

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 一切智慧,皆来自上主,并且永远及在有时间以前,就和他同在。
1:2 海沙、雨点和永远的日子,谁能数清﹖天之高,地之宽,渊之深,谁又能测量﹖
1:3 天主的智慧,先万物而生,谁又能探究﹖
1:4 智慧受造于万物之先;明达的智慧,从永远就有。
1:5 智慧的泉源是天上天主的言语,她的道路是永久的诫命。
1:6 智慧的根源,曾启示给谁﹖她的计谋,有谁认识﹖
1:7 智慧的纪律曾启示并发显给谁﹖她那繁多的途径有谁明白﹖
1:8 惟有一位明智至高全能的创造者,他是最可敬畏的,即那坐在自己宝座上的上主。
1:9 他借着圣神,创造了智慧,注视了她,数清了她,
1:10 遂把她倾注在他一切的化工上;并照自己的恩赐,倾注在一切有血肉的人身上;又将她赐给爱慕自己的人。

1:12 敬畏上主,悦乐心神,赐与喜乐、愉快和长寿。
1:13 敬畏上主的人,终必得福;在他临终之日,必蒙祝福。
1:14 爱慕上主是堪受光荣的智慧。
1:15 她显示给谁,就赐给谁爱情。这爱情能使人享见上主。
1:16 敬畏上主是智慧的开始。这敬畏在母胎中,已与忠信的人一同形成。她与被选的后裔往来,被仁义和忠信的人所承认。智慧在人间,建立了一个永久的基础;在他们的后代中,她必获得信赖。
1:17 敬畏上主是知识的虔敬。
1:18 这虔敬保守人心,使人得到义德,赐给人兴趣和喜悦。
1:19 敬畏上主的,必获得幸福;在他末日,必蒙受祝福。
1:20 敬畏上主是智慧的圆满;她用自己的果实,使敬畏上主者沉醉。
1:21 用自己的出产,充满他们的栈房;以自己的宝物,贮满他们的府库。
1:22 敬畏上主是智慧的冠冕;她产生平安,恢复健康。
1:23 天主观看和测量智慧,二者都是天主的恩惠。
1:24 智慧要赐与人知识和明达的光明,并要增加那些坚持智慧者的光荣。
1:25 敬畏上主是智慧的根源,她的枝干可得久存。
1:26 敬畏上主,排除罪行;谁怀有它,必能脱免上主的义怒。

1:27 敬畏上主,驱除罪恶。
1:28 不义的忿怒,终不能视为正直;他忿怒的烈火,必要使他丧亡。
1:29 忍耐的人暂时容忍,最后必有喜乐的酬报。
1:30 他暂时缄默不言,以后许多人的唇舌,却要称扬他的明智。
1:31 在智慧的府库里,有明智的箴言。
1:32 但是敬畏上主,是罪人所厌恶的。
1:33 你若羡慕智慧,就应遵守诫命;上主必会把智慧赐给你。
1:34 因为敬畏上主,就是智慧和纪律;他所喜悦的,就是忠信和良善。
1:35 上主必充满这些人的府库。
1:36 不可违背敬畏上主之情;亲近他,不要怀着贰心。
1:37 与人交谈,不要虚伪;要谨慎你的唇舌。
1:38 不要自高,怕一旦跌倒,羞辱便来到你身上;
1:39 而上主把你的秘密泄漏,在集会中羞辱你;
1:40 因为,你没有怀着敬畏之心亲近上主,反之,你的心却充满了诡诈。




2:2 使你的心居正不偏,坚忍不拔;应侧耳听取明智的言语;在灾难中,不要慌张。
2:3 应静心等待天主的照顾,与天主保持联系,总不要离弃他,好使你至死充满幸福。
2:4 凡降到你身上的,你都要接受;在痛苦中,你要忍受;在各种困苦中,你要多多忍耐;
2:5 因为金银应在火里锻炼,天主所喜悦的人,也应在谦卑的火炉中锻炼。
2:6 你只管信赖天主,他必扶持你;你应修直你的道路,要仰望他,要保持敬畏他的心,至死不替。

2:7 你们敬畏上主的,要等待他的仁慈;不要离开他,免得跌倒。
2:8 你们敬畏上主的,要信赖他,你们的赏报,就不会落空。
2:9 你们敬畏上主的,要希望幸福,及永远的喜乐和救恩。
2:10 你们敬畏上主的,要爱慕他,你们的心灵,就会蒙光照。
2:11 请你们追念前代,看看有谁依赖了上主,而受了耻辱﹖
2:12 有谁保持了对他的敬畏,而被遗弃﹖有谁呼求了他,而被他轻视﹖
2:13 因为,上主富于慈惠宽仁;在患难中,赦免罪过,并施救恩。他是一切真心寻求他的护卫者。

2:15 祸哉,心无志气的人!他既对天主没有信赖,决得不到他的保护。
2:16 祸哉,你们失去坚忍,离弃正道,喜欢走邪路的人!
2:17 因为,当上主视察你们时,你们将作什么﹖
2:18 凡敬畏上主的,决不背弃他的言语;爱慕他的,必遵循他的道路。
2:19 凡敬畏上主的,必寻求他的欢心;爱慕他的,必饱尝他法律的奥义。
2:20 凡敬畏上主的,必常预备自己的心,在他面前谦卑自下。
2:21 凡敬畏上主的,必遵守他的诫命,直到他来看顾,常怀着忍耐。
2:22 他们说:假使我们不悔改,我们就必落在上主的手里,而不是落在人的手里;
2:23 因为他是多么伟大,他的仁慈又多么伟大。




3:2 孩子们,你们应听从我,你们的父亲;你们要这样作,以便得救。
3:3 因为,上主愿父亲受儿女的尊敬,且确定了母亲对子女的权利。
3:4 孝敬父亲的人,必能补赎罪过;且能戒避罪恶,在祈祷之日,必蒙应允。
3:5 孝敬母亲的人,就如积蓄珍宝的人。
3:6 孝敬父亲的人,必在子女身上获得喜乐;当他祈祷时,必蒙应允。
3:7 孝敬父亲的,必享长寿;听从上主的,必使母亲得到安慰。
3:8 敬畏上主的人,必孝敬父母;奉事生他的父母,犹如奉事主人。
3:9 你当以言以行,以各样的忍耐,孝敬你的父亲,
3:10 好使他的祝福,降到你身上,而存留至终。
3:11 因为父亲的祝福,巩固子女的家庭;反之,母亲的诅咒,拔除家庭的基础。
3:12 不要以你父亲的羞辱为荣,因为父亲的羞辱,为你不是光荣;
3:13 原来人的光荣,是建在他父亲的荣誉上;不名誉的母亲,是子女的耻辱。
3:14 我儿,你父亲年老了,你当扶助;在他有生之日,不要使他忧伤。
3:15 若他的智力衰弱了,你要对他有耐心,不要因你年富力强就藐视他;
3:16 因为,对父亲所施的怜悯,是不会被遗忘的,天主必要赦免你的罪过,复兴你的家庭。因你容忍母亲的过失,必获赏报;
3:17 天主必依公义,建立你的家庭;在你困难之日,要记念你,要消灭你的罪过,有如晴天溶化冰霜。
3:18 背弃父亲的,形同亵圣;激怒母亲的,已为上主所诅咒。

3:20 你越伟大,在一切事上越当谦下;这样你才能在上主面前,获得恩宠。
3:21 因为,只有上主的权能是伟大的,为谦逊人所尊崇。
3:22 为你太难的事,你不要寻找;超乎你能力的事,你不要研究;然而天主给你所规定的,你应时常思念,在他的许多工程上,你不应怀着好奇心去追究。
3:23 因为,亲眼观察那些隐密的事,为你并不需要。
3:24 在超过你能力的事上,你不要劳神;在他的许多工程上,你不要怀着好奇的心;
3:25 因为,你已见到许多,人类不能理解的事;
3:26 的确,有许多人受了自己妄想的欺骗,邪恶的幻想迷惑了他们的明悟。

3:28 徘徊在两条路上的心,决不会成功;心术不正的人,必要绊倒。
3:29 顽硬的心,必为愁苦所累;罪人必要罪上加罪。
3:30 骄傲人们的创伤,无法医治,因为恶根在他们身上,已根深蒂固,而他们却不自觉。
3:31 明智人的心,领会寓言;智慧人的心愿,是希求热心的听众。
3:32 聪明睿智的心,必戒避罪恶;在正义的工作上,必获成功。

3:34 天主保佑施舍的人,此后必要记念他,在他跌倒时,要使他获得扶助。



4:2 不要加增饥饿人的悲苦,也不要激怒困苦中的人。
4:3 不要扰乱忧苦人的心灵,也不要迟延接济有急难的人。
4:4 不要拒绝痛苦而哀求的人,也不要转脸不顾穷困的人。
4:5 不要转眼不顾乞丐,而叫他生气,也不要让他,那有求于你的人,背后咒骂你。
4:6 因为,人心在愁苦中,若咒骂了你,他的创造者必要垂听他的哀求。

4:8 你要高兴倾耳垂听穷人,并归还你的债务,又要和颜悦色地向他答礼。
4:9 应从压迫者的手中,拯救被压迫的人;在宣判时,不应畏缩。
4:10 对待孤儿应如慈父,扶助他们的母亲,应如丈夫。
4:11 如此,你才算是至高者听命的儿子,他必要比你的母亲更爱你。

4:13 爱她的,就是爱生命;欣勤寻找她的,必能充满喜乐。
4:14 占有她的,必承受荣耀;她到那里,上主就在那里赐福。
4:15 凡事奉她的,就是事奉圣者;凡爱慕她的,上主也必爱他们。
4:16 听从她的,必能统治万民;亲近她的,必能安居度日。
4:17 依赖她的,必能以她为产业;他的后裔也必占有这份产业。
4:18 因为,智慧先领他走弯曲的路,先试探他,
4:19 使他畏惧恐怖,用自己的纪律磨炼他,以自己的诫命试探他,直到对他有了信任为止。
4:20 然后,她要坚固他,再领他走直路,使他欢乐;
4:21 将自己的秘密启示给他,使他富有知识和对正义的睿智。
4:22 若是他走入歧途,智慧就离弃他,任凭他丧亡。

4:24 不要做问心有愧的事。
4:25 有一种羞愧带来罪恶,又有一种羞愧却带来光荣和恩宠。
4:26 你不要顾全脸面,而陷害你的灵魂;也不要说谎,而害你的灵魂。
4:27 你不要因羞怯而自取丧亡。
4:28 在救助人时,不要闭口无言,也不要把你的智慧隐藏不露。
4:29 因为由言谈中,可以看出智慧;在答话上,可以现出明智;在正义的工作上,可以表示出意志的坚定。
4:30 不要出言反对真理,对你的无知,你当羞愧。
4:31 不要耻于承认你的罪过,不要阻止下流的河水。
4:32 在胡涂人前,不要屈服,也不要顾全权威者的脸面。
4:33 至死要为真理奋斗,上主天主必要助你作战。

4:35 你在家中,不要如同一只狮子;对你的仆役,不要任性逞强,不要压迫你的属下。
4:36 你的手不要只为领取才伸开,而在施恩时缩回。




5:2 不要顺从你的偏情和你的能力,去满足你心中的欲望。
5:3 不要说:谁能宰制我﹖谁能因我的行为屈服我﹖因为上主必要报复。
5:4 不要说:我犯了罪,遭受了什么灾殃﹖因为上主是富于含忍的报复者。
5:5 关于罪的赦免,应心怀恐惧之情,免得罪上加罪。
5:6 不要说:他的仁慈宽大,我纵有许多罪过,必蒙赦免;
5:7 因为怜悯和义怒皆系于他,他的愤怒将在罪人身上得以平息。
5:8 归向上主,不要迟缓,不要一天一天地拖延;
5:9 因为,上主的义怒忽然降来,在报复的日期,将你消灭。
5:10 不要依靠不义之财,因为在义怒的日子,它们于你毫无用处。

5:12 你当坚持你的主意;你的言语,应当前后一致。又当坚持你良心的真理和明智;如此,和平与正义的言语,便常与你相随。
5:13 听话要快,答复要慢。
5:14 你若有所知,就可答复别人;否则,就应把手按在口上;这样,你就不致说出冒失的话来,而自招羞辱。
5:15 光荣与羞辱,全在乎言语;人的唇舌,能使人招致丧亡。
5:16 不要让人说你是诽谤者,也不要用你的唇舌陷害人;
5:17 因为,做盗贼的,必受羞辱;一口两舌的人,也必受极严厉的责斥。谗言者所得的,是憎嫌、仇视和耻辱。
5:18 大小事都不要疏忽;事无论大小,都要一律做得适当。




6:3 吃尽你的叶子,摧残你的果实,拋弃你,如同一棵旷野里的枯树。
6:4 邪恶的情欲,要灭绝怀有情欲的人,使他成为仇人的话柄,使他的命运与不虔敬者相同。

6:6 与你要好的人应多,然而作你参谋的,只千中取一。
6:7 如要交友,先要考验,不要立刻信任他。
6:8 因为有的人,只是一时的朋友;在你困难的日子,就不见了。
6:9 有的朋友,一旦变成仇人,就把你争执的事和仇恨,泄露出来,为凌辱你。
6:10 有的人是酒肉朋友,在你困难的日子,就不见了。
6:11 你幸福的时候,他和你同心,对你的仆婢,也任意使唤;
6:12 若你遭了难,他就翻脸攻击你,回避你。但对于良好的友谊,你应恒一不变。
6:13 你当远离你的仇人,慎重对待你的朋友。
6:14 忠实的朋友,是稳固的保障;谁寻得了他,就是寻得了宝藏。
6:15 忠实的朋友,是无价之宝,他的高贵无法衡量:金银也比不上他忠实的美好。
6:16 忠实的朋友,是生命和不死的妙药;惟有敬畏上主的人,才能寻得。
6:17 敬畏上主的人,才有真正的友谊,因为他怎样,他的朋友也怎样。

6:19 你要亲近她,就如耕田和播种的人,等待她的美果;
6:20 因为,你用智慧去工作,用功不久,很快就可吃她的出产。
6:21 智慧为不肯受教的人,是酸苦的;愚昧的人,不会与智慧常久相处,
6:22 因为,智慧有如放在愚昧人身上的重石,他决不会迟延拋弃她。
6:23 原来智慧的含义,正如她的名字,许多人不明白;但认识她的人,她必与他相处,直到天主面前。
6:24 我儿,你当听取和接受我的智谋,不要拒绝我的忠告。
6:25 把她的脚镣扣在你的脚上,将她的枷锁套在你的颈上。
6:26 要放低你的肩膀,肩起她来,不要因她的束缚而烦恼。
6:27 要全心亲近她,全力遵循她的道路。
6:28 要研究她,寻求她,她必把自己显示给你;你一得了她,总不要离弃她;
6:29 因为,你终究要在她内寻着平安,她必变成你的喜乐。
6:30 于是,她的脚镣,要成为你有力的护卫,坚固的基础;她的枷锁,要成为你光荣的服饰。
6:31 她有黄金的美丽,她的束缚有如紫红的织品。在她内,有生命的美丽;她的桎梏是有益的束缚。
6:32 你要穿上她,作你美丽的服装;戴上她,作你喜乐的冠冕。

6:34 你若爱听,就必得到智慧;你若侧耳静听,必成为智慧的人。
6:35 你当常居于明智的长老之中,遇到有智慧的人,你应结识他。凡是天主的言语,你都要喜欢恭听;对明哲的格言,不要轻忽。
6:36 假使你看见一个有智慧的人,你要及早前去拜访,你的脚要磨光他的门限。
6:37 你当默想上主的诫命,时常留心他的法令;如此他必会坚固你的心,赐给你所希望的智慧。




7:2 远离不义,不义也必远离你。
7:3 我儿,不要在不义的犁沟中撒种,你就不会收七倍的灾祸。
7:4 不要向上主求做大官,也不要向君王求荣位。
7:5 不要在上主面前,自以为义人,因为他认透人心;也不要在君王面前,自显为明智。
7:6 不要谋求做判官,怕你无力拔除不义,而在有权势的人前,恐惧畏缩,因而伤损你的廉洁。
7:7 不要得罪城中的民众,免得你在民间,声名扫地。
7:8 不要存心再次犯罪,因为就是一次,你都不免要受惩罚。
7:9 祈求的时候,不要胆怯;
7:10 也不要忽略施舍。
7:11 不要说:天主必垂视我这许多的礼品;当我向自高者天主奉献礼物时,他必会悦纳。
7:12 心里苦闷的人,你不要嘲笑他,因为有一位贬抑和举扬人的,鉴临万事的天主。
7:13 不要捏造谎言,陷害你的兄弟;对你的朋友,也不要有类似的行为。
7:14 任何谎话都不要说,因为惯于说谎,不会有好结果。
7:15 在权贵的集会中,不要多言;你祈祷时,言语不要重复。
7:16 不要厌恶劳力的工作,和至高者制定的农业。
7:17 不要参与罪人的集团;
7:18 应记住:义怒是不会迟延的。
7:19 你当极力谦卑你的心灵,因为,不虔敬人的罪罚,就是烈火与虫子。

7:21 不要离弃因敬畏上主所得到的,明智而有德行的妻子,因为她的可爱,贵于黄金。
7:22 不要虐待忠诚工作的仆役,和为你牺牲性命的佣工。
7:23 你当爱护明智的仆役,如你自己的性命;不可剥夺他的自由,也不可让他依然穷苦。
7:24 你有羊群么﹖就该照顾;若为你有益,就该保存。
7:25 你有儿子么﹖就该教训他们:从幼年,就该使他们的颈项屈服。
7:26 你有女儿么﹖就该保护她们的身体,不要对她们常露笑容。
7:27 叫你的女儿出嫁,你算是做了一件大事;但应把她嫁给一个明智的人。
7:28 一个妇女若合你的心意,你不要离弃她;若是一个可恼恨的,切不可信赖她。

7:30 你要记住:没有他们便没有你;他们对你的恩惠,你如何能照样还报﹖

7:32 你当全力爱慕你的创造者,不要拋弃他的臣仆。
7:33 你当全灵恭敬上主,尊敬司祭,
7:34 并依照定例,给他所应得的一分:即首批成熟的出产,赎罪的祭品,平安牺牲的右腿,圣洁的祭物,和高尚的献仪。你要用少许祭品,洗净你无心的过犯。
7:35 你应将平安牺牲的一切胳臂,圣洁的祭品,与贵重的献仪,都献给上主。

7:37 对一切活人,要施与恩惠;对于死者,不要禁止哀悼。
7:38 不要终止哭吊的人,要同哀悼的人一同哀悼。
7:39 看望病人,不可怠慢;惟其如此,你才能受人爱戴。





8:2 不要同富贵人争执,怕他用财势来反对你;
8:3 因为金银败坏了许多人,连君王的心,也受了金银的迷惑。
8:4 不要同饶舌的人争辩,也不要在他的火上添柴。
8:5 不要同粗暴的人开玩笑,免得你的祖先受到耻辱。
8:6 人若改恶迁善,你不要嘲笑他,也不要责斥他;该记住:我们都是应受责罚的罪人。
8:7 不要轻慢老人,因为我们将来也要成为老人。
8:8 一个仇人死了,不要喜欢;该记住:我们都要死。我们也不愿别人,见我们死了而喜欢。
8:9 不要轻忽明智长老的教训,要反复玩味他们的名言;
8:10 因为从他们那里,你可以学得教训,及明智的至理,好能从容地服事王侯。
8:11 不要忽略长老的传授,因为他们也是从祖先学来的;
8:12 从他们那里,你能学得明智,在需要时,你便能自知解答。
8:13 不要点燃罪人的煤炭,申斥他们,免得你被他的火焰烧伤。
8:14 不要对傲慢人生气,免得他吹毛求疵,陷害你。
8:15 不要借钱给比你有权势的人;你若借钱给他,就等于丧失。
8:16 担保不要超过你的力量;假使你作了保,你该想你已成了债户。
8:17 不要同判官诉讼,因为人审判他时,必顾全他的面子。
8:18 不要同冒失的人一起走路,怕他加给你困难,因为他任意行动,你必因他的鲁莽,而与他一起丧亡。
8:19 不要同容易愤怒的人吵架;不要同他走入旷野,因为在他眼中,流血是不算什么的;在没有人帮助你的地方,他就要杀害你。
8:20 不要同鲁莽人商量事情,因为他不会严守秘密。事情一不称心,他就不喜爱。
8:21 在外人面前,不可作你想隐瞒的事,因为你不知道,这事会发生什么结果。
8:22 若你不愿招致祸患而受辱,就不要向人人表露你的心事。




9:2 不要任意顺从你的妻子,免得她侵占你的权柄,使你蒙羞。
9:3 不要逢迎淫妇,怕你落在她的罗网里。
9:4 不要同歌女交往,也不要听她,怕你跌在她的陷阱里。
9:5 不要注视处女,怕你爱上她,而与她同受处罚。
9:6 不要倾心于妓女,怕你荡尽了你的产业。
9:7 不要在城市的街道上,东张西望,也不要在城中无人的地方游荡。
9:8 当转移眼目,不看美丽的妇女,也不要注视别人妻子的美容;
9:9 为了妇女的美容,许多人走入迷途;从此,欲情炽燃,有如烈火。
9:10 所有的淫妇,都像路上被人践踏的粪土。
9:11 许多人因羡慕别人妻子的美貌,而变坏了;因为她的言语,炽燃有如烈火。
9:12 不要与有夫之妇同坐,也不要与她同席宴饮,饮酒时也不要同她辩论,
9:13 怕你的心转向她,因你的情欲而陷于丧亡。

9:15 新友有如新酒,若成了陈酒,你才喜欢痛饮。
9:16 不要羡慕恶人的光荣和财富,因为你不知道他将来的结局怎样。
9:17 不虔敬者喜爱的事,你不要喜爱;要记住:他们到死,决免不了受惩罚。
9:18 当远离那有杀身之权的人,如此,你就没有怕死的疑虑;
9:19 即便你亲近他,也不要犯过错,怕他要害你的性命;
9:20 该知道死已临头,因为,你是在陷阱中经过,在城垛上行走。
9:21 你要尽可能同别人商议,并征求明智人的主意。
9:22 义人当是你座上的宾客,要以敬畏上主,为你的荣耀。
9:23 你当同聪明人交谈,你的一切谈论,应依照至高者的法度。

9:25 饶舌的人在本城内,叫人恐怖;轻率人的言语,使人憎恶。



10:2 人民的首领怎样,他的属下也怎样;市长如何,所有市民也如何。
10:3 品行不良的君王,必使人民丧亡;因首领的明智,市民必然增多。
10:4 统治大地的权柄,是在上主手里,万邦的一切不义,是可咒骂的,到了指定的时刻,天主必给大地兴起一位有才的人君。
10:5 民众的福利,是在上主手里,他必将自己的尊荣赐给立法者。

10:7 骄傲在上主及人前是可憎恨的,不义为上主及人是可厌恶的。
10:8 因着不义、骄横和贪财,以及各种欺诈,统治权由这一民族,转移到另一民族。
10:9 没有什么比贪财的人,更可憎恶;尘埃灰土的人,有什么可骄傲的﹖
10:10 没有什么比爱钱更邪恶的,因为这样的人,出卖自己的性命,他虽然还活着,他的五脏却已逐渐腐烂。
10:11 一切政权的寿命,都是短促的。
10:12 长久的疾病,令医生生厌。今日是君王,明日即死去,就如医生治疗小病一样的快速。
10:13 人死之后,要得到的产业,是蛇、蛆、虫。
10:14 骄傲的开端,始于人背离上主,
10:15 始于人心远离自己的创造者,因为骄傲是一切罪恶的起源;固执于骄傲的人,散布可憎恶的事,有如雨点,最后必使他丧亡。
10:16 为此上主降下奇灾异祸,把他们完全消灭。
10:17 上主推翻傲慢君主的宝座,使谦逊的人坐上他们的宝座。
10:18 上主拔除傲慢民族的根苗,在他们的地方,却培植谦虚的人。
10:19 上主推翻了异民的国家,将它们毁灭,直到地基;
10:20 将他们由本国逐出,尽行消灭,并将他们的纪念,从世上除去。
10:21 天主消灭傲慢人的纪念;心地谦逊人的纪念,反被保留。
10:22 为人,不应生骄傲;妇女所生的,也不应发愤怒。

10:24 在兄弟们中,自己的领袖是可敬重的;敬畏上主的人们,在天主眼中,也是如此。
10:25 富贵人、有名誉的人和贫穷人的光荣,就是在乎敬畏上主。
10:26 不可藐视有智慧的穷人,也不可称赞富有的罪人。
10:27 伟人、判官、权贵,都应受敬重;但是他们之中,没有比敬畏上主的人更伟大。

10:28 自由的人服事明智的奴仆,明智而有纪律的人,虽受责备,仍不出怨言;不知敬畏天主的人,决不会受人敬重。
10:29 工作时,不要投机取巧;贫穷时,不要夸张。
10:30 劳而致富的人,胜于自大,而无以果腹的人。
10:31 我儿,你要端庄,自重自爱,对自己应保持相称的尊重。
10:32 犯罪加害自己的人,谁能当他是义人﹖侮辱自己的人,谁又能尊重他﹖
10:33 贫苦人受人敬重,是因他的智慧,和敬畏天主之心;富贵人受人敬重,是因他的财富。
10:34 在穷苦中受尊敬的人,富有时,岂不更受尊敬﹖在富有时,还受轻视,在贫穷时,更将如何﹖




11:3 飞虫中,蜜蜂是微小的,但她的产品,却是最甘饴的。
11:4 在穿衣上,不要打扮;光荣之日,不要自大;因为上主的工程,虽是惊人的,光荣的,但他的行动在人间,却是隐匿不现的。
11:5 许多暴君竟坐在地下;人不介意的人,反戴上了王冠。
11:6 许多有权势的人,遭受了极大的凌辱;许多有声望的人,陷落在外邦人的手里。

11:8 未听以前,不可作覆;人家正在谈论中,你不要插嘴。
11:9 与你无关的事,你不要争辩,也不要参加罪人的诉讼。
11:10 我儿,你的工作不要繁多,若事情太多,难免没有过失;如果你急于进取,就什么也得不到;如你过于急进,就免不了受害。

11:12 又有一个瘦弱的人,需要援助,缺乏力量,万分可怜;
11:13 然而上主却以仁慈的眼眷顾他,从卑贱中提拔他,使他抬头,使许多人对他表示惊奇,因而尊敬天主。
11:14 幸福、灾祸、生死、贫富,都来自上主。
11:15 智慧、学识及法律的知识,来自上主;爱情与行善的工作,也是从他那里而来的。
11:16 错谬与黑暗,是为罪人而造的;以恶为荣的,越老越恶。
11:17 上主的恩惠,常是留给虔敬的人;他的恩宠使虔敬的人永远顺利。
11:18 有人因节俭而成了富翁,这算是他应得的赏报:
11:19 于是他说:「我找着了安息,现在我要享用我的财物了。」
11:20 但是,他不知道自己还生存多少日子, 死亡便临近了,他就该把这一切留给别人而死去。
11:21 你当遵守你与天主结的盟约,按照盟约生活,老于你的职守。
11:22 不要惊奇罪人的成就,只该信赖上主,坚持你的工作。
11:23 因为,使穷人忽然变为富翁,在上主眼中,是一件容易的事。
11:24 上主的降福,是虔敬人的赏报;上主使自己的降福倾刻之间即能开花。
11:25 不要说:我在世上还有什么用处﹖今后,我还能有什么幸?t
11:26 不要说;我所有的够用的了,今后,还能有什么不幸降到我身上﹖
11:27 在幸福的日子,人忘却了不幸;在不幸的时候,人忘却了幸福。
11:28 然而在死亡之日,依照人的行径报应人,为上主是一件容易事。
11:29 一时的忧苦,能使人忘掉已往的幸福;人一到临终,他的行为就暴露出来。
11:30 任何人未死以前,不要称他是有福的,因为从他的子女,才能认识他的为人。

11:32 骄傲人的心,像臭腐了的五脏,发泄臭气,像被诱进樊笼里的鹧鸪,像陷在罗网里的山羊,像窥探别人,使人落网的侦探。
11:33 他设法把好事变成坏事,连最好的事,他也要非难。
11:34 一星之火,可以酿成燎原之火,由于一个诡计多端的人,流血的事件增多;犯罪的人图谋倾留人血。
11:35 要谨防作恶的人,因为他图谋邪恶的事,免得他加给你永远的耻辱。
11:36 若你在家收留外人,他必作乱推翻你,夺取你的家产。




12:2 对虔敬的人要施恩,这样,你必会获得大酬报;若你得不到他的酬报,必会蒙受至高者的酬报。
12:3 习惯于行恶,而不肯施舍的人,对自己绝无好处,因为至高者憎恨罪人,而怜悯悔改的人。
12:4 你要施恩给虔敬的人,不要帮助罪人;存留不虔敬者和罪人到报复日子的天主,必要报复他们。
12:5 你要施恩与善人,不必收留不虔敬的人。
12:6 你要施恩与谦虚的人,不要施舍不虔敬的人,要拒绝给他食物,怕他因此制胜你;
12:7 因为,在你对他所施的一切恩惠中,你要得到双重的祸患;原来至高者憎恨罪人,要向不虔敬的人复仇。

