一编 神谕集(1-25)
本雅明地内阿纳托特城的司祭中,希耳克雅的儿子耶肋米亚的言行录? ──
1:2 上主的话传给他,是在阿孟的儿子约史雅为犹大王执政第十三年;
1:11 上主的话传给我说:「耶肋米亚!你看见什么﹖」我回答说:「我看见一根杏树枝。」
2:1 上主的话传给我说:
2:4 雅各伯家和以色列家的一切家族!你们听上主的话,
2:8 司祭们也不问一问:「上主在哪里﹖」那些管理法律的,不认识我了;那些为人牧的,叛离了我;先知们也奉巴耳讲预言,追随无能的神祗。
2:12 诸天!你们对此应惊骇战慄,大为惊异──上主的断语,
2:20 的确,从古以来,你就折断了你的轭,挣断了你的绳索说:我不愿服从;反在一切高丘上,和一切绿树下,偃卧行淫。
2:26 就如小偷被人发现时,感到羞愧;以色列家:他们,他们的君王和首领,他们的司祭和先知,都要同样蒙受羞辱。
3:1 试问:若男人离弃了自己的妻子,她离开他而另嫁了别人,前夫岂能再回到她那里去﹖象这样的女人,岂不是已全被玷污了吗﹖你已与许多爱人行淫,你还想回到我这里来吗﹖──上主的断语──
3:6 在约史雅为王的时日里,上主对我说:「失节的以色列所做的,你看见了没有﹖她上到一切高山上,走到所有的绿树下,在那里行淫。
3:11 上主于是对我说:「失节的以色列比失信的犹大,更显得正义。
4:1 以色列,若是你归来──上主的断语──就应向我归来;若是你从我面前除去你可恶的偶象,就不应再四处游荡;
4:5 你们应该在犹大宣布,在耶路撒冷发表,在境内吹起号角,大声疾呼说:「你们应集合,我们要进攻坚城!」
4:19 我的肺腑,我的肺腑!我痛苦欲绝,我心已破碎,我心焦燥不宁,我不能缄默!因为我亲自听到了角声,开战的喧嚷。
4:23 我观望大地,看,空虚混沌,我观望诸天,却毫无光亮;
5:1 请你们巡行耶路撒冷的街道,观察注意,在她的广场上搜寻:若你们能找到一人,一个履行正义,追求信实的人,我就宽恕这城。
5:20 你们将这事通知雅各伯家,转告犹大说:
6:1 本雅明子民,请你们逃出耶路撒冷,在特科亚吹号,在贝特革楞竖立旗帜!因为有一个灾祸,即一个巨大的毁灭,已由北方隐约出现。
6:13 实在,从最小的到最大的,都贪财图利;从先知到司祭,都欺诈行事,
6:22 上主这样说:「看,有一个民族从北方前来,有一个强大的异邦从地极兴起,
6:27 我立了你作我人民的考察员,原是为叫你认识并考察他们的行径。
7:1 上主有话传给耶肋米亚说:
7:12 那么,请你们到我昔日在史罗立我名的地方去,察看我因我人民以色列的邪恶对她行了的事。
7:16 至于你,你不必为这人民祈祷,不必为他们呼吁哀求,也不必向我恳求,因为我不会俯听你。
7:21 万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:「你们献祭后,尽管再加献全燔祭,尽管饱食祭肉;
7:29 你该剪去你的一绺头发,把它拋掉,在高丘上唱哀歌,因为上主摈斥,且拋弃了他憎恨的时代。
8:1 到那时──上主的断语──人必从坟墓中拖出犹大君王的遗骸,公侯的遗骸,司祭的遗骸,先知的遗骸,和耶路撒冷居民的遗骸,
8:10 为此,我必将他们的妻室交给外人,将他们的庄田交与别的地主,因为从最小的到最大的,都贪财图利;从先知到司祭,都欺诈行事,
8:13 我要彻底消灭他们──上主的断语──葡萄树上没有葡萄,无花果树上没有无花果,树叶都已凋零;我要派人来蹂躝。
8:19 听由远方传来我的女儿──人民──哀号的呼声:「上主已不在熙雍﹖或者她的君王已不在那里吗﹖──为什么他们以自己的偶象和外邦的「虚无」激怒我﹖──
9:1 谁能在旷野给我找一个旅栈,叫我好离开我的人民,离他们而远去﹖因为他们都是些淫乱之徒,是一群反叛;
9:9 我要为群山号咷痛哭,为原野高唱哀歌,因为全都被焚毁,再没有人往来,再听不到牲畜的声音;自天空的飞鸟至地上的走兽,都逃去无踪。
9:22 上主这样说:「智者不应夸耀自己的智慧,力士不应夸耀自己的力量,富人不应夸耀自己的财富。
9:24 看,时日将到──上主的断语──我要惩罚所有受过割损而仍存有包皮的人,
10:1 以色列家!请听上主对你们说的话。
10:6 上主,没有谁相似你;你是伟大的,你的名大有德能。
10:17 你这被围困的城池,快从地上拾起你的行囊!
10:23 上主,我知道,人的道路不由人的,行走的人也不能随便操纵自己的步伐。
11:1 上主有话传给耶肋米亚说:
11:18 上主叫我知道,我才知道;那时我看透了他们的作为:
12:1 上主,几时我与你争辨,总是你有理;但我仍愿与你讨论正义:「为什么恶人的生活总是顺利,一般诡诈极恶的人总享安宁﹖
12:7 「我离开了我的家,拋弃了我的产业,将我最心爱的交在敌人的手中。
12:14 上主这样说:关于那些险恶的邻邦.即侵犯我给予我民以色列占有的产业的邻邦,看,我要由他们的地上将他们拔除,也要由他们中拔除犹大家。
13:1 上主对我这样说:「你去买条麻带,束在腰间,但是不要浸在水里。」
13:15 你们侧耳聆倾听,不要傲慢,因为是上主在说话。
13:18 你应对君王和太后说:「你们应坐低位,因为你们华丽的王冠已由你们头上落下」。
13:23 雇士人岂能改变他的肤色,豹子岂能改变它的斑点﹖那你们这些习于作恶的人,岂能行善﹖
14:1 有上主论旱灾的话,传给耶肋米亚说:
14:17 你应将这话转告他们:我眼泪直流,昼夜不息,因为我的处女──人民──大受摧残,受了严重的打击。
15:1 上主对我说:「纵使梅瑟和撒慕尔立在我面前,我的心仍不转向这人民;你由我面前将他们驱逐,叫他们离去。
15:10 我的母亲!我真不幸,你竟生了我这个与普世对抗相争的人。我没有向人借贷,人也没有向我借贷,人却都辱骂我。
16:1 上主的话传给我说:
16:10 当你把这一切话告诉这人民时,他们必问你说:为什么上主对我们宣布了这一切大灾祸﹖我们有什么过犯,我们有什么罪恶干犯了上主我们的天主﹖
16:19 上主,我的力量,我的保障,我忧患之日的避难所,万民必从地极来到你面前说:「我们的祖先承受的只是虚假、空虚和毫无益处的事」。
17:1 犹大的罪是用铁笔记录下来的,用钻石尖刻在他们的心坎上和他们的祭坛角上,好叫他们的子孙记得他们在高岗上,青绿树下和平原的山上,
17:14 上主,求你医治我,我必能痊愈;你拯救我,我必能获救,因为你是我的荣耀。
17:19 上主这样对我说:「你去立在犹大君王出入的本雅明门前,立在耶路撒冷各门前,
18:1 上主有话传给耶肋米亚说:
18:13 为此上主这样说:「你们可到各民族去询问:有谁听到了象这样的事﹖以色列处女做出了极可憎的事。
18:18 他们说:「来,我们合谋陷害耶肋米亚!因为没有司祭,法律不会因此废止;没有智者,计谋不会因此缺乏;没有先知,神谕不会因此断绝。来,我们用舌头评击他,不注意他的一切劝告」。
19:1 上主这样对耶肋米亚说:「你去向陶工买一个瓦瓶,然后带些民间长老和司祭首长,
20:1 依默尔的儿子帕市胡尔司祭,上主殿宇的总监督,听见了耶肋米亚预言这些事,
20:7 上主,你引诱了我,我让我自己受了你的引诱;你确实比我强,你战胜了。我终日成为笑柄,人都嘲笑我。
20:14 愿我诞生的那一天,是可咒骂的;愿我母亲生我的那一天,不蒙受祝福!
21:1 上主传给耶肋米亚的话:那时,漆德克雅王正派玛耳基雅的儿子帕市胡尔,和司祭玛阿色雅的儿子责法尼雅来见他说:
21:11 对于犹大的王室,你应该这样说:你们该聆听上主的话,
21:13 至于你这居住在谷中和平原岩石上的人,看,我来对付你──上主的断语──你们夸说:「谁能下来攻击我们﹖谁能进入我们的巢穴﹖」
22:1 上主这样说:「你下到犹大王宫去,在那里宣布这话,
22:10 你们不要为已死的人哭泣,不要为他举哀;却要为远去的人痛哭,因为他不会再回来,见他的生身地。
22:13 祸哉,那不以公道正义建筑自己的宫殿楼台,叫人为自己徒劳而不给他工资的人!
22:20 你该上黎巴嫩去呼喊,在巴商提高你的声音,由阿巴陵喊叫,因为你的情侣都已灭亡。
22:24 我永在──上主的断语──犹大王约雅金的儿子苛尼雅,即便你是我右手上盖章的指环,我也要将你拔除,
23:1 祸哉,那把我牧场上的羊群摧残和赶散的牧人──上主的断语──
23:9 论到先知:我的心在我怀内已破碎,我浑身骨骸战慄;为了上主,为了他的圣言,我好象成了一个醉汉,成了一个不胜酒力的人,
23:33 若是这人民,先知或司祭问你:什么是「上主的重?t」你就答应他们说:你们就是重担,我要将你们拋弃──上主的断语──
24:1 巴比伦王拿步高从耶路撒冷将犹大王约雅金的儿子耶苛尼雅和犹大的众王侯,技工和铁匠,掳到巴比伦去以后,上主使我见到一个神视:看,有两筐无花果放在上主的殿前:
25:1 犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金执政第四年,巴比伦王拿步高元年,有关于全犹大人民的话,传给耶肋米亚;
25:15 上主,以色列的天主这样对我说:「你从我手中接过这杯忿怒酒去,让我派你所到的各民族喝。
25:30 你应给他们预言这一切话,对他们说:上主从高处作狮吼,从他的圣所发出他的声音,对自己的牧场厉声怒号,对地上所有的居民,象榨葡萄的人一样喊叫。
二编 预言与记事(26-35)
26:1 犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金即位之初,上主有这话传给耶肋米亚说:「
26:7 司祭和先知以及全体人民,都听见耶肋米亚在上主殿里宣布了这些话。
26:16 官员和全体人民于是对司祭和先知说:「这人不该死,因为他是奉上主我们天主的名,向我们发言。」
27:1 犹大王约史雅的儿子漆德克雅第四年,上主有这话传给耶肋米亚说:
27:12 我于是全依照这些话转告犹大王漆德克雅说:「你们应引颈接受巴比伦王的轭,服事他和他的人民,你们才可生存。
27:13 为什么你和你的人民宁愿死于刀剑、饥馑和瘟疫,如同上主对不愿服事巴比伦王的民族所警告的呢﹖
27:14 你们不要听从对你们说:「不要服事巴比伦王」的先知的话,因为他们给你们预言的只是谎话;
27:15 我并没有派遣他们──上主的断语──他们竟奉我的名向你们预言,叫我驱逐你们,使你们和对你们说预言的先知同趋灭亡。」
27:16 对司祭和这全体人民我也曾警告说:「上主这样说:你们的先知们对你们说:看,上主殿宇的器皿,现在快要由巴比伦送回来了!你们不要听从,因为他们对你们预言的只是谎话。
27:17 你们不要听信他们,只管服事巴比伦王,就必生存。为什么要使这城变为荒野﹖
27:18 假使他们是先知,真有上主的话,请他们祈求万军的上主,使尚留在上主殿宇,犹大王宫和耶路撒冷的器皿,不致运到巴比伦去。
27:19 因为万军的上主这样论到铜柱、铜海和铜座,以及在这城剩下的残余器皿,
27:20 即巴比伦王拿步高把犹大王约雅金的儿子耶苛尼雅,及犹大和耶路撒冷所有的贵族,从耶路撒冷掳到巴比伦时,没有带走的器皿,
27:21 万军的上主,以色列的天主论到这些尚存在上主殿宇、犹大王宫和耶路撒冷的器皿,这样说:
27:22 都要运到巴比伦去,留在那里,直到我再来眷顾的一天──上主的断语──那时,我必再取回来,放在原处。」
28:1 同年,即犹大王漆德克雅即位之初第四年五月,基贝红人阿组尔的儿子哈纳尼雅先知,在上主殿里当着司祭和全体人民对我说:「
28:2 万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:我已折断了巴比伦王的轭。
28:3 还有两年,我就要取回巴比伦王拿步高,由这地方取去,带往巴比伦的一切上主殿宇的器皿,再放在这地方,
28:4 且领回犹大王约雅金的儿子耶苛尼雅及一切流徙至巴比伦的犹大俘虏,再来到这地方──上主的断语──因为我要折断巴比伦王的轭。」
28:5 耶肋米亚先知立即当着站在上主殿里的司祭和全体人民,答复了先知哈纳尼雅。
28:6 耶肋米亚先知说:「盼望是这样!惟愿上主这样做!惟愿上主实践你预言的话,使上主殿宇的器皿和一切俘虏,从巴比伦再回到这地方来!
28:7 不过请听我当面愿对你和全体人民要说的这一句话:
28:8 自古以来,在我和你以前的先知,对多少地区和强盛的王国,曾预言过战争,饥馑和瘟疫。
28:9 至于预言和平的先知,只在这先知的话实现以后,才可认出这先知确是上主派遣的。
28:10 哈纳尼雅先知便从耶肋米亚先知颈上取下木轭,折断了,
28:11 然后对全体人民说:「上主这样说:还有两年,我就要这样从一切民族的颈上,折断巴比伦王拿步高的轭。」于是耶肋米亚先知只得自行离去。
28:12 哈纳尼雅先知从耶肋米亚先知颈上取下木轭折断以后,即有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:「
28:13 你去告诉哈纳尼雅说:上主这样说:;你折断了木轭,但我必做铁轭来代替。
28:14 因为万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:我要将铁轭放在这一切民族的颈上,使他们服事拿步高巴比伦王;他们该服事他,因为连田野的走兽我也交给了他。」
28:15 耶肋米亚先知于是对哈纳尼雅先知说:「哈纳尼雅!请听,上主并没有派遣你,你竟使这人民相信谎言。
28:16 为此,上主这样说:看,我要把你赶出地面;今年你必要死,因为你说了背叛上主的话。」
28:17 哈纳尼雅先知就死在那年七月。
29:1 以下是先知耶肋米亚从耶路撒冷给被掳去的长老、司祭和先知,以及拿步高从耶路撒冷掳往巴比伦的其余民众寄送的书信全文──
29:2 耶苛尼雅王与太后和太监,犹大和耶路撒冷的政要、技工及铁匠,离开耶路撒冷之后,
29:3 犹大王漆德克雅派沙番的儿子厄拉撒和希则克雅的儿子革玛黎雅去巴比伦见巴比伦王拿步高,耶肋米亚便托他们带去──信上说:「
29:4 万军的上主,以色列的天主,向由耶路撒冷被掳往巴比伦的全体俘虏这样说:
29:5 你们应建筑房屋居住,种植田园,吃田园的出产;
29:6 自己娶妻,生养儿女,也给自己的子女娶妻择夫,生养儿女;在那里繁殖,不要减少。
29:7 在我令你们流徙所到的城里,你们应寻求当地的平安,为当地祈祷上主,因为你们的幸福是有赖于当地的安宁。
29:8 为此万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:不要让你们中间的先知和卜卦师欺骗你们,不要听信他们所作的幻梦,
29:9 因为这些人奉我名给你们预言谎话,我并没有派遣他们──上主的断语──
29:10 上主只这样说:巴比伦的七十年期限一满,我必看顾你们,给你们履行我的诺言,领你们回到这地方。
29:11 诚然,我知道我对你们所怀的计划──上主的断语──是和平而不是灾祸的计划,令你们有前途,有希望。
29:12 那时你呼求我,前来恳求我,我必俯听;
29:13 寻找我,必找到我,因为你们是全心寻求我。
29:14 我必将我自己显示给你们──上主的断语──转变你们的命运:从我驱逐你们所至的各国各地召集你们──上主的断语──领你们回到我以前使你们从那里被掳去的地方。
29:15 因为上主论及坐在达味宝座上的君王,和住在这城里的全体人民,即没有与你们同去充军的兄弟,这样说:
29:16 万军的上主这样说:看,我必给他们招来战争、饥馑和瘟疫,使他们有如坏得不可吃的烂无花果,
29:17 以战争、饥馑和瘟疫穷迫他们,使他们在地上各国遭受虐待,在我驱逐他们所到的各民族中,成为咒骂、惊恐、嘲笑、诅咒的对象,
29:18 因为他们没有听从我的话──上主的断语──我不断给他们派遣我的仆人先知,他们却没有听从──上主的断语──
29:19 至于你们,这些我由耶路撒冷迁往巴比伦的全体俘虏,你们应该听从上主的话。
29:20 也许你们要说:上主在巴比伦给我们兴起了一些先知。
29:21 但万军的上主,以色列的天主,论及奉我名给你们预言谎话的科拉雅的儿子阿哈布,和玛阿色雅的儿子漆德克雅这样说:看,我必将他们交在巴比伦王拿步高的手中,在你们面前将他们处决;
29:22 在巴比伦的一切犹大俘虏,必拿他们当诅咒说:愿上主使你象巴比伦王用火烙死的漆德克雅和阿哈布!
29:23 因为他们在以色列中间行了败德的事:奸污人的妻子,妄用我的名字,说我没有吩咐的话;这是我知道的,我就是见证──上主的断语。」
29:24 你应对乃赫蓝人舍玛雅这样说:
29:25 万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:因为你以自己的名义,给在耶路撒冷的全体人民,和司祭玛阿色雅的儿子责法尼雅,及所有的司祭致书说:「
29:26 上主立你代替司祭约雅达为司祭,作上主殿宇的监督,为拘捕一切自充先知的狂妄之徒,给他带上脚镣铁枷。
29:27 为什么你至今还不责斥向你自称为先知的阿纳托特人耶肋米亚﹖
29:28 他竟派人到巴比伦对我们说:为期尚远;不如建屋居住,种植田园,吃田园的出产!」
29:29 司祭责法尼雅当面将这书信念给先知耶肋米亚听了。
29:30 于是有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:「
29:31 你派人对全体俘虏说:论及乃赫蓝人舍玛雅,上主这样说:因为舍玛雅没有我的委派,竟向你们说预言,叫你们相信谎言,
29:32 为此上主这样说:看,我必惩罚乃赫蓝人舍玛雅和他的后裔:他的后代必没有一个人住在这民族中,能见到我赐给我人民的幸福──上主的断语──因为他说了背叛上主的话。」
30:1 这是上主传给耶肋米亚的话:
30:2 上主以色列的天主这样说:「凡我对你说的话,你都要写在一本书上,
30:3 因为,看,时日将到──上主的断语──我必转变我人民以色列和犹大的命运──上主说──使他们回去占领我赐给他们祖先的土地。」
30:4 以下是上主论及以色列和犹大说的话:
30:5 上主这样说:「人听到了恐怖的喊叫:只有恐慌,没有平安。
30:6 你们且自问自究:是否男人要生产﹖为什么我竟见人人两手叉腰,象正在生产的妇女,个个面色显得苍白﹖
30:7 噫!这一天,真伟大,无可比拟,虽为雅各伯是痛苦的时期,但他们将由此而得救。
30:8 到了那一天──万军上主的断语──我要折断他们颈上所负的轭,粉碎他们的锁链,他们不再作外方人的奴隶,
30:9 只服事上主,他们的天主,和我给他们兴起的君王达味。
30:10 为此,我的仆人雅各伯,你不用害怕──上主的断语──以色列,你不要惊慌;因为,看,我必从远方救出你来,从充军之地救回你的后裔;使雅各伯归来,居享安宁,无所恐惧,
30:11 因为有我与你同在──上主的断语──作你的救援。诚然,对我使你流徙所到的各民族,我要执行毁灭;但对你,我却不执行毁灭,只依正义惩罚你,不让你全然免罚。」
30:12 不错,上主这样说:「你的创伤不可治疗,你的伤口无法医治;
30:13 没有人愿意担任调理你的创伤,无药可使你的伤处收结。
30:14 你所有的爱人都忘掉了你,不再追求你,因为我象打击敌人一样,以残酷的刑罚打击了你,因为你太不义,你的罪恶,增添不已。
30:15 为什么你还要为你的创伤悲号﹖你的创伤已不可治疗:因为你太不义,你的罪恶增添不已,我才这样对待了你。
30:16 但是,凡吞灭你的,必被吞灭;凡与你为敌的,必被掳去充军;凡劫掠你的,必遭劫掠;凡抢夺你的,我必使他们受人抢夺。
30:17 实在,我要使你的伤处收结,疗愈你的创伤──上主的断语──因为他们称你为弃妇,无人过问的熙雍。」
30:18 上主这样说:「看,我要转变雅各伯帐幕的命运,怜悯他的家室,好使城市仍建在自己的山上,宫殿依然耸立在自己的原处,
30:19 从那里发出颂谢的歌声,欢乐的呼声。我必使他们繁昌,人数不再减少;我要显耀他们,使他们不再受人轻视。
30:20 他们的子孙必要象昔日一样,在我面前重新建立自己的集会;凡压迫他们的,我必予以惩罚。
30:21 他们的元首,将是他们中的一个;他们的统帅,将出自他们之中;我要使他们前来接近我,他必与我接近,因为谁敢冒性命的危险,来与我接近──上主的断语──
30:22 这样,你们必作我的人民,我必作你们的天主」。
30:23 看,上主的愤怒,如暴风怒号,如撗扫的暴风,在恶人的头上施转。
30:24 上主的烈怒必不止息,直到他执行完成了他心里的计划;在末日你们必会明了。
31:1 在那时候──上主的断语──我将作以色列各宗族的天主,他们将作我的人民。
31:2 上主这样说:逃脱了刀剑的人民,在旷野中找到了宠遇;以色列来到了自己安身的地方。
31:3 上主自远处显现给她说:我爱你,我永远爱你,因此我给你保留了我的仁慈;
31:4 我要再修建你,而你必再建立起来;你必再带上你的小鼓,出来欢乐歌舞;
31:5 再在撒马黎雅山上栽种葡萄,栽种培埴,必有收获;
31:6 因为终有一天,守望的人要在厄弗辣因山上喊说:起来,让我们上熙雍去,到上主我们的天主那里去!
31:7 因为上主这样说:你们应为雅各伯欢呼,向为首的民族喝采,传扬称赞说:上主救了自己的百姓,以色列的遗民。
31:8 看,我由北地引他们归来,从大地的尽头召集他们,其中有瞎子,有跛子,有怀孕的和正在生产的,形成一大队回到这里来。
31:9 他们含泪前行,我却抚慰引导,领他们踏上不会跌倒的坦途,来到溪流旁,因为我是以色列的慈父,厄弗辣因是我的长子。
31:10 万民!请听上主的话,向遥远的海岛宣传说:那昔日驱散以色列的,再要聚集他们,看守他们象牧童看守自己的羊群。
31:11 因为上主必拯救雅各伯,从比他更强者的手中将他们赎回。
31:12 他们将要前来,在熙雍山巅欢呼,涌向上主的美物,饱享谷、麦、酒、油,小牛、小羊;他们的心灵要好象受灌溉的田园,再也不感憔悴。
31:13 那时,处女必欢欣鼓舞,老幼必相聚同乐,因为我将使的悲哀变成喜乐,使他们由自己的忧苦中获得安慰欢乐;
31:14 我将以肥脂滋润司祭的心灵,以美物饱饫我的人民──上主的断语。
31:15 上主这样说:「听!在辣玛有叹息声,酸辛哭泣;辣黑耳悲悼自己的儿子,不愿受安慰,因为他们已不存在了!」
31:16 上主这样说:「要止住痛哭,不再流泪,因为你的辛苦终必有报──上主的断语──他们必会由敌地归来!
31:17 你们的前途大有希望──上主的断语──你的子孙都要归回自己的疆域。
31:18 我实在听到厄弗辣因在悲叹说:你惩罚了我,我受了杖搫,有如一头不驯服的公牛犊;你使我归来,我必归来,因为你是上主,我的天主。
31:19 的确,我自离弃你以后,我已后悔;在我觉悟以后,我拍腿自惭自愧,因为我又染上了我少年时的耻辱。
31:20 厄弗辣因岂不是我的宠儿,我钟爱的娇子﹖因为我几时恐吓他,反倒更顾念他;对他我五内感动,不得不大施爱怜──上主的断语」。
31:21 请你给自己树立路程碑,设置指路牌,细心回想你走的路线,以往你走过的大道;以色列处女!归来,回到你自己的城邑。
31:22 你要流浪到几时﹖叛逆的女儿!因为上主在地上正在创造一件新事:女人包围男人。
31:23 万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:「当我转变他们的命运时,在犹大地和她城市中的人,还要用这话祝贺说:正义的所在,神圣的山岭!愿上主降福你。
31:24 犹大和她各城中的人,农夫和随羊迁徙的人,将要同住在那里,
31:25 因为我要振作困乏的心灵,饱饫一切苦闷的心灵?ぉ?
26 至此,我醒来了,我看见了,我的睡眠为我实在甘甜?ぉ?
27 看,时日将到──上主的断语──我要给以色列家和犹大家播散人种和兽种;
31:28 就如昔日我曾监视他们,为将他们拔除、破坏、推翻、毁灭、损害;同样,日后我必要监视他们、为将他们建设、栽培──上主的断语──
31:29 在那时日里,人必不再说:「祖先吃了酸葡萄,子孙的牙齿也要酸软」。
31:30 不,各人只因自己的罪恶而死;只有吃酸葡萄的人,自己的牙齿才酸软。
31:31 看,时日将到──上主的断语──我必要与以色列家和犹大家订立新约,
31:32 不象我昔日──握住他们的手,引他们出离埃及时──与他们的祖先订立盟约;虽然我是他们的夫君,他们已自行破坏了我这盟约──上主的断语──
31:33 我愿在那些时日后,与以色列家订立的盟约──上主的断语──就是:我要将我的法律放在他们的肺腑里,写在他们的心头上;我要作他们的天主,他们要作我的人民。
31:34 那时,谁也不再教训自己的近人或弟兄说:「你们该认识上主」,因为不论大小,人人都必认识我──上主的断语──因为我要宽恕他们的过犯,不再记忆他们的罪恶。
31:35 那指定太阳照耀白日,规定月亮星辰照耀黑夜,拨动海洋使波涛怒号,号称「万军的上主」的上主这样说:
31:36 假若这些规定已由我面前消失──上主的断语──以色列种族在我面前也就永不再是一个民族。
31:37 上主这样说:假若人能测量在上的诸天,能探察在下大地的基础,我也就因他们所做的一切,拋弃整个以色列种族──上主的断语」。
31:38 看,时日将到──上主的断语──上主的城必要重建,不但自哈纳乃耳堡直到角门,
31:39 而且测量的绳墨还要向外伸展,直到加勒布丘,再转向哥阿;
31:40 连满了尸首和灰烬的整个山谷,以及直到克德隆溪流和东边马门角旁所有的田地,都将祝圣给上主,永不再遭受摧残破坏。」
32:1 犹大王漆德克雅第十年,拿步高在位第十八年,由上主传给耶肋米亚的话:
32:2 那时巴比伦王的军队正围攻耶路撒冷,耶肋米亚先知被幽禁在犹大王室监狱的庭院里。
32:3 犹大王漆德克雅幽禁了先知,对他说:「你为什么预言说:上主这样说:看,我必将这城交在巴比伦王手中,他要占领这座城;
32:4 犹大王漆德克雅必逃不出加色丁人的手,因为他必被交在巴比伦王的手中,与他面对面相谈,眼对眼相视;
32:5 他必带漆德克雅到巴比伦去,住在那里,直到我再来看顾他──上主的断语──你们若抵抗加色丁人,决不会成功﹖」
32:6 耶肋米亚说:「有上主的话传给我说:
32:7 看,你叔父沙隆的儿子哈纳默耳要到你这里来说:你购买我在阿纳托特的那块田吧!因为你有买回的权利,应把它买回来」。
32:8 我叔父的儿子哈纳默耳,正如上主所说,到监狱庭院里来找我,对我说:「请你购买我在本雅明地内阿纳托特的那块田吧!因为你有继承权,和有权买回你为你自己买下吧!」于是我知道,这是上主的话。
32:9 我便买了我叔父的儿子哈纳默耳在阿纳托特的那块田地,秤给他十七「协刻耳」银子,
32:10 写了契约,封上,请人作证,在天平上秤了银子;
32:11 然后按照法定条例,拿着加封和未加封的购买契约,
32:12 当着我叔父的儿子哈纳默耳,和在购买契约上签名的见证人,以及监狱庭院里在座的众犹大人眼前,将这购买的契约交给了乃黎雅的儿子,玛赫色雅的孙子巴路克,
32:13 并当着他们眼前吩咐巴路克说:
32:14 「万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:将这些加封和未加封的文件,购买的契约拿去,放在一瓦器内,长久保存,
32:15 因为万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:在这地方,人还要购买房屋、庄田和葡萄园」。
32:16 我将购买的契约交给乃黎雅的儿子巴路克以后,便祈求上主说:
32:17 「啊!我主上主!看,你以你的大能和伸展的手臂,创造了天地;为你是没有困难的事。
32:18 你对千万人施行仁慈,但也向后世的子孙本人,追讨他们祖先的罪债;你是伟大有力的天主,「万军的天主」是你名号。
32:19 你有伟大的计谋,行大事的能力;双目注视人类子孙所有的行径,依照各人的行径和行事的结果,给予报酬。
32:20 你直到今日在埃及地,在以色列和人世间,施行奇迹和异事,使你自己成名,有如今日;
32:21 你以灵迹奇事,有力的手腕和伸展的臂膊,巨大恐吓,从埃及地领出了你的人民以色列,
32:22 给了他们你曾向他们的祖先起誓,要给他们的这块流奶流蜜的土地。
32:23 他们来了,占领了这地,却没有听从你的声音,没有履行你的法律,没有做你命他们应做的一切事,为此你给他们招来了这一切灾祸。
32:24 看,围攻的工事已逼近城市,势必攻陷;这个已面临兵刀饥荒和瘟疫的城市,必落在进攻的加色丁人手中;你所说的现已实现,你已目睹;
32:25 然而,我主上主!正当这城交在加色丁人手中之际,你却对我说:你要请人作证,用银子购买田地」。
32:26 于是有上主的话传给我说:
32:27 「看,我是上主,是一切有血肉者的天主:难道我有做不到的事吗﹖
32:28 为此,上主这样说:看,我将这城交在加色丁人和巴比伦王拿步高的手中,他必占领这座城。
32:29 进攻这城的加色丁人要来放火焚烧,把这座城和在屋顶上给巴耳焚香,向外神行奠礼,惹我动怒的房屋,烧得干干净净,
32:30 因为以色列和犹大子民自幼在我眼前只知作恶;实在,以色列子民双手所行的,无不使我动怒──上主的断语──
32:31 实在,这座城,自从他们开始建筑那一天,直到今日,常惹我动怒生气,致使我不得不从我面前将她消灭。
32:32 这全是出于以色列和犹大子民,即他们、他们的君王、朝臣、司祭、先知,以及犹大人和耶路撒冷的居民,所行的一切使我动怒的恶事。
32:33 他们对我转过背来,却不对我转过脸来;我虽不断恳切施教,他们仍不愿听从,接受劝告;
32:34 反将可恶之物安置在归我名下的殿里,使我的殿宇受到了玷污;
32:35 又在本希农山谷给巴耳建立了一些丘坛,给摩肋客火祭自己的子女:这是我从来没有吩咐,也从来没有想到过的事;他们竟做出这些可恶的事,来引诱犹大犯罪。
32:36 现在,上主以色列的天主,对这座你说要因兵戈饥荒瘟疫,而被交在巴比伦王手中的城市,却这样说:
32:37 看,我必从我生气愤恨发怒时驱逐他们所到的各地,再召集他们,领他们回到这地方来,安然居住,
32:38 作我的人民,我作他们的天主,
32:39 且使他们一心一德,终生敬畏我,造福自己和自己后代的子孙;
32:40 与他们订立一永久的盟约,再不离弃他们,为他们谋幸福,将敬畏我之情赋于他们心内,使他们不再离开我;
32:41 乐意好待他们,专心致志将他们安顿在这城里。
32:42 因为上主这样说:我怎样给这人民招来了这一切大灾祸,也要同样给他们招来我预许的一切幸福。
32:43 在这个你们说已成荒野,已人兽绝迹,已交在加色丁人手中的地域里,还有田地的交易;
32:44 在本雅明地,在耶路撒冷城郊,在犹大、山地、平原和南部的城里,人们还要花钱买田,写契盖章,请人作证,因为我要转变他们的命运──上主的断语」。
33:1 耶肋米亚还拘禁在监狱的庭院的时候,又有上主的话传给他说:
33:2 那创造形成和奠定大地,且名叫「雅威」的上主这样说:
33:3 你呼唤我,我必答复你,把伟大和你不知道的奥秘事情告诉你。
33:4 上主以色列的天主这样论及这城里为围攻工事和武力摧毁的房屋和犹大王宫说──
33:5 他们前去与加色丁人交战,只不过是将尸体充塞城市,因为我以盛怒杀戳了他们,因了他们的种种罪恶,我已掩面不顾这城市──
33:6 看,我必使他们的疮痍收口痊愈,获得医治;给他们大开和平安宁的宝库;
33:7 转变犹大和以色列的命运,使他们复兴如初;
33:8 洗除他们得罪我的一切罪恶,赦免他们得罪和违背我的一切过犯。
33:9 这城必使我在普世万民间获得喜庆、赞美和光荣;他们听到我对这城行的一切善事,必因我赐给这城的种种幸福与和平,起敬起畏。
33:10 上主这样说:「在你们所谓人兽绝迹的荒野地方,在犹大的城市和耶路撒冷,没有居民和牲畜的荒凉街上,
33:11 人还要听到愉快和喜乐的声音,新郎和新娘的声音;还要听见在上主殿宇奉献感恩祭的人说:请你们赞颂万军的上主,因为上主是美善的,他的慈爱永远常存;因为我要转变这地的命运,使它复兴如初──上主说」。
33:12 万军的上主这样说:「在这人兽绝迹的荒凉地方,和其中所有的城市里,仍要有牧童牧放羊群的牧埸;
33:13 在山地和平原以及南部的各城镇里,在本雅明地,在耶路撒冷城郊,在犹大的各城市里,仍要有人数点手下经过的羊群──上主说。
33:14 看,时日将到──上主的断语──我要实践我对以色列家和犹大家预许赐福的诺言。
33:15 在那些日子里,在那时期内,我必由达味出生一正义的苗芽,在地上执行公道和正义;
33:16 在那时日里,犹大必获救,耶路撒冷必居享安宁,人用以称呼她的名字将是「上主是我们的正义」。
33:17 因为上主这样说:达味总不断有人坐在以色列家的宝座上;
33:18 肋未司祭也总不断有人站在我前奉献全燔祭,焚烧祭品,天天杀牲举祭」。
33:19 有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:
33:20 「上主这样说:假若你们能破坏我与白日黑夜订立的盟约,使白日黑夜不再依循自己的时序,
33:21 那我与我仆达味的盟约也就可以破坏,使他再没有儿子继位为王;我与我的仆役肋未司祭的盟约,也就可以破坏。
33:22 我要这样增添我仆达味的后裔和服事我的肋未人,有如天上数不清的军旅,海中量不尽的沙粒」。
33:23 有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:
33:24 「难道你没有注意这人民说些什么话吗﹖他们说:上主拣选了两个家族,如今他又把他们拋弃了!他们竟这样轻视我的人民,不再把他们看作一个民族。
33:25 上主这样说:假若我没有与白日黑夜订立盟约,没有给上天下地设立轨道,
33:26 我就可以拋弃雅各伯与我仆达味的后裔,不再由他的后裔选拔人,来统治亚巴郎、依撒格和雅各伯的后裔,因为我必要怜悯他们,转变他们的命运」。
34:1 当巴比伦王拿步高与自己所有的军队,及他手下统治的天下各国和一切民族,前来进攻耶路撒冷和她所有的城镇时,有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:
34:2 「上主以色列的天主这样说:你去对犹大王漆德克雅说,告诉他上主这样说:看,我必将这城交在巴比伦王手中,他将放火烧城,
34:3 你必逃不出他的手,终必被擒,交在他手中;你必要与巴比伦王目对目相视,面对面相谈;你必要到巴比伦去;
34:4 但是,犹大王漆德克雅!请听上主的话,上主论你这样说:你决不会死在刀下,
34:5 必要平安死去;正如有人给在你以前的上代祖先君王焚香,同样也有人给你焚香,向你致哀;『噫嘻,我主!』的确,是我说了这话──上主的断语」。
34:6 耶肋米亚先知就在耶路撒冷,对犹大君王漆德克雅说了这一切话,
