1:1 马其顿人、斐理伯的儿子亚历山大由基廷地出击,战胜了波斯和玛待国王达理阿以后,遂代之为王,成为第一位希腊王。
1:2 他身经百战,攻占了许多要塞,斩杀了各地的君王,
1:3 踏遍了大地四极,据掠了许多民族的财物,以致大地在他面前都默然无言,因此他心高气傲,妄自尊大。
1:4 他招募了精锐的军队,征服各地、各族、各王,使他们向他纳税进贡。
1:5 此后,当他患病在床,自觉将要去世的时候,
1:6 召集了与他自幼长大成人,身为同僚的贵族,乘自己还活着的时候,把国家分给他们。
1:7 亚历山大为王十二年去了世。
1:8 于是他的臣相各据一方,
1:9 他死后,各自加冕称王,他们和继位的子孙,以后多年之久,所做的恶事遍布全国。
1:10 从他们中产生了一条祸根,就是安提约古的儿子安提约古厄丕法乃,他曾在罗马做质,于希腊帝国一三七年登极为王。
1:11 那时,在以色列人中出现一些歹徒,煽惑民众说:「我们去和我们四邻的外方人立约,因为自从与他们绝交以来,就遭遇了许多患难。」
1:12 这种舆论很受当时人的欢迎;
1:13 遂有一些人极为兴奋,便去朝觐国王,国王就批准他们采用外邦的礼俗。
1:14 他们便照外邦人的风俗,在耶路撒冷修建了一座体育场,
1:15 且弥补割损的痕迹,背离圣约,为服从外邦人的规律,自甘堕落。
1:16 安提约古见自己的王位业已巩固,便企图统治埃及,愿作两国的君王,
1:17 遂率领大军、战车、象队、骑兵及庞大的舰队进攻埃及,
1:18 与埃及王仆托肋米交战,仆托肋米竟临阵而逃,士兵伤亡惨重。
1:19 于是埃及国设防的各城全都陷落了,财产被抢掠一空。
1:20 安提约古征服埃及以后,于一四三年回国时,北上以色列,率领大军直逼耶路撒冷。
1:21 他不管不顾地进入了圣所,搬走了金祭坛、灯台及所有器皿。
1:22 供饼的供桌、奠酒器、杯盘、金香炉、帐幔和冠冕,连圣殿正面的金饰,都洗劫得一乾二净;
1:23 还拿去了金银和贵重的器皿,凡寻到的珍藏宝物,都带走了。
1:24 而且带着这些东西回国的时候,肆意屠杀,还说了狂傲的大话;
1:25 因此在以色列人中,哀声遍野,
1:26 首领长老无不哀声长叹,处女处男全都消瘦,妇女的花容失色,
1:27 新郎吟出悲调,坐在洞房里的新娘,饮泣啼哭,
1:28 大地为其居民的命运而摇撼,雅各布伯的全家都蒙羞受辱。
1:29 过了两年,王派遣一位贡物总管走遍犹太各城。他率领大军,来到耶路撒冷,
1:30 假意向居民发表一些和平的言论,人都相信了他;但是他乘人不备,攻入城内,大加屠杀,死了很多以色列人;
1:31 又洗劫全城,放火焚烧,拆坏了民房和四周的垣墙,
1:32 俘掳了妇女幼童,抢走了牲畜,
1:33 又在达味城设防,筑起高大的垣墙,修筑坚固碉堡,作为他们的堡垒;
1:34 在那里派了罪恶滔天的外邦人和无法无天的人为军人,以加强他们的兵力;
1:35 又储蓄了武器和给养,把从耶路撒冷掠来的物资,贮藏在里面;因此这堡垒成了极危险的陷阱,
1:36 为圣殿常是一种威胁,为以色列人民常是一个恶敌。
1:37 他们常在圣殿的周围杀害无辜,玷污圣殿。
1:38 为了他们的缘故,耶路撒冷的居民各处逃亡,圣城成了异民的居所,为本城的子女却变成了异乡,城中子女都离弃了故土。
1:39 圣殿被弃有如旷野,喜庆节日变为悲痛哀伤,安息日变讥讽,尊荣成了耻辱。
1:40 从前有多少光荣,今日就有多少耻辱;尊荣竟转为愁肠!
1:41 王随后谕令全国,使各国民族合成一个民族,
1:42 全族弃本国固有的礼俗。于是各外邦民族都表示服从君王的谕令,
1:43 也有许多以色列人甘心接受了他的宗教,向偶像献祭,亵渎安息日。
1:44 王又派遣使臣带着诏书到耶路撒冷及犹太各城去,令人随从外邦的礼俗,
1:45 废止圣殿内举行的全燔祭、和平祭与奠祭,禁止遵守安息日和庆节,
1:46 污辱圣殿和神职人员,
1:47 且修築祭壇、殿宇和寺廟,供奉偶像,宰殺和不潔的牲畜作祭獻,
1:48 不准给孩子行割损,且行各样不洁和亵渎的事,自陷罪污,
1:49 使人忘却法律,废除礼规。
1:50 凡不遵从王命的人,死无赦。
1:51 王便按照上边的话向全国写了谕文,也给所有百姓派了监察员,走遍犹太各城,督催人民祭献。
1:52 百姓中有许多背教的人附和他们,在国内犯罪作恶,
1:53 因此迫使一些以色列人逃难,去了能避难的隐秘地方。
1:54 一四五年「基色褛」月十五日,王在祭坛上立了一个可憎恶的邪物,同时在犹太各城修筑了祭坛,
1:55 在各家门前及街市上焚香;
1:56 凡找到的法律书都撕毁焚烧,
1:57 凡搜出存有约书或恪守法律者,不论是谁,都应按谕令处死。
1:58 有人在各城内每月搜查,发见违命的以色列人,就用暴力处置;
1:59 每月二十五日,在建于全燔祭坛上的祭坛上献祭;
1:60 那些给孩子行割损的妇女,他们都按谕令,
1:61 把孩子悬在她们脖子上,一同处死;甚至她们的家属,及执行割损者,亦应处死。
1:62 虽然如此,仍有许多以色列人坚持不变,决不吃不洁之物,
1:63 宁愿拾生,而不愿因吃禁食而自污,更不愿亵渎圣约;因此他们被判处死刑。
1:64 这实在是天主向以色列人发的盛怒。
2:1 那时,若望的儿子,西默盎的孙子,属于约阿黎布家的司祭玛塔提雅起来,离开耶路撒冷,迁居摩丁。
2:2 他有五个儿子:即若望,又名加狄;
2:3 息孟,又名塔息;
2:4 犹大又名玛加伯;
2:5 厄肋阿匝尔,又名奥郎;约纳堂,又名阿弗斯。
2:6 他看见在犹太和耶路撒冷发生的亵圣的事,
2:7 便说:「可怜的我呀!难道我生在世上,是为看着我的民族沦亡,圣城被践踏,当圣城落在敌人手中,圣殿落在外人手中时,而袖手旁观吗?
2:8 圣殿好似成了一个被轻贱的人。
2:9 光荣的器皿被抢掠劫夺,婴儿在街市上被屠杀,青年丧身敌人刀下!
2:10 那一个民族没有占领过这国土,没有来劫掠分赃?
2:11 城内一切点缀全被洗劫净尽,昔日的自由城,今日为人所奴役。
2:12 我们的圣所,我们的华丽,我们的光荣,都成了一片荒凉,受外族人的污辱!
2:13 我们还活著作什么?」
2:14 于是玛塔提雅和他的儿子都撕破了衣裳,穿上苦衣,悲哀非常。
2:15 君王派来强迫人民背教的官吏,也来到了摩丁城,勒令人祭神。
2:16 有些以色列人附和了,但玛塔提雅和他的儿子却一致反抗;
2:17 君王的官吏对玛塔提雅说:「你是这城的首领,有面子又有势力,还受儿子兄弟们的拥护。
2:18 如今,请你首先前来遵行王的谕令,如同各国的人、犹太居民以及留在耶路撒冷的人所作的一般;这样,你和你的儿子就算是君王的朋友,你和你的儿子可以荣获金银和各种恩赐。」
2:19 玛塔提雅高声回答说:「即便所有君王国土中的人民都听从他,背弃了自己祖先的教礼,服从王的命令,
2:20 我和我的儿子以及我的弟兄,仍然照我们祖先的盟约去行,
2:21 决不背弃法律和教规,
2:22 决不听从王的谕令,而背离我们的教规,或偏左或偏右。」
2:23 他刚说完了这些话,正有一个犹太人前来,当众在摩丁的祭坛上祭神,全照王的谕令。
2:24 玛塔提雅一见,热情勃发,五内俱焚,要照法律发泄义怒,于是冲上前去,把那人杀死在祭坛上。
2:25 同时也把迫令人民献祭的王吏杀了,并把祭坛拆毁。
2:26 他对于法律这样热诚,完全像丕乃哈斯对撒路的儿子齐默黎所作的一样。
2:27 于是玛塔提雅在城内高声喊说:「凡热心法律,拥护盟约的,请跟我来!」
2:28 接着,他和他的儿子,把所有的家产都留在城里,逃到山中去了。
2:29 那时,有许多拥护正义正道的人,也都逃到旷野里去居住,
2:30 将子女妻室牲畜也一同带了去,因为大难已临头上。
2:31 其时有人报告王吏及驻扎耶路撒冷达味城的军队说:「背叛谕令的那些人,都隐藏到旷野山洞里去了。」
2:32 于是大队人马前去追捕,到了那里,摆好阵势,在安息日那天向他们宣战,
2:33 说:「到现在为止,若你们出来遵从王命,还可以活命。」
2:34 他们回答说:「我们不出去,也不遵从王命,亵渎安息日!」
2:35 敌军立即攻击他们。
2:36 但他们不向敌人还击,也不抛石,也不堵塞藏身之处,
2:37 只说:「我们众人情愿无辜而死!有天地为我们作证:你们杀害我们,极不公平。」
2:38 王军于是在安息日那天攻击了他们,他们和他们的妇孺牲畜都被屠杀了,人数约有一千。
2:39 玛塔提雅和他的朋友一听说此事,都十分悲痛。
2:40 彼此商议说:「若大家都像我们的弟兄所行的一样,为保护自己的性命和教规,不还击外邦人,那么,人很快就要把我们从地面上消灭了。」
2:41 于是在那天大家决定:「即便人在安息日来击我们,我们也应还击抵抗,免得我们像我们的弟兄都死在洞中。」
2:42 当时,哈息待党派的人也与他们会合;这些人都是以色列的勇士,甘心为法律舍生的人。
2:43 还有逃难流亡的人都同他们联合,支持他们。
2:44 于是他们便组成军队,发奋攻打罪人,怒袭叛徒;其余的人都逃往外邦人那里,为求安全。
2:45 玛塔提雅和他的朋友便到处巡行,拆毁祭坛,
2:46 凡在以色列境内遇见未受割损的孩子,便强迫他们割损;
2:47 此外,还扫荡了暴徒,在历次战役中都很顺利。
2:48 如此,保障了法律,摆脱了外邦人及国王的控制,不让恶人得势。
2:49 玛塔提雅临死时,对他的儿子们说:「现在是傲慢暴横得势,也是灾难和仇恨的时候。
2:50 孩子们!现今你们对法律应热诚服膺,应为我们祖先的盟约舍生致命,
2:51 要怀念祖先当日所创的大业,这样纔可获得无上的光荣和不朽的芳名。
2:52 亚巴郎不是在受试探中显示了忠信,纔算他有义德吗?
2:53 若瑟在患难中遵守了诫命,然后纔作了埃及的主人。
2:54 我们的祖先丕乃哈斯因为热诚,纔获永为司祭的盟约。
2:55 若苏厄因满全了天主的命,纔作了以色列的民长。
2:56 加肋布因在会众前作证,纔在此地获得了产业。
2:57 达味因慈悲为怀,纔承受了永世的王位。
2:58 厄里亚因热爱法律,纔被接升天。
2:59 哈纳尼雅、阿匝黎雅、米沙耳因着信赖,纔得拯救,免受火烧。
2:60 达内尔因心中纯洁,纔蒙拯救,免于狮子的口。
2:61 你们要世世代代这样存想:凡是仰望他的,决一无所缺。
2:62 不要怕恶人的议论,因为他们的光荣要变成粪土蛆虫,
2:63 今日飞黄腾达,明日即为黄花;人一归于灰土,他的计谋也云消雾散。
2:64 孩子们!你们要刚强不屈,遵守法律,法律必使你们蒙受光荣。
2:65 你们的兄弟息孟,我晓得他是具有超见人,你们该常听从他,他该接你们父亲之位。
2:66 犹大玛加伯自幼奋勇,他该是你们的将领,作战攻打异族。
2:67 你们应召集所有遵行法律的人来跟随你们,为百姓复仇雪恨。
2:68 应反抗异族,应坚守法律的规条。」
2:69 他祝福了他们以后,就归到他亲族那里去了。
2:70 死于一四六年,他的儿子们把他葬在摩丁的祖茔里,全以色列为他举丧志哀。
前编 犹大玛加伯护教战争(3 1—9 22)
3:1 他的儿子犹大又名玛加伯的,接了他的位。
3:2 他的众兄弟及附和他父亲的人,都来辅佐他,大家都奋勇为以色列作战。
3:3 他增加了自己百姓的光荣,身披甲胄,状似英雄,腰佩兵器,领军作战,持刀护阵,
3:4 着手行事有如壮狮,捕猎怒号好似幼狮。
3:5 把歹徒搜查追捕,将加害百姓,者以火焚烧。
3:6 于是违法歹徒,不寒而栗;作恶匪类,惊惶失措;救国大业,赖其成功。
3:7 他使许多君王苦恼,行事却使雅各布伯欢乐,因为他集合了四散的人。
3:8 他出巡犹太各城,将城中恶徒铲除,从以色列挽回圣怒。
3:9 他的声名遍传地极,他的纪念永受赞美。
3:10 阿颇罗尼调集异民,又从撒玛黎雅调来一支劲旅,要进攻以色列。
3:11 犹大一听说,就出兵迎击,将阿颇罗尼杀死,敌方伤亡甚众,残敌四散逃命,
3:12 犹太人夺得了许多物资;犹大取了阿颇罗尼的宝剑,一生用来作战。
3:13 叙利亚的军长色龙,听说犹大召集了很多军民,号召一伙忠诚的犹太人,随他前往作战,
3:14 就说:「我要成名,在国内受光荣,要战胜犹大和跟随他而轻视王命的人。」
3:15 他于是出征,率领一支强大而凶横军队,来向以色列子民复仇。
3:16 当他行近贝特曷龙山坡时,犹大带着一小队兵,前去迎击。
3:17 他们一见大军迎面而来,便向犹大说:「我们人数少,怎能攻打这么众多,强大有力的敌人呢?何况我们今天还未用饭,疲乏无力呢!」
3:18 犹大回答说:「多数人困在少数人手里,是容易的事;用多数或用少数人施救为上天没有区别。
3:19 因为战争的胜利,不在乎军队的多寡,而在乎由天而来力量。
3:20 他们来攻打我们,蛮横傲慢,无法无天,原为铲除我们和我们的妻子儿女,前来洗劫抢掠。
3:21 但是,我们是为保护性命和法律而战;
3:22 因此,天主必会亲自在我们面前粉碎他们;所以千万不要害怕!」
3:23 他一说完这话,便突然出击,色龙与他的军队不支败退。
3:24 犹大从贝特龙山坡,一直追到平原。敌人阵亡的约有八百,余下的都逃到培肋舍特人的地方去了。
3:25 从此,众人对犹大和他的兄弟都害怕起来,四周的异民也都为之震惊。
3:26 犹大的名声传到了君王那里,异民都称述他的战功。
3:27 安提约古王一听这消息,心中大怒,下令调集全国军队,编成强有力的大军。
3:28 打开库房,给军队发了一年的军饷,且嘱咐他们准备应变。
3:29 当时他也发觉国库银钱短绌,又因废弃旧制,国内混乱,各地税收大减。
3:30 他怕一两次开支和劳军之后,再不能像从前那样的阔绰,原来他挥霍无度,超过以前的君王。
3:31 因此心烦意乱,便决意到波斯去向各地征收捐税,大量聚敛银钱。
3:32 遂留下王族出身的贵人里息雅,托他代理从幼发拉的河直到埃及境界的国政;
3:33 还托他抚育自己的儿子安提约古,直到自己回来。
3:34 又将一半的兵力和象队交给他,吩咐他执行自己所决定的一切,尤其是关于犹太和耶路撒冷居民的事;
3:35 即要他派遣军队攻打以色列,粉碎他们的力量,扫荡耶路撒冷剩余的居民,将他们的纪念,由那地上除去;
3:36 使外方人移居于他们的全境,将他们的土地拈阄分给那些人为产业。
3:37 然后,王自己带着其余一半军队,在一四七年,由国都安提约基雅出发,渡过幼发拉的河,向高原进发。
3:38 里息雅选派了多黎默乃的儿子仆托肋米、尼加诺尔和哥尔基雅,他们都是国王朋友中最有权势的人。
3:39 又特派步兵四万和骑兵七千,由他们率领出征犹太地,照国王的命令摧毁那地。
3:40 于是他们便率领军队出发,到达靠近厄玛乌的平原上扎了营。
3:41 那一带的商人听说他们来了,就带着许多金银和脚镣,来到营幕,准备收买以色列子民为奴;依杜默雅和培肋舍特的军队,也来参战。
3:42 犹大和他的兄弟见形势危急,敌军已在自己境内扎营;又听说王已下令,要根除自己的百姓,
3:43 就彼此说:「我们要挽救百姓免于灭亡,要为百姓及圣所而战。」
3:44 于是集合会众,准备应战,且举行祈祷,恳求仁慈和怜悯。
3:45 这时,耶路撒冷好似无人居住的旷野,城中已没有一人出入;圣所已被人践踏,城堡已为外方人占据,成了异民的居所;雅各布伯家不再欢乐,琴瑟之声业已止息,
3:46 于是以色列人集合起来,只有来到耶路撒冷对面的米兹帕;米兹帕原是以色列人昔日祈祷的圣地。
3:47 那天人人禁食,身穿苦衣,头上撒灰,撕裂衣服,
3:48 揭开法律书寻问,如同异民寻问他们的偶像一般。
3:49 他们又带来司祭的衣服、初熟的果实和什一的献仪,并叫满期的「纳齐尔」人前来。
3:50 他们大声向上天呼号说:「我们对这些人当怎么办?要把他们带到何处?