12:9 人一幸福,他的仇人就闷闷不乐;一遇灾难,朋友也会离去。
12:10 总不要信赖你的仇敌,因为他的恶毒有如生锈的铜铁。
12:11 即使他显示谦和,屈躬而行,你仍要留神,提防他;你对他要像一个擦亮镜子的人;你将会看见锈的下面有什么东西。
12:12 不要让他立在你的身旁,免得他推倒你,而占据你的位置;不要任他坐在你的右边,免得他图占你的座位;你终究会明白我的话,对我的话,你会感到心疚。
12:13 谁同情被蛇咬伤的术士﹖谁同情亲近野兽的人﹖与恶人同行,而陷入他邪恶的人,亦无人怜惜。
12:14 他一时与你相处,但你一落魄,他决不扶持你。
12:15 仇敌的口舌出言甜蜜,但心里却打算将你推入陷阱;
12:16 他眼中流泪,但时机一到,就是流你的血,还嫌不够。
12:17 若你遇着灾难,首先到你面前的,就是他;
12:18 他眼中流泪,彷佛是来扶助你,其实,他是来绊你的脚;
12:19 那时,他就要摇头鼓掌,出言不逊,现出他原来的面目。




13:2 不要肩负超过你力量的重担;不要与那比你强大富有的人交接。
13:3 瓦罐和铁锅怎能相交﹖铁锅一碰瓦罐,瓦罐就破碎了。
13:4 富贵人侮辱了人,还怒不可遏;贫穷人受了侮辱,反得向人谢罪!
13:5 若你为他有用,他就利用你;若你一无所有,他就要拋弃你。
13:6 若你富有,他就与你相处,即使耗尽了你的财产,也不惋惜。
13:7 他需要你时,就欺骗你,向你媚笑,使你相信他,并大放厥辞,向你说:你缺少什么﹖
13:8 等到他再三剥削你以后,就用他的食物来羞辱你,最后还要嘲笑你;从此以后,几时见到你,就躲开你,还向你大摇其头。
13:9 你在天主面前要自谦,等待他的援手。
13:10 小心不要受人诱惑;昌盛时,小心不要堕落。
13:11 你具有智慧,不要虚心谦让,怕你因示弱,而被人愚弄。
13:12 若有权势的人召叫你,你当引退;如此,他反而更加招呼你。
13:13 不可强求,免得你被人赶走;但也不可远离他,免得你被人忘掉。
13:14 不要以平等方式与他讲话,也不要相信他那许多话,因为他要用许多言辞试探你,面带笑容,打听你的秘密。
13:15 他是一个残忍的人,对你的话,决不保守秘密,也不惜用刑罚和锁链来处置你。
13:16 你该小心,对你听来的话务要谨慎,因为你是在丧亡的危险中行走。
13:17 对你听见的事,当视为梦中事,但是你要小心提防。
13:18 你一生该爱慕天主,呼号他拯救你。

13:20 一切生物都和自己的同类相交;人也各与自己相似的人交结。
13:21 豺狼与羔羊,岂能有友谊﹖同样,罪人与义人,也不能有交情。
13:22 鬣狗与犬怎能相和﹖财主与穷人又怎能相安无事﹖
13:23 旷野里的野驴,是狮子的猎物;同样,贫穷人是财主的鱼肉。
13:24 骄傲人憎恨谦卑自下;同样,富贵人厌恶贫穷人。

13:26 富人一失败,就有许多人来扶助,纵然他口出狂言,还以他为义人;
13:27 穷人一失败,反更受人责斥,虽然他说话条理分明,却无人理会。
13:28 富贵人一开口,众人都鸦雀无声,还把他的话高举云表;
13:29 贫穷人一发言,人就问:「他是什么人﹖」如果他一失言,人就把他推翻。

13:31 人向善或向恶的心,都能改变自己的面容。
13:32 春风满面是好心肠的凭据;寻求箴言,必要劳心思索。



14:2 不受良心谴责,而又不失望的,是有福的人。

14:4 过于俭省的人,是替人积蓄;他的财物,必被人浪费。
14:5 虐待自己的,怎能善待他人﹖他决不会享受他自己的财物。
14:6 没有比吝啬而自残的人,更为卑劣;这是他自作孽的报应。
14:7 纵使他行了善事,也是出于偶然,并非自愿,最后,他的邪恶终于暴露。
14:8 吝啬人见人就嫉妒,转脸轻视人。
14:9 贪得无厌的眼睛,看自己所得的一份,总是不够;不义的恶毒,麻木了他的心灵。
14:10 贪得无厌的人,吝惜饮食,他的餐桌上,几乎一无所有。

14:12 要记住:死亡决不迟延,阴府的约期,你又无从得知。
14:13 未死以前,你要厚待你的朋友,按你的力量,伸手加惠于他。
14:14 不应取消你佳节的喜乐,连一点好希望,也不要轻易放过。
14:15 难道你把你劳碌所得的留给别人﹖难道把你辛苦所得的,叫别人抽签分得﹖
14:16 你要施舍,也要收受,总要使你的心灵愉快。
14:17 死前你应履行正义,因为在阴府里,无福可寻。
14:18 凡有血肉的,有如衣服,逐渐陈旧,因为自古以来的定案是:你一定要死;又如葱茏的树上发的枝叶,
14:19 有雕零的,有发芽的,有血肉的种类也是如此:这人死去,那人出生。
14:20 各种腐败的工程,毕竟都要被遗弃,它的作者也要随之而去;
14:21 但一切优良的事业,必为人所公认,它的作者也要与它共享光荣。

14:23 他心中思念智慧的途径,想了解她的奥秘。他彷佛一个侦探,追随在她的后边,潜伏在她的路口,
14:24 从她的窗外窥视,在她的门口倾听,
14:25 贴近她的房屋休息,在她的墙上钉上木橛,以便在她旁边,搭起自己的帐幕,而在那幸福的房舍内永久安息。
14:26 他把自己的儿女,安置在智慧的荫庇下,要在她的枝叶下留宿,
14:27 在她的阴凉下避暑,在她的光荣中安息。




15:2 智慧有如一位荣耀的母亲来迎接他,又如一位童贞的新娘收留他,
15:3 要用生命和明智的食物养育他,用有益的智慧之水,给他当饮料。他依靠智慧,便不致动摇;
15:4 他信赖智慧,就不致受辱。智慧要举扬他,超越他的同伴;
15:5 在集会中,使他开口发言,使他充满上智聪敏之神,叫他穿上光荣的长袍,
15:6 使他获得喜乐和愉快的冠冕,叫他承受名垂千古的基业。
15:7 愚昧人不会接受智慧,明智人却去迎接她,罪人决不会见到她,因为,智慧远离骄傲和欺诈。
15:8 说谎的人不会思念她;但诚实的人必能寻见她,直到天主来视察时,他们必有所成就。
15:9 赞颂在罪人口里,是不适宜的,因为不是来自上主;
15:10 原来赞颂须本于智慧,具有智慧的人,才能教给人智慧。因为智慧来自天主,天主的赞颂常伴随智慧;忠信人的口,必洋溢着这样的赞颂,主宰也必赐给他这样的赞颂。

15:12 你也不要说:「他迷惑了我。」因为,他用不着罪人。
15:13 凡是可恶的事,上主都憎恨,也不许敬畏他的人遇着这些事。
15:14 上主在起初就造了人,并赋给他自决的能力;
15:15 又给他定了法律和诫命。
15:16 假使你愿意,就能遵守他的诫命;成为一个忠信的人,完全在于你自愿。
15:17 他在你面前安放了火与水,你可任意伸手选取;
15:18 生死善恶,都在人面前;人愿意那样,就赐给他那样。
15:19 因为,上主的智慧是广大的,他强而有力,不断在察看着万物。
15:20 他的眼睛注视敬畏他的人,他洞悉人的一切行为。
15:21 他从未吩咐人作恶,他从未准许人犯罪。




16:2 不要依赖他们的生命,也不要依靠他们的后裔;
16:3 因为,有一个敬畏天主的儿子,胜过一千个不虔敬的儿女。
16:4 没有儿子而死,比留下不虔敬的儿子更好。
16:5 因为一位智慧人,就能使一城人烟稠密,而罪人的家族,却可使城池荒凉。
16:6 我亲眼见到许多这样的事,我亲耳听到的比这还多。
16:7 烈火在罪人的集会中燃烧,义怒向背信的民族怒吼。
16:8 对那些倚仗己力而背叛的古代巨人,上主没有息怒;
16:9 与罗特同城的人,天主也没有宽恕,因为他们的骄傲招天主的厌恶。
16:10 他没有怜悯丧亡的子民,即那些因罪恶,而自高自大的人;
16:11 也同样对待了六十万步兵,即那些因心硬,而齐集反抗的人。如果有一个倔强的人而未受罚,才是奇事。
16:12 因为,怜悯和义怒全属于上主;他大施宽恕,但也倾注义怒。
16:13 他的仁慈大,他的惩罚也同样大;他依照每人的行为审判人。
16:14 罪犯及其赃物,逃遁不了;虔敬人的忍耐,不会落空。
16:15 凡施舍行善的人,必会获得赏报;各人按自己的行为,及其旅行时所有的明智,必会得到酬报。上主曾硬了法郎的心,致令他不认识上主,和他在天下显示的工程。万物都见到了他的仁慈,他赐给了人光明和黑暗。
16:16 不要说:「我能逃避上主,在至高处,还有谁会想到我﹖
16:17 在广大的人民中,必然无人认识我;我的性命,在这无量的造物中,又算得什么﹖」
16:18 请看天,天外天,深渊,大地和地上的一切所有,当他视察时,都要动摇;
16:19 山岳和大地的基础,天主一观看,都要颤栗摇撼。
16:20 对于这些事,人心怎么还不领悟﹖对众人的心,天主是洞悉的。
16:21 谁能洞察他的道路﹖正如风暴,人难预见。
16:22 同样,天主的许多作为,也是隐而不见的。「谁能传述他正义的作为﹖谁能等待那事﹖因为他的盟约离一些人尚远。」到末日他才审问众人。
16:23 心中愚蒙的人,是如此设想;不明智而自欺的人,只思虑狂妄的事。

16:25 我要指出思量过的道理,我要详细陈述智慧;所以,你要在心留意我的话,我要公正地,述说天主从起初就赋与万有的神力;我要真实地,陈述他的智慧。
16:26 太初,上主造化了万物;在创造时,分别了万物的种类。
16:27 永远把自己的化工布置就序,连续给它们派定了统帅。它们不感觉饥饿,也不感觉疲劳,因为统帅总不停顿自己的工作。
16:28 它们彼此不相侵犯,
16:29 永远不违背他的安排。
16:30 此后,上主俯视大地,将自己的美善,充满世界;
16:31 用各种生物,遮盖了地面;但它们仍要归于尘土。




17:2 给他限定了日数和时期,赐给他治理世上事物的权力。
17:3 按照自己的本性,赋给他德能;依照自己的肖像,造成了他。
17:4 使一切生物都畏惧他,使他能制服禽兽。
17:5 天主又从他,造了一个与他相似的伴侣,赐给他们理智、唇舌、眼目、耳朵和能思想的心,使他们充满知识与理解力。
17:6 给他们创造了精神的知识,使他们的心富于辨别力,使他们能分别善恶。
17:7 天主又把自己的灵光放在他们的心中,为将自己伟大的工程,显示给他们,
17:8 好使他们能赞美他的圣名,光荣他奇妙的化工,并传述他伟大的工程。
17:9 他赐给他们理智,又赐给他们生命的法律,作为产业;
17:10 和他们立了永久的盟约,使他们认识正义和自己的法令。
17:11 他们的眼目看见了他伟大的光荣,他们的耳朵也听见了他庄严的声音。天主对他们说:「要戒避一切不义!
17:12 并吩咐他们,每人要关心别人。

17:14 他给每个民族,立了一个统治者;
17:15 但是,以色列显然是上主的一分子。
17:16 他们所行的一切,像太阳一般,摆在他面前;他的眼目,时常注视他们的行径。
17:17 他们的恶行,隐瞒不了他;他们一切的罪恶,都摆在上主的面前。
17:18 人的慈爱,为天主有如印玺;他保存人的慈爱,有如保护瞳孔。
17:19 此后,他必起来,回报恶人,给他们施与每人应得的报应,使他们转入地的深处。
17:20 但是,给悔改的人,指出返回正义的归路;鼓舞那些失望的人,给他们指定真理的产业。
17:21 你应归向上主,离弃罪恶;
17:22 你应在他面前祈祷,并减少你的过失。
17:23 你应归向至高者,远离邪恶,痛恨一切可憎恶的事。
17:24 你应认识天主的正义和判断,坚持他为你所指定的身分,及对至高者天主所应有的祈祷。

17:26 不要在不虔敬者的错误里停留,你要在死前赞颂上主。从死者方面,他既然等于无,也就终止了赞颂。
17:27 惟有那活着而健在的人,能赞美上主。你要称颂天主,你就必能因他的慈惠而自豪。
17:28 上主的仁慈,何其伟大!对于归依他的人的怜悯,又何其宏大!
17:29 因为人不是一切都能的,人子也不是不死不灭的,他们喜欢邪恶虚幻的事。
17:30 什么比太阳更光明﹖但它也有晦暗的时候;血肉的人贪求的,不外邪恶,但是他们必因此而受责罚。
17:31 天主视察高天的军旅,但众人却是尘埃灰土。




18:2 无人能详述他的化工;
18:3 谁能穷究他的伟大﹖
18:4 谁能述尽他威严的权力﹖谁能说完他的仁慈﹖
18:5 上主的奇妙化工,人不能增损,也无法穷究。
18:6 当人以为完毕时,他却正在开始;当人以为停止时,却仍感到迷惑。
18:7 人是什么,他有什么用途﹖对于天主,他有什么好处,有什么害处﹖
18:8 人的年龄,至多一百岁,就像海水的一滴,沙中的一粒,在永远的日子里,连一千年,也不过如此。
18:9 为此,上主忍耐他们,在他们身上倾注自己的仁慈。
18:10 他明见而且深知,他们的结局是凶恶的,知道他们的灭亡是悲惨的。
18:11 为此,天主对他们大加宽恕,给他们指出正义的途径。
18:12 人的慈爱只朝向自己的近人,而上主的怜爱,却临于一切有血肉的人。
18:13 怀有仁慈的上主,劝告、惩戒、教训世人,领他们回来,正如牧人领回自己的羊群。
18:14 领受他的教导和渴慕他判断的人,他必加以怜悯。

18:16 露水不是可以消除炎热吗﹖同样,一句好话比恩惠更快人心。
18:17 一句好话,不是胜过恩惠吗﹖但是,只有仁爱的人,才能作到这两点。
18:18 愚人只会无礼责斥人,悭吝人的恩惠,使人目光消沉。

18:20 在未病以前,应善自珍重。在审判以前,应审察自己,这样,当天主来视察你的时候,你必能寻获宽恕。
18:21 在未病之先,你要谦卑自下;在有罪的时候,要表示忏悔。
18:22 不要让什么阻碍你在指定的时期还愿,也不要等到临死才行义,因为天主的赏报永远存在。
18:23 在许愿以前,你应善自准备,免得你像是一个试探上主的人。
18:24 你要思念天主在末日的震怒,和他报复时,转面不顾。
18:25 丰收时,要记得饥荒时;富裕时,要想到穷困时。
18:26 从早到晚,时辰更替,在上主面前,一切都要迅速过去。
18:27 明智人凡事谨慎,在易犯罪的日子,必然小心而不犯罪。
18:28 凡是智慧的人,都认识智慧;找着她的人,智慧必加以称许。
18:29 明白箴言的,就是智慧人,他们懂得真理与正义,并且流露出卓绝的格言。
18:30 不要顺从你的欲情,要抑制你的欲望。
18:31 假使你满足你的情欲,它必使你成为你敌人的笑柄。
18:32 不要喜爱奢侈的生活,也不要加入这样的集会。在集会中,不拘人多少,你也不要找寻快乐,因为在那里,人总不免沾染罪恶。
18:33 几时你囊中一无所有,不要借贷设宴,而使你陷于穷困;否则,便是苦害你的生命。




19:2 醇酒与美女,迷惑明智人,使聪明人遭受责斥。
19:3 凡与娼妇结合的,必放荡不羁,必为腐烂与蛆虫所占有;人必将他提出来,作为殷鉴;冒失的人,必要丧亡。
19:4 轻信的人,必然心地轻浮,他必被小看;犯罪的人,是伤害自己的灵魂。
19:5 喜爱恶事的,必被定罪;厌恶劝戒的,必缩短自己的性命。憎恶闲谈的,必能避免邪恶。
19:6 犯罪害自己灵魂的,必要后悔;爱好邪恶的,必受责斥。
19:7 切不可重述一句猥亵和粗鲁的话;如此,你就不至于受害。
19:8 不论是朋友,或是仇人,都不要向他们述说你的心意;假使你不吐露,为你不是罪过。
19:9 因为,凡听你的人,必要防备你,时机一到,他就辨明自己无罪,而憎恨你,并且常要这样对待你。
19:10 你听见了什么攻击别人的话吗﹖让它死在你心里;放心,它不会撑破你的。
19:11 愚人为保守一句话,感到痛苦,有如临产的妇女。
19:12 一句话在愚人心里,就如一枝箭射在大腿上一样。
19:13 你应质问朋友,也许他没有做;他若做了,叫他不要再做。
19:14 你应质问邻人,也许他没有说;他若说了,叫他不要再说。
19:15 你应质问朋友,因为多次发生诬谤的事;
19:16 因此,不可尽信所有的话。有人说滑了口,却不是出于有心。
19:17 谁没有因自己的舌头犯过罪呢﹖在恐吓人以前,应先询问他;
19:18 你要给至高者的法律留有余地。

19:20 有一种能干是讨厌的,有一种愚蒙,是缺乏智慧的。
19:21 寡知少识而敬畏天主的人,胜于多智而干犯至高者法律的人。
19:22 有一种奸滑的聪明,也是不义的;有一种人,为讨人喜欢,竟妄下论断。
19:23 有一种坏人,外面表示谦恭后悔,心里却满怀欺诈。
19:24 有人低头装聋,假装看不见别人不知道的事,但是在你不提防时,他却来加害你。
19:25 假使因软弱无力,不能犯罪,一旦遇到机会,他必要作恶。
19:26 由外表,可以认识人;从面貌上,可以看出他是否明智。
19:27 人的服装、喜笑和步伐,都表示他的为人。




20:2 阉人想奸污处女,
20:3 就如用暴力施行不公平的审判。
20:4 受责而表示悔改,是多么美好!若能如此,你便可以躲避故意的罪。

20:6 有的人不出声,是因为他不知所答;有的人不出声,是因为他知道何时该说话。
20:7 明智人缄口不言,直等相宜的时候;自夸和愚昧的人,却不看时机。
20:8 多言的人,必招人厌恶;专权的人,必被人恼恨。

20:10 有的馈赠,为你没有益处;有的馈赠,却获得双倍的酬报。
20:11 有的屈辱来自尊荣,但也有人从卑微中抬起了头。
20:12 有的人用低价大批收买,然而却因此赔了七倍。
20:13 明智人说话,叫人喜爱;愚昧的人温和,却是白费。

20:15 他给的少,而责难的却多;他张开口,就如一个传令员。
20:16 今日借钱,明日就要还。像这样的人,实在可恨。
20:17 愚人说:「我没有朋友;我做好事,也得不到感谢。」
20:18 吃他饭的人,口舌欺人。多少次,多少人要讥笑他呢﹖
20:19 愚昧人对自己拥有的东西,还不正经使用,对不是他所有的东西,就更漠不关心了。

20:21 无礼的人,好象无知的人口中,不断重述的一个乏味的故事。
20:22 出自愚人口中的比喻,不受欢迎,因为他说的不合时机。

20:24 有人因害羞而损害自己,因愚昧的顾虑而牺牲自己,因顾及情面而使自己丧亡。
20:25 有人因害羞而对朋友应许过甚,无故使他成了仇人。
20:26 谎言为人是一种可恶的污点,然而常在无知人的口里。
20:27 盗贼也比一个常说谎的人好,但是这两等人将承受的,都是灭亡。
20:28 说谎人的品行,是不光彩的,耻辱常在他们身上。
20:29 智慧人在言谈上,必增高自己的身价;明智人,会使伟人喜悦。
20:30 耕种田地的,必使自己的收获堆积如山;行正义的,必被举扬;使伟人喜悦的,过错必蒙宽恕。
20:31 赠品与礼物昏迷明智人的眼目,就如口罩阻止责斥。
20:32 隐藏的智慧和埋藏的宝贝,二者究竟有什么用﹖
20:33 隐瞒自己胡涂的人,比隐瞒自己智慧的人还好。




21:2 你该躲避罪恶,如同躲避毒蛇一样;你若亲近它,它必会咬伤你。
21:3 罪恶的牙有如狮子的牙,能咬死人的灵魂。
21:4 一切邪恶,好象双刃的利剑;他的创伤,无法医治。
21:5 怒斥与骄傲,能荡尽财富;傲慢人的家庭,必成为废墟。骄傲人的财产,也必如此荡尽。
21:6 贫穷人的祈祷,从他口中直达上主的耳里,上主必迅速为他伸冤。
21:7 厌恶惩戒的,正是追随罪人的足迹;敬畏上主的,是从心里归向他。
21:8 雄辩的人远近皆知,但明智人却知道自己失足的地方。
21:9 谁用别人的钱财,建筑自己的房屋,就如同堆积石头,为自己修盖坟墓。
21:10 罪人的集团,有如堆积的麻屑;他们的结局,不外是烈火。
21:11 罪人的道路,是用石头铺平的;但道路的末端,却是阴府的深坑、黑暗与刑罚。

21:13 敬畏上主的最后结果,是智慧与明智。
21:14 不聪明的,不易受教;
21:15 但有一种聪明,却是充满辛苦的,而那里有辛苦,那里就没有真实的明智。
21:16 贤人的知识,如洪水洋溢;他的计谋,有如活泉。
21:17 愚人的内心,像一个破碎的器皿,任何知识都保存不住。
21:18 贤人听见一句智慧的话,就一面赞赏,一面从中取益;淫荡的人听见,却不满意,把它拋在脑后。
21:19 愚人的叙述,像行路所背的重担;明智人的谈吐,却优雅中听。
21:20 在集会中,人都寻求明智人的言论;对他的话,人都用心思维。
21:21 明智为愚人,就如一座倒塌的房屋;无知之辈的知识,是一团表达不清的言语。
21:22 纪律为愚昧人,就如脚镣,和右手上的手铐。
21:23 愚昧人笑,是放声大笑;聪明人笑,是低声微笑。
21:24 纪律为明智人,有如金饰品,又如右臂上的手镯。
21:25 愚人的脚,卤莽闯进人家的房屋;富有经验的人,却害羞怕进去。
21:26 愚人从门外窥探室内;有教养的人,却站在外边等候。
21:27 一个人在门外偷听,是未受好教育的凭据;明智人耻于这样作。
21:28 愚人只会信口开河;明智人的话,却是经过权衡思量的。
21:29 愚人的心在口上,明智人的口却在心里。
21:30 不虔敬的人咒骂对方,实是咒骂自己。
21:31 搬弄是非的人,是污辱他自己,为众人所憎恶,与他相近的人也憎恨他;缄默而明智的人,反要受人尊敬。




22:2 懒惰人好比一堆牛粪,摸着的人,都将它从手中抖掉。
22:3 一个不受管教的儿子,是父亲的耻辱;生了这样的女儿,是父亲的损失。
22:4 明智的女儿,是丈夫的宝藏;无耻的女儿,是父亲的忧伤。
22:5 放荡的妇女,羞辱自己的父亲和丈夫,并不次于不虔敬的人;父亲和丈夫都要轻视她。
22:6 不合时宜的言论,有如悲哀中的音乐;教鞭和训诲,无论什么时候,常是明智的。
22:7 教训愚人,无异黏合陶器碎片;
22:8 向不愿听的人讲话,就像唤醒熟睡的人。
22:9 给愚人讲话,等于向睡觉的人讲话;话说完了,他还问:什么事﹖
22:10 要为亡者哀哭,因为他已失去了光明;更要为愚人哀哭,因为他已失去了明悟。
22:11 哀悼亡者要有节,因为他已得到了安息;
22:12 然而邪恶愚人不幸的生命,比死亡更为可悲。
22:13 哀悼死者,为期不过七天;悲哭愚人与不虔敬的人,却是一生。
22:14 同愚人不要长谈,与无知的人不要交往。
22:15 要谨慎防备他,就不致招惹烦恼;即便他喷唾,你也不至于受玷污。
22:16 你要远离他,你就得享安宁,不至于因他的愚蠢而感到厌烦。
22:17 什么东西比铅还重﹖比铅还重的东西的名字,不是「愚人」么﹖
22:18 沙盐、铁堆虽重,但比忍耐一个无智胡涂而不虔敬的人,更容易担负。
22:19 用栋梁支持的建筑物,在地动时不致倒塌;同样,深思熟虑而镇定的心,危险时也不会畏惧。
22:20 以智慧的思想为基础的心,有如光滑的墙壁上涂的灰泥。
22:21 高处的篱笆,经不起风吹;
22:22 同样,那因愚昧的思想而恐惧的心,也禁不住任何惊吓。
22:23 就如愚人在思虑时心虽游移不定,却无时感到恐惧,就像常守天主法律的人一样。

22:25 拋石打鸟,会使鸟惊飞;责骂友人会断绝友情。
22:26 若你已向友人拔出利剑,不要失望,因为还可恢复旧交;
22:27 若你已对友人开口攻击,不要害怕,因为还能和好如初;惟有辱骂、责斥、骄傲、泄露秘密、暗中伤害,能使朋友疏远。
22:28 你的朋友穷困的时候,你要对他忠诚;到他富裕时,你便可以与他共享福利。
22:29 他遭难的时候,你要待他始终如一;这样,你就可以分享他的产业。
22:30 火生起以前,炉中冒气冒烟;同样,流血以前、也有咒骂、凌辱和威吓。
22:31 我不害羞保护一个朋友,也不躲藏而不与他见面,虽然为了他我要遭遇什么不幸,我也忍受。
22:32 虽然如此,若他还不知恩,凡听见这事的人,必对他加以防范。




23:2 谁能督策我的思念,谁能在我心中给与智慧的训导,不宽容我的错误,不放过我的罪过,
23:3 免得我更加愚昧,我的罪恶加多,罪过满盈,倒在我敌人跟前,为我的仇人所喜笑呢﹖
23:4 上主,天父,我生命的天主!不要把我丢弃,如他们所想望的。
23:5 不要使我眼目高傲,使我不要顺从情欲。
23:6 不要让肚腹的食欲和肉欲的烈火统治着我,也不要让我有一颗无耻愚昧的心。

23:8 罪人必因自己的唇舌,而陷入罗网;辱骂人的和骄傲人,必因自己的唇舌而跌倒。
23:9 不要让你的口习惯起誓,因为如此反增加许多过失,
23:10 口里不要习惯称呼圣者的名字,也不要乱呼圣人的名字,因为你若如此,就难免无罪。
23:11 犹如一个不断受拷问的奴仆,免不了身受创伤;同样,经常发誓和乱呼圣者名字的人,也不能清白无罪。
23:12 时常起誓的人,必恶贯满盈,他的家庭必会遭殃。
23:13 他若违犯了,必然有罪;他若藐视誓愿,罪更加倍。
23:14 他若发了虚誓,就不能称为义人;他的家庭也必备受惩罚。
23:15 还有促人早死的话,希望这样的话,总不出现在雅各伯的家业中。
23:16 虔敬的人,必远离这一切事;他们不会辗转在这些罪恶中。
23:17 不要习惯说粗鲁的话,因为其中总有有罪的话。
23:18 你坐在大人物中时,要记得你的父母,
23:19 怕你在他们面前,忘了父母,以致因你的习惯,做出胡涂的事来,受到凌辱,遂诅咒你的生辰,深愿你没有生在世上。
23:20 惯说责斥话的人,一生不能自律。

23:22 炽烈的情欲,像燃起的火,不到烧完,决不熄灭。
23:23 作贱自己肉身的人,不到欲火焚尽,也决不停止。
23:24 纵欲的人,一切食物都是香甜的,至死不厌。
23:25 离开自己的床,去犯奸淫轻贱自己的人,心里说:「谁能看见我﹖
23:26 黑暗笼罩着我,墙壁遮蔽着我,没有人能看见我,我还怕什么﹖至高者决不会记念我的罪恶。」
23:27 他不明白至高者的眼目,透视一切;怕人之情,驱散了他敬畏天主的心,使他只怕人的眼目。
23:28 他不知道上主的眼目,比太阳还要光亮万倍。他环视人类的一切行径,透视深渊、人心和最隐密的幽处。
23:29 万物在受造以前,上主天主就认识;完成之后,也是如此。
23:30 奸淫的人必在城市的街道上,受到惩罚;像马驹一般被人追击,在他不料想的地方被人捉住。
23:31 因为他不知敬畏上主,所以人人都以他为耻。
23:32 凡离弃丈夫,藉外人生了子嗣的女人,也是如此。
23:33 第一、因为她不忠于至高者的法律;第二、因为她得罪自己的丈夫;第三、因为他通奸犯淫,借外人生了孩子。
23:34 她要被拉到集会中,审问她关于子女的事。
23:35 她的子女不会生根,她的枝叶也不会结果实。
23:36 她遗留下的记念是咒骂,她的耻辱不会抹去。
23:37 幸存的人,应该知道:没有什么比敬畏上主更美好,也没有什么比遵循上主的诫命更甘饴。
23:38 跟随上主是人的莫大光荣,人还可因此获享长寿。