34:7 那时巴比伦王的军队正在攻打耶路撒冷和犹大所余的城市,攻打拉基士和阿则卡,因为在犹大城市中,只剩下了这两座设防的城市。
34:8 漆德克雅王与当时在耶路撒冷的全体人民订约,要对奴婢宣布自由以后,有上主的话传给耶肋米亚:
34:9 每人应释放自己的希伯来奴婢,使他们获享自由;谁也不该再以自己的弟兄犹大人作奴婢。
34:10 所有入盟的首长和全体人民都同意,每人要释放自己的奴婢,使他们获享自由,不再以他们为奴婢:他们同意了,也释放了。
34:11 但是,后来他们改变主意,把他们释放恢复自由的奴婢,再叫回来,强迫他们再作奴婢。
34:12 于是有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:
34:13 「上主以色列的天主这样说:在我领你们的祖先,由埃及地,奴隶之所,出来的那一天,与他们订立了盟约说:
34:14 每七年初,你们应各自释放卖身给你的希伯来弟兄:他服事了你六年,你应该让他自由离去。你们的祖先却不听,也不向我侧耳。
34:15 今日你们自己反悔,作了我认为正直的事,各向自己的近人宣布自由,在归我名下的殿里,当着我面订了盟约。
34:16 但事后却变了主意,亵渎我名,竟再召回自己已经释放,身获自由的奴婢,迫使他们再做你们的奴婢。
34:17 为此上主这样说:你们既不听从我,各向自己的弟兄,各向自己的近人宣布自由,看,我来对你们宣布释放刀剑和瘟疫及饥荒的自由──上主的断语──使你们成为地上一切王国惊慌恐怖的对象。
34:18 凡违犯我盟约,即凡不履行剖开牛犊,由两半中间走过,在我面前所立的盟约誓词的人,我必将他们交出:
34:19 凡剖开牛犊,由两半中走过的犹大和耶路撒冷的首长、官员、司祭,以及当地的全体人民,
34:20 我必将他们悉数交在他们的敌人,和图谋他们性命者的手中,使他们的尸首成为天上飞鸟和地上走兽的食物。
34:21 至于犹大王漆德克雅和他的臣相,我也将他们交在他们敌人的手中,交在图谋他们性命者的手中,交在由你们面前撤退的巴比伦王军队的手中。
34:22 我必下令──上主的断语──叫他们再回来,进攻,占领,火烧这城市;至于犹大的其它城市,我必使它们化为无人居住的荒野」。
35:1 犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金为王时,上主有话传给耶肋米亚说:
35:2 「你到勒加布人家里去,与他们会谈,引他们走进上主殿宇的一间房里,给他们酒喝」。
35:3 于是我带了哈巴漆尼雅的孙子,依尔米雅的儿子雅匝尼雅,和他的兄弟与他所有的儿子,以及勒加布全家,
35:4 到了上主的殿宇,进了天主的人依革达里雅的儿子哈南的儿子们的房间──这间房靠近长官室,正是在看守殿门的沙隆的儿子玛阿色雅的住房上面,
35:5 将满杯满爵的酒,摆在勒加布的子孙面前,向他们请说:「请喝酒吧!」
35:6 他们答说:「我们不喝酒,因为我们的祖先勒加布的儿子约纳达布曾吩咐我们说:你们和你们的儿子永不可喝酒;
35:7 也不可建造房屋,不可播种,不可栽植或占有葡萄园,却要终生住在帐幕里,好使你们能长久生活在你们作客的地方。
35:8 在我们的祖先勒加布的儿子约纳达布吩咐我们的一切事上,我们全听从了他的话,我们、妻子和儿女,终生不喝酒,
35:9 也不建造房屋居住,也没有葡萄园或田地和播种的事,
35:10 只住在帐幕里,全听从并履行我们的祖先约纳达布吩咐的事。
35:11 只在巴比伦王拿步高上来进攻这地时,我们才说:走吧!到耶路撒冷去,躲避加色丁和阿兰军队;从此我们才住在耶路撒冷」。
35:12 于是有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:
35:13 「万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:你去对犹大人和耶路撒冷的居民说:你们不接受教训,听从我的话吗﹖──上主的断语──
35:14 勒加布的儿子约纳达布的话居然有人遵守:他命子孙们不喝酒,他们直到今日就不喝酒,全听从了他们祖先的命令;我不断恳切教训你们,你们却没有听从;
35:15 我给你们派遣──且不断派遣,我所有的仆人先知们,来劝你们各自离弃自己的邪道,改善自己的行为,不再追随事奉外方的神祗,好能住在我赐给你们和你们祖先的地方;你们仍不侧耳听从我。
35:16 实在,勒加布的儿子约纳达布的子孙,遵守了他们祖先吩咐的命令;至于这民族,却不听从我。
35:17 为此,上主万军的天主,以色列的天主这样说:看,我必给犹大和耶路撒冷所有的居民,招来我对他们所预告的一切灾祸,因为我训谕他们,他们不听;我呼唤他们,他们不答应」。
35:18 于是耶肋米亚对勒加布人家族说:「万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:因为你们听从了祖先约纳达布的命令,遵守了他的一切规诫,完全依照他所吩咐的做了;
35:19 为此,万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:勒加布的儿子约纳达布从此永不会缺少侍立在我面前的人」。
36:1 犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金第四年,上主有这话传给耶肋米亚说:
36:2 「你拿卷册来,写上自从我由约史雅时日,对你说话那一天以来,直到今日,关于耶路撒冷和犹大及列邦对你所说的一切话,
36:3 也许犹大家听了我有意对他们施行的一切灾祸,会各自离弃自己的邪道,叫我好宽恕他们的过犯和罪恶」。
36:4 于是耶肋米亚叫了乃黎雅的儿子巴路克来;巴路克依照耶肋米亚的口授,在卷册上写上了上主对先知说的一切话。
36:5 耶肋米亚吩咐巴路克说:「我被阻止,不能到上主殿宇去,
36:6 所以你去,在一个禁食的日子上,诵读卷册上依我口授写的上主的话,给在上主殿里的全体人民听,也读给来自各城的全体犹大人听,
36:7 也许他们会向上主哀求,各自愿离弃自己的邪道,因为上主对这人民用以恐吓的愤恨和忿怒,真正厉害!」
36:8 乃黎雅的儿子巴路克全按耶肋米亚先知吩咐的作了:在上主殿宇里,宣读了卷册上上主的话。
36:9 犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金第五年九月,耶路撒冷全体人民以及从犹大城市来到耶路撒冷的全体人民,集合在上主面前宣布禁食。
36:10 巴路克就乘机在上主殿宇内,沙番的儿子革马黎雅书记的房子那里,即上院靠近上主殿宇新门的进口处,宣读卷册上耶肋米亚的话,给全体人民听。
36:11 沙番的儿子革马黎雅的儿子米加雅,听了卷册上所有的上主的话,
36:12 就下到王宫书记的事务所内,看,众首长都正坐在那里,有书记厄里沙玛,舍玛雅的儿子德拉雅,阿革波尔的儿子厄耳纳堂,沙番的儿子革玛黎雅,哈纳尼雅的儿子漆德克雅和其余的首长。
36:13 米加雅就把自己在巴路克给人民宣读卷册时所听到的一切话,告诉了他们。
36:14 众首长便派乃塔尼雅的儿子犹狄和雇史的儿子舍肋米雅到巴路克那里说:「请你来,并请你随手带上你读给人民听的那轴卷册」。乃黎雅的儿子巴路克立即手内拿上那轴卷册,到他们那里去了。
36:15 他们对他说:「请坐,读给我们听!」巴路克读给他们听了。
36:16 他们听了这一切话,就彼此不胜惊慌说:「我们必须将这一切话禀告君王!」
36:17 然后问巴路克说:「请你告诉我们:你怎样由耶肋米亚的口授写了这一切话﹖」
36:18 巴路克答复他们说:「这一切话都是他口授给我的,我只不过用笔墨记录在这卷册上。」
36:19 于是首长对巴路克说:「你快去和耶肋米亚藏起来,不要让人知道你们藏在那里。」
36:20 然后他们一同到内殿去拜见君王,那轴卷册却留在书记厄里沙玛室内,只将这一切话禀告了君王。
36:21 君王于是打发犹狄去取那轴卷册;犹狄由书记厄里沙玛室内取了来,读给君王和环立在君王旁的众朝臣听。
36:22 那时正是九月,君王住在冬宫里,面前正烧着一盆火,
36:23 犹狄只读了三四行,君王就用书记的刀将它割下,拋在火盆的火里,直到那轴卷册在火盆内被烧尽。
36:24 君王与众臣仆听了这一切话,毫不害怕,也不撕裂自己的衣服,
36:25 虽然厄耳纳堂和德拉雅及革玛黎雅曾苦求君王不要烧毁那轴卷册,君王不但不听,
36:26 反命王子耶辣默耳,阿次黎耳的儿子色辣雅和哈贝德耳的儿子舍肋米雅,去逮捕书记巴路克和先知耶肋米亚;但是上主却将他们藏起来了。
36:27 君王焚烧了那轴载有巴路克由耶肋米亚口授记录的话的卷册以后,有上主的话传给耶肋米亚说:
36:28 「你拿另一轴卷册来,写上犹大王约雅金所烧毁的前一轴卷册上的一切话。
36:29 关于犹大王约雅金你应说:上主这样说:你烧毁了这轴卷册说:为什么你在上面写道:巴比伦王必来破坏这地方,消灭这地方的人和兽﹖
36:30 为此上主关于犹大王约雅金这样说:他必没有人继坐达味的宝座,死后必弃尸原野,遭受日晒夜露。
36:31 对他和他的后裔及臣仆,我要惩罚他们的罪恶,给他们和耶路撒冷居民及犹大人,召来我向他们预告,他们却不理会的一切灾祸」。
36:32 耶肋米亚就拿来另一轴卷册,交给书记乃黎雅的儿子巴路克。巴路克依照耶肋米亚的口授,在上面笔录了犹大王约雅金,在火中烧毁了的那轴卷册上所有的话;并且还加添了许多相类似的话。
37:1 约史雅的儿子漆德克雅继约雅金的儿子耶苛尼雅为王,巴比伦王拿步高立他为王统治犹大地。
37:2 他和他的臣仆及本地人民,都没有听从上主藉耶肋米亚先知所说的话。
37:3 漆德克雅王派舍肋米亚的儿子犹加耳,和司祭玛阿色雅的儿子责法尼雅到耶肋米亚先知那里说:「请你为我们转求上主,我们的天主!」
37:4 那时,耶肋米亚尚出入于民间,人还没有将他放在监狱里。
37:5 法郎军队忽由埃及出发,围攻耶路撒冷的加色丁人一听见他们出动的消息,就由耶路撒冷撤退了。
37:6 此时上主有话传给耶肋米亚先知说:
37:7 「上主,以色列的天主这样说:你们应这样回答派你们前来求问我的犹大君王说:看,出发前来援助你们的法郎军队,仍要回到自己的本地埃及去。
37:8 至于加色丁人仍要卷土重来,进攻这座城市;且要攻下,放火烧城。
37:9 上主这样说:你们不要自欺说:加色丁人已离我们远去!其实,他们并没有远去。
37:10 纵使你们能击败与你们交战的加色丁人所有的军队,使他们中只剩下一些受伤的人,他们仍要由帐中奋起,放火烧毁这座城市。
37:11 加色丁人的军队受法郎军队的威胁,由耶路撒冷撤退时,
37:12 耶肋米亚就离开耶路撒冷,到本雅明地去,要在那里由自己的亲族间分得一份产业。
37:13 当他到了本雅明门时,那里有一个站岗的人,名叫依黎雅,是舍肋米亚的儿子,哈纳尼雅的孙子,捉住耶肋米亚先知说:「你想去投降加色丁人!」
37:14 耶肋米亚答说:「冤枉!我不是去投降加色丁人」。依黎雅不听他说,就捉住耶肋米亚,带他去见首长。
37:15 首长们遂发怒,将耶肋米亚鞭打了,幽禁在书记约纳堂家的监牢里,因为他们早已把他的家改作了监狱。
37:16 于是耶肋米亚走进了一穹形的地窖内,在那里住了多日。
37:17 此后,漆德克雅王派人提出他来,在自己的宫殿私下问他说:「上主有什么话没有﹖」耶肋米亚答说:「有」。接着说:「你必被交在巴比伦王手中」。
37:18 此外,耶肋米亚还问漆德克雅王说:「我在什么事上得罪了你和你的臣仆,以及这些人民,你们竟将我放在监牢里﹖
37:19 你们那些曾向你们预言说:巴比伦王不会来攻打你们和这地方的先知,现在在哪里﹖
37:20 如今我主君王,请听!愿你开恩允许我的祈求,不要叫我再回到书记约纳堂家里去,免得我死在那里!」于是漆德克雅王下令,将耶肋米亚囚禁在监狱的庭院里,每日由面包房取一份食物给他,直到城中粮食用尽。从此耶肋米亚就住在拘留所内的庭院里。
38:1 玛堂的儿子舍法提雅,帕市胡尔的儿子革达里雅,舍肋米雅的儿子犹加耳,玛耳基雅的儿子帕市胡尔听见耶肋米亚向全体人民讲话说:
38:2 「上主这样说:凡留在这城里的,必死于刀剑、饥荒和瘟疫;凡出降加色丁人的,必能生存:获得生命如获得战利品一样,可得生存。
38:3 上主这样说:这座城市必交在巴比伦王军队的手中,他必占领这座城市。」
38:4 众首长就对君王说:「请将这人处死!因为他说出了这样使遗留在城里的战士和全体人民丧志的话;实在,这人谋求的,不是人民的福利,而是人民的灾祸。」
38:5 漆德克雅王答说:「看,他已经在你们手中;君王不能反对你们。」
38:6 他们便将耶肋米亚丢在王子玛耳基雅在监狱庭院里有的蓄水池内,用绳将他放下去;池内没有水,只有污泥;耶肋米亚就陷在污泥里。
38:7 住在王宫里的雇士人厄贝得默肋客宦官,听见人把耶肋米亚放在蓄水池里。那时君王正坐在本雅明门旁,
38:8 厄贝得默肋客就从王宫出来,禀告君王说:
38:9 「我主君王!这些人对先知耶肋米亚作的事,实在毒辣;他们竟将他丢在蓄水池里,在那里他必要饿死,因为城中没有粮食了!」
38:10 王便命雇士人厄贝得默肋客说:「你立即带三个人去,将耶肋米亚先知,趁他还没有死,从蓄水池里拉出来!」
38:11 厄贝得默肋客立即带了一些人,回到王宫,从储藏室拿了些破旧衣裳和破旧布片,用绳索给在蓄水池里的耶肋米亚放下去。
38:12 雇士人厄贝得默肋客对耶肋米亚说:「请你把破旧的衣服和布片,放在你两腋下,然后把绳放在下面。」耶肋米亚就这样做了。
38:13 于是他们用绳索将耶肋米亚从蓄水池里拉上来;这样,耶肋米亚才仍能住在拘留所的庭院里。
38:14 漆德克雅王派人带耶肋米亚先知到上主殿宇第三入口处去见他。君王对耶肋米亚说:「我要问你一件事,你什么也不可对我隐瞒!」
38:15 耶肋米亚答复漆德克雅说:「我若禀告你,你岂不要将我处死吗﹖我若给你出主意,你也不会听从我!」
38:16 漆德克雅王对耶肋米亚暗地发誓说:「那赐与我们这生命的上主永在,我决不将你处死,也决不将你交在这些图谋你性命者的手中。」
38:17 于是耶肋米亚对漆德克雅说:「万军的天主,以色列的天主上主这样说:如果你出去,向巴比伦王的将帅投降,你的性命必可保全,这城不至于被焚;你和你全家也必生存。
38:18 但是,如果你不出去向巴比伦王将帅投降,这城必会被交在加色丁人的手里,由他们放火烧城,而你也逃不出他们的手。」
38:19 漆德克雅王便对耶肋米亚说:「我很害怕那些投降加色丁人的犹太人,将我交在他们手中,任他们凌辱我。」
38:20 耶肋米亚答说:「他们不会将你交出!在我对你所说的事上,你只管听上主的声音,事必于你有利,你的性命必可保全。
38:21 但是,如果你拒绝出降,这就是上主使我预见的事:
38:22 看,凡留在犹大王宫的一切妇女,都要被领出,交给巴比伦王的将帅,哭诉着说:对你高唱和平的友人,欺骗了你,愚弄了你;见你双脚陷入泥淖,就转背逃遁。
38:23 你的妻子儿女,都要被领出,交给加色丁人;连你也逃不出他们的手,终于被巴比伦王捉去;至于这城,必要被火焚毁。」
38:24 于是漆德克雅对耶肋米亚说:「任何人不得知道这些话,否则你就该死!
38:25 倘若首长们听说我曾与你谈论,而前来问你说:请你告诉我们,你对君王说了什么﹖你不可对我们隐瞒,否则我们就要你的命!究竟君王对你说了些什么﹖
38:26 你要回答他们说:我向君王面呈我的请求,请他不要叫我再回到约纳堂的家里去,而死在那里。」
38:27 果然,众首长前来质问耶肋米亚,他就全依照君王吩咐的话答复了他们。他们对他无话可说,因为那次的谈话,没有被人窃听了去。
38:28 这样,耶肋米亚直到耶路撒冷沦陷的那一天,就住在拘留所的庭院里。
39:1 犹大王漆德克雅第九年十月,巴比伦王拿步高率领全军进攻,包围了耶路撒冷,
39:2 漆德克雅第十一年四月初九,京城被攻破──
39:3 巴比伦王众将帅入城,坐镇中央门:计有卫队长乃步匝辣当、大将军乃步沙次班、战车司令乃尔加耳沙勒责尔和巴比伦王其余众将帅。
39:4 犹大王漆德克雅和所有的战士一见如此,就立即逃遁,夜间弃城出走,取道御苑,穿过两墙间的便门,直向阿辣巴的路上跑去。
39:5 加色丁人军队立即追赶他们,就在耶里哥荒野追上了漆德克雅,将他捉住,带到哈玛特境内的黎贝拉去见巴比伦王拿步高;王即宣判了他的罪状。
39:6 巴比伦王在黎贝拉,就当漆德克雅眼前杀了他的儿子;巴比伦王也杀了犹大所有的贵卿;
39:7 然后挖了漆德克雅的双眼,给他带上锁链,送往巴比伦去。
39:8 于是加色丁人放火焚烧了王宫和民房,拆毁了耶路撒冷的城墙;
39:9 城中剩下的人民,和已向他投降的人民,以及其余的平民,卫队长乃步匝辣当都掳到巴比伦去。
39:10 至于人民中一无所有的穷人,卫队长乃步匝辣当仍让他们留居犹大地,同时还给他们分配了些葡萄园和农田。
39:11 关于耶肋米亚,巴比伦王拿步高对卫队长乃步匝辣当下令说:
39:12 「将他带去,好好看待他,不但丝毫不可加害,反要照他对你说的,给他照办!」
39:13 于是卫队长乃步匝辣当,大将军乃步沙次班,战车司令乃尔加耳沙勒责尔,及巴比伦王其余将帅派人前去,
39:14 由拘留所的庭院里提出耶肋米亚来,交给了沙番的孙子,阿希甘的儿子革达里雅,叫他带到自己的家里去;从此耶肋米亚就再居住在民间。
39:15 耶肋米亚还监禁在拘留所的庭院时,上主有话传给他说:「
39:16 你去告诉雇士人厄贝得默肋客说:万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:看,我使我的话实现在这座城上,不是为赐福,而是为降祸:到了那天,要当着你面前实现。
39:17 到了那天,我必救你──上主的断语──你不会被交在你怕与他们相见的人的手里,
39:18 因为我必拯救你,你不会丧身在刀下,你必获得性命如获得战利品,因为你信赖了我──上主的断语。」
40:1 卫队长乃步匝辣当从辣玛释放耶肋米亚以后,上主又有话传给先知──在提出他时,他还带着锁链,夹在要充军到巴比伦的耶路撒冷和犹大的俘虏中──
40:2 卫队长提出耶肋米亚后,便对他说:「雅威你的天主对这地方,曾预言过这番灾祸,
40:3 如今果然来了;雅威照他所说的做了;因为你们犯罪相反雅威,没有听从他的声音,所以为你们才发生了这样的事。
40:4 现在,你看,今天我给你除去手上的锁链;你若看着同我一起到巴比伦去好,就去,我必另眼看待你;你若看着同我一起到巴比伦去不好,没有关系;你看,整个大地摆在你面前,你看着那里好,去那里相宜,就到那里去罢。
40:5 你若愿住下,可回到巴比伦王委任管理犹大城镇的沙番的孙子,阿希甘的儿子革达里雅那里去,与他一同住在民间;或是到你看着相宜去的任何地方去。」卫队长便给了他干粮和礼物,打发他走了。
40:6 耶肋米亚来到米兹帕阿希甘的儿子革达里雅那里,与他一同住在当地的遗民间。
40:7 在乡间残存的各部队首领和他们的属下,听说巴比伦王委派了阿希甘的儿子革达里雅管理当地,任命他照顾当地未迁徙至巴比伦去的男女、幼童和穷人,
40:8 便亲自和自己的属下来到米兹帕革达里雅那里;前来的,有乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳,卡勒亚的儿子约哈南,堂胡默特的儿子色辣雅,乃托法人厄法依的儿子们和玛阿加人的儿子雅匝尼雅。
40:9 沙番的孙子,阿希甘的儿子革达里雅对他们和部属起誓说:「你们不要怕事奉加色丁人;住在本地,臣属于巴比伦王,于你们必然有利。
40:10 至于我,看,我愿住在米兹帕,为对付到我们这里来的加色丁人;你们只管储藏酒、油和夏季的出产,安放在器皿内,住在所占的城市里。」
40:11 散居在摩阿布,阿孟子民间,厄东地以及其它各地的一切犹太人,也听说巴比伦王给犹大留下了遗民,派了沙番的孙子,阿希甘的儿子革达里雅管理他们,
40:12 所有的犹太人就从自己飘流所至之地回来,来到犹大地米兹帕革达里雅那里,收得了大量的酒和夏季的出产。
40:13 卡勒亚的儿子约哈南,和在乡间所有部队的首领,都到米兹帕革达里雅那里,
40:14 对他说:「你是否知道:阿孟子民的君王巴里斯派遣乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳来杀害你﹖」但是阿希甘的儿子革达里雅不相信他们的话。
40:15 卡勒亚的儿子约哈南私下在米兹帕对革达里雅提议说:「让我去杀了乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳,没有人会知道;为什么要让他来谋害你的性命,使集合在你身边的一切犹太人又遭离散,犹大遗民再遭灭亡﹖」
40:16 阿希甘的儿子革达里雅答复卡勒亚的儿子约哈南说:「不要作这件事,因为你论依市玛耳所说的,只不过是流言。」
41:1 到了七月,厄里沙玛的孙子,乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳──他是王家的后代,是君王的大臣──带了十个人来到米兹帕阿希甘的儿子革达里雅那里;当他们在米兹帕一同进餐时,
41:2 乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳和他带来的十个人就起来,拔刀击杀了巴比伦王委派管理地方的沙番的孙子,阿希甘的儿子革达里雅。
41:3 凡在米兹帕与革达里雅在一起的犹太人,和在那里偶然相遇的加色丁兵士,依市玛耳也都击杀了。
41:4 革达里雅被害后第二天,人尚一无所知。
41:5 有八十个人从舍根、史罗、撒玛黎雅前来,都剃去了胡须,撕破了衣服,割伤了身体,手里拿着素祭祭品和乳香,要带到上主殿宇去,
41:6 沿途且走且哭。乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳从米兹帕出来迎接他们,一遇见他们就对他们说:「你们往阿希甘的儿子革达里雅那里去罢!」
41:7 他们到了城市中心,乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳和自己的部下就将他们杀了,扔在蓄水池里。
41:8 其中有十个人却对依市玛耳说:「不要杀害我们,因为我们在田野里藏有油、蜜、大麦和小麦。」他遂即住手,没有将他们与他们的弟兄一同杀掉。
41:9 依市玛耳将所杀之人的尸首,丢在那里的一个蓄水池内,那是一个很大的蓄水池,原是阿撒君王为对抗以色列君王巴厄沙而建造的;乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳用自己所杀之人的尸首填满了这蓄水池。
41:10 以后依市玛耳掳去了留在米兹帕的遗民和王室闺秀,以及还留在米兹帕所有的人民:这些人,原是卫队长乃步匝辣当委托给阿希甘的儿子革达里雅的;乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳却将他们掳走,投往阿孟子民那里去。
41:11 卡勒亚的儿子约哈南和随从他的其余部队首领,得知乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳所做的一切恶事,
41:12 就带领自己所有的部下,去攻击乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳,在基贝红大水池旁与他相遇。
41:13 与依市耳玛在一起的全体人民,一见卡勒亚的儿子约哈南和随他前来的众部队首领,无不喜出望外。
41:14 依市玛耳从米兹帕掳来的全体人民,都转身归顺卡勒亚的儿子约哈南;
41:15 只有乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳和八个人,由约哈南面前逃脱,跑到阿孟子民那里去了。
41:16 卡勒亚的儿子约哈南与随从自己的众部队首领,就接收了乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳,在谋害阿希甘的儿子革达里雅后,从米兹帕掳走的全部遗民,能作战的男子和妇女,幼童及宦官,从基贝红将他们带回来,
41:17 一路前行,在靠近白冷的革鲁特基默罕住下,有意进入埃及,
41:18 远避加色丁人。他们实在害怕见到加色丁人,因为乃塔尼雅的儿子依市玛耳,谋杀了巴比伦王委派管理地方的阿希甘的儿子革达里雅。
42:1 众部队首领与卡勒亚的儿子约哈南和玛阿色雅的儿子阿匝黎雅及全体人民,不分大小,
42:2 前来对耶肋米亚先知说:「愿你接受我们对你的请求,请你为我们全体遗民,转求上主你的天主。我们原来人数众多,如今只剩下你亲眼见的这几个人了。
42:3 惟愿上主你的天主指示我们该走的路,和当行的事!」
42:4 耶肋米亚先知答复他们说:「我听见了!好,我愿依照你们的话,祈求上主你们的天主;但凡上主答复的话,我必全告诉你们,不对你们隐瞒什么。」
42:5 他们答复耶肋米亚说:「愿上主在我们中间作真实和忠信的见证,如果我们不依照上主你的天主叫你传给我们的一切话去做。
42:6 或好或坏,我们愿听从上主我们天主的话,因为是我们派你去向他祈求;我们听从了上主我们的天主的话,我们就必顺利。」
42:7 十天以后,上主有话传给了耶肋米亚,
42:8 他便召集卡勒亚的儿子约哈南和随从他的众部队首领以及全体人民,不分大小,
42:9 对他们说:「你们派我去向他面陈你们的请求的上主,以色列的天主这样说:
42:10 如果你们决意住在这地方,我必建立你们,决不加以破坏;我必栽培你们,决不予以拔除,因为我已后悔给你们所降的灾祸。
42:11 你们不要害怕你们所害怕的巴比伦王;不要害怕他──上主的断语──因为有我与你们同在,作你们的救援,从他的手中抢救你们。
42:12 我必怜恤你们,也叫他怜恤你们,让你们仍住在你们的国土内。
42:13 但是,如果你们不听从上主你们的天主的话,说:我们不愿住在这地方;
42:14 或说:不,我们要去埃及地,在那里再见不到战争,再听不到号声,再不缺乏食粮;我们要去住在那里!
42:15 那么,犹大的遗民!请你们听上主的话。万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:假使你们决意要往埃及去,在那里寄居,
42:16 你们害怕的刀剑,必在埃及地袭击你们;你们忧虑的饥荒,必在埃及跟踪你们,使你们死在那里。
42:17 凡决意往埃及去,到那里寄居的人,必要死于刀剑、饥荒和瘟疫,没有一人能幸免,逃脱我给他们招来的灾祸。
42:18 的确,万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:正如我对耶路撒冷居民曾发怒泄恨;同样我要对去埃及的你们泄恨,叫你们遭受憎恨、厌恶、诅咒、侮辱,永不再见此地。」
42:19 「犹大的遗民!这是上主对你们说的话:不要到埃及去。你们该清楚知道:我今天对你们作证,
42:20 你们实在是自己欺骗自己;原是你们派我去求问上主你天主说:请你为我们转求上主我们的天主,凡上主我们的天主说的,你要全告诉我们,我们必依照遵行。
42:21 我今天告诉了你们,你们却全不听从上主你们的天主,打发我来告诉你们的话。
42:22 现在,你们该知道:在你们要去寄居的地方,你们必死于刀剑、饥荒和瘟疫。」
43:1 耶肋米亚向全体人民说完上主他们的天主的一切话,即上主他们的天主派遣他来向他们转告的这一切话以后,
43:2 玛阿色雅的儿子阿匝黎雅和卡勒亚的儿子约哈南,以及一切傲慢反叛的人,就对耶肋米亚说:「你说谎;上主我们的天主并没有派你说:你们不要去寄居在埃及;
43:3 只是乃黎雅的儿子巴路克挑唆你反对我们,好将我们交在加色丁人手中,或杀或掳到巴比伦去。」
43:4 卡勒亚的儿子约哈南和众部队首领以及全体人民,没有听从上主的劝告,住在犹大地内。
43:5 卡勒亚的儿子约哈南和众部队首领,反而率领全体犹大遗民,即那些四散到各民族间,又回来住在犹大境内的人:
43:6 男子和妇女,幼童和王家闺秀,以及卫队长乃步匝辣当给沙番的孙子,阿希甘的儿子留下的人,连同先知耶肋米亚和乃黎雅的儿子巴路克,
43:7 到埃及地去了;没有听从上主的劝告,而来到塔黑培乃斯。
43:8 在塔黑培乃斯上主有话传给耶肋米亚说:「
43:9 你用手拿一些大石头,当着犹大人眼前,藏在塔黑培乃斯法郎王宫门前石铺地道下面,
43:10 然后对他们说:万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:看,我必派人去领我的仆人巴比伦王拿步高来,在你藏的这些石头上安置他的宝座,张设他的华盖。
43:11 他必来攻打埃及地,叫那该死的死,该掳的掳,该杀的杀;
43:12 必来放火焚烧埃及的神庙,烧毁或掳走庙内的神象;必来收取埃及地,如同牧人收取自己的外衣;最后安然离去。
43:13 此外,他还要粉碎埃及地太阳神庙的石柱,放火焚烧埃及的神庙。」
44:1 以下是关于住在埃及地,住在米革多耳,塔黑培乃斯、诺夫和帕特洛斯地的一切犹太人,传给耶肋米亚的话:「
44:2 万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:你们看见了我对耶路撒冷和犹大各城召来的一切灾祸,看,今日已成为无人居住的旷野。
44:3 这是因为他们做了惹我动怒的恶事,向他们、你们和你们的祖先从不认识的外方神祇焚香敬拜;
44:4 虽然我早就不断给你们派遣我所有的先知仆人们说:你们切不可做我所憎恨的可恶之事!
44:5 他们却没有侧耳听从,没有放弃他们向外方神祇焚香的恶习。
44:6 于是我的愤恨如火发作,焚毁了犹大城市和耶路撒冷的街市,使她成为荒凉的旷野,有如今日。
44:7 现在,上主万军的天主,以色列的天主这样说:为什么你们招来这样大的灾祸,加害自己,使你们中的男人、妇女、幼童、婴儿,全由犹大灭绝,不给你们留下遗民﹖
44:8 为什么你们做惹我动怒的事,向你们来寄居的埃及地的外方神祇献香,使你们自遭灭亡,成为普世万民诅咒和耻笑的对象﹖
44:9 难道你们忘了你们的祖先、犹大君王和他们的妻妾、你们自己和你们的女人,在犹大地和耶路撒冷街上犯的种种罪恶﹖
44:10 他们直到今日尚不后悔,也不畏惧,更不履行我给你们和你们的祖先颁布的法律和诫命。
44:11 为此,万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:看,我面向你们,是为降灾,消灭整个犹大。
44:12 凡决意往埃及地去,要在那里寄居的犹大遗民,我必要铲除,叫他们全死在埃及地,丧身刀下,饥饿而死;不分老幼都死于刀剑、饥荒,饱受憎恨、厌恶、诅咒和侮辱。
44:13 我必以刀剑、饥荒和瘟疫惩罚住在埃及地的人,如惩罚耶路撒冷一样,
44:14 使前往寄居埃及的犹大遗民,无一能幸免逃脱,返回他们所渴望回去居住的犹大地;除少数脱身者外,他们不会回来了。」
44:15 于是凡知道自己的女人曾向外方神祇烧香的人,和一大群环立在旁的妇女,以及住在埃及地和帕特洛斯的全体人民,就答复耶肋米亚说:
44:16 「你奉上主的名对我们说的话,我们不愿听从;
44:17 至于凡出自我们口中的话,我们必定实行,给天后焚香奠酒,如同我们、我们的祖先、君王及首领,在犹大城和耶路撒冷街上所做的一样;那时我们都丰衣足食,安享太平,不见灾祸。
44:18 可是,自从我们断绝向天后献香,不给她奠酒以来,我们就什么也缺乏,死于刀剑和饥荒。
44:19 至于我们的女人向天后焚香奠酒,又那能没有我们男人的同意,依照她的形状,给她备制祭饼,向她奠酒呢﹖」
44:20 耶肋米亚便对全体人民,对答复他的男人和妇女以及所有的人说:
44:21 「难道你们、你们的祖先、君王、首领和地方上的人民,在犹大城和耶路冷街上烧香的事,上主就不记得了,再也不怀念在心了吗﹖
44:22 上主再也不能容忍你们邪恶的行为,和你们做的可恶的事,为此你们的土地变成了荒野,成了惊愕和诅咒的对象,无人居住,有如今日:
44:23 就因为你们烧香得罪了上主,不听上主的劝告,不覆行他的法律、诫命和法令,才给你们招来了象今日这样的灾祸。」
44:24 以后,耶肋米亚又对全体人民和全体妇女说:「凡在埃及境内的犹大人,请听上主的话!
44:25 万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:你们和你们的女人,都要亲手做你们亲口说的事;你们说:我们决意实践我们许的誓愿,向天后烧香奠酒。你们就实践你们的誓愿,举行你们的奠祭罢!
44:26 但是,所有住在埃及地的犹大人,你们且听上主的话:看,我以我伟大的名起誓──上主说:在埃及全地任何犹大人的口中,不会再呼号我名说:我主上主永在!
44:27 看,我注视他们,是为降灾,不是为赐福,使在埃及地所有的犹大人,都死于刀剑饥荒,彻底消灭;
44:28 即使有逃脱刀剑,从埃及地回到犹大的人,为数也寥寥无几。到埃及地来寄居的全体犹大遗民,终于会知道:谁的话要应验,是我的还是他们的。
44:29 这为你们是个征兆──上主的断语──就在这地方我要惩罚你们,叫你们知道:我对你们要降灾的话,必要绝对应验。
44:30 上主这样说:看,我必将埃及王法郎曷斐辣交在他仇人和图谋他性命的人手中,就如我曾将犹大王漆德克雅,交在他仇人和图谋他性命的巴比伦王拿步高的手中一样。」
45:1 以下是耶肋米亚先知对乃黎雅的儿子巴路克说的话:他在犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金第四年,由耶肋米亚口授,在卷册上记录了这些话:
45:2 「上主,以色列的天主论及你,巴路克,这样说:
45:3 你曾说:我多么可怜!因为上主在我的愁苦上还加添痛苦;我呻吟憔悴,得不到安宁!
45:4 你应这样对他说:上主这样说:看!我拆毁的,是我所建造的;我拔除的,是我所栽培的;我要打击全地,
45:5 你还有什么大事可为自己请求;不必请求了。看,我给一切血肉招来灾祸──上主的断语──至于你,不论你到什么地方去,我必赐你获得性命,如获胜利品。」
四编 论及异民的神谕(46-51)
46:1 上主传给耶肋米亚先知论及外邦的话。
46:2 关于埃及:对于埃及王法郎乃苛,于犹大王约史雅的儿子约雅金第四年,在幼发拉的河附近的加克米士,被巴比伦王拿步高击败的军队:
46:3 你们应准备盾牌铠甲,冲锋上阵!
46:4 骑士,你们应装备战马,快骑上,戴上盔,磨快枪,披甲出阵!
46:5 怎么﹖我看见他们惊惶溃退,他们的勇士遭受袭击,急速奔逃,不敢回顾,竟然恐怖四起﹖──上主的断语。
46:6 敏捷的不能逃脱,英勇的不能自救,在靠近幼发拉的河的北岸,瓦解覆灭!