3:51 你的圣所已被践踏污辱;你的司祭已蒙难而忧伤。
3:52 异民齐来攻击,要消灭我们!你知道他们对我们所想的是什么。
3:53 除非你援助我们,我们怎能抵抗他们?」
3:54 他们遂吹号角,大声呼喊。
3:55 此后,犹大派定率领军人的千夫长、百夫长、五十夫长和十夫长;
3:56 又向修房屋、订婚、种葡萄与胆怯的人说明,按法律他们可以各回本家。
3:57 于是是调动军队,在厄玛乌以南安营。
3:58 犹大向他们说:「你们应装备起来,作勇敢的士兵,应准备停当,明早向前来攻击我们,毁灭我们和圣所的异民作战,
3:59 因为我们在阵上,宁愿死,也不愿看见我们的民族与圣所遭遇不幸。
3:60 上天的旨意怎样,就怎样实行罢!」
4:1 哥尔基雅率领五千步兵,一千精骑,乘夜进军,
4:2 偷袭犹太人营幕,乘虚突击;堡垒里的人给他作向导。
4:3 犹大一听这消息,便与军队起程,去突击驻扎厄玛乌王军;
4:4 这时王军还散在营外。
4:5 哥尔基雅夜间来到犹大营里,不见一人,遂在山中搜寻说:「这些人避开我们逃走了。」
4:6 天已亮时,犹大领着三千士兵,出现在平原之上,但没有佩带所需要的甲胄和刀剑。
4:7 他们看见异民的军营防守坚固,又有马队巡逻,还都是受过军训的士兵。
4:8 犹大便对同人说:「你们不必害怕他们人数众多,也不要畏惧他们的攻击。
4:9 你们要回忆,当我们的祖先被法郎的军队追赶的时候,他们怎样在红海里获救。
4:10 现在我们要呼吁上天,希望他怜悯我们,记忆他与我们祖先立的盟约,今天在我们前粉碎这支军队,
4:11 使万民知道,有一位解救以色列的。」
4:12 外方人举目一望,见犹太人从对面来了,
4:13 便出营作战;犹大的同志们于是吹起号角。
4:14 双方交锋,异民不支溃败,向平原逃去。
4:15 落后的敌军,全丧身刀下。犹太人追击他们,直到革则尔,直到依杜默雅、阿左托及雅木尼雅平原。敌方阵亡的约三千人。
4:16 犹大和他的军队追赶敌人回来,
4:17 对军队说:「你们不要贪恋战利品,因为前面还有战争:
4:18 哥尔基雅和他的军队还在山中,离我们不远。现今要在敌人前坚定不移,与他们作战,然后纔可安心拾取战利品。」
4:19 犹大还在说话时,发现有一部分敌人从山上窥望,
4:20 这些人一见自己的军队已败退,兵营亦被焚烧,又见烟柱四起,即知发生了事故。
4:21 他们一见如此,非常震惊;又见犹大的军队在平原摆好作战的阵势,
4:22 于是全都逃往培肋舍特人的地方去了。
4:23 犹大回来拾取军营的战利品,得了很金银、紫红和珍贵的朱红色衣服,还有大量的财物。
4:24 他们回来的时候,唱歌赞美上天,「因为他是美善的,他的仁慈永远常存。」
4:25 这一天以色列得了大胜利。
4:26 逃生的外方人来到里息雅那里,向他报告一切经过。
4:27 他一听说这事,张惶失惜,因为在以色列竟发生这事,大出他意料之外,与国王所嘱托的大不相同。
4:28 次年,他调集六万精兵,五千骑兵,来攻打犹太人。
4:29 大军来到依杜默雅,在贝特族尔扎了营。犹大带领一万人迎战;
4:30 他一见敌军强大,便祈祷说:「以色列的救主,你是可赞美的!从前你借着你仆人达味的手,粉碎了巨人强力的袭击,你曾把外方人的军营,交在撒乌耳之子约纳堂,和他执戟者的手中;
4:31 请你将这支军队,困在你百姓以色列的手中罢!使他们的兵马都蒙受羞辱。
4:32 请你使他们恐怖,消散他们逞强的勇气,使他们因溃败而颤栗。
4:33 请你使他们丧身在爱你之人的刀下,使那些认识你名的人,用诗歌来赞颂你。」
4:34 随后双方交锋,里息雅的军队,约有五千人为犹太人所杀。
4:35 里息雅见自己的阵容已乱,而犹大的士气正盛,且已准备作殊死战;他一见如此便退回安提约基雅,招募客军,加强阵容,预备再攻犹太地。
4:36 犹大和他的兄弟们说:「看,我们的敌人业已粉碎,我们要上去清洁圣所,再行祝圣礼。」
4:37 于是全体军队集合,齐上熙雍山。
4:38 当他们看见圣所荒芜,祭坛被玷污,门户被焚毁,庭院生满小树,像在树林或山上生长的一般,厢房都已倒塌,
4:39 便撕裂了衣服,大声哀哭,头上撒灰,
4:40 俯首在地;号角一响,他们便向天哀号。
4:41 那时犹大派人去攻打那些住在堡垒里的人,直到圣所清洁了为止。
4:42 然后又选定了圣洁和热爱法律的司祭;
4:43 这些司祭便清洁圣殿,将被玷污的石头,抛到污秽的地方。
4:44 他们商议,该怎样处理被玷污的全燔祭坛;
4:45 终于想出了一个好主意,就是将祭坛毁坏,免得常存着为异民玷污的耻辱。于是就将祭坛拆毁了,
4:46 将那些石头安放在圣殿山上一个适当的地方,直到一位先知来到,再另行安排。
4:47 他们按法律用整块石头,照原先的样式,另修了一座新祭坛。
4:48 将圣所及圣殿内部都修饰好,也祝圣了庭院,
4:49 又制造了新的圣器,将灯台、香坛、供桌,搬进圣殿。
4:50 在香坛上献香,又点着了灯台上的灯,在殿里放光。
4:51 在供桌上放上饼,将帐幔挂起来;他们应作的一切工作,于是完成。
4:52 一四八年九月,即「基色娄」月,二十五日清晨,他们起来,
4:53 按照法律,在新建的全燔祭坛上献祭。
4:54 即在异民玷污祭坛的同月同日,于唱歌、弹琴、鼓瑟和鸣钹中,祝圣了祭坛。
4:55 全体百姓都俯首至地,钦崇赞美那使他们成功的上天。
4:56 八日之久,举行祭坛的祝圣典礼,都欢乐地献了全燔祭、和平祭及感恩祭。
4:57 他们又用金冠铜牌,装饰圣殿正面,又重修大门和厢房,安上门户。
4:58 民众皆大喜欢,因为异民所加于他们的耻辱,现在全除去了。
4:59 犹大和他的兄弟们,以及以色列全会众,规定年年在这节期,庆祝重新祝圣祭坛节,即由「基色娄」月二十五日起,一连八天欢乐庆祝,
4:60 那时他们也重修熙雍山,在周围建起高墙和巩固的碉楼,免得异民再来,像从前一样蹂躏。
4:61 犹大又派军队在那里护守;并在贝特族尔设防,使人民对依杜默雅有所保障。
5:1 四邻的异民听说犹太人重建了祭坛,重新祝圣了圣所,恢复旧观,于是大怒,
5:2 决意要铲除自己中间的雅各布伯的后裔,就开始屠杀犹太人,加以清除。
5:3 那时犹大在依杜默雅的阿卡巴特乃,攻打正在包围以色列人的厄撒乌的后裔,加以痛击,予以重创;制服他们,获得了许多财物。
5:4 他又想起贝红人的恶行,这些人常作犹太人的罗网和绊脚石,埋伏在路上窥伺陷害。
5:5 犹大将他们包围在碉堡里,安营攻打,下了毁灭令,遂放火将碉堡和其中所有的人焚烧了。
5:6 以后去攻打阿孟子民时,遭遇了强悍大军,军长是提摩太,
5:7 两军交战多次,敌军终为犹大所击败,犹大追杀他们,
5:8 占据了雅则尔及所属村镇,然后回师犹太。
5:9 基肋阿得的异民聚集起来,攻击住在他们境内的以色列人,要消除他们;于是以色列人逃到达特玛堡垒里,
5:10 写信给犹大及他的兄弟们说:「我们四周的异民都聚集起来攻打我们,要铲除我们。
5:11 他们正准备来夺取我们避难的堡垒,提摩太是他们的军长;
5:12 所以现在,请你来拯救我们,脱离他们的手!我们已有许多人丧生。
5:13 住在托布的众弟兄已全被杀,妻子儿女被俘掳,财物被劫掠,在那里被杀的约有一千人。」
5:14 正在读这封信时,又有从加里肋亚来使者,他们的衣服业已撒破,报告消息说:
5:15 「仆托肋买、提洛、漆冬,以及外方人的加里肋亚,都已聚集起来,要消灭我们。」
5:16 犹大与百姓一听见这些消息,立即召集全体大会,商讨怎样拯救蒙难和被敌人攻打的弟兄们。
5:17 犹大对哥哥息孟说:「你挑选一部分人,去援救加里肋亚的弟兄;我同弟弟约纳堂,往基肋阿得去。」
5:18 留下匝加黎雅的儿子若瑟和阿匝黎雅,管理军民,派他们与其余的军队守护犹太。
5:19 又吩咐他们说:「你们只管理百姓,不要与异民交战,直到我回来。」
5:20 于是拨给息孟三千人,往加里肋亚去,犹大率领八千人,往基肋阿得去。
5:21 息孟到了加里肋亚,与异民打了几仗,异民终不支溃败;
5:22 息孟追击他们直到仆托肋买城门外,异民阵亡的约有三千;他获得了许多财物。
5:23 然后将住在加里肋亚和阿尔巴达的犹太人,同妻子儿女,以及所有的东西带回犹太,大家都很高兴。
5:24 犹大玛加伯和弟弟约纳堂,过了约但河,在旷野里行了三天的路;
5:25 纳巴泰人遇着他们,对他们表示欢迎,并将他们的弟兄在基肋阿得地的一切遭遇,报告给他们:
5:26 「他们中有许多人,怎样被困在波索辣、波索尔、阿肋玛、加斯佛、玛刻得和卡尔纳殷,这些城池都很坚固高大。
5:27 还有被困在基肋阿得其它城中的,敌人决定明天进军攻打这些堡垒,计划在一天之内占领,并消灭其中所有的人。」
5:28 犹大领着军队,突然转变方向,经过旷野,到了波索辣,占据了那城,用刀杀尽所有的男丁,夺取了他们的一切财物,然后放火烧了那城。
5:29 从那里夜间起身,来到达特玛堡垒前,
5:30 黎明时,举目一望,看见无数军民,带着云梯与器械,攻打堡垒,正向堡垒里的人攻击。
5:31 犹大见战事已起,杀声连天,角声喊声,混成一片,
5:32 便向兵士说:「今天你们要为弟兄而战。」
5:33 遂从敌后分三队进军,同时一起吹角、呼喊、祈祷。
5:34 提摩太的军队,一认出是玛加伯,就望风而逃;玛加伯追击他们,予以重创,那一天敌方死的约有八千人。
5:35 随后犹大转往阿肋玛,攻陷了那城,杀了所有的男丁,得了许多财物,然后放火将城烧了。
5:36 由此再往前进,将加斯佛、玛刻得、波索尔和基肋阿得的其余诸城都占领了。
5:37 这些事以后,提摩太又集合其它军队,在辣丰对面,河的那一边扎营。
5:38 犹大差人前去侦探敌军,他们回报说:「我们四周的异民,都与他们联合,组成一支人数非常众多的军队,
5:39 还雇用阿剌伯人来协助,都在河那边扎营,准备与你作战。」犹大就前去迎敌。
5:40 当犹大和他的军队临近河旁时,提摩太向他的军官们说:「若犹大先渡到我们这边,我们就不能抵抗他,他必能制胜我们;
5:41 如果他畏惧,安营在河那边,我们就渡河到他那边去,我们必能制胜他。」
5:42 犹大一近急流水旁,便将民间经师布置在河旁,命令他们说:「不准任何人留在营里,都应上阵作战。」
5:43 犹大便先渡河到他们那边,众军人尾随在后。所有的异民一见,便立即溃散,抛下武器,逃往卡尔纳殷庙去了。
5:44 犹太人又攻陷此城,将庙宇和其中众人,放火焚毁,卡尔纳殷遂被征服,从此不敢再反抗犹大。
5:45 那时犹大将住在基肋阿得的全体以色列人,将他们及他们妻子儿女,不分老幼,集合起来,结成庞大的一群,带着他们所有的一,切返回犹太地。
5:46 当他们临近赫斐龙时,--这是一座位于要道的大城,非常巩固,人只可从城中经过,左右不能通行。--
5:47 城里的人将城门紧闭,且用石堵塞起来。
5:48 犹大打发人到他们那里,措辞和气地地向他们说:「请让我们从你们的地方经过,到我们的地方去;无人骚扰你们,我们只求步行过去。」但是也们仍不肯给以色列人开门。
5:49 犹大便传令军中:每人驻扎在原处。
5:50 士兵于是进攻,攻打了一日一夜,城便陷落在他们手里,
5:51 他们用刀剑杀尽所有男子,将城彻底毁灭,得了许多财物,踏在死尸上,穿过城市。
5:52 渡过约但,到了贝特商对面大平原。
5:53 犹大将那些迟迟在后的人集合起来,一路鼓励百姓,直至来到了犹太地。
5:54 大家兴高采烈地上熙雍山,献了全燔祭;他们中没有一个丧亡的都平安回来了。
5:55 当犹大与约纳堂在基肋阿得,他的哥哥息孟在加里肋亚攻打仆托肋买的时日,
5:56 匝加黎雅的儿子若瑟和阿匝黎雅,这两个军长,听到他们作的大事和武功,
5:57 就说:「我们自己也要成名,去与我们四周的异民作战。」
5:58 于是命令所属部队,向雅木尼雅进军,
5:59 哥尔基雅及其属下,便出城迎击。
5:60 若瑟与阿匝黎雅败退,被追赶到犹太边境。那一天,以色列人死亡的约有两千。
5:61 百姓这次所以遭受惨败,是因为这二人自信能成英雄,没有听从犹大及其它兄弟们的话,
5:62 原来他们二人不属于解救以色列人的后裔。至于犹大本人和他的兄弟,大受全以色列及所有听到他们名声的异民所赞扬,人人都聚到他们跟前欢呼。
5:66 然后拔营前进,经过玛黎撒,来到培肋舍特人的地域。
5:67 那一天一些司祭阵亡了,因为他们也想成英雄,轻率地出征作战。
5:68 犹大又转往培肋舍特人的地方阿左托,毁坏了他们的祭坛,焚烧了他们神像,抢掠了各城的财物,然后回了犹太地。
6:1 安提约古王出巡高原时,听说在波斯有一座城,名叫厄里买,以富有金银著名;
6:2 城中的庙宇很富,并且还有金盾铠甲和武器,都是马其顿王斐理伯之子希腊首任国王亚历山大遗留下的。
6:3 他便来到那里,想攻占那城,但没有成功,因为城里的人早已知道他的来意,
6:4 竟起来与他交战,他临阵逃走,狼狈地离开那里,回到巴比伦。
6:5 有人来到波斯给他报告说:「那开往犹太地的军队已经败退;
6:6 带劲旅去前的里息雅,一见犹太人就退却了;犹太人却夺得败军的兵器及大批物资,力量大增。
6:7 他们又拆毁王在耶路撒冷的祭坛上建立的可憎之物,将圣所及贝特族尔王寨用高墙围起来,恢复了旧观。」
6:8 王听了这些话,惊慌失措,倒在床上,忧郁成疾,因为事情没有符合他的理想。
6:9 在那里一连多日,忧郁日渐加重,知道死期近了,
6:10 便将他的诸位朋友叫来,对他们说:「睡眠离开了我眼睛,愁思齐集在我的心头。
6:11 我心里想,从我得势的时候,多么高兴,多么受人爱戴;如今遭受的是什么灾难,遇到的是什么巨浪啊!
6:12 现在回想起我在耶路撒冷所作的恶事:我掠去城中的一切金器银器,无缘无故遣人去消灭犹太的居民。
6:13 如今我明白了,我遭遇这些凶祸,正是为了这个缘故,看,我将在异乡忧郁而死!」
6:14 他将自己的一个朋友斐理伯叫来,立他为全国的元首;
6:15 然后将自己的冠冕、长袍和权戒交给他,叫他辅导自己的儿子安提约古,抚养他继承王位。
6:16 安提约古王就死在那里,时在一百四十九年。
6:17 里息雅知道王已去世,遂立太子安提约古为王,因为他自幼抚养过他,就给他起名叫欧帕托尔。
6:18 那时,那些住在堡垒里的人,常包围圣所,困扰以色列人,不断加害百姓,而支持异民。
6:19 犹大决意铲除他们,便召集全体百姓,向他们围攻。
6:20 一百五十年,以色列人齐来围攻堡垒,同时还造了战楼与军械。
6:21 被包围的人中,有几个突围而出,与一些以色列浪人勾结,
6:22 去见王说:「你何时才实行正义,为我们的弟兄伸冤呢?
6:23 我们很愿意服事你的父亲,遵行他的话,顺从他的命令,
6:24 为这个缘故,我们的百姓纔包围堡垒,仇视我们,遇见我们一个,便杀一个,还夺去了我们的产业。
6:25 他们不但伸手加害我们,而且还加害你的一切领域。
6:26 他们今天正扎营围困耶路撒冷的堡垒,想要占据;且防守圣所及贝特族尔。
6:27 若不及早加以防范,必为后患,那你就不制服他们了。
6:28 王听罢大怒,立即召集诸位朋友、军官和骑兵将领,
6:29 也把从外国及海岛招募来的军队,召到他前。
6:30 军队的数目:共计步兵十万,骑兵两万,受过军训的象三十二头。
6:31 他们由依杜默雅抵达后,便扎营围困贝特族尔,攻打了多日,同时也造了军械;但犹太人冲出来,用火烧了那些军械,都奋勇作战。
6:32 那时犹大撤离堡垒,移营到贝特匝加黎雅,与王营对峙。
6:33 王清晨起来,即移营向贝特匝加黎雅进军,军队列队上阵,响起号角。
6:34 有人在象前,放上葡萄汁和桑葚汁,引诱牠们上阵作战,
6:35 把象分编成队,每只象旁站一千人,都身披铠甲,头戴钢盔;又为每只象派有精骑五百。
6:36 这些骑兵从前常同这兽在一起,兽往那里去,他们也随着去,总不离开。
6:37 在每只兽身上,系着一座掩护坚固的木楼,里面有四个作战勇士,此外还有一个驾驭象的印度人。
6:38 又将其余马队,分为军中左右两翼,为惊扰对方,也为掩护阵线。
6:39 太阳照在金牌铜牌上,光耀反射在山上,闪烁有如火炬。
6:40 王的军队一部分在高山上,一部分在平原里,一起稳步前进。
6:41 众人的喧哗声,进军的步伐声,军器的摩擦声,凡听了无不战栗,因为王的军队实在强大。
6:42 犹大和他的军队一临阵,王的军队便阵亡了六百人。
6:43 号称奥郎的厄肋阿匝尔,见一只兽披着王甲,比众兽都高,便以为在上面的是王,
6:44 为了拯救百姓,为自己永远成名,他就决意牺牲自己。
6:45 于是勇往直前,冲入阵中,左右乱杀,敌军居然被他随处冲散;
6:46 他跑到象下,伏身将牠刺杀了,象跌倒在地,压在他身上,他就死在那里。
6:47 犹太人见王的军力强盛,军队攻击得又凶猛,就从他们前退却了。
6:48 王的军队直开往耶路撒冷,攻打他们,王便面对犹太和熙雍山安营。
6:49 王与贝特族尔人讲了和,他们就出了城,是因为城被包围已没有存粮,又因为那一年正是田地的安息年。
6:50 王便占据了贝特族尔,在那里派军队把守。
6:51 王在圣所对面安营多日,且在那里建立了战楼,制造军械,火箭机,抛石机和蝎子机,为发箭抛石。
6:52 犹太人为抵敌人武器,自己也制造了利器,双方酣战多日。
6:53 只是仓中没有粮食,因为这年正是安息年,又因为从外方被救回犹太地的人民,将存粮都吃光了,
6:54 所以在圣所里只留下少数人,因为饥饿逼人,各自四散回本乡去了。
6:55 里息雅听说:当先王还活着的时候,派定抚养自己的儿子安提约古,并辅佐他为王的斐理伯,
6:56 和与王一起出征的军队,从波斯及玛待回来,企图夺取政权。
6:57 里息雅一听说,就决意急速撤兵,便向王与军官及众人说:「我们一天比一天衰弱,又缺少食粮,围困的地方又牢不可破,况且国家的大事都压在我们身上,
6:58 所以现在,我们不如先同这些人携手,与他们及他们的百姓讲和,
6:59 使他们按自己的法律生活,如同先前一样,因为他们正是为了我们废弃他们法律的缘故,纔大发盛怒,作出这一切事。」
6:60 王和各将领都满意这话,便打发使者到犹太人那里去讲和,犹太人也予以接受。
6:61 王和各将领也对他们发了誓,因此,他们纔从堡垒里出来。
6:62 可是,当王到了熙雍山,见了这地方的堡垒,便立时背弃誓约,命人将四周的围墙拆毁。
6:63 然后,急速起程,回到安提约基雅,见斐理伯已在城内掌权,就与他作战,用武力将城夺回。
7:1 一百五十一年,色娄苛的的儿子德默特琉,逃离罗马,带着少数几个人,在沿海的一座城登陆,在那里称王。
7:2 当他要进入祖先王宫时,他的军队将安提约古和里息雅逮捕了,要给他解来。
7:3 但他一听说这事,就说:「你们不要让我见他们的面。」
7:4 军队便将他们杀了;德默特琉于是坐上了本国的王位。
7:5 那时,一般无法无天的以色列人,以想作大司祭的阿耳基慕为首,竟来到王跟前,
7:6 控告自己的百姓说:「犹大和他的兄弟们,杀害了你所有的朋友,也使我们离开本国。
7:7 现在,请派遣你信赖的人,去看看他们加于我们及王国的一切破坏情形,然后对他们和他们的助手处以惩罚。」
7:8 王便从自己的朋友中选了巴基德;他原是河西的总督,国家的一位要人,且忠于君王。
7:9 王派他与恶棍阿耳基慕同去,且委任阿耳基慕为大司祭,叫他向以色列子民复仇。
7:10 他们带着大军动身到了犹太地,就打发使者,向犹大及其兄弟们和谈,欺骗他们;
7:11 不过他们并不理会那些人的话,因为已看出他们带着大军而来的用意。
7:12 无如,经师团竟集体去见阿耳基慕和巴基德,要求公正调解。
7:13 其次,在以色列平民中,首先是哈息待人来向他们求和,
7:14 因为他们想:「来者是位亚郎后裔的司祭,他虽然带着军队,但决不会加害我们。」
7:15 阿耳基慕遂向他们说了一些亲善的话,还发誓说:「我们决不谋害你们及你们的朋友!」
7:16 他们便信了他的话。那料想阿耳基慕竟捕去他们六十人,在一天之内将他们都杀死,应验了经上这句话:
7:17 「在耶路撒冷四周,他们分散了你圣者的肉体,倾流了他们的血,无人埋葬。」
7:18 于是,恐怖战栗笼罩着整个百姓;遂说:「这些人没有真理,没有正义,违犯了盟约,背弃了发过的誓言。」
7:19 那时,巴基德从耶路撒冷出发,在贝特斋特安营,打发人将许多逃来跟从他的人,和一些平民拘捕杀害,投在大坑里。
7:20 然后把这地委托给阿耳基慕管理,又给他留下军队协助他;巴基德就回到王那里去了。
7:21 阿耳基慕仍为作大司祭而活动;
7:22 那些扰乱自己百姓的人,都同他联合,占据了犹太地,在以色列中酿成大祸。
7:23 犹大见阿耳基慕及跟从他的人,对以色列子民所行的一切,比异民还坏,
7:24 便出巡犹太四境,对叛徒采取报复,阻止他们到乡间去。
7:25 阿耳基慕一见犹大和他的同伴力量强大,自知不能抵抗,就回到王前,控告他们许多罪行。
7:26 王的一位将尼加诺尔,很仇恨以色列人,王就派遣他,命他去歼灭这百姓。
7:27 尼加诺尔率领大军,一来到耶路撒冷,便派人去见犹大和他的兄弟们,诈言和谈说:
7:28 「愿你我之间,没有战争。我愿同少数人来,与你们和平会面。」
7:29 于是尼加诺尔去见犹大,彼此和气地请了安;可是敌人已准备好要劫持犹大。
7:30 犹大一知他来意不善,就非常害怕,不愿再见他的面。
7:31 尼加诺尔知道自己的计谋已被识破,就出去,在加法撒拉玛对面,和犹大交战。
7:32 这次尼加诺尔的军队死的,约有五百人,其余的人都逃到达味城里。
7:33 这些事过后,尼加诺尔上了熙雍山。有几位司祭和几位民间长老,从圣所里出来,和颜悦色地向他请安,并将为君王所献的全燔祭品,指给他看。
7:34 但他对那些人却加以轻慢、嘲笑、亵渎,还说了一些傲慢的话。
7:35 且又忿怒地发誓说:「犹大和他的军队,若不立即交在我手里,当我平安回来时,必要将这殿宇烧毁。」以后气愤地出去了。
7:36 司祭便进去,站在祭坛及圣殿前哭泣说:
7:37 「主啊!是你选择了这地方,使它因你的名而得名,作为你百姓祈祷呼吁的殿宇。
7:38 求你在这人和他的军队身上复仇,使他们死在刀剑下!你要记住他们的亵渎,不容他们存在!」
7:39 尼加诺尔撤出耶路撒冷,在贝特龙安营,在那里有一支叙利亚的军队与他会合。
7:40 犹大率领三千人,在阿达撒安营。犹大祈祷说:
7:41 「主啊!当亚述君王的兵士说亵渎话时,你的天使出来,杀死了他们十八万五千。
7:42 今天,你也在我们面前,同样歼灭这支军队罢!使其余的人知道,他曾咒骂过你的圣所。请按他的恶行处罚他!」
7:43 「阿达尔」月十三日,双方军队交战,尼加诺尔的军溃败,他自己首先阵亡了。
7:44 尼加诺尔的军队一见他死了,就弃甲逃走。
7:45 犹太人追赶他们有天的路程,从阿达撒一直追到革则尔,还在他们后边吹角为号,
7:46 使四周犹太人,都从各村镇出来,包围他们。于是敌军互相践踏,都丧身刀下,一个也没有留下。
7:47 犹太人得了战利品和赃物,砍下尼加诺尔的头,和他傲慢伸过的右手,带回来,悬在耶路撒冷附近。
7:48 百姓非常欢喜,庆祝那一天,有如喜庆的节日。
7:49 于是规定每年「阿达尔」月十三日为庆日。
7:50 犹太地遂平安了一个时期。
8:1 犹大听到罗马人的名声,听说他们势力强大,凡倾向他们的,都加以优待,无论谁来接近他们,就与他们友善;罗马人因之势力渐渐强大。
8:2 有人对他谈及罗马人在高卢作战和所有英勇的事,怎样征服高卢人,使他们进贡;
8:3 又在西班牙地方所行的一切,怎样占领那里的银矿金矿;
8:4 怎样用计谋和毅力,占领那离他们很远全地;
8:5 又怎样打败由地极来攻打他们的国王,怎样使他们遭受重创,又怎样使其余的国王,年年来进贡;又怎样战败斐理伯和基廷人的国王培尔叟,怎样征服那些起来反抗他们的人。
8:6 亚细亚王大安提约古,虽然带有一百二十只象、马队、战车,以及庞大的军队,来同他们交战,也被他们打败,
8:7 甚至还被活捉了去,给他和将来继位的加了重税,还要交出人质,割让土地:
8:8 就是将印度、玛待、里狄雅及数处最好的地方割让给欧默乃王。
8:9 又给犹大谈及希腊人怎样企图歼灭他们,
8:10 罗马人一知道这事,就派一员大将去攻打;双方交锋,希腊人死亡甚众,罗马人就俘掳了他们的妻子儿女,抢掠了他们的财物,占领了他们的土地,毁坏了他们的堡垒,使他们的妻子儿女,抢掠了他们的财物,占领了他们的土地,毁坏他们的堡垒,使他们成为奴隶,直至今日。
8:11 其余各国和海岛,凡是反抗过他们的,都被消灭,成为他们的奴隶。不过,他们对于自己的盟国和附庸国,却保持友谊;
8:12 他们征服了远近各国,凡听见他们名声的,没有不畏惧的。
8:13 他们愿意辅佐谁为王,谁就可以为王;愿意废弃谁,谁就被废弃。他们的势力实在强盛。
8:14 虽然如此,但是他们中,没有一个戴冠冕,穿紫袍,因而自高自大的。
8:15 他们设立了一个议院,天天有三百二十人,常在为人民议事,为人民谋福利。
8:16 每年委托一人,作自己的首领管辖全国,众人都服从他;他们中没有嫉妒,也没有竞争。
8:17 犹大就选了阿科斯的孙子,若望的儿子欧颇肋摩和厄肋阿匝尔的儿子雅松,派遣他们到罗马去,与罗马人缔结友好盟约,
8:18 希望罗马人看出希腊国要使以色列作奴隶,因而协助他们摆脱希腊国的压迫。
8:19 于是他们起程,行了很遥远的路,纔到达罗马。走进议院,就进言说:
8:20 「犹大玛加伯同他的兄弟和犹太民众,打发我们到你们这里来,为同你们建立同盟,缔结和约,将我们列于你们的联盟和友邦之中。」
8:21 这种请求,大受议员的欢迎。
8:22 他们便将约文刻在铜版上,送到耶路撒冷,叫犹太人保存,作为和平联盟的记念。其文如下:
8:23 「愿罗马人及犹太民族,在海陆上永远幸福,愿他们永无刀兵与敌对之事!