24:2 在至高者的集会中,要开启自己的口;在他的军旅前,要夸耀自己;
24:3 在他的百姓中,要受举扬;在圣民间,要受景仰;
24:4 在被选者的群众中,要被称赞;在蒙祝福者中,要蒙祝福;说:

24:6 我使天上发出不灭的光明,彷佛是遮盖大地的一片云彩。
24:7 我住在极高之处,我的宝座是在云柱之上。
24:8 惟有我绕行周天,走遍深渊的深处;
24:9 行走在沧海的波涛上,站立在普世上。
24:10 我在万民和列国中,掌握无上威权。
24:11 我以德能,平定了一切显贵与卑微人的心;在这一切当中,我曾寻找安息之处,但我究竟应住在谁家﹖
24:12 那时,创造万物的主宰,给我出了命令,也告诉了我;那造化我的,给我的帐幕指定了位置,
24:13 说道:你要住在雅各伯那里,在以色列中建立产业,在我的选民中生根。
24:14 起初,当世界未有以前,他就造了我,我永远不会消灭。在神圣的帐幕里,我曾在他面前供职。
24:15 这样,我就定居在熙雍山上;同样,他使我在他钟爱的城里安息,使我在耶路撒冷有权势。
24:16 我在显耀的民族中,就是在上主的地域,他的家业内生根;我的居所,是在满是圣者的中间。
24:17 我长高,如黎巴嫩的香柏,又如赫尔孟山上的扁柏;
24:18 我高峻,如恩革狄的棕树,有如耶里哥的玫瑰树。
24:19 我好象平原上一棵美丽的橄榄树,又像一棵耸立在街道溪畔的白杨。

24:21 我好象安息香树、白松香、红螺、安息油液,又好象帐幕里乳香的烟气;我的芳香像纯粹的防风露。
24:22 我如同笃耨香树,伸展了我的枝叶;我的枝叶壮丽而雅致。
24:23 我如同葡萄树,发出美丽的枝芽;我的花结的果实,光鲜而味美。
24:24 我是纯爱、敬畏、智德和圣望的母亲。
24:25 我具有真道和真理的一切优美;我具有生命和道德的一切希望。
24:26 凡渴望我的,请到我这里来,饱食我的果实;
24:27 因为,我的记念,比蜜还甜;我的遗产,胜过蜂蜜和蜂房;
24:28 我的记念,万世常存。
24:29 凡食我的,还要饥饿;凡饮我的,还要饥渴。
24:30 听从我的,不会蒙羞;因我而行事的,不会犯罪;
24:31 传扬我的,必得常生。

24:33 这约书含有梅瑟颁布给我们的法律,就是给雅各伯的会众作产业,给以色列作应许,而蕴藏正义诫命的法律。
24:34 上主曾应许自己的仆人达味,要从他的后裔中,兴起一位强而有力的君王,永远坐在光荣的宝座上。
24:35 这法律充满智慧,有如丕雄,又如收成期间的底格里斯;
24:36 洋溢智慧,有如幼发拉的,又如收割之日的约但;
24:37 阐明教诲,有如尼罗,又如收葡萄时的基红。
24:38 最初那个领悟她的人,还没有完全洞悉;最后的一个,也没有完全领会;
24:39 因为她的思想,比海洋还广;她的智谋,比深渊还深,

24:41 我如江河洪水的支流,我如从河里引出的水道,我如通到乐园的水渠。
24:42 我说:我要浇灌我的花园,我要滋润我的菜田。
24:43 请看,我的支流,成了江河;我的江河,成了海洋。
24:44 我还要使圣道发光,有如晨曦;使它照耀,直到远方。
24:45 我要浸透世上的一切洼地,垂顾一切熟睡的人,光照一切仰望上主的人。
24:46 我还要传播圣道,有如神谕;我要将她留给永世,留给寻求智慧的人们;我要不断地将她留给他们的后裔,直到神圣的永世。
24:47 你们看:我劳苦,并不是单为我自己,也是为一切寻求智慧的人们。




25:2 兄弟和睦,邻人友爱,夫妇同心。
25:3 有三种人,我心中憎恨;他们的生活,是我厌恶的,就是:
25:4 傲慢的穷人,诡诈的富人,和淫乱无知的老人。
25:5 你青年时,没有积蓄,到你老时,你能有什么﹖
25:6 白发老人,善于判断;年高的人,会出主意,是多么美好!
25:7 老年人富有智慧;有荣名的人,聪明而有智谋,何其相称!
25:8 阅历丰富,是老年人的荣冠;敬畏上主,是他们的光荣。
25:9 有九件事,我心中以为是幸福的;但第十件事,我的口舌更要向人讲述,那就是:
25:10 因子女而喜乐,在世上见到敌人失败的人;
25:11 能与明智的妇女同居,不使牛驴同轭耕作,口舌没有错过,及不事奉自己属下的人,是有福的;
25:12 发现明智,和讲给听众的人,是有福的;
25:13 找到智慧和明智的人,是多么伟大!但是无人能超过敬畏上主的人。
25:14 敬畏上主,超越一切。
25:15 获得敬畏上主之情的人,是有福的;怀有敬畏上主之情的人,谁能与他相比﹖
25:16 敬畏上主,是爱上主的初步;信德是依附上主的起源。

25:18 一切打击都可忍受,但不愿忍受心中的打击;
25:19 一切恶毒都可忍耐,但不愿忍耐妇人的恶毒;
25:20 一切侵害都可接受,但不愿接受仇恨者的侵害;
25:21 一切报复都可承当,但不愿承当敌人的报复。
25:22 没有比蛇毒更毒的,没有比妇女发怒更暴哮的。
25:23 我宁愿与狮龙共处,不愿与恶妇同居。
25:24 妇人的邪恶,使自己的脸面变色,变成丑黑,有如熊脸,彷佛麻袋。
25:25 她的丈夫一和近人同坐,她就不由地悲伤叹息。
25:26 一切恶毒,与妇人的恶毒相比,都算轻微;愿罪人的命运,落在她身上。
25:27 老年人的脚,难上沙坡;安静的丈夫,难以容忍多言的妻子。
25:28 不要因妇女的美丽,陷于罪过;也不要因她美丽,就贪恋她。
25:29 令人感到愤怒侮辱与奇耻的事是:
25:30 妇人供养自己的丈夫。
25:31 恶妇使人意志颓唐,面带忧色,心受创伤。
25:32 丈夫手弱膝软,是因为妻子使他陷于不幸。
25:33 罪恶的起源,来自妇女;为了她,我们都要死亡。
25:34 不要给水留漏洞,连微小的漏洞也不要留,不要给恶妇任何自由。
25:35 她若不随从你的指使,在仇人前侮辱你,
25:36 就应把她从你身上割去,免得她常虐待你。




26:2 有才能的妇人,是丈夫的喜乐,使他在平安中终其天年。
26:3 有贤妇为妻,是一种福分;但是只有敬畏上主的人,因自己的善行,才能得到她。
26:4 她不论是富是贫,心神总是快乐,时常面带笑容。
26:5 有三件事,我心中恐惧,对第四件事,我更害怕,那就是:
26:6 市民的控告,暴徒的集会,
26:7 诬妄的诽谤:这一切比死亡更为不幸;
26:8 但是,嫉妒别的妇女的女人,令人心痛悲伤;
26:9 她向众人传话的舌头,是一条鞭子。
26:10 恶妇有如摆动的牛轭,谁要管治她,无异是用手去捉蝎子。
26:11 好醉酒的妇女,是大怒的原因;她的耻辱和丑态,不能隐藏。
26:12 眼波流动,是妇女淫荡的表示;从她的眉毛,可以认出。
26:13 对无耻的女儿,你应严加管束,怕她有机可乘,就放纵起来。
26:14 你要留心,不要顺从无耻的眼睛;否则,她若冒犯你,你就不用惊奇。
26:15 就如渴了的旅客,一到了水旁,不管遇到的是什么水,就张口去喝;同样,淫妇坐在任何木椿前,向射来的箭,张开箭袋,直到她疲乏为止。
26:16 谨勤妇女的温柔,使自己的丈夫欢乐;她的明智,使丈夫骨骼丰满。
26:17 沉默寡言而明智的妇女,是上主的恩赐。
26:18 受过好教养的人,是无价之宝。
26:19 圣洁而知耻的妇女,乃无上的恩赐。
26:20 贞洁的灵魂,实尊贵无比。
26:21 在秩序井然的家庭里,贤妇的美丽,有如在上主的至高之天,上升的太阳;
26:22 她那健康身材上所衬托的美貌,有如神圣灯台上发光的灯;
26:23 她那双在结实脚跟上的美腿,有如银座上的金柱。
26:24 圣妇心里的天主诫命,有如坚固盘石上的永久基础。

26:26 战士为穷苦所困,明智人被人轻视,
26:27 离弃正义而偏向罪恶的人,上主为他准备了刀剑。
26:28 有两件事,依我看来,又难又危险,那就是:商人很难不犯罪,店员难免不失言。




27:2 像木橛插在两块石头之间,罪恶亦钻进买卖之中。
27:3 但罪恶与犯罪的人,都要同归于尽。
27:4 你若不用心坚持敬畏上主,你的家庭,必要迅速破落。

27:6 炉火试炼陶人的陶器,言谈试验人的人格。
27:7 一棵树的栽培,可由它所结的果实看出;同样,一个人的心意,可从他思想后所说的话看到。
27:8 在人未发言以前,不要赞美他,因为人的好坏,从言谈中才可见到。

27:10 鸟兽与同类相聚,真理也必归于实行真理的人。
27:11 狮子时常伏击猎物,罪恶也同样暗算作恶的人。

27:13 往愚人中间去,要看时间;往有思想的人那里,却可常去。
27:14 愚人的谈论,令人生厌;他们在罪恶的放荡中,才有欢笑。
27:15 好发誓的人所说的话,使人毛发悚然;他的争辩,令人塞耳不闻。
27:16 骄傲人争斗,必发生流血事件;他们的辱骂,骇人听闻。

27:18 你应爱你的朋友,对他要忠信,
27:19 但若你泄漏了他的秘密,就不必再追随他了。
27:20 谁失掉近人的友谊,就如丧失了自己的产业。
27:21 你拋弃了的朋友,正如从你手中放走的飞鸟,莫想他再回来。
27:22 不要追赶他,因为他已远去,他已逃走,像一只脱了罗网的羚羊一样;因为他的心已受了创伤,
27:23 你再不能和他交接。有了伤痕,还可以包扎,辱骂之后,还可以言归于好;
27:24 但是,若泄漏了朋友的秘密,不幸的心灵就没有希望了。

27:26 在你面前,他会口甜如蜜,钦佩你的言辞;但以后却要改口,攻击你的言论。
27:27 我憎恨的事很多,但都不如他,连上主也要憎恨他。

27:29 挖掘陷阱的,自己反而跌在里面;给人放绊脚石的,自己反被绊倒;架设罗网的,自己反被捉捕;
27:30 作恶造孽的,自己反受其累,他还不知道祸患从何而来。
27:31 讥笑责斥,是骄傲人的表现,惩罚却像埋伏的狮子在等候他。
27:32 见虔敬的人跌倒,而喜乐的人,必要陷于罗网,并且在死以前,备受痛苦。


27:33 忿恨与生气,二者都是可憎恶的,但罪人却坚持不放。



28:2 你要宽恕你近人的过错;这样,当你祈求时,你的罪恶也会得到赦免。
28:3 人若对人怀怒,怎能向上主求饶﹖
28:4 对自己同类的人没有慈爱,怎能为自己的罪过求赦﹖
28:5 他既是血肉之人,竟然怀怒,而向天主求赦罪之恩,谁能赦免他的罪﹖
28:6 你要记得最后的结局,而停止仇恨;
28:7 你要记得腐烂与死亡,而遵照诫命生活。
28:8 你要记得天主的诫命,不要向人发怒;
28:9 你要记得至高者的盟约,宽恕别人的过错。

28:11 因为容易发怒的人,能激起争论;犯罪的人,使朋友不安;他在安享和平的人中,散布谗言。
28:12 根据燃料,可知火势如何;争吵若是激烈,可见斗争的情形;人的怒气,是因他的势力而起;他的忿怒,是随他的财富而升。
28:13 激烈的口角,容易惹起怒火;激烈的争辩,容易流血;妄证的口舌,致人死命。
28:14 你若在火星上吹气,火就燃起;你若在火星上吐唾沫,火就熄灭;二者都来自口中。
28:15 搬弄是非的,和一口两舌的人,是可咒骂的,因为他们使许多安享和平的人丧亡。
28:16 挑拨的舌头扰乱许多人,使他们从这一国流亡到那一国;
28:17 倾覆了坚固的城池,推翻了贵族人的家庭;
28:18 使民族的力量衰弱,使强盛的人民流亡。
28:19 挑拨的舌头,从家庭中逐出了英勇的妇女,掠夺了她们劳力所得的利益。
28:20 谁听从这样的舌头,就不得安息;在他的家里,再也没有平安。
28:21 鞭打存青痕,舌击碎人骨。
28:22 剑刺死的人虽多,还不如舌害死的人多。
28:23 凡躲避了恶舌,没有经过它的怒气,没有负过它的重轭,没有受过它锁链捆绑的人,是有福的!
28:24 因为,它的轭是铁轭,它的链是铜链。
28:25 它造成的死亡,是悲惨的,阴府也比它好受。
28:26 但是,它决不能控制虔敬的人,却能把住不义之人的路径,它的火焰不能焚烧虔敬的人。
28:27 凡离弃上主的,就落在它手里,它必燃烧他们,总不止熄;它如同被放出来的狮子,袭击他们;又如豹子,撕裂他们。
28:28 请看,你要用荆棘围住你的田园,不要听从邪恶的唇舌;你要给你的口,安上门和锁。
28:29 你要把你的金银收藏起来。你要作一个天秤,来权衡你的言语;要为你的口,安上门和门闩。
28:30 你要小心,不要因口舌而失足,免得你在暗算你的敌人面前跌倒,怕你这一跌,成了不治的死症。




29:2 人在急难中,你应借钱给他;期限一到,你应把所欠的钱还给人。
29:3 你要坚守所言,对人忠实;这样,你需要的,必常能得到。
29:4 许多人将借债,当作拾来的钱,而使帮助他们的人,感到为难。
29:5 到他接钱时,他不断亲人家的手,并且因人家有钱,就低声下气;
29:6 但是,到了还债的时候,他就一再拖延,还说出无礼生厌和怨恨的话,而怪自己时运不济。
29:7 假使他能偿还,仍和人为难,而仅还一半,还认为这为债主,是拾来的钱;
29:8 假使不能,就诈取债主的钱,无故与债主成了仇人,
29:9 且报之以咒骂和嘲笑;对尊重和恩惠,而报以凌辱。
29:10 许多人不肯出借,并非出于恶意,而是怕白白受骗。

29:12 为守诫命,你应援助穷人;为了他的需要,你不可让他空手而归。
29:13 你宁可为兄弟和朋友,耗费你的银钱,也不要让它在石头底下生锈坏了。
29:14 要按照至高者的诫命,处理你的财宝;这比黄金为你更有益处。
29:15 应将施舍存在你的宝库里,它必能救你脱免一切灾难;
29:16 施舍胜于坚甲利器,它要替你攻打仇敌。
29:17 [原文无此节]
29:18 [原文无此节]

29:20 不要忘掉保人的恩义,因为他为你交出自己的性命。
29:21 罪人与不洁的人,畏避保人。
29:22 罪人荡尽自己保人的财产;毫不知恩地背弃救助自己的人。
29:23 人为自己的近人作保,但这近人失掉廉耻之后,要背弃他。
29:24 担保太不谨慎,使许多生活幸福的人丧亡,颠簸他们有如海涛;
29:25 使有权势的人,流离失所,漂泊异乡。
29:26 违犯上主命令的罪人,好作不当的保证;图谋包揽事情的人,必吃官司。
29:27 你当按你的力量扶助近人,但要谨慎,不要因此跌倒。

29:29 在自己茅舍里,度穷人的生活,比在别人家里常有盛宴更好,因为那里不是自己的家。
29:30 东西或多或少,你要知足;如此你就不会听到客人听到的责斥。
29:31 无聊的生活,是挨户作客;在那里作客,行动既不自由,也不敢开口。
29:32 即便你款待了主人,给他酒喝,他并不领情;此外,你还要听到一些伤心的话:
29:33 「客人,过来,你去摆设宴席,把你手中所有的,拿来给我吃!
29:34 客人,看我朋友的情面,请你走罢!因为,我的兄弟到我这里来作客,要住这间房屋。」
29:35 客人受家主的责斥,债户受债主的辱骂:这等事为有感觉的人是难堪的。




30:2 训导自己儿子的,必会因他而得幸福;在自己亲属相识前,也必会因他而自豪。
30:3 教训自己儿子的,会激起仇人的嫉妒;但在朋友前,必会因他而高兴。
30:4 他的父亲虽然死了,却像没有死一样,因为他留下了一个相似自己的人。
30:5 他在生时,一见自己的儿子,心里就喜欢;在临终时,不会忧虑,在仇人前,也不会蒙羞。
30:6 对于仇人,他留下了一个报仇的人;对于朋友他留下了一个报恩的人。
30:7 至于那放纵儿子的,日后他必包扎儿子的创伤;每听到他的叫声,心里就苦恼。
30:8 不驯服的马,是难以驾驭的;任性的儿子,必然鲁莽执拗。
30:9 姑息孩子,日后他必会使你惊骇;同他开玩笑,日后他必会使你悲伤。
30:10 不要和他戏笑,免得将来同他一起悲伤;最后切齿痛恨。
30:11 在他年轻时,不要让他放任自由;对他的过失,不可忽略不顾。
30:12 在他年轻时,要使他低首下心;趁他还小时,要叫他屈己服从,以免他转为倔强,不服从你,使你伤心。
30:13 要教训你的儿子,叫他勤劳,免得你因他的无耻,绊倒受辱。

30:15 健康和强壮的体格,尤其灵魂在正义的圣德上,所享的健康,比一切黄金更有价值;健全的身体比无数的财富更好。
30:16 没有一种财富,能胜过身体的健康;也没有一种快乐,能超过内心的喜悦。
30:17 死亡比辛酸的人生更好;永久的安息,胜于不断的病苦。
30:18 对有口不能下咽的人,端来的美味,等于设在墓旁的祭筵。
30:19 祭祀对偶像有什么用处﹖既不能吃,又不能闻:
30:20 被上主惩罚,承担自己罪孽报应的人,正是如此。
30:21 他用眼一看,就喟然长叹,正如一个阉人,拥抱着处女,而喟然长叹一样。
30:22 不要使你的心灵沉陷在忧愁里,也不要因无谓的思虑,而自寻苦恼。
30:23 心中喜乐是人的生命,是圣德的无尽宝藏;人心愉快,可享长寿。
30:24 对你的灵魂要有爱情,又要悦乐天主,克制自己,以上主的圣德,安慰你的心,使忧愁远离你。
30:25 因为忧愁害死了许多人,忧愁对人毫无益处。
30:26 嫉妒和忿怒,能使寿命缩短;苦心积虑,使人未老先衰。
30:27 心中喜乐而善良的人,必殷勤做好自己餐桌上的食物。




31:2 为生活焦虑,使人梦断;极度的疲倦,驱散睡意。
31:3 富人疲劳工作,是为积蓄财产,在退休时,饱享安乐;
31:4 穷人疲劳工作,是为生活的急需,但到退休时,仍然贫乏。
31:5 凡贪爱金钱的,不能称为义人;凡追求利益的,必走入迷途。
31:6 许多人为了金钱而失足,他们的丧亡就在眼前。
31:7 金钱为拜金的人,是绊脚的木桩;迷爱黄金的人,是有祸的!一切愚人都成了它的俘虏。
31:8 无瑕可指,不追求黄金,不寄望于金钱财宝的富人,是有福的!
31:9 他是谁﹖我们要称赞他,因为他在自己民族中,行了奇异的事。
31:10 谁在这事上受过考验,而仍是齐全的人呢﹖愿永远的光荣归于他!他能犯法而未犯,能作恶而未作。
31:11 他在上主那里的幸福,必然稳定;一切圣者的集会,必要赞扬他的慈善。

31:13 也不要说:「桌上的东西真多!
31:14 你要记得贪食的眼睛多么不好。
31:15 受造之物中,还有什么比眼睛更贪婪的呢﹖因此,无论见到什么,就要转动。
31:16 别人用贪婪的眼所注视的地方,你不要先伸手,免得你因被猜忌而受辱。
31:17 也不要同他一起向盘碟伸手。
31:18 你要以己度人,在一切事上要压制自己。
31:19 给你端来的东西,你吃时,要像一个有节制的人,不要狼吞虎咽,使人憎恶。
31:20 为了礼貌,你要首先停止,不要只贪多吃,而令人嫌恶。
31:21 若你在许多人中坐席,不要在他们以先伸手,也不要在他们以先要求酒喝。
31:22 为有规律的人,少许酒便够了;这样,在床上既不气喘,也不感到痛苦。
31:23 饮食有节,睡眠安逸;这样的人,清晨起来,明悟自然清爽;
31:24 但是没有节制的人,却要感到失眠、肚疼、呕吐等痛苦。
31:25 若你因被迫吃多了,你不妨起来散步呕吐,休息一下,你的身体就不至于得病。
31:26 我儿,要听我的话,不可轻视我,最后你会了解我的话;
31:27 在你所行的一切事上,务要谨慎,就不会得到什么病症。
31:28 慷慨设宴款待人的,必获得众口的称赞;他大方的盛誉,是可信的。
31:29 悭吝设宴款待人的,必遭受全城的抱怨;他悭吝的恶名,是确实的。
31:30 饮酒时,不要表示你是个豪饮的人,因为酒害死了许多人。
31:31 火能锻炼钢铁,同样,酒也能判别骄傲人在争辩时的心情。

31:33 人缺少酒,他的生活,还算什么生活﹖
31:34 残害生命的是什么﹖是死亡。
31:35 造酒原来是为使人愉快,并不是叫人酣醉。
31:36 饮酒有时有节,使人心里高兴,精神愉快。
31:37 饮酒有节有度,可以健心强身。
31:38 饮酒过度,容易使人争吵忿怒,甚至闯出许多祸来。
31:39 饮酒过度的人,因情绪受到刺激,心神自然苦闷。
31:40 酣醉能激起愚人发怒,得罪人;酣醉能减少人的精力,给人带来创伤。
31:41 在宴饮时,不要责斥人,也不要因人快乐而轻视他;
31:42 不要向人说责怪的话,也不要逼人交还什么钱财。




32:2 招待了他们,你才可入座;尽完你的义务,才可入席,
32:3 好同他们一起欢乐;因你礼貌周到,你必能获得荣冠,和众宾客的敬意。
32:4 年长的人,请你发言,因为此事于你是相宜的,
32:5 你应以老练的学识发言,但不要防碍音乐。
32:6 别人不听的时候,你就不要劳叨;不合时机,也不要显露你的智慧。
32:7 酒席间伴奏的音乐,有如金饰上的红玉印章。
32:8 欢乐有节的宴会中,音乐家的合奏曲,有如金器上的翡翠印章。

32:10 青年人,人若一再追问你,
32:11 假使你必须说,你就说罢!
32:12 但说话时,要把握要点,言简意赅,现出你是一位明智,而沉默的人。
32:13 在大人物中,不要想你也是大人物;有长老在前,你不应多说话。
32:14 雷鸣以前,先有闪电;端庄的人,先受欢迎。有了这番敬意,你才能取得人的爱戴。
32:15 到了散席的时候,不要落后;及早回家,不要拖延。
32:16 在那里你可以散心,作你想作的事,但不要因言语傲慢而犯罪。
32:17 为这一切,你要赞颂上主,他造生了你,又用他的美物,使你满足。

32:19 寻求法律的,必为法律所满足;冒充善人的,必因法律而失足。
32:20 凡敬畏上主的,必获得正义的审判;他们要使正直的行为,照耀如光。
32:21 犯罪的人,不理会谴责,却找寻借口,作自己愿意的事。明智人不掩藏智慧。讥笑人的,不谨守自己的口舌;明智人不接受礼物;骄傲和讥笑人的,不遵守法律。
32:22 明智人不轻视别人的意见;不虔敬和骄傲的人,却无所畏惧。
32:23 人不征求意见,冒昧从事,事后必对自己的轻率,感到惭愧。

32:25 你不要行崎岖的道路,怕你碰在石头上,因而跌倒;也不要因自信所走的路,是平坦的路,怕你给自己放上绊脚石。
32:26 要管束你的子女,应留意你的家人;在你的一切行径上,要持守你的心神;因为凡这样作的人,就是遵守诫命。

32:28 凡信赖法律的,必注重诫命;凡倚赖上主的,决不会受害。



33:2 明智人不憎恶法律和正义;佯守法律的人,却像一只在波涛中飘荡的船。
33:3 聪明人信赖天主的法律,法律也忠于他,犹如乌陵的神谕。
33:4 解答问题时,先要准备应说的话;如此,人才听你;先将教训综合起来,然后才可作答。
33:5 愚人的心,好象车轮;他的思念,好似旋转的轮轴。
33:6 好嘲弄人的朋友,就如见了牝马的牡马,任何人骑它,它总是嘶鸣不已。

33:8 太阳造成以后,循规蹈矩,因上主的智慧,日子才有了区别,
33:9 他规定了不同的时令和季节,以便在那些时节内,依时庆祝一些节日:
33:10 他将一些日子,提高列为圣日;将其余的日子,则列为平日。众人都是从土来的,因为,亚当就是用土造成的。
33:11 上主以自己的绝大智慧,使众人各有分别,使他们的道路各有不同。
33:12 他们中有被他降福而抬举的,有被他祝圣,然后引他们亲近自己的;但也有被他诅咒和贬抑,从本位上被推翻的。
33:13 有如泥土在陶工手里,可以任意捏造处置;
33:14 要做什么样式,都系于陶工的意思;同样,人在创造者手里,上主照自己的决定,来处理他们。
33:15 善与恶相对,生与死相峙,罪人也与虔敬人敌对:请看至高者的一切化工:无不两两相对,一一对立。

33:17 蒙上主的降福,我预先着手工作,也像收获葡萄的人一样,填满了我的榨酒池。
33:18 请注意!我不是单为我自己劳苦,也是为一切寻求教导的人。
33:19 你们为民众官长的,请听我的话;你们为集会首领的,请侧耳静听。
33:20 几时你还在世上,不要将你的权柄,交给儿子、妻子、兄弟和朋友,也不要将你的产业,交与别人,怕你将来后悔,而有求于他们。
33:21 当你还活着,气息尚存的时候,不要让任何人支配你。
33:22 你的子女有求于你,胜于你望着你子女的手。
33:23 在你所行的一切事上,你应作主,
33:24 不要污辱你的荣誉。在你寿命结束之日,在你快要去世之时,应分清你的遗产:
33:25 草料、棍杖、驮重,是属于驴的;面包、训戒、劳作,是属于仆人的。
33:26 你要吩咐他工作,这样你就可以放心;若你放任他,他就要找寻自由自在。
33:27 轭与皮鞭,可以屈服强硬的颈项;不断的工作,可以使仆人柔顺。
33:28 对待恶仆只有鞭打和刑罚;要使他们操作,不得空闲,
33:29 因为,空闲教给人许多坏事。
33:30 要给他指定与他相宜的工作;若他不服从,就叫他带脚镣;但对于任何人不要过分。未审度以先,什么重大的事也不要做。
33:31 你若有一个忠信的仆人,对待他要如同对待你自己一样,因为他是你用血汗换来的;要待他如同兄弟,因为你需要他,正如需要你自己一样。
33:32 若你待他不好,他必要逃跑;
33:33 若他傲然离去,你向谁去追问;你不知道,你在那条路上去寻找他。




34:2 迷信幻梦的人,与捕风捉影的人无异;
34:3 梦里看到的,与照镜所见的相同。
34:4 污秽里能有什么洁净呢﹖虚伪中能有什么真实呢﹖
34:5 占卜、算命、测梦,都是虚妄的;
34:6 人心如临产妇女的心,容易遭受幻想的袭击;梦境若不是出于至高者,你就不用介意;
34:7 因为,梦使许多人误入迷途,他们寄望于梦,却大失所望。
34:8 履行法律,并不赖虚伪;出自忠信人口的智言,必见诸实行。

34:10 未受过考验的人,知道的少;但旅行的人,见闻很广。
34:11 没有受过考验的人,知道什么﹖凡受过欺骗的人,必富于智巧。
34:12 我旅行时,见过许多事情,有好多事,我虽然明白,却不能用言语形容出来。
34:13 我多次遇到死亡的危险,但赖天主的宠佑,凭着昔日的经验,我终能脱险获救。

