived of oblation and libation.

1:14 Order a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly; elders, call together all the inhabitants of the country to the house of Yahweh your God. Cry out to Yahweh,

1:15 'Oh, what a day! For the day of Yahweh is near, it comes as a devastation from Shaddai.'[*c]

1:16 Has not the food disappeared before our eyes? Have not joy and gladness vanished from the house of our God?

1:17 Seeds shrivel under their clods; the barns are broken down, the granaries lie in ruins, for lack of harvest.

1:18 What mourning from the beasts! The herds of cattle wander bewildered because they have no pasture. Even the flocks of sheep must bear their punishment.

1:19 To you, Yahweh, I cry: fire has devoured the pastures on the heath, flame has burnt up every tree in the orchard.

1:20 Even the wild beasts wait anxiously for you, for the watercourses have run dry, and fire has devoured the pastures on the heath.

JB JOEL Chapter 2


c. The day of Yahweh and the present calamity

The alarm

2:1 Sound the trumpet in Zion, give the alarm on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the country tremble, for the day of Yahweh is coming, yes, it is near.

2:2 Day of darkness and gloom, day of cloud and blackness. Like the dawn there spreads across the mountains a vast and mighty host, such as has never been before, such as will never be again to the remotest ages.


The invading army

2:3 In their van the fire devours, in their rear a flame consumes. The country is like a garden of Eden ahead of them and a desert waste behind them. Nothing escapes them.

2:4 They look like horses, like chargers they gallop on,

2:5 with a racket like the clatter of chariots they hurtle over the mountain tops, with a crackling like a blazing fire devouring the stubble, a mighty army in battle array.

2:6 At the sight of them the peoples are appalled and every face grows pale.

2:7 Like fighting men they press forward, like warriors scale the walls, each marching straight ahead, not turning from his path;

2:8 they never jostle each other, each marches straight ahead: arrows fly, they still press forward, without breaking ranks.

2:9 They hurl themselves at the city, they leap on to its walls, climb to the housetops, and make their way through windows like marauders.


A vision of the day of Yahweh

2:10 As they come on, the earth quakes, the skies tremble, sun and moon grow dark, the stars lose their brilliance.

2:11 Yahweh makes his voice heard at the head of his army, and indeed his regiments are innumerable, all-powerful is the one that carries out his orders, for great is the day of Yahweh, and very terrible-who can face it?


d. A call to repentance

2:12 'But now, now-it is Yahweh who speaks-come back to me with all your heart, fasting, weeping, mourning.'

2:13 Let your hearts be broken, not your garments torn, turn to Yahweh your God again, for he is all tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness, and ready to relent.

2:14 Who knows if he will not turn again, will not relent, will not leave a blessing as he passes, oblation and libation for Yahweh your God?

2:15 Sound the trumpet in Zion! Order a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly,

2:16 call the people together, summon the community, assemble the elders, gather the children, even the infants at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his bedroom and the bride her alcove.

2:17 Between vestibule and altar let the priests, the ministers of Yahweh, lament. Let them say, 'Spare your people, Yahweh! Do not make your heritage a thing of shame, a byword for the nations. Why should it be said among the nations,

"Where is their God?"'



2:18 Then Yahweh, jealous on behalf of his land, took pity on his people.


The plague ceases

2:19 Yahweh spoke in answer to his people, 'Now I send you corn and wine and oil, until you have enough. Never again shall I make you a thing of shame for the nations.

2:20 I will drive the invader from the north far away from you and drive him into an arid, desolate land, his vanguard to the eastern sea, his rearguard to the western sea. He will give off a stench, give off a foul stink.' (For he has done great things.)


A vision of plenty

2:21 O soil, do not be afraid; be glad, rejoice, for Yahweh has done great things.

2:22 Beasts of the field, do not be afraid; the pastures on the heath are green again, the trees bear fruit, vine and fig tree yield abundantly.

2:23 Sons of Zion, be glad, rejoice in Yahweh your God; for he has given you the autumn rain, since he is just, and has poured the rains down for you, the autumn and spring rain as before.

2:24 The threshing-floors will be full of grain, the vats overflow with wine and oil.

2:25 'I will make up to you for the years devoured by grown locust and hopper by shearer and young locust, my great army which I sent to invade you.'

2:26 You will eat to your heart's content, will eat your fill, and praise the name of Yahweh your God who has treated you so wonderfully. (My people will not be disappointed any more.)

2:27 And you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, that I am Yahweh your God, with none to equal me. My people will not be disappointed any more.

JB JOEL Chapter 3





3:1 'After this I will pour out my spirit on all mankind. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men see visions.

3:2 Even on the slaves, men and women, will I pour out my spirit in those days.

3:3 I will display portents in heaven and on earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.'

3:4 The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the day of Yahweh dawns, that great and terrible day.

3:5 All who call on the name of Yahweh will be saved, for on Mount Zion there will be some who have escaped,[*a] as Yahweh has said, and in Jerusalem some survivors whom Yahweh will call.

JB JOEL Chapter 4



The judgement announced

4:1 'For in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,

4:2 I am going to gather all the nations and take them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; there I intend to put them on trial for all they have done to Israel, my people and my heritage. For[*a] they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land among themselves.

4:3 They have cast lots for my people; they have bartered the boys for prostitutes, have sold the girls for wine and drunk it.'


Charges against the Phoenicians and Philistines

4:4 'And you, Tyre and Sidon, what do you expect from me? You too, regions of Philistia? Do you want to take revenge on me? If you were to take revenge on me, I would make it recoil promptly and swiftly on your own heads.

4:5 You who have taken my silver and my gold, who have carried off my rich treasures to your temples,

4:6 you who have sold to the people of Javan[*b] the sons of Judah and Jerusalem, to remove them far from their own frontiers.

4:7 Now I mean to summon them from wherever you have sold them, now I intend to make your crime recoil on your own heads.

4:8 I am going to sell your sons and daughters into the hands of the sons of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabaeans,[*c] to a distant nation; Yahweh has spoken!'


A summons to the nations

4:9 'Proclaim this among the nations. "Prepare for war! Muster the champions! Warriors, advance, quick march!

4:10 Hammer your ploughshares into swords, your sickles into spears, let the weakling say, 'I am a fighting man'.

4:11 Come quickly, all you surrounding nations, assemble there!" (Yahweh, send down your champions!)

4:12 'Let the nations rouse themselves, let them march to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for I am going to sit in judgement there on all the nations round.

4:13 Put the sickle in: the harvest is ripe; come and tread: the winepress is full, the vats are overflowing, so great is their wickedness!'

4:14 Host on host in the Valley of Decision! For the day of Yahweh is near in the Valley of Decision!


The day of Yahweh

4:15 Sun and moon grow dark, the stars lose their brilliance.

4:16 Yahweh roars from Zion, makes his voice heard from Jerusalem; heaven and earth tremble. But Yahweh will be a shelter for his people, a stronghold for the sons of Israel.

4:17 'You will learn then that I am Yahweh your God, dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain. Jerusalem will be a holy place, no alien will ever pass through it again.



4:18 When that day comes, the mountains will run with new wine and the hills flow with milk, and all the river beds of  Judah will run with water. A fountain will spring from the house of Yahweh to water the wadi of Acacias.

4:19 Egypt will become a desolation, Edom a desert waste on account of the violence done to the sons of Judah whose innocent blood they shed in their country.

4:20 But Judah will be inhabited for ever, Jerusalem from age to age.

4:21 'I will avenge their blood and let none go unpunished', and Yahweh shall make his home in Zion.


END OF JB JOEL [4 Chapters].