8:24 若罗马或其领土上的同盟国先遇到战事,
8:25 犹太国应在可能环境内,尽心帮助同盟国作战;
8:26 应按罗马人所决定的,不得给予或供应敌人食粮、武器、银钱和船只,且应尽自己的责任,毫无所求。
8:27 同样,若犹太国先遇到战争,罗马人也应该在可能环境内,尽心帮助同盟国作战。
8:28 应按罗马人所决定的,不得给予或供应敌军食粮、武器、银钱和船只,且应尽自己的责任,不可诡诈。
8:29 根据这些话,罗马人同犹太民族签定了盟约。
8:30 假使日后,双方愿意有何增删,经双方同意后,所有增删皆为有效。
8:31 关于德默特琉王对以色列人所行的恶事,我们已经向他写信说:你为什么压迫我们的友邦和同盟犹太人呢?
8:32 若他们再控告你,我们必要为他们主持公道,而与你海陆交战。」
9:1 德默特琉听说,尼加诺尔已经阵亡,军队已覆没,便再派遣巴基德和阿耳基慕,率领右翼军,到犹太地去。
9:2 他们沿着通往加里肋亚的大道前,包围了阿尔贝拉的买撒罗特,攻陷那地方,杀死很多人。
9:3 一百五十二年正月,面对耶路撒冷安营。
9:4 但以后又拔营,领着步兵两万,骑兵两千,前往贝尔则特。
9:5 同时犹大带着精兵三千,在厄拉撒驻扎。
9:6 犹太人见敌军人数众多,都很害怕,于是许多人离营潜逃,剩下的仅八百人。
9:7 犹大见自己的军队潜逃,战事又迫于眉睫,心中焦急,已来不及集合兵马;
9:8 遂失意地对剩下的人说:「起来,去攻打敌人,也许能与他们对抗!」
9:9 他们劝阻他说:「我们不能去!现在只可逃命!不如回去联合我们的弟兄,再与他们决战,因为我们人数太少!」
9:10 犹大说:「逃走!我决不逃。若时机到来,我们要为我们的兄弟勇敢牺牲,决不可失掉我们的光荣。」
9:11 敌军从营里冲出,犹太人便去迎战。这时敌骑分成两翼,投石手与弓手行在军队前面,前锋都是勇士,巴基德坐镇右翼。
9:12 敌军两翼进攻时,吹起号角,犹大方面的人也吹起号角。
9:13 于是两军喊声震地,从早到晚,在混战中。
9:14 犹大见巴基德和军队主力都在右翼,就集合所有勇敢的人,专攻右翼;
9:15 右翼便被他们击溃,他们将敌人追到阿左托山。
9:16 敌军左翼见右翼败退,便转身从背后追击犹大及其军队。
9:17 战事十分激烈,双方死伤甚重。
9:18 犹大也阵亡了,其余的人也都逃散。
9:19 约纳堂便和息孟,将他们的兄弟犹大抬回,埋葬在摩丁城的祖茔里。
9:20 全以色列都痛哭他,非常悲哀,一连多日哀悼他说:
9:21 「拯救以色列的英雄,怎会阵亡?」
9:22 犹大其余的言行,所立的战功,英勇的事迹,和他的伟大,都没有记载出来,因为实在太多了。
中编 约纳堂元帅兼大司祭
9:23 犹大死后,以色列各地的歹徒,都蜂拥而起,作恶的人也乘机而兴,
9:24 因为那时正逢大荒年,当地的人多起而附和。
9:25 巴基德便选出一些歹徒,派定他们主管那地方;
9:26 他们便搜查犹大的朋友,逮捕后,解到巴基德前,让他报仇,虐待他们。
9:27 以色列从此遭受大难,这大难是自他们没有先知那天起,从未遭遇过的。
9:28 于是犹大的众朋友聚集起来,向约纳堂说:
9:29 「自从你兄弟犹大死后,没有一个像他的人出来,抵抗我们的仇敌和巴基德,以及仇视我们民族的人。
9:30 所以我们今天推选你来代替他,作我们的领袖,领导我们作战。」
9:31 约纳堂那时便接受了领袖的职位,起来代替他哥哥犹大。
9:32 巴基德一听说这事,企图杀害他。
9:33 约纳堂和他哥哥息孟以及他的众同志,知道这个消息后,便逃到特科亚旷野,驻扎在阿斯法尔水池旁。
9:34 【巴基德在安息日知道了这事,便率领他的全军,来到约但的彼岸。】
9:35 约纳堂打发作军长哥哥若望,去求他的朋友纳巴泰人,管理他们大批的装备。
9:36 不料,杨布黎人从默达巴出来,捉住若望,且抢去他的一切所有,带着走了。
9:37 事后,有人报告约纳堂及他的兄弟息孟说:「杨布黎人现在正要举行隆重的婚礼,场面伟大,由纳达巴特迎娶新娘,她是客纳罕一个族长的女儿。」
9:38 那时他们便想起他们兄弟若望的血债,遂上去藏在山中隐密处。
9:39 举目一望,看见一群喧嚷的人和大批的妆奁,新郎和他的众朋友及兄弟,都出来迎接,其中有的敲鼓,有的奏乐,很多人还拿着武器。
9:40 犹太人便从埋伏的地方起来,向他们冲去击杀,他们伤亡的很多,其余的都逃到山里去了,犹太人便抢得了他们所有的一切。
9:41 如此,婚事变成了丧事,乐声变成了哀声。
9:42 他们为自己的兄弟报了血仇以后,就回到约但河的沼泽地方。
9:43 巴基德一听说这事,就在安息日率领大军,来到约但河畔。
9:44 那时约纳堂向部下说:「现在应当起来,应为保全生命而战,今天决不像昨天或前天一样。
9:45 战争就在我们前后进行,这里有约但河水,那边有沼泽和丛林,决没有退却的地方。
9:46 所以现在应向上天呼吁,援救你们脱离仇敌的手。」
9:47 双方于是交战,约纳堂伸手要杀巴基德,巴基德却脱身逃了。
9:48 约纳堂便同他的部下,跳进约但河,游到对岸,敌人并未过约但河追击。
9:49 那一天,巴基德方面死亡的约一千人。
9:50 巴基德回到耶路撒冷,在犹太各城修筑防御工事,又修建高墙,安上大门和闩,巩固了耶里哥、厄玛乌、贝特曷龙、贝特耳、提默纳达、法辣通、特丰等地所有的堡垒;
9:51 在那里驻扎了守卫队,与以色列为敌;
9:52 且巩固了贝特族尔城,革则尔和耶路撒冷的堡垒,派军队驻扎在那里,并贮存了食粮,
9:53 又把当地首领的孩子,带去作质,囚禁在耶路撒冷的堡垒里,
9:54 一百五十三年二月,阿耳基慕下令拆毁圣所内院的墙,就是拆毁先知们修建的工程,但他只能开始拆墙,
9:55 因为那时候,阿耳基慕忽然得了病,他的工作因此被迫停止;他的口闭着,身子瘫痪,不能说话,也不能料理家事。
9:56 阿耳基慕就这样十分凄惨地死了。
9:57 巴基德见阿耳基慕已死,回到国王那里,犹太地方于是两年得享平安。
9:58 那时,犹太人中的一般歹徒又商议说:「看,约纳堂和他的部下,已安心生活,一无所惧,所以现在我们要引巴基德来,一夜之间,把他们一网打尽。」
9:59 于是他们去向他建议。
9:60 巴基德起身,带领大军前来,同时暗中给他在犹太的一切同僚去信,叫他们逮捕约纳堂和他的部下;但是他们没有办到,因为计划已被泄漏。
9:61 约纳堂的部下,反而从当地人中,逮捕了这事的罪魁五十名,尽行杀死。
9:62 约纳堂和息孟及他的部下,随后退入旷野,到了贝特巴息,将那里已毁坏的地方,重加修建及巩固。
9:63 巴基德知道了这事,就集合他的大军,又通知犹太地的党羽;
9:64 便来面对贝特巴息安营,制造军械,攻打了多日。
9:65 约纳堂留下哥哥息孟在城里把守,自己带着一批人去了乡下,
9:66 袭击住在帐幕中的敖多默辣,和他的兄弟们,以及法息龙的后裔。这些人也随他作战,部队也随着扩大。
9:67 那时,息孟也率领部下,突出城外,焚毁了敌方的军械。
9:68 于是双方夹攻,巴基德大败,因此十分懊丧,因为他的计谋与战略都落了空,
9:69 便对那些给他献计,劝他来此地的歹徒泄怒,将他们中许多人杀死,然后决意回国。
9:70 约纳堂一知道了,就打发使者到他那里,与他和谈,要求交还俘虏。
9:71 巴基德接受了,也按他所说的话行了,还向他发誓,有生之日,不再谋害他,
9:72 遂把以前在犹太地掳去的俘虏,交还给约纳堂,然后回本国去了;此后再不打算来犯犹太国境。
9:73 以色列地干戈于是止息。约纳堂住在米革玛斯,开始治理百姓,且将歹徒由以色列中除尽。
10:1 一百六十年,安提约古儿子亚历山大厄丕法乃上去,占领了仆托肋买,人民欢迎他在那里为王。
10:2 德默特琉王听说这事,就集合大军,去与他交战。
10:3 同时,德默特琉致书约纳堂,言辞温和,且提高他的权位,
10:4 因为德默特琉说:「我们要赶快与他缔结和好,免得他先与亚历山大联合,反抗我们,
10:5 又恐怕他还记念我们对他的兄弟及他的百姓所行的恶事。」
10:6 于是,便将调集军队及准备军械的权柄交给约纳堂,将他看作自己的同盟,又下令将堡垒里的人质,交还给他,
10:7 约纳堂来到耶路撒冷,当着百姓及住在堡垒里的人面前,宣读了这封书信。
10:8 堡垒里的人一听王给了他调集军队的权柄,都很害怕。
10:9 他们便将人质交还给约纳堂,约纳堂再转交给各人的父母。
10:10 以后约纳堂住在耶路撒冷,开始重修京城,使恢复旧观。
10:11 他命令工人,用方石修筑垣墙和熙雍山的四周,以作防御;他们就这样作了。
10:12 住在巴基德所修建的堡垒里的外方人,都已逃走,
10:13 各人都离开岗位,回到本国,
10:14 只在贝特族尔,还留下几个背弃法律,不守诫命的人,因为那里是避难藏身的地方。
10:15 那时,亚历山大王听到德默特琉允许给的约纳堂的事,同时还有人将约纳堂及他弟兄们的作战,英勇事迹和遭遇的打击等,给他述说了,
10:16 就说:「难道我们还能找到这样的一个人吗?我们要使他作为我们的朋友,作我们的同盟!」
10:17 遂写信给约纳堂,信上说:
10:18 「亚历山大王祝的约纳堂兄安好!
10:19 听说你是英勇有为之士,适合作我们的朋友。
10:20 现今我委任你作你百姓的大司祭,并称你是是君王的朋友,--同时给他送来紫袍和金冠--愿你关心我们的事,与我们保持友谊。」
10:21 一百六十年七月帐棚节日,约纳堂乃穿上圣服,调集军队,并准备了大批武器。
10:22 德默特琉一听说了这事,便忧闷地说:
10:23 「我们怎么竟让亚历山大在我们之先与犹太人结为友好,作为后盾?
10:24 我也要用委婉的言辞,许以地位和礼品,给他们写信,诱导他们也作我的助手。」
10:25 于是给犹太人写了以下的信说:「德默特琉王祝犹太民族安好!
10:26 由于你们持守以前与我们订立的条约,保持了我们之间的友谊,没有与我们的仇敌联合,我们听了很高兴。
10:27 现在,若你们继续忠于我们,你们为我们作的一切,我们必破格还报:
10:28 给你们种种豁免,赠与你们各种礼品。
10:29 现在豁免你们全犹太人丁税、盐税和王冠金。
10:30 由犹太本地,及划归犹太的撒玛黎雅和加里肋亚的三个地区,我所得出产的三分之一和树上果实的一半,今日都一概豁免,由今日起直到永远。
10:31 耶路撒冷应是圣的,所以这城及其四郊,免交什一之物和赋税。
10:32 对于耶路撒冷堡垒的权利,我也放弃,让与大司祭,他可任意委任自己拣选的人,驻在那里护守。
10:33 凡从犹太地掳至我国的犹太人,我都恢复他们的自由,毫无代价,而且还豁免他们的赋税和牲畜税。
10:34 凡一切的节日、安息日、朔日、指定的庆日,以及各庆节前后三日,为住在我国内的一切犹太人,都成为享有特权与免役的日子:
10:35 为一切事件,谁也无权干涉及骚扰他们中任何一人。
10:36 可招募三万犹太人加入王家军队,所给军饷,与一切王家军队同。
10:37 从这些人中,抽调一部分,分驻在国的主要堡垒里;再由这些人中,选拔一部份,出任国家信托的职位;还可将自己的人派作他们的官员和将领,按照自己的法律行事,正如王从前在犹太地命令过一样。
10:38 由撒玛黎雅境内,划归犹太的三区,应与犹太合并为一,全受一人统治,除大司祭外,不应听从别人。
10:39 我将仆托肋买及其所属,赠予耶路撒冷圣所,其收入作为圣所需要的经费。
10:40 我每年由丰富之地纳入王库的银钱,拨出一万五千「协刻耳」。
10:41 凡前几年,官员们所没有缴纳的银钱,从现在起,他们都得交还,以作圣殿的经费。
10:42 此外,每年由圣所的收入内,征收的五千银钱也一概豁免,因为这笔钱,应归那些尽圣职的司祭所有。
10:43 凡到耶路撒冷圣殿,或殿院内逃避国债与私债的,都一律赦免;至于他在我国内的一切所有,仍归他所有。
10:44 为建筑及修理圣所的工程,花费也由王库支付。
10:45 凡为修筑耶路撒冷的城墙,及其四周的堡垒,以及犹太各地的城墙,所用的经费,都由王库支付。」
10:47 何况亚历山大首先与他们和谈,于是他们拥护他,与他永结同盟。
10:48 那时,亚历山大王集合大军,出发攻打德默特琉。
10:49 两王互相交锋,亚历山大的军队败退,德默特琉追赶,大获胜利。
10:50 但亚历山大仍继续苦战,直到日落,德默特琉竟在这天阵亡。
10:51 亚历山大于是派遣使者,到埃及王仆托肋米前,这样说:
10:52 「自从我回到祖国,便坐上了我祖先的宝座,我战胜德默特琉,得掌握主权,且占据我们的土地。--
10:53 原来我与他宣战,打败他和他的军队,就坐上他的王位;--
10:54 现在,让我们彼此结好,请将女儿嫁给我为妻,我做你的女婿,且将相称于你的礼物,送给你和她。」
10:55 仆托肋米王回答说:「你回归祖国,登上你祖先王位的那一天,真是个好日子!
10:56 如今我按你所写的实行,可是请你亲到仆托肋买,我们好彼此会面,我要按你说的,使你作我的女婿。」
10:57 一百六十二年,仆托肋米和他的女儿克娄帕达,离开埃及,来到仆托肋买。
10:59 那时,亚历山大王也给约纳堂写信,请他来与自己会面。
10:60 约纳堂便堂堂正正地来到了仆托肋买,与二王会面,也给他们和他们的朋友,送来金银并许多礼品,深得他们的欢心。
10:61 那时,以色列有些歹徒,即违背法律人,聚集起来控告他,无如国王置之不理,
10:62 王反命人脱去约纳堂的衣服,给他穿上紫袍。人就照样作了。
10:63 王又叫他坐在自己身边,向官员说:「你们陪着他往城里去,宣布说:无论因为什么事,不得控告他;在一切事上,不得干扰他。」
10:64 那时,控告他的人,一见他身披紫袍,享受的光荣如所宣布的一样,就都逃走了。
10:65 国王为光荣他,又将他列入一等朋友中,并且封他为统帅,为总督。
10:66 约纳堂然后平安回到耶路撒冷,非常喜欢。
10:67 一百六十五年,德默特琉儿子德默特琉,由克里特回到祖国。
10:68 亚历山大王听说这消息,很是忧愁,就回到安提约基雅去。
10:69 德默特琉立阿颇罗尼为切肋叙利亚总督。阿颇罗尼遂集合大军,在雅木尼雅扎营,且派人去见大司祭约纳堂说:
10:70 「只有你起来攻击我们,因为你的缘故,我为人耻笑,受人非难,你为什么在山上向我们示威呢?
10:71 所以现在,如果你仗恃兵力,就请下到平原,到我们这里,彼此较量一下,因为我有许多城池可倚恃。
10:72 你要查询一下我是谁,其它作我们后盾又是谁。人都说,你们决不能抵抗我们,因为你的祖先,曾在自己的土地上,逃跑过两次。
10:73 现在这平原里没有石头,也没有盘石,更没有逃避的地方,你决不能抵抗骑兵,和这么多的军队。
10:74 约纳堂一听阿颇罗尼的这些话,勃然大怒,挑选了一万人,从耶路撒冷出发,他哥哥息孟也与他会合,给他助战。
10:75 他便在约培对面扎了营。城里的人关了城门,因为约培城内有阿颇罗尼的军队。犹太人于是攻城,
10:76 城中人心里害怕,就开了门,约纳堂遂占领了约培。
10:77 阿颇罗尼听说这事,遂即动员三千骑兵,一队庞大的步兵,假作过路的样式,向阿左托进发,却突然开往平原,因为那里有他所依仗的一大队骑兵。
10:78 那时,约纳堂尾随阿颇罗尼,也赶到阿左托,双方军队于是交锋,
10:79 阿颇罗尼曾留下一千骑兵,在他们背后埋伏。
10:80 约纳堂也知道自己背后有埋伏;军队遂被包围,从早到晚,受敌箭射击。
10:81 但军人遵从约纳堂的命令,坚持不动,敌人的战马终于疲乏。
10:82 息孟于是引军队出击,加入阵线,敌军终因骑兵都已疲惫,大败逃走。
10:83 骑兵在平原里四散奔逃,逃到阿左托,进入他们的达贡庙逃命。
10:84 但是,约纳堂焚毁了阿左托及其四周村镇,得了其中的战利品,又将达贡庙和逃到里面的人,都放火烧了。
10:85 这次死在刀下和烧死的,约有八千人。
10:86 约纳堂离开那里,又在阿市刻隆扎营,城里的人都出来热烈地欢迎他。
10:87 约纳堂然后率领部下,带着许多战利品,回了耶路撒冷。
10:88 亚历山大王一听说这事,就更加光荣约纳堂:
10:89 就是将按习惯应赐给君王贵戚的金扣,送给他;并且还将厄刻龙及其属地,赐给他作为产业。
11:1 埃及王聚集了多如海沙的大军,和许多船只,图谋用诡计夺取亚历山大的国土,归属自己的版图;
11:2 他便一路扬言和平,往叙利亚进发,各城的居民都给他们开门,迎接他,因为亚历山大曾下令,要人欢迎他,因为他是自己的岳父。
11:3 但是,每当仆托肋米进入一城,就在那城内派上自己的军队防守;
11:4 及至来近阿左托时,人便将焚毁了的达贡庙、阿左托和其周围的废墟,以及横躺竖卧的尸体,和战时被焚烧的遗骸,堆积在他要经过的路旁,指给他看;
11:5 并将约纳堂行的事,陈述给王,意思是要王惩罚他,王却默然不语。
11:6 那时,约纳堂又堂堂正正地来到了约培,与王会面;彼此请安,还一起在那里过宿。
11:7 约纳堂陪伴君王,来到称为厄娄特洛的河那里,纔返回耶路撒冷。
11:8 仆托肋米王既占领了沿海各城,直到临海的色娄基雅,就对亚历山大起了恶意,
11:9 于是派遣使者见德默特琉王说:「请你来,我们彼此结为同盟,我要将嫁与亚历山大的女儿给你为妻,你在你的祖国将要为王。
11:10 我后悔把我的女儿嫁给了他,因为他竟然谋害我。」
11:11 他诬枉亚历山大,是因为他垂涎他的国土。
11:12 于是将自己的女儿抢去,嫁给德默特琉,而与亚历山大绝交;他们之间的仇恨就此公开了。
11:13 仆托肋米进了安提约基雅,就戴上了亚细亚的王冠:这样在他的头上戴着埃及和亚细亚的两顶王冠。
11:14 那时,亚历山大王正在基里基雅,因为那地方的人民发生了变乱。
11:15 但亚历山大一听说这事,就来与他交战;仆托肋米王也率领大军来猛攻亚历山大,将他击败。
11:16 亚历山大便逃到阿剌伯,在那里避难,仆托肋米王于是胜利了。
11:17 阿剌伯人匝贝狄耳便砍了亚历山大的头,送给了仆托肋米。
11:18 三天后,仆托肋米王也死了,他留在堡垒里的埃及人,也被堡垒里的本地人杀死。
11:19 德默特琉遂登上王位,时在一百六十七年。
11:20 那时,约纳堂召集犹太人,攻打耶路撒冷的堡垒;为攻打堡垒,制造了许多军械。
11:21 有些怀恨自己百姓的歹徒,竟来到王前,将约纳堂围攻堡垒的事,向他报告了。
11:22 王听了大怒,就立刻动身,到了仆托肋买,给约纳堂写信,要他停止围攻,且叫他赶快来仆托肋买,与他会面商谈。
11:23 约纳堂听说后,仍下令继续围攻,选了以色列中的几位长老和司祭,与他同去冒险,
11:24 且带着金银、衣服和许多别的礼品,前往仆托肋买,来会见君王,甚得君王的欢心。
11:25 这时,百姓中有几个歹徒,仍来控告他;
11:26 但是王对待他,仍如前王对待他一样,在自己的众位朋友前赞扬他;
11:27 并且保证他仍作大司祭,仍享有从前所有的各种特殊荣誉,还将他列入王的一等朋友之中。
11:28 约纳堂便要求王豁免犹太及撒玛黎雅三区的赋税,而许给王三百「塔冷通」。
11:29 王应允了,并且关于这一切事,还给约纳堂写了以下的信说:
11:30 「德默特琉王祝约纳堂兄和犹太民族安好!