34:15 因为他们的希望指向拯救他们的主,天主的眼常注视爱慕他的人。
34:16 敬畏上主的人,无所畏惧,无所恐怖,因为上主是他的希望。
34:17 敬畏上主的人,他的灵魂是有福的!
34:18 他所仰望的是谁﹖谁又是他的扶助﹖
34:19 上主的眼常注视爱慕他的人,他是大能的保障,是强有力的后盾,是隔除热气的屏风,是遮盖正午太阳的凉棚,
34:20 是失足时的护卫,是跌倒时的救援;他鼓舞精神,开明眼目,赐与健康、生命和幸福。

34:22 上主只善待那些在真理和正义的路上,期望他的人。
34:23 至高者不悦纳不虔敬者的祭品,不垂顾恶人的献仪,决不因为他们的祭品多,而宽恕他们的罪恶。
34:24 用穷人的财物来做祭品的人,就如在父亲前,杀害他儿子的人。
34:25 贫乏人的粮食,是穷人的生命;夺取他们食粮的,就是流人血的罪犯。
34:26 夺取别人由血汗赚来的食粮的,就是杀人的刽子手。
34:27 剥夺佣工的劳资的,就是流人血的凶手。
34:28 一人建筑,一人拆毁,除劳苦外,为他们有什么好处!
34:29 一人祈福,一人诅咒,天主究竟要俯听谁的呼声﹖
34:30 人摸了死尸就去沐浴,以后再去摸它,他的沐浴有什么用处﹖
34:31 守斋赎罪,而再去犯罪的人,也是如此:有谁听他的祈求﹖他谦卑自下,又有什么益处﹖




35:2 坚守诫命,远离一切邪恶,便是奉献和平祭。
35:3 远离邪恶,就是举行赎罪祭,和为所犯的罪求赦的祈祷。
35:4 感恩等于奉献上等面粉,施舍等于赞美祭。
35:5 远离邪恶,就是悦乐上主;逃避不义,便是赎罪祭。
35:6 不要空手到上主面前去;
35:7 因为这一切,为了天主的诫命,都应当执行。
35:8 义人的献仪,使祭坛丰盈;它的馨香上升到至高者面前。
35:9 义人的祭品,必蒙悦纳;上主常记得它,决不会忘记。
35:10 你光荣上主要爽快,不要吝惜你手中所献的初熟之果。
35:11 在一切祭献上,要喜形于色;奉献什一之物时,也要高兴。
35:12 按照至高者所赐给你的,奉献给他;依照你手中所得的,慷慨奉献给他;
35:13 因为报答世人的上主,必要七倍地报答你。
35:14 你不要行贿赂,因为他决不会接受的;
35:15 你不要依靠不义的祭品,因为上主是审判者,决不看情面。
35:16 他决不偏袒任何人,而加害穷人;他倒乐于俯听受压迫者的祈祷;
35:17 他决不轻视孤儿的哀求,和寡妇诉苦的叹息。
35:18 寡妇的泪,岂不是沿颊流下来﹖她的哀号,岂不是控告那使她流泪的人﹖
35:19 她的眼泪,从面颊上达于天,俯听的上主见了,非常不满。

35:21 谦卑人的祈祷,穿云而上,不达到目的,决不甘休;不等至高者见了,为义人伸冤,执行正义,决不离开。
35:22 上主决不迟延,至刚毅者决不再容忍他们,必要粉碎残忍人的腰背,
35:23 必对异邦人实行报复;直到他将强横的群众铲除;将不义者的权杖折断;
35:24 直到他按照每人的行为还报他们,依照人们的图谋,报答他们的工作;
35:25 直到他裁判自己百姓的案件,使他们因自己的仁慈得到喜悦。
35:26 在患难时,天主的仁慈是甘饴的,有如大旱时的云雨。




36:2 求你赐那不寻找你的万民都敬畏你,让他们知道,除你以外别无天主,为叫他们传扬你伟大的作为。
36:3 求你举起你的手来,攻击外邦的人民,使他们见到你的威能。
36:4 你在他们面前,对我们怎样显示了你是圣者,愿你在我们面前,也对他们怎样显示伟大,
36:5 好叫他们认识你,如同我们认识了你一样:除你以外,没有天主,上主啊!
36:6 求你重显神迹,重行奇事,
36:7 显耀你的力量和你的大能。
36:8 求你大发雷霆,发泄义怒,
36:9 铲除敌对,消灭仇人。
36:10 求你使拯救的时日急速来临,记念你的誓约,好叫万邦称扬你的伟业。
36:11 愿那生还的人,也被怒火烧尽,愿那欺压你民族的人,都遭毁灭。
36:12 求你打碎仇人首领的头颅,因为他们说:我们以外,没有别人。
36:13 求你聚集雅各伯的众支派,使他们明白,除你以外,没有天主;使他们传扬你伟大的作为;以他们作产业,如同起初一样。
36:14 上主啊!求你怜悯那因你得名的民族,就是你视为长子的以色列民族。
36:15 求你怜悯你的圣城耶路撒冷,你安居的住所。
36:16 求你使熙雍布满你的威严,使圣殿弥漫你的光荣。
36:17 求你为你首要的功业作证,履行古先知们因你的名所说的预言。
36:18 求你赏报期待你的子民,好使你的先知们被人认为忠实。上主啊!求你俯听你仆人们的祈祷,
36:19 依照亚郎给与你百姓的祝福。指导我们走上正义的道路,使世上所有的人,都知道你是天主,万世万代的天主。

36:21 味觉能分辨野味;同样,明达人的心能辨别虚诈的言语。
36:22 歪曲的心使人悲伤,但有经验的人,却能防备他。
36:23 一个女子可嫁给任何男子,但有的女子却比其它女子更好。
36:24 妇女的美丽,能使她的丈夫容貌焕发,这也是男人的最大愿望。
36:25 若妇女善于措辞规劝,说话仁慈温柔,她的丈夫就决不寻常。
36:26 获得贤能妻子的,就是获得了最好的产业:即一个与自己相称的助手,和扶持自己的柱石。
36:27 那里没有垣墙,财产必被抢掠;那里没有妻子,人就要漂泊嗟叹。
36:28 谁能相信一个武装起来,从一城窜入另一城的强盗呢﹖同样,谁也不相信一个没有家室,一到晚上便到处寻找居所的人。




37:2 如果同伴或朋友,变成了仇人,岂不是一件悲伤至死的事﹖
37:3 !这邪恶的偏向!你是从那里闯进来的,你想用凶恶和欺诈笼罩大地么﹖
37:4 有的同伴,在朋友幸福时,就与他同乐;在患难时,却变成了仇人。
37:5 有的同伴,为了口腹之欲,与朋友分忧,共同执剑反抗敌人。
37:6 你心里总不要忘记你真正的朋友,分派胜利品时,更不可忽略他。

37:8 凡是参谋,都夸张自己的建议;但有的是为自己打算。
37:9 对建议者,你要留神:先要知道他需要什么──因为他心中也为自己着想──
37:10 也许愿将命运寄托在你身上,
37:11 而对你说:「你走的路不错,」但他却站在对面,看你会有什么结果。
37:12 和不虔敬的人,怎能讨论圣德﹖同不公道的人,如何能讨论正义﹖不要同妇女谈论她的情敌,不要同胆怯的人谈论作战的事,不要同商人谈论交易的事,不要同买主商议出卖的事,不要与负心人谈论感恩的事;
37:13 不要和残忍的人提到慈善的事,不要同放荡的人谈及廉节的事,不要和怠惰的人商议任何劳力的事;
37:14 不要和长年的佣工讨论年底的事,不要和懒惰的奴仆讨论繁重的工作:对这些人,在这一切事上,你不用作任何商议;
37:15 只该同虔敬的人,常有来往,你知道他是遵守诫命的,
37:16 他与你心心相印;你若不幸,在黑暗中跌倒了,他必与你分忧。
37:17 你要保持良心提醒你的事,因为没有比你的良心更忠实的。
37:18 善人的良心有时预告实情,远远胜于七个坐在高处观望的哨兵。
37:19 在这一切事上,你该祈求至高者,引领你走真理的道路。

37:21 人心是各种智谋的根子,由此根子生出四条枝桠:善、恶、生、死;但全然统治这一切的,却是舌头。有的人精于教导许多人,但为他自己,却一无是处。
37:22 有的人精于教导许多人,而使自己也感到幸福,
37:23 有的人诡辩,出言可恶,他必将缺乏各种食物。
37:24 上主没有给他口才的恩惠,因为他缺乏了各种智德。
37:25 有的人只为自己有智慧,他智慧的果实,只归他一人。
37:26 贤明的人教导自己的民众;他智慧的成果,是恒久的。
37:27 贤明的人满渥祝福,凡看见他的人,都称他有福。
37:28 人的生命是有数的几天,但以色列的岁月,却是无数的。
37:29 贤明的人在自己的民族中,享有光荣和信任,他的声誉千古流芳。

37:31 因为不是任何事,为所有的人都有益,也不是任何事,所有的人都喜欢。
37:32 在一切欢宴上,要有节制,对于一切食物,不要贪吃;
37:33 因为吃多了,容易积累成病,饮食过度,容易引起绞痛。
37:34 由于饮食过度,许多人丧了命,有节制的人,反而延长寿命。




38:2 治疗原是来自至高者;君王对医生也应送礼。
38:3 医生的学识使他抬头,在伟人面前,备受赞扬。
38:4 上主使大地生长药材,明智人决不轻视它们。
38:5 天主不是用一根木头,使苦水变甜,
38:6 为彰显自己的大能么﹖至高者赐给人学识,是为叫人称赞他的奇工妙化。
38:7 医生用药材治病,减少人的痛苦;药剂师用药材配制香甜的合剂,和治疗疾病的膏药。他的工作没有止境,
38:8 直到医好了世上的人。

38:10 你应远离过犯,管治你的手,洗净你心中的一切罪恶;
38:11 你应奉献馨香和上等面粉的记念祭品,照你能备办的,应奉献肥美的祭品。
38:12 但是也要请医生来诊治,因为他是上主造的,不要让他离开你,因为你需要他。
38:13 有时他们妙手回春;
38:14 故此他们也应该祈求上主,为使他们能给人安乐与健康,藉此维持自己的生活。
38:15 凡在造他的上主跟前犯罪的人,终会落在医生手里。


































43:3 中午的太阳烘热大地,谁能抵抗它的炎热﹖人吹火炉,使它生热;














天 主与犹大支派的人叶瑟的儿子达味王,也订立了盟约,根据这盟约,王位应由他的一个儿子继承;而亚郎的职分,却由他的后裔继承。现在,你们要赞美赐给你们荣 冠的慈善上主。愿他赐给你们内心的智慧,好能秉公审判他的百姓,为使祖先的美德不至于消逝无存,并使他们的光荣,传于他们的一切后代。








































511           息辣之子耶稣的祈祷:上主,君王,我要感谢你;我要赞美你,天主,我的救主!

512           我要称扬你的名,因为你是我的保护者,我的救助者;

513           你救了我的肉身,免於丧亡,脱离诬告者唇舌的圈套,和捏造谎言的嘴唇;在围困我的人前,你作了我的援助,拯救了我;

514           因你的大慈大悲和大名,你救我脱离了那些向我咆哮,准备吞噬我的人;

515           救我脱离了谋害我生命者的手,和我所受的各种灾难;

516           使我脱离了环绕我的窒息热火,我在火中,却没有烧伤;

517           使我脱离了阴府的最深处,摆脱不洁的唇舌和谎言,就是使我在君王前,脱离诬告我的不义口舌;

518           我的灵魂已临近死亡,

519           我的生命已接近地狱的边缘,但你却拯救了我。

5110       这些困难,从各方面包围了我,却没有一个人前来援助;我期待有人来辅助,却没有一个人。

5111       上主啊! 当时我想起了你的仁慈和你昔日的作为;

5112       上主啊! 因为你救助期待你的人,救他们摆脱了仇敌的手。

5113       我从地上高声恳求,求你救我脱免死亡;

5114       上主,你是我的父,我呼求了你;求你在我危难之日,不要离弃我;在骄傲人得势之时,不要使我孤立无援。

5115       我要时常赞美你的名号,我要知恩地歌颂你的名号,因为你俯听了我的祈祷;

5116       因为你救我免於丧亡,在不幸之时,拯救了我。

5117       因此,我要感谢你,颂扬你,赞美上主的名号。


5118       当我年轻时,在出外旅行以前,我公开以祈祷来寻求智慧。

5119       我曾在圣殿前,恳求过智慧;对智慧,我要寻求到底。因为她的花,开得有如成熟的葡萄;

5120       我的心喜悦智慧。我的脚总踏在正直的路上;自我青年时,我就到处追求她。

5121       我稍微侧耳倾听,就接受了她。

5122       为我自己找到许多教训,因了她,我得到许多利益;

5123       对那赐给我智慧的,我要光荣他。

5124       因为我已决定,要实行智慧的事,热心行善,我决不会蒙羞。

5125       为着她,我的灵魂曾经奋斗过;我在遵行法律上,无微不至。

5126       我高举我的双手,哀哭我没有认识她。

5127       我曾使我的心灵向往着她,因了纯洁,我终於找到了她。

5128       我从开始,就专心注意她,因此,我决不会被她遗弃。

5129       为寻求她,我五内不安;我现在得到了她,无异获得了至宝。


5130       上主给了我唇舌,当作我的酬报,我要用它来赞美上主。

5131       未受教训的人,请你们接近我,住宿在我的学校里。

5132       你们说罢,你们的灵魂既然很渴,为什麽你们还缺少这些知识?

5133       我已开口讲学,你们可以学得智慧,而不用花钱。

5134       你们的颈项,要屈伏在她的管辖之下;你们的灵魂,应接受训练,因为她为寻找她的人,原来很近,心灵向往她的人,必能找着她。

5135       你们亲眼看一看罢! 我劳苦不多,却获得了最大的安宁。

5136       为获得学识,你们固然要花费许多银钱;但有了学识以後,必获得更多的金钱。

5137       你们的灵魂,要喜乐於天主的仁慈,你们决不会因赞美他而蒙羞受辱。

5138       你们要及时工作,到了时候,他必要给你们报酬。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB SIRACH Chapter 1



1:1 Many and wonderful are the gifts we have been granted by means of the Law and the Prophets

1:2 and the others that followed them,

1:3 an education in wisdom on which Israelis indeed to be complimented.

1:4 But it is not enough merely for those who read the scriptures to be learned in them;

1:5 students should also be able to be of use to people outside

1:6 by what they say and write.

1:7 So it was that my grandfather Jesus,

1:8 having devoted himself more and more to reading the Law

1:9 and the prophets and

1:10 the other volumes of the fathers,

1:11 and having gained ability enough in these matters,

1:12 was brought to the point of himself writing down of the things that have a bearing on education and wisdom,

1:13 in order that those studiously inclined and with obligations in these maters

1:14 might make all the more progress in living according to the Law.

1:15 You are therefore asked

1:16 to read this book

1:17 with good will and attention :

1:18 and to show indulgence

1:19 in those places where, notwithstanding our efforts at interpretation, we may seem

1:20 to have failed ,to give an adequate rendering of this or that expression;

1:21 the fact is that you cannot find an equivalent

1:22 for things originally written in Hebrew when you come to translate them into another language;

1:23 what is more,

1:24 you will find on examination that the Law itself, the Prophets

1:25 and the other books

1:26 differ considerably in translation from what appears in the original text.

1:27 It was in the thirty-eighth year of the late King Euergetes[*a],

1:28 when after my arrival in Egypt I had already spent some time there,

1:29 that I found a work of more than common instructional worth,

1:30 which convinced me of the urgency of applying myself in my turn with pains and diligence to the translation of the book that follows;

1:31 and I spent much time and learning on it

1:32 in the course of this period,

1:33 to complete the work and to publish the book

1:34 for the benefit especially of those who, domiciled abroad, wish to study how to fit themselves

1:35 and their manners for living according to the Law.

JB SIRACH Chapter 2




The mystery of wisdom

2:1 All wisdom is from the Lord, and it is his own for ever.

2:2 The sand of the sea and the raindrops, and the days of eternity, who can assess them?

2:3 The height of the sky and the breadth of the earth, and the depth of the abyss, who can probe them?

2:4 Before all other things wisdom was created, shrewd understanding is everlasting.

2:6 For whom has the root of wisdom ever been uncovered? Her resourceful ways, who knows them?

2:8 Only the wise, terrible indeed, seated on his throne,

2:9 the Lord. He himself has created her, looked on her and assessed her, and poured her out on all his works

2:10 to be with all mankind as his gift, and he conveyed her to those who love him.


The fear of God

2:11 The fear of the Lord is glory and pride, and happiness and a crown of joyfulness.

2:12 The fear of the Lord will gladden the heart giving happiness and joy and long life.

2:13 With him who fears the Lord it will be well at the last, and he will be blessed on the day of his death.

2:14 To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, she was created with the faithful in their mothers' womb;

2:15 she has made a nest among men, an age-old foundation, and to their offspring she will cling faithfully.

2:16 To fear the Lord is the perfection of wisdom; she intoxicates them with her fruits;

2:17 she fills their whole house with their heart's desire, and their storerooms with her produce.

2:18 The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom; it makes peace and health to flourish.

2:19 The Lord has looked on her and assessed her, he has showered down learning and discernment, and exalted the renown of those who hold her close.

2:20 To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom, and her branches are long life.


Patience and self-control

2:22 The rage of the wicked man cannot justify him, for the weight of his rage is his downfall.

2:23 The patient man will hold out till the time comes, but his joy will break out in the end.

2:24 He will hide his words till the time comes, and stories of his discernment will be on many lips.


Wisdom and uprightness

2:25 In wisdom's treasuries there are learned sayings, but reverence for God is loathsome to the sinner.

2:26 If you desire wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will convey her to you.

2:27 For wisdom and instruction mean the fear of the Lord, and what pleases him is faithfulness and gentleness.

2:28 Do not be unsubmissive to the fear of the Lord, do not practise it with a double heart.

2:29 Do not act a part in public, and keep a watch over your lips.

2:30 Do not raise yourself up, in case you fall and bring disgrace on yourself, for the Lord would then reveal your secrets and humiliate you before the whole community for not having attained the fear of the Lord, and for having a heart full of deceit.


The fear of God in time of ordeal

2:1 My son, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal.

2:2 Be sincere of heart, be steadfast, and do not be alarmed when disaster comes.

2:3 Cling to him and do not leave him, so that you may be honoured at the end of your days.

2:4 Whatever happens to you, accept it, and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient,

2:5 since gold is tested in the fire, and chosen men in the furnace of humiliation.

2:6 Trust him and he will uphold you, follow a straight path and hope in him.

2:7 You who fear the Lord, wait for his mercy; do not turn aside in case you fall

2:8 You who fear the Lord, trust him, and you will not be baulked of your reward

2:9 You who fear the Lord hope for good things, for everlasting happiness and mercy.

2:10 Look at the generations of old and see: who ever trusted in the Lord put to shame? Or who ever feared him steadfastly and was left forsaken? Or who ever called out to him, and was ignored?

2:11 For the Lord is compassionate and merciful he forgives sins, and saves in days of distress.

2:12 Woe to faint hearts and listless hands, and to the sinner who treads two paths.

2:13 Woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection.

2:14 Woe to you who have lost the will to endure; what will you do at the Lord's visitation?

2:15 Those who fear the Lord do not disdain his words, and those who love him keep his ways.

2:16 Those who fear the Lord do their best to please him, and those who love him find satisfaction in his Law.

2:17 Those who fear the Lord keep their hearts prepared and humble themselves in his presence.

2:18 Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, not into the hands of men; for as his majesty is, so too is his mercy.

JB SIRACH Chapter 3


Duties towards parents

3:1 Children, listen to me your father, do what I tell you, and so be safe;

3:2 for the Lord honours the father in his children, and upholds the rights of a mother over her sons.

3:3 Whoever respects his father is atoning for his sins,

3:4 he who honours his mother is like someone amassing a fortune.

3:5 Whoever respects his father will be happy with children of his own, he shall be heard on the day when he prays.

3:6 Long life comes to him who honours his father, he who sets his mother at ease is showing obedience to the Lord.

3:7 He serves his parents as he does his Lord.

3:8 Respect your father in deed as well as word, so that blessing may come on you from him;

3:9 since a father's blessing makes the houses of his children firm, while a mother's curse tears up their foundations.

3:10 Do not make a boast of disgrace overtaking your father, your father's disgrace reflects no honour on you;

3:11 for a man's honour derives from the respect shown to his father, and a mother held in dishonour is a reproach to her children.

3:12 My son, support your father in his old age, do not grieve him during his life.

3:13 Even if his mind should fail, show him sympathy,  do not despise him in your health and strength;

3:14 for kindness to a father shall not be forgotten but will serve as reparation for your sins.

3:15 In the days of your affliction it will be remembered of you, like frost in sunshine, your sins will melt away.

3:16 The man who deserts his father is no better than a blasphemer, and whoever angers his mother is accursed of the Lord.



3:17 My son, be gentle in carrying out your business, and you will be better loved than a lavish giver.

3:18 The greater you are, the more you should behave humbly, and then you will find favour with the Lord;

3:20 for great though the power of the Lord is, he accepts the homage of the humble.

3:21 Do not try to understand things that are too difficult for you, or try to discover what is beyond your powers.

3:22 Concentrate on what has been assigned you, you have no need to worry over mysteries.

3:23 Do not meddle with matters that are beyond you; what you have been taught already exceeds the scope of the human mind.

3:24 For many have been misled by their own presumption, and wrong-headed opinions have warped their ideas.



3:26 A stubborn heart will come to a bad end at last, and whoever loves danger will perish in it.

3:27 A stubborn heart is weighed down with troubles, the sinner heaps sin on sin.

3:28 There is no cure for the proud man's malady, since an evil growth has taken root in him.

3:29 The heart of a sensible man will reflect on parables, an attentive ear is the sage's dream.


Charity to the poor

3:30 Water quenches a blazing fire, almsgiving atones for sins.

3:31 Whoever gives favours in return is mindful of the future; at the moment of his fall he will find support.

JB SIRACH Chapter 4


4:1 My son, do not refuse the poor a livelihood, do not tantalise the needy.

4:2 Do not add to the sufferings of the hungry, do not bait a man in distress.

4:3 Do not aggravate a heart already angry, nor keep the destitute waiting for your alms.

4:4 Do not repulse a hard-pressed beggar, nor turn your face from a poor man.

4:5 Do not avert your eyes from the destitute, give no man occasion to curse you;

4:6 for if a man curses you in the bitterness of his soul, his maker will hear his imprecation.

4:7 Gain the love of the community, bow your head to a man of authority.

4:8 To the poor man lend an ear, and return his greeting courteously.

4:9 Save the oppressed from the hand of the oppressor, and do not be mean-spirited in your judgements.

4:10 Be like a father to orphans, and as good as a husband to widows. And you will be like a son to the Most High, whose love for you will surpass your mother's.


Wisdom as educator

4:11 Wisdom brings up her own sons, and cares for those who seek her.

4:12 Whoever loves her loves life, those who wait on her early will be filled with happiness.

4:13 Whoever holds her close will inherit honour, and wherever he walks the Lord will bless him.

4:14 Those who serve her minister to the Holy One, and the Lord loves those who love her.

4:15 Whoever obeys her judges aright, and whoever pays attention to her dwells secure.

4:16 If he trusts himself to her he will inherit her, and his descendants will remain in possession of her;

4:17 for though she takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and faintness on him, plaguing him with her discipline until she can trust him, and testing him with her ordeals,

4:18 in the end she will lead him back to the straight road, and reveal her secrets to him.

4:19 If he wanders away she will abandon him, and hand him over to his fate.


Shame and human respect

4:20 My son, bide your time and be on your guard against evil, and have no cause to be ashamed of yourself;

4:21 for there is a shame that leads to sin, as well as a shame that is honourable and gracious.

4:22 Do not show partiality, to your own detriment, or deference, to your own downfall.

4:23 Do not refrain from speech at an opportune time, and do not hide your wisdom;

4:24 for wisdom shall be recognised in speech, and instruction by what the tongue utters.

4:25 Do not contradict the truth, rather blush for your own ignorance.

4:26 Do not be ashamed to confess your sins, do not strive against the current of a river.

4:27 Do not grovel to a foolish man, do not show partiality to a man of influence.

4:28 Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will war on your side.

4:29 Do not be bold of tongue, yet idle and slack in deed;

4:30 do not be like a lion at home, or a coward before your servants.

4:31 Do not let your hands be outstretched to receive, yet closed when the time comes to give back.


4:1 My son, do not refuse the poor a livelihood, do not tantalise the needy.

4:2 Do not add to the sufferings of the hungry, do not bait a man in distress.

4:3 Do not aggravate a heart already angry, nor keep the destitute waiting for your alms.

4:4 Do not repulse a hard-pressed beggar, nor turn your face from a poor man.

4:5 Do not avert your eyes from the destitute, give no man occasion to curse you;

4:6 for if a man curses you in the bitterness of his soul, his maker will hear his imprecation.

4:7 Gain the love of the community, bow your head to a man of authority.

4:8 To the poor man lend an ear, and return his greeting courteously.

4:9 Save the oppressed from the hand of the oppressor, and do not be mean-spirited in your judgements.

4:10 Be like a father to orphans, and as good as a husband to widows. And you will be like a son to the Most High, whose love for you will surpass your mother's.


Wisdom as educator

4:11 Wisdom brings up her own sons, and cares for those who seek her.

4:12 Whoever loves her loves life, those who wait on her early will be filled with happiness.

4:13 Whoever holds her close will inherit honour, and wherever he walks the Lord will bless him.

4:14 Those who serve her minister to the Holy One, and the Lord loves those who love her.

4:15 Whoever obeys her judges aright, and whoever pays attention to her dwells secure.

4:16 If he trusts himself to her he will inherit her, and his descendants will remain in possession of her;

4:17 for though she takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and faintness on him, plaguing him with her discipline until she can trust him, and testing him with her ordeals,

4:18 in the end she will lead him back to the straight road, and reveal her secrets to him.

4:19 If he wanders away she will abandon him, and hand him over to his fate.


Shame and human respect

4:20 My son, bide your time and be on your guard against evil, and have no cause to be ashamed of yourself;

4:21 for there is a shame that leads to sin, as well as a shame that is honourable and gracious.

4:22 Do not show partiality, to your own detriment, or deference, to your own downfall.

4:23 Do not refrain from speech at an opportune time, and do not hide your wisdom;

4:24 for wisdom shall be recognised in speech, and instruction by what the tongue utters.

4:25 Do not contradict the truth, rather blush for your own ignorance.

4:26 Do not be ashamed to confess your sins, do not strive against the current of a river.

4:27 Do not grovel to a foolish man, do not show partiality to a man of influence.

4:28 Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will war on your side.

4:29 Do not be bold of tongue, yet idle and slack in deed;

4:30 do not be like a lion at home, or a coward before your servants.

4:31 Do not let your hands be outstretched to receive, yet closed when the time comes to give back.
JB SIRACH Chapter 5


Wealth and presumption

5:1 Do not give your heart to your money, or say, 'With this I am self-sufficient'.

5:2 Do not be led by your appetites and energy to follow the passions of your heart.

5:3 And do not say, 'Who has authority over me?' for the Lord will certainly be avenged on you.

5:4 Do not say, 'I sinned, and what happened to me?' for the Lord's forbearance is long.

5:5 Do not be so sure of forgiveness that you add sin to sin.

5:6 And do not say, 'His compassion is great, he will forgive me my many sins'; for with him are both mercy and wrath, and his rage bears heavy on sinners.

5:7 Do not delay your return to the Lord, do not put it off day after day;  for suddenly the Lord's wrath will blaze out, and at the time of vengeance you will be utterly destroyed.

5:8 Do not set your heart on ill-gotten gains, they will be of no use to you on the day of disaster.


Straightforwardness and self-possession

5:9 Do not winnow in every wind, or walk along every by-way (such is the practice of the deceitful sinner).

5:10 Be steady in your convictions, sincere in your speech.

5:11 Be quick to listen, and deliberate in giving an answer.

5:12 If you understand the matter, give your neighbour an answer,  if not, put your hand over your mouth.

5:13 Both honour and disgrace come from talking, a man's tongue can cause his downfall.

5:14 Do not get a name for scandal-mongering, do not set traps with your tongue; for as shame lies in store for the thief, so harsh condemnation awaits the deceitful.

5:15 Avoid offences in great as in small matters, and do not become an enemy where you should stay a friend;

JB SIRACH Chapter 6


6:1 for a bad name will earn you shame and reproach, as happens to the deceitful sinner.

6:2 Do not give in to the promptings of your temper, in case it gores your soul like a mad bull;

6:3 in case it gobbles up your leaves and you lose your fruits, and are left like a withered tree.

6:4 An evil temper destroys the man who has it and makes him the laughing-stock of his enemies.



6:5 A kindly turn of speech multiplies a man's friends, and a courteous way of speaking invites many a friendly reply.

6:6 Let your acquaintances be many, but your advisers one in a thousand.

6:7 If you want to make a friend, take him on trial, and be in no hurry to trust him;

6:8 for one kind of friend is only so when it suits him but will not stand by you in your day of trouble.