46:7 那如尼罗,水波起伏如河流,涌上来的是谁﹖
46:8 埃及如尼罗,水波起伏如河流,涌上来说:「我涌上来淹没大地,扫灭城市和城中的居民。
46:9 战马上前,战车急驰,战士出阵,持盾的雇士人和普特人,张弓的路丁人!
46:10 这一天正是我主万军的上主,报复自己仇敌的复仇日,刀剑必要吞噬、饱尝、痛饮他们的鲜血;在靠近幼发拉的河北岸,我主万军的上主必要执行一场大屠杀。
46:11 埃及的处女!你尽管上基肋阿得去拾取香草,只是徒然增添药材;你已无法治疗!
46:12 万民闻知了你的羞辱,大地充满了你的哀哭;噫!勇士冲向勇士,双方同时倒仆。
46:13 上主论及巴比伦王拿步高前来攻击埃及地,对耶肋米亚先知说的话:
46:14 你们在埃及宣传,在米革多耳传报,在诺夫及塔黑培乃斯传布说:你起来准备!刀剑已在你四周撕杀。
46:15 怎么,阿丕斯逃跑了,你的牛神也站立不住﹖原来上主已将它推倒。
46:16 你的混合部队已离心溃退,各向自己的同僚说:起来,回到我们的民族,我们的生身地去,远避吞杀的刀剑!
46:17 人应给埃及王法郎起个绰号,叫「时机过后的叫嚣。」
46:18 我永在──那称谓万军上主的君王的断语──有一位必要前来,势如群山中的大博尔,又如海滨的加尔默耳。
46:19 寄居在埃及的女儿!请你自备流徙的行装,因为诺夫将要变为荒野,被火焚烧,再没有人居住。
46:20 埃及是一头美丽的小母牛,但是有一只牛蝇从北方向她扑来。
46:21 她的佣兵在她内虽象肥胖的牛犊,也一同转身逃遁,不能抵抗,因为他们遭殃的日子,受罚的时期,已来到他们身上。
46:22 她发声嘶嘶好象蛇行,因为敌人正在率军前进,好象伐木的樵夫,带着斧钺向她冲来:
46:23 砍伐她的森林──上主的断语──虽然它稠密得不可侵入,因为他们多于蝗虫,不可胜数。
46:24 埃及女儿,已被交在北方民族手里,遭受污辱。
46:25 万军的上主,以色列的天主说:「看,我必惩罚诺地的阿孟,法郎和埃及,埃及的神祇和君王,以及信赖法郎的人,
46:26 将他们交在图谋他们性命的巴比伦王拿步高和他臣仆的手中;但是以后,埃及仍如昔日有人居住──上主的断语。
46:27 至于你,我的仆人雅各伯,你不用害怕;以色列,你不必惊慌;因为,看,我必从远方救出你来;从充军之地,救出你的后裔;雅各伯必将归来,居享安宁,无所恐惧。
46:28 雅各伯,我的仆人!你不用害怕──上主的断语──有我与你同在;诚然,对我使你流徙所至的各民族,我要加以毁灭;但是你,我必不毁灭,只依照正义惩罚你,不让你全然免罚。
47:1 在法郎尚未进攻迦萨以前,关于培肋舍特,上主有话传给耶肋米亚先知说:
47:2 上主这样说:「看,有水从北方涌来,形成一条泛滥的河流,淹没大地和地上的一切,首都和其中的居民;人们必要喊叫,大地所有的居民必要哀号。
47:3 一听到他骏马的铁蹄声,辚辚的战车声,和隆隆的飞轮声,为父亲的已束手无策,不能再顾及自己的儿子,
47:4 因为消灭一切培肋舍特人,和摧毁提洛及漆冬一切残余助手的日子来到了,上主要消灭培肋舍特人,加非托尔岛的遗民。
47:5 迦萨已一片荒凉,阿市刻隆已遭受灭亡;阿纳克人的遗民,你们要割伤己身到何时呢﹖
47:6 唉!上主的刀剑!到何时你才休息﹖请你入鞘休息安歇罢!
47:7 但上主既对它出了命,它怎能休息﹖阿市刻隆和海滨,是他给它指向的地方。
48:1 关于摩阿布:万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:「祸哉,乃波!因为她遭受了浩劫;克黎雅塔殷蒙受了羞辱,被人攻占;城堡被人侮辱,饱受惊恐。
48:2 摩阿布的夸耀不再存在,在赫市朋就有人对她蓄意谋害:「来,我们将她铲除,使她不再是个民族!」连你玛德门,也要遭受蹂躏,在你后面紧随着刀剑。
48:3 由曷洛纳因传来哀号的声音:蹂躏!绝大的蹂躏!
48:4 摩阿布遭受了蹂躏,哀号之声直达左阿尔。
48:5 他们哭泣着攀登路希特山坡;在曷洛纳因斜坡上,人们可听到凄惨的悲号:
48:6 请你们逃跑,拯救你们的性命!愿你们有如旷野中的杨柳!
48:7 正因你信赖你的工作和财富,你也要被占领;革摩士与自己的司祭和执事,也要一同充军。
48:8 正如上主说了:蹂躏者必踏遍所有的城市,无一可以幸免;山谷必遭破坏,平原必受摧残。
48:9 你们给摩阿布立墓碑,因为她已全被消灭,她的城邑全化为无人居住的荒野?ぉ?
48:10 那怠慢执行上主工作的,是可咒骂的;那制止自己的刀剑见血的,也是可咒骂的?ぉ?
48:11 摩阿布自少年就享安逸,安息在自己的糟粕上,从没有由一缸倾注到另一缸内,也从没有被掳充军,为此她的滋味仍然存在,她的香味还未改变。
48:12 惟其如此,看,时日将到──上主的断语──我必给她派倾倒的人来将她倒空,倒干她的酒缸,打碎她的酒瓶;
48:13 那时,摩阿布必因革摩士而受辱,就如以色列家因他们信赖的贝特耳而受辱一样。
48:14 你们怎能说:「我们是勇士,善战的力士﹖」
48:15 蹂躏摩阿布者上来进攻她的城市,精锐的少年,下去遭受杀戮──名叫「万军上主」的君王的断语──
48:16 摩阿布的灾难已逼近前来,她的祸患加速进行。
48:17 你们四邻,凡认识她声名的,都应对她惋惜说:「怎么,威能的权杖,光荣的柄杖,也被折断!」
48:18 住在狄朋的女儿!你该由荣耀中下来,坐在干地上,因为蹂躏摩阿布者已前来攻击你,摧毁你的要塞。
48:19 阿洛厄尔的居民!请你站在路旁观望,向在逃亡出走的男女探问说:「发生了什么事﹖」
48:20 摩阿布已羞愧无地,因为已经瓦解;你们应悲哭哀号,在阿尔农宣布:「摩阿布遭受了蹂躏!」
48:21 惩罚已来到了平原之地,到了曷隆、雅哈兹和默法阿特;
48:22 到了狄朋、乃波和贝特狄贝拉塔因;
48:23 到了克黎雅塔殷、贝特加慕耳和贝特默红;
48:24 到了克黎约特、波责辣和摩阿布地远近的各城市。
48:25 摩阿布的角已被砍下,她的手臂已被折断──上主的断语。
48:26 请你们灌醉她,因为她自高自大,反抗上主;摩阿布必要在自己的呕吐中辗转,连她自己也要成为笑柄。
48:27 以色列为你岂不是一个笑柄﹖难道她是被人发现在盗贼之中,为什么你一提到她,就只有摇头﹖
48:28 摩阿布的居民!你们该离弃城市,住在岩石间,彷佛在深谷悬崖边缘结巢的鹁鸽。
48:29 我们听说过摩阿布的骄傲,她的确骄傲无比;我们也听说过她的强横、矜夸、自大和心中的傲慢。
48:30 我知道她狂妄,好事空谈,举动轻率──上主的断语──
48:31 为此,我为摩阿布哀哭,为整个摩阿布悲号,为克尔赫勒斯人叹息。
48:32 息贝玛葡萄园!我为雅则尔痛哭,更为你痛哭;你的枝叶曾越过海洋,伸展到雅则尔;现在蹂躏者竟突然来摧残你夏季的果实和秋季的收获。
48:33 摩阿布的田园已再没有欢欣喜乐;我已使槽中无酒可榨;榨酒的不再榨酒,再也听不见欢呼。
48:34 赫市朋和厄肋阿肋的哀号远达雅哈兹,由祚阿尔发出的呼声,直达曷洛纳因和厄革拉舍里史雅,因为尼默陵的水业已枯竭。
48:35 如此,我要给摩阿布灭绝上高丘向神祇献香的人──上主的断语──
48:36 为此我的心象笛萧一般为摩阿布呜咽,我的心象笛箫一般为克尔赫勒斯人呜咽,因为他们获得的积蓄,都已丧失。
48:37 人人剃光头发,人人剪去胡须,手上带有割伤,腰间系有苦衣;
48:38 摩阿布所有的屋顶如广场上,处处可听到哀声,因为我击碎了摩阿布,有如击碎一不中人意的器皿──上主的断语──
48:39 摩阿布崩溃得多么凄惨!你们真该嚎啕!她是多么含羞转过背来!摩阿布竟成了她四邻的笑柄和恐怖。
48:40 因为上主这样说:「看,敌人好象老鹰飞翔,向摩阿布展开自已的翅膀,
48:41 攻取了城池,占领了要塞;在那一日,摩阿布的勇士必心志颓丧有如临产的妇人。
48:42 摩阿布必要消灭,不再成为一个民族,因为她自高自大,反抗上主。
48:43 摩阿布的居民!恐怖、陷阱和罗网齐来袭击你──上主的断语──
48:44 逃脱了恐怖的,必落在陷阱里;爬出了陷阱的,必为罗网缠住;在惩罚她的那年,我要给摩阿布召来这一切──上主的断语──
48:45 逃命的人,筋疲力尽,站在赫市朋的阴影下;但是从赫市朋发出了火,从息红宫中冒出了火焰,吞灭了摩阿布的首领,和骚动子民的头目。
48:46 祸哉,摩阿布!革摩士的人民!你算完了,因为你的儿子已被掳去充军,你的女儿流为囚徒;
48:47 虽然如此,在末日我仍要转变摩阿布的命运──上主的断语。至此是关于摩阿布的判决。
49:1 关于阿孟子民:上主这样说:「难道以色列没有子孙,没有后嗣﹖为什么米耳公占据了加得,而他的人民竟住在加得的城中﹖
49:2 为此,看,时日将到──上主的断语──我必使阿孟子民的辣巴听到战争的吶喊;她要成为一堆废墟,她的附属城市要为火烧尽;以色列终归要继承自己的产业──上主说。
49:3 赫市朋,哀号罢!因为破坏者已来近了;辣巴的女郎!你们该哭泣,穿上苦衣哀伤,割伤自己的身体,因为米耳公要与自己的司祭和公卿,同去充军。
49:4 失节的女郎!你为什么要夸耀你的山谷是富裕的山谷,仗恃你的宝藏说:「有谁敢来与我对抗﹖
49:5 看,我从各方给你召来恐怖──我主万军上主的断语──你们必被驱逐,各自奔逃,再没有人来聚集逃散的人。
49:6 虽然如此,日后我仍要转变阿孟子民的命运──上主的断语。」
49:7 关于厄东,万军的上主这样说:「难道在特曼已没有智慧,聪敏的人已计穷才尽了吗﹖
49:8 德丹的居民!你们该转身逃遁,藏居深处,因为我要给厄撒乌招来灾祸,已到了惩罚他的时候。
49:9 如果收葡萄的人来到你这里,决不会留下残余;如果盗贼夜间来袭,必要尽力抢取;
49:10 我就要这样暴露厄撒乌,揭发他的隐处,使他无法躲藏;他的后裔,必被消灭,不再存于自己的邻邦中。
49:11 请留下你的孤儿,我必使他们生存,你的寡妇也可托付给我。
49:12 因为上主这样说:看,那原来不该饮苦爵的,一定要饮,你要想完全免罚吗﹖你决不致于免罚,你也该痛饮!
49:13 因为,我曾指自己起誓──上主的断语──波责辣必成为一片荒凉,受人憎恨、侮辱和诅咒;她所有的城市,必要永远变为荒野。
49:14 我从上主听得了一个消息,在万民间传开了一个号令:「你们该联盟向她进攻!你们该起来交战!」
49:15 因为,看,我已使你成为万民中最小的,成为人间最可轻贱的。
49:16 你高居在石缝的隐处,盘据在峻岭的山巅。你自以为惊异,你心内的骄傲欺骗了你。即使你象老鹰一样高结你的巢穴,我也要从那里将你推下──上主的断语。
49:17 厄东必变成荒野,凡由她那里经过的人,见了她的种种惨状,必要唏嘘嗟叹。
49:18 她必要象毁灭的索多玛、哈摩辣及附近的城市一样──上主说──再没有人居住,再没有人在那里寄宿。
49:19 看,好象一只雄狮,从约但的丛林上来,走向常绿的牧场;同样,我也要突然将他们赶走,派我选定的人民来统治。诚然,谁是我的对手﹖谁敢向我提出质问﹖谁是能对抗我的牧人﹖
49:20 为此,请你们听上主对厄东设计的计谋,对特曼居民策划的策略:连最弱小的羊也要被人牵去,他们的牧场也必陷于战慄中。
49:21 他们倒塌的响声,震撼大地;哀号之声,直达红海。
49:22 看,他好象老鹰飞升翱翔,在波责辣上展开自己的翅膀;在那一日,厄东的勇士必心志颓丧,有如临产的妇女。
49:23 关于大马士革:哈玛特和阿尔帕得听到了不好的消息,大起恐慌,象海洋一样动荡,愁苦得不能安宁。
49:24 大马士革失去勇气,转身逃遁,极感战慄,备受忧虑痛苦,好象一临产的妇女。
49:25 哀哉,有名的城邑,享乐的都市,已被摒弃!
49:26 她的少年将倒毙在广场,她的战士在那一日内要悉数灭亡──万军上主的断语──
49:27 我必在大马士革城墙上放火,吞灭本哈达得的宫阙。
49:28 关于刻达尔和巴比伦王拿步高克服了的哈祚尔诸国,上主这样说:「起来!进攻刻达尔,蹂躏东方子民!
49:29 夺取他们的帐幕和牲畜,帷幔和所有的器具;牵走他们的骆驼,向他们吶喊:四面恐怖。
49:30 哈祚尔的居民!你们应逃遁远去,藏匿深处──上主的断语──因为巴比伦王拿步高已设计谋害你们,已策画攻击你们。
49:31 起来,进攻优游闲居,不设门闩,孑然独居的民族──上主的断语──
49:32 抢夺他们的骆驼,劫掠他们成群的牲畜;凡剃去鬓发的,我必叫他们随风飘散,由四面八方给他们招来灾祸──上主的断语──
49:33 哈祚尔要变为豺狼的巢穴,永远荒凉,不会留下一人,不会再有人居住。」
49:34 犹大王漆德克雅初年,关于厄蓝有上主的话传给耶肋米亚先知说:
49:35 「万军的上主这样说:看,我要折断厄蓝的弓弩,称雄的势力;
49:36 我要从天下四面八方,给厄蓝召来四方的风,使他们随风飘散,以致没有一个民族,没有厄蓝的难民。
49:37 我必使厄蓝在自己的仇敌,和图谋自己性命的人前,惊惶失措;给他们招来灾祸,我忿怒的火焰──上主的断语──派出刀剑追迫他们,直至将他们完全消灭。
49:38 我必在厄蓝设立我的宝座,歼灭其中的君王将帅──上主的断语──
49:39 虽然如此,在末日我仍要转变厄蓝的命运──上主的断语。」
50:1 关于巴比伦和加色丁地上主藉耶肋米亚先知所说的话:
50:2 你们该在民族间宣布传扬,该树起旗帜传扬,不该隐瞒,说:「巴比伦已陷落了,贝耳遭受了羞辱,默洛达客倾倒了;她的偶象遭受了耻辱,她的神祇倾倒了。」
50:3 因为有一民族从北方上来,向她进攻,使她的国土化为无人居住,人兽绝迹的荒野。
50:4 在那些日子里和在那时期中──上主的断语──以色列子民要与犹大子民一同归来,且走且哭,寻觅上主他们的天主,
50:5 他们必询问熙雍的所在,面朝往那里的道路说:来,让我们以永久不可忘的盟约依附上主!」
50:6 我的人民是一群迷途的羊群,他们的牧人使他们流浪,在群山间徘徊,翻山越岭地漫游,忘掉了自己的羊栈。
50:7 凡遇见他们的,就将他们吞噬;他们的仇敌反而说:「我们并没有过错,因为是他们得罪了上主,正义的渊源和他们祖先的希望。」
50:8 你们该逃离巴比伦,走出加色丁地,如同羊群前领头的公山羊。
50:9 因为,看,我必从北方,发动一群强盛的民族前来进攻巴比伦,列阵向她进攻,就地将她攻陷;他们的箭象是善战的勇士,从不空手而归。
50:10 加色丁必遭劫掠,凡劫掠她的,必心满意足──上主的断语。
50:11 你们抢夺我产业的人,你们尽管喜乐,尽管欢欣:跳跃,好象踏青的小公牛;嘶鸣,有如获偶的牡马!
50:12 你们的母亲已遭受极大的耻辱,生养你的,已满面羞惭。看,她已成为民族中最卑下的,成了旷野、旱地和荒原;
50:13 在上主的盛怒下,她已无人居住,满目凄凉:凡经过巴比伦的人,看见她的种种惨状,莫不惊异嗟叹。
50:14 一切开张弓弩的射手!你们应列阵围攻巴比伦,向她射击,不要吝惜箭羽,因为她得罪了上主。
50:15 你们四周围绕,向她吶喊!她必伸手请降,她的城楼必将陷落,她的城墙必要被攻陷,因为这是上主的报复。你们报复她,照她作的还报!
50:16 你们要歼灭巴比伦播种和手持镰刀收割的人!面临无情的刀剑,各人回归自己的民族,各自逃往自己的故乡。
50:17 以色列是狮子追捕的亡羊,首先吞噬她的,是亚述君王;最后咬碎她骨骸的,是巴比伦王拿步高。
50:18 为此,万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:「看,我要惩罚巴比伦王和他的国土,就如我惩罚了亚述君王一样。
50:19 我要领以色列回归自己的牧场,在加尔默耳和巴商牧放,使他们的心灵在厄弗辣因与基肋阿得山上,获得满足。
50:20 在那些日子里和在那时期中──上主的断语──要想寻求以色列的不义,却一无所有;要想寻求犹大的罪恶,却一无所见;因为我必宽恕我留下的遗民。
50:21 你们该向默辣塔因地推进,进攻培科得的居民,屠杀,彻底将他们消灭──上主的断语──全照我吩咐的进行。
50:22 地上发生了交战的吶喊,巨大的毁灭。
50:23 怎么,威震全地的锤子也被破碎毁坏了﹖怎么,巴比伦在万民中也变得如此凄凉﹖
50:24 我给你布下罗网,你竟被捉住;而你,巴比伦,尚不自觉;你被寻获,且被捉住,因为你竟敢违抗上主!」
50:25 上主开了自已的武库,搬出了自己泄怒的武器,因为吾主万军的上主,在加色丁地有事要完成。
50:26 你们从四面八方向她涌来,打开她的仓库,堆积成堆,彻底消灭,不给她留下残余;
50:27 屠杀她的一切公牛,叫他们下入屠场!他们的灾难临头,因为他们的日子到了,到了惩罚他们的时候。
50:28 听从巴比伦地逃命出走的人,在熙雍报告说:「上主我们的天主在复仇,为自己的殿宇雪耻。
50:29 你们召集弓手,一切挽弓的人,来向巴比伦进攻,在她周围扎营,不要让她有人逃脱,该按照她的作为而报复她,照她所作的对待她,因为她傲慢反对上主,反对以色列的圣者。
50:30 为此,她的青年人要倒毙在她的广场,她所有的战士都要在那一天内灭亡──上主的断语──
50:31 你这骄横的人!看,我来对付你──我主万军上主的断语──因为你的日子到了,到了惩罚你的时候。
50:32 骄横的必要倾覆颠仆,再没有人来使她复兴;我必放火烧毁她的城市,火要吞灭她四周的一切。」
50:33 万军的上主这样说:「以色列子民与犹大子民一同遭受了压迫;凡俘掳他们的,都扣留他们,不肯释放。」
50:34 但是,他们的救赎者,名叫万军的上主,刚强有力,必要辩护他们的案件,使大地安宁,使巴比伦的居民惶乱。
50:35 刀剑加于加色丁人──上主的断语──加于巴比伦的居民,她的公卿和她的谋臣;
50:36 刀剑加于她的巫士,使他们疯狂;刀剑加于她的勇士,叫他们惊慌;
50:37 刀剑加于她的战马战车,加于她境内所有的杂族,使他们柔弱如妇女;刀剑加于她的府库,使人任意抢夺;
50:38 刀剑加于她的水源,叫水源涸竭,因为她偶象遍地,人们痴恋这些怪物;
50:39 为此,她必成为野猫和野狗的巢穴,驼鸟的栖身地,永远不会有人居住,世世代代不会有居民;
50:40 恰如天主灭亡了的索多玛、哈摩辣及附近的城市一样──上主的断语──再没有人居住,再没有人留宿。
50:41 看,有一个民族,从北方来,有一个强盛的异邦和许多君王从地极兴起,
50:42 紧握弓矛,残忍无情,象海啸般喧嚷,骑着战马,万众一心,严阵准备向你进攻,巴比伦女郎!
50:43 巴比伦王听到了他们前来的消息,束手无策,不胜忧虑,痛苦得有如临盆的产妇。
50:44 看哪,好象一只雄狮,从约但的丛林上来,走向常绿的牧场;同样,我也要转瞬间将他们赶走,派我选定的人来统治。诚然,谁是我的对手﹖谁敢向我提出质问﹖谁能对抗我的牧人﹖
50:45 为此,请你们听上主对巴比伦设下的计谋,对加色丁地策划的策略:连最弱小的羊也一定要被人牵去,他们的牧场也必对他们战慄。
50:46 巴比伦轰然陷落,大地为之震动;哀号之声,直达万邦。
51:1 上主这样说:「看,我必要兴起毁灭的飓风,袭击巴比伦和加色丁的居民,
51:2 给巴比伦派簸手来簸扬她,扫空她的国土,因为在祸患之日,人必四面向她进攻。」
51:3 弓手不要放下自己的弓箭,战士不要卸下自己的铠甲,不要怜恤她的青年,却要歼灭她所有的部队,
51:4 使他们倒毙在加色丁境内,沿途被人刺杀,
51:5 因为他们的国土,充满了反抗以色列圣者的罪恶;可是以色列和犹大并未成为寡妇,也未丧失自己的天主,万军的上主。
51:6 你们逃离巴比伦,各救自己的性命,不要因了她的罪过而自遭丧亡,因为现在是上主复仇的时候,上主要对她报复。
51:7 巴比伦在上主手中,曾是个灌醉大地的金爵,万民饮了她的酒,万民才如此狂乱。
51:8 霎时间,巴比伦倾覆瓦解,你们为她举哀,拿香料来医治她的创伤,也许她会痊愈。
51:9 我们本愿治愈巴比伦,但是她却不痊愈;我们放下她,各自回归故乡,因为她罪恶滔天,直达云霄。
51:10 上主表彰了我们的正义,来,我们在熙雍称扬上主我们的天主的伟业。
51:11 磨尖箭矢,装满箭囊!上主已激起玛待王的锐气,因为他对巴比伦的计划,是要将她消灭;是上主报复,为自己的殿宇复仇。
51:12 你们向巴比伦城墙树立旗帜,加紧防卫,派驻防哨,预设埋伏,因为上主怎样计划了,就怎样实践他对巴比伦居民所下的断语。
51:13 啊,你住在多水之旁,富有宝藏;现在到了你的结局,到了切断你尺度的时刻。
51:14 万军的上主指着自己起誓说:「我必用象蝗虫那么多的人群填塞你,对你高唱凯歌。」
51:15 上主以自己的能力创造了大地,以自己的智慧奠定了寰宇,以自己的才智展布了诸天。
51:16 他一声号令使天上的水怒号,使云彩从地极上腾,使雷声霹雳,造成豪雨,使暴风从他的仓库出发。
51:17 人都要自觉愚昧无知;每个银匠必因自己的刻象感到羞惭,因为所铸的象,只是「虚无」,没有气息;
51:18 是「虚幻」,是愚弄人的作品;惩罚时期一到,必要尽归灭亡。
51:19 那位作雅各伯产业的,与它们却完全不同,因为他是万物的造主,以色列是作他产业的支派;他的名字叫「万军的上主」。
51:20 巴比伦!你曾是我的锤子,作战的武器;我曾用你粉碎万民,用你毁灭邦国,
51:21 用你粉碎战马和骑士,用你粉碎战车和御夫,
51:22 用你粉碎男子和妇女,用你粉碎老翁和幼童,用你粉碎少男和少女,
51:23 用你粉碎牧人和牲畜,用你粉碎农夫和耕牛,用你粉碎州牧和监督。
51:24 但是,如今我要在你们眼前,报复巴比伦和所有的加色丁居民,对熙雍作的一切恶事──上主的断语──
51:25 好事毁灭的山岭!看,我要攻击你──上主的断语──是你毁灭了整个大地,我要向你伸出我的手,使你从崖石上滚下,使你成为烈火焚毁的山岭。
51:26 人们不再从你那里凿取角石或基石,因为你将永远为荒丘──上主的断语。
51:27 你们在地上树立旗帜,在万民间吹起号角,祝圣万民向她进攻,召集阿辣辣特和明尼及阿市革纳次王国向她进攻,派遣一员大将向他进攻;冲锋的马队,好象刺毛直竖的蚱蜢。
51:28 祝圣万民:玛待的君王和他的州牧,他所有的监督以及他整个版图的民众,向她进攻。
51:29 大地战慄惶悚,因为上主正在进行攻巴比伦的计划,使巴比伦地成为无人居住的荒野。
51:30 巴比伦的兵士放弃作战,留在堡垒中,失去了勇气,有如妇人;她的房屋已为火焚毁,她的门闩已被折断。
51:31 跑差的,传信的,都相继跑去通报巴比伦王,京城四周已被占领,
51:32 渡口已被攻陷,要塞已遭火焚;战士都十分恐惶。
51:33 因为万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:「巴比伦女郎有如到了该践踏的禾场;还有片刻就到收割她的时期。
51:34 巴比伦王拿步高把我吞食毁灭,使我变成了空器皿;他仿佛一条龙,并吞了我,以我的美味满足了自己的肚腹,然后将我驱逐。
51:35 熙雍的居民说:「要对巴比伦报复我身受的凌辱!」耶路撒冷说:「要对加色丁居民报复我的血债!」
51:36 为此,上主这样说:「看,我必为你辩护,报复你的冤仇,干涸她的河川,枯竭她的泉源。
51:37 巴比伦必成为一堆瓦砾,豺狼的巢穴;令人恐怖嘲笑,无人居住。
51:38 巴比伦人象壮狮一样,一起怒号,象母狮的幼雏一样,一起咆哮。
51:39 在他们激昂时,我必给他们摆设盛宴,使他们酣醉昏迷,长眠不醒──上主的断语──
51:40 我必使他们下到屠场,无异羔羊绵羊和山羊。
51:41 怎么,舍沙客竟陷落了,全地的光荣竟遭受了劫掠﹖怎么,连巴比伦在万民中也变得如此凄凉﹖
51:42 海洋冲击巴比伦,使她全被惊涛怒浪所淹没;
51:43 她的城市尽化为荒野,干旱凄凉之地,再没有人居住,再没有过客。
51:44 我必惩罚巴比伦的贝耳,由他口里夺出他所吞灭的,万民必不再向他涌来,因为巴比伦的城墙已倒塌。
51:45 我的人民!你们从她那里出来,各救自己的性命脱免上主忿怒的烈火。
51:46 你们不要胆怯,不要害怕地方上流传的谣言;因为今年传来这谣言,明年又另有谣言;地方上常有暴乱,暴君互相倾轧。
51:47 看,时日将到,我必惩罚巴比伦的偶象;使她全国饱受耻辱,国内死伤遍地。
51:48 上天下地和其中所有的一切,必对巴比伦吶喊欢呼,因为从北方必有破坏者来向她进袭──上主的断语──
51:49 为了以色列被剌杀的人,巴比伦也该倾覆,就如全地被刺杀的人,曾为了巴比伦而倒毙。
51:50 你们逃脱了刀剑的人!快走,不要停留;从远方怀念上主,思恋耶路撒冷。
51:51 我们听到了侮辱,感到耻辱,满面羞惭,因为外方人闯进了上主殿宇的圣所。
51:52 为此,看,时日将到──上主断语──我必惩罚她的偶象,使她国内的人都负伤呻吟;
51:53 即使巴比伦爬上诸天,即使她盘据高处不可侵犯,我仍要派破坏者来向她进袭──上主的断语。
51:54 听从巴比伦发出的喧嚷,从加色丁地发生的绝大破坏!
51:55 是上主在毁灭巴比伦,消弭其中嘈杂的声音;敌人汹涌而来,有如汪洋怒涛,扬声吶喊。
51:56 果然,破坏者已来到巴比伦,她的勇士都已被擒,她的弓弩尽被折断,因为上主是报复的天主,他必严厉加以报复。
51:57 我必使她的诸侯和谋士,州牧和监督以及勇士饮醉,长眠不醒──名为万军上主君王的断语。
51:58 万军的上主这样说:「巴比伦广阔的城墙要被夷为平地,她高大的城门要被火焚尽:这样百姓只有白白徒劳,万民的辛苦,也只有付之一炬。」
51:59 以下是玛赫色雅的孙子,乃黎雅的儿子色辣雅同犹大王漆德克雅,在他为王第四年,同往巴比伦去时,耶肋米亚先知对他吩咐的话,那时色辣雅身为行营总督。
51:60 耶肋米亚在一本书上记录了要降在巴比伦的一切灾祸,所记录的全是关于巴比伦的事。
51:61 耶肋米亚对色辣雅说:「你一到了巴比伦,就应设法宣读这一切话,
51:62 然后说:上主,关于这地你亲自说过,要将它消灭,使这地无人居住,成为人和走兽绝迹的荒野。
51:63 你朗诵完了这本书以后,在书上系上一块石头,把书拋在幼发拉的河中,
51:64 然后说:巴比伦也要如此沉没,再也不能由我给她招来的灾祸中复兴。」耶肋米亚的话至此为止。
漆德克雅为王九年十月十日,巴比伦王拿步高率领全军来进攻耶路撒泠,扎营围城,在城四周建 了壁垒,
是年四月九日,城中发生了严重的 荒,当地人民已没有粮食,
焚毁了上的殿、王宫和耶路撒泠所有的民房;凡是高大的建 都用火烧了。
由城中还擒获了一个管理军队的宦官,七个在城 搜到的君王的亲信,一个徵募当地人民的军长的书记,和城中搜到的六十个当地平民。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
1:1 The words of Jeremiah son
of Hilkiah, of a priestly family living at Anathoth[*a] in the territory of
1:2 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to him in the days of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah, in the
thirteenth year of his reign;[*b]
1:3 then in the days of
Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the end of the eleventh year of
Zedekiah son of Josiah, king of Judah, until the deportation of Jerusalem which
occurred in the fifth month.[*c]
The call of
1:4 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to me, saying,
1:5 'Before I formed you in
the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you; I have
appointed you as prophet to the nations'.
1:6 I said, 'Ah, Lord Yahweh;
look, I do not know how to speak: I am a child!'
1:7 But Yahweh replied, 'Do
not say, "I am a child". Go now to those to whom I send you and say
whatever I command you.
1:8 Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you to protect you - it is Yahweh who speaks!'
1:9 Then Yahweh put out his
hand and touched my mouth and said to me: 'There! I am putting my words into
your mouth.
1:10 Look, today I am setting
you over nations and over kingdoms, to tear up and to knock down, to destroy
and to overthrow, to build and to plant.'
1:11 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to me asking, 'Jeremiah, what do you see?' 'I see a branch of the
Watchful Tree'[*d] I answered.
1:12 Then Yahweh said, 'Well
seen! I too watch over my word to see it fulfilled.'
1:13 A second time the word of
Yahweh was spoken to me, asking, 'What do you see?' 'I see a cooking pot on the
boil,' I answered 'with its contents tilting from the North.'
1:14 Then Yahweh said: 'The
North is where disaster is boiling over for all who live in this land;
1:15 since I am now going to
summon all the kingdoms of the North - it is Yahweh who speaks. They are going
to come, and each will set his throne in front of the gates of Jerusalem, all
round outside its walls, and outside all the towns of Judah.
1:16 I am going to pronounce
my judgements against them for all their wickedness; since they have abandoned
me to offer incense to other gods and worship what their own hands have made.
1:17 'So now brace yourself
for action. Stand up and tell them all I command you. Do not be dismayed at
their presence, or in their presence I will make you dismayed.
1:18 I, for my part, today
will make you into a fortified city, a pillar of iron, and a wall of bronze to
confront all this land: the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests and the
country people.
1:19 They will fight against
you but shall not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you - it is Yahweh
who speaks.'
The earliest
preaching of Jeremiah: the apostasy of Israel
2:1 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to me, saying,
2:2 'Go and shout this in the
hearing of Jerusalem: "Yahweh says this: I remember the affection of your
youth, the love of your bridal days: you followed me through the wilderness,
through a land unsown.
2:3 Israel was sacred to
Yahweh, the first-fruits of his harvest; anyone who ate of this had to pay for
it, misfortune came to them - it is Yahweh who speaks."'
2:4 Listen to the word of
Yahweh, House of Jacob, and all you families of the House of Israel.
2:5 Thus says Yahweh, 'What
shortcoming did your fathers find in me that led them to desert me? Vanity they
pursued, vanity they became.
2:6 They never said, "Where
is Yahweh, who brought us out of the land of Egypt and led us through the
wilderness, through land arid and scored, a land of drought and darkness, a
land where no one passes, and no man lives?"
2:7 I brought you to a fertile
country to enjoy its produce and good things; but no sooner had you entered
than you defiled my land, and made my heritage detestable.
2:8 The priests have never
asked, "Where is Yahweh?" Those who administer the Law have no
knowledge of me. The shepherds[*a] have rebelled against me; the prophets have
prophesied in the name of Baal, following things with no power in them.
2:9 So I must put you on trial
once more - it is Yahweh who speaks - and your children's children too.
2:10 Now take ship for the
islands of Kittim[*b] or send to Kedar to enquire. Take careful notice and
observe if anything like this has happened.
2:11 Does a nation change its
gods? - and these are not gods at all! Yet my people have exchanged their Glory
for what has no power in it.
2:12 You heavens, stand aghast
at this, stand stupefied, stand utterly appalled - it is Yahweh who speaks.
2:13 Since my people have
committed a double crime: they have abandoned me, the fountain of living water,
only to dig cisterns for themselves, leaky cisterns that hold no water.
2:14 'Is Israel then a slave,
or born to serfdom, for him to be preyed on like this?
2:15 Lions have roared at him,
loudly they have roared. They have reduced his land to a desert; his towns lie
burnt and desolate.
2:16 The people of Noph and
Tahpanhes have even shaved your skull![*c]
2:17 Have you not brought this
on yourself, by abandoning Yahweh your God?
2:18 What is the good of going
to Egypt now to drink the water of the Nile? What is the good of going to
Assyria to drink the water of the river?
2:19 Your own wickedness is
punishing you, your own apostasies are rebuking you: consider carefully how
evil and bitter it is for you to abandon Yahweh your God and not to stand in
awe of me - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks.
2:20 'It is long ago now since
you broke your yoke, burst your bonds and said, "I will not serve!"
Yet on every high hill and under every spreading tree you have lain down like a
2:21 Yet I had planted you, a
choice vine, a shoot of soundest stock. How is it you have become a degenerate
plant, you bastard Vine?
2:22 Should you launder
yourself with potash and put in quantities of lye, I should still detect the
stain of your guilt - it is the Lord Yahweh who speaks.
2:23 How dare you say, "I
am not defiled, I have not run after the Baals?" Look at your footprints
in the Valley, and acknowledge what you have done. A frantic she-camel running
in all directions
2:24 bolts for the desert,
snuffing the breeze in desire; who can control her when she is on heat? Whoever
looks for her will have no trouble, he will find her with her mate!
2:25 Beware! Your own foot may
soon go unshod, your own throat may grow dry. But "Who cares?" you
said "For I am in love with strangers and they are the ones I
2:26 'Like a thief in the
disgrace of being caught, so will the House of Israel be: they, their kings,
their princes, their priests and their prophets,
2:27 who say to a piece of
wood, "You are my father", to a stone, "You have begotten
me". They turn their backs to me, never their faces; but when trouble
comes they shout, "Get up! Save us!"
2:28 Where are those gods of
yours you made for yourself? Let them get up to save you when trouble comes!