11:31 关于你们的事,我们已给我们的亲贵拉斯特乃去了信,如今我们将原文录下,送给你们,使你们知道它的内容:
11:32 『德默特琉王祝亚父拉斯特乃安好!
11:33 我们决意要善待犹太民族,因为他们是我们的朋友,对我们保持了正义,且怀有善意。
11:34 因此,我们也将犹太地,及由撒玛黎雅划归犹太的阿斐赖玛、里达和辣玛塔因三区,以及一切属镇,归于他们。凡到耶路撒冷献祭的人,他们从前每年应向王缴纳地产和树上的果实等税,现在我一律豁免。
11:35 其它凡归于我们的什一之物、经常税、盐井税,以及应归于我们的王冠金等,从今日起,一概豁免。
11:36 凡此种种,由今日起,直到无限期,一概不得废除。』
11:37 所以,现在请你们费心,再将这张公文腾抄一份,送给约纳堂,叫他放在圣山的显明处。」
11:39 那时,原先曾作亚历山大同党的特黎丰,见众军队抱怨德默特琉,遂去见教养亚历山大幼子安提约古的阿剌伯人依玛谷。
11:40 他催逼他将孩子交给自己,使他继承他父亲的王位;也将德默特琉的一切作为,以及众军队愤恨他的事,都给依玛谷述说了。以后他在那里也住了多日。
11:41 那时,约纳堂遣人到德默特琉王前,要求他将耶路撒冷堡垒里及各营寨里的人撤回,因为他们常攻击以色列人。
11:42 德默特琉遂差遣人到约纳堂那里去说:「我不但对你和你的民族要作这些事,几时我有好机会,我还要极力光荣你和你的民族。
11:43 现在更好请你派遣一些人,来帮助我出征,因为我的一切军队都已离去。」
11:44 约纳堂便给他往安提约基雅调去三千勇兵;他们来到王前,王因他们的来临感到喜乐。
11:45 那时,约有十二万市民,在城中心集合,想要杀害国王,
11:46 国王便躲到宫殿里去。市民一占据城中要道,即开始进攻。
11:47 国王遂求犹太人帮忙,他们便一起聚集到他跟前,然后分散到城里,在那一天杀了约十万人,
11:48 也把城烧了,同时获得了许多战利品,且营救了国王。
11:49 城里的人见犹太人占据了城池,任意行事,都胆战心惊,遂呼求国王说:
11:50 「请向我们伸出右手,叫犹太人停止攻击我们和城池!」
11:51 他们遂放下武器讲和。这样,犹太人在国王及其国民前受到光荣,然后带着许多战利品,回了耶路撒冷。
11:52 德默特琉王于是又坐上王位,国家在他统治下又安定了。
11:53 但是他竟背弃了他所应许的一切,对约纳堂也疏远了,不但没有按照约纳堂对他所施的恩惠还报,反而处处为难。
11:55 此时德默特琉所遣散的军队,都聚集起来,攻击德默特琉,德默特琉只得转身逃走。
11:56 特黎丰因而获得了象队,占据了安提约基雅。
11:57 那时,小安提约古给约纳堂写信说:「我立你为大司祭,派你管辖四区,将你列入国王朋友中。」
11:58 他给他送上金器和一套餐具,准他以金杯饮酒,紫袍,带金扣;
11:59 又任命他哥哥息孟为总督,由提洛梯山直到埃及边境,都由他管辖。
11:60 那时,约纳堂出巡大河以西的各城各地,叙利亚的军队都聚集到他跟前,助他作战;他来到阿市刻隆时,城里的居民都热烈地欢迎他。
11:61 他又由此往迦萨去,迦萨的居民却关闭城门;他就围攻那城,放火烧了郊区,洗劫一空。
11:62 迦萨的居民遂求约纳堂,约纳堂就同他们讲和,只是将他们首领的孩子带去,送到耶路撒冷作质。他走遍全境,直到大马士革。
11:63 那时,约纳堂听说,德默特琉的将领们,带着大军,来到加里肋亚的卡德士,迫他放弃自己的职务;
11:64 他就将自己的哥哥息孟留在那里,自己迎敌去了。
11:65 息孟在贝特族尔对面扎营,攻打了多日,将那地封锁。
11:66 贝特族尔人向他求和,息孟便同他们讲和,将他们从那里赶走,占据了那城,并在城里驻扎了军队。
11:67 同时约纳堂和他的军队,在革乃撒尔湖畔扎营,第二天清早,抵达哈祚尔平原。
11:68 有一支外方人的军队到平原与他交战。且在山上设下埋伏。当这支军队向犹太人冲来时,
11:69 埋伏的人忽然从埋伏的地方出来,与他们交战。
11:70 约纳堂的部下都逃散了,除军长阿贝沙隆的儿子玛塔提雅,和哈耳非的儿子犹大外,没有剩下一个。
11:71 约纳堂便撕破衣服,头上撒土,且行祈祷。
11:72 然后转过身来,向敌人进攻,使他们溃败而逃。
11:73 他逃散的部下一见,就又回到他跟前,同他一起将敌人追赶到卡德士敌营,遂在那里安了营。
11:74 那天外方军队死亡的,约有三千人。约纳堂以后回了耶路撒冷。
12:2 为了这事,也给斯巴达人及其它地方写了信。
12:3 使者到了罗马,进了元老院,说道:「大司祭约纳堂和犹太人民,打发我们来,请你们与他们重修友好盟约,如同从前一样。」
12:4 元老们就交给他们一封给各地官吏的公函,以护送他们平安回到犹太地方。
12:5 约纳堂写给斯巴达人的信,原文如下:
12:6 「大司祭约纳堂,民间长老、司祭及犹太其余民众,祝斯巴达弟兄安好!
12:7 从前管辖你们的君王阿勒乌,致书大司祭敖尼维时,曾称你们是我们的弟兄,正如所附副本指出的一样。
12:8 敖尼雅曾优待了被打发来的使者,也接受了谈及联盟与友好的信件。
12:9 我们虽然不需要这些事,因为有我们手中的圣经作安慰;
12:10 但是我们仍愿试验一下,遣发使者到你们那里去,为与你们重建弟兄和朋友之谊,不致与你们疏远,因为自从收到你们的来信后,到现在时间已经过了很久。
12:11 所以我们在节日,及其它法定日子,当献祭和祈祷时,时常不断记念你们;原来记念自己的弟兄,本是理所当然的。
12:12 我们也为了你们的荣耀而喜乐。
12:13 至于我们,当种种困难、连年战争、四面楚歌、邻国攻打我们的时候,
12:14 在这些战争中,我们不愿意麻烦你们和我们其它的同盟及友邦,
12:15 因为我们有上天的助佑,来协助我们,拯救我们脱离敌人的手,使敌人屈服。
12:16 所以我们纔选派安提约古的儿子奴默尼,和雅松的儿子安提帕特,打发他们到罗马人那里去,与他们重立昔日的友好同盟。
12:17 我们也吩咐他们,到你们那里去,向你们致敬,并且也把关于重建我们之间弟兄友谊的书信,呈给你们,
12:18 也请你们对这事给我们一个答复。」
12:19 这是从前寄给敖尼雅的信的副本:
12:20 「斯巴达王阿勒乌,祝大司祭敖尼雅安好!
12:21 在论及斯巴达人和犹太人一文献上发现:这两个民族彼此是弟兄,因为他们都是亚巴郎的后裔。
12:22 现在我们既然知道这事,就请你们更好将你们的升平情况,写给我们,
12:23 我们也写给你们:凡你们的牲畜和财产,都是我们的;凡我们的,也都是你们的;所以我们吩咐了使者,将这些事呈报给你们。」
12:25 就离开耶路撒冷,往哈玛特地方去迎击敌人,因为他不肯让他们有侵入自己边境的时间。
12:26 并且打发侦探到敌方军营里去,他们回来给他报告说:敌人决议要在夜间进袭。
12:27 太阳西落时,约纳堂吩咐部下戒备,整夜携带武器,准备作战,并在军营四周,派上哨兵。
12:28 敌人听说约纳堂和部下都准备决战,怕得胆战心惊,便在自己营中点起火,逃走了。
12:29 约纳堂和他的部下,先只看见火光,直到早晨纔知道敌人已经逃走。
12:30 约纳堂就去追赶他们,但没有追上,因为他们早已渡过厄娄特洛河。
12:31 约纳堂转而攻击称为匝巴泰的阿剌伯人,将他打败,抢掠了他们的财物。
12:32 之后,便又出发,来到大马士革,走遍全境。
12:33 同时,息孟也出征,直到阿市刻隆和临近堡垒,然后转向约培,占据了那城。
12:34 因为听说,有人愿将此堡垒交给德默特琉的党羽,遂在那里派军队把守。
12:35 约纳堂回来之后,召集民间长老,与他们议决,要在犹太修建一些堡垒,
12:36 加高耶路撒冷的围墙,在堡垒与城之间,修筑一堵高墙,将堡垒与城分开,使堡垒孤立,叫其中的人不能买卖。
12:37 犹太人便聚集起来修城,因为溪旁的东墙,已经倒塌;也把称为加斐纳达的地区加以重修。
12:38 那时,息孟在舍斐拉也重修了哈狄得,加以设防,还安上门和闩。
12:39 那时,特黎丰企图作亚细亚王,自戴王冠,而向安提约古下手,
12:40 却怕约纳堂不容许他如此作,反而来攻打他,便设计擒拿约纳堂,将他杀死;遂起程来到贝特商。
12:41 约纳堂带着四万作战精兵出发,也来到贝特商,与也交战。
12:42 特黎丰见约纳堂带着大军前来,不敢向他下手;
12:43 便以礼接待他,将他推荐给自己的众朋友,送给他礼物,还命自己的朋友和自己的军队,都要服从他,如同服从自己一样,
12:44 然后对约纳堂说:「我们之间,既无战事,你为什么烦劳这么多的人呢?
12:45 现在你打发他们各回本家罢!为你自己只选少数的人跟随你,同我一起往仆托肋买去,我要将这座城,及其它堡垒、军队和一切官吏、都交给你;然后我回去,因为我原是为这事而来的。」
12:46 约纳堂相信了他,就按他的话作了,遣散了军队,让他们回到犹太地,
12:47 只为自留下三千人,其中两千人留在加里肋亚,与他同行的只有一千人。
12:48 约纳堂一进仆托肋买城,仆托肋买人便关了城门,将他捉住,用刀将他同来的众人都杀了。
12:49 同时,特黎丰又派步兵和骑兵,前往加里肋亚和大平原,去消灭约纳堂的一切党羽。
12:50 这些人虽已知道约纳堂和跟从他的人,都被逮捕杀害,但仍然彼此鼓励,整队而出,准备决一死战。
12:51 追赶他们的敌人,一见犹太人决意要为保全性命而战,就折回去了。
12:52 这些人因此纔平安回到犹太地,他们都哀悼约纳堂和跟从他的人,同时也非常恐惧;全以色列也都表示哀痛。
12:53 那时,他们四邻所有的异民,都想灭绝犹太人说:「他们既没有领袖,又没有人帮助,现在我们应该去攻打他们,将他们的遗迹由人间除去。」
后编 息孟元帅兼大司祭
13:1 息孟听说特黎丰集合大军,要来扫荡犹太地,
13:2 又见百姓战兢害怕,就上了耶路撒冷,召集民众,
13:3 劝勉他们说:「你们都知道,我与我的兄弟及我父全家,为法律,为圣所所作的事,所经的战争和艰难。
13:4 为这个缘故,我所有的兄弟,都为以色列而殉难,只剩下我一人。
13:5 现在,在整个灾难期中,我决不顾惜我的生命,虽然我并不比我的兄弟们强,
13:6 但是我要为我的民族,为圣所,并为你们的妻子儿女报仇,因为一切的异民,都为了仇恨我们,而聚集起来,要消灭我们。」
13:7 民众听了这些话,精神都振作起来,
13:8 大声回答说:「你要代替你的兄弟犹大和约纳堂,作我们的领袖,
13:9 为我们作战。凡你吩咐的,我们都要照办。」
13:10 息孟于是召集众战士,又催促人们赶快完成耶路撒冷的城墙,并在四周设防。
13:11 他又打发阿贝沙隆的儿子约纳堂,带着足够的军队,到约培去,将城中的人赶走,然后驻扎在那里。
13:13 那时,息孟在平原对面的哈狄得扎营。
13:14 特黎丰知道息孟起来,承继了他弟弟约纳堂的职位,准备与自己决战,就打发使者到他那里说:
13:15 「我们逮捕了你弟弟约纳堂,是因为他在所尽职务上,欠了国王的银子。
13:16 现在你若送来一百「塔冷通」银子,并将他的两个孩子送来作质,我们就释放他,免得他被释放后,再背叛我们。」
13:17 息孟明知使者们对他说的,都是欺诈的话,但仍派人去取银钱,并将孩子带来,免得惹起民众的怨恨,
13:18 说:「约纳堂死了,是因为息孟没有将银钱和孩子送去。」
13:19 所以他便将孩子和一百「塔冷通」银子送去;可是,特黎丰这骗子,并没有释放约纳堂。
13:20 此后,特黎丰仍要进侵犹太疆域,加以扫荡,便在通往阿多辣去的路上,绕道而行;但是,不论往里去,息孟和他的军队总是追迹而至。
13:21 那时,堡垒里的人打发使者到特黎丰那里,催他赶快经过旷野,来到他们那里,并将食粮给他们送来。
13:22 特黎丰就准备了他的全部马队前往。但是那一夜,大雪纷飞,因此不能前进,遂起程往基肋阿得去了。
13:23 当他临近巴斯加玛时,将约纳堂杀死,就埋葬在那里。
13:24 特黎丰就回国去了。
13:25 息孟遣人去运回他兄弟的骨骸,将他埋葬在他祖先的摩丁城里。
13:26 全以色列都举哀痛吊他,哀哭多日。
13:27 之后,息孟在他父亲与他兄弟们的墓上,用前后光泽的石头,修了一座相当高大的纪念碑,从远处可以望见。
13:28 他为父母和四个兄弟,还立了七座金字塔,彼此相对;
13:29 且为塔作了一些装饰品,就是在四周,立了一些大石柱,石柱上刻了武器,作为永久的记念;又在武器旁,雕刻了船像,使航海的人都可以看到。
13:30 息孟在摩丁修建的这座坟墓,至今犹存。
13:31 特黎丰用诡计对待幼王安提约古,终于将幼王杀害,
13:32 篡了王位,戴上亚细亚的王冠,使当地遭受到大害。
13:33 息孟修建犹太各处的堡垒,全用高楼巨墙围起,安上门和闩,又在堡垒内储藏了粮食。
13:34 息孟然后选派几个人,去见德默特琉王,要求他豁免本地赋税,因为特黎丰的一切所为,无异劫掠。
13:35 德默特琉王便按照他的要求,给他写了下面的信,答复他说:
13:36 「德默特琉王祝列王的朋友--息孟大司祭,长老及犹太民族安好!
13:37 你们送的金冠和金棕榈枝我们已经收到。我们业已准备好,要同你们尽力和好,要以书面通知官吏,豁免你们的赋税。
13:38 凡从前给你们规定的,仍为有效;你们修建的堡垒,仍归你们所有。
13:39 截至今日止,你们无知的错误与罪过,我们都一律赦免,也豁免你们所应缴纳的王冠金;假如在耶路撒冷还有其它的杂税,也一概不再征收。
13:40 如果你们中间,有适于作我们侍卫的人,都可录用;希望我们之间,常有和平。」
13:41 一百七十年,异民的重轭,由以色列人身上解除了。
13:42 民众于是在文书及契约上,开始写:犹太人的大司祭、大元帅、领袖息孟元年。
13:43 那时,息孟安营攻打革则尔,派军队将城包围,也造了战楼,竖在城前,攻破了一座碉堡,而将城占领。
13:44 战楼里的士兵,于是跃入城中,城中一时大乱。
13:45 城里的居民,撕破了衣服,带着妻子儿上了城,大声呼喊,祈求息孟同他们讲和,
13:46 说:「请不要照我们的恶行,对待我们,而照你的仁慈,对待我们罢!」
13:47 息孟便与他讲和,停止攻击,只把他们从城里赶走,将有偶像的房屋,都洗涤洁净;以后,唱着赞美诗与祝谢词进了城。
13:48 先清除城内一切不洁之物,然后使一些守法的人住在里面,并加强防御工事,也在里面为自己修了一座房屋。
13:49 耶路撒冷堡垒里的人,因不能在那地区出入买卖,非常饥饿,甚至有很多人饿死了。
13:50 他们于是呼求息孟讲和,息孟就同他们讲和;将他们由堡垒赶出,扫除了秽物,清洁了堡垒。
13:51 一百七十一年二月二十三日,犹太人兴高彩烈地,拿着棕榈枝,弹着琴瑟,敲着铙钹,拉着提琴,唱着诗歌,进入堡垒,因为大仇敌已从以色列肃清。
13:52 息孟规定每年要欢乐地庆祝这一天。他又加强靠近堡垒的圣殿山,便与部下住在那里。
13:53 息孟见自己的儿子若望已经成人,于是派他作全军帅,叫他驻扎在革则尔。
14:1 一百七十二年,德默特琉王调集军队,开往玛待,以求获得兵源,好与特黎丰决战。
14:2 波斯和玛待王阿尔撒革听说德默特琉已侵入他的边境,就派遣自己一员大将去活捉他。
14:3 这位大将前往,击败了德默特琉的军队,将他捉住,解到阿尔撒革王前,阿尔撒革将他囚在监里。
14:4 息孟执政期间,犹太国泰民安,他只谋求自己民族的福利,因此对他的统治,人民心悦诚服,他荣耀一生常存。
14:5 除此荣耀外,又占据了约培,建为海港,辟作通往海岛的口岸;
14:6 他开拓了本国的疆域,全国都在他权下。
14:7 他安置了大批战俘,征服了革则尔、贝特族尔和耶路撒冷的堡垒;除去城中的不洁,没有人能敌抗他。
14:8 人都平安耕种田地,土地按时出产,平原上的树木依时结果。
14:9 老者闲坐街头,众人谈论公益,少年身盛服和军装。
14:10 他为各城储存食粮,用防御工事巩固城池;因此,他的名声传遍了天涯地角。
14:11 他使本国得享平安,以色列人皆大喜欢。
14:12 每人安坐在自己的葡萄树及无花果树下,无人前来惊吓。
14:13 那时,国内敌人已经绝迹,列王已被击退。
14:14 凡国内低下小民,他都予以扶持;他寻求法律,而铲除一切恶徒败类;
14:15 他尽量使圣殿壮观,增添圣所里的器皿。
14:16 罗马人及斯巴达人听说约纳堂死了,都很哀伤。
14:17 他们一听说他哥哥息孟继任作大司祭,掌管国家及各城邑,
14:18 便用铜版给他写信,重新与他缔结友好盟约,就如从前与他弟弟犹大和约纳堂所缔结的盟约一样。
14:19 这信就在耶路撒冷会众面前宣读了。
14:20 斯巴达人送来的信,抄录如下:「斯巴达人的首领及城邑,祝大司祭息孟,各位长老,司祭及其余犹太人民兄弟们安好!
14:21 你们派到我国来的使者,将你们的光荣与尊威,一一告诉了我们;我们对他们的光临,都很喜欢。
14:22 他们所说的话,我们也都这样记在国会大事录上:『犹太人的使者,安提约古的儿子奴默尼,与雅松的儿子安提帕特,来到我们这里,为与我们重订友好盟约,
14:23 百姓对他们曾予以隆重热烈的欢迎,且将他们的话,记载在国会档案内,为给斯巴达人留作纪念。』我们也将这文件的副本,给大司祭息孟呈写一份。」
14:24 此后,息孟又派遣奴默尼赴罗马,他带有大金盾一座,价值约一千「米乃」,以便与他们订立同盟。
14:25 民众一听到这些事,就说:「我们要怎样感谢息孟和他的儿子们呢?