6:9 Another kind of friend will fall out with you and to your dismay make your quarrel public,

6:10 and a third kind of friend will share your table, but not stand by you in your day of trouble:

6:11 when you are doing well he will be your second self, ordering your servants about;

6:12 but if ever you are brought low he will turn against you and will hide himself from you.

6:13 Keep well clear of your enemies, and be wary of your friends.

6:14 A faithful friend is a sure shelter, whoever finds one has found a rare treasure.

6:15 A faithful friend is something beyond price, there is no measuring his worth.

6:16 A faithful friend is the elixir of life, and those who fear the Lord will find one.

6:17 Whoever fears the Lord makes true friends, for as a man is, so is his friend.


Apprenticeship to wisdom

6:18 My son, from your earliest youth choose instruction, and till your hair is white you will keep finding wisdom.

6:19 Cultivate her like the ploughman and the sower, and wait for her fine harvest, for in tilling her you will toil a little while, but very soon you will be eating her crops.

6:20 How very harsh she is to the undisciplined! The senseless man does not stay with her for long:

6:21 she will weigh on him like a heavy stone, and he will lose no time in throwing her off;

6:22 for discipline is true to her name, she is not accessible to many.

6:23 Listen, son, and take my warning, do not reject my advice:

6:24 put your feet into her fetters, and your neck into her harness;

6:25 give your shoulder to her yoke, do not be restive in her reins;

6:26 court her with all your soul, and with all your might keep in her ways;

6:27 go after her and seek her; she will reveal herself to you; once you hold her, do not let her go.

6:28 For in the end you will find rest in her and she will take the form of joy for you:

6:29 her fetters you will find are a strong defence, her harness, a robe of honour.

6:30 Her yoke will be a golden ornament, her reins, purple ribbons;

6:31 you will wear her like a robe of honour, you will put her on like a crown of honour.

6:32 If you wish, my son, you can acquire instruction, if you give your mind to it, subtlety will be yours.

6:33 If you love listening you will learn, if you lend an ear, wisdom will be yours.

6:34 Attend the gathering of elders; if there is a wise man there, attach yourself to him.

6:35 Listen willingly to any discourse coming from God, do not let shrewd proverbs escape you.

6:36 If you see a man of understanding, visit him early, let your feet wear out his doorstep.

6:37 Reflect on the injunctions of the Lord, busy yourself at all times with his commandments. He will strengthen your mind, and the wisdom you desire will be granted you.

JB SIRACH Chapter 7


Miscellaneous advice

7:1 Do no evil, and evil will not befall you;

7:2 shun wrong, and it will avoid you.

7:3 Son, do not sow in the furrows of wrong-doing, or you may reap it seven times over.

7:4 Do not ask the Lord for the highest place, or the king for a seat of honour.

7:5 Do not parade your virtue before the Lord, or your wisdom before the king.

7:6 Do not scheme to be appointed judge, in case you are not strong enough to stamp out injustice, in case you let yourself be swayed by an influential man, and so risk the loss of your integrity.

7:7 Do not wrong the general body of citizens and so lower yourself in popular esteem.

7:8 Do not be drawn to sin twice over, for you will not go unpunished even once.

7:9 Do not say, 'God will consider the great number of my gifts; when I make my offerings to the Most High God he will accept them'.

7:10 Do not be impatient in prayer; do not neglect to give alms.

7:11 Do not laugh at a man when he is sad of heart, for he who brings him low can lift him high.

7:12 Do not draw up a lying indictment against your brother, do not do it against a friend either.

7:13 Mind you tell no lies, for no good can come of it.

7:14 Do not make long-winded speeches in the gathering of elders, and do not repeat yourself at your prayers.

7:15 Do not shirk wearisome labour, or farm work, which the Most High created.

7:16 Do not swell the ranks of the sinners, remember that the wrath will not delay.

7:17 Be very humble, since the punishment for the godless is fire and worms.

7:18 Do not barter a friend for profit, nor a real brother for the gold of Ophir.

7:19 Do not turn against a wise and good wife, for her charm is worth more than gold.

7:20 Do not ill-treat a slave who is an honest worker, or a wage-earner who does his best for you.

7:21 Love an intelligent slave like your own self, and do not deny him his freedom.



7:22 Have you cattle? Look after them; if they are making you a profit, keep them.

7:23 Have you children? Educate them, make them bow the neck from childhood.

7:24 Have you daughters? Take care of their bodies, but do not be over-indulgent.

7:25 Marry a daughter off, and you have finished a great work; but give her to a man of sense.

7:26 Have you a wife to your liking? Do not turn her out; but if you dislike her, never trust her.



7:27 With all your heart honour your father, never forget the birthpangs of your mother.

7:28 Remember that you owe your birth to them; how can you repay them for what they have done for you?



7:29 With all your soul hold the Lord in awe, and revere his priests.

7:30 With all your might love him who made you, and do not abandon his ministers.

7:31 Fear the Lord and honour the priest and give him the portion enjoined on you: first-fruits and sacrifices of reparation and the shoulder-gift, the sacrifice of sanctification, and first-fruits of the holy things.


The poor and afflicted

7:32 Stretch your hand out also to the poor man, that your blessing may be perfect.

7:33 Be generous in your gifts to all the living, do not withhold your favour even from the dead.

7:34 Do not fail those who weep, but share the grief of the grief-stricken.

7:35 Do not shrink from visiting the sick; in this way you will make yourself loved.

7:36 In everything you do, remember your end, and you will never sin.

JB SIRACH Chapter 8


Prudence and common-sense

8:1 Do not try conclusions with an influential man, in case you later fall into his clutches.

8:2 Do not quarrel with a rich man, in case he turns the scales against you; for gold has destroyed many, and has swayed the hearts of kings.

8:3 Do not quarrel with a man of quick tongue, do not pile logs on his fire.

8:4 Do not jest with an ill-mannered man, in case you hear your ancestry insulted.

8:5 Do not revile a repentant sinner; remember that we all are guilty.

8:6 Do not despise a man in his old age; after all, some of us too are growing old.

8:7 Do not gloat over a man's death; remember that we all must die.



8:8 Do not ignore the talk of the wise, be conversant with their proverbs, since from these you will learn the theory and art of serving the great.

8:9 Do not underrate the talk of old men, after all, they themselves learned it from their fathers; from them you will learn how to think, and the art of the timely answer.



8:10 Do not kindle the coals of the sinner, in case you scorch yourself in his blaze.

8:11 Refuse to be drawn by an arrogant man, for fear he tries to trap you in your words.

8:12 Do not lend to anyone who is stronger than you are - if you do lend, resign yourself to loss.

8:13 Do not stand surety beyond your means; if you do stand surety, be prepared to pay up.

8:14 Do not go to law with a judge, since judgement will be given in his favour.

8:15 Do not travel with a reckless fellow, in case he imposes on you; he will act as the whim takes him, and you will both be ruined by his folly.

8:16 Do not argue with a quick-tempered man, or travel with him through the wilderness; since blood counts for nothing in his eyes, and where no help is to be had, he will strike you down.

8:17 Do not ask a fool for advice, since he will not be able to keep a confidence.

8:18 In a stranger's presence do nothing that should be kept secret, since you cannot tell what use he will make of it.

8:19 Do not open your heart to every man, or solicit favours from all comers.

JB SIRACH Chapter 9



9:1 Do not be jealous of the wife you love, or teach her lessons in evil to your detriment.

9:2 Do not give your soul to a woman, for her to trample on your strength.

9:3 Do not keep company with a harlot, in case you get entangled in her snares.

9:4 Do not dally with a singing girl, in case you get caught by her wiles.

9:5 Do not stare at a virgin, in case you and she incur the same punishment.

9:6 Do not give your soul to whores, or you will ruin your inheritance.

9:7 Keep your eyes to yourself in the streets of a town, do not prowl about its unfrequented quarters.

9:8 Turn your eyes away from a handsome woman, do not stare at the beauty that belongs to someone else. Woman's beauty has led many astray; it kindles desire like a flame.

9:9 Never sit down with a married woman, or sit at table with her drinking wine, in case you succumb to her charms, and in your ardour you slide down to your ruin.


Relations with men

9:10 Do not desert an old friend; the new one will not be his match. New friend, new wine; when it grows old, you drink it with pleasure.

9:11 Do not envy the sinner his success; you do not know what turn his career will take.

9:12 Do not take pleasure in what pleases the godless; remember they will not go unpunished to their grave.

9:13 Keep your distance from the man who has the power to put to death, and you will not be haunted by the fear of dying. If you do approach him, make no false move, or he may take your life. Realise that you are treading among trip-lines, that you are strolling on the battlements.

9:14 Cultivate your neighbours as far as you can, and consult with wise men.

9:15 For conversation seek intelligent men, let all your discussions bear on the law of the Most High.

9:16 Have virtuous men for your table companions, and let your pride be in fearing the Lord.

9:17 Work from skilled hands will earn its praise, but a leader of the people must be shrewd of speech.

9:18 A phrase-maker is a terror to his town, a loose talker is detested.

JB SIRACH Chapter 10



10:1 The wise magistrate will be strict with his people, and the government of a prudent man will be well-regulated.

10:2 As the magistrate is, so will his officials be, as the governor is, so will be the inhabitants of his city.

10:3 An uneducated king will be the ruin of his people, a city owes its prosperity to the intelligence of its leading men.

10:4 The government of the earth is in the hands of the Lord, he sets the right man over it at the right time.

10:5 A man's success is in the hands of the Lord, it is he who invests the lawgiver with honour.


Against pride

10:6 Do not resent your neighbour's every offence, and never act in a fit of passion.

10:7 Pride is hateful to God and man, and injustice is abhorrent to both.

10:8 Empire passes from nation to nation because of injustice, arrogance and money.

10:9 What has dust and ashes to pride itself on? Even in life its guts are repellent.

10:10 A long illness mocks the doctor; a king today is a corpse tomorrow.

10:11 When a man comes to die, his inheritance will be creeping things, beasts of prey, worms.

10:12 The beginning of human pride is to desert the Lord, and to turn one's heart away from one's maker.

10:13 Since the beginning of pride is sin, whoever clings to it will pour forth filth. For which reason the Lord inflicted extraordinary punishments on them and utterly overthrew them.

10:14 The Lord has thrown down rulers' thrones, and seated the humble in their place.

10:15 The Lord has plucked up proud men by the roots, and planted the lowly in their place.

10:16 The Lord has overthrown the lands of the heathens and destroyed them to the very foundations of the earth.

10:17 He has taken some of them away and destroyed them, and blotted out their memory from the earth.

10:18 Pride was not created for men, nor furious rage for those born of woman.


Persons deserving honour

10:19 What race deserves honour? The human race. What race deserves honour? Those who fear the Lord. What race deserves contempt? The human race. What race deserves contempt? Those who break the commandments.

10:20 Among brothers the leader of them deserves honour, and those who fear the Lord deserve honour in his sight.

10:22 Let rich and noble and poor take pride in fearing the Lord.

10:23 It is not right to despise a poor but intelligent man, and it is not good to honour a man who is a sinner.

10:24 Ruler, magistrate, influential man, all are to be honoured, but none of them is greater than him who fears the Lord.

10:25 A wise slave will have free men waiting on him, and the man of sense will not grumble.


Frankness and humility

10:26 Do not try to be smart when you do your work, do not put on airs when you are in difficulties.

10:27 Better a hardworking man who has plenty of everything, than a pretentious man at a loss for a meal.

10:28 My son, be modest in your self-esteem, and value yourself at your proper worth.

10:29 Who can justify a man who runs himself down, or respect a man who despises himself?

10:30 A poor man is honoured for his wits, and a rich man for his wealth.

10:31 Honoured in poverty, how much the more in wealth! Dishonoured in wealth, how much the more in poverty!

JB SIRACH Chapter 11


Do not go by appearances

11:1 The poor man's wisdom keeps his head erect, and gives him a place with the great.

11:2 Do not praise a man for his good looks, nor dislike anybody for his appearance.

11:3 Small among winged creatures is the bee but her produce is the sweetest of the sweet.

11:4 Do not preen yourself on your fine clothes, nor be swollen headed on your day of glory; for the Lord's deeds are marvellous, though hidden from mankind.

11:5 Many monarchs have been made to sit on the ground, and the man nobody thought of has worn the crown.

11:6 Many influential men have been utterly disgraced, and prominent men have fallen into the power of others.


Deliberation and reflection

11:7 Do not find fault before making thorough inquiry; first reflect, then give a reprimand.

11:8 Listen before you answer, and do not interrupt a speech in the middle.

11:9 Do not wrangle about something that does not concern you, nor interfere in the squabbles of sinners.

11:10 My son, do not take on a great amount of business; if you multiply your interests, you are bound to suffer for it; hurry as fast as you can, yet you will never arrive, nor will you escape by running away.

11:11 A man labours and toils and forges ahead, only to find himself the more out-distanced.


Trust in God alone

11:12 Another man is a poor creature begging for assistance, badly off for support, but rich in poverty, and the Lord turns a favourable eye on him, sets him on his feet out of his abject condition,

11:13 and enables him to hold his head high, to the utter amazement of many.

11:14 Good and bad, life and death, poverty and wealth, all come from the Lord.

11:17 The Lord's gift remains constant to the devout, and his goodwill means a good journey for ever.

11:18 A man grows rich by his sharpness and grabbing, and here is the reward he receives. for it:

11:19 he says, 'I have found rest, and now I can enjoy my goods'; but he does not know how long this will last; he will have to leave his goods for others and die.

11:20 Persevere at your duty, take pleasure in doing it, and grow old at your work.

11:21 Do not be astonished at the sinner's achievements; trust the Lord and keep to your duty; since it is a trifle in the eyes of the Lord, in a moment, suddenly to make a poor man rich.

11:22 The devout man receives the Lord's blessing as his reward,  in a moment God brings his blessing to flower.

11:23 Do not say, 'What are my needs, what will be my profits in future?'

11:24 And do not say, 'I am self-supporting, what losses can I suffer in future?'

11:25 In a time of profit, losses are forgotten, and in a time of loss, no one remembers profits.

11:26 Yet it is a trifle for the Lord on the day a man dies to repay him as his conduct deserves.

11:27 A moment's adversity, and pleasures are forgotten; in a man's last hour his deeds will stand revealed.

11:28 Call no man fortunate before his death; it is by his end that a man will be known.


Distrust the wicked

11:29 Do not bring every man home with you, for many are the traps of the crafty.

11:30 Like a decoy partridge in a basket, such is the proud man's heart;  like a spy he watches for your downfall.

11:31 The slanderer twists good into evil, will cast a slur on what deserves most praise.

11:32 A hearthful of glowing coals starts from a single spark, and the sinner lurks for the chance to spill blood.

11:33 Beware of a scoundrel and his evil contrivances, in case he puts a smear on you for ever.

11:34 Bring a stranger home with you and he will start trouble, and estrange you from your own family.

JB SIRACH Chapter 12


Rules for doing good[*a]

12:1 If you do a good turn, know for whom you are doing it, and your good deeds will not go to waste.

12:2 Do good to a devout man, and you will receive a reward, if not from him, then certainly from the Most High.

12:3 No good will come to a man who persists in evil, or who refuses to give alms.

12:4 Give to a devout man, do not go to the help of a sinner.

12:5 Do good to a humble man, give nothing to a godless one. Refuse him bread, do not give him any, it might make him stronger than you are; then you would be repaid evil twice over for all the good you had done him.

12:6 For the Most High himself detests sinners, and will repay the wicked with a vengeance.

12:7 Give to the good man, and do not go to the help of a sinner.


True and false friends

12:8 In prosperity you cannot always tell a true friend, but in adversity you cannot mistake an enemy.

12:9 When a man is doing well his enemies are sad, when he is doing badly, even a friend will keep his distance.

12:10 Do not ever trust an enemy; as bronze tarnishes, so does his malignity.

12:11 Even if he behaves humbly and comes bowing and scraping, maintain your reserve and be on your guard against him. Behave towards him as if you were polishing a mirror, you will find that his tarnish cannot last.

12:12 Do not stand him beside you in case he thrusts you out and takes your place. Do not seat him at your right hand, or he will be after your position, and you will end up by admitting the truth of my words, and feeling the sting in them.

12:13 Who feels sorry for a snake-charmer bitten by a snake, or for those who take risks with savage animals?-

12:14 just so for someone consorting with a sinner, and being accomplice to his sins.

12:15 As long as you maintain your stand he will not reveal himself, but if you once give way he will press his advantage.

12:16 An enemy may have sweetness on his lips, and in his heart a scheme to throw you in the ditch. An enemy may have tears in his eyes, but if he gets a chance not even blood will satisfy him.

12:17 If you meet with misfortune, you will find him there before you, and, pretending to help you, he will trip you up.

12:18 He will wag his head and clap his hands, he will whisper a lot and his expression will change.

JB SIRACH Chapter 13


Mix with your equals

13:1 Whoever touches pitch will be defiled, and anyone who associates with a proud man will come to be like him.

13:2 Do not try to carry a burden too heavy for you, do not associate with someone more powerful and wealthy than yourself. Why put the clay pot next to the iron cauldron? It will only break when they collide.

13:3 The rich man wrongs a man and puts on airs, while the poor man is wronged and apologises.

13:4 If you are useful he will exploit you, if you cannot keep up with him he will desert you.

13:5 Are you well off?-he will live with you, he will clean you out without a single qualm.

13:6 Does he need you?-he will hoodwink you, smile at you and raise your hopes; he will speak to you with smooth words and say, 'I wonder what you would like?'

13:7 And he will put you to shame with his grand dinners, until he has cleaned you out two or three times over, and he will finish by making you ridiculous. When he sees you afterwards he will snub you, and wag his head about you.

13:8 Take care you are not hoodwinked and thus humiliated through your own stupidity.

13:9 When an influential man invites you, show reluctance, and he will press his invitation all the more.

13:10 Do not thrust yourself forward, in case you are pushed aside, but do not stand aloof, or you will be overlooked.

13:11 Do not affect to treat him as an equal, do not trust his flow of words; since all this talking is expressly meant to test you, under cover of geniality he will be weighing you up.

13:12 Pitiless is the man who is too free with his words, he will not spare you either blows or chains.

13:13 Be wary, take very great care, because you are walking with your own downfall.

13:15 Every living thing loves its own sort, and every man his neighbour.

13:16 Every creature mixes with its kind, and man sticks to his own sort.

13:17 How can a wolf and lamb agree? - Just so with sinner and devout.

13:18 What peace can there be between hyena and dog? And what peace between rich man and poor?

13:19 Wild donkeys are the prey of desert lions; so too, the poor are the quarry of the rich.

13:20 The proud man thinks humility abhorrent; so too, the rich abominate the poor.

13:21 When the rich man stumbles he is supported by friends; when the poor man falls, his friends push him away.

13:22 When the rich man slips, there are many hands to catch him, if he talks nonsense he is congratulated.

13:27 The poor man slips, and is blamed for it, he may talk good sense, but no room is made for him.

13:23 The rich man speaks and everyone stops talking, and then they praise his discourse to the skies. The poor man speaks and people say, 'Who is this?' and if he staggers they push him down.

13:24 Wealth is good where there is no sin,  poverty is evil, the godless say.

13:25 A man's heart moulds his expression whether for better or worse.

13:26 The mark of a good heart is a cheerful expression; inventing proverbs is weary work.

JB SIRACH Chapter 14


True happiness

14:1 Happy the man who has not sinned in speech and who need feel no remorse for sins.

14:2 Happy the man whose own soul does not accuse him, and who has never given up hope.


Envy and greed

14:3 Wealth is not the right thing for a niggardly man, and what use are possessions to a covetous one?

14:4 A man who hoards by stinting himself is hoarding for others, and others will live sumptuously on his riches.

14:5 If a man is mean to himself, to whom will he be good? He does not even enjoy what is his own.

14:6 No one is meaner than the man who is mean to himself, and this is how his wickedness pays him back.

14:7 If he does good at all, he does it without intending to, and in the end he himself reveals his wickedness.

14:8 Evil is the man who has a grudging eye, averting his face, and careless of others' lives.

14:9 The eye of the grasping man is not content with his portion, greed shrivels up the soul

14:10 The miser is grudging of bread, there is famine at his table.

14:11 My son, treat at yourself as well as you can afford and bring worthy offerings to the Lord.

14:12 Remember that death will not delay and that the covenant of Sheol[*a] has not been revealed to you.

14:13 Be kind to your friend before you die treat him as generously as you can afford.

14:14 Do not refuse yourself the good things of today, do not let your share of what is lawfully desired pass you by.

14:15 Will you not have to leave your fortune to another, and the fruit of your labour to be divided by lot?

14:16 Then give and receive, and take your ease, for in Sheol you cannot look for pleasure.

14:17 Every living thing grows old like a garment, the age-old law is 'Death must be'.

14:18 Like foliage growing on a bushy tree, some leaves falling, others growing, so are the generations of flesh and blood: one dies, another is born.

14:19 Every achievement rots away and perishes, and with it goes its author.


The happiness of the sage

14:20 Happy the man who meditates on wisdom, and reasons with good sense,

14:21 who studies her ways in his heart, and ponders her secrets.

14:22 He pursues her like a hunter, and lies in wait by her path;

14:23 he peeps in at her windows, and listens at her doors;

14:24 he lodges close to her house, and fixes his peg in her walls;

14:25 he pitches his tent at her side, and lodges in an excellent lodging;

14:26 he sets his children in her shade, and camps beneath her branches;

14:27 he is sheltered by her from the heat, and in her glory he makes his home.

JB SIRACH Chapter 15


15:1 Whoever fears the Lord will act like this, and whoever grasps the Law will obtain wisdom.

15:2 She will come to meet him like a mother, and receive him like a virgin bride.

15:3 She will give him the bread of understanding to eat, and the water of wisdom to drink.

15:4 He will lean on her and will not fall, he will rely on her and not be put to shame.

15:5 She will raise him high above his neighbours, and in full assembly she will open his mouth.

15:6 He will find happiness and a crown of joy, he will inherit an everlasting name.

15:7 Foolish men will not gain possession of her, nor will sinful men set eyes on her.

15:8 She stands remote from pride, and liars cannot call her to mind

15:9 Praise is unseemly in a sinner's mouth, since it has not been put there by the Lord.

15:10 For praise should only be uttered in wisdom, and the Lord himself then prompts it.


Man is free

15:11 Do not say, 'The Lord was responsible for my sinning', for he is never the cause of what he hates.

15:12 Do not say, 'It was he who led me astray',  for he has no use for a sinner.

15:13 The Lord hates all that is foul, and no one who fears him will love it either.

15:14 He himself made man in the beginning, and then left him free to make his own decisions.

15:15 If you wish, you can keep the commandments, to behave faithfully is within your power.

15:16 He has set fire and water before you; put out your hand to whichever you prefer.

15:17 Man has life and death before him; whichever a man likes better will be given him.

15:18 For vast is the wisdom of the Lord; he is almighty and all-seeing.

15:19 His eyes are on those who fear him, he notes every action of man.

15:20 He never commanded anyone to be godless, he has given no one permission to sin.

JB SIRACH Chapter 16


Curses reaped by the wicked

16:1 Do not long for a brood of worthless children, and take no pleasure in godless sons.

16:2 However many you have, take no pleasure in them, unless the fear of the Lord lives among them.

16:3 Do not count on their having long life, do not put too much faith in their future; for better have one than a thousand, better die childless than have godless ones.

16:4 One man of sense can populate a city, but the race of lawless men will be destroyed.

16:5 My eyes have seen many such things, my ears have heard things still more impressive.

16:6 Fire will be kindled in a community of sinners; the wrath was kindled in a disobedient nation.

16:7 God did not pardon the giants of old who, confident in their strength, rebelled.

16:8 He did not spare the people with whom Lot lived, whom he abhorred for their pride.

16:9 He had no pity on that people doomed to destruction, who were wiped out in their sins,

16:10 nor on the six hundred thousand men on the march who banded together in their obstinacy[*a].

16:11 Had there been even only one stubborn man, it would have been astonishing if he had escaped unpunished, since mercy and wrath alike belong to the Lord who is mighty to forgive and to pour out wrath.

16:12 His mercy is great, but his severity is as great; he judges every man as his deeds deserve:

16:13 the sinner shall not escape with his ill-gotten gains, nor the devout man's patience go for nothing.

16:14 He allows free play to his mercy; yet every man shall be treated as his deeds deserve.


Certainty of retribution

16:17 Do not say, 'I will hide from the Lord, who will remember me up there? I shall certainly not be noticed among so many; what am I in the immensity of creation?'

16:18 Why look, the sky and the heavens above the sky, the deep and the earth tremble at his visitation.

16:19 The mountains and the base of the earth together quail and tremble when he looks at them.

16:20 But who bothers his head about such things? Who attempts to understand the way he moves?

16:21 The storm wind itself is invisible, and most of what he does goes undetected.

16:22 'Who will report whether justice has been done? Who will be expecting it? The covenant is far away.'

16:23 Such are the thoughts of the man of little sense, the rash misguided man, who loves his illusions.


Man in creation

16:24 Listen to me, my son, and learn knowledge, and give your whole mind to my words.

16:25 I will expound discipline to a nicety, and proclaim knowledge with precision.

16:26 When God created his works in the beginning, he allotted them their portions as soon as they were made.

16:27 He determined his works for all time, from their beginnings to their distant future. They know neither hunger nor weariness, and they never desert their duties.

16:28 None has ever jostled its neighbour, they will never disobey his word[*b].

16:29 And afterwards the Lord looked at the earth, and filled it with his good things.

16:30 He covered its surface with every kind of animal, and to it they will return.

JB SIRACH Chapter 17


17:1 The Lord fashioned man from the earth, to consign him back to it.

17:2 He gave them so many days' determined time, he gave them authority over everything on earth.

17:3 He clothed them with strength like his own, and made them in his own image.

17:4 He filled all living things with dread of man, making him master over beasts and birds.

17:6 He shaped for them a mouth and tongue, eyes and ears, and gave them a heart to think with.

17:7 He filled them with knowledge and understanding, and revealed to them good and evil.

17:8 He put his own light in their hearts to show them the magnificence of his works.

17:10 They will praise his holy name, as they tell of his magnificent works.

17:11 He set knowledge before them, he endowed them with the law of life.

17:12 He established an eternal covenant with them, and revealed his judgements to them.

17:13 Their eyes saw his glorious majesty, and their ears heard the glory of his voice.

17:14 He said to them, 'Beware of all wrong doing'; he gave each a commandment concerning his neighbour.


The divine judge

17:15 Their ways are always under his eye, they cannot be hidden from his sight.

17:17 Over each nation he has set a governor, but Israel is the Lord's own portion.[*a]

17:19 All their works are as the sun to him, and his eyes rest constantly on their ways.

17:20 Their iniquities are not hidden from him, all their sins are before the Lord.

17:22 A man's almsgiving is like a signet ring to him, he cherishes a man's generosity like the pupil of his eye.

17:23 One day he will rise and reward them, he will pay back their deserts on their own heads.

17:24 But to those who repent he permits return, and he encourages those who were losing hope.


Exhortation to repentance

17:25 Return to the Lord and leave sin behind, plead before his face and lessen your offence.

17:26 Come back to the Most High and turn away from iniquity, and bold in abhorrence all that is foul.

17:27 Who will praise the Most High in Sheol, if the living do not do so by giving glory to him?

17:28 To the dead, as to those who do not exist, praise is unknown, only those with life and health can praise the Lord.

17:29 How great is the mercy of the Lord, his pardon on all those who turn towards him!

17:30 Man cannot have everything, since the son of man is not immortal.

17:31 What is brighter than the sun? Yet it suffers eclipse. Flesh and blood think of nothing but evil.

17:32 He surveys the armies of the lofty sky, while all men are no more than dust and ashes.

JB SIRACH Chapter 18


The greatness of God

18:1 He who lives for ever created all the universe.

18:2 The Lord alone will be found righteous.

18:4 He has given no one the power to proclaim his works, and who can fathom his magnificent deeds?

18:5 Who can assess his magnificent strength, and who can go further and tell of his mercies?

18:6 Nothing can be added to them, nothing subtracted, it is impossible to fathom the marvels of the Lord.

18:7 When a man finishes he is only beginning, and when he stops he is as puzzled as ever.


The nothingness of man

18:8 What is man, what purpose does he serve? What is the good in him, and what the bad?

18:9 Take the number of a man's days; a hundred years is very long.

18:10 Like a drop of water from the sea, or a grain of sand, such are these few years compared with eternity.

18:11 For this reason the Lord shows them forbearance, and pours out his mercy on them.

18:12 He sees and recognises how wretched their end is, and so he makes his forgiveness the greater.

18:13 Man's compassion extends to his neighbour, but the compassion of the Lord extends to everything that lives; rebuking, correcting and teaching, bringing them back as a shepherd brings back a flock.

18:14 He has compassion on those who accept correction, who fervently look for judgements.


The art of giving

18:15 My son, do not temper your favours with disparagement, nor any of your gifts with words that hurt.

18:16 Does not dew relieve the heat? In the same way a word is worth more than a gift.

18:17 Why surely, a word is better than a good present, but a generous man is ready with both.

18:18 A fool will offer nothing but insult, and a grudging man's gift makes the eyes smart.


Reflection and foresight

18:19 Learn before you speak, take care of yourself before you fall ill.