For you have as many gods as you have towns, Judah, as many altars for Baal as
Jerusalem has streets.
2:29 What case can you make
against me? You have all apostatised from me - it is Yahweh who speaks.
2:30 In vain I have struck
down your sons, you did not accept correction: your sword devoured your
prophets like a destructive lion.
2:31 What a brood you are!
Listen, this is the word of Yahweh: Have I been a desert for Israel or a land
of deepest gloom? Then why do my people say, "We will go our own way, we
will no longer come to you?"
2:32 Does a girl forget her
ornaments, a bride her sash? And yet my people have forgotten me, for days
beyond number.
2:33 'How well you know the
way in pursuit of love! Yes, you have even accustomed your steps to walk with
2:34 to the point when your
hands display the stains from the blood of innocent men. - You never caught
them trying to break and enter! Yes, for all these you will have to answer.
2:35 You say, "I am
blameless, his anger has turned away from me". And here I am passing
sentence on you because you say, "I have not sinned".
2:36 'How frivolously you undertake
a change of course! But you will be disappointed by Egypt just as you were by
2:37 You will have to leave
there too with your hands on your head, for Yahweh has rejected those that you
rely on, you will come to no good with them.'
The conversion
3:1 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to me saying: 'If a man divorces his wife and she leaves him to marry
someone else, may she still go back to him? Has not that piece of land been
totally polluted? And you, who have prostituted yourself with so many lovers,
you would come back to me? - it is Yahweh who speaks.
3:2 'Lift your eyes to the
bare heights and look! Is there a single place where you have not offered your
body? You waited by the roadside for clients like an Arab in the desert. You
have polluted the country with your prostitution and your vices:
3:3 this is why the showers
have been withheld, the late rains have not come. 'And you maintained a
prostitute's bold front, never thinking to blush.
3:4 Even then did you not cry
to me, "My father! You, the friend of my youth!
3:5 Will he keep his
resentment for ever, will he maintain his wrath to the end?" That was what
you said, and still you went on sinning, you were so obstinate.'
The Northern
Kingdom urged to repent
3:6 In the days of King
Josiah, Yahweh said to me, 'Have you seen what disloyal Israel has done? How
she has made her way up every high hill and to every spreading tree, and has
prostituted herself there?
3:7 I thought: After doing all
this she will come back to me. But she did not come back. Her faithless sister
Judah saw this.
3:8 She also saw that I had
repudiated disloyal Israel for all her adulteries and given her her divorce
papers. Her faithless sister Judah, however, was not afraid: she too went and
played the whore.
3:9 So shameless was her
whoring that at last she polluted the country; she committed adultery with
lumps of stone and pieces of wood.
3:10 Worse than all this:
Judah, her faithless sister, has not come back to me in sincerity, but only in
pretence - it is Yahweh who speaks.'
3:11 And Yahweh said to me,
'Beside faithless Judah, disloyal Israel seems virtuous.
3:12 So go and shout these
words towards the North: "Come back, disloyal Israel - it is Yahweh who
speaks - I shall frown on you no more, since I am merciful - it is Yahweh who
speaks. I shall not keep my resentment for ever.
3:13 Only acknowledge your
guilt: how you have apostatised from Yahweh your God, how you have flirted with
strangers and have not listened to my voice - it is Yahweh who speaks.
Zion in the
messianic age
3:14 "Come back, disloyal
children - it is Yahweh who speaks - for I alone am your Master. I will take
one from a town, two from a clan, and bring you to Zion.
3:15 I will give you shepherds
after my own heart, and these shall feed you on knowledge and discretion.
3:16 And when you have
increased and become many in the land, then - it is Yahweh who speaks - no one
will ever say again: Where is the ark of the covenant of Yahweh? There will be
no thought of it, no memory of it, no regret for it, no making of another.[*a]
3:17 When that time comes,
Jerusalem shall be called: The Throne of Yahweh; all the nations will gather
there in the name of Yahweh and will no longer follow the dictates of their own
stubborn hearts.
3:18 "In those days the
House of Judah will unite with the House of Israel; together they will come
from the land of the North to the land I gave your ancestors for a heritage.
Continuation of the
poem on the conversion[*b]
3:19 "And I was thinking:
How I wanted to rank you with my sons, and give you a country of delights, the
fairest heritage of all the nations! I had thought you would call me: My
father, and would never cease to follow me.
3:20 But like a woman
betraying her lover, the House of Israel has betrayed me - it is Yahweh who
3:21 A noise is heard on the
bare heights: the weeping and entreaty of the sons of Israel, because they have
gone so wildly astray, and forgotten Yahweh their God.
3:22 'Come back, disloyal
sons, I want to heal your disloyalty.' 'We are here, we are coming to you, for
you are Yahweh our God.
3:23 The heights are a
delusion after all, so is the tumult of the mountains. 'Yahweh our God is,
after all, the saving of Israel.
3:24 The Thing of Shame[*c]
has devoured what our ancestors worked for since our youth (their flocks and
herds, their sons and daughters).
3:25 Let us lie down in our
shame, let our dishonour be our covering, for we have sinned against Yahweh our
God ('we and our ancestors since our youth until today; and we have not
listened to the voice of Yahweh our God).'
4:1 'If you wish to come back,
Israel - it is Yahweh who speaks - it is to me you must return. Do away with
your abominations and you will have no need to avoid me.
4:2 If you swear, "As
Yahweh lives!" truthfully, justly, honestly, the nations will bless
themselves by you, and glory in you.
4:3 For thus speaks Yahweh to
the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem: Clean your ground
thoroughly, sow nothing among thorns.
4:4 Circumcise yourselves for
Yahweh; off with the foreskin of your hearts (men of Judah and inhabitants of
Jerusalem), lest my wrath should leap out like a fire, and burn with no one to
quench it, in return for the wickedness of your deeds.'
Invasion from the
4:5 Announce it in Judah,
proclaim it in Jerusalem! Sound the trumpet in the countryside, shout the
message aloud: Mobilise! Take to the fortified towns!
4:6 Signpost the way to Zion;
Run! Do not delay! I am bringing you disaster from the North, an immense
4:7 The lion is up from his
thicket, the destroyer of nations is on his way, he has come from his home to
reduce your land to a desert; your towns will be in ruins, deserted.
4:8 So wrap yourselves in
sackcloth, lament and wail, since the burning anger of Yahweh has not turned
away from us.
4:9 'That day - it is Yahweh
who speaks - the king's heart will fail him, the princes' hearts will fail them
too, the priests will stand aghast, the prophets stupefied.
4:10 People will say,
"Ah, Lord Yahweh, how utterly you deceived us by saying: You will have
peace,[*a] even when the sword is at our throats!"
4:11 When that time comes,
this will be said to this people and to Jerusalem: From the bare heights a
scorching wind blows from the desert on the daughter of my people - and not to
winnow or to cleanse!
4:12 A wind, full of threats,
comes at my command. Now I myself am going to pronounce sentence on them!
4:13 "Look, he is
advancing like the clouds, his chariots like a hurricane, his horses swifter
than eagles. Trouble is coming! We are lost!"
4:14 Wash your heart clean of
wickedness, Jerusalem, and so be saved. How long will you harbour in your
breast your pernicious thoughts?
4:15 For a voice from Dan
shouts the news, proclaims disaster from the highlands of Ephraim.
4:16 Give warning of it,
announce it in Judah, proclaim it to Jerusalem: "Enemies are coming from a
distant country, shouting their war cry against the towns of Judah;
4:17 they surround Jerusalem
like watchmen round a field because she has apostatised from me - it is Yahweh
who speaks.
4:18 Your own behaviour and
actions have brought this on you. This is your fate! How bitter! How it pierces
your heart!"'
4:19 I am in anguish! I writhe
with pain! Walls of my heart! My heart is throbbing! I cannot keep quiet, for I
have heard the trumpet call and the cry of war.
4:20 Ruin on ruin is the news:
the whole land is laid waste, my tents are suddenly destroyed, in one moment
all that sheltered me is gone.
4:21 How long must I see the
standard and hear the trumpet call?
4:22 'This is because my
people are stupid, they do not know me, they are slow-witted children, they
have no understanding: they are clever enough at doing wrong, but do not know
how to do right.'
4:23 I looked to the earth, to
see a formless waste; to the heavens, and their light had gone.
4:24 I looked to the
mountains, to see them quaking and all the heights astir.
4:25 I looked, to see no man
at all, the very birds of heaven had fled.
4:26 I looked, to see the wooded
country a wilderness, all its towns in ruins, at the presence of Yahweh, at the
presence of his burning anger.
4:27 Yes, thus speaks Yahweh,
'The whole land shall be laid waste, I will make an end of it once for all;
4:28 at which the earth will
go into mourning, and the heavens above grow dark. For I have spoken and will
not change my mind, I have decided and will not go back on it.'
4:29 At the cry 'Horsemen and
bowmen!' the whole country takes flight: some plunge into the thickets, others
scale the rocks; every town is abandoned, no one is left there.
4:30 And you, what are you
going to do? You may dress yourself in scarlet, put on ornaments of gold,
enlarge your eyes with paint but you make yourself pretty in vain. Your lovers
disdain you, your life is what they are seeking.
4:31 Yes, I hear screams like
those of a woman in labour, anguish like that of a woman giving birth to her
first child; they are the screams of the daughter of Zion, gasping, hands
outstretched, 'Ah, I despair! I am fainting away with murderers surrounding
The invasion well
5:1 'Rove to and fro through
the streets of Jerusalem, look, now, and learn, search her squares; if you can
find a man, one man who does right and seeks the truth, then I will pardon her,
says Yahweh.'
5:3a Yahweh, do not your eyes
desire to look on truth?
5:2 But though they say, 'As
Yahweh lives', they are, in fact, uttering a false oath.
5:3b You have struck them;
they have not felt it. You have crushed them; they have ignored the lesson.
They have set their faces harder than rock, they have refused to repent.
5:4 'Only the ordinary people'
I thought 'behave stupidly, because they do not know what Yahweh requires, nor
the ruling of their God.
5:5 I will approach the men in
power and speak to them, for these will know what Yahweh requires, and the
ruling of their God.' But these, too, had broken the yoke, had burst the bonds.
5:6 And this is why a lion
from the forest strikes them down, a desert wolf makes havoc of them, a leopard
lurks round their towns: whoever goes out is torn to pieces - because of their
countless crimes, their ever increasing apostasies.
5:7 'Why should I pardon you?
Your sons have abandoned me, to swear by gods that are not gods at all. I fed
them full, and they became adulterers, they haunted the brothel.
5:8 They were well-fed, lusty
stallions, each neighing for his neighbour's wife.
5:9 And am I not to punish
them for such things - it is Yahweh who speaks - or from such a nation exact my
5:10 Scale her terraces!
Destroy! Make an end of her! Strip off her branches, Yahweh does not own them.
5:11 Treacherously indeed has
she betrayed me, this House of Israel - it is Yahweh who speaks.
5:12 'They have disowned
Yahweh: they have said, "He is nothing; no evil will overtake us, we shall
not see sword or famine.
5:13a And the prophets?
Nothing but wind; the word is not in them!"
5:14a Hence - so says Yahweh,
the God of Sabaoth -
5:13b this is what is going to
happen to them
5:14b for saying this: now I
will make my words a fire in your mouth, and make this people wood, for the
fire to devour.
5:15 Now I will bring on you
all a nation from afar, House of Israel - it is Yahweh who speaks - an
invincible nation, an ancient nation, a nation whose tongue you do not know,
whose language you cannot understand.
5:16 Their quiver is an open
tomb; heroes all of them.
5:17 They will devour your
harvest and your food, devour your sons and daughters, devour your flocks and
herds, devour your vines and fig trees, bring down your fortified towns in
which you put your trust.
Two supplementary
5:18 'Yet even in those days -
it is Yahweh who speaks - I shall not completely destroy you.
5:19 'And when they ask,
"Why has Yahweh our God done all this to us?" you are to give them
this answer, "As you abandoned me to serve alien gods in your own land, so
you must serve aliens in a land that is not your own".
In a time of famine
5:20 'Announce this in the
House of Jacob, proclaim it in Judah, and say:
5:21 "Now listen to this,
stupid and thoughtless people - they have eyes and do not see, they have ears
and do not hear!
5:22 Have you no fear of me? -
it is Yahweh who speaks - Will you not tremble at my presence, who set the
sands as limit to the sea, as an everlasting barrier it can not pass: it storms
but can do nothing, its waves may roar but do not pass beyond.
5:23 But this people has a
rebellious, unruly heart; they have rebelled - being good at this!
5:24 They have not said in
their hearts: Come, we must fear Yahweh our God who gives the rain, the early
rain and the later, at the right time of year, who assures us of weeks
appointed for harvest.
5:25 Your crimes have made all
this go wrong, your sins have deprived you of these favours.
Resumption of the
theme of the invasion
5:26 "Yes, there are
wicked men among my people who spread their nets; like fowlers they set snares,
but it is men they catch.
5:27 Like a cage full of birds
so are their houses full of loot; they have grown rich and powerful because of
5:28 fat and sleek. Yes, in
wickedness they go to any lengths, they have no respect for rights, for
orphans' rights, to support them; they do not uphold the cause of the poor.
5:29 And must I not punish
them for such things - it is Yahweh who speaks - or from such a nation exact my
5:30 Monstrous, horrible
things are happening in the land:
5:31 the prophets prophesy
falsely, the priests teach whatever they please. And my people love it! But when
the end comes, what will you do?
More about the
6:1 "Save yourselves, men
of Benjamin, from the heart of Jerusalem! Sound the trumpet in Tekoa![*a] Set
up a standard on Beth-hac-cherem! For disaster threatens from the North, an
immense calamity.
6:2 Shall we compare the
daughter of Zion to a tender pasture?
6:3 Shepherds advance on her
with their flocks. They have pitched their tents all round her, each grazes the
part he chooses.
6:4 Prepare for battle against
her! To arms! We will launch the attack in broad daylight. Despair! The
daylight is fading already, the evening shadows lengthen.
6:5 To arms! We will launch
the attack under cover of dark and destroy her palaces.
6:6 For thus says Yahweh
Sabaoth: Cut down the trees, throw up an earthwork outside Jerusalem: she is
the City of Falsehood, with nothing but oppression in her.
6:7 As a well keeps its water
fresh so she keeps her wickedness fresh. Violence and ruin are what you hear in
her, diseases and wounds are always before me.
6:8 Be warned, Jerusalem, lest
I should turn away from you, and reduce you to a desert, a land without people.
6:9 "Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: Glean, glean, as a vine is gleaned, what is left of Israel; like a
grape-picker pass your hand again over the branches!"'
6:10 To whom am I to speak,
whom can I urge to hear? Plainly their ears are uncircumcised, they cannot
listen. Plainly the word of Yahweh is for them something contemptible, they
have no taste for it.
6:11 But I am full of the
wrath of Yahweh, I am weary of holding it in. 'Then pour it on the children in
the streets, and where young men gather, too. All shall be taken: husband and
wife, the greybeard and the man weighed down with years.
6:12 Their houses shall pass
to other men, so also their fields and their wives. Yes, I will stretch my hand
over those living in this land - it is Yahweh who speaks.
6:13 For all, least no less
than greatest, all are out for dishonest gain; prophet no less than priest, all
practise fraud.
6:14 They dress my people's
wound without concern: "Peace! Peace!" they say, but there is no
6:15 They should be ashamed of
their abominable deeds But not they! They feel no shame, they have forgotten
how to blush. And so as others fall, they too shall fall; they shall be thrown
down when I come to deal with them - says Yahweh.
6:16 'Yahweh says this: Put
yourselves on the ways of long ago enquire about the ancient paths: which was
the good way? Take it then, and you shall find rest. Instead they have said,
"We will not take it".
6:17 I posted look-outs on
their behalf: Listen to the sound of the trumpet! But they answered, "We
will not listen".
6:18 Then hear, you nations,
and know, assembly, what I will do to them.
6:19 Hear, earth! I am bringing
a disaster on this people: it is the fruit of their apostasy, since they have
not listened to my words and, as for my Law, they have rejected that.
6:20 What do I care about
incense imported from Sheba, or fragrant cane from a distant country? Your holocausts
are not acceptable, your sacrifices do not please me.
6:21 Therefore - thus says
Yahweh: In front of this people I will now lay blocks for them to stumble over;
father as well as son, neighbour and friend, all shall perish.
6:22 'Yahweh says this: Now a
people is coming from the land of the North, from the far ends of the earth a
mighty nation stirs:
6:23 they are armed with bow
and spear, they are cruel and pitiless; their noise is like the roaring of the
sea; they are riding horses, each man equipped for war on you, daughter of
6:24 We have heard the news,
our hands fall limp, anguish has gripped us, pain like a woman's labour.
6:25 Do not go out into the
countryside, do not venture on the roads, for the enemy's sword is there, there
is terror on every side.
6:26 Wrap yourself in
sackcloth, daughter of my people, roll in ashes; mourn as for an only son, a
very bitter dirge. For on us suddenly the destroyer is coming.
6:27 'I have appointed you as
assayer of my people, to learn and to assay how they behave.
6:28 They are apostates, all
of them, promiscuous slanderers, all of them corrupt.
6:29 The bellows blast away to
make the fire burn away the lead. In vain: the smelter does his work, but the
dross is not purged out.
6:30 Silver-reject, men call
them, and indeed Yahweh has rejected them!'
True worship
a. Against the
7:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah by Yahweh,
7:2 'Go and stand at the gate
of the Temple of Yahweh and there proclaim this message. Say, "Listen to
the word of Yahweh, all you men of Judah who come in by these gates to worship
7:3 Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of
Israel, says this: Amend your behaviour and your actions and I will stay with
you here in this place.
7:4 Put no trust in delusive
words like these: This is the sanctuary of Yahweh, the sanctuary of Yahweh, the
sanctuary of Yahweh!
7:5 But if you do amend your
behaviour and your actions, if you treat each other fairly,
7:6 if you do not exploit the
stranger, the orphan and the widow (if you do not shed innocent blood in this
place), and if you do not follow alien gods, to your own ruin,
7:7 then here in this place I
will stay with you, in the land that long ago I gave to your fathers for ever.
7:8 Yet here you are, trusting
in delusive words, to no purpose!
7:9 Steal, would you, murder,
commit adultery, perjure yourselves, burn incense to Baal, follow alien gods
that you do not know? -
7:10 and then come presenting
yourselves in this Temple that bears my name, saying: Now we are safe - safe to
go on committing all these abominations!
7:11 Do you take this Temple
that bears my name for a robbers' den? I, at any rate, am not blind - it is
Yahweh who speaks.
7:12 Now go to my place in
Shiloh[*a] where at first I gave my name a home; see what I have done to it
because of the wickedness of my people Israel!
7:13 And now, since you have
committed all these sins - it is Yahweh who speaks - and have refused to listen
when I spoke so urgently, so persistently, or to answer when I called you,
7:14 I will treat this Temple
that bears my name, and in which you put your trust, and the place I have given
to you and your ancestors, just as I treated Shiloh.
7:15 I will drive you out of
my sight, as I drove all your kinsmen, the entire race of Ephraim."
b. Alien gods
7:16 'You, for your part, must
not intercede for this people, nor raise either plea or prayer on their behalf;
do not plead with me, for I will not listen to you.
7:17 Cannot you see what they
are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
7:18 The children collect the
wood, the fathers light the fire, the women knead the dough, to make cakes for
the Queen of Heaven ;[*b] and, to spite me, they pour libations to alien gods.
7:19 Is it really me they
spite - it is Yahweh who speaks - is it not in fact themselves, to their own
7:20 Therefore, the Lord
Yahweh says this: My anger and my wrath shall be poured out on this place, over
man and beast, trees of the countryside, fruits of the soil; it shall burn, and
not be quenched.
c. Worship without
7:21 'Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this: Add your holocausts to your sacrifices and eat all the
7:22 For when I brought.your
ancestors out of the land of Egypt, I said nothing to them, gave them no
orders, about holocaust and sacrifice.
7:23 These were my orders:
Listen to my voice, then I will be your God and you shall be my people. Follow
right to the end the way that I mark out for you, and you will prosper.
7:24 But they did not listen,
they did not pay attention; they followed the dictates of their own evil
hearts, refused to face me, and turned their backs on me.
7:25 From the day your
ancestors came out of the land of Egypt until today, day after day I have
persistently sent you all my servants the prophets.
7:26 But they have not
listened to me, have not paid attention; they have grown stubborn and behaved
worse than their ancestors.
7:27 You may say all these
words to them: they will not listen to you; you may call them: they will not
7:28 So tell them this,
"Here is the nation that will not listen to the voice of Yahweh its God
nor take correction. Sincerity is no more, it has vanished from their mouths.
d. More about
idolatrous worship: a threat of exile
7:29 "Cut off your
tresses, throw them down. On the bare heights raise a dirge. For Yahweh has
rejected, has abandoned, a brood that he detests."
7:30 'Yes, the sons of Judah
have done what displeases me - it is Yahweh who speaks. They have put their
abominations in the Temple that bears my name, to defile it;
7:31 they have built the high
place of Topheth in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, to burn their sons and daughters;
a thing I never commanded, a thing that never entered my thoughts.
7:32 So now the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when people will no longer talk of Topheth
or of the Valley of Ben-hinnom, but of the Valley of Slaughter. Topheth will
become a burial ground, for lack of other space;
7:33 the corpses of this
people will feed the birds of heaven and the beasts of the earth, and there
shall be no one to drive them away.
7:34 I will silence the shouts
of rejoicing and mirth, the voices of bridegroom and bride, in the towns of
Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, for the whole land will be reduced to
8:1 When that time comes - it
is Yahweh who speaks - the bones of the kings of Judah, and of the princes, of
the priests, of the prophets, of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, will be taken
from their tombs.
8:2 They will be spread out
before the sun, the moon, the whole array of heaven, whom they have loved and
served, followed, consulted and worshipped.[*a] They will not be gathered or reburied
but stay lying on the surface like dung.
8:3 And death will seem
preferable to life to all the survivors of this wicked race, wherever I have
driven them - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks.
lamentations, advice. The perversity of Israel
8:4 'You are to tell them,
"Yahweh says this: If you fall, can you not stand up again, if you stray
can you never find your way back?
8:5 Why does this people
persist in apostasy, in continuous apostasy? They cling to illusion, they
refuse to come back.
8:6 I have listened
attentively, they are not saying what they ought to: not one repents of his
wickedness saying: What have I done? All go astray as they pursue their course
like a horse charging into battle.
8:7 Even the stork in the sky
knows the appropriate season; turtledove, swallow, crane, observe their time of
migration. And my people do not know the ruling of Yahweh!
The Law as
administered by the priests
8:8 "How dare you say: We
are wise, and we possess the Law of Yahweh? But look how it has been falsified
by the lying pen of the scribes!
8:9 The wise shall be shamed,
caught out, confounded. Look how they have rejected the word of Yahweh! So what
use is their wisdom to them?
Repetition of an
earlier threat
8:10 "So I will give
their wives to other men, their fields to new masters, for all, least no less
than greatest, all are out for dishonest gain; prophet no less than priest, all
practise fraud.
8:11 They dress my people's
wound without concern: Peace! Peace! they say, but there is no peace.
8:12 They should be ashamed of
their abominable deeds. But not they! They feel no shame, they have forgotten
how to blush. And so as others fall, they too shall fall; they shall be thrown
down when I come to deal with them - says Yahweh.
Threats against Judah
the Vine
8:13 "I would like to go
harvesting there, says Yahweh. But there are no grapes on the vine, no figs on
the fig tree: even the leaves are withered. This is because I have brought them
ravagers to ravage them."'
8:14 'Why do we sit still? Mobilise!
Let us take to the fortified towns and perish there, since Yahweh our God wants
us to perish: giving us poisoned water to drink because we have sinned against
8:15 We were hoping for peace
- no good came of it! For the time of healing - nothing but terror!
8:16 From Dan you can hear the
snorting of their horses; at the sound of their stallions' neighing the whole
countryside quakes: they come to devour the land and all it holds, the town and
those that live in it.'
8:17 'Yes, now I send you serpents,
adders, against which no charm exists; they will bite you - it is Yahweh who
speaks -
8:18 incurably.
A lamentation of
the prophet during a famine
'Sorrow overtakes me, my heart
fails me.
8:19 Listen, the cry of the
daughter of my people sounds throughout the land, "Yahweh no longer in
Zion? Her King no longer in her?" (Why have they provoked me with their
carved images, with these Nothings from foreign countries?)
8:20 "The harvest is
over, summer at an end, and we have not been saved!"
8:21 The wound of the daughter
of my people wounds me too, all looks dark to me, terror grips me.
8:22 Is there not balm in
Gilead any more? Is there no doctor there? Then why does it make no progress,
this cure of the daughter of my people?
8:23 Who will turn my head
into a fountain, and my eyes into a spring for tears, so that I may weep all
day, all night, for all the dead out of the daughter of my people?
The moral
corruption of Judah
9:1 Who will find me a
wayfarer's shelter in the desert, for me to quit my people, and leave them far
behind? For all of them are adulterers, a conspiracy of traitors.
9:2 They bend their tongue
like a bow; not truth but falsehood predominates in the land; yes, they go from
crime to crime. But Yahweh, they do not acknowledge him.
9:3 Let each be on his guard
against his friend, be mistrustful of your brother, for every brother is a very
Jacob, and every friend a diligent slanderer.
9:4 Each deceives the other,
they do not speak the truth, they have accustomed their tongues to lying, they
are corrupt, incapable of
9:5 repentance. Fraud after
fraud! Deceit after deceit! They refuse to acknowledge Yahweh.
9:6 And so - Yahweh Sabaoth
says this: Look, I will now test them in the crucible - but how am I to deal
with their wickedness?
9:7 Their tongue is a deadly
arrow, the words they utter are deceitful; "Peace!" each says to his
neighbour,[*a] while in his heart plotting a trap for him.
9:8 And am I not to punish
them for such things - it is Yahweh who speaks - or from such a nation exact my
Lamentation in Zion
9:9 'Raise the wail and
lamentation for the mountains, the dirge for the desert pastures, for they have
been burnt: no one passes there, the sound of flocks is heard no more. Birds of
the sky and animals, all have fled, all are gone.
9:10 I mean to make Jerusalem
a heap of ruins, a jackal's lair, and the towns of Judah an uninhabited
9:11 Who is wise enough to
understand this? Who has been charged by Yahweh's own mouth to tell why the
land lies in ruins, burnt like the desert where no one passes?
9:12 Yahweh has said, 'This is
because they have forsaken my Law which I put before them and have not listened
to my voice or followed it,
9:13 but have followed the dictates
of their own stubborn hearts, followed the Baals as their ancestors taught
9:14 And so this is what
Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel says: Now I am going to give this people
wormwood for their food and poisoned water to drink.
9:15 I am going to scatter
them throughout nations unknown to their ancestors or to them; and I am going
to pursue them with the sword until I have exterminated them.'
9:16 You, there! Call the
mourning women! Let them come! Send for those who are best at it! Let them come!
9:17 Let them lose no time in
raising the lament for us! Let our eyes rain tears, our eyelids run with
9:18 Yes, the wail is to be
heard from Zion, 'What ruin is ours, what utter shame! For we must leave the
land, abandon our homes!'
9:19 And you, women, now hear
the word of Yahweh, let your ears take in the word his own mouth speaks. Teach
your daughters how to wail, teach one another what dirge to sing,
9:20 'Death has climbed in at
our windows, and made its way into our palaces; it has cut down the children in
the street, the youths in the square.
9:21 Men's corpses lie like
dung in the open field, like sheaves left by the reaper, with no one to gather
True wisdom
9:22 Thus says Yahweh, 'Let
the sage boast no more of his wisdom, nor the valiant of his valour, nor the
rich man of his riches!
9:23 But if anyone wants to
boast, let him boast of this: of understanding and knowing me. For I am Yahweh,
I rule with kindness, justice and integrity on earth; yes, these are what
please me - it is Yahweh who speaks.
Circumcision, a
false guarantee
9:24 'See, the days are coming
- it is Yahweh who speaks - when I am going to punish all who are circumcised
only in the flesh:
9:25 Egypt, Judah, the sons of
Ammon, Moab, and all the Crop-Heads[*b] who live in the desert. For all these
nations, and the whole House of Israel too, are uncircumcised at heart.'
Idols and the true
10:1 Listen, House of Israel,
to the word that Yahweh addresses to you.
10:2 Thus says Yahweh: 'Do not
adopt the ways of the nations or take alarm at the heavenly signs, alarmed
though the nations may be at them.
10:3 Yes, the Dread of the
peoples is a nothing, wood, nothing more, cut out of a forest, worked with a
blade by a carver's hand,
10:4a then embellished with
silver and gold
10:9 - silver leaf from
Tarshish, and gold from Ophir - work of a carver and a goldsmith's hand: all
some craftsman's work; they dress them up in violet and purple;
10:4b they fix them with nail
and hammer to prevent them from falling.
10:5 Scarecrows in a melon
patch, and dumb as these, they have to be carried, cannot walk themselves. Have
no fear of them: they can do no harm - nor any good either!'
10:6 Yahweh, there is no one
like you, so great are you, so great your mighty name.
10:7 Who would not revere you,
King of nations? Yes, this is your due. Since of all the wise among the
nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is not a single one like you.
10:8 The whole lot of them are
brutish and stupid: the teaching given by these Nothings is void of sense.
10:10 But Yahweh is the true
God. He is the living God, the everlasting King. The earth quakes when he is
wrathful, the nations cannot endure his fury.
10:11 ('Tell them this,
"The gods who did not make the heavens and the earth, will vanish from the
earth and from under the heavens".')
10:12 By his power he made the
earth, by his wisdom set the world firm, by his discernment spread out the
10:13 When he thunders there
is a tumult of water in the heavens; he raises clouds from the boundaries of
earth, makes the lightning flash for the downpour, and brings the wind from his
10:14 At this all men stand
stupefied, uncomprehending, every goldsmith blushes for the idol he has made,
since his images are nothing but delusion, with no breath in them.
10:15 They are a Nothing, a
laughable production; when the time comes for them to be punished, they will
10:16 'The Portion of Jacob'
is not like these, for he is the maker of everything, and Israel is the tribe
that is his heritage. His name is Yahweh Sabaoth.
Panic in the
10:17 Pack up! Flee the
country, you the besieged!
10:18 For Yahweh says this,
'Now I will throw out the inhabitants of the land this time, and bring distress
on them, to see if they will find me then!'
10:19 I despair for this wound
of mine! My injury is incurable! I told myself this was an affliction that
could be borne,
10:20 but now my tent is
destroyed, all my ropes are snapped, my sons have left me and are no more; no
one is left to put my tent up again, or to hang the side-cloths.
10:21 The shepherds are the
ones who have been stupid: they have not searched for Yahweh. This is why they
have not prospered and why their whole flock has been dispersed.
10:22 News! News has come! A
mighty uproar coming from the land of the North to reduce the towns of Judah to
desert, to a jackal's lair.
A prayer of
10:23 Well you know, Yahweh,
the course of man is not in his control, nor is it in man's power as he goes
his way to guide his steps.
10:24 Correct us, Yahweh,
gently, not in your anger or you will reduce us to nothing.
10:25 Pour out your anger on
the pagans, who do not acknowledge you, and on those races that do not call on
your name, for they have devoured Jacob and made an end of him, and reduced his
home to desolation.
Jeremiah and
observance of the covenant
11:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah by Yahweh,
11:2 'Speak to the men of
Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
11:3 Tell them, "Yahweh,
the God of Israel, says this: Cursed be the man who will not listen to the
words of this covenant
11:4 which I ordained for your
ancestors when I brought them out of the furnace of iron, out of the land of
Egypt. Listen to my voice, I told them, carry out all my orders, then you shall
be my people and I will be your God,
11:5 to confirm the oath I
swore to your fathers, that I would give them a land where milk and honey flow
- as it still does today."' I replied, 'Yahweh, I will'.
11:6 Then Yahweh said to me,
'Proclaim all this in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem:
"Listen to the words of this covenant and obey them.
11:7 For when I brought your
ancestors out of the land of Egypt, I solemnly warned them, and have
persistently warned them until today: Listen to my voice.
11:8 But they did not listen,
did not pay attention; everyone followed the dictates of his own evil heart.
So, I fulfilled against them all the words of this covenant which I had
ordained for them to obey and which they had not obeyed."'
11:9 Yahweh said to me,
'Plainly there is conspiracy among the men of Judah and the citizens of
11:10 They have reverted to
the crimes of their ancestors who refused to listen to my words: they too are
following alien gods and serving them. The House of Israel and the House of
Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their ancestors.
11:11 And so - Yahweh says
this - I will now bring them a disaster which they cannot escape; if they
invoke me I will not listen to them.
11:12 The towns of Judah and
the citizens of Jerusalem can go and invoke the gods to whom they burn incense,
but these will be no help at all to them in the time of their distress.
11:13 'For you have as many
gods as you have towns, O Judah. You have built as many incense altars to Baal
as Jerusalem has streets.
11:14 'You, for your part,
must not intercede for this people, nor raise either plea or prayer on their
behalf, for I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their
Rebuke to the
frequenters of the Temple
11:15 'What is my beloved
doing in my house? She is playing the hypocrite! Can vows and consecrated meat
rid you of your guilt? Am I to make you clean because of this?
11:16 A spreading olive tree
so fair, so sturdy, was Yahweh's name for you. With the roar of a great wind he
sets its foliage on fire; its branches burn.
11:17 'And Yahweh Sabaoth, who
planted you, has decreed disaster for you because of the crime the House of
Israel and the House of Judah have committed, provoking me by burning incense
to Baal.'
Jeremiah persecuted
in his own town
11:18 Yahweh revealed it to
me; I was warned. Yahweh, that was when you opened my eyes to their scheming.
12:6 'Yes, even your own
brothers and your own family play you false. Behind your back, they too
criticise you openly. Put no reliance on them when they seem to be friendly.'
11:19 I for my part was like a
trustful lamb being led to the slaughter-house, not knowing the schemes they
were plotting against me, 'Let us destroy the tree in its strength, let us cut
him off from the land of the living, so that his name may be quickly
11:20 But you, Yahweh Sabaoth,
who pronounce a just sentence, who probe the loins and heart, let me see the
vengeance you will take on them, for I have committed my cause to you.
11:21 This is how Yahweh has
spoken against the men of Anathoth who are determined to kill me and have
warned me, 'Do not prophesy in the name of Yahweh or you will die at our
11:22 This is how I will
punish them. Their young men shall die by the sword, their sons and daughters
by famine.
11:23 No one will be left when
I bring disaster on the men of Anathoth, when the year comes for their punishment.'
The prosperity of
the wicked
12:1 You have right on your
side, Yahweh, when I complain about you. But I would like to debate a point of
justice with you. Why is it that the wicked live so prosperously? Why do
scoundrels enjoy peace?
12:2 You plant them, they take
root, and flourish, and even bear fruit. You are always on their lips, yet so
far from their hearts.
12:3 You know me, Yahweh, you
see me, you probe my heart, it is in your hands. Drag them off like sheep for
the slaughter-house, reserve them for the day of butchery.
12:4 (How long will the land
be in mourning, and the grass wither all over the countryside? The animals and
birds are dying as a result of the wickedness of the inhabitants.) For they
say, 'God does not see our behaviour'.
12:5 If you find it exhausting
to race against men on foot, how will you compete against horses? If you are
not secure in a peaceful country, how will you manage in the thickets along the
Yahweh laments his
ravaged inheritance
12:7 'I have abandoned my
house, left my heritage, I have delivered what I dearly loved into the hands of
its enemies.
12:8 For me my heritage has
become a lion in the forest, it roars at me ferociously: so I now hate it.
12:9 Or is my heritage a
speckled bird for the birds to flock on her thus from all directions? Come on,
all you wild beasts, gather round, fall on the quarry!
12:10 Many shepherds have laid
my vineyard waste, have trampled down my inheritance, reducing my pleasant
inheritance to a deserted wilderness.
12:11 They have made it a
mournful, desolate place, desolate before me. The whole land has been
devastated and no one takes it to heart.
12:12 The devastators have
arrived on all the bare heights of the desert (for Yahweh wields a sword that
devours): from end to end of the land there is no peace for any living thing.
12:13 Wheat they have sown,
thorns they reap: they have worn themselves out, to no profit. They are
disappointed in their harvests, through the fury of Yahweh.
The neighbouring
peoples: their judgement and salvation
12:14 'Thus says Yahweh: As
for all my evil neighbours who have laid hands on the heritage I granted my
people Israel I will now tear them from their countries. (But I will tear the
House of Judah out of their hands.)
12:15 But, once torn out, I
will take pity on them again and bring them back each to his heritage, each to
his own country.
12:16 And if they take care to
learn my people's way and to swear by my name, "As Yahweh lives", as
my people learned from them to swear by Baal, then they shall have a place
among my people.
12:17 But if any nation
refuses to listen, I will tear it up by the roots and destroy it - it is Yahweh
who speaks.'