14:26 因为他与他的兄弟们以及他父亲的全家,都表现了英勇的行为,打败了以色列的仇敌,给以色列奠定了自由。」于是他们将这些史迹刻于铜版,嵌在熙雍山的石柱上。
14:27 其原文如下:「一百七十二年,「厄路耳」月十八日,大司祭息孟三年,在阿撒辣默耳,
14:28 有人在司祭、百姓、民众的首领及全国长老盛大集会时,通告我们说:
14:29 当国内在不断战争中,约阿黎布的后裔,玛塔提雅的儿子息孟,和他的兄弟们,为了支持并维护圣所和法律,冒着性命的危险,抵抗了民族的仇敌,使自己的民族获得了莫大的光荣。
14:30 在约纳堂统一自己的国家,作了他们大司祭,归到他亲族那里之后,
14:31 犹太人的敌人,便企图进占他们的国境,伸手侵犯圣所;
14:32 那时息孟起来,为自己的民族而战,花尽了自己的许多钱财,装备了自己人民中的勇士,发给他们粮饷。
14:33 他曾在犹太各城邑,并在犹太边境上贝特族尔设防;敌人从前曾在那里贮藏过武器,所以他便在那里派了犹太人把守。
14:34 他又巩固了靠海的约培,和位于阿左托边界的革则尔;敌人从前曾盘踞在那里,所以他就派犹太人居住在那里,凡他们所需要的一切,他都给他们准备了。
14:35 民众见到息孟的忠诚,及为自己民族所获得的光荣,便拥护他作自己的领袖和大司祭,因为他行了这一切事,因为他对自己的民族,持守正义与忠诚;因为他想尽一切方法,高举自己的百姓。
14:36 他在世时,凡他所行的无不顺利;他将异民从国内赶走,又赶走在耶路撒冷达味城内为自己建造堡垒的人,因为他们时常从堡垒里出来,污辱圣所的四周,侵犯圣所的圣洁。
14:37 他派犹太士兵在堡垒里驻守,为了国家与城邑的安全,还巩固了这座堡垒,更加高耶路撒冷的城垣。
14:38 为此,德默特琉王也委任他为大司祭,
14:39 将他列为自己朋友之一,加给他很大的光荣;
14:40 因为君王曾听说:罗马人称犹太人为朋友,为同盟,为兄弟;又听说他们曾热烈地欢迎息孟的使者。
14:41 犹太人和司祭们,都喜欢息孟常作他们的领袖和大司祭,直一位忠诚的先知兴起为止。
14:42 也喜欢息孟作他们的统帅,要他管理圣所,要他委派人员执行政务,管理疆域、军械与堡垒;
14:43 喜欢他管理圣所,所有的人都听从他,都以他的名义,书写国内一切公文,并且使他穿上紫袍,戴上金饰。
14:44 无论是平民或司祭,不得废除上述任何一项。他出的命令不得反对。没有他的许可,不得擅自在国内召集会议;不得身穿紫袍,头戴金冠。
14:45 若有人反对此事,或违犯其中任何一项,便是罪犯。
14:46 全民众都赞成给予息孟按这些话实行的权柄。
14:47 息孟接受了,也乐意作大司祭,作犹太人及众司祭的统师和元首,主理一切事务。」
14:48 遂命人将这篇文字,刻于铜版,嵌在圣所墙壁的显明处,
14:49 并将副本放在银库里,由息孟及其子孙保管。
15:1 德默特琉王的儿子安提约古,从海岛上致书给犹太人的首领息孟大司祭和一切犹太人民,
15:2 内容如下:「安提约古王祝大司祭兼首领息孟及犹太人民安好!
15:3 昔日有些歹徒统治了我们的祖国,我决意要将王国夺回,恢复原状;为此我招募许多军队,准备许多战船,
15:4 决意要登陆,向那些破坏了我国领土,使国内许多城邑变成废墟的人复仇。
15:5 所以,凡先王过去对你所豁免的一切赋税,对你所豁免的任何其它贡品,现在我都加以追认。
15:6 我还准许你,为你本国铸造自己的货币。
15:7 耶路撒冷及圣所是自由区;凡你所制造的武器,所建筑的及你现在占据的堡垒,仍属于你。
15:8 凡你所欠王的债,以及你将来应给王缴纳的,目今以后,永远豁免。
15:9 几时我们光复了王国,我还要盛大地光荣你、你的民族和圣殿,使你们光荣彰显于天下。」
15:10 一百七十四年,安提约古进军祖国,一切军队都来归顺他,以致跟从特黎丰的人很少。
15:11 安提约古王追击他,他只得逃往临海的多辣去了,
15:12 因为他见祸患临头,军队又背离了他。
15:13 安提约古便面对多辣扎营,跟从他的有的有步兵十二万,骑兵八千。
15:14 他将这城包围,海中的战船也在迫进,海陆一起夹攻,不准任何人出入。
15:15 那时,奴默尼和他的同伴,从罗马回来,带着致众君王各邦国的书信,信上这样写道:
15:16 「罗马执政路基犹祝仆托肋米王安好!
15:17 息孟大司祭和犹太人民,派遣犹太使者,如我们的朋友与盟邦一样,来到我们这里,重订以前的友好同盟。
15:18 他们还带来一座一千「米乃」的金盾。
15:19 所以我们乐意写信通告各位君王,各邦国:不可对犹太人图谋不轨,不可攻打他们、他们的城邑和国家,也不可与他们的敌人缔结同盟。
15:20 我们乐意接受他们的金盾。
15:21 所以,若有歹徒,从他们国内逃到你们那里,你们应将他们交于息孟大司祭,使他按自己的法律惩治。」
15:22 执政者也将这事,写给德默特琉王、阿塔路、阿黎雅辣特和阿尔撒革,
15:23 也写给各国,即散仆撒默、斯巴达人、德罗、明多、息基雍、加黎雅、撒摩、旁非里雅、里基雅、哈里加纳索、洛多、法色里、科斯、息德、阿辣多、哥尔提纳、克尼多、塞浦路斯、基勒乃等。
15:24 他们还将这信给息孟大司祭抄写了一份。
15:25 同时,安提约古在多辣附近扎营,不断进军攻城,并且制造运械,包围特黎丰,使他不能出入。
15:26 这时,息孟派精兵两千来助战,同时还赠送金银和大批武器。
15:27 无如安提约古不肯接受,反而废除了以前与息孟立订的一切盟约,待他如陌生人。
15:28 安提约古王派遣他的一个朋友阿特诺彼,去见他与他商讨说:「你们占据了我王国的城邑约培、革则尔和在耶路撒冷的堡垒,
15:29 蹂躏那些区域,在国内制造了严重的灾祸,还在我王国内占领了许多地方。
15:30 所以,现在你们应归还你们所夺去的城邑,并将你们在犹太境外由占领地区所收的税交出。
15:31 若不然,就是得付五百「塔冷通」银子作代价,再为因你们的破坏而遭的损失,及你们由城中所收的税,另缴五百;再不然,我们就要来攻打你们。」
15:32 王的朋友阿特诺彼,来到耶路撒冷,一见息孟的尊严、金杯银爵,以及许多侍从,很是惊奇,便向息孟报告了国王的话。
15:33 息孟回答他说:「我们从来没有侵占过外人的土地,也没有抢掠过别人的财物,那都是我们祖先的产业,不过被敌人无理地强占了一些时候,
15:34 我们只乘机夺回我们的祖业而已。
15:35 至于你所要求的约培和革则尔,虽然二城严重地危害了人民和我国,但我们仍将付出一百「塔冷通」代价。」
15:36 使者一句话也没有回答他,气愤地回到国王那里,将这些话,和息孟的尊严,以及他所见的一切,向他报告了;王即勃然大怒。
15:37 以后,特黎丰上船,逃到敖托息雅去了。
15:38 王便委派耕德巴为海滨地带的总司令,将步兵和骑兵都交给他,
15:39 命令他面对犹太扎营,又命他修筑克德龙,巩固门户,攻打犹太人民;然后,王亲自追赶特黎丰去了。
15:40 耕德巴来到雅木尼雅,开始骚扰百姓,侵入犹太,捕杀人民。
15:41 他按照王吩咐他的,修筑了克德龙,将骑兵与步兵屯驻在那里,以便巡逻犹太的通道。
16:1 若望由革则尔上来,将耕德巴所作的事,报告给父亲息孟;
16:2 息孟就叫来自己的两个大儿子犹大和若望,向他们说:「我与我的兄弟和我父的全家,从幼年一直到今天,攻打了以色列的仇人,事在我们手里很顺利,因此我们屡次拯救了以色列。
16:3 现在我老了,因上天的仁慈,你们正在壮年,你们要代替我和我的兄弟,出去为我们的民族作战,愿上天的助佑常与你们同在。」
16:4 息孟从国中选出两万步兵和骑兵,便向耕德巴进军,当晚在摩丁过宿。
16:5 清早起来,进军平原时,看,有一大队步兵和骑兵与他们相遇,双方之间,只隔着一条小河。
16:6 若望与部队遂面对敌人扎营。他见部队不敢过河,就自己先过去,众人见他如此,也就随着他过去。
16:7 他把部队分开,将骑兵分布在步兵中间,因为敌人的骑兵非常多。
16:8 号角一响,一起进攻,耕德巴和他的军队败退,伤亡甚众剩下的便逃到堡垒里。
16:9 那时,若望因哥哥犹大受了伤,就去追赶他们,一直追到耕德巴修建的克德龙。还有些敌人逃到阿左托田野间的碉楼里去,若望放火将它烧了,敌军大约死了两千人,然后若望平安回到犹太。
16:11 阿步波的儿子仆托肋米,受任为耶里哥平原的总督,他金银很多,
16:12 因为他是大司祭的女婿。
16:13 这人心高气傲,想作全国之主,企图用诡计陷害息孟和他的儿子们,将他们除掉。
16:14 那时,息孟正在出巡全面各城,料理各城的事务;一百七十七年十一月,即「舍巴特」月,息孟与他的儿子玛塔提雅和犹大下去,到了耶里哥。
16:15 阿步波的儿子,便用诡计将他们接到自己建造而名叫多克的小堡垒里,给他们大摆盛筵,并在那里埋伏下一些人。
16:16 当息孟和他的儿子们都喝醉时,仆托肋米同部下起来,拿着武器,进了餐厅,冲向息孟,就将他与他的两个儿子,以及他的几个侍从都杀了。
16:17 他作这严重背信负义的事,实在是以恶报善。
16:18 于是,仆托肋米写信将这事呈报给国王,以便给他派兵前来助战,好将他们的国土和城邑,交给国王。
16:19 他另派人到革则尔去杀害若望;又给千夫长去信,叫他们来归顺自己,也送给他们金银和礼物。
16:20 又派人去占领耶路撒冷和圣殿山。
16:21 但是,早己有人先到了革则尔,把他父亲和兄弟被杀的消息,报告给若望,而且还说:「他还派人来杀害你。」
16:22 若望听后大惊,便捉住来杀害他的人,将他们杀了,因为他已经知道他们图谋杀害他。
16:23 若望其余的言行、战功,所行的英勇事迹,修筑的城垣,以及他的所作所为,
16:24 都记载在他承继他父亲为大司祭后,任大司祭的年鉴上。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
Chapter 1
Alexander and the
1:1 Alexander of Macedon, son
of Philip, had come from the land of Kittim[*a] and defeated Darius, king of
the Persians and Medes, whom he succeeded as ruler, at first of Hellas.
1:2 He undertook many
campaigns, gained possession of many fortresses, and put the local kings to
1:3 So he advanced to the ends
of the earth, plundering nation after nation; the earth grew silent before him,
and his ambitious heart swelled with pride.
1:4 <5 He assembled very
powerful forces and subdued provinces, nations and princes, and they became his
1:5 <6 But the time came
when Alexander took to his bed, in the knowledge that he was dying.
1:6 <7 He summoned his
comrades, noblemen who had been brought up with him from his youth, and divided
his kingdom among them while he was still alive.
1:7 <8 Alexander had
reigned twelve years when he died.[*b]
1:8 <9 Each of his comrades
established himself in his own region.
1:9 <10 All assumed
crowns after his death, they and their heirs after them for many years,
bringing increasing evils on the world.
Epiphanes: Israel infected with hellenism
1:10 <11 From these there
grew a sinful offshoot, Antiochus Epiphanes, son of King Antiochus; once a
hostage in Rome,[*c] he became king in the one hundred and thirty-seventh year
of the kingdom of the Greeks.[*d]
1:11 <12 It was then that
there emerged from Israel a set of renegades who led many people astray.
'Come,' they said 'let us reach an understanding with the pagans surrounding
us, for since we separated ourselves from them many misfortunes have overtaken
1:12 <13 This proposal
proved acceptable,
1:13 <14 and a number of
the people eagerly approached the king, who authorised them to practise the
pagan observances.
1:14 <15 So they built a
gymnasium in Jerusalem, such as the pagans have,
1:15 <16 disguised their
circumcision, and abandoned the holy covenant, submitting to the heathen rule
as willing slaves of impiety.
Antiochus Epiphanes
despoils the Temple, and persecutes Jews remaining faithful to the Law
1:16 <17 Once Antiochus had
seen his authority established, he determined to make himself king of Egypt,
and the ruler of both kingdoms.
1:17 <18 He invaded Egypt
in massive strength, with chariots and elephants and a great fleet.
1:18 <19 He engaged
Ptolemy, king of Egypt, in battle, and Ptolemy turned back and fled before his
advance, leaving many casualties.
1:19 <20 The fortified
cities of the land of Egypt were captured, and Antiochus plundered the country.
1:20 <21 After his conquest
of Egypt, in the year one hundred and forty-three, Antiochus turned about
and advanced on Israel and Jerusalem in massive strength.
1:21 <22 insolently
breaking into the sanctuary, he removed the golden altar and the lamp-stand for
the light with all its fittings,
1:22 <23 together with the
table for the loaves of offering, the libation vessels, the cups, the golden
censers, the veil, the crowns, and the golden decoration on the front of the
Temple, which he stripped of everything.
1:23 <24 He made off with
the silver and gold and precious vessels, he discovered the secret treasures
and seized them,
1:24 <25 and removing all
of these, he went back to his own country, leaving the place a shambles and
uttering words of extreme arrogance.
1:25 <26 Then there was
deep mourning for Israel throughout the country:
1:26 <27 Rulers and elders
groaned; girls and young men wasted away; the women's beauty suffered a change;
1:27 <28 every bridegroom
took up a dirge, the bride sat grief-stricken on her marriage-bed.
1:28 <29 The very land
quaked for its inhabitants and the whole House of Jacob was clothed with shame.
1:29 <30 The days passed,
and after two years the king sent the mysarch[*e] through the cities of Judah.
He came to Jerusalem with an impressive force,
1:30 <31 and addressing
them with what appeared to be peaceful words, he gained their confidence;
<32 then suddenly he fell on the city dealing it a terrible blow, and
destroying many of the people of Israel.
1:31 <33 He pillaged the
city and set it on fire, tore down its houses and encircling wall,
1:32 <34 took the women and
children captive and commandeered the cattle.
1:33 <35 Then they
fortified the City of David with a great strong wall and strong towers, and
made this their Citadel.
1:34 <36 There they
installed an army of sinful men, renegades, who fortified themselves inside it,
1:35 <37 storing arms and
provisions, and depositing there the loot they had collected from Jerusalem;
they were to prove a great trouble.
1:36 <38 It became an
ambush for the sanctuary, an evil adversary for Israel at all times.
1:37 <39 They shed innocent
blood all round the sanctuary and defiled the sanctuary itself.
1:38 <40 The citizens of
Jerusalem fled because of them, she became a dwelling place of strangers;
estranged from her own offspring, her children forsook her.
1:39 <41 Her sanctuary
became as deserted as a wilderness, her feasts were turned into mourning, her
sabbaths into a mockery, her honour into reproach.
1:40 <42 Her dishonour now
fully matched her former glory, her greatness was turned into grief.
1:41 <43 Then the king
issued a proclamation to his whole kingdom that all were to become a single
people, each renouncing his particular customs.
1:42 <44 All the pagans
conformed to the king's decree,
1:43 <45 and many
Israelites chose to accept his religion, sacrificing to idols and profaning the
1:44 <46 The king also sent
instructions by messenger to Jerusalem and the towns of Judah directing them to
adopt customs foreign to the country,
1:45 <47 banning
holocausts, sacrifices and <48 libations from the sanctuary, profaning
sabbaths and feasts,
1:46 <49 defiling the
sanctuary and the sacred ministers,
1:47 <50 building altars,
precincts and shrines for idols, sacrificing pigs and unclean beasts,
1:48 <51 leaving their sons
uncircumcised, and prostituting themselves to all kinds of impurity and
1:49 that they should forget
the Law and revoke all observance of it.
1:50 <52 Anyone not obeying
the king's command was to be put to death.
1:51 <53 Writing in such
terms to every part of his kingdom, the king appointed inspectors for the whole
people, <54 and directed all the towns of Judah to offer sacrifice one after
1:52 <55 Many of the
people-that is, every apostate from the Law-rallied to them, and so committed
evil in the country,
1:53 <56 forcing Israel
into hiding in all their places of refuge.
1:54 <57 On the fifteenth
day of Chislev in the year one hundred and forty-five[*f] the king erected the
abomination of desolation[*g] above the altar; and altars were built in the
surrounding towns of Judah
1:55 <58 and incense
offered at the doors of houses and in the streets.
1:56 <59 Any books of the
Law that came to light were torn up and burned.
1:57 <60 Whenever anyone
was discovered possessing a copy of the covenant or practising the Law, the
king's decree sentenced him to death.
1:58 <61 Having might on
their side they took action month after month against any offenders they
discovered in the towns of Israel.
1:59 <62 On the
twenty-fifth day of the month sacrifice was offered on the altar erected over
the altar of holocaust.
1:60 <63 Women who had had
their children circumcised were put to death according to the edict.
1:61 <64 with their babies
hung round their necks, and the members of their household and those who had
performed the circumcision were executed with them.
1:62 <65 Yet there were
many in Israel who stood firm and found the courage to refuse unclean food.
1:63 <66 They chose death
rather than contamination by such fare or profanation of the holy covenant, and
they were executed.
1:64 <67 It was a dreadful
wrath that visited Israel.
Chapter 2
Mattathias and his
2:1 In those days Mattathias
son of John, son of Simeon, a priest of the line of Joarib, left Jerusalem and
settled in Modein.
2:2 He had five sons, John
known as Gaddi,
2:3 Simon called Thassi,
2:4 Judas called Maccabaeus,
2:5 Eleazar, called Avaran,
and Jonathan called Apphus.
2:6 When he saw the
blasphemies being committed in Judah and Jerusalem,
2:7 he said, 'Alas that I
should have been born to witness the overthrow of my people, and the overthrow
of the Holy City, and to sit by while she is delivered over to her enemies, and
the sanctuary into the hand of foreigners.
2:8 'Her Temple has become
like a man of no repute,
2:9 the vessels that were her
glory have been carried off as booty, her babies have been slaughtered in her
streets, her young men by the enemy's sword.
2:10 Is there a nation that
has not claimed a share of her royal prerogatives, that has not taken some of
her spoils?
2:11 All her ornaments have
been snatched from her, her former freedom has become slavery.
2:12 See how our Holy Place,
our beauty, our glory, is now laid waste,, profaned by the pagans.
2:13 What have we left to live
2:14 Mattathias and his sons
tore their garments, put on sackcloth, and observed deep mourning.
The ordeal of the
sacrifice at Modein
2:15 The king's commissioners
who were enforcing the apostasy came to the is town of Modem to make them
2:16 Many Israelites gathered
round them, but Mattathias and his sons drew apart.
2:17 The king's commissioners
then addressed Mattathias as follows, 'You are a respected leader, a great man
in this town; you have sons and brothers to support you.
2:18 Be the first to step
forward and conform to the king's decree, as all the nations have done, and the
leaders of Judah and the survivors in Jerusalem; you and your sons shall be
reckoned among the Friends of the King, you and your sons shall be honoured
with gold and silver and many presents.'
2:19 Raising his voice,
Mattathias retorted, 'Even if every nation living in the king's dominions obeys
him, each forsaking its ancestral religion to conform to his decrees,
2:20 I, my sons and my
brothers will still follow the covenant of our ancestors.
2:21 Heaven preserve us from
forsaking the Law and its observances.
2:22 As for the king's orders,
we will not follow them: we will not swerve from our own religion either to
right or to left.'
2:23 As he finished speaking,
a Jew came forward in the sight of all to offer sacrifice on the altar in
Modein as the royal edict required.
2:24 When Mattathias saw this,
he was fired with zeal; stirred to the depth of his being, he gave vent to his
legitimate anger, threw himself on the man and slaughtered him on the altar.
2:25 At the same time he
killed the king's commissioner who was there to enforce the sacrifice, and tore
down the altar.
2:26 In his zeal for the Law
he acted as Phinehas did against Zimri son of Salu.
2:27 Then Mattathias went
through the town, shouting at the top of his voice, 'Let everyone who has a
fervour for the Law and takes his stand on the covenant come out and follow
2:28 Then he fled with his
sons into the hills, leaving all their possessions behind in the town.
The ordeal of the
sabbath in the desert
2:29 At this many who were
concerned for virtue and justice went down to the desert and stayed there,
2:30 taking with them their
sons, their wives and their cattle, for the burden of their wrongs had become
2:31 But word was brought to
the king's men and the garrison in Jerusalem, in the City of David, that the
men who had repudiated the king's edict had gone down to hiding places in the
2:32 A strong detachment went
after them, and when it came up with them ranged itself against them in battle
formation, preparing to attack them on the sabbath day.
2:33 But first they challenged
them, 'Enough of this! Come out and do as the king orders and you shall be
2:34 But they answered, 'We
refuse to come out, and we are not going to obey the king's orders and so
profane the sabbath day'.
2:35 The others at once went
into action,
2:36 but they offered no
opposition; not a stone was thrown, there was no barricading of the hiding
2:37 They only said, 'Let us
all die innocent; let heaven and earth bear witness that you are massacring us
with no pretence of justice'.
2:38 The attack was pressed
home on the sabbath itself, and they were slaughtered, with their wives and
children and cattle, to the number of one thousand persons.
The activity of
Mattathias and his associates
2:39 When the news reached
Mattathias and his friends, they mourned bitterly for the victims,
2:40 and said to one another,
'If we all do as our brothers have done, and refuse to fight the pagans for our
lives and institutions, they will only destroy us the sooner from the earth'.
2:41 So then and there they
came to this decision, 'If anyone attacks us on the sabbath day, whoever he may
be, we will resist him; we must not all be killed, as our brothers were in the
hiding. places'.
2:42 Soon they were joined by
a community of Hasidaeans,[*a] stout fighting men of Israel, each one a
volunteer on the side of the Law.
2:43 All the refugees from the
persecution rallied to them, giving them added support.
2:44 They organised themselves
into an armed force, striking down the sinners in their anger, and the
renegades in their fury, and those who escaped them fled to the pagans for
2:45 Mattathias and his
friends made a tour, overthrowing the altars
2:46 and forcibly circumcising
all the boys they found uncircumcised in the territories of Israel.