18:20 Examine yourself before judgement comes,  and on the day of visitation you will find yourself acquitted.

18:21 Humble yourself before you fall ill, and when you sin, repent.

18:22 Let nothing prevent your discharging a vow in good time, and do not wait till death before setting matters to rights.

18:23 Prepare yourself before making a vow, and do not be like a man who tempts the Lord.

18:24 Bear the wrath of the last days in mind, the time of vengeance when God averts his face.

18:25 In a time of plenty remember times of famine, poverty and want in days of wealth.

18:26 The time slips by between dawn and dusk, all things pass swiftly in the presence of the Lord.

18:27 A wise man will be cautious in everything, and in sinful days he will take care not to offend.

18:28 Every man of sense recognises wisdom, and will respect anyone who has found her.

18:29 Those who understand sayings have themselves grown wise and have poured out apt proverbs.



18:30 Do not follow your lusts, restrain your desires.

18:31 If you allow yourself to satisfy your desires, this will make you the laughing-stock of your enemies.

18:32 Do not indulge in luxurious living, nor get involved in such society.

18:33 Do not beggar yourself by banqueting on credit when there is nothing in your pocket.

JB SIRACH Chapter 19


19:1 Behave like that and you will never grow rich; he who despises trifles will sink down little by little.

19:2 Wine and women corrupt sensible men, the customer of whores loses all sense of shame.

19:3 Grubs and worms will have him as their legacy, and the man who knows no shame shall lose his life.


Against loose talk

19:4 Being too ready to trust shows shallowness of mind, by committing sin a man does wrong to himself.

19:5 Taking pleasure in evil earns condemnation,

19:6 by hating gossip a man avoids evil.

19:7 Never repeat what you are told and you will come to no harm;

19:8 whether to friend or foe, do not talk about it, unless it would be sinful not to, do not reveal it;

19:9 you would be heard out, then mistrusted, and in due course you would be hated.

19:10 Have you heard something? Let it die with you. Courage! It will not burst you!

19:11 A fool will suffer birthpangs over something told him, like a woman labouring with child.

19:12 Like an arrow stuck in the flesh of the thigh, such is a piece of news inside a fool.


Do not trust everything you hear

19:13 Question your friend, he may have done nothing at all, and if he has done anything, he will not do it again.

19:14 Question your neighbour, he may have said nothing at all, and if he has said anything, he will not say it again.

19:15 Question your friend, for slander is very common, do not believe all you hear.

19:16 A man sometimes makes a slip, without meaning what he says; and which of us has never sinned by speech?

19:17 Question your neighbour before you threaten him, and leave scope for the Law of the Most High.


True and false wisdom

19:20 Wisdom consists entirely in fearing the Lord, and wisdom is entirely constituted by the fulfilling of the Law.

19:22 But being learned in evil is not wisdom, and there is no shrewd judgement in the advice of sinners.

19:23 There is a cleverness that is foul, he who does not have wisdom is a fool.

19:24 Better be short of sense and full of fear, than abound in shrewdness and violate the Law.

19:25 There is an adroit sort of cleverness promoting injustice, there is the man who will abuse favours to establish his case.

19:26 There is the man who will walk bowed down with grief, when inwardly this is nothing but deceit:

19:27 he hides his face and pretends to be deaf, and when you are off your guard he takes advantage of you.

19:28 This man may think he lacks the power to sin, but he will do wrong when he gets the chance.

19:29 You can tell a man by his appearance, you can tell a thinking man by the look on his face.

19:30 A man's dress tells you what he does, and a man's walk tells you what he is.

JB SIRACH Chapter 20


Silence and speech

20:1 There is the rebuke that is untimely, and there is the man who keeps quiet, and he is the shrewd one.

20:2 But how much better to rebuke than to fume!

20:3 The man who acknowledges a fault wards off punishment.

20:4 Like a eunuch longing to take a girl's virginity so is he who uses force to argue cases.

20:5 There is the man who keeps quiet and is considered wise, another incurs hatred for talking too much.

20:6 There is the man who keeps quiet, not knowing how to answer, another keeps quiet, because he knows when to speak.

20:7 A wise man will keep quiet till the right moment, but a garrulous fool will always misjudge it.

20:8 The man who talks too much will get himself disliked, and the self-appointed oracle will make himself hated.



20:9 There is the man who finds misfortune the saving of him, and the lucky find that may turn to loss.

20:10 There is the gift that affords you no profit, and the gift that repays you double.

20:11 There is the honour that leads to humiliation, and there are men in a low state who raise their heads.

20:12 There is the man who buys much for little; yet pays for it seven times over.

20:13 The wise man will win love by his words, while fools may shower favours in vain.

20:14 A stupid man's gift will bring you no advantage, his eyes look for seven times as much in return.

20:15 He gives little and reviles much, he opens his mouth like the town crier, he lends today and demands payment tomorrow; he is a detestable fellow.

20:16 The fool will say, 'I have no friends, I get no gratitude for my good deeds;

20:17 those who eat my bread have malicious tongues'. How often he will be laughed at, and by how many!


Inappropriate talk

20:18 Better a slip on the pavement than a slip of the tongue; this is how ruin takes the wicked by surprise.

20:19 A coarse-grained man is like an indiscreet story endlessly retold by the ignorant.

20:20 A maxim is rejected when coming from a fool, since he does not utter it on the apt occasion.

20:21 Take a man who is prevented from sinning by poverty; no qualms of conscience disturb his rest.

20:22 Take a man who destroys himself out of false shame, destroys himself for the sake of a fool's opinion.

20:23 Take a man who, out of false shame, makes promises to a friend, and so makes an enemy for nothing.



20:24 Lying is an ugly blot on a man, and ever on the lips of the ignorant.

20:25 A thief is preferable to an inveterate liar, but both are heading for ruin.

20:26 Lying is an abominable habit, so that disgrace is the liar's for ever.


The wise man: his dignity and his dangers

20:27 A wise man advances himself by his words, a shrewd man will please princes.

20:28 He who tills the soil will have a full harvest, he who pleases princes will secure pardon for his offences.

20:29 Presents and gifts blind wise men eyes and stifle rebukes like a muzzle on the mouth.

20:30 Wisdom concealed, and treasure undiscovered, what use is either of these?

20:31 Better a man who conceals his folly than a man who conceals his wisdom.

JB SIRACH Chapter 21


Various sins

21:1 My son, have you sinned? Do not do it again, and ask forgiveness for your previous faults.

21:2 Flee from sin as from a snake, if you approach it, it will bite you; its teeth are lion's teeth, they deprive men of their lives.

21:3 All law-breaking is like a two-edged sword, the wounds it inflicts are beyond cure.

21:4 Panic and violence make havoc of palaces, similarly, desolation overtakes the houses of the proud.

21:5 A plea from a poor man's mouth goes straight to the ear of God, whose judgement comes without delay.

21:6 Whoever resents reproof walks in the sinner's footsteps; the man who fears the Lord bears repentance in his heart.

21:7 The glib speaker is known far and wide, but when he makes a slip the thinking man detects it.

21:8 To build your house on other people's money is like collecting stones for your own tomb.

21:9 A meeting of lawless men is like a heap of tow: they will end in a blazing fire.

21:10 The sinner's road is smoothly paved, but it ends at the pit of Sheol.


The wise man and the fool

21:11 Whoever keeps the Law will master his instincts; the fear of the Lord is made perfect in wisdom.

21:12 The man who lacks intelligence cannot be taught, but intelligence can increase a man's bitterness.

21:13 The wise man's knowledge will increase like a flood, and his advice is like a living spring.

21:14 The heart of a fool is like a broken jar, it will not hold any knowledge.

21:15 If a cultured man hears a wise saying, he praises it and caps it with another; if an imbecile hears it, he laughs at it, and tosses it behind his back.

21:16 The talk of a fool is like a load on a journey, but it is a pleasure to listen to an intelligent man.

21:17 The shrewd man's utterance will be eagerly awaited in the assembly, what he says will be given serious consideration.

21:18 The wisdom of a fool is like the wreckage of a house, the knowledge of a dolt is incoherent talk.

21:19 To the senseless fellow instruction is like fetters on his feet, like manacles on his right hand.

21:20 A fool laughs at the top of his voice, but a man of intelligence quietly smiles.

21:21 To the shrewd man instruction is like a golden ornament, like a bracelet on his right arm.

21:22 The foot of a fool goes straight into a house, but a man of much experience is respectful in his approach;

21:23 a stupid man peeps inside through the door, a well-bred man waits outside.

21:24 Listening at doors is a sign of bad upbringing, a perceptive man would be ashamed to do so.

21:25 The lips of gossips repeat the words of others, the words of wise men are carefully weighed.

21:26 The heart of fools is exposed in their words; the words of wise men reveal their heart

21:27 When a godless man curses his enemy, he is cursing himself.

21:28 The scandal-monger sullies himself and earns the hatred of the neighbourhood.

JB SIRACH Chapter 22


The idler

22:1 An idler is comparable to a stone covered in filth, everyone whistles at his disgrace.

22:2 An idler is comparable to a lump of dung, anyone picking it up shakes it off his hand.


Degenerate children

22:3 It is a disgrace to have fathered a badly brought-up son, and the birth of a daughter is a loss.

22:4 A sensible daughter is a treasure to her husband, but a shameless one is a grief to her father.

22:5 An insolent daughter puts father and mother to shame, and will be disowned by both.

22:6 An untimely remonstrance is like music at a funeral, but a thrashing and correction are wisdom at all times.


Wisdom and folly

22:9 You are gluing the broken pieces of a pot together if you try to teach a fool, you are rousing a man who is besotted with sleep.

22:10 A fool is the same as a drowsing man if you have to explain anything to him, when you have finished he will say, 'What is it all about?'

22:11 Shed tears for the dead man, since he has left the light behind; shed tears for the fool, since he has left his wits behind; Shed quieter tears for the dead, since he is at rest. For the fool, life is sadder than death.

22:12 Mourning for the dead lasts seven days, for the foolish and ungodly all the days of their lives.

22:13 Do not waste many words on a stupid man, do not go near a dolt. Beware of him, or he will give you trouble; and will leave you soiled by contact with him. Avoid him, and you will find rest and not be exasperated by his folly.

22:14 What is heavier than lead, and what is its name if not 'fool'?

22:15 Sand, and salt, and a lump of iron are all easier to bear than a dolt.

22:16 A tie-beam bonded into a building will not be dislodged by an earthquake; so too, a heart resolved after due reflection will not flinch at the critical moment.

22:17 A heart founded on intelligent reflection is like a stucco decoration on a smooth wall.

22:18 Pebbles placed on top of a wall will not stand up to the wind; no more can the heart of a fool frightened at his own thoughts stand up to fear.



22:19 Prick an eye and you will draw a tear, prick a heart and you bring its feelings to light.

22:20 Throw stones at birds and you scare them away, revile a friend and you break up friendship.

22:21 If you have drawn your sword on a friend, do not despair; there is a way back.

22:22 If you have opened your mouth against your friend, do not worry; there is hope for reconciliation;  but insult, arrogance, betrayal of secrets, and the stab in the back - in these cases any friend will run away.

22:23 Win your neighbour's confidence when he is poor, so that you may enjoy his later good fortune with him; stand by him in times of trouble, in order to have your share when he comes into a legacy.

22:24 Fire is heralded by the reek of the furnace and smoke, so too bloodshed by insults.

22:25 I will not be ashamed to shelter a friend, nor will I hide from his face;

22:26 and if evil comes to me through him, everyone who hears about it will beware of him.



22:27 Who will set a guard on my mouth, and a seal of prudence on my lips to keep me from falling, and my tongue from causing my ruin?

JB SIRACH Chapter 23


23:1 Lord, father and master of my life, do not abandon me to their whims, do not let me fall because of them.

23:2 Who will lay whips to my thoughts, and the discipline of wisdom to my heart, to be unmerciful to my errors, and let none of my sins go unchecked

23:3 in case my errors multiply, and my sins increase in number, and I fall before my adversaries, and my enemy gloats over me?

23:4 Lord, father and God of my life, do not give me proud eyes,

23:5 turn lust away from me,

23:6 do not let lechery and lust grip me, do not give me over to shameless desire.



23:7 Listen, children, to the instruction I have to give; whoever keeps it will not be caught out.

23:8 The sinner is ensnared by his own lips, both the abusive and the proud man are tripped by them.

23:9 Do not accustom your mouth to swearing, nor get into the habit of naming the Holy One;

23:10 for just as a slave who is constantly overseen will never be without bruises, so too the man who is continually swearing oaths and uttering the name will not be exempt from sin.

23:11 A man forever swearing is full of iniquity, and the scourge will not depart from his house. If he offends, his sin will be on him, if he swears lightly, he sins twice over; if he swears a false oath, he will not be treated as innocent, for his house will be filled with calamities.


Foul talk

23:12 There is a manner of talking that is fraught with death; let it not be found in the inheritance of Jacob, for devout men will keep all that far from them, they will not wallow in sin.

23:13 Do not habituate your mouth to coarseness and foul language, for this means sinful talk.

23:14 Remember your father and mother when you are sitting among princes, in case you forget yourself in their presence, and behave like a fool, and then wish you had not been born, and curse the day of your birth.

23:15 A man in the habit of using improper words will never break himself of it however long he lives.


Incest and adultery

23:16 Two kinds of men multiply sins, and a third draws down wrath:

23:17 there is a desire that, blazing like a furnace, cannot be quenched until it is slaked; there is the man who lusts for his own flesh: he will not give up until the fire consumes him; to a fornicator all food is sweet, and he will not weary of it until he dies:

23:18 The man who sins against his own marriage bed, and says to himself, 'Who can see me? There is darkness all round me, the walls hide me, nobody sees me; why should I worry? The Most High will not call my sins to mind': what he fears is the eyes of men,

23:19 he does not realise that the eyes of the Lord are ten thousand times brighter than the sun, observing every aspect of human behaviour, seeing into the most secret corners.

23:20 All things were known to him before they were created, and are still, now that they are finished.

23:21 This man will be punished in view of the whole town, and will be seized where he least expects it.


The adulteress

23:22 Similarly the woman who deserts her husband, and provides him with an heir by another man:

23:23 first, she has disobeyed the Law of the Most High; secondly, she has been false to her husband; and thirdly, she has gone whoring in adultery and conceived children by another man.

23:24 She will be led before the assembly, an enquiry will be held about her children.

23:25 Her children will strike no root, her branches will bear no fruit.

23:26 She will leave an accursed memory behind her, her shame will never be wiped out.

23:27 And those who survive her will recognise that nothing is better than fearing the Lord, and nothing sweeter than adherence to the Lord's commandments.

JB SIRACH Chapter 24


Discourse of Wisdom

24:1 Wisdom speaks her own praises, in the midst of her people she glories in herself.

24:2 She opens her mouth in the assembly of the Most High, she glories in herself in the presence of the Mighty One;

24:3 'I came forth from the mouth of the Most High, and I covered the earth like mist.

24:4 I had my tent in the heights, and my throne in a pillar of cloud.

24:5 Alone I encircled the vault of the sky, and I walked on the bottom of the deeps.

24:6 Over the waves of the sea and over the whole earth, and over every people and nation I have held sway.

24:7 Among all these I searched for rest, and looked to see in whose territory I might pitch camp.

24:8 Then the creator of all things instructed me, and he who created me fixed a place for my tent. He said, "Pitch your tent in Jacob, make Israel your inheritance".

24:9 From eternity, in the beginning, he created me, and for eternity I shall remain.

24:10 I ministered before him in the holy tabernacle, and thus was I established on Zion.

24:11 In the beloved city he has given me rest, and in Jerusalem I wield my authority.

24:12 I have taken root in a privileged people, in the Lord's property, in his inheritance.

24:13 I have grown tall as a cedar on Lebanon, as a cypress on Mount Hermon;

24:14 I have grown tall as a palm in Engedi, as the rose bushes of Jericho; as a fine olive in the plain, as a plane tree I have grown tall.

24:15 I have exhaled a perfume like cinnamon and acacia, I have breathed out a scent like choice myrrh, like galbanum, onycha and stacte, like the smoke of incense in the tabernacle.

24:16 I have spread my branches like a terebinth, and my branches are glorious and graceful.

24:17 I am like a vine putting out graceful shoots, my blossoms bear the fruit of glory and wealth.

24:19 Approach me, you who desire me, and take your fill of my fruits,

24:20 for memories of me are sweeter than honey, inheriting me is sweeter than the honeycomb.

24:21 They who eat me will hunger for more, they who drink me will thirst for more.

24:22 Whoever listens to me will never have to blush, whoever acts as I dictate will never sin'.


Wisdom and the Law

24:23 All this is no other than the book of the covenant of the Most High God, the Law that Moses enjoined on us, an inheritance for the communities of Jacob.

24:25 That is what makes wisdom brim like the Pishon[*a], like the Tigris in the season of fruit,

24:26 what makes understanding brim over like the Euphrates, like the Jordan at harvest time

24:27 and makes discipline flow like the Nile, like the Gihon at the time of vintage.

24:28 The first man never managed to grasp her entirely, nor has the most recent one fully comprehended her

24:29 for her thoughts are wider than the sea, and her designs more profound than the abyss.

24:30 And I, like a conduit from a river, like a watercourse running into a garden,

24:31 I said, 'I am going to water my orchard, I intend to irrigate my flower beds' And see, my conduit has grown into a river, and my river has grown into a sea.

24:32 Now I shall make discipline shine out, I shall send its light far and wide.

24:33 I shall pour out teaching like prophecy, as a legacy to all future generations.

24:34 Observe that I have not toiled for myself alone, but for all who are seeking wisdom.

JB SIRACH Chapter 25



25:1 There are three things my soul delights in, and which are delightful to God and to men: concord between brothers, friendship between neighbours, and a wife and husband who live happily together.

25:2 There are three sorts of people my soul hates, and whose existence I consider an outrage: a poor man swollen with pride, a rich man who is a liar and an adulterous old man who has no sense.


Old men

25:3 If you have gathered nothing in your youth, how can you find anything in your old age?

25:4 How fine a thing: sound judgement with grey hairs, and for greybeards to know how to advise!

25:5 How fine a thing: wisdom in the aged, and considered advice coming from men of distinction!

25:6 The crown of old men is ripe experience, their true glory, the fear of the Lord.


Numerical proverbs

25:7 There are nine things I can think of which strike me as happy, and a tenth which is now on my tongue: a man whose joy is in his children, he who lives to see the downfall of his enemies;

25:8 happy the man who keeps house with a sensible wife; he who does not toil with ox and donkey[*a]; he who has never sinned with his tongue; he who does not serve a man less worthy than himself;

25:9 happy the man who has acquired good sense and can find attentive ears for what he has to say;

25:10 how great the man is who has acquired wisdom; but no one excels the man who fears the Lord.

25:11 The fear of the Lord surpasses everything; what can compare with a man who has mastered that?



25:13 Any wound rather than a wound of the heart! Any spite rather than the spite of woman!

25:14 Any evil rather than an evil caused by an enemy! Any vengeance rather than the vengeance of a foe!

25:15 There is no poison worse than the poison of a snake, there is no fury worse than the fury of an enemy.

25:16 I would sooner keep house with a lion or a dragon than keep house with a spiteful wife.

25:17 A woman's spite changes her appearance and makes her face as grim as any bear's.

25:18 When her husband goes out to dinner with his neighbours, he cannot help heaving bitter sighs.

25:19 No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman, may a sinner's lot be hers!

25:20 As climbing up a sandhill is for elderly feet such is a garrulous wife for a quiet husband.

25:21 Do not be taken in by a woman's beauty, never lose your head over a woman.

25:22 Bad temper, insolence and shame hold sway where the wife supports the husband.

25:23 Low spirits, gloomy face, stricken heart: such the achievements of a spiteful wife. Slack hands and sagging knees indicate a wife who makes her husband wretched.

25:24 Sin began with a woman, and thanks to her we all must die.

25:25 Do not let water find a leak, do not allow a spiteful woman free rein for her tongue.

25:26 If she will not do as you tell her, get rid of her[*b].

JB SIRACH Chapter 26


26:1 Happy the husband of a really good wife; the number of his days will be doubled.

26:2 A perfect wife is the joy of her husband, he will live out the years of his life in peace.

26:3 A good wife is the best of portions, reserved for those who fear the Lord; rich or poor,

26:4 they will be glad of heart, cheerful of face, whatever the season.

26:5 There are three things my heart dreads, and a fourth which terrifies me: slander by a whole town, the gathering of a mob, and a false accusation-these are all worse than death;

26:6 but a woman jealous of a woman means heartbreak and sorrow, and all this is the scourge of the tongue.

26:7 A bad wife is a badly fitting ox yoke, trying to master her is like grasping a scorpion.

26:8 A drunken wife will goad anyone to fury, she makes no effort to hide her degradation.

26:9 A woman's wantonness shows in her bold look, and can be recognised by her sidelong glances.

26:10 Keep a headstrong daughter under firm control, or she will abuse any indulgence she receives.

26:11 Keep a strict watch on her shameless eye, do not be surprised if she disgraces you.

26:12 Like a thirsty traveller she will open her mouth and drink any water she comes across; she will sit in front of every peg, and open her quiver to any arrow.

26:13 The grace of a wife will charm her husband, her accomplishments will make him the stronger.

26:14 A silent wife is a gift from the Lord, no price can be put on a well-trained character.

26:15 A modest wife is a boon twice over, a chaste character cannot be weighed on scales.

26:16 Like the sun rising over the mountains of the Lord is the beauty of a good wife in a well-kept house.

26:17 Like the lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand is a beautiful face on a well-proportioned body.

26:18 Like golden pillars on a silver base are shapely legs on firm-set heels.


Depressing things

26:28 There are two things which grieve my heart and a third arouses my anger: a warrior wasting away through poverty, intelligent men treated with contempt, a man turning back from virtue to sin-the Lord marks this man out for a violent death.



26:29 It is difficult for a merchant to avoid doing wrong and for a salesman not to incur sin.

JB SIRACH Chapter 27


27:1 Many have sinned for the sake of profit, he who hopes to be rich must be ruthless.

27:2 A peg will stick in the joint between two stones, and sin will wedge itself between selling and buying.

27:3 If a man does not hold earnestly to the fear of the Lord, his House will soon be overthrown.



27:4 In a shaken sieve the rubbish is left behind, so too the defects of a man appear in his talk.

27:5 The kiln tests the work of the potter, the test of a man is in his conversation.

27:6 The orchard where the tree grows is judged on the quality of its fruit, similarly a man's words betray what he feels.

27:7 Do not praise a man before he has spoken, since this is the test of men.



27:8 If you pursue justice you will achieve it and put it on like a festal gown.

27:9 Birds consort with their kind, justice comes home to those who practise it.

27:10 The lion lies in wait for its prey, so does sin for those who do wrong.

27:11 The devout man's conversation is wisdom at all times, but the fool is as changeable as the moon.

27:12 Among stupid people look for your opportunity to leave, but among thoughtful men take your time.

27:13 The conversation of fools is disgusting, raucous their laughter at their sinful orgies.

27:14 The talk of hard-swearing men makes your hair stand on end, their brawls make you stop your ears.

27:15 A quarrel between proud men leads to bloodshed, their abuse is painful to hear.



27:16 A betrayer of secrets forfeits all esteem and will never find the kind of friend he wants.

27:17 Be fond of a friend and keep faith with him, but if you have betrayed his secrets, do not pursue him any more;

27:18 for as a man destroys his enemy, so you have destroyed the friendship of your neighbour,

27:19 and as you let a bird slip through your fingers, so you have let your friend go, and will not catch him

27:20 Do not go after him - he is far away, he has fled like a gazelle from the snare.

27:21 For a wound can be bandaged and abuse forgiven, but for the man who has betrayed a secret there is no hope.



27:22 The man with a sly wink is plotting mischief, no one can dissuade him from it.

27:23 Honey-tongued to your face, he is lost in admiration at your words; but behind your back he has other things to say, and makes your own words sound offensive.

27:24 I have found many things to hate, but nothing to equal this man, and the Lord hates him too.

27:25 The man who throws a stone in the air, throws it on to his own head; a treacherous blow cuts both ways.

27:26 The man who digs a pit falls into it, he who sets a snare will be caught by it.

27:27 On the man who does evil, evil will recoil, though where it came from he will not know.

27:28 Sarcasm and abuse are the mark of an arrogant man, but vengeance lies in wait like a lion for him.

27:29 The trap will close on all who rejoice in the downfall of the devout, and pain will eat them up before they die.



27:30 Resentment and anger, these are foul things too, and both are found with the sinner.

JB SIRACH Chapter 28


28:1 He who exacts vengeance will experience the vengeance of the Lord, who keeps strict account of sin.

28:2 Forgive your neighbour the hurt he does you, and when you pray, your sins will be forgiven.

28:3 If a man nurses anger against another, can he then demand compassion from the Lord?

28:4 Showing no pity for a man like himself, can he then plead for his own sins?

28:5 Mere creature of flesh, he cherishes resentment; who will forgive him his sins?

28:6 Remember the last things, and stop hating, remember dissolution and death, and live by the commandments.

28:7 Remember the commandments, and do not bear your neighbour ill-will; remember the covenant of the Most High, and overlook the offence.



28:8 Avoid quarrelling and you will sin less; for a hot-tempered man provokes quarrels,

28:9 a sinner sows trouble between friends, introducing discord among men at peace.

28:10 The way a fire burns depends on its fuel, a quarrel spreads in proportion to its violence; a man's rage depends on his strength, his fury grows fiercer in proportion to his wealth.

28:11 A sudden quarrel kindles fire, a hasty dispute leads to bloodshed.

28:12 Blow on a spark and up it flares, spit on it and out it goes; both are the effects of your mouth.


The tongue

28:13 A curse on the scandal-monger and the deceitful, he has ruined many who lived in concord.

28:14 That third tongue has shaken many,[*a] and driven them from nation to nation; it has pulled down fortified cities, and overturned the houses of princes.

28:15 The third tongue has driven virtuous wives out of house and home, and deprived them of the due reward for their hard work.

28:16 Anyone who listens to it will never know peace of mind, will never live in peace again.

28:17 A stroke of the whip raises a weal, but a stroke of the tongue breaks bones.

28:18 Many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but many more have fallen by the tongue.

28:19 Happy the man who has been sheltered from it, and has not experienced its fury, who has not dragged its yoke about, or been bound in its chains;

28:20 for its yoke is an iron yoke, its chains are bronze chains;

28:21 the death it inflicts is a miserable death, Sheol is preferable to it.

28:22 It cannot gain a hold over the devout, they are not burnt by its flames.

28:23 Those who desert the Lord will fall into it, it will flare up inextinguishably among them, it will be let loose against them like a lion, it will tear them like a leopard.

28:24 Look, fence your property round with a quickthorn hedge, lock away your silver and gold;

28:25 then make scales and weights for your words, then make and put a door with bolts across your mouth.

28:26 Take care you take no false step through it, in case you fall a prey to him who lies in wait.

JB SIRACH Chapter 29



29:1 Making your neighbour a loan is an act of mercy, to lend him a helping hand is to keep the commandments.

29:2 Lend to your neighbour in his time of need, and in your turn repay your neighbour on time.

29:3 Be as good as your word and keep faith with him, and you will find your needs met every time.

29:4 Many treat a loan as a windfall, and embarrass those who have come to their rescue.

29:5 Until he gets something, a man will kiss his neighbour's hand, and refer to his wealth in respectful tones; but when the loan falls due, he puts this off, he repays with offhand words, and pleads the inconvenience of the time.

29:6 Even if he can be made to pay, his creditor will barely recover half, and consider even that a windfall. But otherwise he will be cheated of his money, and undeservedly gain himself an enemy; the man will pay him back in curses and recriminations, and instead of respect will have contempt for him.

29:7 Many, not out of malice, refuse to lend; they are merely anxious not to be cheated for nothing.



29:8 Nevertheless, be patient with those who are badly-off, do not keep them waiting on your generosity.

29:9 For the commandment's sake go to the poor man's help, do not turn him away empty-handed in his need.

29:10 Better let your silver go on brother or friend, do not let it go to waste, rusting under a stone.

29:11 Invest your treasure as the Most High orders, and you will find it more profitable than gold.

29:12 Deposit generosity in your storerooms and it will release you from every misfortune.

29:13 Better than sturdy shield or weighty spear, it will fight for you against the enemy.



29:14 A good man will go surety for his neighbour; a man has lost all shame if he fails him.

29:15 Do not forget the favour your guarantor has done you; he has given his life for you.

29:16 A sinner is careless of his guarantor's prosperity, an ungrateful man forgets the one who saved him.

29:17 Going surety has ruined many prosperous men and rocked them like a wave of the sea.

29:18 It has driven powerful men from home to wander among foreign nations.

29:19 The sinner who involves himself with guarantees, in pursuit of a deal, will find himself involved in lawsuits.

29:20 Come to your neighbour's help as far as you can, but take care not to fall into the same plight.


Home and hospitality

29:21 The first thing in life is water, and bread, and clothing, and a house for the sake of privacy.

29:22 Better a poor man's life under a roof of planks, than lavish fare in the house of another.

29:23 Whether you have little or much, be content with it, and you will not be dubbed an intruder.