The symbol of the
13:1 Yahweh said this to me,
'Go and buy a linen loincloth and put it round your waist. But do not dip it in
13:2 And so, as Yahweh had
ordered, I bought a loincloth and put it round my waist.
13:3 A second time the word of
Yahweh was spoken to me,
13:4 'Take the loincloth that
you have bought and are wearing round your waist; up! Go to the Euphrates and
hide it in a hole in the rock.'
13:5 So I went and hid it near
the Euphrates as Yahweh had ordered me.
13:6 Many days afterwards
Yahweh said to me, 'Get up and go to the Euphrates and fetch the loincloth I
ordered you to hide there'.
13:7 So I went to the
Euphrates, and I searched, and I took the loincloth from the place where I had
hidden it. The loincloth was spoilt, good for nothing.
13:8 Then the word of Yahweh
was addressed to me,
13:9 'Thus says Yahweh: In the
same way I will spoil the arrogance of Judah and Jerusalem.
13:10 This evil people who
refuse to listen to my words, who follow the dictates of their own hard hearts,
who have followed alien gods, and served them and worshipped them, let them
become like this loincloth, good for nothing.
13:11 For just as a loincloth
clings to a man's waist, so I had intended the whole House of Judah to cling to
me - it is Yahweh who speaks - to be my people, my glory, my honour and my
boast. But they have not listened.
The symbol of the
shattered wine jugs
13:12 'Tell this people,
"Any jug can be filled with wine". And if they answer you, "Do
you think we do not know that any jug can be filled with wine?"
13:13 you are to say,
"Thus says Yahweh: I am now going to fill all the inhabitants of this land
with drunkenness, the kings who occupy the throne of David, the priests and the
prophets, and all the citizens of Jerusalem.
13:14 And I will smash them
one against the other, father and son together - it is Yahweh who speaks.
Mercilessly, relentlessly, pitilessly, I will destroy them."'
A vision of exile
13:15 Listen, pay attention,
away with pride - Yahweh is speaking!
13:16 Give glory to Yahweh our
God before he brings darkness down and your feet stumble on the darkened
mountains. You hope for light, but he will turn it into deep shadow, change it
into gloom.
13:17 If you do not listen to
this warning, I will bewail your pride in secret, tears will flood my eyes, for
Yahweh's flock is led into captivity.
13:18 Tell the king and the
queen mother, 'Sit in a lower place, since your glorious crown has fallen from
your head'.
13:19 The towns of the Negeb are
shut off[*a] with no one to give access to them. All Judah has been deported,
deported wholesale.
An admonition to
impenitent Jerusalem
13:20 'Raise your eyes,
Jerusalem, and look at these now coming from the North. Where is the flock once
entrusted to you, the flock that was your boast?
13:21 What will you say when
they descend on you as conquerors, those you yourself taught to be your
friends? Will not anguish grip you like a woman in labour?
13:22 You may ask yourself,
"Why has all this happened to me?" Because of your great wickedness
your skirts have been pulled up,[*b] and you have been manhandled.
13:23 Can the Ethiopian change
his skin, or the leopard his spots? And you, can you do what is right, you so
accustomed to wrong?
13:24 I will scatter you like
chaff driven by the desert wind.
13:25 This is your share, the
wage of your apostasy. This comes from me - it is Yahweh who speaks - because
you have forgotten me and put your trust in a Delusion.
13:26 I will also pull your
skirts up as high as your face and let your shame be seen.
13:27 Oh! Your adulteries,
your shrieks of pleasure, your vile prostitution! On the hills, in the
countryside, I have seen your Abominations. Woe to you, Jerusalem, unclean still!
How much longer will you go on like this?'
The great drought
14:1 The word of Yahweh that
was addressed to Jeremiah on the occasion of the drought.
14:2 'Judah is in mourning,
her towns are disconsolate, they sink to the ground; a cry goes up from
14:3 The nobles send the
lesser men for water, they come to the cisterns, and find no water, and return
with their pitchers empty.
14:4 The ground refuses its
yield, for the country has had no rain; in dismay the ploughmen cover their
14:5 Even the doe abandons her
new-born fawn in open country, for there is no grass;
14:6 the wild donkeys standing
on the bare heights gasp for air like jackals: their eyes grow dim for lack of
14:7 If our crimes are witness
against us, then, Yahweh, for your name's sake act! Yes, our apostasies have
been many, we have sinned against you!
14:8 Yahweh, hope of Israel,
its saviour in time of distress, why are you like a stranger in this land, like
a traveller who stays only for a night?
14:9 Why are you like someone
bemused, like a warrior who has no power to rescue? Yet, Yahweh, you are in our
midst, we are called by your name. Do not desert us!
14:10 Yahweh says this
regarding this people, 'They take such pleasure in wandering, they cannot
control their feet!' But Yahweh accepts them no longer; now he recalls their
crime and will punish their sins.
14:11 Yahweh said to me, 'Do
not intercede for this people or their welfare.
14:12 If they fast, I will not
listen to their plea; if they offer holocaust and oblation, I will not accept
them. Rather, I mean to exterminate them by sword, famine and pestilence.'
14:13 'Ah, Lord Yahweh,' I
answered 'here are the prophets telling them, "You will not see the sword,
famine will not touch you; I promise you unbroken peace in this place".'
14:14 Then Yahweh said to me,
'The prophets are prophesying lies in my name; I have not sent them, I gave
them no orders, I never spoke to them. Delusive visions, hollow predictions,
daydreams of their own, that is what they prophesy to you.
14:15 Therefore, Yahweh says
this: The prophets who prophesy in my name when I have not sent them, and tell
you there will be no sword or famine in this land, these same prophets are
doomed to perish by sword and famine.
14:16 And as for the people to
whom they prophesy, they will be tossed into the streets of Jerusalem, victims
of famine and the sword, with not a soul to bury them: neither them nor their wives,
nor their sons, nor their daughters. I will pour down on them their own
14:17 'Say this word to them,
"Tears flood my eyes night and day, unceasingly, since a crushing blow
falls on the daughter of my people, a most grievous injury.
14:18 If I go into the
countryside, there lie men killed by the sword; if I go into the city, I see
people sick with hunger; even prophets and priests plough the land: they are at
their wit's end."'
14:19 'Have you rejected Judah
altogether? Does your very soul revolt at Zion? Why have you struck us down
without hope of cure? We were hoping for peace - no good came of it! For the
moment of cure - nothing but terror!
14:20 Yahweh, we do confess
our wickedness and our fathers' guilt: we have indeed sinned against you.
14:21 For your name's sake do
not reject us, do not dishonour the throne of your glory. Remember us; do not
break your covenant with us.
14:22 Can any of the pagan
Nothings make it rain? Can the heavens produce showers? No, it is you, Yahweh.
O our God, you are our hope, since it is you who do all this.'
15:1 Yahweh said to me, 'Even
if Moses and Samuel were standing in my presence I could not warm to this
people! Drive them out of my sight; away with them!
15:2 And if they ask you,
"Where shall we go?" tell them this, "Yahweh says this: Those
for the plague, to the plague; those for the sword, to the sword; those for
famine, to famine; those for captivity, into captivity!"
15:3 Four kinds of doom I
consign them to: the sword to kill, the dogs to drag away, the birds of heaven
and beasts of earth to devour and to destroy.
15:4 I will make them an
object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, because of Manasseh son of
Hezekiah, king of Judah, for his misdeeds in Jerusalem.
The horrors of war
15:5 'Who is there to pity
you, Jerusalem, who to grieve for you, who to pause and ask how you are?
15:6 You yourself have
rejected me - it is Yahweh who speaks - you have turned your back on me; so I
have stretched my hand over you to destroy you. I am tired of relenting.
15:7 And so I have winnowed
them with a fork in the towns of their land. I deprive my people of children, I
exterminate them since they refuse to leave their ways.
15:8 Their widows have become
more than the sand of the seas. On the mothers of young warriors I bring the
destroyer in broad daylight. Suddenly I bring down anguish and terror on them.
15:9 The mother of seven sons
grows faint, and breathes her last. It is still day, but already her sun has
set, shame and disgrace are hers...And the remainder of them I shall hand over
to their enemies to be cut to pieces - it is Yahweh who speaks.'
The call of
Jeremiah renewed
15:10 Woe is me, my mother,
for you have borne me to be a man of strife and of dissension for all the land.
I neither lend nor borrow, yet all of them curse me.
15:11 Truthfully, Yahweh, have
I not done my best to serve you, interceded with you for my enemy in the time
of his disaster, his distress?
15:15a You know I have!
15:12 Can a man break iron,
iron from the north, or bronze?
15:13 'Your wealth and your
treasures I will hand over to plunder, as payment for all your sins throughout
your territory.
15:14 I will enslave you to
your enemies in a country which you do not know, for my anger has kindled a
fire that will burn you up.'
15:15b Yahweh, remember me,
take care of me, and avenge me on my persecutors. Your anger is very slow: do
not let me be snatched away. Realise that I suffer insult for your sake.
15:16 When your words came, I
devoured them: your word was my delight and the joy of my heart; for I was
called by your name, Yahweh, God of Sabaoth.
15:17 I never took pleasure in
sitting in scoffers' company; with your hand on me I held myself aloof, since
you had filled me with indignation.
15:18 Why is my suffering
continual, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? Do you mean to be for me
a deceptive stream with inconstant waters?
15:19 To which Yahweh replied,
'If you come back, I will take you back into my service; and if you utter noble,
not despicable, thoughts, you shall be as my own mouth. They will come back to
you, but you must not go back to them.
15:20 I will make you a bronze
wall fortified against this people. They will fight against you but they will
not overcome you, because I am with you to save you and to deliver you - it is
Yahweh who speaks.
15:21 I mean to deliver you
from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the clutches of the violent.'
The prophet's life
is itself symbolic
16:1 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to me as follows:
16:2 'You must not take a wife
or have son or daughter in this place.
16:3 For Yahweh says this
regarding the sons and daughters to be born in this place, about the mothers
who give birth to them, and about the fathers who beget them in this land:
16:4 They will die of deadly
diseases, unlamented and unburied; they will be like dung spread on the ground;
they will meet their end by sword and famine, and their corpses will be food
for the birds of heaven and the beasts of earth.
16:5 'Yes, Yahweh says this:
Go into no house where there is mourning, do not go to lament or grieve with
them; for I have withdrawn my peace from this people - it is Yahweh who speaks
- have withdrawn love and pity.
16:6 High or low, they will
die in this land, without burial or lament; there will be no gashing, no
shaving of the head for them.
16:7 No bread will be broken
for the mourner to comfort him for the dead; no cup of consolation will be
offered him for father or for mother.
16:8 'And do not enter a house
where there is feasting, to sit with them and eat and drink.
16:9 For Yahweh Sabaoth, the
God of Israel, says this: Now before your eyes, in your own days, I will
silence the shouts of rejoicing and mirth, and the voices of bridegroom and
16:10 'When you tell this
people all these words and they ask you, "Why has Yahweh decreed this
appalling disaster for us? What is our crime? What sin have we committed
against Yahweh our God?"
16:11 then you are to answer,
"It is because your ancestors abandoned me - it is Yahweh who speaks - and
followed alien gods, and served and worshipped them. They abandoned me and did
not keep my Law.
16:12 And you for your part
have behaved even worse than your ancestors. Look, each of you follows the
dictates of his hardened, wicked heart and will not listen to me.
16:13 And so, I am going to
eject you from this land into a country unknown to you and to your ancestors;
there you will serve alien gods, day and night, for I shall show you no more
The return of the
scattered Israelites
16:14 'See, then, that the
days are coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when people will no longer say,
"As Yahweh lives who brought the sons of Israel out of the land of
16:15 but, "As Yahweh
lives who brought the sons of Israel out of the land of the North and back from
all the countries to which he had dispersed them". I will bring them back
to the very soil I gave their ancestors.
The invasion
16:16 'I will now send many
fishermen - it is Yahweh who speaks - and these will fish them up; next, I will
send many huntsmen, and these will hunt them out of every mountain, every hill,
out of the holes in the rocks.
16:17 For my eyes watch all
their ways, these are not hidden from me, and their guilt does not escape my
16:18 I will requite their
guilt and their sin twice over, since they have polluted my land with the
corpses of their Horrors, and filled my heritage with their Abominations.'
The conversion of
the nations
16:19 Yahweh, my strength, my
stronghold, my refuge in the day of distress! To you the nations will come from
the confines of earth and say, 'Our fathers inherited nothing but Delusion,
Nothings void of all power.
16:20 Can man make his own
gods? If so, these are not gods!'
16:21 'Now listen, I am going
to make them acknowledge, this time I am going to make them acknowledge my hand
and my might; and then they will know that Yahweh is my name.
contaminated worship
17:1 'The sin of Judah is
written with an iron pen, engraved with a diamond point on the tablet of their
heart and on the horns of their altars,
17:2 as evidence against them
(their altars and their sacred poles, by every spreading tree, on the high
17:3 on the mountains, in the
open countryside). 'Your wealth and your treasures I will hand over to plunder
as payment for all your sins throughout your territory.
17:4 You will have to
relinquish your heritage which I gave you; I will enslave you to your enemies in
a country which you do not know, for my anger has kindled a fire that will burn
for ever.
A group of wisdom
17:5 'Yahweh says this: 'A
curse on the man who puts his trust in man, who relies on things of flesh,
whose heart turns from Yahweh.
17:6 He is like dry scrub in
the wastelands: if good comes, he has no eyes for it, he settles in the parched
places of the wilderness, a salt land, uninhabited.
17:7 'A blessing on the man
who puts his trust in Yahweh, with Yahweh for his hope.
17:8 He is like a tree by the
waterside that thrusts its roots to the stream: when the heat comes it feels no
alarm, its foliage stays green; it has no worries in a year of drought, and
never ceases to bear fruit.
17:9 'The heart is more
devious than any other thing, perverse too: who can pierce its secrets?
17:10 I, Yahweh, search to the
heart, I probe the loins, to give each man what his conduct and his actions
17:11 'The partridge will
hatch eggs it has not laid. Similarly, the man who wins his wealth unjustly:
his days half done, he must leave it, proving a fool after all.'
Confidence in the
Temple and in Yahweh
17:12 A glorious throne, set
high from the beginning, such is our Holy Place.
17:13 Hope of Israel, Yahweh!
All who abandon you will be put to shame, those who turn from you will be
uprooted from the land, since they have abandoned the fountain of living water.
A prayer for
17:14 Heal me, Yahweh, and I
shall be really healed, save me, and I shall be saved, for you alone are my
17:15 Look, they keep saying
to me, 'Where is the word of Yahweh? Let it come true then!'
17:16 But I, I have never
urged you to do evil, the day of disaster was no desire of mine, this you know;
what came from my lips was not concealed from you.
17:17 Do not be a terror to
me, you, my refuge in the day of disaster.
17:18 Let my persecutors be
confounded, not I, let them, not me, be terrified. On them bring the day of
disaster, destroy them, destroy them twice over!
Observance of the
17:19 Yahweh said this to me,
'Go and stand at the Gate of the Sons of the People by which the kings of Judah
go in and out - and at all the gates of Jerusalem.
17:20 Say to them,
"Listen to the word of Yahweh, you kings of Judah, all you people of Judah
too, and all you citizens of Jerusalem who pass through these gates.
17:21 Yahweh says this: As you
value your lives, on no account carry a burden on the sabbath day or bring it
in through the gates of Jerusalem.
17:22 Bring no burden out of
your houses on the sabbath day, and do no work. Keep the sabbath day holy, as I
commanded your ancestors.
17:23 They would not hear,
would not pay attention, grew so stubborn they would not listen, and would not
accept instruction.
17:24 But if you listen
carefully to me - it is Yahweh who speaks - and bring no burden in through the
gates of this city on the sabbath day, if you keep the sabbath holy and do no
work on that day,
17:25 then, through the gates
of this city, kings occupying the throne of David will continue to make their
entry, mounted on chariots and horses, they and their ministers, with the men
of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem. And this city will be inhabited for
17:26 They will come from the
towns of Judah, from the districts round Jerusalem, from the land of Benjamin,
from the Lowlands, from the highlands, from the Negeb, to offer holocaust and
sacrifice, oblation, incense and thanksgiving sacrifice in the Temple of
17:27 But if you do not listen
to my command to keep the sabbath day holy, and not to enter the gates of
Jerusalem with burdens on the sabbath day, then I will set fire to its gates;
it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem and not be quenched."'
Jeremiah visits the
18:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah by Yahweh,
18:2 'Get up and make your way
down to the potter's house; there I shall let you hear what I have to say'.
18:3 So I went down to the
potter's house; and there he was, working at the wheel.
18:4 And whenever the vessel
he was making came out wrong, as happens with the clay handled by potters, he
would start afresh and work it into another vessel, as potters do.
18:5 Then this word of Yahweh
was addressed to me,
18:6 'House of Israel, can not
I do to you what this potter does? - it is Yahweh who speaks. Yes, as the clay
is in the potter's hand, so you are in mine, House of Israel.
18:7 On occasion, I decree for
some nation, for some kingdom, that I will tear up, knock down, destroy;
18:8 but if this nation,
against which I have pronounced sentence, abandons its wickedness, I then
change my mind about the evil which I had intended to inflict on it.
18:9 On another occasion, I
decree for some nation, for some kingdom, that I will build up and plant;
18:10 but if that nation does
what displeases me, refusing to listen to my voice, I then change my mind about
the good which I had intended to confer on it.
18:11 So now, say this to the
men of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem, "Yahweh says this: Listen, I
have been preparing a disaster for you, I have been working out a plan against
you. So now, each one of you, turn back from your evil ways, amend your conduct
and actions."
18:12 They, however, will say,
"What is the use of talking? We prefer to do as we please; we mean to
behave, each of us, as his wicked heart dictates."
Israel repudiates
18:13 'Therefore - Yahweh says
this: Ask, if you will, among the nations if anyone has heard anything like
this. She has done a deed of horror, the Virgin of Israel.
18:14 Does the snow of Lebanon
vanish from the lofty crag? Do the proud waters run dry, so coolly flowing?
18:15 And yet my people have
forgotten me! They burn their incense to a Nothing! They have lost their
footing in their ways, on the roads of former times, to walk in tortuous paths,
a way unmarked.
18:16 They will make their
country desolate, everlastingly derided: every passer-by will be appalled at it
and shake his head.
18:17 Like the east wind, I
will scatter them before the enemy. I will turn my back to them and not my face
on the day of their disaster.'
A plot against
18:18 'Come on,' they said
'let us concoct a plot against Jeremiah; the priest will not run short of
instruction without him, nor the sage of advice, nor the prophet of the word.
Come on, let us hit at him with his own tongue; let us listen carefully to
every word he says.'
18:19 Listen to me, Yahweh,
hear what my adversaries are saying.
18:20 Should evil be returned
for good? (For they are digging a pit for me.) Remember how I stood in your
presence to plead on their behalf, to turn your wrath away from them.
18:21 Then hand their sons
over to famine, abandon them to the edge of the sword. May their wives become
childless and widowed. May their husbands die of plague, their young men be cut
down by the sword in battle.
18:22 Let cries re-echo from
their houses as you bring raiders suddenly on them. For they have dug a pit to
catch me, they have laid snares to trap my feet.
18:23 But you, Yahweh, know
all their murderous plots against me. Do not forgive their crime, do not efface
their sin from your sight. Keep their destruction always in mind, when the time
for your anger comes deal with them.
The broken jug and
the altercation with Pashhur
19:1 Then Yahweh said to
Jeremiah, 'Go and buy an earthenware jug. Take some of the elders of the people
and some priests with you.
19:2 Go out towards the Valley
of Ben-hinnom, as far as the entry of the Gate of the Potsherds. There proclaim
the words I shall speak to you.
19:3 You are to say,
"Kings of Judah, citizens of Jerusalem! Listen to the word of Yahweh!
Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: I am bringing down such a disaster
on this place that the ears of every one who hears of it will ring.
19:4 This is because they have
abandoned me, have profaned this place, have offered incense here to alien gods
which neither they, nor their ancestors, nor the kings of Judah, ever knew
before. They have filled this place with the blood of the innocent.
19:5 They have built high
places for Baal to burn their sons there, which I had never ordered or decreed,
which had never entered my thoughts.
19:6 So now the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when people will no longer call this place
Topheth, or the Valley of Ben-hinnom, but Valley of Slaughter.
19:7 Because of this place, I
mean to drain[*a] Judah and Jerusalem of sound advice; I will make them fall by
the sword before their enemies, fall by the hand of people determined to kill
them; I will give their corpses as food to the birds of heaven and the beasts
of earth.
19:8 And I will make this city
a desolation, a derision; every passer-by will be appalled at it, and whistle
in amazement at such calamity.
19:9 I will make them eat the
flesh of their own sons and daughters: they shall eat each other during the
siege, in the shortage to which their enemies, in their determination to kill
them, will reduce them."
19:10 'You are to break this
jug in front of the men who are with you,
19:11 and say to them,
"Yahweh Sabaoth says this: I am going to break this people and this city
just as one breaks a potter's pot, irreparably. Topheth will become a burial
ground, for lack of other space.
19:12 That is how I will treat
this place - it is Yahweh who speaks. And I mean to make this city like
19:13 the houses of Jerusalem
and those of the kings of Judah will be unclean,[*b] like this place Topheth:
all these houses on the roofs of which they offered incense to the whole array
of heaven and poured their libations to alien gods."'
19:14 When Jeremiah came back
from Topheth where Yahweh had sent him to prophesy, he went and stood in the
court of the Temple of Yahweh and addressed all the people.
19:15 'Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this, "Yes, I am going to bring down every disaster I have
threatened on this city and on all its outlying towns, since they have grown so
stubborn and refused to listen to my words".'
20:1 Now the priest Pashhur
son of Immer, who was in charge of the police in the Temple of Yahweh, heard
Jeremiah making this prophecy.
20:2 Pashhur had Jeremiah the
prophet beaten and then put in the stocks at the Gate of Benjamin, the upper
gate leading into the Temple of Yahweh.
20:3 Next day, Pashhur had
Jeremiah taken out of the stocks; Jeremiah said to him, 'Not Pashhur but Terror
is Yahweh's name for you.
20:4 For Yahweh says this,
"I am going to hand you over to terror, you and all your friends; they
shall fall by the sword of their enemies; your own eyes shall see it. The whole
of Judah, too, I will hand over to the king of Babylon; he will carry them off
captives to Babylon and put them to the sword.
20:5 And all the wealth of
this city, all its stores, all its valuables, all the treasures of the kings of
Judah, I will hand over to their enemies who will plunder them, round them up
and carry them off to Babylon.
20:6 As for you, Pashhur, and
your whole household, you shall go into captivity; you shall go to Babylon;
there you will die, and there be buried, you and all your friends to whom you
have prophesied lies."'
Selections from the
'Confessions' of Jeremiah
20:7 You have seduced me,
Yahweh, and I have let myself be seduced; you have overpowered me: you were the
stronger. I am a daily laughing-stock, everybody's butt.
20:8 Each time I speak the
word, I have to howl and proclaim: 'Violence and ruin!' The word of Yahweh has
meant for me insult, derision, all day long.
20:9 I used to say, 'I will
not think about him, I will not speak in his name any more. Then there seemed
to be a fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones. The effort to
restrain it wearied me, I could not bear it.
20:10 I hear so many disparaging
me, '"Terror from every side!" Denounce him! Let us denounce him!'
All those who used to be my friends watched for my downfall, 'Perhaps he will
be seduced into error. Then we will master him and take our revenge!'
20:11 But Yahweh is at my
side, a mighty hero; my opponents will stumble, mastered, confounded by their
failure; everlasting, unforgettable disgrace will be theirs.
20:12 But you, Yahweh Sabaoth,
you who probe with justice, who scrutinise the loins and heart, let me see the
vengeance you will take on them, for I have committed my cause to you.
20:13 Sing to Yahweh, praise
Yahweh, for he has delivered the soul of the needy from the hands of evil men.
20:14 A curse on the day when
I was born, no blessing on the day my mother bore me!
20:15 A curse on the man who
brought my father the news, 'A son, a boy has been born to you!' making him
20:16 May this man be like the
towns that Yahweh overthrew without mercy; may he hear alarms in the morning,
the war cry in broad daylight,
20:17 since he did not kill me
in the womb; my mother would have been my tomb while her womb was swollen with
20:18 Why ever did I come out
of the womb To live in toil and sorrow and to end my days in shame!
Jeremiah answers
the envoys of Zedekiah[*a]
21:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah by Yahweh when King Zedekiah sent Pashhur son of Malchiah
to him, with the priest Zephaniah son of Maaseiah, to say this,
21:2 'Please consult Yahweh
for us, since Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is making war on us: perhaps
Yahweh will work all his wonders on our behalf, so that the enemy will have to
21:3 Jeremiah said to them,
'Take this answer to Zedekiah,
21:4 "Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says this: I am going to bring back the weapons of war which you are
now carrying, and with which you are fighting the king of Babylon and the
Chaldaeans now besieging your walls; I am going to stack them in the centre of
this city.
21:5 And I am going to fight
against you myself with outstretched hand and mighty arm, in anger, fury and
great wrath.
21:6 I am going to strike the
inhabitants of this city, man and beast, with a frightful plague: they will
21:7 After which - it is
Yahweh who speaks - I am going to deliver Zedekiah king of Judah with his
servants and the people of this city who escape the plague, the sword, or the
famine, into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, into the hands of
their enemies and of those determined to kill them; mercilessly, relentlessly,
pitilessly, he will put them to the sword."
21:8 'And you are to say to
this people, "Yahweh says this: Look, I now set in front of you the way of
life and the way of death.
21:9 Those who stay in this
city will die by sword, by famine, or by plague; but anyone who leaves it and
surrenders to the Chaldaeans now besieging it will live; he shall escape with
his life.
21:10 For I have turned my
face against this city for its ruin, not for its prosperity - it is Yahweh who
speaks. It is to be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he
will burn it down."'
Address to the
royal family of Judah
21:11 To the royal House of
Judah. Listen to the word of Yahweh,
21:12 House of David! Yahweh
says this: 'Each morning give sound judgement, rescue the man who has been
wronged from the hands of his oppressor, or else my wrath will leap out like a
fire, it will burn and no one will be able to quench it.
21:13 My quarrel is with you,
you that have gone to live at Rock-in-the-Plain[*b] - it is Yahweh who speaks -
with you that say, "Who would dare attack us and penetrate our
21:14 (I will punish you as
your actions deserve - it is Yahweh who speaks.) I will set fire to its forest;
it will devour the whole district.'
22:1 Yahweh said this, 'Go
down to the palace of the king of Judah and there deliver this message,
22:2 "Listen to the word
of Yahweh, king of Judah sitting on the throne of David, you, your servants too,
and your people who go through these gates.
22:3 Yahweh says this:
Practise honesty and integrity; rescue the man who has been wronged from the
hands of his oppressor; do not exploit the stranger, the orphan, the widow; do
no violence; shed no innocent blood in this place.
22:4 For if you are scrupulous
in obeying this command, then kings occupying the throne of David will continue
to make their entry through the gates of this palace mounted on chariots and
horses, they, their servants and their people.
22:5 But if you do not listen
to these words, then I swear by myself - it is Yahweh who speaks - this palace
shall become a ruin!
22:6 Yes, this is what Yahweh
says about the royal palace of Judah: You were like a Gilead to me, like a peak
of Lebanon. All the same, I will reduce you to a desert, to an uninhabited
22:7 I have dedicated men to
destroy you, each man with his axe; they will cut down your finest cedars and
throw them on the fire.
22:8 When the hordes of the
nations pass this city, they will say to each other: Why has Yahweh treated
such a great city like this?
22:9 And the answer will be:
Because they abandoned the covenant of Yahweh their God to worship alien gods
and serve them."'
Oracles against
various kings: against Jehoahaz
22:10 Do not weep for the man
who is dead,[*a] do not raise the dirge for him. Weep bitterly for the man who
has gone away, since he will never come back, never see his native land again.
22:11 For this is what Yahweh
has said about Shallum son of Josiah, king of Judah, who succeeded Josiah his
father and was forced to leave this place, 'He will never come back to it
22:12 but will die in the
place to which he has been taken captive; and he will never see this country
Against Jehoiakim
22:13 'Doom for the man who
founds his palace on anything but integrity, his upstairs rooms on anything but
honesty, who makes his fellow man work for nothing, without paying him his
22:14 who says, "I will
build myself an imposing palace with spacious rooms upstairs", who pierces
lights in it, panels it with cedar, and paints it vermilion.
22:15 Are you more of a king
for outrivalling others with cedar? Your father ate and drank, like you, but he
practised honesty and integrity, so all went well for him.
22:16 He used to examine the
cases of poor and needy, then all went well. Is not that what it means to know
me? - it is Yahweh who speaks.
22:17 You on the other hand
have eyes and heart for nothing but your own interests, for shedding innocent
blood and perpetrating violence and oppression.'
22:18 So Yahweh has said this
about Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah: 'Doom for that man! Raise no
dirge for him, "Mourn for my brother! Mourn for my sister!" Raise no
dirge for him, "Mourn for his highness. Mourn for his majesty"
22:19 He will receive the
funeral honours of a donkey, - dragged away and thrown out of the gates of
Against Jehoiachin
22:20 'Go up to Lebanon and
shriek, let your voice be heard on Bashan, shriek from Abarim,[*b] for all your
lovers[*c] have been ruined!
22:21 I spoke to you in your
prosperity, but you said, "I will not listen!" from your youth this
has been how you behaved, refusing to listen to my voice.
22:22 The wind will blow all
your shepherds away to other pastures, your lovers will go into captivity. Yes,
now you may well be ashamed and confounded at the thought of all your
22:23 You who made Lebanon
your home, who made your nest among the cedars, how you will groan when anguish
overtakes you, and pain like that of a woman in labour!
22:24 'As I live - it is
Yahweh who speaks - even if Coniah son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, were the
signet ring on my right hand, I would still wrench him off.
22:25 I will deliver you into
the hands of those determined to kill you, into the hands of those you dread,
the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the hands of the Chaldaeans.
22:26 You and the mother who
bore you, I will thrust you both out into another country; you were not born
there but you will both die there.
22:27 They will not return to
the country to which they so long to return.'
22:28 Is he a shoddy broken
pot, this man Coniah, a crock that no one wants? Why are they ejected, he and
his descendants, thrown into a country they know nothing of?
22:29 O land, land, land,
listen to the word of Yahweh!
22:30 Yahweh says this, 'List
this man as: Childless; a man who made a failure of his life, since none of his
descendants will have the fortune to sit on the throne of David, or to rule in
Judah again.
Messianic oracles.
The future king
23:1 'Doom for the shepherds
who allow the flock of my pasture to be destroyed and scattered - it is Yahweh
who speaks!
23:2 This, therefore, is what
Yahweh, the God of Israel, says about the shepherds in charge of my people: You
have let my flock be scattered and go wandering and have not taken care of
them. Right, I will take care of you for your misdeeds - it is Yahweh who
23:3 But the remnant of my
flock I myself will gather from all the countries where I have dispersed them,
and will bring them back to their pastures: they shall be fruitful and increase
in numbers.
23:4 I will raise up shepherds
to look after them and pasture them; no fear, no terror for them any more; not
one shall be lost - it is Yahweh who speaks!
23:5 'See, the days are coming
- it is Yahweh who speaks - when I will raise a virtuous Branch for David, who
will reign as true king and be wise, practising honesty and integrity in the
23:6 In his days Judah will be
saved and Israel dwell in confidence. And this is the name he will be called:
23:7 'So, then, the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when people will no longer say, "As
Yahweh lives who brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt!"
23:8 but, "As Yahweh
lives who led back and brought home the descendants of the House of Israel out
of the land of the North and from all the countries to which he had dispersed
them, to live on their own soil".'
A tract against the
false prophets
23:9 On the prophets. My heart
is broken within me, I tremble in all my bones I am like a drunken man, a man
overcome with wine - because of Yahweh and his holy words,
23:10 'The land is full of
adulterers (yes, because of these men the land is in mourning and the desert
pastures have dried up); 'they are quick only at doing wrong and powerful only
in crime.
23:11 Yes, even prophet and
priest are godless, I have found their wickedness even in my House - it is
Yahweh who speaks.
23:12 Because of this their
way will prove treacherous going for them; in the darkness they are driven,
there they will fall. For I will bring disaster down on them when the year
comes for me to deal with them - it is Yahweh who speaks.
23:13 'In the prophets of
Samaria I have seen nauseating things: they prophesised in the name of Baal and
led my people Israel astray.
23:14 But in the prophets of
Jerusalem I have seen horrors: adultery, persistent lying, such abetting of
evil men, that no one renounces his evil-doing; to me they are all like Sodom,
its inhabitants all like Gomorrah.
23:15 So this is what Yahweh
Sabaoth says about the prophets: Now I will give them wormwood for their food,
and poisoned water to drink, since from the prophets of Jerusalem godlessness
has spread throughout the land.
23:16 'Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: Do not listen to what those prophets say: they are deluding you, they
retail visions of their own, and not what comes from the mouth of Yahweh;
23:17 to those who reject the
word of Yahweh they say, "Peace will be yours", and to those who
follow the dictates of a hardened heart, "No misfortune will touch
23:18 (But who has been
present at the council of Yahweh? Who has seen it and heard his word? Who has
paid attention to his word in order to proclaim it?)
23:19 Now a storm of Yahweh
breaks, a tempest whirls, it bursts over the head of the wicked;
23:20 the anger of Yahweh will
not turn aside until he has performed, and has carried out, the decision of his
heart. You will understand this clearly in the days to come.
23:21 'I have not sent those
prophets, yet they are running; I have not spoken to them, yet they are
23:22 Have they been present
at my council? If so, let them proclaim my words to my people and turn them
from their evil way and from the wickedness of their deeds!
23:23 'Am I a God when near -
it is Yahweh who speaks - and not one when far away?
23:24 Can anyone hide in a
dark corner without my seeing him? - it is Yahweh who speaks. Do I not fill
heaven and earth? - it is Yahweh who speaks.
23:25 'I have heard what the
prophets say who make their lying prophecies in my name. "I have had a
dream," they say "I have had a dream!"
23:26 How long will they
retain this notion in their hearts, these prophets prophesying lies, who
announce their private delusions as prophetic?
23:27 They hope, by means of
the dreams that they keep telling each other, to make my people forget my name,
just as their fathers forgot my name in favour of Baal.
23:28 Let the prophet who has
had a dream tell his dream as his own! And let him who receives a word from me,
deliver it accurately! 'What have straw and wheat in common? - it is Yahweh who
23:29 Does not my word burn
like fire - it is Yahweh who speaks - is it not like a hammer shattering a
23:30 'So, then, I have a
quarrel with the prophets - it is Yahweh who speaks - that steal my words from
one another.
23:31 I have a quarrel with
the prophets - it is Yahweh who speaks - who have only to move their tongues to
utter oracles.
23:32 I have a quarrel with
the prophets who make prophecies out of lying dreams - it is Yahweh who speaks
- who recount them, and lead my people astray with their lies and their
pretensions. I certainly never sent them or commissioned them, and they serve
no good purpose for this people - it is Yahweh who speaks.
23:33 'And when these people,
either a prophet or a priest, ask you, "What is the Burden of
Yahweh?"[*a] you are to answer, "You, you are the burden of Yahweh;
yes, you, and I mean to be rid of you! It is Yahweh who speaks."
23:34 'And the prophet,
priest, or anyone else, who says, "Burden of Yahweh", I will punish
that man, and his household too.
23:35 This is the way you
ought to talk, neighbour to neighbour, brother to brother, "What answer
has Yahweh given?" or "What has Yahweh said?"
23:36 But do not go on using
the expression burden of Yahweh or, for the man who uses it, burdensome it will
certainly prove, since you twist the words of the living God, of Yahweh
Sabaoth, our God.
23:37 This is the way to speak
to a prophet, "What answer has Yahweh given?" or "What has
Yahweh said?"
23:38 But if you say,
"Burden of Yahweh", then thus speaks Yahweh: Since you use these
words, "Burden of Yahweh", when I have warned you to stop saying,
"Burden of Yahweh",
23:39 I myself will pick you
up and fling you out of my sight, both you and the city I gave to you and to
your ancestors.
23:40 I will bring down
everlasting shame on you, everlasting and unforgettable disgrace.
The two baskets of
24:1 Yahweh gave me a vision:
placed in front of the Temple of Yahweh stood two baskets of figs.[*a] This was
after Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had led away Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim,
king of Judah, into exile from Jerusalem, with all the nobles of Judah, and the
blacksmiths and metalworkers, and had taken them to Babylon.
24:2 One basket contained
excellent figs, like those that ripen first; the other contained very bad figs,
so bad they were uneatable.
24:3 Yahweh said to me, 'What
do you see, Jeremiah?' 'Figs,' I answered 'the good ones excellent, the bad
ones very bad, so bad as to be uneatable.'
24:4 Then the word of Yahweh
was addressed to me,
24:5 'Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says this: As these figs are good, so I mean to concern myself with the
welfare of the exiles of Judah whom I have sent from this place to the land of
the Chaldaeans.