2:47 They hunted down the
upstarts, and managed their campaign to good effect.
2:48 They wrested the Law out
of the control of the pagans and the kings, and robbed sinful men of their
The testament and
death of Mattathias
2:49 As the days of Mattathias
were drawing to a close, he said to his sons, 'Arrogance and outrage are now in
the ascendant; it is a period of turmoil and bitter hatred.
2:50 This is the time, my
children, for you to have a burning fervour for the Law and to give your lives
for the covenant of our ancestors.
2:51 'Remember the deeds
performed by our ancestors, each in his generation, and you shall win great
honour and everlasting renown.
2:52 Was not Abraham tried and
found faithful, was that not counted as making him just?
2:53 Joseph in the time of his
distress maintained the Law, and so became lord of Egypt.
2:54 Phinehas, our father, in
return for his burning fervour received a covenant of everlasting priesthood.
2:55 Joshua, for carrying out
his task, became judge of Israel.
2:56 Caleb, for his testimony
before the assembled people, received an inheritance in the land.
2:57 David for his generous
heart inherited the throne of an everlasting kingdom.
2:58 Elijah for his consuming
fervour for the Law was caught up to heaven itself.
2:59 Hananiah, Azariah and
Mishael, for their fidelity, were saved from the flame.
2:60 Daniel for his singleness
of heart was rescued from the lion's jaw.
2:61 Consider, then, how in
generation after generation all who hope in him will not be found to falter.
2:62 Do not fear the threats
of the sinner, all his brave show must come to the dunghill and the worms.
2:63 Exalted today, tomorrow
he is nowhere to be found, for he has returned to the dust he came from and his
scheming is brought to nothing.
2:64 My children, play the man
and be courageous for the Law, for it will bring you glory.
2:65 'Here is your brother
Simeon, I know he is a man of sound judgement. Listen to him all your lives;
let him take your father's place.
2:66 Judas Maccabaeus, strong
and brave from his youth, let him be your general and conduct the war against
the pagans.
2:67 The rest of you are to
enrol in your ranks all those who keep the Law, and to exact vengeance for your
2:68 Pay back the pagans to
the full, and hold fast to the ordinance of the Law.'
2:69 Then he blessed them and
was laid with his ancestors.
2:70 He died in the year one
hundred and forty-six and was buried in his ancestral tomb at Modein, and all
Israel mourned him deeply.
Chapter 3
The eulogy of Judas
3:1 Then his son Judas, called
Maccabaeus, took over his command.
3:2 All his brothers, and all
who had attached themselves to his father, supported him, and they fought for
Israel with a will.
3:3 He extended the fame of
his people. He put on the breastplate like a giant and girded on his war
harness; he engaged in battle after battle, protecting the ranks with his
3:4 He was like a lion in his
exploits, like a lion's whelp roaring over its prey.
3:5 He pursued and tracked
down the renegades, he consigned those who troubled his people to the flames.
3:6 Renegades were abashed for
terror of him, all evil-doers were utterly confounded, and deliverance went
forward under his leadership.
3:7 He brought bitterness to
many a king and rejoicing to Jacob by his deeds, his memory is blessed for ever
and ever.
3:8 He went through the towns
of Judah and utterly destroyed the infidels in them, turning wrath away from
3:9 His name resounded to the
ends of the earth and he rallied those who were on the point of perishing.
The first successes
of Judas
3:10 But Apollonius[*a]
mustered the pagans and a large force from Samaria to fight against Israel.
3:11 When Judas learned of it,
he went out to meet him and routed and killed him. Many fell wounded, and the
survivors took to flight.
3:12 Their spoils were seized
and the sword of Apollonius was taken by Judas, who used it to fight with
throughout his life.
3:13 On hearing that Judas had
raised a mixed force of believers and seasoned fighters,
3:14 Seron, commander of the
Syrian troops, said, 'I will make a name for myself and gain honour in the
kingdom if I fight Judas and those supporters of his who are so contemptuous of
the king's orders'.
3:15 He therefore launched
another expedition, with a strong army of infidels to support him in taking
revenge on the Israelites.
3:16 He had nearly reached the
descent of Beth-horon when Judas went out to confront him with a handful of
3:17 But as soon as these saw
the force advancing to meet them they said to Judas, 'How can we, few as we
are, engage such overwhelming numbers? We are exhausted as it is, not having
had anything to eat today.'
3:18 'It is easy' Judas
answered 'for a great number to be routed by a few; indeed in the sight of
heaven deliverance, whether by many or by few, is all one;
3:19 for victory in war does
not depend on the size of the fighting force; it is from heaven that strength
3:20 They are coming against
us in full-blown insolence and lawlessness to destroy us, our wives and our
children, and to plunder us;
3:21 but we are fighting for
our lives and our laws,
3:22 and he will crush them
before our eyes; do not be afraid of them.'
3:23 When he had finished
speaking, he made a sudden sally against Seron and his force and overwhelmed
3:24 Judas pursued him down
from Beth-horon as far as the plain. About eight hundred of their men fell, and
the rest took refuge in the country of the Philistines.
3:25 Judas and his brothers
began to be feared, and alarm seized the surrounding peoples.
3:26 His name even reached the
king's ears, and in every nation there was talk of Judas and his battles.
Preparations for
expeditions in Persia and Judaea. The regency of Lysias
3:27 The news of these events
infuriated Antiochus, and he ordered mobilisation of all the forces in his
kingdom, a very powerful army.
3:28 Opening his treasury, he
distributed a year's pay to his troops, telling them to be prepared for any
3:29 He then found that the
money in his coffers had run short and that the tribute of the province had
decreased, as a result of the dissension and disaster brought upon the country
by his own abrogation of laws that had been in force from antiquity.
3:30 He began to fear that, as
had happened more than once, he would not have enough to cover the expenses and
the lavish bounties he had previously been accustomed to make on a larger scale
than his predecessors on the throne.
3:31 In this grave quandary he
resolved to visit Persia, in order to levy tribute on the provinces and so
accumulate substantial funds.
3:32 Lysias, a nobleman
belonging to the royal family, was left in charge of the king's affairs from
the river Euphrates to the Egyptian frontier,
3:33 and was to be responsible
for the education of his son Antiochus until his return.
3:34 Antiochus made over to
him half his forces, with the elephants, and gave him instructions about all
his policies, particularly about the inhabitants of Judaea and Jerusalem,
3:35 against whom he was to
send a force, to crush and destroy the power of Israel and the remnant of
Jerusalem, to wipe out their very memory from the place,
3:36 to settle the sons of
foreigners in all parts of their territory and to distribute their land by lot.
3:37 The king took with him
the remaining half of his forces and set out from Antioch, the capital of his
kingdom, in the year one hundred and forty-seven;[*b] he crossed the river
Euphrates and made his way along the upper provinces.
Gorgias and Nicanor
lead the Syrian army into Judaea
3:38 Lysias chose Ptolemy son
of Dorymenes, with Nicanor and Gorgias, influential men from among the Friends
of the King,
3:39 and despatched under
their command forty thousand foot and seven thousand horse to invade the land
of Judah and devastate it, as the king had ordered.
3:40 The entire force set out
and reached the neighbourhood of Emmaus in the Lowlands, where they pitched
3:41 When the merchants of the
province heard who they were, they came to the camp, bringing with them a large
amount of gold and silver, and fetters as well, proposing to buy the Israelites
as slaves; they were accompanied by a contingent from Idumaea and the
Philistine country.
3:42 Judas and his brothers
saw that the situation was going from bad to worse and that armies were camping
in their territory; they were also well aware that the king had ordered the people's
total destruction.
3:43 So they said to each
other, 'Let us restore the ruins of our people and fight for our people and our
3:44 They mustered their
people to prepare for war, and to offer prayer and implore compassion and
3:45 Jerusalem was left
uninhabited like a desert, there was none left to go in or out, of all her
children. The sanctuary was trodden underfoot, with men of an alien race in the
Citadel, now a lodging place for pagans.There was no more rejoicing for Jacob, flute
and zither were mute.
The Jews muster at
3:46 After mustering, they
made their way to Mizpah, opposite Jerusalem, since Mizpah was traditionally a
place of prayer for Israel.
3:47 That day they fasted and
put on sackcloth, covering their heads with ashes and tearing their garments.
3:48 For the guidance that the
heathen would have sought from the images of their false gods, they opened the
Book of the Law.
3:49 They also brought out the
priestly vestments, with first-fruits and tithes, and marshalled the nazirites
who had completed the period of their vow.
3:50 Then, raising their
voices to heaven, they cried, 'What shall we do with these people, and where
are we to take them?[*c]
3:51 Your sacred precincts
have been trampled underfoot and defiled, your priests mourn in their
3:52 and now the pagans are
allied together to destroy us: you know what they have in mind for us.
3:53 How can we stand up and
face them if you do not come to our aid?'
3:54 Then they sounded the
trumpets and made a great outcry.
3:55 Next Judas appointed
leaders for the people, to command a thousand, a hundred, fifty or ten men.
3:56 He told those who were
building houses, or about to be married, or planting vineyards, or who were
simply afraid, to go home every one of them, as the Law allowed.
3:57 Then the formation
marched off and took up a position south of Emmaus.
3:58 'Stand to your arms,'
Judas told them 'acquit yourselves bravely, be ready to fight in the morning
against these pagans massed against us to destroy us and our sanctuary.
3:59 Better for us to die in
battle than to watch the ruin of our nation and our holy place.
3:60 Whatever be the will of
heaven, he will perform it.'
Chapter 4
The battle of
4:1 Gorgias took with him five
thousand foot and a thousand picked cavalry, and the force moved off by night
4:2 with the object of
attacking the Jewish position and dealing them an unexpected blow; the men from
the Citadel were there to guide him.
4:3 Judas got wind of it and
himself moved off with his fighters to strike at the king's forces in Emmaus,
4:4 while their fighting
troops had been moved away from the encampment.
4:5 And so, when Gorgias
reached the camp of Judas, he found nobody and he began to search for the Jews
in the mountains, exclaiming 'They are running away from us'.
4:6 First light found Judas in
the plain with three thousand men, although these lacked the armour and swords
they could have wished.
4:7 They could now see the
heathen encampment with its strong fortifications and cavalry surrounding it,
clearly people who understood warfare.
4:8 Judas said to his men, 'Do
not be afraid of their numbers, and do not flinch at their attack.
4:9 Remember how our ancestors
were delivered at the Red Sea when Pharaoh was pursuing them in force.
4:10 And now let us implore
heaven to be kind to us and to remember his covenant with our ancestors and to
destroy this army confronting us today;
4:11 then all the nations will
know for certain that there is one who saves and delivers Israel.'
4:12 The foreigners looked up
and, seeing the Jews advancing against them,
4:13 came out of the camp to
join battle. Judas' men sounded the trumpet
4:14 and engaged them. The
pagans were routed and fled towards the plain
4:15 and all the stragglers
fell by the sword. The pursuit continued as far as Gezer and the plains of
Idumaea, Azotus and Jamnia, and the enemy lost about three thousand men.
4:16 Breaking off the pursuit,
Judas returned with his men
4:17 and said to the people,
'Never mind the booty, for we have another battle ahead of us.
4:18 Gorgias and his forces
are still in the mountains not far from us. First stand up to our enemies and
fight them, and then you can collect as much booty as you like.'
4:19 The words were hardly out
of Judas' mouth when an enemy patrol appeared on the mountainside.
4:20 This patrol, observing
that their own troops had been routed and that the camp had been fired, for the
smoke, which was clearly visible, told them what had happened,
4:21 were panic-stricken at
the sight; and when they also saw the forces of Judas drawn up on the plain in
battle formation,
4:22 they all fled into
Philistine territory.
4:23 Judas now turned back to
plunder the camp, and they carried off a large sum in gold and silver, with
violet and sea-purple stuffs, and many other valuables.
4:24 On their return, the Jews
chanted praises to heaven, 'For he is good, and his mercy is everlasting'.
4:25 That day had seen a
remarkable deliverance in Israel.
The first campaign
of Lysias
4:26 Those of the foreigners
who had escaped came and gave Lysias an account of all that had happened.
4:27 The news shocked and
dismayed him, for affairs in Israel had not gone as he intended, and the
results were very different from the instructions given him by the king.
4:28 The next year he
mobilised sixty thousand picked troops and five thousand cavalry with the
intention of putting the Jews out of action.
4:29 They advanced into
Idumaea and made their base at Bethzur,[*a] where Judas met them with ten
thousand men.
4:30 When he saw their
military strength he offered this prayer, 'Blessed are you, saviour of Israel,
who shattered the might of the Philistine champion by the hand of your servant
David, and delivered their camp into the hands of Jonathan son of Saul, and his
4:31 Crush this expedition in
the same way at the hands of your people Israel; make them ashamed of their forces
and their cavalry.
4:32 Make cowards of them,
undermine their confidence in their own strength, and may they reel at their
4:33 Overthrow them by the
sword of those who love you, and all who acknowledge your name will sing your
4:34 The two forces engaged,
and five thousand men of Lysias' troops fell in hand-to-hand fighting.
4:35 Seeing the rout of his
army and the courage of Judas' troops and their readiness to live or die as
soldiers should, Lysias withdrew to Antioch, where he recruited mercenaries for
a further invasion of Judaea in even greater strength.
The purification of
the Temple and its dedication
4:36 Then Judas and his
brothers said, 'Now that our enemies have been defeated, let us go up to purify
the sanctuary and dedicate it'.
4:37 So they marshalled the
whole army, and went up to Mount Zion.
4:38 There they found the
sanctuary a wilderness, the altar desecrated, the gates burnt down, and
vegetation growing in the courts as it might in a wood or on some mountain, while
the storerooms were in ruins.
4:39 They tore their garments
and mourned bitterly, putting dust on their heads.
4:40 They prostrated
themselves on the ground, and when the trumpets gave the signal they cried
aloud to heaven.
4:41 Then Judas ordered his men
to engage the garrison in the Citadel until he had purified the sanctuary.
4:42 Next, he selected priests
who were blameless in observance of the Law
4:43 to purify the sanctuary
and remove the stones of the abomination to an unclean place.
4:44 They discussed what
should be done about the altar of holocausts which had been profaned,
4:45 and very properly decided
to pull it down, that it might never become a reproach to them, from its
defilement by the pagans. They therefore demolished it
4:46 and deposited the stones
in a suitable place on the Temple hill to await the appearance of a prophet who
should give a ruling about them.
4:47 They took unhewn stones,
as the Law prescribed, and built a new altar on the lines of the old one.
4:48 They restored the Holy
Place and the interior of the house, and purified the courts.
4:49 They made new sacred
vessels, and brought the lampstand, the altar of incense, and the table into
the Temple.
4:50 They burned incense so on
the altar and lit the lamps on the lamp-stand, and these shone inside the
4:51 They set out the loaves
on the table and hung the curtains and completed all the tasks they had
4:52 On the twenty-fifth of
the ninth month, Chislev, in the year one hundred and forty-eight, they rose at
4:53 and offered a lawful
sacrifice on the new altar of holocausts which they had made.
4:54 The altar was dedicated,
to the sound of zithers, harps and cymbals, at the same time of year and on the
same day on which the pagans had originally profaned it.
4:55 The whole people fell
prostrate in adoration, praising to the skies him who had made them so
4:56 For eight days they
celebrated the dedication of the altar, joyfully offering holocausts, communion
sacrifices and thanksgivings.
4:57 They ornamented the front
of the Temple with crowns and bosses of gold, repaired the gates and the
storerooms and fitted them with doors.
4:58 There was no end to the
rejoicing among the people, and the reproach of the pagans was lifted from
4:59 Judas, with his brothers
and the whole assembly of Israel, made it a law that the days of the dedication
of the altar should be celebrated yearly at the proper season, for eight days
beginning on the twenty-fifth of the month Chislev, with rejoicing and gladness.
4:60 They then proceeded to
build high walls with strong towers round Mount Zion, to prevent the pagans
from coming and riding roughshod over it as in the past.
4:61 Judas stationed a
garrison there to guard the mount; he also fortified Bethiur, to give the
people a fortress against Idumaea.
Chapter 5
The expedition
against the Idumaeans and Ammonites
5:1 When the surrounding
nations heard that the altar had been rebuilt and the sanctuary restored to
what it had been before, they became very angry,
5:2 and determined to destroy
the whole race of Jacob living among them; they began
murdering and evicting Jewish
5:3 Judas made war on the sons
of Esau in Idumaea,[*a] in the region of Akrabattene where they held the
Israelites under siege. He inflicted a crushing defeat on them, and plundered
5:4 He also remembered the
wickedness of the sons of Baean who were a menace and a trap for the people
with their ambushes on the roads.
5:5 Having blockaded them in
their towers and besieged them, he vowed them to the ban; then he set fire to
their towers and burned them down with everyone inside.
5:6 Next, he crossed over to
the Ammonites where he found a strong fighting force and a numerous people with
Timotheus for their leader.
5:7 He engaged them in many
encounters, routed them and cut them to pieces.
5:8 After capturing Jazer and
its outlying villages, he retired to Judaea.
The opening of
campaigns in Galilee and Gilead
5:9 The pagans in Gilead now
banded together against the Israelites living on their territory, to destroy
them. But they took refuge in the fortress of Dathema,
5:10 and sent the following
letter to Judas and his brothers, 'The pagans round us have banded themselves
together against us to wipe us out,
5:11 and they are preparing to
storm the fortress in which we have taken refuge; Timotheus is in command of
their forces.
5:12 Come at once and rescue
us from their clutches, for we have already suffered great losses.
5:13 All our countrymen living
among the Tubians have been put to death, their women and children have been
taken into captivity, their property has been seized, and a force about a
thousand strong has been wiped out there.'
5:14 While the letter was
being read, other messengers arrived is from Galilee with their garments torn
bearing similar news,
5:15 'The people of
Ptolemais,[*b] Tyre and Sidon have joined forces with the whole of heathen
Galilee to destroy us!'
5:16 When Judas and the people
heard this, a great assembly was held to decide what should be done for their
oppressed countrymen who were under attack from their enemies.
5:17 Judas said to his brother
Simon, 'Pick your men and go and relieve your countrymen in Galilee, while my
brother Jonathan and I make our way into Gilead'.
5:18 He left Joseph son of
Zechariah and the people's leader Azariah with the remainder of the army in
Judaea to guard it,
5:19 and gave them these
orders: 'Take charge of this people, and do not engage the pagans until we
5:20 Simon was allotted three
thousand men for the expedition into Galilee, Judas eight thousand for Gilead.
The expeditions in
Galilee and Gilead
5:21 Simon advanced into
Galilee, engaged the pagans in several battles and drove them off in disorder;
5:22 he pursued them to the
gate of Ptolemais, and they lost about three thousand men, whose spoils he
5:23 He took away with him the
Jews of Galilee and Arbatta,[*c] with their wives and children and all their
possessions, and brought them into Judaea with great rejoicing.
5:24 Meanwhile Judas
Maccabaeus and his brother Jonathan crossed the Jordan and made a three days'
march through the desert,
5:25 where they encountered
the Nabataeans,[*d] who came to an understanding with them and gave them an
account of all that had happened to their brothers in Gilead.
5:26 Many of them, they said,
were shut up in Bozrah and Bosor, Alema, Chaspho, Maked and Carnaim, all large
fortified towns.
5:27 Others were blockaded in
the other towns of Gilead, and the enemy planned to attack and capture these
strongholds the very next day, and wipe out all the people inside them in a
single day.
5:28 Judas and his army at
once turned off by the desert road to Bozrah; having captured the town, he put
the entire male population to the sword, plundered the town and set it on fire.
5:29 When night came, he left
the place, and they continued their march until they reached the fortress.[*e]
5:30 In the light of dawn they
saw an innumerable horde, setting up ladders and engines to capture the
fortress; the assault was just beginning.
5:31 When Judas saw that the
attack had begun and that the war cry was rising to heaven, mingled with
trumpet calls and a great clamour,
5:32 he said to the men of his
army, 'You must fight today, fight for your countrymen'.
5:33 Dividing them into three
commands, he advanced on the enemy's rear, with trumpets sounding and prayers
shouted aloud.
5:34 The troops of Timotheus,
recognising that this was Maccabaeus, fled before his advance; Maccabaeus dealt
them a crushing defeat; about eight thousand of their men fell that day.
5:35 Then, wheeling on Alema,
he attacked and captured it, put its male population to death, plundered it and
burned the place down.
5:36 From there he moved on
and took Chaspho, Maked, Bosor and the remaining towns of Gilead.
5:37 After these events,
Timotheus mustered another force and pitched camp opposite Raphon, on the far
side of the wadi.
5:38 Judas sent men to
reconnoitre the camp, and these reported back as follows, 'With him are massed
all the pagans surrounding us, making a very numerous army,
5:39 with Arab mercenaries as
auxiliaries; they are encamped on the far side of the wadi, and ready to launch
an attack on you.' Judas then advanced to engage them,
5:40 and was approaching the
watercourse with his troops when Timotheus told the commanders of his army, 'If
he crosses first we shall not be able to resist him, because he will have the
advantage of us.
5:41 But if he is afraid and
camps on the other side of the stream we will cross over to him and the
advantage will then be ours.'
5:42 As soon as he reached the
watercourse Judas posted the scribes of the people along the wadi, giving them
this order: 'Do not let anyone pitch his tent; all are to go into battle!'
5:43 He was himself the first
across to the enemy side, with all the people following. Driven before them,
the pagans all tore off their armour and ran for refuge in the sacred precinct
of Carnaim.
5:44 The Jews first captured
the town, and then burned down the precinct with everyone inside. And so
Carnaim was overthrown, and the enemy could offer no further resistance to
5:45 Next, Judas assembled all
the Israelites living in Gilead, from the least to the greatest, with their
wives, children and belongings, an enormous muster, to take them into the land
of Judah.
5:46 They reached Ephron, a
large town straddling the road and strongly fortified. As it was impossible to
by-pass it on the right or the left, there was nothing for it but to march
straight through.
5:47 But the people of the town
denied them passage and barricaded the gates with stones.
5:48 Judas sent them a
conciliatory message in these terms, 'Let us go through your territory to reach
our own; no one will do you any harm, we only want to march through'. But they
would not open up for him.
5:49 So Judas sent an order
down the column for everyone to halt where he stood.
5:50 The fighting men took up
their positions; Judas attacked the town all day and night, and it was
delivered into his hands.
5:51 He put all the male
inhabitants to the sword, razed it to the ground, plundered it and marched
through the town over the bodies of the dead.
5:52 The Jews now crossed the
Jordan into the great plain, opposite Bethshan,
5:53 Judas all the time
rallying the stragglers and encouraging the people the whole way until they
reached the land of Judah.