29:24 It is a miserable life, going from house to house; wherever you stay, not daring to open your mouth;

29:25 you are a stranger, you know the taste of humiliation, not to mention the sound of embittering words,

29:26 'Come along, stranger, lay the table, if you have anything with you, give it to me to eat'.

29:27 'Go away, stranger, make room for someone important; my brother is coming to stay, I need the house.'

29:28 It is hard for a cultured man to hear himself begrudged hospitality and treated like an undischarged debtor.

JB SIRACH Chapter 30


Bringing up children

30:1 A man who loves his son will beat him frequently so that in after years the son may be his comfort.

30:2 A man who is strict with his son will reap the benefit, and be able to boast of him to his acquaintances.

30:3 A man who educates his son will be the envy of his enemy, and will be proud of him among his friends.

30:4 Even when the father dies, he might well not be dead, since he leaves his likeness behind him.

30:5 In life he has had the joy of his company, dying, he has no anxieties.

30:6 He leaves an avenger against his enemies, and a rewarder of favours for his friends.

30:7 A man who coddles his son will bandage his wounds, his heart will turn over at every shout.

30:8 A horse badly broken-in turns out stubborn, an uncontrolled son turns out headstrong.

30:9 Pamper your child, and he will give you a fright, play with him, and he will bring you sorrow.

30:10 Do not share his laughter, if you do not wish to share his sorrow and to end by grinding your teeth.

30:11 Allow him no independence in childhood, and do not wink at his mistakes.

30:12 Bend his neck in youth, bruise his ribs while he is a child, or else he will grow stubborn and disobedient, and hurt you very deeply.

30:13 Be strict with your son, and persevere with him, or you will rue his insolence.



30:14 Better a poor man healthy and fit than a rich man tormented in body.

30:15 Health and strength are better than any gold, a robust body than untold wealth.

30:16 No riches can outweigh bodily health, no enjoyment surpass a cheerful heart.

30:17 Better death than a wretched life, and everlasting rest than chronic illness.

30:18 Good things lavished on a closed mouth are like food offerings put on a grave.

30:19 What use is an offering to an idol which can neither eat nor smell? How describe a man pursued by the Lord's displeasure?[*a]

30:20 He looks and sighs as a eunuch embracing a virgin sighs.



30:21 Do not abandon yourself to sorrow, do not torment yourself with brooding.

30:22 Gladness of heart is life to a man, joy is what gives him length of days.

30:23 Beguile your cares, console your heart, chase sorrow far away; for sorrow has been the ruin of many, and is no use to anybody.

30:24 Jealousy and anger shorten your days, and worry brings premature old age.

30:25 A genial heart makes a good trencherman, one who benefits from his food.

JB SIRACH Chapter 31



31:1 The sleeplessness brought by wealth makes a man lose weight, the worry it causes drives away sleep.

31:2 The worries of the daytime interfere with slumber, as a serious illness drives away sleep.

31:3 The rich man toils, piling up money, and when he leaves off, he stuffs himself with luxuries;

31:4 the poor man toils, his livelihood dwindling, and when he leaves off, is destitute.

31:5 The man who loves gold will not be reckoned virtuous, the man who chases after profit will be caught out by it.

31:6 Many have gone to their ruin for the sake of gold, though their destruction stared them in the face;

31:7 it is a snare for those who sacrifice to it, and every fool will be caught in it.

31:8 Happy the rich man who is found to be blameless and does not go chasing after gold.

31:9 Who is he, for us to congratulate him, since he has achieved wonders among his kind?

31:10 Who has been through this test and emerged perfect? He may well be proud of that! Who has had the power to sin and has not sinned, to wrong another and not done it?

31:11 His fortune will be firmly based and the assembly will acclaim his generosity.


Dinner parties

31:12 Have you sat down at a lavish table? Do not gape at it, do not say, 'What a feast!'

31:13 Remember how bad it is to have a greedy eye; is anything in creation greedier than the eye? That is why it waters on every occasion.

31:14 Do not reach out for anything your host has his eye on, do not jostle him at the dish.

31:15 Judge your fellow guest's needs by your own, be thoughtful in every way.

31:16 Eat what is offered you like a well brought-up person, do not wolf your food or you will earn dislike.

31:17 For politeness' sake be the first to stop; do not act the glutton, or you will give offence,

31:18 and if you are sitting with a large party, do not help yourself before the others do.

31:19 A little is quite enough for a well-bred person; his breathing is easy when he gets to bed.

31:20 A moderate diet ensures sound sleep, a man gets up early, in the best of spirits. Sleeplessness, biliousness and gripe are what the glutton has to endure.

31:21 If you are forced to eat too much, get up, go and be sick, and you will feel better.

31:22 Listen to me my son, do not disregard me, eventually you will see the force of my words. Be moderate in all your activities and illness will never overtake you.

31:23 People praise the man who keeps a splendid table, and their opinion of his munificence is sound;

31:24 similarly, the man who keeps a mean table will be notorious throughout the town, and their opinion of his meanness is not doubtful either.



31:25 Do not play the valiant at your wine, for wine has been the undoing of many.

31:26 The furnace proves the temper of steel, and wine proves hearts in the drinking bouts of braggarts.

31:27 Wine is life for man if drunk in moderation. What is life worth without wine? It was created to make men happy.

31:28 Drunk at the right time and in the right amount, wine makes for a glad heart and a cheerful mind.

31:29 Bitterness of soul comes of wine drunk to excess out of temper or bravado.

31:30 Drunkenness excites the stupid man to a fury to his own harm, it reduces his strength while leading to blows.

31:31 Do not rebuke your neighbour at a wine feast, do not slight him when he is enjoying himself, do not speak reproachfully to him, or annoy him by reclaiming money owing.

JB SIRACH Chapter 32



32:1 Have they made you president?[*a] Do not let it go to your head,  behave like everyone else in the party, see that they are happy and then sit down yourself.

32:2 Having discharged your duties, take your place and enjoy yourself with the others, and receive the crown for your competence.

32:3 Speak, old men, it is proper that you should; but know what you are talking about, and do not interrupt the music.

32:4 If entertainment is provided, do not keep up a running commentary, and do not play the sage at the wrong moment.

32:5 A carbuncle seal on a precious stone, such is a concert of music at a wine feast.

32:6 An emerald seal in a golden setting, such are strains of music with a vintage wine.

32:7 Speak, young men, if you have to; but twice at most, and then only if questioned.

32:8 Keep to the point, say much in few words; give the impression of knowing but not wanting to speak.

32:9 Among eminent men do not behave as though you were their equal; do not make frivolous remarks when someone else is speaking.

32:10 Lightning comes before the thunder, favour goes ahead of a modest man.

32:11 Rise in good time to take your leave, do not bring up the rear; hurry home without loitering.

32:12 There amuse yourself, and do what you have a mind to, but do not sin by arrogant talk.

32:13 And for all this bless him who made you and plies you with his good things.


The fear of God

32:14 The man who fears the Lord will accept his correction; those who eagerly look for him will win his favour.

32:15 The man who seeks the Law will be nourished by it, the hypocrite will find it a stumbling-block.

32:16 Those who fear the Lord will have justice done them, and make their good deeds shine like a light.

32:17 The sinner waves reproof aside, he finds excuses to do what he wants.

32:18 A sensible man never scorns a suggestion; a proud and godless man will be immune to fear.

32:19 Never act without reflection, and you will have nothing to regret when you have done it.

32:20 Do not venture on a rough road, for fear of stumbling over the stones.

32:21 Do not be over confident on an even road,

32:22 and beware of your own children.

32:23 Watch yourself in everything you do, this is what keeping the commandments means.

32:24 The man who trusts in the Law pays attention to the commandments, the man who has confidence in the Lord will come to no harm.

JB SIRACH Chapter 33


33:1 If a man fears the Lord, evil will not come his way, again and again he will be rescued in his trials.

33:2 The man who hates the Law is not wise, if hypocritical in observance, he is like a ship in a storm.

33:3 A man of understanding will put his faith in the Law, for him the Law is as dependable as an oracle.

33:4 Prepare what you have to say and you will get a hearing, marshal your information before you answer.

33:5 The feelings of a fool are like a cart-wheel, his thought revolves like a turning axle.

33:6 A rutting stallion is like a sarcastic friend; he neighs, whoever rides him.



33:7 Why is one day better than another, when each day's light throughout the year comes from the sun?

33:8 They have been differentiated in the mind of the Lord, who has diversified the seasons and feasts;

33:9 some he has made more important and hallowed, others he has made ordinary days.

33:10 All men come from the ground, Adam himself was formed out of earth;

33:11 in the fulness of his wisdom the Lord has made distinctions between them, and diversified their conditions.

33:12 Some he has blessed and made more important, some he has hallowed and set near him; others he has cursed and humiliated by degrading them from their positions.

33:13 Like clay in the hands of the potter to mould as it pleases him, so are men in the hands of their Maker to reward as he judges right.

33:14 Opposite evil stands good, opposite death, life; so too, opposite the devout man stands the sinner.

33:15 This is the way to view all the works of the Most High; they go, in pairs, by opposites.

33:16 I myself have been the last to keep watch, like a gleaner following the vintagers.

33:17 By the blessing of the Lord I have come in first, and, like a vintager, filled the winepress.

33:18 Observe that I have not toiled for myself only, but for all who seek instruction.

33:19 Listen to me, you princes of the people, leaders of the assembly, lend ear.



33:20 Neither to son nor wife, brother nor friend, give power over yourself during your own lifetime. And do not give your property to anyone else, in case you regret it and have to ask for it back.

33:21 As long as you live and there is breath in your body, do not yield power over yourself to anyone;

33:22 since it is better for your children to be your suppliants, than for you to have to look to the generosity of your sons.

33:23 In all you do be the master, and do not spoil the honour that is rightly yours.

33:24 The day your life draws to a close, when death is approaching, is the time to distribute your inheritance.



33:25 Fodder, the stick and burdens for a donkey, bread, discipline and work for a slave.

33:26 Work your servant hard, and you will know peace of mind; leave his hands idle, and he will start thinking of his freedom.

33:27 Yoke and harness will bow the neck, for a criminal slave there is the rack and torture.

33:28 Keep him occupied, or he will idle; idleness teaches all sorts of mischief.

33:29 Keep him at his duties, where he should be, if he is disobedient, clap him in irons.

33:30 But do not be over-exacting with anyone, and do nothing contrary to justice.

33:31 You have only one slave? Treat him like yourself, since you have acquired him with blood.

33:32 You have only one slave? Treat him as a brother, since you need him as you need yourself.

33:33 If you ill-treat him and he runs away, which way will you go to look for him?

JB SIRACH Chapter 34



34:1 Vain and deceptive hopes are for the foolish, and dreams put fools in a flutter.

34:2 As well clutch at shadows and chase the wind as put any faith in dreams.

34:3 Mirror and dream are similar things: confronting a face, the reflection of that face.

34:4 What can be cleansed by uncleanness, what can be verified by falsehood?

34:5 Divinations, auguries and dreams are nonsense, like the delirious fancies of a pregnant woman.

34:6 Unless sent as emissaries from the Most High, do not give them a thought;

34:7 for dreams have led many astray, and those building their hopes on them have been disappointed.

34:8 Fulfilling the Law requires no such falsehood, and wisdom is most perfectly expressed by truthful lips.



34:9 A much travelled man knows many things, and a man of great experience will talk sound sense.

34:10 Someone who has never had his trials knows little; but the travelled man is master of every situation.

34:11 I have seen many things on my travels, I have understood more than I can put into words.

34:12 I have often been in danger of death, but I have been spared, and this is why:

34:13 the spirit of those who fear the Lord can survive, for their hope is in someone with power to save them.

34:14 The man who fears the Lord will not be faint-hearted, will not be daunted since the Lord is his hope.

34:15 Happy the soul of the man who fears the Lord. On whom does he rely? Who supports him?

34:16 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who love him, he is their powerful protection and their strong support, their screen from the desert wind, their shelter from the midday sun, a guard against stumbling, an assurance against a fall.

34:17 He revives the spirit and brightens the eyes, he gives healing, life and blessing.



34:18 The sacrifice of an offering unjustly acquired is a mockery; the gifts of impious men are unacceptable.

34:19 The Most High takes no pleasure in offerings from the godless, multiplying sacrifices will not gain his pardon for sin.

34:20 Offering sacrifice from the property of the poor is as bad as slaughtering a son before his father's very eyes.

34:21 A meagre diet is the very life of the poor, he who withholds it is a man of blood.

34:22 A man murders his neighbour if he robs him of his livelihood, sheds blood if he withholds an employee's wages.

34:23 If one man builds while another pulls down, what else do they gain but trouble?

34:24 If one man prays and another calls down a curse, whose voice will the master listen to?

34:25 If a man washes after touching a corpse, and then touches it again, what is the good of his washing?

34:26 Just so with a man who fasts for his sins, and then goes off and commits them again. Who will listen to his prayers? What is the good of his self-abasement?

JB SIRACH Chapter 35


The Law and sacrifices

35:1 A man multiplies offerings by keeping the Law; he offers communion sacrifices by following the commandments.

35:2 By showing gratitude he makes an offering of fine flour, by giving alms he offers a sacrifice of praise.

35:3 Withdraw from wickedness and the Lord will be pleased, withdraw from injustice and you make atonement.

35:4 Do not appear empty-handed in the Lord's presence; for all these things are due under the commandment.

35:5 A virtuous man's offering graces the altar, and its savour rises before the Most High.

35:6 A virtuous man's sacrifice is acceptable, its memorial will not be forgotten.

35:7 Honour the Lord with generosity, do not stint the first-fruits you bring.

35:8 Add a smiling face to all your gifts, and be cheerful as you dedicate your tithes.

35:9 Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously as your means can afford;

35:10 for the Lord is a good rewarder, he will reward you seven times over.


The justice of God

35:11 Offer him no bribe, he will not accept it, do not put your faith in an unvirtuous sacrifice;

35:12 since the Lord is a judge who is no respecter of personages.

35:13 He shows no respect of personages to the detriment of a poor man, he listens to the plea of the injured party.

35:14 He does not ignore the orphan's supplication, nor the widow's as she pours out her story.

35:15 Do the widow's tears not run down her cheeks, as she cries out against the man who caused them?

35:16 The man who with his whole heart serves God will be accepted, his petitions will carry to the clouds.

35:17 The humble man's prayer pierces the clouds, until it arrives he is inconsolable,

35:18 nor will he desist until the Most High takes notice of him, acquits the virtuous and delivers judgement.

35:19 And the Lord will not be slow, nor will he be dilatory on their behalf,

35:20 until he has crushed the loins of the merciless and exacted vengeance on the nations,

35:21 until he has eliminated the hordes of the arrogant and broken the sceptres of the wicked,

35:22 until he has repaid each as his deeds deserve and human actions as their intentions merit,

35:23 until he has judged the case of his people and made them rejoice in his mercy.

35:24 Mercy is welcome in time of trouble, like rain clouds in time of drought.

JB SIRACH Chapter 36


Prayer for the deliverance and restoration of Israel

36:1 Have mercy on us, Master, Lord of all, and look on us, cast the fear of yourself over every nation.

36:2 Raise your hand against the foreign nations and let them see your might.

36:3 As in their sight you have proved yourself holy before us, so now in our sight prove yourself great before them.

36:4 Let them acknowledge you, just as we have acknowledged that there is no God but you, Lord.

36:5 Send new portents, do fresh wonders, win glory for your hand and your right arm.

36:6 Rouse your fury, pour out your rage, destroy the opponent, annihilate the enemy.

36:7 Hasten the day, remember the oath, and let men tell of your mighty deeds.

36:8 Let fiery wrath swallow up the survivor, and destruction overtake those who use your people badly.

36:9 Crush the heads of hostile rulers who say, 'There is nobody else but us!'

36:10 Gather together all the tribes of Jacob, restore them their inheritance as in the beginning.[*a]

36:11 Have mercy, Lord, on the people who have invoked your name, on Israel whom you have treated as a first-born.

36:12 Show compassion on your holy city, on Jerusalem the place of your rest.

36:13 Fill Zion with songs of your praise, and your sanctuary with your glory.

36:14 Bear witness to those you created in the beginning, and bring about what has been prophesied in your name.

36:15 Give those who wait for you their reward, and let your prophets be proved worthy of belief.

36:16 Grant, Lord, the prayer of your servants, in accordance with Aaron's blessing on your people,

36:17 so that all the earth's inhabitants may acknowledge that you are the Lord, the everlasting God.



36:18 The stomach takes in all kinds of food but some foods are better than others.

36:19 As the palate discerns the flavour of game, so a shrewd man detects lying words.

36:20 A perverse heart causes sorrow, an experienced man knows how to pay him back.



36:21 A woman will accept any husband, but some daughters are better than others.

36:22 A woman's beauty delights the beholder, a man likes nothing better.

36:23 If her tongue is kind and gentle, her husband has no equal among the sons of men.

36:24 The man who takes a wife has the makings of a fortune, a helper that suits him, and a pillar to lean on.

36:25 If a property has no fence, it will be plundered. When a man has no wife, he is aimless and querulous.

36:26 Will anyone trust a man carrying weapons who flits from town to town?

36:27 So it is with the man who has no nest, and lodges wherever night overtakes him.

JB SIRACH Chapter 37


False friends

37:1 Any friend will say, 'I am your friend too', but some friends are only friends in name.

37:2 Is it not a deadly sorrow, when a comrade or a friend turns enemy?

37:3 O evil inclination, why were you created, to cover the earth with deceit?

37:4 One sort of comrade takes advantage of his friend's good fortune, but in time of trouble turns against him.

37:5 Another sort of comrade shares his friend's hardships out of concern, when it comes to a fight, he springs to arms.

37:6 Do not forget the friend who fought your battles, do not put him out of mind once you are rich.



37:7 Any adviser will offer advice, but some are governed by self-interest.

37:8 Beware of a man who offers advice, first find out what he wants himself-since his advice coincides with his own interest-in case he has designs on you

37:9 and tells you, 'You are on the right road', but stands well clear to see what will happen to you.

37:10 Do not consult a man who looks at you askance, conceal your plans from people jealous of you.

37:11 Do not consult a woman about her rival, or a coward about war, a merchant about prices, or a buyer about selling, a mean man about gratitude, or a selfish man about kindness, a lazy fellow about any sort of work, or a casual worker about finishing a job, an idle servant about a major undertaking-do not rely on these for any advice.

37:12 But constantly have recourse to a devout man, whom you know to be a keeper of the commandments, whose soul matches your own, and who, if you go wrong, will be sympathetic.

37:13 Finally, stick to the advice your own heart gives you, no one can be truer to you than that;

37:14 since a man's soul often forewarns him better than seven watchmen perched on a watchtower.

37:15 And besides all this beg the Most High to guide your steps in the truth.


True and false wisdom

37:16 Reason must be the beginning of every activity, reflection must come before any undertaking.

37:17 Thoughts are rooted in the heart, and this sends out four branches:

37:18 good and evil, life and death, and always mistress of them all is the tongue.

37:19 Think of a clever man who teaches many people, but does no good at all to himself.

37:20 Think of a man, a ready enough speaker, yet he is detested and will end up by starving,

37:21 not having won the favour of the Lord, and being destitute of all wisdom.

37:22 Think of a man who is wise in his own eyes, and the fruits of his understanding are, if you take his word for it, certain.

37:23 The truly wise will instruct his own people, the fruits of his understanding are certain.

37:24 This wise man will be filled with blessing, and those who see him will call him happy.

37:25 A man's life lasts a number of days, but the days of Israel are beyond counting.

37:26 The wise man will earn confidence among his people, his name will live for ever.



37:27 My son, in the course of your life test your constitution, and do not allow it what you see is harmful to it;

37:28 for everything does not suit everybody, nor does everybody take pleasure in everything.

37:29 Do not be insatiable over any delicacy, do not be greedy over food,

37:30 for overeating leads to sickness, and gluttony brings on biliousness.

37:31 Many have died of gluttony; beware of this and you will prolong your life.

JB SIRACH Chapter 38


Medicine and illness

38:1 Honour the doctor with the honour that is his due in return for his services; for he too has been created by the Lord.

38:2 Healing itself comes from the Most High, like a gift from a king.

38:3 The doctor's learning keeps his head high, he is regarded with awe by potentates.

38:4 The Lord has brought medicines into existence from the earth, and the sensible man will not despise them.

38:5 Did not a piece of wood once sweeten the water, thus giving proof of its virtue?[*a]

38:6 He has also given men learning so that they may glory in his mighty works.

38:7 He uses them[*b] to heal and to relieve pain, the chemist makes up a mixture from them.

38:8 Thus there is no end to his activities, and through him health extends across the world.

38:9 My son, when you are ill, do not be depressed, but pray to the Lord and he will heal you.

38:10 Renounce your faults, keep your hands unsoiled, and cleanse your heart from all sin.

38:11 Offer incense and a memorial of fine flour, and make as rich an offering as you can afford.

38:12 Then let the doctor take over-the Lord created him too-and do not let him leave you, for you need him.

38:13 Sometimes success is in their hands,

38:14 since they in turn will beseech the Lord to grant them the grace to relieve and to heal, that life may be saved.

38:15 If a man sins in the eyes of his Maker, may he fall under the care of the doctor.



38:16 My son, shed tears over a dead man, and intone the lament to show your own deep grief; bury his body with due ceremonial, and do not neglect to honour his grave.

38:17 Weep bitterly, wail most fervently; observe the mourning the dead man deserves, one day, or two, to avoid comment, and then be comforted in your sorrow;

38:18 for grief can lead to death, a grief-stricken heart undermines your strength.

38:19 Let grief end with the funeral; a life of grief oppresses the mind.

38:20 Do not abandon your heart to grief, drive it away, bear your own end in mind.

38:21 Do not forget, there is no going back; you cannot help the dead, and you will harm yourself.

38:22 'Remember my doom, since it will be yours too; yesterday was my day, today is yours.'

38:23 Once the dead man is laid to rest, let his memory rest too, do not fret for him, once his spirit departs.


Trades and crafts

38:24 Leisure is what gives the scribe the opportunity to acquire wisdom; the man with few business affairs grows wise.

38:25 How can the ploughman become wise, whose sole ambition is to wield the goad; driving his oxen, engrossed in their work, his conversation is of nothing but cattle?

38:26 His mind is fixed on the furrows he traces, and his evenings pass in fattening his heifers.

38:27 So it is with every workman and craftsman, toiling day and night; those who engrave seals, always trying to think of new designs: they set their heart on producing a good likeness, and stay up perfecting the work.

38:28 So it is with the blacksmith sitting by his anvil; he considers what to do with the pig-iron, the breath of the fire scorches his skin, as he contends with the heat of the furnace; he batters his ear with the din of the hammer, his eyes are fixed on the pattern; he sets his heart on completing his work, and stays up putting the finishing touches.

38:29 So it is with the potter, sitting at his work, turning the wheel with his feet; constantly on the alert over his work, each flick of the finger premeditated;

38:30 he pummels the clay with his arm, and puddles it with his feet; he sets his heart on perfecting the glaze, and stays up cleaning the kiln.

38:31 All these put their trust in their hands, and each is skilled at his own craft.

38:32 A town could not be built without them, there would be no settling, no travelling.

38:33 But they are not required at the council, they do not hold high rank in the assembly. They do not sit on the judicial bench, and have no grasp of the law.

38:34 They are not remarkable for culture or sound judgement, and are not found among the inventors of maxims. But they give solidity to the created world, while their prayer is concerned with what pertains to their trade.

JB SIRACH Chapter 39


The scholar

39:1 It is otherwise with the man who devotes his soul to reflecting on the Law of the Most High. He researches into the wisdom of all the Ancients, he occupies his time with the prophecies.

39:2 He preserves the discourses of famous men, he is at home with the niceties of parables.

39:3 He researches into the hidden sense of proverbs, he ponders the obscurities of parables.

39:4 He enters the service of princes, he is seen in the presence of rulers. He travels in foreign countries, he has experienced human good and human evil.

39:5 At dawn and with all his heart he resorts to the Lord who made him; he pleads in the presence of the Most High, he opens his mouth in prayer and makes entreaty for his sins.

39:6 If it is the will of the great Lord, he will be filled with the spirit of understanding, he will shower forth words of wisdom, and in prayer give thanks to the Lord.

39:7 He will grow upright in purpose and learning, he will ponder the Lord's hidden mysteries.

39:8 He will display the instruction he has received, taking his pride in the Law of the Lord's covenant.

39:9 Many will praise his understanding, and it will never be forgotten. His memory will not disappear, generation after generation his name will live.

39:10 Nations will proclaim his wisdom, the assembly will celebrate his praises.

39:11 If he lives long, his name will be more glorious than a thousand others, and if he dies, that will satisfy him just as well.


Invitation to praise God

39:12 I wish to develop my reflections further, they fill me as full as the moon at the full.

39:13 Listen to me, devout children, and blossom like the rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse.

39:14 Give off a sweet smell like incense, flower like the lily, spread your fragrance abroad, sing a song of praise blessing the Lord for all his works.

39:15 Declare the greatness of his name, proclaim his praise with song and with lyre, and this is how you must sing his praises:

39:16 how wonderful they are, all the works of the Lord! All that he orders is promptly carried out. You must not say, 'What is this? Why is that?' All will be studied in due time.

39:17 At his word water stops running and piles up, waters are stored at a word from his mouth.

39:18 At his bidding, all his pleasure is accomplished, no one can diminish his power to save.

39:19 The actions of every creature are before him, there is no hiding from his eyes;

39:20 his gaze stretches from eternity to eternity, and nothing can astonish him.

39:21 You must not say, 'What is this? Why is that?' All things have been created for their proper functions.

39:22 As his blessing covers the dry land like a river and soaks it like a flood,

39:23 so wrath is his legacy to the nations, just as he has turned fresh waters to salt.

39:24 His ways are as smooth for devout men, as they are full of obstacles for the wicked.

39:25 Good things were created from the beginning for good men, as evils were for sinners.

39:26 The prime needs of mankind for living are water and fire, iron and salt, wheat-flour, milk and honey, the juice of the grape, oil and clothing.

39:27 All these things are good for people who are good, just as they turn into bad for sinners.

39:28 Some winds were created to punish; he has made them the scourge of his anger; on the day of doom they unleash their force, and appease the anger of him who made them.

39:29 Fire and hail, famine and death, all these were created to punish.

39:30 The teeth of savage animals, scorpions, adders, and the avenging sword to destroy the godless,

39:31 all these exult in obeying his orders, they are ready on earth when he requires, and when the time comes they will not disobey his order.

39:32 That is why I was determined from the outset, I have pondered and I have written it down,

39:33 'All the works of the Lord are good, and he will supply every want in due time.

39:34 You must not say, "This is worse than that", for everything will prove its value in its time.

39:35 So now, sing with all your heart and voice, and bless the name of the Lord!'

JB SIRACH Chapter 40


The wretchedness of man

40:1 Much hardship has been made for every man, a heavy yoke lies on the sons of Adam from the day they come out of their mother's womb, till the day they return to the mother of them all.

40:2 What fills them with brooding and their hearts with fear is dread of the day of death.

40:3 From the man who sits on a glorious throne to the wretch on dust and ashes,

40:4 from the man who wears purple and a crown to the man clothed in sacking, all is fury and jealousy, turmoil and unrest, fear of death, rivalry, strife.

40:5 And even at night while he rests on his bed his sleep only gives a new twist to his worries:

40:6 scarcely has he lain down to rest, than in his sleep, as if in broad daylight, he is shaken by terrible sights like a man running away from a battle.

40:7 At the moment of rescue he awakens, astonished that his fear was imaginary.

40:8 For all creatures, from men to animals-and seven times more for sinners-

40:9 there is death and blood and strife and the sword, disasters, famine, affliction, plague.

40:10 All these were created for the godless, through them came the Flood.

40:11 All that comes from the earth returns to the earth, what comes from the water returns to the sea.


Various maxims

40:12 All bribery and injustice will be blotted out, but good faith will stand for ever.

40:13 The wealth of wrong-doers will dry up like a torrent, will crash like a clap of thunder in a downpour.

40:14 When he opens his hands he rejoices, by the same token defaulters will come to utter ruin.

40:15 The offshoots of the godless will not have many branches, unclean roots only find hard rock.

40:16 The reeds by every lake and river's edge will be pulled up before any other grass.

40:17 Graciousness is like a paradise of blessing, and generosity stands firm for ever.



40:18 For the man of private means and the man who works hard, life is pleasant, better off than either, he who finds a treasure.

40:19 Children and the building of a city make a man's reputation; better than either, the discovery of wisdom. Cattle and vineyards make you well known; better valued than either, a perfect wife.

40:20 Wine and music cheer the heart; better than either, the love of wisdom.

40:21 Flute and harp add sweetness to a song; better than either, a sweet voice.

40:22 The eye longs for grace and beauty; better than either, the green of spring corn.

40:23 Friend or comrade - it is always well met; better than either, a wife and husband.

40:24 Brothers and allies are good in times of trouble; better than either, generosity to the rescue.

40:25 Gold and silver will steady your feet; better valued than either, good advice.

40:26 Money and strength make a confident heart; better than either, the fear of the Lord. With the fear of the Lord a man lacks nothing; with that he need seek no ally.

40:27 The fear of the Lord is like a paradise of blessing, it clothes a man with more than glory.


On begging

40:28 My son, do not live by begging from others, better be dead than a beggar.