24:6 My eyes will watch over
them for their good, to bring them back to this land, to build them up and not
to break them down, to plant them and not to tear them up.
24:7 I will give them a heart
to acknowledge that I am Yahweh. They shall be my people and I will be their
God, for they will return to me with all their heart.
24:8 As for the bad figs, the
figs so bad as to be uneatable - yes, Yahweh says this - that is how I will
treat Zedekiah king of Judah, his nobles and the remnant of Jerusalem: those
who have stayed in this land, as also those living in the land of Egypt.
24:9 I will make them an
object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, a thing of shame, a byword,
a laughing-stock, a curse in every place where I shall disperse them.
24:10 Sword, famine and plague
I will send against them until they have vanished from the soil I gave to them
and to their ancestors.'
25:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah about all the people of Judah in the fourth year of
Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah (that is to say the first year of
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon).
25:2 The prophet Jeremiah
proclaimed it before all the people of Judah and all the citizens of Jerusalem:
25:3 'For twenty-three years,
from the thirteenth year of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah, until today, the
word of Yahweh has been addressed to me and I have persistently spoken to you
(but you have not listened.
25:4 Furthermore, Yahweh has
persistently sent you all his servants the prophets, but you have not listened,
or paid attention.)
25:5 The message was this,
"Turn back, each of you, from your evil behaviour and your evil actions,
and you will stay on the soil Yahweh long ago gave to you and to your ancestors
for ever.
25:6 (And do not follow alien
gods to serve and worship them, do not provoke me by what your own hands have
made; then I will not harm you.)
25:7 But you have not listened
to me (it is Yahweh who speaks - so that you have now provoked me by what your
own hands have made, and thus harmed yourselves).
25:8 "So - this is what
Yahweh Sabaoth says: Since you have not listened to my words,
25:9 I will now send for all
the clans of the North (it is Yahweh who speaks - referring to Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon, my servant) and bring them down on this land and its
inhabitants (and on all these surrounding nations): I will lay the ban on them
and make them an object of horror, of scorn, of lasting shame.
25:10 I will put an end for
them to the shouts of rejoicing and mirth, to the voices of bridegroom and
bride, to the sound of the millstone and to the light of the lamp.
25:11 The whole land shall be
devastated and reduced to a desert, while they will stay in slavery among the
nations for seventy years.
25:12 (But when the seventy
years are over, I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation - it is
Yahweh who speaks - for the wrong they have done; and punish the land of the
Chaldaeans too, and make it a desert for ever.)
25:13 I will bring down on
that country all the words I have pronounced against it, all that is written in
this book."'
The vision of the
What Jeremiah prophesied
against all the nations.
25:14 ('For these in their
turn are to be enslaved to powerful nations and great kings, and I will pay
them back as their deeds and their handiwork deserve.')
25:15 Yahweh the God of Israel
said this to me, 'Take this cup of wine from my hand and make all the nations
to whom I send you drink it,
25:16 let them drink and reel
and lose their wits at the sword I am sending among them'.
25:17 I took the cup from the
hand of Yahweh and made all the nations to whom Yahweh sent me drink it
25:18 (Jerusalem and the towns
of Judah, its kings and its nobles, to make them into a desolation and a waste,
a thing of scorn, a curse, as is so today):
25:19 Pharaoh king of Egypt,
with his servants, his nobles, and all his people,
25:20 the whole crowd of
foreigners besides (all the kings of the land of Uz); all the kings of the
country of the Philistines, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron and what still remains of
25:21 Edom, Moab and the sons
of Ammon;
25:22 (all) the kings of Tyre,
(all) the kings of Sidon, the kings of the islands across the sea;
25:23 Dedan, Tema, Buz, all
the Crop-Heads,
25:24 all the kings of Arabia
who live in the desert;
25:25 (all the kings of Zimri)
and all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of Media;
25:26 all the kings of the
north, near and far, one after another; and all the kingdoms that are on the
face of the earth. (As for the king of Sheshak, he shall drink last of all.)
25:27 'You are to say to them,
"Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: Drink! Get drunk! Vomit!
Fall, never to rise, at the sword that I am sending among you!"
25:28 If they refuse to take
the cup from your hand and drink, you are to say to them, "Yahweh Sabaoth
says this: You must drink!
25:29 Since I am now making a
beginning of disaster with the city that bears my name, do you think you are
likely to go unpunished? You certainly shall not, for I will next summon a
sword against all the inhabitants of the earth - it is Yahweh Sabaoth who
25:30 'Let your prophecy to
them contain all these words, and tell them: "Yahweh roars from on high,
he makes his voice heard from his holy dwelling place, he roars loud against
his sheepfold, he shouts aloud like those who tread the grape. The sound
reaches all the inhabitants of the earth,
25:31 to the far ends of the
world. For Yahweh is indicting the nations, arraigning all flesh for judgement;
the wicked he abandons to the sword - it is Yahweh who speaks.
25:32 Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: See! The disaster spreads from nation to nation, a mighty tempest rises
from the far ends of the world.
25:33 "Those slaughtered
by Yahweh that day will be scattered across the world from end to end. No dirge
will be raised for them; no one will gather them or bury them; they will stay
lying on the surface like dung.
25:34 "Howl, shepherds,
shriek, roll on the ground, you lords of the flock, for the days have arrived
for your slaughter, like the finest rams you will fall.
25:35 No refuge now for the
shepherds, no escape for the lords of the flock!
25:36 Listen! A shout from the
shepherds, a howl from the lords of the flock! For Yahweh has laid their
pastures waste,
25:37 their quiet sheepfolds
are in ruins.
25:38 The lion has left his
lair, their land is a wasteland now, thanks to the destroying sword, and the
fierce anger of Yahweh."'
discourse against the Temple: his arrest and condemnation
26:1 At the beginning of the
reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah, this word was addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh,
26:2 'Yahweh says this: Stand
in the court of the Temple of Yahweh. To all the people of the towns of Judah
who come to worship in the Temple of Yahweh you must speak all the words I have
commanded you to tell them; do not omit one syllable.
26:3 Perhaps they will listen
and each turn from his evil way: if so, I shall relent and not bring the
disaster on them which I intended for their misdeeds.
26:4 Say to them, "Yahweh
says this: If you will not listen to me by following my Law which I put before
26:5 by paying attention to
the words of my servants the prophets whom I send so persistently to you, without
your ever listening to them,
26:6 I will treat this Temple
as I treated Shiloh, and make this city a curse for all the nations of the
26:7 The priests and prophets
and all the people heard Jeremiah say these words in the Temple of Yahweh.
26:8 When Jeremiah had
finished saying everything that Yahweh had ordered him to say to all the
people, the priests and prophets seized hold of him and said, 'You shall die!
26:9 Why have you made this
prophecy in the name of Yahweh, "This Temple will be like Shiloh, and this
city will be desolate, and uninhabited"?' And the people were all crowding
round Jeremiah in the Temple of Yahweh.
26:10 Hearing of this, the
officials of Judah went up from the royal palace to the Temple of Yahweh and
took their seats at the entry of the New Gate of the Temple of Yahweh.
26:11 The priests and prophets
then addressed the officials and all the people, 'This man deserves to die,
since he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your own
26:12 Jeremiah, however,
replied to the people as follows, 'Yahweh himself sent me to say all the things
you have heard against this Temple and this city.
26:13 So now amend your
behaviour and actions, listen to the voice of Yahweh your God: if you do, he
will relent and not bring down on you the disaster he has pronounced against
26:14 For myself, I am as you
see in your hands. Do whatever you please or think right with me.
26:15 But be sure of this,
that if you put me to death, you will be bringing innocent blood on yourselves,
on this city and on its citizens, since Yahweh has truly sent me to you to say
all these words in your hearing.'
26:16 The officials and all
the people then said to the priests and prophets, 'This man does not deserve to
die: he has spoken to us in the name of Yahweh our God'.
26:17 Some of the elders of
the land had risen to address all the assembled people.
26:18 'Micah of Moresheth,'
they said 'who prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, had this to
say to all the people of Judah, "Yahweh says this: Zion will become
ploughland, Jerusalem a heap of rubble, and the mountain of the Temple a wooded
26:19 'Did Hezekiah king of
Judah and all of Judah put him to death for this? Did they not rather, fearing
Yahweh, entreat his favour, to make him relent and not bring the disaster on
them which he had pronounced against them? Are we now to burden our souls with
such a crime?'
26:20 There was another man,
too, who used to prophesy in the name of Yahweh, Uriah son of Shemaiah, from
Kiriath-jearim. He prophesied exactly the same things against this city and
this land as Jeremiah.
26:21 When King Jehoiakim with
all his ministers and officials heard what he said, he wished to put him to
death. Learning this, Uriah took fright and escaped to Egypt.
26:22 King Jehoiakim, however,
sent Elnathan son of Achbor to Egypt with others,
26:23 who brought Uriah back
from Egypt and took him to King Jehoiakim, who had him put to the sword and his
body thrown into the common burying ground.
26:24 But Jeremiah had a
protector in Ahikam son of Shaphan,[*b] so he was not handed over to the people
to be put to death.
The symbolic yoke
and the message to the kings of the west
27:1 (At the beginning of the
reign of Zedekiah son of Josiah, king of Judah, this word was addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh:)
27:2 Yahweh said this to me,
'Make yourself ropes and a yoke and put them on your neck.
27:3 Then send word to the
king of Edom, the king of Moab, the king of the Ammonites, the king of Tyre,
and the king of Sidon, through their envoys accredited to Zedekiah king of
Judah in Jerusalem.
27:4 Give them the following
message for their masters, "Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this:
You must tell your masters this:
27:5 I by my great power and
outstretched arm made the earth, man and the animals that are on earth. And I
can give it to whom I please.
27:6 For the present, I have
handed all these countries over to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, my servant;
I have even put the wild animals at his service.
27:7 (All the nations will be
subject to him, to his son and to his grandson, until the time for his own
country comes in its turn, when mighty nations and great kings will enslave
27:8 Any nation or kingdom
that will not submit to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and will not bow its
neck to the yoke of the king of Babylon, I shall punish with sword, famine and
plague - it is Yahweh who speaks - until I have delivered it into his power.
27:9 For your own part, do not
listen to your prophets, your diviners, dreamers, soothsayers, or sorcerers,
who tell you: You will not be subjects of the king of Babylon.
27:10 They prophesy lies to
you, the result of which will be that you will be banished from your soil, that
I shall expel you, and you will perish.
27:11 The nation, however,
that bends its neck to the yoke of the king of Babylon and submits to him, I
shall leave in peace on its own soil - it is Yahweh who speaks - to farm it and
stay in it."'
27:12 To Zedekiah king of
Judah I had the same to say. 'Bend your necks,' I told him 'to the yoke of the
king of Babylon; submit to him and to his people and you will live.
27:13 (Why so anxious to die,
you and your people, by sword, famine and plague, with which Yahweh has
threatened the nation that will not submit to the king of Babylon?)
27:14 Do not listen to the
words the prophets say to you, "You will not be subjects of the king of
Babylon". They prophesy lies to you.
27:15 Since I have not sent
them - it is Yahweh who speaks - they prophesy untruths in my name. The result
will be that I shall expel you, you will perish, and so will the prophets who
prophesy to you.'
27:16 Next I spoke to the
priests and all the people as follows, 'Yahweh says this, "Do not listen
to the words of your prophets who prophesy to you as follows: Look, the vessels
of the Temple of Yahweh will (soon) be brought back from Babylon: they prophesy
lies to you.
27:17 (Do not listen to them;
submit to the king of Babylon and you will live; why should this city become a
27:18 If they were prophets,
if they had the word of Yahweh, they would now be praying to Yahweh Sabaoth
that the remaining vessels in the Temple of Yahweh, in the royal palace of
Judah and in Jerusalem should not go to Babylon.
27:19 For this is what Yahweh
Sabaoth says about (the pillars, the sea, the stands and) the other vessels
still remaining in this city,
27:20 those not carried off by
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon when he led away Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim, king
of Judah, into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon (with all the leading men of
Judah and Jerusalem).
27:21 Yes, this is what Yahweh
Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says about the vessels still remaining in the
Temple of Yahweh, in the royal palace of Judah, and in Jerusalem:
27:22 They will be carried off
to Babylon (and stay there until the day I fetch them) - it is Yahweh who
speaks. (Then I shall bring them back and restore them to this place)."'
The dispute with
28:1 That same year, at the
beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah in the fifth month of the
fourth year, the prophet Hananiah son of Azzur, a Gibeonite, spoke as follows
to Jeremiah in the Temple of Yahweh in the presence of the priests and of all
the people.
28:2 'Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says this, "I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.
28:3 In two years' time I will
bring back all the vessels of the Temple of Yahweh which Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon carried off from this place and took to Babylon.
28:4 And I will also bring
back Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and all the exiles of Judah who
have gone to Babylon - it is Yahweh who speaks. Yes, I am going to break the
yoke of the king of Babylon."'
28:5 The prophet Jeremiah then
replied to the prophet Hananiah in front of the priests and all the people
there in the Temple of Yahweh.
28:6 'I hope so' the prophet
Jeremiah said. 'May Yahweh do so. May he fulfil the words that you have
prophesied and bring the vessels of the Temple of Yahweh and all the exiles
back to this place from Babylon.
28:7 Listen carefully,
however, to this word that I am now going to say for you and all the people to
28:8 From remote times, the
prophets who preceded you and me prophesied war, famine and plague for many
countries and for great kingdoms;
28:9 but the prophet who
prophesies peace can only be recognised as one truly sent by Yahweh when his
word comes true.'
28:10 The prophet Hananiah
then took the yoke off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah and broke it.
28:11 In front of all the
people Hananiah then said, 'Yahweh says this, "This is how, two years
hence, I will break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and take it off
the necks of all the nations"'. At this, the prophet Jeremiah went away.
28:12 After the prophet
Hananiah had broken the yoke which he had taken off the neck of the prophet
Jeremiah the word of Yahweh was addressed to Jeremiah,
28:13 'Go to Hananiah and tell
him this, "Yahweh says this: You can break wooden yokes? Right, I will
make them iron yokes instead!
28:14 For Yahweh Sabaoth, the
God of Israel, says this: An iron yoke is what I now lay on the necks of all
these nations to subject them to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. (They will be
subject to him; I have even given him the wild animals.)"'
28:15 The prophet Jeremiah
said to the prophet Hananiah, 'Listen carefully, Hananiah: Yahweh has not sent
you; and thanks to you this people are now relying on what is false.
28:16 Hence - Yahweh says
this, "I am going to throw you off the face of the earth: you are going to
die this year (since you have preached apostasy from Yahweh)".'
28:17 The prophet Hananiah
died the same year, in the seventh month.
The letter to the
29:1 This is the text of the
letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to those elders carried
off into exile, to the priests, the prophets and all the people whom
Nebuchadnezzar had led away into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon.
29:2 This was after King
Jeconiah had left Jerusalem with the queen mother, the eunuchs, the nobility of
Judah and Jerusalem, and the blacksmiths and metalworkers.
29:3 The letter was entrusted
to Elasah son of Shaphan and to Gemariah son of Hilkiah, whom Zedekiah king of
Judah had sent to Babylon, to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. The letter said:
29:4 'Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this to all the exiles deported from Jerusalem to Babylon,
29:5 "Build houses, settle
down; plant gardens and eat what they produce;
29:6 take wives and have sons
and daughters; choose wives for your sons, find husbands for your daughters so
that these can bear sons and daughters in their turn; you must increase there
and not decrease.
29:7 Work for the good of the
country to which I have exiled you; pray to Yahweh on its behalf, since on its
welfare yours depends.
29:10 For Yahweh says this:
Only when the seventy years granted to Babylon are over, will I visit you and
fulfil my promise in your favour by bringing you back to this place.
29:11 I know the plans I have
in mind for you - it is Yahweh who speaks - plans for peace, not disaster,
reserving a future full of hope for you.
29:12 Then when you call to
me, and come to plead with me, I will listen to you.
29:13 When you seek me you
shall find me, when you seek me with all your heart;
29:14 I will let you find me (
- it is Yahweh who speaks. I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all
the nations and all the places where I have dispersed you - it is Yahweh who
speaks. I will bring you back to the place from which I exiled you.)
29:15 "You may say:
Yahweh has raised up prophets for us in Babylon,
29:8 but thus says Yahweh
Sabaoth, the God of Israel: Do not be deceived by the prophets among you or by
your diviners; do not listen to the dreams they dream,
29:9 since they prophesy lies
to you in my name. I have not sent them - it is Yahweh who speaks.
29:16 "For this is what
Yahweh says about the king now seated on the throne of David and all the people
who live in this city, your brothers who did not go with you into exile:
29:17 Thus says Yahweh
Sabaoth: I am now going to send them sword, famine and plague; I will make them
like rotten figs, so bad as to be uneatable.
29:18 I will pursue them with
sword, famine and plague, and make them an object of horror to all the kingdoms
of the earth, a curse, a thing of wonder, scorn, derision, for all the nations
where I have dispersed them;
29:19 because they have
refused to listen to my words - it is Yahweh who speaks - although I have
persistently sent them all my servants the prophets. However, they would not
listen - it is Yahweh who speaks.
29:20 But all you exiles, whom
I have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon, listen to the word of Yahweh.
29:21 "This is what
Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says about Ahab son of Kolaiah, and Zedekiah
son of Maaseiah, who prophesy lies to you in my name: I shall hand them over
now to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon who will strike them before your eyes.
29:22 This curse, based on
their fate, will be used by all the exiles of Judah in Babylon: May Yahweh
treat you like Zedekiah and Ahab, roasted alive by the king of Babylon!
29:23 Such is the fate of
those who perpetrate infamies in Israel, committing adultery with other men's
wives, speaking words in my name without orders from me. I know all the same; I
see - it is Yahweh who speaks."'
An exile objects to
Jeremiah's letter
29:24 Shemaiah of Nehelam sent
a letter of his own (to all the people in Jerusalem)
29:25 to the priest Zephaniah
son of Maaseiah (and to all the priests), which said:
29:26 'Yahweh has appointed
you priest in succession to Jehoiada to keep order in the Temple of Yahweh; in
the case of a madman who acts the prophet, your duty is to put him in the
stocks and iron collar.
29:27 This being the case, why
have you not disciplined Jeremiah of Anathoth, who poses as a prophet to you?
29:28 - since on the strength
of this pretension he has sent a message to us in Babylon to say, "It will
be a long time. Build houses, settle down; plant gardens and eat what they
29:29 The priest Zephaniah
read this letter aloud to the prophet Jeremiah.
29:30 The word of Yahweh,
however, was addressed to Jeremiah,
29:31 'Send this message to
all the exiles, "This is what Yahweh says about Shemaiah of Nehelam: Since
Shemaiah has prophesied to you without my sending him, and since it is due to
him that you are now relying on what is false,
29:32 now therefore - thus
says Yahweh - I will punish Shemaiah of Nehelam and his descendants; no male
member of his family shall survive among this people to see the happiness that
I will bestow on my people ( - it is Yahweh who speaks - since he has preached
apostasy from Yahweh)."'
Promise of recovery
for the northern kingdom of Israel
30:1 The word addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh:
30:2 Yahweh, the God of Israel
says this: Write all the words I have spoken to you in a book.
30:3 For see, the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when I will restore the fortunes of my
people Israel (and Judah), Yahweh says, and bring them back to possess the land
I gave to their ancestors.
30:4 These are the words
Yahweh spoke about Israel (and Judah):
30:5 Yahweh says this: I have
heard a cry of panic, of terror, not of peace.
30:6 Now ask, consider: can
men bear children? Then why do I see each man with his hands on his loins like
a woman in labour? Why has every face changed, turned pale?
30:7 This is indeed a great
day, no other like it: a time of distress for Jacob; but he will be freed from
30:8 On that day - it is
Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks - I will break the yoke on their necks, and snap
their chains. They will be no longer the servants of aliens,
30:9 but will serve Yahweh
their God, and David their king whom I will raise up for them.
30:10 So do not be afraid, my
servant Jacob - it is Yahweh who speaks - Israel, do not be alarmed: look, I
will rescue you from distant countries and your descendants from the country
where they are captive. Jacob will have quiet again and live at ease, with no
one to trouble him.
30:11 For I am with you to
save you: I will make an end of all the nations where I have scattered you; I
will not make an end of you, only discipline you in moderation, so as not to
let you go entirely unpunished.
30:12 Yes, Yahweh says this:
Your wound is incurable, your injury past healing.
30:13 There is no one to care
for your sore, no medicine to make you well again.
30:14 All your lovers have
forgotten you, they look for you no more. Yes, I have struck you as an enemy
strikes, with harsh punishment (so great is your guilt, so many your sins).
30:15 Why bother to complain
about your wound? Your pain is incurable. So great is your guilt, so many your
sins, that I have done all this to you.
30:16 But all those who
devoured you shall themselves be devoured, all your oppressors go into
captivity, those who despoiled you shall be despoiled, and all who preyed on
you I will make into prey.
30:17b For they used to call
you 'The Outcast', 'Our booty whom no one cares about!'
30:17a But I will restore you
to health and heal your wounds - it is Yahweh who speaks.
30:18 Yahweh says this: Now I
will restore the tents of Jacob, and take pity on his dwellings: the city shall
be rebuilt on its ruins, the citadel restored on its site.
30:19 From them will come
thanksgiving and shouts of joy. I will make them increase, and not diminish
them, make them honoured, and not disdained.
30:20 Their sons shall be as
once they were, their community fixed firm in my presence, and I will punish
all their oppressors.
30:21 Their prince will be one
of their own, their ruler come from their own people. I will let him come
freely into my presence and he can come close to me; who else, indeed, would
risk his life by coming close to me? - it is Yahweh who speaks.
30:22 And you shall be my
people and I will be your God.
30:23 Now a storm of Yahweh
breaks, a tempest whirls, it bursts over the head of the wicked;
30:24 the anger of Yahweh will
not turn aside until he has performed and carried out, the decision of his
heart. You will understand this in the days to come.
31:1 When that time comes - it
is Yahweh who speaks - I will be the God of all the clans of Israel: they shall
be my people.
31:2 Yahweh says this: They
have found pardon in the wilderness, those who have survived the sword. Israel
is marching to his rest.
31:3 Yahweh has appeared to
him from afar: I have loved you with an everlasting love, so I am constant in
my affection for you.
31:4 I build you once more;
you shall be rebuilt, virgin of Israel. Adorned once more, and with your
tambourines, you will go out dancing gaily.
31:5 You will plant vineyards
once more on the mountains of Samaria (the planters have done their planting:
they will gather the fruit).
31:6 Yes, a day will come when
the watchmen shout on the mountains of Ephraim, 'Up! Let us go up to Zion, to
Yahweh our God!'
31:7 For Yahweh says this:
Shout with joy for Jacob! Hail the chief of nations! Proclaim! Praise! Shout:
'Yahweh has saved his people, the remnant of Israel!'
31:8 See, I will bring them
back from the land of the North and gather them from the far ends of earth; all
of them: the blind and the lame, women with child, women in labour: a great
company returning here.
31:9 They had left in tears, I
will comfort them as I lead them back; I will guide them to streams of water,
by a smooth path where they will not stumble. For I am a father to Israel, and
Ephraim is my first-born son.
31:10 Listen, nations, to the
word of Yahweh. Tell this to the distant islands, 'He who scattered Israel
gathers him, he guards him as a shepherd guards his flock'.
31:11 For Yahweh has ransomed
Jacob, rescued him from a hand stronger than his own.
31:12 They will come and shout
for joy on the heights of Zion, they will throng towards the good things of
Yahweh: corn and oil and wine, sheep and oxen; their soul will be like a
watered garden, they will sorrow no more.
31:13 The virgin will then
take pleasure in the dance, young men and old will be happy; I will change
their mourning into gladness, comfort them, give them joy after their troubles,
31:14 refresh my priests with
rich food, and see my people have their fill of my good things - it is Yahweh
who speaks.
31:15 Thus speaks Yahweh: A
voice is heard in Ramah, lamenting and weeping bitterly: it is Rachel [*a]
weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because
they are no more.
31:16 Yahweh says this: Stop
your weeping, dry your eyes, your hardships will be redressed: they shall come
back from the enemy country.
31:17 There is hope for your
descendants: your sons will come home to their own lands.
31:18 I plainly hear the
grieving of Ephraim, 'You have disciplined me, I accepted the discipline like a
young bull untamed. Bring me back, let me come back, for you are Yahweh my God!
31:19 Yes, I turned away, but
have since repented; I understood, I beat my breast. I was deeply ashamed,
covered with confusion; yes, I still bore the disgrace of my youth'.
31:20 Is Ephraim, then, so
dear a son to me, a child so favoured, that after each threat of mine I must
still remember him, still be deeply moved for him, and let my tenderness yearn
over him? It is Yahweh who speaks.
31:21 Set up signposts, raise
landmarks; mark the road well, the way by which you went. Come home, virgin of
Israel, come home to these towns of yours.
31:22 How long will you
hesitate, disloyal daughter? For Yahweh is creating something new on earth: the
Woman sets out to find her Husband again.
Promise of
restoration to Judah
31:23 Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this: In the land of Judah and in its towns, they will use
these words again, once I have restored their fortunes: 'Yahweh grant you his
blessing, you pasture of justice, you holy mountain!'
31:24 Judah and all his towns,
the farmers and those who tend the flock will live in this land.
31:25 For I refresh the
wearied soul and satisfy every sorrowing soul.
31:26 And hence:[*b] I awoke
and was refreshed, and my sleep was peaceful.
Israel and Judah
31:27 See, the days are coming
- it is Yahweh who speaks - when I am going to sow the seed of men and cattle
on the House of Israel and on the House of Judah.
31:28 And as I once watched
them to tear up, to knock down, to overthrow, destroy and bring disaster, so
now I shall watch over them to build and to plant. It is Yahweh who speaks.
31:29 In those days people
will no longer say: 'The fathers have eaten unripe grapes; the children's teeth
are set on edge'.
31:30 But each is to die for
his own sin. Every man who eats unripe grapes is to have his own teeth set on
The new covenant
31:31 See, the days are coming
- it is Yahweh who speaks - when I will make a new covenant with the House of
Israel (and the House of Judah),
31:32 but not a covenant like
the one I made with their ancestors on the day I took them by the hand to bring
them out of the land of Egypt. They broke that covenant of mine, so I had to
show them who was master. It is Yahweh who speaks.
31:33 No, this is the covenant
I will make with the House of Israel when those days arrive - it is Yahweh who
speaks. Deep within them I will plant my Law, writing it on their hearts. Then
I will be their God and they shall be my people.
31:34 There will be no further
need for neighbour to try to teach neighbour, or brother to say to brother,
'Learn to know Yahweh!' No, they will all know me, the least no less than the
greatest - it is Yahweh who speaks - since I will forgive their iniquity and
never call their sin to mind.
Israel will endure
31:35 Yahweh who provides the
sun for light by day, the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs the sea,
making its waves roar, he whose name is Yahweh Sabaoth, says this:
31:36 Were this established
order ever to pass away from my presence - it is Yahweh who speaks - only then
would the race of Israel also cease to be a nation in my presence for ever.
31:37 Were the heavens above
ever to be measured, the foundations of the earth below ever to be fathomed,
only then would I reject the race of Israel for all that they have done. It is
Yahweh who speaks.
magnificently rebuilt
31:38 See, the days are coming
- it is Yahweh who speaks - when the city of Yahweh will be rebuilt from the
Tower of Hananel to the Gate of the Corner.
31:39 Then once again the measuring
line will stretch straight to the Hill of Gareb, turning then to Goah.[*c]
31:40 And the whole valley,
with its dead and its ashes, and all the fields beside the wadi Kidron as far
as the corner of the Horse Gate, eastwards, will be consecrated to Yahweh. It
shall never again be destroyed, or laid under the ban.
Jeremiah buys a
field in token of his confidence in the future of Judah
32:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah by Yahweh in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah,
which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.
32:2 The army of the king of
Babylon was at that time besieging Jerusalem, and the prophet Jeremiah was
confined to the Court of the Guard in the royal palace of Judah,
32:3 where Zedekiah king of
Judah had imprisoned him. 'Why' he had asked 'do you make a prophecy like this,
"Yahweh says this: I am now going to deliver this city into the hands of
the king of Babylon, for him to capture it;
32:4 and Zedekiah king of
Judah will not escape the power of the Chaldaeans, but will inevitably be
delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon, speak to him personally and
see him face to face.
32:5 He will take Zedekiah to
Babylon and he will stay there (until I visit him - it is Yahweh who speaks. If
you fight the Chaldaeans you will not succeed!)"?'
32:6 Jeremiah said, 'The word
of Yahweh has been addressed to me as follows,
32:7 "Look, Hanamel the
son of your uncle Shallum will come to you and say: Buy my field at Anathoth,
for you have the right of redemption[*a] "to purchase it".
32:8 And, as Yahweh had said,
my cousin Hanamel came to me, in the Court of the Guard. He said to me,
"Buy my field at Anathoth, for you have the right of inheritance and
redemption; buy it". I knew then that this was Yahweh's order.
32:9 Accordingly, I bought the
field from my cousin Hanamel of Anathoth and paid him the price: seventeen
silver shekels.
32:10 I drew up the deed and
sealed it, called in witnesses and weighed out the money on the scales.
32:11 I then took both the
sealed deed of purchase and its open copy, in accordance with the requirements
of the law,
32:12 and handed over the deed
of purchase to Baruch son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, in the presence of my
cousin Hanamel, of the witnesses who had signed the deed of purchase, and of
all the Jews who then happened to be in the Court of the Guard.
32:13 In their presence I gave
Baruch these instructions:
32:14 Take these deeds, the
sealed deed of purchase and its open copy, and put them in an earthenware pot,
so that they may be preserved for a long time.
32:15 For Yahweh Sabaoth, the
God of Israel, says this, "People will buy fields and vineyards in this
land again".
32:16 'After I had entrusted
the deed of purchase to Baruch son of Neriah, I prayed thus to Yahweh:
32:17 Ah, Lord Yahweh, you
have made the heavens and the earth with your great power and outstretched arm.
To you nothing is impossible.
32:18 You show kindness to
thousands but repay the fathers' guilt in full to their children after them.
Great and mighty God, whose name is Yahweh Sabaoth!
32:19 Great in purpose, mighty
in execution, whose eyes are open on all the ways of men, rewarding each man as
his ways and the results of his actions deserve!
32:20 You performed signs and
wonders in the land of Egypt and do the same today, in Israel and among
mankind. You have won the name that is yours today.
32:21 You brought your people
Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and wonders, with mighty hand and
outstretched arm and fearsome terror;
32:22 then you gave them this
land which you promised on oath to their ancestors, a land where milk and honey
32:23 and in due course they
entered it and took possession. But they would not listen to your voice or
follow your Law: they would do nothing you ordered them to do; and so you made
all these disasters happen to them.
32:24 See how the earthworks
grow nearer to the city for the assault! Sword, famine, and plague will deliver
the city into the hands of the attacking Chaldaeans. What you have said is now
fulfilled, as you see.
32:25 Yet you yourself, Lord
Yahweh, told me, "Buy the field with money in front of witnesses" -
and even now the city is falling into the hands of the Chaldaeans!
32:26 'The word of Yahweh was
addressed to me as follows,
32:27 "See, I am Yahweh,
the God of all mankind: is anything impossible to me?
32:28 "Therefore - Yahweh
says this: I am now putting this city into the power of the Chaldaeans, into
the power of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will capture it;
32:29 the Chaldaeans attacking
this city will come and set fire to it; they will burn the houses on the roofs
of which incense was offered to Baal and libations were poured to alien gods,
to provoke me.
32:30 For the sons of Israel
and of Judah have done nothing but displease me from their youth up (the sons
of Israel in fact have done nothing but provoke me by their actions - it is
Yahweh who speaks).
32:31 Yes, from the day when
it was built until today, this city has been such cause of anger and of wrath
to me that I mean to remove it from my sight,
32:32 because of all the
wickedness the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah have committed to provoke
me: they, their kings, their nobles, their priests and their prophets, the men
of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem.
32:33 They turned their backs
to me, never their faces; and though I taught them so urgently, so
persistently, they would not listen and learn the lesson.
32:34 They have put their
abominations in the Temple that bears my name to defile it.
32:35 They have built the high
places of Baal in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, there to make their sons and
daughters pass through fire in honour of Molech - something I never ordered,
for it never entered my thoughts that they would do such detestable things -
and so they have led Judah into sin.
32:36 "But now, and for
the same reason, this is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, says about this city
of which you say: Sword, famine and plague will deliver it into the hands of
the king of Babylon:
32:37 I mean to gather them
from all the countries where I have driven them in my anger, my fury and great
wrath. I will bring them back to this place and make them live in safety.
32:38 Then they shall be my
people, and I will be their God.
32:39 I will give them a
different heart and different behaviour so that they will always fear me, for
the good of themselves and their children after them.
32:40 I will make an
everlasting covenant with them; I will not cease in my efforts for their good,
and I will put respect for me into their hearts, so that they turn from me no
32:41 lt will be my pleasure
to bring about their good, and I will plant them firmly in this land, with all
my heart and soul.
32:42 For Yahweh says this: As
I have brought this great disaster on this people, so I am going to bring them
all the good I promise them.
32:43 People will buy fields
in this land of which you say: It is a wasteland without man or beast, it is given
over into the power of the Chaldaeans.
32:44 People will buy fields,
pay money, draw up deeds and seal them, and witness them in the land of
Benjamin, in the districts round Jerusalem, in the towns of Judah, of the
highlands, of the Lowlands and of the Negeb. For I am going to restore their
fortunes - it is Yahweh who speaks."'
Another promise of
recovery for Jerusalem and Judah
33:1 Jeremiah was still
confined to the Court of the Guard when the word of Yahweh was addressed to him
a second time,
33:2 'Yahweh, who made the
earth, who formed it and set it firm - Yahweh is his name - says this,
33:3 Call to me and I will
answer you; I will tell you great mysteries of which you know nothing.
33:4 For this is what Yahweh,
the God of Israel, says about the houses of this city and the royal palaces of
Judah which are to be destroyed. Against the earthworks and the palisades
33:5 they will join battle
with the Chaldaeans, only to fill the city with the corpses of those I strike
down in my anger and my wrath, of those from whom I turned my face because of
all their wickedness.
33:6 'But look, I will hasten
their recovery and their cure; I will cure them and let them know peace and
security in full measure.
33:7 I will restore the
fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, and build them again as they were before.
33:8 I will cleanse them of
every sin they have committed against me; the sins by which they offended me
and apostatised from me, all these I will forgive.
33:9 And Jerusalem shall be my
theme of joy, my honour and my boast, before all the nations of the earth:
these, when they hear of all the prosperity that I shall grant, will be seized
with fear and trembling at all the prosperity and the peace that I provide for
33:10 'Yahweh says this: In
this place of which you say, "It is a waste without man or beast", in
the towns of Judah and in the ruined streets of Jerusalem where there is
neither man nor beast, once more will be heard
33:11 shouts of rejoicing and
mirth, the voices of bridegroom and bride, and the singing of those who bring
thanksgiving sacrifices to the Temple of Yahweh, "Give thanks to Yahweh
Sabaoth, for Yahweh is good, for his love is everlasting". For I will
restore the fortunes of this land as they were before. Yahweh declares it!
33:12 'Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: In this place, this waste without man or beast, and in all its towns,
once again there will be pastures for the shepherds to rest their flocks.
33:13 In all the towns of the
highlands, of the Lowlands and the Negeb, in the land of Benjamin, in the
districts round Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah, once again the flocks
shall pass under the hand of him who counts them. Yahweh declares it!
The institutions of
the future
33:14 'See, the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when I am going to fulfil the promise I made
to the House of Israel and the House of Judah:
33:15 'In those days and at
that time, I will make a virtuous Branch grow for David, who shall practise
honesty and integrity in the land.
33:16 In those days Judah
shall be saved and Israel shall dwell in confidence. And this is the name the
city will be called: Yahweh-our-integrity.
33:17 For Yahweh says this:
David shall never lack a male descendant to sit on the throne of the House of
33:18 And the levitical
priests shall never lack a male descendant to stand in my presence and offer
holocaust, to burn the oblation and offer sacrifice every day.'
33:19 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to Jeremiah,
33:20 'Yahweh says this: If you
could break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that
day and night do not come at their due time,
33:21 then my covenant with
David my servant might also be broken and he would have no son to reign on his
throne, and so might my covenant with the levitical priests, who are my
33:22 As the array of heaven
is past counting, the sand on the seashore beyond all reckoning, so will I
increase the heirs of David my servant and the Levites, who, with these heirs,
minister to me.'
33:23 The word of Yahweh was
addressed to Jeremiah,
33:24 'Have you not noticed
what these people say, "The two families which Yahweh chose he has now
rejected"? So they despise my people, whom they no longer think of as a
33:25 Yahweh says this: if I
have not created day and night and have not laid down laws for the heavens and
the earth,
33:26 why, then I reject the
descendants of Jacob and of David my servant and cease to choose rulers from
his descendants for the heirs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! For I mean to
restore their fortunes and take pity on them.'