5:54 They climbed Mount Zion
in joy and gladness, and offered holocausts because they had returned safe and
sound without having lost a single man.
A setback at Jamnia
5:55 While Judas and Jonathan
were in the land of Gilead and Simon his brother in Galilee before Ptolemais,
5:56 Joseph son of Zechariah,
and Azariah, who were in command of the army, heard of their exploits and how
well they had done in battle,
5:57 and said, 'Let us make a
name for ourselves too and go and fight the nations around us'.
5:58 So they issued orders to
the men of the forces under them and marched on Jamnia.
5:59 But Gorgias came out from
the town with his men to engage them.
5:60 Joseph and Azariah were
routed and pursued as far as the frontiers of Judaea. That day about two
thousand Israelites lost their lives.
5:61 And so the people met
with a great reverse, because they had not listened to Judas and his brothers,
but had relied on their own prowess.
5:62 These were not of the
same mould as those to whom the deliverance of Israel had been entrusted.
Successes in
Idumaea and Philistia
5:63 But that hero Judas and
his brothers were held in high honour throughout Israel and among all the nations
wherever their name was heard,
5:64 and men gathered round
them to acclaim them.
5:65 Judas marched out with
his brothers to fight the Edomites in the country towards the south; he stormed
Hebron and its outlying villages, threw down its fortifications and burned its
circle of towers.
5:66 Leaving there, he made
for the country of the Philistines and passed through Marisa.[*f]
5:67 Among the fallen in that
day's fighting were some priests who sought to prove their courage there by
joining in the battle, a foolhardy venture.
5:68 Judas next turned towards
Azotus, a Philistine district; he overthrew their altars, burned down the
carved images of their gods, and withdrew to the land of Judah, leaving their
towns utterly despoiled.
Chapter 6
The last days of
Antiochus Epiphanes
6:1 Meanwhile King Antiochus
was making his way across the upper provinces; he had heard that in Persia
there was a city called Elymais, renowned for its riches, its silver and gold,
6:2 and its very wealthy temple
containing golden armour, breastplates and weapons, left there by Alexander son
of Philip, the king of Macedon, the first to reign over the Greeks.
6:3 He therefore went and
attempted to take the city and pillage it, but without success, since the
citizens learnt of his intention,
6:4 and offered him a stiff
resistance, whereupon he turned about and retreated, disconsolate, in the
direction of Babylon.
6:5 But while he was still in
Persia news reached him that the armies that had invaded the land of Judah had
been defeated,
6:6 and that Lysias in
particular had advanced in massive strength, only to be forced to turn and flee
before the Jews; these had been strengthened by the acquisition of arms,
supplies and abundant spoils from the armies they had cut to pieces;
6:7 they had overthrown the
abomination he had erected over the altar in Jerusalem, and had encircled the
sanctuary with high walls as in the past, and had fortified Bethzur, one of his
6:8 When the king heard this
news he was amazed and profoundly shaken; he threw himself on his bed and fell
into a lethargy from acute disappointment, because things had not turned out
for him as he had planned.
6:9 And there he remained for
many days, subject to deep and recurrent fits of melancholy, until he
understood that he was dying.
6:10 Then summoning all his
Friends, he said to them, 'Sleep evades my eyes, and my heart is cowed by
6:11 I have been asking myself
how I could have come to such a pitch of distress, so great a flood as that
which now engulfs me-I who was so generous and well-loved in my heyday. 12 But
now I remember the wrong I did in Jerusalem when I seized all the vessels of
silver and gold there, and ordered the extermination of the inhabitants of
Judah for no reason at all.
6:13 This, I am convinced, is
why these misfortunes have over-taken me, and why I am dying of melancholy in a
foreign land.'
The accession of
Antiochus V
6:14 He summoned Philip, one
of his Friends, and made him regent of his whole kingdom.
6:15 He entrusted him with his
diadem, his robe and his signet, om the understanding that he was to educate
his son Antiochus and train him for the throne.
6:16 Then King Antiochus died,
in the year one hundred and forty-nine.[*a]
6:17 Lysias, learning that the
king was dead, established his son Antiochus on the throne in succession to
him, having brought him up from childhood-and styled him Eupator.
The siege of the
Citadel of Jerusalem by Judas Maccabaeus
6:18 The men from the Citadel
were a threat to Israel in the neighbourhood of the sanctuary, seeking every
opportunity of harming them, and proving a strong support to the pagans.
6:19 Judas decided that they
must be destroyed, and he mobilised the whole people to besiege them.
6:20 They assembled, and laid
siege to the Citadel in the year one hundred and fifty, building firing
platforms and siege-engines.
6:21 But some of the besieged
broke through the blockade, and to these a number of renegades from Israel
attached themselves.
6:22 They made their way to
the king and said, 'How much longer are you going to wait before you see
justice done and avenge our fellows?
6:23 We were content to serve
your father, to comply with his orders, and to obey his edicts.
6:24 As a result our own
people will have nothing to do with us; what is more, they have killed all
those of us they could catch, and have plundered our heritages.
6:25 Nor is it on us alone
that their blows have fallen, but on all your dominions.
6:26 At this moment they are
laying siege to the Citadel ofjerusalem, to capture it, and they have fortified
the sanctuary and Bethzur.
6:27 Unless you forestall them
at once, they will go on to even bigger things, and then you will never be able
to control them.'
The expedition of
Antiochus V and Lysias. The battle of Bethzechariab
6:28 The king was furious when
he heard this, and summoned all his Friends, the generals of his forces and the
cavalry commanders.
6:29 He recruited mercenaries
from other kingdoms and the islands of the seas.
6:30 His forces numbered a hundred
thousand foot soldiers, twenty thousand cavalry and thirty-two elephants with
experience of battle conditions.
6:31 They advanced through
Idumaea and besieged Bethzur, pressing the attack for days on end; they also
constructed siege-engines, but the defenders made a sortie and set these on
fire, putting up a brave resistance.
6:32 At this Judas raised the
siege of the Citadel and pitched camp at Bethzechariah[*b] opposite the royal
6:33 The king rose at daybreak
and marched his army at top speed down the road to Bethzechariah, where his
forces took up their battle formations and sounded the trumpets.
6:34 The elephants were shown
a syrup of grapes and mulberries to prepare them for the battle.
6:35 They distributed these
animals among the phalanxes, allocating to each elephant a thousand men dressed
in coats of mail with bronze helmets on their heads; five hundred picked
horsemen were also assigned to each beast.
6:36 The horsemen anticipated
every move their elephant made; wherever it went they went with it, and never
separated from it.
6:37 On each elephant, to
protect it, was a stout wooden tower, kept in position by girths, each with its
team fighting from their mounted position, as well as its driver.
6:38 The remainder of the
cavalry was stationed on one or other of the two flanks of the army, to harass
the enemy and cover the phalanxes.
6:39 When the sun glinted on
the bronze and golden shields the mountains caught the glint and gleamed like
fiery torches.
6:40 One part of the king's
army was deployed high up in the mountains and others on the valley floor, all
advancing confidently and in good order.
6:41 Everyone trembled at the
noise made by this vast multitude, the thunder of the troops on the march and
the clanking of their armour, for it was an immense and mighty army.
6:42 Judas and his army
advanced to give battle, and six hundred of the king's army were killed.
6:43 Eleazar, called Avaran,
noticing that one of the elephants was royally caparisoned and was also taller
than all the others, and supposing that the king was mounted on it,
6:44 sacrificed himself to
save his people and win an imperishable name.
6:45 Boldly charging towards
the creature through the thick of the phalanx, dealing death to right and left,
so that the enemy scattered on either side at his onslaught,
6:46 he darted in under the
elephant, ran his sword into it and killed it. The beast collapsed on top of
him, and he died on the spot.
6:47 The Jews saw how strong
the king was, and the ferocity of the royal troops, and retired before them.
The capture of
Betlizur and siege of Mount Zion by the Syrians
6:48 The royal army moved up
to encounter them before Jerusalem, and the king began to blockade Judaea and
Mount Zion.
6:49 He granted peace terms to
the people of Bethzur, who evacuated the town; it lacked store of provisions to
withstand a siege, since the land was enjoying a sabbatical year.
6:50 Having occupied Bethzur,
the king stationed a garrison there to hold it.
6:51 He besieged the sanctuary
for a long time, erecting firing platforms and siege-engines, fire-throwers and
ballistas, scorpions to discharge arrows, and catapults.
6:52 The defenders countered
these by constructing their own engines, and were thus able to prolong their resistance.
6:53 But they had no stocks of
provisions, because it was the seventh year, and those who had taken refuge in
Judaea from the pagans had eaten up the last of their reserves.
6:54 Only a few men were left
in the Holy Place, owing to the severity of the famine; the rest had dispersed
and gone home.
The king grants the
Jews religious freedom
6:55 Meanwhile Philip, whom
King Antiochus before his death had appointed to train his son Antiochus for
the throne,
6:56 had returned from Persia
and Media with the forces that had accompanied the king, and was planning to
seize control of affairs.
6:57 On hearing this, Lysias
at once decided to leave, and said to the king, the generals of the army and
the men, 'We are growing weaker every day, we are short of food, and the place
we are besieging is well fortified moreover the affairs of the kingdom demand
our attention. 58 Let us offer the hand of friendship to these men and make
peace with them and with their whole nation.
6:59 Let us grant them
permission to follow their own customs as before, since it is our abolition of
these customs that provoked them into acting like this.'
6:60 The king and his
commanders approved this argument, and he sent the Jews an offer of peace,
which they accepted.
6:61 The king and the generals
ratified the treaty by oath, and the besieged accordingly left the fortress.
6:62 The king then entered
Mount Zion, but on seeing how impregnable the place was, he broke the oath he
had sworn and gave orders for the encircling wall to be demolished.
6:63 He then hurriedly struck
camp and retired to Antioch, where he found Philip already master of the city.
Antiochus fought him and took the city by storm.
Chapter 7
Demetrius I becomes
king, and sends Bacchidus and Alcimus to Judaea
7:1 In the year one hundred
and fifty Demetrius, son of Seleucus, escaped from Rome to hold court.
7:2 As he was entering the
crown lands of his ancestors his army arrested Antiochus and Lysias, intending
to bring them before him.
7:3 But when he heard of this
he said, 'Keep them out of my sight'.
7:4 So the army killed them
and Demetrius ascended the throne of his kingdom.
7:5 Then there came to him all
the renegades and godless men in Israel, led by Alcimus, whose ambition it was
to become high priest.
7:6 They denounced the people
before the king. 'Judas and his brothers' they said 'have killed all your
friends, and he has driven us out of our country.
7:7 Send someone now whom you
can trust; let him go and see the wholesale ruin Judas has brought on us and on
the king's dominions, and let him punish the wretches and all who assist them.'
7:8 The king chose Bacchides,
one of the Friends of the King, governor of the country beyond the river,[*a] a
great man in the kingdom and loyal to the king.
7:9 He sent him with the
godless Alcimus, whom he established as high priest, with orders to exact
retribution from the Israelites.
7:10 So they set out with a
large force, and on reaching the land of Judah they sent messengers to Judas
and his brothers with treacherous proposals of peace.
7:11 But these did not trust
them, seeing that they had come with a large force.
7:12 Nevertheless a commission
of scribes presented themselves before Alcimus and Bacchides, to sue for just
7:13 The first among the
Israelites to ask them for peace-terms were the Hasidaeans,
7:14 who reasoned like this,
'This is a priest of Aaron's line who has come with the armed forces; he will
not wrong us'.
7:15 He did in fact discuss is
peace-terms with them and gave them his oath, 'We will not attempt to injure
you or your friends'.
7:16 They believed him, but he
arrested sixty of them and put them to death in one day, fulfilling the words
of scripture:
7:17 They have scattered the
flesh of your devout, and shed their blood all round Jerusalem, and no one to
dig a grave!
7:18 At this, fear and dread
gripped the whole people. 'There is no truth or virtue in them;' they said
'they have broken their agreement and their sworn oath.'
7:19 Bacchides then left
Jerusalem and encamped at Bethzaith,[*b] and from there sent and arrested many
of the men who had deserted him, and some of the people, and killed them,
throwing them into the great cistern.
7:20 Then he put Alcimus in
charge of the province, leaving an army with him to support him; Bacchides
himself returned to the king.
7:21 Alcimus continued his
struggle to become high priest,
7:22 and all who were
disturbing the peace of their own people rallied to him; gaining control of the
land of Judah, they worked great havoc in Israel.
7:23 Seeing that all the
wrongs done to the Israelites by Alcimus and his supporters exceeded what the
pagans had done,
7:24 Judas went right round
the whole territory of Judaea to take vengeance on those who had deserted him
and prevent their free movement about the country.
7:25 When Alcimus saw how
strong Judas and his supporters had grown, he realised that he had not the
strength to resist them, and returned to the king where he laid criminal
charges against them.
Nicanor in Judaea.
The battle of Capharsalama
7:26 The king sent Nicanor,
one of his generals ranking as Illustrious and a bitter enemy of Israel, with
orders to exterminate the people.
7:27 Reaching Jerusalem with a
large force, Nicanor sent envoys to Judas and his brothers with treacherous
proposals of peace:
7:28 'Let us have no fighting'
he said 'between me and you; I will come with a small escort and meet you face
to face in peace.'
7:29 And he came to Judas and
they greeted each other peaceably enough; however, the enemy had made
preparations to abduct Judas.
7:30 When Judas became aware
of Nicanor's treacherous purpose in coming to see him, he took fright and
refused any further meeting.
7:31 Nicanor then realised
that his plan had been discovered, and went out to meet Judas in battle near
7:32 About five hundred of
Nicanor's men fell; the rest took refuge in the City of David.
Threats against the
7:33 After these events
Nicanor went up to Mount Zion. Some of the priests came out from the Holy Place
with some elders, to welcome him peacefully and to show him the holocaust that
was being offered for the king.
7:34 But he mocked them and
laughed in their faces, defiled them and used insolent language,
7:35 swearing in his rage,
'Unless Judas is handed over to me this time with his army, as soon as I am
safely back, I promise you, I will burn this building down!' Then he went off
in a fury.
7:36 At this the priests went in
again, and stood in tears before the altar and the sanctuary, saying,
7:37 'You chose this house to
be called by your name, to be a house of prayer and petition for your people.
7:38 Take vengeance on this
man and on his army, and let them fall by the sword; remember their blasphemies
and give them no respite.'
The 'Day of
Nicanor' at Adasa
7:39 Nicanor left Jerusalem
and encamped at Beth-horon, where he was joined by an army from Syria.
7:40 Meanwhile Judas camped at
Adasa[*c] with three thousand men, and offered this prayer,
7:41 When the Assyrian king's
envoys blasphemed, your angel went out and struck down one hundred and
eighty-five thousand of his men.
7:42 'In the same way let us
see you crush this army today, so that the rest may know that this man has
spoken blasphemously against your sanctuary: judge him according to his
7:43 The armies met in battle
on the thirteenth of the month Adar, and Nicanor's army was crushed, he himself
being the first to fall in the battle.
7:44 When his troops saw that
Nicanor had fallen, they threw down their arms and fled.
7:45 The Jews pursued them a
day's journey, from Adasa to the approaches of Gezer; they sounded their
trumpets in warning as they followed them,
7:46 and people came out from
all the surrounding villages of Judaea and blocked their flight, so that they
turned back on their own men, and all fell by the sword, not one being left
7:47 Collecting the spoils and
booty, they cut off Nicanor's head and the right hand he had stretched out in a
display of insolence; these were taken and displayed within sight of Jerusalem.
7:48 The people were
overjoyed, and kept that day as a great holiday:
7:49 indeed they decided to
celebrate it annually on the thirteenth of Adar.
7:50 The land of Judah was at
peace for a short time.
Chapter 8
A eulogy of the
8:1 Judas had heard of the
reputation of the Romans, their military strength and their benevolence towards
all who made common cause with them; they wanted to establish friendly
relations with anyone who approached them,
8:2 because of their military
strength. He was told of their wars and of their prowess among the Gauls,[*a]
whom they had conquered and put under tribute;
8:3 and of all they had done
in the province of Spain to gain possession of the silver and gold mines there,
8:4 making themselves masters
of the whole country by their determination and perseverance, despite its great
distance from their own; of the kings who came from the ends of the earth to attack
them, only to be crushed by them and overwhelmed with disaster, and of others
who paid them annual tribute;
8:5 Philip, Perseus king of
the Kittim, and others who had dared to make war on them, had been defeated and
reduced to subjection,
8:6 while Antiochus the Great,
king of Asia, who had advanced to attack them with a hundred and twenty
elephants, cavalry, chariots and a very large army, had also suffered defeat at
their hands;
8:7 they had taken him alive
and imposed on him and his successors the payment of an enormous tribute, the
surrender of hostages, and the cession
8:8 of the Indian territory,
with Media, Lydia, and some of their best provinces, which they took from him
and gave to King Eumenes.
8:9 Judas was also told how,
when the Greeks planned an expedition to destroy them,
8:10 the Romans got wind of it
and sent against them a single general, fought a campaign in which they
inflicted heavy casualties, carried off their women and children into
captivity, pillaged their goods, subdued their country, tore down their
fortresses and reduced them to a slavery lasting to this very day;
8:11 and how all other
kingdoms and islands that had ever resisted them were also destroyed and
8:12 But where their friends
and those who relied on them were concerned, they had always stood by their
friendship. They had subdued kings far and near, and all who heard their name
went in terror of them.
8:13 One man, if they
determined to help him and advance him to a throne, would certainly occupy it,
while another, if they so determined, would find himself deposed; their
influence was paramount.
8:14 In spite of all this not
one of them had assumed a crown or put on the purple for his own
8:15 They had set up a senate,
where is three hundred and twenty councillors deliberated daily, constantly
debating how best to regulate public affairs.
8:16 They entrusted their
government to one man for a year at a time, with absolute power over their
whole empire, and this man was obeyed by all without any envy or jealousy.
The alliance
hetween the Jews and Romans
8:17 Having chosen Eupolemus
son of John, of the family of Accos, and Jason son of Eleazar, Judas sent them
to Rome to make a treaty of friendship and alliance with these people,
8:18 who would surely lift the
yoke from their shoulders once they understood that the kingdom of the Greeks
was reducing Israel to slavery.
8:19 The envoys made the
lengthy journey to Rome and presented themselves before the Senate with their
formal proposal,
8:20 'Judas Maccabaeus and his
brothers, with the Jewish people, have sent us to you to conclude a treaty of
alliance and peace with you, and to enrol ourselves as your allies and
8:21 The proposal met with the
approval of the senators,
8:22 and this is a copy of the
rescript which they engraved on bronze tablets and sent to Jerusalem to be kept
there by the Jews as a record of peace and alliance:
8:23 'Good fortune attend the
Romans and the Jewish nation by sea and land for ever; may sword or enemy be
far from them!
8:24 If war comes first to
Rome or any of her allies throughout her dominions,
8:25 the Jewish nation is to
take action as her ally, as occasion may require, and do it wholeheartedly.
8:26 They are not to give or
supply to the aggressor any grain, arms, money or ships; this is the Roman
decision, and they are to honour their obligations without recompense.
8:27 In the same way, if war
comes first to the Jewish nation the Romans are to support them energetically
as occasion may offer,
8:28 and the aggressor shall
not be furnished with grain, arms, money or ships; this is the Roman decision,
and they will honour these obligations unreservedly.
8:29 These are the terms laid
down by the Romans for the Jewish people.
8:30 If when they have come
into force either party should wish to make any addition or deletion, they
shall be free to do so, and any such addition or deletion shall be binding.[*b]
8:31 As regards the wrongs
done to them by King Demetrius, we have written to him in these terms: Why have
you made your yoke lie heavy on our friends and allies the Jews?
8:32 If they appeal against
you again we will uphold their rightsand make war on you by sea and land.'
Chapter 9
The battle of
Beerzeth and death of Judas Maccabaeus
9:1 Demetrius heard that
Nicanor and his army had fallen in battle, and he sent Bacchides and Alcimus a
second time into the land of Judah, and with them the right wing of his army.
9:2 They took the road to
Galilee and besieged Mesaloth in Arbela,[*a] and captured it, putting many
people to death.
9:3 In the first month of the
year one hundred and fifty-two they set up camp before Jerusalem;
9:4 they then moved on, making
their way to Beerzeth[*b] with twenty thousand foot and two thousand horse.
9:5 Judas lay in camp at
Elasa, with three thousand picked men.
9:6 When they saw the huge
size of the enemy forces they were terrified, and many slipped out of the camp,
until no more than eight hundred of the force were left.
9:7 When Judas saw that his
army had melted away and that attack was imminent, he was aghast, for he had no
time to rally them.
9:8 Yet, dismayed as he was,
he said to those who were left, 'Up! Let us face the enemy; we may yet have the
strength to fight them.'
9:9 His men tried to dissuade
him, declaring, 'We have no strength for anything but to escape with our lives
this time; then we can come back with our brothers to fight them; by ourselves
we are too few'.
9:10 'God forbid' Judas
retorted 'that I should do such a thing as run away from them! If our time has
come, at least let us die like men for our countrymen, and leave nothing to
tarnish our reputation.'
9:11 The enemy forces then
marched out of the camp, and the Jews took up their position in readiness to
engage them. The cavalry was ordered into two squadrons; the slingers and
archers marched in the van of the army with the shock-troops, all stout
9:12 Bacchides was on the
right wing. The phalanx advanced from between the two squadrons, sounding the
trumpets; the men on Judas' side blew their trumpets also,
9:13 and the earth shook with
the noise of the armies. The engagement lasted from morning until evening.
9:14 Judas saw that Bacchides
and the main strength of his army lay on the right; all the stout-hearted
rallied to him,
9:15 and they broke the right
wing and pursued them to the furthest foothills of the range.
9:16 But when the Syrians on
the left wing saw that the right had been broken, they turned and followed hot
on the heels of Judas and his men to take them in the rear.
9:17 The fight became
desperate, and there were many casualties on both sides.
9:18 Judas himself fell, and
the remnant fled.
The funeral of
Judas Maccabaeus
9:19 Jonathan and Simon took
up their brother Judas and buried him in his ancestral tomb at Modein.
9:20 All Israel wept and
mourned him deeply and for many days they repeated this dirge,
9:21 'What a downfall for the
strong man, the man who saved Israel single-handed!'
9:22 The other deeds of Judas,
the battles he fought, the exploits he performed, and all his titles to
greatness have not been recorded; but they were very many.
The triumph of the
Greek party. Jonathan leads the resistance
9:23 After the death of Judas
the renegades came out of hiding throughout Israel and all the evil-doers
9:24 At that time there was a
severe famine, and the country went over to their side.
9:25 Bacchides deliberately
chose the enemies of religion and set them up as governors of the country.