40:29 The life of a man ever eyeing the table of another cannot be reckoned as a life at all. He defiles his gullet with other people's food; a man of culture and breeding will never do this.

40:30 Begging comes easily to the lips of the shameless man, but eventually it will set fire to his belly.

JB SIRACH Chapter 41



41:1 O death, how bitter it is to remember you for a man at peace among his goods, to a man without worries, who prospers in everything, and still has the strength to feed himself.

41:2 O death, your sentence is welcome to a man in want, whose strength is failing, to a man worn out with age, worried about everything, disaffected and beyond endurance.

41:3 Do not dread death's sentence; remember those who came before you and those who will come after.

41:4 This is the sentence passed on all living creatures by the Lord, so why object to what seems good to the Most High? Whether your life lasts ten or a hundred or a thousand years, its length will not be held against you in Sheol.


The fate of the wicked

41:5 Hateful brats, such are the children of sinners, who forgather in the haunts of the godless.

41:6 The inheritance of sinners' children is doomed to perish, their posterity will endure lasting reproach.

41:7 A godless father will be blamed by his children for the reproach he has brought on them.

41:8 A bad outlook for you, godless men, who have forsaken the Law of God Most High.

41:9 When you were born, you were born to be accursed, and when you die, that curse will be your portion.

41:10 All that comes from the earth returns to the earth, so too the wicked proceed from curse to destruction.

41:11 Men go into mourning for their dead, but the worthless name of sinners will be blotted out.

41:12 Be careful of your reputation, for it will last you longer than a thousand great hoards of gold.

41:13 A good life lasts a certain number of days, but a good reputation lasts for ever.


A sense of shame

41:14 Keep my instructions and be at peace, my children. Wisdom hidden away and treasure undisplayed, what use are either of these?

41:15 Better a man who hides his folly than one who hides his wisdom.

41:16 Now, keep your sense of shame with respect to what I am going to say, for not every kind of shame is right to harbour, nor is every situation correctly appraised by all.

41:17 Be ashamed, before father and mother, of licentious behaviour, and before prince or potentate of telling lies;

41:18 of wrong-doing before judge or magistrate, and of impiety before the assembly of the people;

41:19 of sharp practice before your companion and your friend, and of theft before the neighbourhood you live in.

41:20 Before the truth and covenant of God, be ashamed of leaning elbows on the table,

41:21 of making gifts before those who despise them, and of ignoring those who greet you:

41:22 of gazing at a loose woman and of turning your back on a relation,

41:23 of misappropriating another's portion or gift, of paying court to another man's wife,

41:24 of carrying on with his servant-girl do not go near her bed-

41:25 of words of abuse before your friends-do not follow up a gift with a taunt-

41:26 of repeating and retailing gossip and of betraying confidences.

41:27 Then you will know what true shame is, and you will find yourself in every man's graces.

JB SIRACH Chapter 42


42:1 These are the things you should not be ashamed of, and do not sin from fear of what others think:

42:2 of the Law of the Most High and the covenant, of a verdict that acquits the godless,

42:3 of keeping strict accounts with a travelling companion, of settling property on your friends,

42:4 of being accurate over scales and weights, of making small and large profits,

42:5 of gaining from commercial transactions, of disciplining your children strictly, of lashing a wicked slave till you draw blood.

42:6 With an interfering wife, it is as well to use your seal, and where there are many hands, lock things up.

42:7 Whatever stores you issue, do it by number and weight, spendings and takings, put everything in writing.

42:8 Do not be ashamed to correct a stupid man or a fool, or an old dotard who bickers with young people. Then you will show yourself really educated and win the approval of everyone.


The cares of a father over his daughter

42:9 Unknown to her, a daughter keeps her father awake, the worry she gives him drives away his sleep: in her youth, in case she never marries, married, in case she should be disliked,

42:10 as a virgin, in case she should be defiled and found with child in her father's house, having a husband, in case she goes astray, married, in case she should be barren.

42:11 Your daughter is headstrong? Keep a sharp look-out that she does not make you the laughing-stock of your enemies, the talk of the town, the object of common gossip, and put you to public shame.



42:12 Do not stare at any man for his good looks, do not sit down with the women;

42:13 for moth comes out of clothes, and woman's spite out of woman.

42:14 A man's spite is preferable to a woman's kindness; women give rise to shame and reproach.





42:15 Next, I will remind you of the works of the Lord, and tell of what I have seen. By the words of the Lord his works come into being and all creation obeys his will.

42:16 As the sun in shining looks on all things, so the work of the Lord is full of his glory.

42:17 The Lord has not granted to the holy ones[*a] to tell of all his marvels which the Almighty Lord has solidly constructed for the universe to stand firm in his glory.

42:18 He has fathomed the deep and the heart, and seen into their devious ways; for the Most High knows all the knowledge there is, and has observed the signs of the times.

42:19 He declares what is past and what will be, and uncovers the traces of hidden things.

42:20 Not a thought escapes him, not a single word is hidden from him.

42:21 He has imposed an order on the magnificent works of his wisdom, he is from everlasting to everlasting, nothing can be added to him, nothing taken away, he needs no one's advice.

42:22 How desirable are all his works, how dazzling to the eye!

42:23 They all live and last for ever, whatever the circumstances all obey him.

42:24 All things go in pairs, by opposites, and he has made nothing defective;

42:25 the one consolidates the excellence of the other, who could ever be sated with gazing at his glory?

JB SIRACH Chapter 43


The sun

43:1 Pride of the heights, shining vault, so, in a glorious spectacle, the sky appears.

43:2 The sun, as he emerges, proclaims at his rising, 'A thing of wonder is the work of the Most High!'

43:3 At his zenith he parches the land, who can withstand his blaze?

43:4 A man must blow a furnace to produce any heat, the sun burns the mountains three times as much; breathing out blasts of fire, flashing his rays he dazzles the eyes.

43:5 Great is the Lord who made him, and whose word speeds him on his course.


The moon

43:6 And then the moon, always punctual, to mark the months and make division of time:

43:7 the moon it is that signals the feasts, a luminary that wanes after her full.

43:8 The month derives its name from hers, she waxes wonderfully in her phases, banner of the hosts on high, shining in the vault of heaven.


The stars

43:9 The glory of the stars makes the beauty of the sky, a brilliant decoration to the heights of the Lord.

43:10 At the words of the Holy One they stand as he decrees, and never grow slack at their watch.


The rainbow

43:11 See the rainbow and praise its maker, so superbly beautiful in its splendour.

43:12 Across the sky it forms a glorious arc drawn by the hands of the Most High.


The wonders of nature

43:13 By his command he sends the snow, he speeds the lightning as he orders.

43:14 In the same way, his treasuries open and the clouds fly out like birds.

43:15 In his great might he banks up the clouds, and shivers them into fragments of hail.

43:16a At sight of him the mountains rock,

43:17a at the roar of his thunder the earth writhes in labour.

43:16b At his will the south wind blows,

43:17b or the storm from the north and the whirlwind.

43:18 He sprinkles snow like birds alighting, it comes down like locusts settling. The eye marvels at the beauty of its whiteness, and the mind is amazed at its falling.

43:19 Over the earth, like salt, he also pours hoarfrost, which, when it freezes, bristles like thorns.

43:20 The cold wind blows from the north, and ice forms on the water, settling on every watery expanse, and water puts it on like a breastplate.

43:21 He swallows up the mountains and scorches the desert, like a fire he consumes the vegetation.

43:22 But the mist heals everything in good time, after the heat falls the reviving dew.

43:23 By his own resourcefulness he has tamed the abyss, and planted it with islands.

43:24 Those who sail the sea tell of its dangers, their accounts fill our ears with amazement:

43:25 for there too there are strange and wonderful works, animals of every kind and huge sea creatures.

43:26 Thanks to him all ends well, and all things hold together by means of his word.

43:27 We could say much more and still fall short; to put it concisely, 'He is all'.

43:28 Where shall we find sufficient power to glorify him, since he is the Great One, above all his works,

43:29 the awe-inspiring Lord, stupendously great, and wonderful in his power?

43:30 Exalt the Lord in your praises as high as you may-still he surpasses you. Exert all your strength when you exalt him, do not grow tired-you will never come to the end.

43:31 Who has ever seen him to give a description? Who can glorify him as he deserves?

43:32 Many mysteries remain even greater than these, for we have seen only a few of his works,

43:33 the Lord himself having made all things-and having given wisdom to devout men.

JB SIRACH Chapter 44




Eulogy of the ancestors

44:1 Next let us praise illustrious men, our ancestors in their successive generations.

44:2 The Lord has created an abundance of glory, and displayed his greatness from earliest times.

44:3 Some wielded authority as kings and were renowned for their strength; others were intelligent advisers and uttered prophetic oracles.

44:4 Others directed the people by their advice, by their understanding of the popular mind, and by the wise words of their teaching;

44:5 others composed musical melodies, and set down ballads;

44:6 others were rich and powerful, living peacefully in their homes.

44:7 All these were honoured by their contemporaries, and were the glory of their day.

44:8 Some of them left a name behind them, so that their praises are still sung.

44:9 While others have left no memory, and disappeared as though they had not existed, they are now as though they had never been, and so too, their children after them.

44:10 But here is a list of generous men whose good works have not been forgotten.

44:11 In their descendants there remains a rich inheritance born of them.

44:12 Their descendants stand by the covenants and, thanks to them, so do their children's children.

44:13 Their offspring will last for ever, their glory will not fade.

44:14 Their bodies have been buried in peace, and their name lives on for all generations.

44:15 The peoples will proclaim their wisdom, the assembly will celebrate their praises.



44:16 Enoch pleased the Lord and was taken up, an example for the conversion of all generations.



44:17 Noah was found perfectly virtuous, in the time of wrath he became the scion: because of him a remnant was preserved for the earth at the coming of the Flood.

44:18 Everlasting covenants were made with him that never again should every living creature perish by flood.



44:19 Abraham, the great forefather of a host of nations, no one was ever his equal in glory.

44:20 He observed the Law of the Most High, and entered into a covenant with him. He confirmed the covenant in his own flesh, and proved himself faithful under ordeal.

44:21 The Lord therefore promised him on oath to bless the nations through his descendants, to multiply him like the dust on the ground, to exalt his descendants like the stars, and give them the land for their inheritance, from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.


Isaac and Jacob

44:22 To Isaac too, for the sake of Abraham his father, he assured

44:23 the blessing of all mankind; he caused the covenant to rest on the head of Jacob. He confirmed him in his blessings and gave him the land for his inheritance; he divided it into portions, and shared it out among the twelve tribes.

JB SIRACH Chapter 45



45:1 From him he produced a generous man who found favour in the eyes of all mankind,[*a] beloved by God and men, Moses, of blessed memory.

45:2 He made him the equal of the holy ones in glory and made him strong, to the terror of his enemies.

45:3 At the word of Moses he made the miracles stop, he raised him high in the respect of kings; he gave him commandments for his people, and showed him something of his glory.

45:4 For his loyalty and gentleness he sanctified him, choosing him alone out of all mankind;

45:5 he allowed him to hear his voice, and led him into the darkness; he gave him the commandments face to face, the law of life and knowledge, to teach Jacob his ordinances and Israel his decrees.



45:6 He raised up Aaron, a holy man like Moses, his brother, of the tribe of Levi.

45:7 He made an everlasting covenant with him, and gave him the priesthood of the people. He adorned him with impressive vestments, he dressed him in a robe of glory.

45:8 He clothed him in glorious perfection and invested him with emblems of authority: the breeches, the long robe, the ephod.

45:9 To go round the robe he gave him pomegranates, and many gold bells all round to chime at every step, for their sound to be heard in the Temple as a reminder to the sons of his people;

45:10 and a sacred vestment of gold and purple, violet shade and red, the work of an embroiderer; the pectoral of judgement, the Urim and Thummim,[*b] of plaited crimson, the work of a craftsman;

45:11 precious stones cut like seals mounted in gold, the work of a jeweller, as a reminder with their engraved inscriptions of the number of the tribes of Israel;

45:12 and a golden diadem on his turban, engraved with the seal of consecration; superb ornamentation, magnificent work, adornment to delight the eye.

45:13 There had never been such lovely things before him, and no one else has ever put them on, but only his own sons, and his descendants for all time.

45:14 His sacrifices were to be burnt entirely, twice each day and for ever.

45:15 Moses consecrated him and anointed him with holy oil; and this was an everlasting covenant for him, and for his descendants as long as the heavens endure, that he should preside over worship, act as priest, and bless his people in the name of the Lord,

45:16 who chose him out of all the living to offer sacrifice to the Lord, incense and an appeasing fragrance as a memorial to make atonement for the people.

45:17 He entrusted him with his commandments, committed to him the statutes of the Law to teach Jacob his decrees, and enlighten Israel on his Law.

45:18 Others joined forces against him, they were jealous of him in the wilderness, Dathan and Abiram and their men, Korah and his crew in fury and rage.

45:19 The Lord saw it and was displeased, his raging fury made an end of them; he overwhelmed them with miracles and consumed them with his flaming fire.

45:20 And he added to Aaron's glory, he gave him an inheritance; he allotted him the prime of the first-fruits, before all else ensured him bread in abundance.

45:21 Thus they eat the sacrifices of the Lord which he gave to him and his posterity.

45:22 But of the people's territory he inherits nothing, he alone of all the people has no share, the Lord is his share and inheritance.



45:23 Phinehas son of Eleazar is third in glory because of his zeal in the fear of the Lord, because he stood firm when the people revolted, with a staunch and courageous heart; and in this way atoned for Israel.

45:24 Hence a covenant of peace was sealed with him, making him governor of both sanctuary and people, and securing to him and his descendants the high priestly dignity for ever.

45:25 There was also a covenant with David son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah, a royal succession from father to one son exclusively, but the succession of Aaron passes to all his descendants.

45:26 May God endow your hearts with wisdom[*c] to judge his people virtuously, so that the virtues of your ancestors may never fade, and their glory may pass to all their descendants.

JB SIRACH Chapter 46



46:1 Mighty in war was Joshua son of Nun, successor to Moses in the prophetic office, who well deserved his name,[*a] and was a great saviour of the Chosen People, wreaking vengeance on the enemies who opposed him, and so bringing Israel into its inheritance.

46:2 How splendid he was when he raised his arms to brandish his sword against cities!

46:3 Who had ever shown such determination as his? He himself waged the wars of the Lord.

46:4 Was not the sun held back by his hand, and one day drawn out into two?

46:5 He called on God the Most High, as he pressed the enemy on every side; and the great Lord answered him with hard and violent hailstones.

46:6 He fell on that enemy nation, and at the Descent he destroyed all resistance; that the nations might acknowledge his warlike prowess and know that their foe was the Lord.



46:7 For he was a follower of the Mighty One, and in the time of Moses he did devoted service, he and Caleb son of Jephunneh, by opposing the whole community, by preventing the people from sinning, and by silencing the mutters of rebellion.

46:8 Hence these two alone were preserved out of six hundred thousand men on the march, and brought into their inheritance, into a land where milk and honey flow.

46:9 The Lord gave Caleb the strength-which he retained right into old age-to tread the highlands of the country which his descendants still hold as their inheritance,

46:10 for all the sons of Israel to see that it is good to follow the Lord


The judges

46:11 The judges too, each when he was called, all men whose hearts were never disloyal, who never turned their backs on the Lord-may their memory be blessed!

46:12 May their bones flower again from the tomb, and may the names of those illustrious men live again in their sons.



46:13 Samuel was the beloved of his Lord; prophet of the Lord, he instituted the kingdom, and anointed rulers over his people.

46:14 In the Law of the Lord he judged the assembly, and the Lord watched over Jacob.

46:15 By his loyalty he was recognised as a prophet, by his words he was known to be a trustworthy seer.

46:16 He called on the Lord, the Mighty One, when his enemies pressed him on every side, by offering a sucking lamb.

46:17 And the Lord thundered from heaven, and made his voice heard in a rolling peal;

46:18 he massacred the leaders of the enemy, and all the rulers of the Philistines.

46:19 Before the time of his everlasting rest he bore witness before the Lord and his anointed, 'Of no property, not even a pair of sandals, have I ever deprived a soul'. Nor did anyone accuse him.

46:20 And after he fell asleep he prophesied again, warning the king of his death; he lifted up his voice from the earth in prophecy, to blot out the wickedness of the people.

JB SIRACH Chapter 47



47:1 After him arose Nathan, to prophesy in the time of David.



47:2 As the fat is set apart from the communion sacrifice, so David was chosen out of all the sons of Israel.

47:3 He played with lions as though with kids, and with bears as though with lambs of the flock.

47:4 While still a boy, did he not slay the giant, and relieve the people of their shame, by putting out a hand to sling a stone which brought down the arrogance of Goliath?

47:5 For he called on the Lord Most High, who gave strength to his right arm to put a mighty warrior to death, and lift up the horn of his people.

47:6 Hence they gave him credit for ten thousand, and praised him while they blessed the Lord, by offering him a crown of glory;

47:7 for he massacred enemies on every side, he annihilated his foes the Philistines, and crushed their horn to this very day.

47:8 In all his activities he gave thanks to the Holy One, the Most High, in words of glory;[*a] he put all his heart into his songs out of love for his Maker.

47:9 He placed harps before the altar to make the singing sweeter with their music;

47:10 he gave the feasts their splendour, the festivals their solemn pomp, causing the Lord's holy name to be praised and the sanctuary to resound from dawn.

47:11 The Lord took away his sins, and exalted his horn for ever; he gave him a royal covenant, and a glorious throne in Israel.



47:12 A wise son succeeded him, who lived spaciously, thanks to him.

47:13 Solomon reigned in a time of peace, is and God gave him peace all round so that he could raise a house to his name and prepare an everlasting sanctuary.

47:14 How wise you were in your youth, brimming over with understanding like a river!

47:15 Your mind ranged the earth, you filled it with mysterious sayings.

47:16 Your name reached the distant islands, and you were loved for your peace.[*b]

47:17 Your songs, your proverbs, your sayings and your retorts made you the wonder of the world.

47:18 In the name of the Lord God, of him who is called the God of Israel, you amassed gold like so much tin, and made silver as common as lead.

47:19 You abandoned your body to women, you became the slave of your appetites.

47:20 You stained your honour, you profaned your stock, so bringing wrath on your children and grief on your posterity:

47:21 the sovereignty was split in two, from Ephraim arose a rebel kingdom.

47:22 But the Lord would not go back on his mercy, or undo any of his words, he would not obliterate the issue of his elect, nor destroy the stock of the man who loved him; and so he granted a remnant to Jacob, and to David a root springing from him.



47:23 Solomon rested with his ancestors, leaving one of his stock as his successor, the stupidest member of the nation, brainless Rehoboam, whose policy drove the nation to rebel.



47:24 Next, Jeroboam son of Nebat, who made Israel sin, and set Ephraim on the way of evil; from then on their sins multiplied so excessively as to drive them out of their country;

47:25 for they tried out every kind of wickedness, until vengeance overtook them.

JB SIRACH Chapter 48



48:1 Then the prophet Elijah arose like a fire, his word flaring like a torch.

48:2 It was he who brought famine on them, and who decimated them in his zeal.

48:3 By the word of the Lord, he shut up the heavens, he also, three times, brought down fire.

48:4 How glorious you were in your miracles, Elijah! Has anyone reason to boast as you have?-

48:5 rousing a corpse from death, from Sheol by the word of the Most High;

48:6 dragging kings down to destruction, and high dignitaries from their beds;

48:7 hearing reproof on Sinai, and decrees of punishment on Horeb;

48:8 anointing kings as avengers, and prophets to succeed you;

48:9 taken up in the whirlwind of fire, in a chariot with fiery horses;

48:10 designated in the prophecies of doom to allay God's wrath before the fury breaks, to turn the hearts of fathers towards their children,[*a] and to restore the tribes of Jacob,

48:11 Happy shall they be who see you, and those who have fallen asleep in love; for we too will have life.



48:12 Elijah was shrouded in the whirlwind, and Elisha was filled with his spirit; throughout his life no ruler could shake him, and no one could subdue him.

48:13 No task was too hard for him, and even in death his body prophesied.

48:14 In his lifetime he performed wonders, and in death his works were marvellous.


Infidelity and punishment

48:15 Despite all this the people did not repent, nor did they give up their sins, until they were herded out of their country and scattered all over the earth;

48:16 only a few of the people were left, with a ruler of the House of David. Some of them did what pleased the Lord, others piled sin on sin.



48:17 Hezekiah fortified his city, and laid on a water supply inside it; with iron he tunnelled through the rock and constructed cisterns.

48:18 In his days Sennacherib invaded and sent Rabshakeh;[*b] he lifted his hand against Zion, and boasted loudly in his arrogance.

48:19 Then their hearts and hands trembled, they felt the pangs of a woman in labour,

48:20 but they called on the merciful Lord, stretching out their hands towards him. Swiftly the Holy One heard them from heaven, and delivered them by the hand of Isaiah,

48:21 he struck the camp of the Assyrians and his angel massacred them.



48:22 For Hezekiah did what is pleasing to the Lord, and was steadfast in the ways of David his father, enjoined on him by the prophet Isaiah, a great man trustworthy in his vision.

48:23 In his days the sun moved back; he prolonged the life of the king.

48:24 In the power of the spirit he saw the last things, he comforted the mourners of Zion,

48:25 he revealed the future to the end of time, and hidden things long before they happened.

JB SIRACH Chapter 49



49:1 The memory of Josiah is like blended incense prepared by the perfumer's art; it is as sweet as honey to all mouths, and like music at a wine feast.

49:2 He took the right course, of converting the people, he rooted out the iniquitous abominations,

49:3 he set his heart on the Lord, in godless times he upheld the cause of religion.


The last kings and prophets

49:4 Apart from David, Hezekiah and Josiah, they all heaped wrong on wrong; since they disregarded the Law of the Most High, the kings of Judah disappeared;

49:5 since they gave their strength to others and their honour to a foreign nation.

49:6 The holy, chosen city was burnt down, her streets were left deserted,

49:7 as Jeremiah had predicted; for they had ill-treated him though consecrated a prophet in his mother's womb to tear up and afflict and destroy, but also to build up and to plant.[*a]

49:8 Ezekiel it was who saw a vision of glory which God showed to him above the chariot of the Cherubs,

49:9 for he remembered the enemies with torrential rain[*b] to the advantage of those who follow the right way.

49:10 As for the twelve prophets, may their bones flower again from the tomb, since they have comforted Jacob and redeemed him in faith and hope.


Zerubbabel and Joshua

49:11 How shall we extol Zerubbabel? He was like a signet ring on the right hand,

49:12 so too was Jeshua son of Jozadak; they who in their days built the Temple, and raised to the Lord a holy people, destined to everlasting glory.



49:13 Great too is the memory of Nehemiah, who rebuilt our walls which lay in ruins, erected the gates and bars and rebuilt our houses.



49:14 No one else has ever been created on earth to equal Enoch, for he was taken up from earth.

49:15 And no one else ever born has been like Joseph, the leader of his brothers, the prop of his people; his bones were honoured.

49:16 Shem and Seth were honoured among men, but above every living creature is Adam.

JB SIRACH Chapter 50


Simon the high priest

50:1 It was the High Priest Simon son of Onias who repaired the Temple during his lifetime and in his day fortified the sanctuary.

50:2 He laid the foundations of the double height, the high buttresses of the Temple precincts.

50:3 In his day the water cistern was excavated, a reservoir as huge as the sea.

50:4 Anxious to save the people from ruin, he fortified the city against siege.

50:5 How splendid he was with the people thronging round him, when he emerged from the curtained shrine,[*a]

50:6 like the morning star among the clouds, like the moon at the full,

50:7 like the sun shining on the Temple of the Most High, like the rainbow gleaming against brilliant clouds,

50:8 like roses in the days of spring, like lilies by a freshet of water, like a sprig of frankincense in summer-time,

50:9 like fire and incense in the censer, like a vessel of beaten gold encrusted with every kind of precious stone,

50:10 like an olive tree loaded with fruit, like a cypress soaring to the clouds;

50:11 when he put on his splendid vestments, and clothed himself in glorious perfection, when he went up to the holy altar, and filled the sanctuary precincts with his grandeur;

50:12 when he received the portions from the hands of the priests, himself standing by the altar hearth, surrounded by a crowd of his brothers, like a youthful cedar of Lebanon as though surrounded by the trunks of palm trees.

50:13 When all the sons of Aaron in their glory, with the offerings of the Lord in their hands, stood before the whole assembly of Israel,

50:14 while he completed the rites at the altars, presenting in due order the offering for the Most High, the Almighty,

50:15 reaching out his hand to the cup,[*b] and pouring a libation of the juice of the grape, pouring it at the foot of the altar, an appeasing fragrance to the Most High, the King of all,

50:16 then the sons of Aaron would shout and blow their trumpets of beaten metal, making a mighty sound ring out as a reminder before the Most High;

50:17 and immediately the people all together would fall on their faces to the ground, in adoration of their Lord, the Almighty, God Most High,

50:18 and with the cantors chanting their hymns of praise: sweet was the melody of all these voices,

50:19 as the people pleaded with the Lord Most High, and prayed in the presence of the Merciful, until the service of the Lord was completed and the ceremony at an end.

50:20 Then he would come down and raise his hands over the whole concourse of the sons of Israel, to give them the Lord's blessing from his lips, being privileged to pronounce his name;[*c]

50:21 and once again the people would bow low to receive the blessing from the Most High.



50:22 And now bless the God of all things, the doer of great deeds everywhere, who has exalted our days from the womb and acted towards us in his mercy.

50:23 May he grant us cheerful hearts and bring peace in our time, in Israel for ages on ages.

50:24 May his mercy be faithfully with us, may he redeem us in our time.


Numerical proverb

50:25 There are two nations that my soul detests, the third is not a nation at all:

50:26 the inhabitants of Mount Seir, and the Philistines, and the stupid people living at Shechem.[*d]



50:27 Instruction in wisdom and knowledge has been committed to writing in this book by Jesus son of Sira, Eleazar, of Jerusalem, who has rained down wisdom from his heart.

50:28 Happy is he who busies himself with these things, and grows wise by taking them to heart.

50:29 If he practises them he will be strong enough for anything, since the light of the Lord is his path.

JB SIRACH Chapter 51




A hymn of thanksgiving

51:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord and King, and praise you, God my saviour, I give thanks to your name;

51:2 for you have been protector and support to me, and redeemed my body from destruction, from the snare of the lying tongue, from lips that fabricate falsehood; and in the presence of those around me you have been my support, you have redeemed me,

51:3 true to the greatness of your mercy and of your name, from the fangs of those who would devour me, from the hands of those seeking my life, from the many ordeals which I have endured,

51:4 from the stifling heat which hemmed me in, from the heart of a fire which I had not kindled,

51:5 from deep in the belly of Sheol, from the unclean tongue and the lying word-

51:6 the perjured tongue slandering me to the king. My soul has been close to death, my life had gone down to the brink of Sheol.

51:7 They were surrounding me on every side, there was no one to support me; I looked for someone to help-in vain.

51:8 Then I remembered your mercy, Lord, and your deeds from earliest times, how you deliver those who wait for you patiently, and save them from the clutches of their enemies.

51:9 And I sent up my plea from the earth, I begged to be delivered from death,

51:10 I called on the Lord, the father of my Lord, 'Do not desert me in the days of ordeal, in the time of my helplessness against the proud. I will praise your name unceasingly, and gratefully sing its praises.'

51:11 And my plea was heard, for you saved me from destruction, you delivered me from that time of evil.

51:12 And therefore I will thank you and praise you, and bless the name of the Lord.


A poem on the quest for wisdom[*a]

51:13 When I was still a youth, before I went travelling, in my prayers I asked outright for wisdom.

51:14 Outside the sanctuary I would pray for her, and to the last I will continue to seek her.

51:15 From her blossoming to the ripening of her grape my heart has taken its delight in her. My foot has pursued a straight path, I have been following her steps ever since my youth.

51:16 By bowing my ear a little I have received her, and have found much instruction.

51:17 Thanks to her I have advanced; the glory be to him who has given me wisdom!

51:18 For I am determined to put her into practice, I have earnestly pursued what is good, I will not be put to shame.

51:19 My soul has fought to possess her, I have been scrupulous in keeping the Law; I have stretched out my hands to heaven and bewailed my ignorance of her;

51:20 I have directed my soul towards her, and in purity have found her; having my heart fixed on her from the outset, I shall never be deserted;

51:21 my very core having yearned to discover her, I have now acquired a good possession.

51:22 In reward the Lord has given me a tongue with which I shall sing his praises.

51:23 Come close to me, you uninstructed, take your place in my school.

51:24 Why complain about lacking these things when your souls are so thirsty for them?

51:25 I have opened my mouth and spoken: 'Buy her without money,

51:26 put your necks under her yoke, and let your souls receive instruction; she is not far to seek.

51:27 See for yourselves: how slight my efforts have been to win so much peace.

51:28 Buy instruction with a large sum of silver, thanks to her you will gain much gold.

51:29 May your souls rejoice in the mercy of the Lord, may you never be ashamed of praising him.

51:30 Do your work before the appointed time and he in his time will give you your reward.'

(Subscript:) Wisdom of Jesus son of Sira.


END OF JB SIRACH [51 Chapters].