The fate of
34:1 The word addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and his whole army, with
all the kingdoms of the earth under his dominion and all the peoples, were
waging war on Jerusalem and its outlying towns,
34:2 'Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says this: Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah. Say this to him,
"Yahweh says this: I am now handing over this city into the power of the
king of Babylon, and he will burn it down.
34:3 And you yourself will not
escape his power but will inevitably be captured and delivered into his hands.
You will see the king of Babylon face to face and speak to him personally. Then
you will go to Babylon.
34:4 Even so, listen to the
word of Yahweh, Zedekiah king of Judah, and you will not die by the sword;
34:5 you will die in peace.
And as spices were burnt for your fathers, the kings who in times past preceded
you, so they will also burn spices for you and raise this dirge for you: Mourn
for his highness! I myself declare it - it is Yahweh who speaks."'
34:6 The prophet Jeremiah
repeated all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah, in Jerusalem,
34:7 while the army of the
king of Babylon was attacking Jerusalem and the towns of Judah which still held
out, namely Lachish and Azekah, these being the only towns of Judah that still
held out, since they were fortified.
The episode of the
liberated slaves
34:8 The word addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh after King Zedekiah had made a pact with all the people in
Jerusalem to free their slaves:
34:9 each man was to free his
Hebrew slaves, men and women, and no one was any longer to keep a brother Jew
in slavery.
34:10 All the nobles and all
the people who had entered into the pact had agreed that everyone should free
his slaves, men or women, and no longer keep them as slaves: they had agreed on
this and set them free.
34:11 Afterwards, however,
they changed their minds, recovered the slaves, men and women, whom they had
set free, and reduced them to slavery again.
34:12 So the word of Yahweh
was addressed to Jeremiah,
34:13 'Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says this: I made a covenant with your ancestors when I brought them
out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; it said:
34:14 At the end of seven
years each one of you is to free his brother Hebrew who has sold himself to
you: he may be your slave for six years, then you must send him away free. But
your ancestors did not listen to me and would not pay attention.
34:15 Now, today you took a
different attitude and did what pleases me by proclaiming freedom for your
neighbour; you made a covenant in my presence in the Temple that bears my name.
34:16 And then you changed
your mind and, profaning my name, each of you has recovered his slaves, men and
women, whom you had sent away free to live their own lives, and has forced them
to become your slaves again.
34:17 'Therefore - Yahweh says
this: You have disobeyed me, by not each granting freedom to his brother and
his neighbour. Very well, I in my turn - it is Yahweh who speaks - leave sword,
famine and plague free to deal with you; I will make you an object of horror to
all the kingdoms of the earth.
34:18 And these men who have
infringed my covenant, who have not observed the terms of the covenant made in
my presence, I will treat these men like the calf they cut in two to pass
between the parts of it.[*a]
34:19 As for the nobles of
Judah and of Jerusalem, the eunuchs and the priests, and all the people of the
country who have passed between the parts of the calf,
34:20 I will put them into the
power of their enemies and into the power of men determined to kill them: their
corpses will feed the birds of heaven and the beasts of the earth.
34:21 As for Zedekiah king of
Judah and his nobles, these too I will hand over to their enemies and to men
determined to kill them, and to the army of the king of Babylon which has just
34:22 Listen, I will give the
order - it is Yahweh who speaks - and bring them back to this city to attack it
and capture it and burn it down. I am going to make an uninhabited desert of
the towns of Judah.'
The example of the
35:1 The word addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh in the days of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah,
35:2 'Go to the clan of the
Rechabites and speak to them; bring them into one of the apartments of the
Temple of Yahweh and offer them wine to drink'.
35:3 So I brought Jaazaniah
son of Jeremiah, son of Habazziniah, with his brothers and all his sons: the
whole Rechabite clan.
35:4 I took them to the Temple
of Yahweh into the apartment of Ben-johanan son of Igdaliah, a man of God, a
room near that of the officials, over the apartment of Maaseiah son of Shallum,
guardian of the threshold.
35:5 I then set pitchers full
of wine, and some cups, before the men of the Rechabite clan and said, 'Drink
some wine'.
35:6 They replied, 'We do not
drink wine, because our ancestor Jonadab son of Rechab gave us this order:
"You must never drink wine, neither you nor your sons;
35:7 nor must you build
houses, sow seed, plant vineyards, or own property; but you must live in tents
all your lives, so that you may live long on the soil to which you are
35:8 We have punctiliously
obeyed the orders of our ancestor, Jonadab son of Rechab, never drinking wine
ourselves, nor our wives, our sons or our daughters,
35:9 not building houses to
live in, owning neither vineyard nor field to sow,
35:10 living in tents. We have
obeyed the orders of our ancestor Jonadab, respecting them in every particular.
35:11 However, when
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded this country, we decided, "We must
get away! We will go to Jerusalem to escape the army of the Chaldaeans and the
army of Aram." So here we are, living in Jerusalem.'
35:12 Then the word of Yahweh
was addressed to Jeremiah,
35:13 'Thus Yahweh Sabaoth,
the God of Israel: Go and say to the men of Judah and the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, "Will you not learn the lesson and listen to my words? It is
Yahweh who speaks.
35:14 The word of Jonadab son
of Rechab ordering his sons to drink no wine has been kept; obedient to their
ancestor's command, they drink none even today. But to me, who spoke to you so
urgently, so persistently, you have not listened.
35:15 I have sent you all my
servants the prophets so persistently, so often, to say: Each of you turn from
your evil way, and amend your actions, do not follow alien gods and serve them;
then you will be able to stay on the soil I gave to you and your ancestors. But
you would not listen to me.
35:16 The sons of Jonadab son
of Rechab have kept the command their ancestor gave them, but this people has
not listened to me.
35:17 And so - Yahweh, the God
of Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: I will bring down on Judah and the
citizens of Jerusalem all the disasters with which I have threatened them,
because I spoke to them and they would not listen, called to them and they
would not answer."'
35:18 Then Jeremiah said to
the Rechabite clan, 'Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel says this, "Because
you have obeyed the orders of Jonadab and kept all his rules and done all that
he ordered you,
35:19 for this - thus says
Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel - Jonadab son of Rechab shall never lack a
male descendant to stand in my presence"'.
The scroll written
in 605-604
36:1 In the fourth year of
Jehoiakim[*a], son of Josiah, king of Judah, this word was addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh,
36:2 'Take a scroll and write
on it all the words I have spoken to you about Jerusalem and Judah and all the
nations, from the day I first spoke to you, in the time of Josiah, until today.
36:3 Perhaps when the House of
Judah hears of all the evil I have in mind for them, each man will turn from
his evil way, and then I can forgive their misdeeds and their sin.'
36:4 Jeremiah therefore
summoned Baruch son of Neriah, who at his dictation wrote down on the scroll
all the words Yahweh had spoken to him.
36:9 Now in the fifth year of
Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah, in the ninth month[*b], there was a
summons to a fast in the presence of Yahweh for the whole population of
Jerusalem and for all the people who could come to Jerusalem from the towns of
36:5 Jeremiah then gave Baruch
this order: 'As I am prevented from entering the Temple of Yahweh,
36:6 you yourself must go and,
from the scroll you wrote at my dictation, read all the words of Yahweh to the
people in his Temple on the day of the fast; read them also in the hearing of
all the men of Judah who come in from the towns.
36:7 Perhaps they will offer
their prayers to Yahweh and each one turn from his evil way, for great is the
anger and wrath with which Yahweh has threatened this people.'
36:8 Baruch son of Neriah duly
carried out the order that the prophet Jeremiah had given him, to read all the
words of Yahweh from the book in his Temple.
36:10 He read the words of
Jeremiah from the book; this happened in the apartment of Gemariah, son of
Shaphan the secretary, in the upper court at the entry of the New Gate of the
Temple of Yahweh, where all the people could hear.
36:11 Micaiah son of Gemariah,
son of Shaphan, had heard all the words of Yahweh read from the book,
36:12 and he went down to the
royal palace and into the secretary's room. All the officials were in session
there: Elishama the secretary, Delaiah son of Shemaiah, Elnathan son of Achbor,
Gemariah son of Shaphan, Zedekiah son of Hananiah and all the other officials.
36:13 Micaiah reported to them
all the words he had heard as Baruch was reading the book to the people.
36:14 The officials then by
common consent sent Jehudi son of Nethaniah to Baruch, with Shelemiah son of
Cushi, to give him this message, 'Come, and bring the scroll with you which you
were reading to the people'. Bringing the scroll with him, Baruch son of Neriah
appeared before them.
36:15 'Sit down,' they said
'and read it out.' So Baruch read it to them.
36:16 When they had heard all
the words they turned to one another in alarm and said, 'We must certainly
inform the king of all this'.
36:17 They then questioned
Baruch: 'Tell us' they said 'how you came to write all these words'.
36:18 'Jeremiah dictated them
to me.' Baruch replied 'and I wrote them down in ink in this book.'
36:19 The officials then said
to Baruch, 'You and Jeremiah had better go into hiding; and do not tell anyone
where you are'.
36:20 Whereupon they went off
to the king in the palace court, depositing the scroll in the room of Elishama
the secretary. And they informed the king of the whole affair.
36:21 The king sent Jehudi for
the scroll, and he brought it from the room of Elishama the secretary and read
it out to the king and all the officials standing round the king.
36:22 The king was seated in
his winter apartments - it was the ninth month - with a fire burning in a
brazier in front of him.
36:23 Each time Jehudi had
read three or four columns, the king cut them off with a scribe's knife and
threw them into the fire in the brazier until the whole of the scroll had been
burnt in the brazier fire.
36:24 But even after hearing
all these words, neither the king nor any of his servants took alarm or tore
their garments;
36:25 and although Elnathan
and Delaiah and Gemariah had urged the king not to burn the scroll he would not
listen to them.
36:26 He ordered Prince
Jerahmeel and Seraiah son of Azriel and Shelemiah son of Abdeel to arrest the
scribe Baruch and the prophet Jeremiah. But Yahweh had hidden them.
36:27 And then the word of
Yahweh was addressed to Jeremiah, after the king had burnt the scroll
containing the words Baruch had written at the dictation of Jeremiah,
36:28 'Take another scroll and
write down all the words that were written on the first scroll burnt by
Jehoiakim king of Judah.
36:29 And as regards Jehoiakim
king of Judah, say, "Yahweh says this: You have burnt this scroll, saying:
Why have you written down: The king of Babylon will certainly come and lay this
country waste and leave it without man or beast?
36:30 And so, this is what
Yahweh says about Jehoiakim king of Judah: He will have no one to sit on the
throne of David, and his corpse will be tossed out to the heat of the day and
the frost of the night.
36:31 I will punish him, his
heirs and his servants for their misdeeds; on them, on the citizens of
Jerusalem and on the men of Judah I will bring down all the disasters with
which I have threatened them, though they have not listened."'
36:32 Jeremiah then took
another scroll and gave it to the scribe Baruch son of Neriah, and at the
dictation of Jeremiah he wrote down all the words of the book that Jehoiakim
king of Judah had burnt, with many similar words in addition.
A verdict on
37:1 Zedekiah son of Josiah
became king, succeeding Coniah son of Jehoiakim: Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
had made him king of the land of Judah.
37:2 But neither he nor his
servants nor the people of the country paid any attention to the words Yahweh
spoke through the prophet Jeremiah.
Zedekiah consults
Jeremiah during the respite of 588
37:3 King Zedekiah sent
Jehucal son of Shelemiah and the priest Zephaniah son of Maaseiah to the
prophet Jeremiah with this message, 'Intercede for us with Yahweh our God'.
37:4 Now Jeremiah was still
moving freely among the people: he had not yet been put in prison.
37:5 Meanwhile Pharaoh's army
was on the move from Egypt and the Chaldaeans besieging Jerusalem had raised
the siege when they heard the news.
37:6 Then the word of Yahweh
was addressed to the prophet Jeremiah,
37:7 'Yahweh, the God of
Israel, says this: To the king of Judah who sent you to consult me make this
reply, "Is Pharaoh's army marching to your aid? It will withdraw to its own
country, Egypt.
37:8 The Chaldaeans will
return to attack this city; they will capture it and burn it down.
37:9 Do not deceive yourselves
and say: The Chaldaeans are leaving us for good. They are not leaving.
37:10 Even if you cut to
pieces the whole Chaldaean army now fighting against you until there were only
the wounded left, they would stand up again, each man in his tent, to burn this
city down."'
The arrest of
Jeremiah. Improvement in his treatment
37:11 At the time when the
Chaldaean army, threatened by the army of Pharaoh, had raised the siege of
37:12 Jeremiah started to
leave Jerusalem and go to the land of Benjamin, there among his own people to
divide his property.
37:13 He was at the Benjamin
Gate when a sentry on duty there, Irijah son of Shelemiah, son of Hananiah,
arrested the prophet Jeremiah. 'You are deserting to the Chaldaeans' he said.
37:14 'It is a lie!' Jeremiah
answered. 'I am not deserting to the Chaldaeans.' But Irijah would not listen
to Jeremiah and took him under arrest to the officials.
37:15 The officials, furious
with Jeremiah, had him beaten and shut up in the house of Jonathan the
secretary which had been turned into a prison.
37:16 Thus Jeremiah found
himself in an underground cell. And there for a long time he stayed.
37:17 King Zedekiah had him
sent for, and he questioned him privately in his palace. 'Is there any word
from Yahweh?' he asked. 'There is' Jeremiah answered. '"You will be handed
over," he said "into the power of the king of Babylon."'
37:18 .Jeremiah then said to
King Zedekiah, 'What wrong have I done to you or your servants or this people,
for you to put me in prison?
37:19 Where are your prophets
now who prophesied, "The king of Babylon will not attack you or this
37:20 Let my lord king be
pleased to listen to me now; let my request meet your favour. Do not have me
taken back to the house of Jonathan the secretary, or I shall die there.'
37:21 King Zedekiah then gave
an order, and Jeremiah was confined in the Court of the Guard and given a loaf
of bread a day from the Street of the Bakers as long as there was bread left in
the city. So Jeremiah stayed in the Court of the Guard.
Jeremiah is
thrown into the cistern. Ebed-melech intervenes
38:1 But Shephatiah son of
Mattan, Gedaliah son of Pashhur, Jucal son of Shelemiah and Pashhur son of
Malchiah heard the words which Jeremiah was saying to all the people,
38:2 'Yahweh says this,
"Anyone who stays in this city will die by sword, famine or plague; but
anyone who leaves it and surrenders to the Chaldaeans will live; he will escape
with his life.
38:3 Yahweh says this: This
city will certainly be delivered into the power of the army of the king of
Babylon, who will capture it."'
38:4 These leading men accordingly
spoke to the king. 'Let this man be put to death: he is unquestionably
disheartening the remaining soldiers in the city, and all the people too, by
talking like this. The fellow does not have the welfare of this people at heart
so much as its ruin.'
38:5 'He is in your hands as
you know,' King Zedekiah answered 'for the king is powerless against you.'
38:6 So they took Jeremiah and
threw him into the well of Prince Malchiah in the Court of the Guard, letting
him down with ropes. There was no water in the well, only mud, and into the mud
Jeremiah sank.
38:7 But Ebed-melech the
Cushite, a eunuch attached to the palace, heard that Jeremiah had been put into
the well. As the king was sitting at the Benjamin Gate,
38:8 Ebed-melech came out from
the palace and spoke to the king.
38:9 'My lord king,' he said
'these men have done a wicked thing by treating the prophet Jeremiah like this:
they have thrown him into the well where he will die.'
38:10 At this the king gave
Ebed-melech the Cushite the following order: 'Take three men with you from here
and pull the prophet Jeremiah out of the well before he dies'.
38:11 Ebed-melech took the men
with him and went into the palace to the storehouse wardrobe; out of it he took
some torn, worn-out rags which he lowered on ropes to Jeremiah in the well.
38:12 Ebed-melech the Cushite
then said to Jeremiah, 'These torn, worn-out rags are for you to put under your
armpits to pad the ropes'. Jeremiah did this.
38:13 They then hauled
Jeremiah up with the ropes and pulled him out of the well. And Jeremiah stayed
in the Court of the Guard.
The last
conversation between Jeremiah and Zedekiah
38:14 King Zedekiah had the
prophet Jeremiah summoned to him at the third entrance to the Temple of Yahweh.
'I want to ask you for a word,' the king said to Jeremiah 'keep nothing back
from me.'
38:15 Jeremiah answered
Zedekiah, 'If I tell you, surely you will have me put to death? And if I give
you advice, you will not listen to me.'
38:16 King Zedekiah then swore
this oath in secret to Jeremiah, 'As Yahweh lives, giver of this life of ours,
I will neither have you put to death nor handed over into the power of these
men who are determined to kill you'.
38:17 Jeremiah then said to
Zedekiah, 'Yahweh, the God of Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this, "If
you go out and surrender to the officers of the king of Babylon, your life will
be safe and this city will not be burnt down; you and your family will survive.
38:18 But if you do not go out
and surrender to the officers of the king of Babylon, this city will be handed
over into the power of the king of the Chaldaeans who will burn it down; and
you yourself will not escape their hands."'
38:19 King Zedekiah then said
to Jeremiah, 'I am afraid of the Jews who have already gone over to the Chaldaeans:
I might be handed over to them and they would ill-treat me'.
38:20 'You will not be handed
over to them,' Jeremiah replied 'just listen to the voice of Yahweh, in
obedience to which I have spoken, and all will go well with you and your life
will be safe.
38:21 But if you refuse to go,
this is what Yahweh has shown me:
38:22 a vision of all the
women left in the palace of the king of Judah being led off to the officers of
the king of Babylon and singing: "They have misled you, they have
overreached you, your fine friends! Are your feet sinking in the mud? They are
up and away!"
38:23 Yes, all your wives and
children will be led off to the Chaldaeans, and you yourself will not escape
their hands, but will be a prisoner in the clutches of the king of Babylon. And
as for this city, it will be burnt down.'
38:24 Zedekiah then said to
Jeremiah, 'Do not let anyone else hear these words or you will die.
38:25 If the officials hear
that I have been talking to you, and come to you and say, "Tell us what
you said to the king and what the king said to you; keep nothing back from us,
or we will put you to death",
38:26 you must reply, "I
presented this request to the king: that he would not have me sent back to the
house of Jonathan to die there".'
38:27 All the officials did in
fact come to Jeremiah to question him. He told them exactly what the king had
ordered him to say. They then left him in peace, since no part of the
conversation had been overheard.
38:28 Jeremiah stayed in the
Court of the Guard until the day Jerusalem was captured.
The fall of
Jerusalem: the treatment Jeremiah received
Now when Jerusalem
was captured...
39:1 In the ninth year of
Zedekiah king of Judah, in the tenth month[*a], Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
came with his whole army to attack Jerusalem and besieged it.
39:2 In the eleventh year of
Zedekiah, in the fourth month[*b], a breach was made in the city wall.
39:3 ...all the officers of
the king of Babylon marched in and took up their quarters at the Middle Gate:
Nergal-sharezer, prince of Sin-magir, the chief officer, Nebushazban, the high
official, and all the other officers of the king of Babylon...
39:4 Seeing this, Zedekiah
king of Judah fled under cover of dark, with all the fighting men, leaving the
city by way of the king's garden through the gate between the two walls, and
making their way towards the Arabah.[*c]
39:5 The Chaldaean troops
pursued them and caught up with Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho. They
captured him and took him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon at Riblah in the
land of Hamath, who passed sentence on him.
39:6 The king of Babylon had
the sons of Zedekiah slaughtered before his eyes at Riblah; the king of Babylon
also had all the leading men of Judah put to death.
39:7 He then put out
Zedekiah's eyes and, loading him with chains, carried him off to Babylon.
39:8 The Chaldaeans burnt down
the royal palace and the private houses, and demolished the walls of Jerusalem.
39:9 Nebuzaradan, commander of
the guard, deported the remainder of the population left behind in the city,
the deserters who had gone over to him, and the rest of the artisans to
39:10 Nebuzaradan, commander
of the guard, left some of the humbler people who had nothing, in the land of
Judah, at the same time giving them vineyards and fields.
39:11 Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon had given the following orders to Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard,
about Jeremiah:
39:12 'Take him, look after
him; do him no harm, but treat him as he wishes'.
39:13 Whereupon (Nebuzaradan,
commander of the guard,) Nebushazban, the high official, Nergal-sharezer, the
chief officer, and all the officers of the king of Babylon despatched men.
39:14 ... and they despatched
men to take Jeremiah from the Court of the Guard, and allowed him to move about
freely. And so he lived among the people.
An oracle assuring
the safety of Ebed-melech
39:15 While Jeremiah was
confined in the Court of the Guard, the word of Yahweh was addressed to him,
39:16 'Go and say to Ebed-melech
the Cushite, "Yahweh, the God of Israel, says this: See, I am bringing
disaster, not prosperity, on this city, as I said I would. That day, when this
comes true before your eyes,
39:17 I will rescue you that
day - it is Yahweh who speaks - and you will not be delivered into the hands of
the men you fear.
39:18 will see that you
escape: you are not going to fall to the sword; you will escape with your life,
because you have put your trust in me - it is Yahweh who speaks."'
Further details
about the treatment of Jeremiah
40:1 The word addressed to
Jeremiah by Yahweh after Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, had released him
from Ramah; there he had him singled out, chained as he was with all the other
captives from Jerusalem and Judah who were being deported to Babylon.
40:2 Then taking Jeremiah
aside, the commander of the guard said to him, 'Yahweh your God foretold
calamity for this country,
40:3 and now he has brought
it. He has done what he threatened to do, because you had sinned against Yahweh
and would not listen to his voice; so all this has happened to you.
40:4 Look, today I am having
your hands unchained. If you like to come with me to Babylon, then come: I will
look after you. If you do not want to come with me to Babylon, never mind.
Look, you have the whole country to choose from: you may go where you please,
wherever you choose.
40:5 You can, for instance, go
back to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has
appointed governor of the towns of Judah, and stay with him and live with the
people; or you can go anywhere else you choose.' With that, the commander of
the guard provided him with food and gave him a present and sent him on his
40:6 Jeremiah went to Mizpah
to Gedaliah son of Ahikam and stayed with him, living with the people still
left in the country.
Gedaliah the
governor; his assassination
40:7 When all the commanders
of the troops, who with their men were still roaming the countryside, heard
that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah son of Ahikam as governor of
the country, making him responsible for the men, women and children, and those
humbler people of the country who had not been deported to Babylon,
40:8 they went to Gedaliah at
Mizpah: Ishmael son of Nethaniah, Johanan son of Kareah, Seraiah son of
Tanhumeth, the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, Jezaniah son of the Maacathite,
they and their men.
40:9 To them and to their men
Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, swore an oath. 'Do not be afraid' he
said 'of submitting to the Chaldaeans; but live in the country, and obey the
king of Babylon, and all will go well with you.
40:10 I for my part, as the
man answerable to the Chaldaeans when they come to us, am going to live here at
Mizpah; but you can harvest your wine, summer fruits and oil, fill your storage
jars and settle down in those towns which you care to occupy.'
40:11 Similarly, when all the
Judaeans living in Moab and among the Ammonites, and in Edom, heard that the
king of Babylon had left a remnant in Judah and had appointed Gedaliah son of
Ahikam, son of Shaphan, as their governor,
40:12 they all came back from
all the places to which they had been dispersed. On their return to the land of
Judah, to Gedaliah at Mizpah, they harvested an immense quantity of wine and
summer fruits.
40:13 Now Johanan son of
Kareah, and all the army leaders still roaming in the countryside, went to
Gedaliah at Mizpah
40:14 and said to him, 'Are
you aware that Baalis king of the Ammonites has sent Ishmael son of Nethaniah
to murder you?' But Gedaliah son of Ahikam would not believe them.
40:15 Johanan son of Kareah
had even told Gedaliah secretly at Mizpah, 'Let me go and kill Ishmael son of
Nethaniah, and no one will know who did it. Why should he murder you? It would
mean that all the Judaeans who have rallied round you would be scattered again.
Why should the remnant of Judah perish?'
40:16 But Gedaliah son of
Ahikam replied to Johanan son of Kareah, 'You must not do this; what you say
about Ishmael is false'.
41:1 But in the seventh month,
Ishmael son of Nethaniah, son of Elishama, was of royal descent, and ten men
with him, came to Gedaliah son of Ahikam at Mizpah. And as they were taking
their meal together, there at Mizpah,
41:2 Ishmael son of Nethaniah
stood up with his ten men, and attacking Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of
Shaphan, with their swords, murdered the man whom the king of Babylon had made
governor of the country.
41:3 And all the Judaeans who
were with him at the feast, and those of the Chaldaeans who happened to be
there - they were fighting men - Ishmael killed too.
41:4 On the day after the
murder of Gedaliah, before the news had become known,
41:5 eighty men arrived from
Shechem, Shiloh and Samaria, with their beards shaved off, their garments torn
and their bodies gashed; they had oblations and incense with them to take to
the Temple of Yahweh.
41:6 Ishmael son of Nethaniah
left Mizpah to meet them as they approached, weeping as they went. When he met
them he said, 'Come to Gedaliah son of Ahikam'.
41:7 But once they were well
inside the town, Ishmael son of Nethaniah slaughtered them, with the help of
his men, and threw them into a cistern.
41:8 There were ten of them,
however, who said to Ishmael, 'Do not kill us: we have stocks of wheat and
barley, oil and honey, hidden away in the fields'. So he spared them and did
not kill them with their brothers.
41:9 The cistern into which
Ishmael threw the corpses of all the men he had killed was a large cistern
which King Asa had built as a precaution against Baasha king of Israel. Ishmael
son of Nethaniah filled it with the bodies of his victims.
41:10 Then Ishmael led the
entire remnant of the people at Mizpah away, and the royal princesses whom
Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, had left in the care of Gedaliah son of
Ahikam. Ishmael son of Nethaniah set out early to cross to the Ammonites.
41:11 When Johanan son of
Kareah and all the army leaders who were with him heard about all the crimes
committed by Ishmael son of Nethaniah,
41:12 mustering all their men,
they set out to attack Ishmael son of Nethaniah. They caught up with him at the
great Pool of Gibeon.
41:13 At the sight of Johanan
son of Kareah and all the army leaders with him, all the people with Ishmael
were beside themselves with joy.
41:14 All the people whom
Ishmael had led away from Mizpah turned about and rallied to Johanan son of
41:15 Ishmael son of Nethaniah
escaped from Johanan with eight of his men and fled to the Ammonites.
41:16 Johanan son of Kareah
and all the army leaders with him then rallied the entire remnant of the people
whom Ishmael son of Nethaniah had led away from Mizpah after the murder of
Gedaliah son of Ahikam: men, women and children, and eunuchs, whom Johanan
brought back from Gibeon.
41:17 They set out, making a
halt at Khan Kimham near Bethlehem. Their plan was to make for Egypt,
41:18 away from the
Chaldaeans, of whom they were now terrified because Ishmael son of Nethaniah
had killed Gedaliah son of Ahikam whom the king of Babylon had made governor of
the country.
The flight to Egypt
42:1 Then all the army
leaders, with Johanan son of Kareah and Azariah son Hoshaiah, and all the
people from the least to the greatest, approached
42:2 the prophet Jeremiah and
said, 'May it please you to hear our request! Intercede with Yahweh your God
for all this remnant - and how few we are who once were so many, your own eyes
can now see -
42:3 so that Yahweh your God
may show us the way we are to go and what we must do.'
42:4 The prophet Jeremiah
replied, 'I hear you; and I will indeed pray to Yahweh your God as you ask; and
every word Yahweh your God replies I will tell you, keeping nothing back from
42:5 They in their turn said
to Jeremiah, 'May Yahweh be a true and faithful witness against us, if we do
not follow the instructions that Yahweh your God sends us through you.
42:6 Whether we like it or
not, we mean to obey the voice of Yahweh our God to whom we send you to speak
for us, and by thus obeying the voice of Yahweh our God we will prosper.'
42:7 Ten days later the word
of Yahweh was addressed to Jeremiah.
42:8 He then summoned Johanan
son of Kareah and all the army leaders who were with him, and all the people
from the least to the greatest.
42:9 He said, 'Yahweh, the God
of Israel, to whom you delegated me to offer this request says this:
42:10 "If you are willing
to remain peaceably in this country, I will build you and not overthrow you; I
will plant you, not tear you up. For I am sorry for the evil I have done you.
42:11 Do not be afraid of the
king of Babylon any longer; do not fear him - it is Yahweh who speaks - for I
am with you to save you and deliver you from his hands.
42:12 I will take pity on you,
and move him to pity you and let you return to your native soil.
42:13 But if you say: We do
not want to stay in this country; if you disobey the voice of Yahweh your God,
42:14 and say: No, the land of
Egypt is where we want to go, where we shall not see war nor hear the sound of
trumpet, nor lack for bread; that is where we want to live;
42:15 in that case, remnant of
Judah, listen to the word of Yahweh. Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says
this: If
42:16 you are determined to go
to Egypt, and if you go and settle there, the sword you fear will overtake you,
there in the land of Egypt; the famine you dread will follow on your heels,
right into Egypt; you shall die there.
42:17 All the men who are
determined to go to Egypt and settle there shall die by sword, famine and
plague: not one survivor will escape the disaster I mean to bring them.
42:18 Yes, Yahweh Sabaoth, the
God of Israel, says this: Just as my anger and my fury have been poured out on
the citizens of Jerusalem, so will my fury be poured out on you if you go to
Egypt: you will become an object of execration and horror, a curse, a
laughing-stock; and you will never see this place again."'
43:1 However, when Jeremiah
had finished telling all the people all the words of Yahweh their God, with
which Yahweh had entrusted him for them - all the words quoted above -
42:2 Azariah son of Hoshaiah,
and Johanan son of Kareah, and all those arrogant and apostate men, said to
Jeremiah, 'You are lying. Yahweh did not entrust you to say, "Do not go to
Egypt and settle there".
42:3 It is Baruch son of
Neriah who keeps encouraging you to thwart us, to hand us over into the hands
of the Chaldaeans, who will either put us to death or report us to
42:19 'Remnant of Judah!'
Jeremiah answered 'Yahweh himself tells you, "Do not go into Egypt".
Understand this clearly: today I have given you solemn warning.
42:20 You were playing with
your own lives when you made me your envoy to Yahweh your God and said,
"Intercede for us with Yahweh our God; tell us what Yahweh our God orders
and we shall do it".
42:21 And now that I have told
you, you have not obeyed the voice of Yahweh your God today, or any part of the
message he gave me for you.
42:22 So understand this
clearly: you are going to die by sword, famine and plague in the place where
you have been wanting to go and settle.'
43:4 Despite this, Johanan son
of Kareah and all the army leaders and all the people would not obey the voice
of Yahweh and stay in the land of Judah.
43:5 Johanan son of Kareah and
all the army leaders led off the entire remnant of Judah, those who had come
back from all the nations into which they had been dispersed, to live in the
land of Judah:
43:6 men, women, children, the
royal princesses too, and every single person entrusted to Gedaliah son of
Ahikam son of Shaphan, by Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard; they also led
off the prophet Jeremiah and Baruch son of Neriah.
43:7 And so, disregarding the
voice of Yahweh, they reached the land of Egypt and arrived at Tahpanhes.
Jeremiah foretells the
invasion of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar
43:8 At Tahpanhes the word of
Yahweh was addressed to Jeremiah,
43:9 'Take some large stones
and bury them in the presence of the men of Judah in the cement on the square
outside the entrance of Pharaoh's palace in Tahpanhes.
43:10 Then say to them,
"Yahweh, the God of Israel, says this: I am sending for Nebuchadnezzar,
king of Babylon, my servant; he will place his throne over these stones that I
have buried, and spread his canopy above them.
43:11 He is coming to strike
the land of Egypt: Those for the plague, to the plague; those for captivity,
into captivity; those for the sword, to the sword!
43:12 He will set fire to the
temples of the gods of Egypt; he will burn these gods or carry them off; as a
shepherd picks his cloak clean of vermin, so will he pick Egypt clean and leave
without interference.[*a] He will break the obelisks of the temple of the Sun
at On[*b] and burn down the temples of the gods of Egypt."'
The last episode of
Jeremiah's ministry: the Jews and the Queen of Heaven
44:1 The word that was
addressed to Jeremiah for all the Jews living in the land of Egypt with homes
in Migdol, Tahpanhes, Noph and the land of Pathros[*a].
44:2 'Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this: You have seen all the misery I have brought down on
Jerusalem and the towns of Judah; today they lie in ruins and uninhabited.
44:3 This was because of the
wicked deeds which they committed to provoke me, offering incense and serving
alien gods which neither they, nor you, nor your ancestors ever knew.
44:4 I persistently sent you
all my servants the prophets; I sent them to say, "Do not commit this
abomination that I find so hateful".
44:5 But they would not
listen, would not pay attention and so turn from their wicked deeds and no
longer offer incense to alien gods.
44:6 And so my fury and my
anger overflowed, burning down the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem,
which were reduced to ruins and wasteland, as they still are today.
44:7 And now, Yahweh, the God
of Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: Why bring the same disaster on
yourselves? Do you want to destroy all the men, women, children and babes in
arms, out of Judah, and leave yourselves no remnant,
44:8 by provoking me with the
work of your own hands, offering incense to alien gods in the land of Egypt
where you have come to settle, thus working for your own destruction, to become
a curse and a laughing-stock for all the nations of the earth?
44:9 Have you forgotten the
crimes of your ancestors, of the kings of Judah and of their wives, your own
crimes, the crimes of your own wives, committed in the land of Judah and in the
streets of Jerusalem?
44:10 To this day they have
felt neither contrition nor fear; they have not observed my Law nor the
statutes I proclaimed before you, as before your ancestors.
44:11 Therefore - Yahweh
Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: Now I mean to turn my face against you
to bring disaster, and to exterminate the whole of Judah.
44:12 The remnant of Judah who
resolved to come to the land of Egypt and settle there, I will remove: they
will all perish in the land of Egypt; they will fall by the sword or perish by
famine, from least to greatest; by sword and famine they will die; they will be
an object of execration and horror, a curse, a laughing stock.
44:13 I will deal as severely
with these who have made their home in the land of Egypt, as I dealt with
Jerusalem, with sword, famine and plague.
44:14 Of the remnant of Judah
settled in the land of Egypt, not one survivor is going to escape to return to
the land of Judah where they long to live once again. For none of them are
going to return, except for a few refugees.'
44:15 At this, all the men who
knew that their wives offered incense to alien gods, and all the women who were
standing there, a large assembly (with all the people living in Pathros in the
land of Egypt), answered Jeremiah as follows,
44:16 'We have no intention of
listening to this word you have spoken to us in Yahweh's name,
44:17 but intend to go on
doing all we have vowed to do: offering incense to the Queen of Heaven and
pouring libations in her honour, as we used to do, we and our fathers, our
kings and our leaders, in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem:
we had food in plenty then, we lived well, we suffered no disasters.
44:18 But since we gave up
offering incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring libations in her honour, we
have been destitute and have perished either by sword or by famine.'
44:19 The women added, 'When
we offer incense to the Queen of Heaven and pour libations in her honour, do
you think we make cakes for her with her features on them, and pour libations
to her, without our husbands' knowledge?'
44:20 To all the people, men
and women; all those who had made this answer, Jeremiah retorted,
44:21 'The incense you offered
in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, you, your fathers, your
kings, your leader, and the people of the country - is not this what Yahweh
remembered, what came to his mind?
44:22 Yahweh could no longer
endure your misdeeds and your detestable practices; this is why your country
has today become a desert, an object of horror and a curse, uninhabited.
44:23 And this has happened
because you offered incense, because you sinned against Yahweh, refusing to
listen to the voice of Yahweh, or to observe his Law, his statutes and his
decrees; this is the cause of the disaster that has overtaken you - as is the
case today.'
44:24 Then Jeremiah spoke to
all the people, and particularly to all the women, 'Listen to the word of
44:25 Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this, "You women, what your mouth promises, your hands
should certainly perform! You have said: We will perform the vows we have made
without fail and offer incense to the Queen of Heaven and pour libations in her
honour. Very well, keep your vows, make your libations!
44:26 But listen to the word
of Yahweh, all you Judaeans living in the land of Egypt: I swear by my great
name, Yahweh says, that my name shall be spoken no more by any man of Judah
throughout the land of Egypt; not one shall say: As the lord Yahweh lives[*b].
44:27 Yes, I will watch over
them for their ruin, not for their good; all the men of Judah in the land of
Egypt shall perish either by sword or by famine until they are wiped out.
44:28 Yet, though few in
number, those who escape the sword will return to the land of Judah from the
land of Egypt. Then the entire remnant of Judah who have come to settle in the
land of Egypt will know whose word came true, mine or theirs.
44:29 "And here is the
proof for you - it is Yahweh who speaks - that I mean to deal with you in this
place: so that you may know that the words with which I threaten you will come
44:30 Yahweh says this: I will
hand the pharaoh Hophra[*c], king of Egypt, over to his enemies and to those
determined to kill him, just as I handed Zedekiah king of Judah over to
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, his enemy who was bent on killing him."'
An oracle of
comfort for Baruch
45:1 The word that the prophet
Jeremiah addressed to Baruch son of Neriah when the latter wrote these words
down in a book at the dictation of Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim[*a]
son of Josiah, king of Judah,
45:2 'This is what Yahweh, the
God of Israel, says about you, Baruch!
45:3 Since you have said,
"I despair, for Yahweh has added sorrow to my ordeals! I am worn out with
groaning, and find no relief!"
45:4 Yahweh says this,
"Now I am knocking down what I have built, tearing up what I have planted:
I am going to strike the whole earth.
45:5 And here you are asking
for special treatment! Do not ask, for I am now going to bring down disaster on
all mankind - it is Yahweh who speaks. As for you, I will let you escape with
your own life, wherever you may go."'
46:1 The words of Yahweh which
were addressed to the prophet Jeremiah against the nations.
Oracles against
Egypt. The defeat at Carchemish
46:2 On Egypt. Against the
army of Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt, which took up position near the river
Euphrates by Carchemish,[*a] when it was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah.
46:3 Have buckler ready, and
shield: onward to battle!
46:4 Harness the horses: into
the saddle, horsemen! To your ranks! On with your helmets! Sharpen your spears,
put on your breastplates!...
46:5 What do I see? They are
panic-stricken, in full retreat! Their heroes, beaten back, are fleeing
headlong with not a look behind. Terror from every side! - it is Yahweh who
46:6 The fastest cannot
escape, nor the bravest save himself: there in the north, there by the river
Euphrates, they have collapsed, have fallen.
46:7 Who was it rose like the
Nile, its waters foaming like a torrent?
46:8 Why, Egypt rose like the
Nile, its waters foaming like a torrent. 'I will rise,' he said 'and drown the
earth; sweep towns and their inhabitants away!
46:9 Charge, horses! Crash on,
chariots! Advance, warriors, you men from Cush and Put with shield in hand, you
men from Lud who bend the bow!'[*b]
46:10 Now, this is the day of
the Lord Yahweh, a day of vengeance for his revenge on his enemies: his sword
will eat them up and have its fill, will grow drunk with their blood. Yes, the
Lord Yahweh Sabaoth has a sacrifice to make in the north country, by the river
46:11 Go up to Gilead in search
of balm, virgin daughter of Egypt! You multiply remedies in vain, nothing can
cure you.
46:12 The nations have heard
of your shame, the dirge raised for you fills the earth: for warrior has
stumbled against warrior, and both have fallen.
The invasion of
46:13 The word that Yahweh
addressed to the prophet Jeremiah when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon set out
to attack the land of Egypt.
46:14 Publish it in Migdol,
proclaim it in Noph. Say, 'To your posts! At the ready!' for the sword is
devouring round you.
46:15 What! Has Apis[*c] fled?
Has your Strong One not stood firm? Yes, Yahweh has knocked him
46:16 flat! He tottered, and
now he has fallen down! Then they said to each other, 'Up! Let us go back to
our own people, to the country where we were born, far from the destroying
46:17 Give this name to
Pharaoh: 'Much-noise-but-he-lets-the-chance-slip-by'!
46:18 As I live - it is the
King who speaks whose name is Yahweh Sabaoth - someone will come, a Tabor among
mountains, a Carmel high above the sea.
46:19 Get your bundle ready
for exile, daughter of Egypt, so safe in your home! Noph will be reduced to a
desert, desolate, uninhabited.
46:20 Egypt was a splendid
heifer, but a gad-fly from the North has settled on her.
46:21 The mercenaries she had
with her, these too were as sleek as fattened calves: but they too have taken
to their heels, they all run at once and cannot hold their ground. For on them
comes the day of their disaster, their time of reckoning.
46:22 Listen: a sound like a
serpent hissing! Yes, they are coming in force to fall on her with their axes,
like woodcutters,
46:23 they will fell her
forest - it is Yahweh who speaks. Yes, they are past counting, outnumbering the
locusts, innumerable.
46:24 The daughter of Egypt is
put to shame, handed over to a people from the North.
46:25 Yahweh Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, has said: Now I mean to punish Amon of No,[*d] with Pharaoh and
those who put their trust in him.
46:26 I will hand him over to
those who are determined to kill him, over to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,
over to his servants. But in later days, Egypt will be inhabited again as in
the past - it is Yahweh who speaks.
46:27 But do not be afraid, my
servant Jacob, Israel, do not be alarmed: look, I will rescue you from distant
countries and your descendants from the country where they are captive. Jacob
will have quiet again and live at ease, with no one to trouble him.
46:28 Do not be afraid, my
servant Jacob - it is Yahweh who speaks - for I am with you: I will make an end
of all the nations where I have scattered you; I will not make an end of you,
only discipline you in moderation, so as not to let you go entirely unpunished.
Oracle against the
47:1 The word of Yahweh that
was addressed to Jeremiah against the Philistines before Pharaoh took Gaza by
47:2 Yahweh says this: See how
the waters rise from the North, and become an overflowing torrent, overflowing
the country and all it contains, the towns and their inhabitants! Men shout
aloud, and there is wailing from all the inhabitants of the country,
47:3 at the thunder of his
stallions' hoofs, the crash of his chariots, the grinding of his wheels.
Fathers forget about their children, their hands fall limp
47:4 because the day has come
on which all the Philistines are to be destroyed, on which Tyre and Sidon are
to be stripped to the last of their auxiliaries. Yes, Yahweh is destroying the
Philistines, the remnant from the Isle of Caphtor.
47:5 A shaven scalp for Gaza!
Silence over Ashkelon! Ashdod, all that is left of the Anakim, how long will
you gash yourselves?[*a]
47:6 Oh, sword of Yahweh, how
long before you rest? Back into your scabbard, stop, keep still!
47:7 Yet how can it rest when
Yahweh has given it an order? Ashkelon and the sea coast, these are the targets
assigned to it.
Oracles against
48:1 On Moab. Yahweh, the God
of Israel, says this: Woe to Nebo, for it has been ravaged, Kiriathaim has been
taken, all is confusion and alarm in the fortress:
48:2 it is no longer the boast
of Moab! At Heshbon[*a] they plotted her downfall, 'Come on! Let us blot her
out from the nations!' And you too, Madmen, you will be subdued, the sword is
close on you.
48:3 Hark! From the Abarim a
shout, 'Devastation! Dire calamity!'
48:4 'Moab is shattered' the
cry echoes as far as Zoar.
48:5 Ah, slopes of Luhith,
they go up them weeping. At the descent of Horonaim cries of distress are
48:6 'Away! Flee for your
lives! Run like the wild asses in the desert!'
48:7 Yes, since you trusted in
your strongholds you will be captured too. Chemosh[*b] will go into exile, with
all his priests and his nobles.
48:8 The destroyer will
descend on every town, not one will escape; the Valley will be despoiled, the
Plain be plundered: Yahweh proclaims it!
48:9 Give Moab a tomb, since
she is totally destroyed; her towns are in ruins, with no one to live in them.
48:10 (Cursed be he who does
the work of Yahweh half-heartedly! Cursed be he who grudges blood to his
48:11 From his youth Moab
lived at ease, he settled on his lees, never having been decanted, never having
gone into exile: and so he kept his own flavour, his aroma was unchanged[*c].
48:12 And so the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when I shall send him decanters to decant
him; they will empty his storage jars and break his amphorae to bits.
48:13 Moab will blush for
Chemosh then, as the House of Israel blushed for Bethel[*d] in whom they put
their trust.
48:14 How can you say, 'We are
heroes, sturdy fighting men'?
48:15 The destroyer of Moab
has advanced on him: the flower of his youth goes down to the slaughter.
48:16 Moab's ruin is coming
soon, his downfall comes at top speed.
48:17 Grieve for him, all you
living near him, all you who knew his name. Say, 'Imagine it being broken, that
mighty rod, that splendid sceptre!'
48:18 Come down from your
glory, sit in the dung, daughter of Dibon, so safe in your home: the destroyer
of Moab has advanced on you, he has stormed your strongholds.
48:19 Stand by the roadside,
keep watch, inhabitants of Aroer. Question fugitive and runaway, ask, 'What has
48:20 Moab is shattered and
shamed. Wail and shriek! Shout across the Arnon, 'Moab has been laid waste!'
48:21 Judgement has also come
on the land of the Plain, on Holon, Jahzah, Mephaath,
48:22 Dibon, Nebo,
48:23 Kiriathaim, Beth-gamul,
48:24 Kerioth, Bozrah, and all
the towns in the land of Moab, far and near.
48:25 The horn of Moab has
been cut off, and his arm broken.
48:26 Make him drunk! He has
set himself up against Yahweh: Moab will wallow in his vomit, become a
laughing-stock in his turn.
48:27 Was not Israel a
laughing-stock to you? Was he caught red-handed with the thieves, for you to
shake your head whenever you mention him?
48:28 Leave the towns, make
the rocks your home, inhabitants of Moab. Learn from the dove that makes its
nest in the walls of the gaping gorge.
48:29 We have heard of the
pride of Moab, excessive pride! What arrogance! What pride! What conceit! What
a haughty heart!
48:30 - I know all about his
presumption - it is Yahweh who speaks - his empty boasting, those empty deeds
of his!
48:31 - And so I lament for
Moab, for all Moab I cry aloud, and mourn for the men of Kir-heres[*e].
48:32 More than for Jazer I
weep for you, vine of Sibmah: your shoots stretched beyond the sea, they
reached all the way to Jazer. On your harvest, on your vintage, the destroyer
has descended.
48:33 Gladness and joy have
vanished from the land of Moab. There is no longer wine in the presses, the
treader of grapes treads no more, no more do shouts of joy ring out.
48:34 The howling of Heshbon
and Elealeh can be heard as far as Jahaz. The shrieks resound from Zoar to
Horonaim and Eglath-shelishiyah, for the waters of Nimrim too are now becoming
48:35 And I shall make an end
- it is Yahweh who speaks - of any man in Moab who offers sacrifice and incense
to his god on the high places.
48:36 That is why my heart
sobs like a flute for Moab, sobs like a flute for the men of Kir-heres: that
accumulated treasure all lost!
48:37 Yes, every head is
shorn, every beard cut off, gashes are on the hands of all, sackcloth round all
their loins.
48:38 On all the housetops of
Moab and in its squares there is nothing but lamenting, for I have broken Moab
like a crock that no one wants - it is Yahweh who speaks.
48:39 What! Broken? What! Moab
so shamefully in retreat? What! Moab become a laughing-stock, a thing of horror
to all its neighbours?
48:40 For Yahweh says this:
(Here is one who hovers like an eagle, who will spread his wings over Moab.)
48:41 The towns will be
captured, the strongholds seized. (And the heart of Moab's warriors that day
will be like the heart of a woman in labour pains.)
48:42 Moab will be destroyed,
no longer a people, for setting itself up against Yahweh.
48:43 Terror, the pit, the
snare, are for you, inhabitant of Moab - it is Yahweh who speaks:
48:44 the man who takes flight
from the terror shall fall into the pit, climbing out of the pit, he shall be
caught in the snare. Yes, these are the scourges I mean to inflict on Moab when
the year comes to punish them - it is Yahweh who speaks.
48:45 In the shelter of
Heshbon the fugitives have paused, exhausted. But a fire has come out from
Heshbon, a flame from the palace of Sihon, consuming the brows of Moab, the
head of a turbulent brood.
48:46 Woe to you, Moab! People
of Chemosh, you are lost! For your sons have been taken into exile, and your
daughters into captivity.
48:47 But I will restore the
fortunes of Moab in the days to come. It is Yahweh who speaks. Thus far the
judgement on Moab.
Oracle against
49:1 On the sons of Ammon.
Yahweh says this: Has Israel no sons? Has he no heir? Why should Milcom have
inherited Gad and his people have settled in its towns?
49:2 And so the days are
coming - it is Yahweh who speaks - when I will make the war cry ring out for
Rabbath-of-the-Ammonites: she will become a deserted ruin, her daughter towns
burnt down. Israel will then despoil his despoilers, Yahweh proclaims.
49:3 Heshbon lament! The
destroyer is on the march. Cry aloud, daughters of Rabbah! Wrap yourself in
sackcloth, raise the dirge, walk about with your bodies gashed. For Milcom is
going into exile, with all his priests and his nobles.
49:4 So you boast of your
valley, thoughtless girl! Confident of your resources, you say, 'Who will dare
to attack me?'
49:5 But I will bring down on
you terror from every side; you shall be driven away, each man making his own
way, with no one to rally the fugitives.
49:6 (But later I will restore
the fortunes of the sons of Ammon. It is Yahweh who speaks.)
Oracle against Edom
49:7 On Edom. Yahweh says
this: Is there no wisdom left in Teman? Have the shrewd run out of commonsense,
has their wisdom gone stale?
49:8 Away! Take to your heels!
Go into hiding, inhabitants of Dedan! For I will bring down ruin on Esau, at
the time when I must punish him.
49:9 If grape-gatherers come
to you, they will leave no gleanings behind them; if robbers come at night,
they will loot to their heart's content.
49:10 For I myself am
despoiling Esau, I lay his hiding places bare until he has no cover left. His
race is destroyed: it is no more! Of his neighbours, not one will say,
49:11 'Leave your orphans, I
will keep them alive, your widows can rely on me'.
49:12 For Yahweh says this:
Those who were not bound to drink the cup have to drink it now; so why should
you go unpunished? You will not go unpunished: you too must drink!
49:13 For by my own self I
have sworn it - it is Yahweh who speaks: Bozrah[*a] is to become an object of
horror, a laughing-stock, a desert, a curse, and all its towns ruins for ever.
49:14 I have received a
message from Yahweh, a herald has been sent throughout the nations, 'Muster!
March against this people! Prepare for battle!'
49:15 For now I will reduce
you among the nations, make you despised among mankind:
49:16 your reputation for
ferocity, your pride of heart, have led you astray, you whose home is in the
holes in the rocks, who cling to the topmost peaks! Though you made your nest
high as the eagle, I would still fling you down again - it is Yahweh who
49:17 Edom will become a
desolation; every passer-by will be appalled at it, and whistle in amazement at
such calamity.
49:18 As at the overthrow of
Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbouring towns, no one will live there any
more, Yahweh proclaims, no man will make his home there ever again.
49:19 See how the lion climbs
from the thickets of the Jordan to a perennial pasture! So shall I chase them
suddenly away, and place there whom I please. For who is there like me? Who can
hale me into court? Name me the shepherd who can stand up to me.
49:20 So now hear the plan
that Yahweh has made for Edom, the schemes he has in mind for the inhabitants
of Teman: yes, even the weakest of the flock will be dragged away. At such a
sight their pastures will shudder with dread.
49:21 Earth trembles at the
crash of their downfall, the sound of it echoes as far as the Sea of Reeds.
49:22 Here is someone who
soars and hovers like an eagle, who will spread his wings over Bozrah. And the
heart of Edom's warriors that day will be like the heart of a woman in labour
Oracle against the
towns of Syria
49:23 On Damascus: Hamath is
in confusion, so is Arpad;[*b] they have heard bad news. Their heart is faint
with fear and cannot be calmed.
49:24 Damascus is unmanned,
she prepares for flight, she is seized with trembling (anguish and sorrow have
laid hold on her as on a woman in labour).
49:25 What now! That famous
town deserted, that city of gaiety?
49:26 And so in her squares
her young men will fall, and all her fighting men will perish, that day. It is
Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks.
49:27 I will light a fire
inside the walls of Damascus, it shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad.
Oracle against the
Arab tribes
49:28 On Kedar and the
kingdoms of Hazor, which were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
Yahweh says this: Up! March on Kedar, destroy the sons of the East!
49:29 Let their tents and
their flocks be captured, their fabrics, all their gear, and their camels too.
Let the shout be raised for them: 'Terror on every side!'
49:30 Away! Get into hiding as
fast as you can, citizens of Hazor! It is Yahweh who speaks. For Nebuchadnezzar
has made a plan for you, he has a scheme in mind for you:
49:31 'Up! March on a nation
at its ease, that dwells in confidence, that has no gates, no bars, that lives
in a remote place!
49:32 Their camels will be the
plunder, their countless sheep the spoil.' I will scatter them to the winds,
those Crop-Heads, and bring disaster down on them from every side, it is Yahweh
who speaks.
49:33 Hazor will become a lair
for jackals, a desert for ever. No one will live there any more, no man make
his home there ever again.
Oracle against Elam
49:34 The word of Yahweh that
was addressed to the prophet Jeremiah about Elam, at the beginning of the reign
of Zedekiah king of Judah.
49:35 Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: I am going to break the bow of Elam, the source of all his might.
49:36 I will bring four winds
down on Elam from the four corners of the sky, and I will scatter the Elamites
to the winds: there will not be a single nation into which the Elamites have
not been driven for refuge.
49:37 I will make the Elamites
tremble before their enemies, before those determined to kill them. I will
bring down disaster on them, my own fierce anger. I will pursue them with the
sword until I have destroyed them all.
49:38 I will set up my throne
in Elam, and purge it of king and nobles. It is Yahweh who speaks.
49:39 But in the days to come
I will restore the fortunes of Elam. It is Yahweh who speaks.
Oracle against
50:1 The word that Yahweh
spoke against Babylon, against the country of the Chaldaeans, through the
prophet Jeremiah.
The fall of Babylon
and the liberation of Israel
50:2 Publish it among the
nations, proclaim it; make no secret of it, say: 'Babylon is captured, Bel
disgraced, Merodach shattered.[*a] (Her idols are disgraced, her Obscenities
50:3 For a nation is marching
on her from the North, to turn her country into a desert: no one will live
there any more; man and beast have fled and gone.
50:4 In those days and at that
time the sons of Israel will return: they will come weeping in search of Yahweh
their God.
50:5 They will ask the way to
Zion, their faces will turn in that direction: 'Come,' they say 'let us bind
ourselves to Yahweh by an everlasting covenant never to be forgotten!'
50:6 Lost sheep, such were my
people; their shepherds led them astray, left them wandering in the mountains;
from mountain to hill they went, forgetful of their fold.
50:7 Whoever came across them
devoured them, their enemies said, 'No blame to us; it is because they have
sinned against Yahweh their true fold and the hope of their fathers'.
50:8 Escape out of Babylon,
from the country of the Chaldaeans. Go! Act like the he-goats, be leaders of
the flock.
50:9 See, I am raising a
league of mighty nations against Babylon. They will come from the land of the
North, will draw up the battle line against her: there she will be captured;
their arrows are like a victorious warrior, never returning empty-handed.
50:10 Chaldaea will be
plundered, all who plunder her will have their fill.
50:11 Rejoice, if you like!
Have your triumph, you plunderers of my heritage! Be playful like calves let
out to grass! Neigh like stallions!
50:12 But your mother is
covered with shame, disgraced is the woman who bore you; she is the least of
nations now; a wilderness, a parched land, a desert.
50:13 The fury of Yahweh will
leave her uninhabited, she will become an empty solitude. All who pass by
Babylon will be appalled at it, and whistle in amazement at such calamity.
50:14 Draw yourself up against
Babylon, surround her, all you who bend the bow. Shoot! Do not spare your
50:15 Raise the war cry
against her from all sides. She surrenders! Her bastions fall! Her walls
collapse! This is the vengeance of Yahweh. Take revenge on her. Treat her as
she has treated others.
50:16 Deprive Babylon of the
man who sows, of the man who wields the sickle at harvest. Escape from the
destroying sword, let everyone return to his own people, let everyone escape to
his own country!
50:17 Israel was a straying
sheep hunted by lions. First, the king of Assyria devoured him; next,
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon crunched his bones.
50:18 Therefore - Yahweh, the
God of Israel, says this: Now I will punish the king of Babylon and his country
as I punished the king of Assyria.
50:19 I will bring Israel back
to his pastures to browse on Carmel and in Bashan, and on the highlands of
Ephraim and in Gilead to eat his fill.
50:20 In those days and at
that time you may look for Israel's iniquity, it will not be there, for Judah's
sins, you will not find them. For I will pardon the remnant that I leave.
The fall of Babylon
proclaimed to Jerusalem
50:21 March up to the land of
Merathaim; march against it and against the inhabitants of Pekod; follow them;
brandish the sword, let their destruction be complete, it is Yahweh who speaks.
Do everything I have ordered![*b]
50:22 The din of battle fills
the country, immense destruction.
50:23 What! Broken to pieces
that hammer of the whole world? What! Babylon become a thing of horror,
throughout the nations?
50:24 A snare was set for you,
and you were caught before you knew it. You have been found out and overpowered,
because you defied Yahweh.
50:25 Yahweh has opened his
armoury and taken out the weapons of his fury. For the Lord Yahweh has work to
do in the country of the Chaldaeans.
50:26 Fall on her, one and
all, break her granaries open, pile the plunder up like heaps of grain, put her
under the ban until nothing is left of her.
50:27 Slaughter all her bulls,
down to the slaughter-house with them! Woe to them, their day has come, their
time of reckoning.
50:28 Listen! Fugitives and
runaways come from the land of Babylon to proclaim in Zion the vengeance of
Yahweh our God.
The sin of
50:29 Call up the archers
against Babylon! All you who bend the bow, encamp round her: leave her no way
of escape. Repay her as her deeds deserve; treat her as she has treated others,
to repay her arrogance against Yahweh, against the Holy One of Israel.
50:30 And so in her squares
her young men will fall, and all her fighting men will perish, that day. It is
Yahweh who speaks.
50:31 My quarrel is with you,
'Arrogance'! It is the Lord Yahweh Sabaoth who speaks: your day has come, the
time when I must punish you.
50:32 'Arrogance' will
stumble, she will fall, no one will lift her up: I will light a fire inside her
towns; it shall devour all her surroundings.
Yahweh the redeemer
of Israel
50:33 Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: The sons of Israel are oppressed, all those who have taken them captive
hold them fast, they will not let them go.
50:34 But their redeemer is
strong: Yahweh Sabaoth is his name. He has taken up their cause: he will bring
peacefulness to the world but trembling to the inhabitants of Babylon.
50:35 A sword for the
Chaldaeans, for the inhabitants of Babylon, for her leaders and her sages!
50:36 A sword for her
diviners: may they lose their wits! A sword for her men of war: may they be
50:37 A sword for the whole
crowd of foreigners within her: may they be like women! A sword for her
treasures: may they be plundered!
50:38 A sword for her waters:
may they dry up! For it is a country of idols: they are mad, they and their
50:39 Hence wild cats and
jackals will live there, and ostriches make their home there. She will never be
inhabited again, but remain uninhabited age after age.
50:40 As when God overthrew
Sodom and Gomorrah, with their neighbouring towns - it is Yahweh who speaks -
no one will live there any more, no man will make his home there ever again.
The enemy from the
north and the lion of Jordan
50:41 Now a people is coming
from the North, a mighty nation; from the far ends of the earth great kings are
50:42 they fight with bow and
spear, they are cruel and pitiless; their noise is like the roaring of the sea;
they ride horses, each man equipped for war on you, daughter of Babylon.
50:43 But the king of Babylon
has heard the news of them, his hands fall limp, anguish has seized him, pain
like that of a woman in labour.
50:44 See how the lion climbs
from the thickets of the Jordan to a perennial pasture! So shall I chase them
suddenly away, and place there whom I please. For who is there like me? Who can
hale me into court? Name me the shepherd who can stand up to me.
50:45 So now hear the plan
that Yahweh has made for Babylon, the schemes he has in mind for the country of
the Chaldaeans: yes, even the weakest of the flock will be dragged away. At
such a sight their pastures will shudder with dread.
50:46 Earth trembles at the
sound of the capture of Babylon, the dirge for her is heard throughout the
Yahweh makes war on
51:1 Yahweh says this:
[*a]Against the citizens of Leb-kamai I will rouse a destroying spirit;
51:2 I will send winnowers to
Babylon to winnow her and leave her country bare: for they will beleaguer her
from every side in the day of disaster.
51:3 Let no archer bend his
bow! Let no man swagger in his coat of mail! - No quarter for her young
warriors! Vow her whole army to the ban!
51:4 In the country of the
Chaldaeans the slaughtered will fall, in the streets of Babylon, those whom the
sword runs through.
51:5b This is because their
country was full of sin against the Holy One of Israel.
51:5a But Israel is not bereft
of his God, Yahweh Sabaoth.
51:6 Escape out of Babylon
(save your lives, each one of you); do not perish yourselves in her punishment,
for this is the time of Yahweh's vengeance: he is paying her her reward!
51:7 Babylon was a golden cup
in Yahweh's hand, she made the whole world drunk, the nations drank her wine
and then went mad.
51:8 Babylon has suddenly
fallen, is broken: lament for her! Go and fetch balm for her wounds, perhaps
she can be cured!
51:9 - 'We tried to cure
Babylon; she has got no better. Leave her alone and let us each go to his own
country.' Yes, her sentence reaches to the sky, rises to the very clouds.
51:10 Yahweh has vindicated
our integrity. Come, let us tell in Zion what Yahweh our God has done.
51:11 Sharpen the arrows, fill
the quivers! Yahweh has roused the spirit of the king of the Medes[*b], because
he has a plan against Babylon to destroy it; this is the vengeance of Yahweh,
the revenge for his Temple.
51:12 Against the walls of
Babylon display the standard! Strengthen the guard! Post the sentries! Take up
concealed positions! For Yahweh made a plan, and he has treated the citizens of
Babylon as he promised he would.
51:13 Enthroned beside
abundant waters, rich in treasures, you now meet your end, the finish of your
51:14 By his own self Yahweh
Sabaoth has sworn: had I filled you with men as plentiful as locusts, the war
cry would still have been raised against you!
51:15 By his power he made the
earth, by his wisdom set the world firm, by his discernment spread out the
51:16 When he thunders there
is a tumult of water in the heavens; he raises clouds from the boundaries of
earth, makes the lightning flash for the downpour, and brings the wind from his
51:17 At this all men stand
stupefied, uncomprehending, every goldsmith blushes for the idol he has made,
since his images are nothing but delusion, with no breath in them.
51:18 They are a Nothing, a
laughable production, when the time comes for them to be punished, they will
51:19 'The portion of Jacob'
is not like these, for he has formed everything, and Israel is the tribe that
is his heritage. His name is Yahweh Sabaoth.
The hammer of
Yahweh and the giant mountain
51:20 You were my mace, a
weapon of war. With you I crushed the nations, struck kingdoms down,
51:21 with you crushed horse
and rider, chariot and charioteer,
51:22 with you crushed man and
woman, old man and young, youth and maid,
51:23 with you crushed
shepherd and flock, ploughman and team, governors and nobles,
51:24 but I will let you see
how I make Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldaea pay for all the wrongs
they have done to Zion. It is Yahweh who speaks.
51:25 My quarrel is with you,
Mountain of destruction - it is Yahweh who speaks - destroyer of the whole
world! I will stretch out my hand against you and send you tumbling from the
crags and make you a mountain scorched.
51:26 Never a cornerstone will
be taken from you, never a foundation-stone either, for you will be a desert
for ever, it is Yahweh who speaks.
The end of Babylon
is imminent
51:27 Display the standard
throughout the world, sound the trumpet among the nations! Prepare nations to
make war on her; summon kingdoms against her: Ararat, Minni, Ashkenaz;[*c] call
the roll of her enemies, officer! Bring up the cavalry, bristling like locusts.
51:28 Prepare nations to make
war on her: the king of Media with his governors and dignitaries and the whole
territory under his rule.
51:29 Then the earth trembled
and writhed, for Yahweh's plan against Babylon was going forward: to change the
country of Babylon into an unpopulated desert.
51:30 The warriors of Babylon
have done with fighting, they have taken to their strongholds; their strength
has gone: they are like women now. Her houses are on fire, her gates are
51:31 Courier follows close on
courier, messenger on messenger, to tell the king of Babylon that his city has
been stormed from every side:
51:32 the fords occupied, the
bastions burnt down, the fighting men thrown into panic.
51:33 For Yahweh Sabaoth, the
God of Israel, says this: The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing-floor
when it is being trodden: a little while, and there the grain will lie that has
been harvested.
The vengeance of
51:34 'He has devoured,
consumed me, that king of Babylon; he has left me like an empty dish, like a
dragon he has swallowed me whole, he has filled his belly with my delicacies.'
51:35 'May her violence to me,
and all my sufferings, be avenged on Babylon!' say the people of Zion; 'On the
inhabitants of Chaldaea be my blood!' says Jerusalem.
51:36 Therefore - Yahweh says
this: See, I myself am taking up your cause to make sure you are avenged. I
will dry her river up. make her springs run dry,
51:37 and turn Babylon into a
heap of stones, a lair for jackals, a thing of horror and of scorn, with no one
living in it.
51:38 Like lions they roar
together, they growl like lions' whelps
51:39 Are they feverish? I
will prepare them a drink and make them drink until they grow drowsy and fall
into an everlasting sleep, never to wake up; it is Yahweh who speaks.
51:40 I will take them down to
the slaughter-house like lambs, like rams and he-goats.
An elegy for
51:41 What! Is she captured
and conquered, the admiration of all the world? What! Babylon become a thing of
horror, throughout the nations?
51:42 The sea has risen over
Babylon, she sinks under its boisterous waves.
51:43 Her towns have been
turned into desert, a parched land, a wilderness: no one lives in them, no man
goes that way.
Yahweh punishes the
51:44 I will punish Bel in
Babylon and take from his mouth what he has swallowed. In future the nations
will stream to him no more. The wall of Babylon has fallen.
51:45 Go out of her, my
people; save your lives, each one of you, from the fierce anger of Yahweh.
51:46 But do not be
faint-hearted! Do not take fright at rumours hawked round the country: one
rumour spreads one year, next year another follows; violence rules on earth and
one tyrant cancels out another.
51:47 See, the days are coming
when I am going to punish the idols of Babylon. Her whole country shall be put
to shame, with all her slaughtered lying in her midst.
51:48 Then heaven and earth
and all within them shall shout for joy over Babylon, because the destroyers
from the North are coming against her - it is Yahweh who speaks.
51:49 Babylon in her turn must
fall because of those who were slaughtered in Israel, just as through Babylon
there fell men slaughtered over all the world.
51:50 You who have escaped her
sword, get away, do not wait there! Remember Yahweh in that distant country,
let Jerusalem be in your mind.
51:51 - 'We were ashamed when
we heard of the outrage, our face was covered with confusion: because
foreigners had entered the holy places of the Temple of Yahweh.'
51:52 - See, the days are
coming, it is Yahweh who speaks, when I will punish her idols, and the stricken
shall groan throughout her country.
51:53 Were Babylon to scale
the heavens, or reinforce her towering citadel, destroyers would still fall on
her at my command, it is Yahweh who speaks.
51:54 Listen to the shouting
from Babylon, the mighty crash from the country of the Chaldaeans!
51:55 That is Yahweh as he
lays Babylon waste and silences her monstrous din; well may her waves roar like
mighty waters and their tumultuous voice resound:
51:56 for a destroyer is
sweeping down on Babylon, her warriors are taken captive, their bows are
broken. Yes, Yahweh is a God of retribution, he pays in full.
51:57 I will make her nobles
and her sages drink, her governors, her officials and her warriors; they shall
fall into an everlasting sleep and not wake up; it is the King who speaks,
whose name is Yahweh Sabaoth.
Babylon razed to
the ground
51:58 Yahweh Sabaoth says
this: The wide ramparts of Babylon will be razed to the ground, and her high
gates will be burnt down. Thus the labouring of the peoples comes to nothing
the toiling of the nations ends in fire.
The written oracle
thrown into the Euphrates
51:59 This is the order that
the prophet Jeremiah gave to Seraiah son of Mahseiah when the latter left for
Babylon at the command of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the fourth year of his
51:60 Now Jeremiah had written
down the entire disaster that was to befall Babylon in a special book, all
these words recorded here as regards Babylon.
51:61 Jeremiah then said to
Seraiah, 'When you reach Babylon, make a point of reading out every one of
these words.
51:62 Then say, "Yahweh,
you yourself have proclaimed that this place will be destroyed, that no one
will live here ever again, neither man nor beast, but that it will remain
desolate for ever".
51:63 When you have finished
reading this book, tie a stone to it and throw it into the middle of the
51:64 with the words, "So
shall Babylon sink, never to rise again from the disaster with which I am going
to overwhelm her".' Here end the words of Jeremiah.
The destruction of
Jerusalem and the pardon of Jehoiachin
52:1 Zedekiah was twenty-one
years old when he came to the throne, and he reigned for eleven years in
Jerusalem. His mother's name was Hamital, daughter of Jeremiah, from Libnah.
52:2 He did what is
displeasing to Yahweh, just as Jehoiakim had done.
52:3 That this happened in
Jerusalem and Judah was due to the anger of Yahweh, with the result that in the
end he cast them away from him. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
52:4 In the ninth year of his
reign, in the tenth month[*b], on the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon came with his whole army to attack Jerusalem; he pitched camp
in front of the city and threw up earthworks round it.
52:5 The city lay under siege
till the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.
52:6 In the fourth month, on
the ninth day of the month, when famine was raging in the city and there was no
food for the populace,
52:7 a breach was made in the
city wall. Seeing this, the king fled under cover of dark, with all the
fighting men, leaving the city by way of the gate between the two walls, which
is near the king's garden - the Chaldaeans had surrounded the city - and making
his way towards the Arabah.
52:8 The Chaldaean troops
pursued the king and caught up with Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, where
all his troops deserted.
52:9 The Chaldaeans captured
the king and took him to the king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath,
who passed sentence on him.
52:10 He had the sons of
Zedekiah slaughtered before his eyes; he also had all the leading men of Judah
put to death at Riblah.
52:11 He then put out
Zedekiah's eyes. Loading him with chains, the king of Babylon carried him off
to Babylon where he kept him prisoner until his dying day.
52:12 In the fifth month, on
the tenth day of the month - it was in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon - Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, one of the king's
ministers, entered Jerusalem.
52:13 He burnt down the Temple
of Yahweh, the royal palace and all the houses in Jerusalem.
52:14 The Chaldaean troops who
accompanied the commander of the guard demolished all the walls surrounding
52:15 Nebuzaradan, commander
of the guard, deported the remainder of the population left behind in the city,
the deserters who had gone over to the king of Babylon, and the remainder of
the artisans.
52:16 Nebuzaradan, commander
of the guard, left some of the humbler country people as vineyard workers and
52:17 The Chaldaeans broke up
the bronze pillars from the Temple of Yahweh, the wheeled stands and the bronze
Sea that were in the Temple of Yahweh, and took all the bronze away to Babylon.
52:18 They also took the ash
containers, the scoops, the knives, the sprinkling bowls, the incense boats,
and all the bronze furnishings used in worship.
52:19 The commander of the
guard also took the bowls, the censers, the sprinkling bowls, the ash
containers, the lamp-stands, the goblets and the saucers: everything that was
made of gold and everything made of silver.
52:20 As regards the two
pillars, the one Sea and the twelve bronze oxen supporting the Sea, and the
wheeled stands, which King Solomon had made for the Temple of Yahweh, there was
no reckoning the weight of bronze in all these objects.
52:21 As regards the pillars,
the height of one pillar was eighteen cubits, its circumference was twelve
cubits, it was four fingers thick, and hollow inside;
52:22 on it stood a capital of
bronze, the height of the capital being five cubits; round the capital were
filigree and pomegranates, all in bronze. So also for the second pillar.
52:23 There were ninety-six
pomegranates which hung down, making a hundred pomegranates round the filigree
in all.
52:24 The commander of the
guard took prisoner Seraiah the chief priest, Zephaniah the priest next in
rank, and the three guardians of the threshold.
52:25 In the city he took
prisoner a eunuch who was in command of the fighting men, seven of the king's
personal friends who were discovered in the city, the secretary of the army
commander, responsible for military conscription, and sixty men of distinction
discovered in the city.
52:26 Nebuzaradan, commander
of the guard, took these men and brought them to the king of Babylon at Riblah,
52:27 and at Riblah, in the
land of Hamath, the king of Babylon had them put to death. Thus Judah was
deported from its land.
52:28 The number of people
deported by Nebuchadnezzar was as follows. In the seventh year: three thousand
and twenty-three Judaeans;
52:29 in the eighteenth year
of Nebuchadnezzar, eight hundred and thirty-two persons were deported from Jerusalem;
52:30 in the twenty-third
year[*c] of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, deported seven
hundred and forty-five Judaeans. In all: four thousand six hundred persons.
52:31 But in the
thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth
month, on the twenty-fifth day of the month, Evil-merodach king of Babylon, in
the year he came to the throne[*d], pardoned Jehoiachin king of Judah and
released him from prison.
52:32 He treated him kindly
and allotted him a seat above those of the other kings who were with him in
52:33 So Jehoiachin laid aside
his prisoner's garb, and for the rest of his life always ate at the king's
52:34 And his upkeep was
permanently ensured by the king for the rest of his life day after day until
his dying day.
[52 Chapters].