9:26 These traced and searched
out the friends of Judas and brought them before Bacchides, who took revenge on
them and humiliated them.
9:27 A terrible oppression
began in Israel; there had been nothing like it since the disappearance of
prophecy among them.
9:28 Then all the friends of
Judas came together and said to Jonathan,
9:29 'Since your brother Judas
died, there has been no one like him to head the resistance to the enemy,
Bacchides and those who hate our nation.
9:30 Accordingly, we have
today chosen you to take his place as our ruler and leader and to fight our
9:31 From that day Jonathan
accepted the leadership and took over the command from his brother Judas.
Jonathan in the
desert of Tekoa. Bloody encounters round Medeba
9:32 Bacchides, when he heard
the news, made plans to kill Jonathan.
9:33 But this became known to
Jonathan, his brother Simon and all his supporters, and they took refuge in the
desert of Tekoa, camping by the water of the cistern at Asphar.
9:34 (Bacchides came to know
of this on the sabbath day, and he too crossed the Jordan with his entire
9:35 Jonathan sent his
brother, who was in charge of the convoy, to request his friends the Nabataeans
to store their considerable baggage for them.
9:36 But the sons of Jambri
from Medeba[*c] raided them, captured John and everything he had and made off
with their prize.
9:37 After this had happened
it was reported to Jonathan and his brother Simon that the sons of Jambri were
celebrating a great wedding, and were escorting the bride, a daughter of one of
the great notables of Canaan, from Nadabath with a large retinue.
9:38 Remembering the bloody
end of their brother John, they went up and hid under cover of the mountain.
9:39 As they were keeping
watch, there came into sight a noisy procession with a great deal of baggage,
and the bridegroom, with his groomsmen and his family, came out to meet it with
tambourines and a band, and military display.
9:40 The Jews rushed down on
them from their ambush and killed them, inflicting heavy casualties; the
survivors escaped to the mountain, leaving their entire baggage train to be
9:41 And so the wedding was
turned into mourning and the music of their band into a dirge.
9:42 Having in this way
avenged in full the blood of their brother they returned to the marshes of the
Crossing the Jordan
9:43 As soon as Bacchides
heard this, he came on the sabbath day with a considerable force to the steep
banks of the Jordan.
9:44 Jonathan said to his men,
'Up! Let us fight for our lives, for today is not like yesterday and the day
9:45 You can see, we shall
have to fight on our front and to our rear, we have the waters of the Jordan on
one side, the marsh and scrub on the other, and we have no line of withdrawal.
9:46 This is the moment to
call on heaven for your deliverance from the hand of our enemies.'
9:47 The engagement was begun
by Jonathan, who aimed a blow at Bacchides, but the Syrian disengaged himself
and withdrew,
9:48 whereupon Jonathan and
his men leapt into the Jordan and swam to the other bank, but the enemy did not
cross the Jordan in pursuit.
9:49 That day Bacchides lost
about a thousand men.
Bacchides builds
fortifications. The death of Alcimus
9:50 Bacchides returned to
Jerusalem and built strongholds in Judaea, the fortress in Jericho, Emmaus,
Beth-horon, Bethel, Timnath, Pharathon and Tephon, with high walls and barred
9:51 and stationed a garrison
in each of them to harass Israel.
9:52 He also fortified the
town of Bethzur, Gezer and the Citadel, and placed troops in them with supplies
of provisions.
9:53 He took the sons of the
leading men of the country as hostages, and had them placed under guard in the
Citadel of Jerusalem.
9:54 In the year one hundred
and fifty-three, in the second month, Alcimus ordered the demolition of the
wall of the inner court of the sanctuary, destroying the work of the prophets.[*d]
Alcimus had just begun the demolition
9:55 when he suffered a
stroke, and his work was interrupted. His mouth became obstructed, and his
paralysis made him incapable of speaking at all or giving directions to his
9:56 it was not long before he
died in great agony.
9:57 When Bacchides saw that
Alcimus was dead he returned to the king; and the land of Judah was left in
peace for two years.
The siege of
9:58 All the renegades then
agreed on a plan. 'Now is the time,' they said 'while Jonathan and his
supporters are living in peace and are full of confidence, for us to bring back
Bacchides; he can arrest them all in one night.'
9:59 So they went to him and
reached an understanding.
9:60 Bacchides at once set out
with a large force, and sent secret instructions to all his allies in Judaea to
seize Jonathan and his supporters. But they were unable to do this because
their plan became known,
9:61 and Jonathan and his men
arrested some fifty of the men of the country who were ringleaders in the plot,
and put them to death.
9:62 Jonathan and Simon then
retired with their partisans into the wilderness to Bethbasi; they rebuilt the
ruinous parts of the place and fortified it.
9:63 When Bacchides heard
this, he mustered his whole force and notified his adherents in Judaea.
9:64 He then proceeded to lay
siege to Bethbasi, attacking it for many days and constructing siege-engines.
9:65 But Jonathan, leaving his
brother Simon in the town, broke out into the countryside with a handful of
9:66 He attacked Odomera and
his brothers, and the sons of Phasiron in their tents; and these went over to
the attack, joining forces with him.
9:67 Meanwhile Simon and his
people made a sortie from the town and set fire to the siege-engines.
9:68 Taking the offensive
against Bacchides, they routed him. He was greatly disconcerted to find that
his plan and his assault had come to nothing,
9:69 and vented his anger on
those renegades who had induced him to enter the country, putting many of them
to death; then he decided to return to his own country.
9:70 Discovering this,
Jonathan sent envoys to negotiate peace-terms and the release of prisoners with
9:71 Bacchides agreed to this,
accepting his proposals and swearing never to seek occasion to harm him all the
days of his life.
9:72 After surrendering to
Jonathan the prisoners he had earlier taken in the land of Judah, he turned
about and withdrew to his own country, and never again came near their
9:73 The sword no longer hung
over Israel, and Jonathan settled in Michmash, where he began to judge the
people and to rid Israel of the godless.
Chapter 10
Alexander Balas
competes for Jonathan's support, and appoints him high priest
10:1 In the year one hundred
and sixty Alexander styled Epiphanes, son of Antiochus, landed at Ptolemais and
occupied it. He was well received, and held court there.
10:2 On hearing this, King
Demetrius assembled a very large army and marched out to meet him in battle.
10:3 Demetrius furthermore
sent Jonathan a conciliatory letter designed to enhance his dignity,
10:4 for, as he said, 'We had
better move first to come to terms with these people before he makes common
cause with Alexander against us;
10:5 he will not have
forgotten all the wrongs we inflicted on him and his brothers, and on his
10:6 He therefore authorised
him to raise an army and manufacture arms, and to describe himself as his ally,
and ordered the hostages in the Citadel to be surrendered to him.
10:7 Jonathan went straight to
Jerusalem and read the letter in the hearing of the whole people and of the men
in the Citadel.
10:8 Everyone was awestruck
when they heard that the king had given him authority to raise an army.
10:9 The men in the Citadel
surrendered the hostages to Jonathan, who handed them back to their parents.
10:10 Jonathan then took up
residence in Jerusalem and began the rebuilding and restoration of the city.
10:11 He ordered those
responsible for the work to build the walls and the defences round Mount Zion
in square hewn stones to make them stronger, and this was done.
10:12 The foreigners in the
fortresses built by Bacchides abandoned them,
10:13 one after another
leaving his post to go back to his own country.
10:14 Only at Bethzur were a
few left of those who had forsaken the Law and the commandments, since this
served them as a place of refuge.
10:15 King Alexander heard of
all the promises Demetrius had sent to Jonathan, and he was also given an
account of the battles and exploits of this man and his brothers and the trials
they had endured.
10:16 'Shall we ever find
another man like him?' he exclaimed. 'Let us be quick to make a friend and ally
of him!'
10:17 He therefore wrote him a
letter, addressing him in these terms,
10:18 'King Alexander to his
brother Jonathan, greetings.
10:19 You have been brought to
our notice as a strong man of action, and one disposed to be our friend.
10:20 Accordingly we have
today appointed you high priest of your nation, with the title of Friend of the
King'-he also sent him a purple robe and a golden crown-'and you are to study
our interests and maintain friendly relations with us.'
10:21 Jonathan put on the
sacred vestments in the seventh month of the year one hundred and sixty, on the
feast of Tabernacles; he then set about raising troops and manufacturing arms
in quantity.
A letter from
Demetrius I to Jonathan
10:22 Demetrius was displeased
when he heard what had happened.
10:23 'What have we done' he said
'that Alexander should have forestalled us in gaining the friendship of the
Jews to strengthen his position?
10:24 I will address an appeal
to them too offering them advancement and riches as an inducement to support
10:25 And he wrote to them as
follows: 'King Demetrius to the Jewish nation, greetings.
10:26 We have heard how you
have kept your agreement with us and have maintained friendly relations with us
and have not gone over to our enemies, and it has given us great satisfaction.
10:27 If you now continue to
keep faith with us, we will make you a handsome return for what you do on our
10:28 We will accord you many
exemptions and grant you privileges.
10:29 Henceforth I release you
and exempt all the Jews from the tribute, the salt dues and the crown levies,
10:30 and whereas I am
entitled to levy the equivalent of one third of the sowing and one half of the
fruit of the trees, I release from this levy, from today and for the future,
the land of Judah and the three districts annexed to it from Samaria-Galilee,
from this day in perpetuity.
10:31 Jerusalem shall be
sacred and exempt, with its territory, tithes and dues.
10:32 I relinquish control of
the Citadel in Jerusalem and make it over to the high priest, so that he may
man it with a garrison of his own choosing.
10:33 Every Jewish person
taken from the land of Judah into captivity in any part of my kingdom I set
free without ransom, and decree that all shall be exempt from taxes, even on
their livestock.
10:34 All festivals, sabbaths,
new moons and days of special observance, and the three days before and three
days after a festival, shall all be days of exemption and quittance for all the
Jews in my kingdom,
10:35 and no one shall have
the right to pursue or molest any of them for any matter whatsoever.
10:36 Jews shall be enrolled
in the king's forces to the number of thirty thousand men, and receive
maintenance on the same scale as the rest of the king's forces.
10:37 Some of them shall be
stationed in the king's major fortresses, and from among others appointments
shall be made to positions of trust in the kingdom. Their officers and
commanders shall be appointed from their own number, and shall live under their
own laws, as the king has prescribed for the land of Judah.
10:38 As regards the three
districts annexed to Judaea from the province of Samaria, they shall be
integrated into Judaea and considered as coming under one governor, obeying the
high priest's authority and no other.
10:39 I have made over
Ptolemais and its environs as a free gift to the sanctuary in Jerusalem, to
meet the necessary expenses of public worship.
10:40 And I make a personal
grant of fifteen thousand silver shekels annually chargeable to the royal
revenue from appropriate places.
10:41 And the entire surplus,
which has not been paid in by the officials as in previous years, shall
henceforth be paid over by them for work on the Temple.
10:42 In addition, the sum of
five thousand silver shekels, levied annually on the profits of the sanctuary,
as shown in the annual accounts, is also relinquished as the perquisite of the
priests who perform the liturgy.
10:43 Anyone who takes refuge
in the Temple in Jerusalem or any of its precincts, when in debt to the royal
exchequer or otherwise, shall be discharged in full possession of all the goods
he owns in my kingdom.
10:44 As regards the building
and restoration of the sanctuary, the expense of the work shall be met from the
royal exchequer.
10:45 The reconstruction of
the walls of Jerusalem and the fortification of the perimeter shall also be a
charge on the royal exchequer, and so also the reconstruction of other city
walls in Judaea.'
Jonathan rejects
Demetrius' offers
10:46 When Jonathan and the
people heard these proposals they put no faith in them and refused to accept
them, because they remembered the great wrongs Demetrius had done in Israel and
how cruelly he had oppressed them.
10:47 They decided in favour
of Alexander, since they regarded him as their outstanding benefactor, and they
became his constant allies.
10:48 King Alexander now
mustered large forces and took up a position confronting Demetrius,
10:49 and the two kings met in
battle. Alexander's army was routed, and Demetrius pursued him and defeated his
10:50 He continued the battle
with vigour until sunset, but Demetrius himself was killed that day.
marriage with Cleopatra. Jonathan as military commissioner and governor-general
10:51 Alexander sent
ambassadors to Ptolemy king of Egypt, with this message,
10:52 'Now that I have
returned to my kingdom and ascended the throne of my ancestors, and have
established my authority by crushing Demetrius, so gaining control of our
10:53 for I fought him and we
destroyed both him and his army and now occupy the throne of his kingdom-
10:54 now, therefore, let us
make a treaty of mutual friendship. Give me your daughter in marriage, and I
will become your son-in-law and give you, and her, presents which are worthy of
10:55 King Ptolemy replied as
follows, 'Happy the day when you returned to the land of your ancestors and
ascended their royal throne!
10:56 I will do at once for
you what your letter proposes; but meet me at Ptolemais, so that we can see one
another, and I will become your father-in-law, as you have asked.'
10:57 Ptolemy[*a] left Egypt
with his daughter Cleopatra, and reached Ptolemais in the year one hundred and
10:58 King Alexander went to
meet him, and Ptolemy gave him the hand of his daughter Cleopatra and
celebrated her wedding in Ptolemais with great magnificence, as kings do.
10:59 King Alexander then
wrote to Jonathan to come and meet him.
10:60 Jonathan made his way in
state to Ptolemais, and met the two kings; he gave them and their friends
silver and gold, and many gifts, and made a favourable impression on them.
10:61 A number of scoundrels
from Israel[*b] combined to denounce him, but the king paid no attention to
10:62 In fact the king
commanded that Jonathan should be divested of his own garments and clothed in
the purple, which was done.
10:63 The king then seated him
by his side and said to his officers, 'Escort him into the centre of the city
and proclaim that no one is to bring charges against him on any count; no one
is to molest him for any reason.'
10:64 And so, when his
accusers saw the honour done him by this proclamation, and Jonathan himself
invested in the purple, they all fled.
10:65 The king did him the
honour of enrolling him among the First Friends, and appointed him military
commissioner and governor-general.
10:66 Jonathan then returned
to Jerusalem in peace and gladness.
Demetrius II.
Apollonius, governor of Coele-Syria, defeated by Jonathan
10:67 In the year one hundred
and sixty-five,[*c] Demetrius son of Demetrius came from Crete to the land of
his ancestors.
10:68 When King Alexander
heard of it he was plunged in gloom and retired to Antioch.
10:69 Demetrius appointed
Apollonius as governor of Coele-Syria; the latter assembled a large force, and
from his camp at Jamnia sent the following message to Jonathan the high priest:
10:70 'You are entirely alone
in rising against us, and now I find myself ridiculed and reproached on your
account. Why do you use your authority to our disadvantage in the mountains?
10:71 If you are so confident
in your forces, come down now to meet us on the plain and let us take each
other's measure there; on my side I have the strength of the towns.
10:72 Ask and learn who I am
and who are the others supporting us. Men will tell you that you cannot stand
up to us, because your ancestors were twice routed on their own ground,[*d]
10:73 nor will you now be able
to withstand the cavalry or so great an army on the plain, where there is
neither stone nor outcrop nor cover of any kind.'
10:74 When Jonathan heard the
message of Apollonius his spirit was roused; he picked ten thousand men and
left Jerusalem, and his brother Simon joined him with reinforcements.
10:75 He drew up his forces
before Joppa; the citizens had shut him out as Apollonius had a garrison in
Joppa. When they began the attack,
10:76 the citizens took fright
and opened the gates, and Jonathan occupied Joppa.
10:77 Hearing this, Apollonius
marshalled three thousand cavalry and a large army and made his way to Azotus
as though intending to march through, while in fact pressing on into the plain,
since he had a great number of cavalry on which he was relying.
10:78 Jonathan pursued him as
far as Azotus, where the armies joined battle.
10:79 Now Apollonius had left
a thousand horsemen in concealment behind them.
10:80 Jonathan knew of this
ambush behind him; the horsemen surrounded his army and shot their arrows into
the people from morning till evening.
10:81 But the people stood
firm, as Jonathan had ordered, while the enemy's horses tired.
10:82 So Simon was able to
throw in his force and close with the phalanx, which he cut to pieces and
10:83 The cavalry scattered
over the plain and fled to Azotus, where they entered Beth-dagon, the temple of
their idol, to take shelter there.
10:84 But Jonathan set fire to
Azotus and the surrounding towns, plundered them, and burned down the temple of
Dagon, with all the fugitives who had crowded into it.
10:85 The enemy losses,
counting those who fell by the sword and those burnt to death, totalled about
eight thousand men.
10:86 Then Jonathan left there
and encamped opposite Askalon, whose citizens came out to meet him with great
10:87 Jonathan then returned
to Jerusalem with his followers, laden with booty.
10:88 In the event, when King
Alexander heard what had happened, he awarded Jonathan fresh honours:
10:89 he sent him a golden
brooch, of the kind customarily presented to the Cousins of the King, and gave
him proprietary rights over Ekron with all its lands.
Chapter 11
Ptolemy VI supports
Demetrius II but dies at the same time as Alexander Balas
11:1 The king of Egypt then
assembled an army as numerous as the sands of the seashore, with many ships,
and attempted to take possession of Alexander's kingdom by a ruse and add it to
his own kingdom.
11:2 He set off for Syria with
protestations of peace, and the people of the towns opened their gates to him
and came out to meet him, since King Alexander's orders were to welcome him,
Ptolemy being his father-in-law.
11:3 On entering the towns,
however, Ptolemy quartered troops as a garrison in each one.
11:4 When he reached Azotus he
was shown the burnt-out temple of Dagon, with Azotus and its suburbs in ruins,
corpses scattered here and there, and the charred remains of those whom Jonathan
had burnt to death in the battle, piled into heaps along his route.
11:5 They explained to the
king what Jonathan had done, hoping for his disapproval; but the king said
11:6 Jonathan then went to
receive the king in state at Joppa, where they greeted each other and spent the
11:7 Jonathan accompanied the
king as far as the river called Eleutherus,[*a] and then returned to Jerusalem.
11:8 King Ptolemy for his part
occupied the coastal towns as far as the maritime quarter of Seleucia,[*b] all
the while maturing his wicked designs against Alexander.
11:9 He sent envoys to King
Demetrius, saying, 'Come, let us make a treaty with each other; I will give you
my daughter, whom Alexander now has, and you shall rule your father's kingdom.
11:10 I regret having given my
daughter to that man, who has attempted to kill me.'
11:11 He made this accusation
because he coveted his kingdom.
11:12 Having carried off his
daughter and bestowed her on Demetrius, he broke with Alexander, and their
enmity became open.
11:13 Ptolemy next entered
Antioch and assumed the crown of Asia; he now wore on his head the two crowns
of Egypt and Asia.
11:14 Meanwhile, King
Alexander was in Cilicia, since the people of those parts had risen in revolt,
11:15 but when he heard the
news, he advanced on his rival to give battle, while Ptolemy for his part also
took the field, met him with a strong force and routed him.
11:16 Alexander fled to Arabia
for refuge, and King Ptolemy held victory celebrations.
11:17 Zabdiel the Arab cut off
Alexander's head and sent it to Ptolemy.
11:18 Three days later King
Ptolemy died, and the Egyptian garrisons in the strongholds were killed by the
local inhabitants.
11:19 So Demetrius became king
in the year one hundred and sixty-seven.
Early relations
between Demetrius and Jonathan
11:20 At the same time
Jonathan mustered the men of Judaea for an assault on the Citadel in Jerusalem,
and they constructed many siege-engines for use against it.
11:21 But some renegades who
hated their nation made their way to the king and told him that Jonathan was
besieging the Citadel.
11:22 The king was angered by
the news. No sooner had he been informed than he set out and came to Ptolemais.
He wrote to Jonathan, telling him to raise the siege and to meet him for a
conference in Ptolemais as soon as possible.
11:23 When Jonathan heard this
he gave orders for the siege to continue; then he selected a deputation from
the elders of Israel and the priests, and took the deliberate risk
11:24 of taking silver and
gold, clothing and numerous other presents, and going to Ptolemais to face the
king, whose favour he succeeded in winning;
11:25 and although one or two
renegades of his nation brought charges against him,
11:26 the king treated him as
his predecessors had treated him, and promoted him in the presence of all his
11:27 He confirmed him in the
high-priesthood and whatever other distinctions he already held, and had him
ranked among the First Friends.
11:28 Jonathan claimed that
the king should exempt Judaea from tribute, with the three Samaritan provinces,
promising him three hundred talents in return.
11:29 The king consented, and
wrote Jonathan a rescript covering the whole matter, in these terms:
A new charter
favouring the Jews
11:30 'King Demetrius to
Jonathan his brother, and to the Jewish nation, greeting.
11:31 We have written to
Lasthenes our cousin concerning you, and now send you this copy of our rescript
for your own information:
11:32 King Demetrius to his
father Lasthenes, greeting.
11:33 The nation of the Jews
are our friends and fulfil their obligations to us, and in view of their
goodwill towards us we have decided to show them our bounty.
11:34 We confirm them in their
possession of the territory of Judaea and the three districts of Aphairema,
Lydda and Ramathaim;[*c] these were annexed to Judaea from Samaritan territory,
with all their dependencies, in favour of all who offer sacrifice in Jerusalem,
instead of the royal dues which the king formerly received from them every year,
from the yield of the soil and the fruit crops.
11:35 As regards our other
rights over the tithes and taxes due to us, over the salt marshes, and the
crown taxes due to us, as from today we release them from them all.
11:36 No single one of these
grants shall be set aside, from today in perpetuity.
11:37 It shall be your
responsibility to have a copy of this made, to be given to Jonathan and
displayed on the holy mountain in a conspicuous place.'
Demetrius II
rescued by Jonathan's troops at Antioch
11:38 When King Demetrius saw
that the country was at peace under his rule and that no resistance was offered
him, he dismissed his forces, and sent all the men home, except for the foreign
troops that he had recruited in the islands of the nations, thus incurring the
enmity of the veterans who had served his ancestors.
11:39 Now Trypho, one of
Alexander's former supporters, seeing that all the troops were muttering
against Demetrius, approached Iamleku the Arab, who was bringing up Antiochus,
Alexander's young son,
11:40 and repeatedly urged him
to let him have the boy, so that he might succeed his father as king; he told
him of Demetrius' decision and the resentment it had aroused among his troops.
He spent a long time there.
11:41 Meanwhile Jonathan sent
to ask King Demetrius to withdraw the troops in the Citadel from Jerusalem and
to remove the garrisons from the strongholds, since they were constantly
fighting Israel.
11:42 Demetrius sent back word
to Jonathan, 'Not only will I do this for you and for your nation, but I will
heap honours on you and your nation if I find a favourable opportunity.
11:43 For the present, you
would do well to send me reinforcements, for all my troops have deserted.'
11:44 Jonathan sent off three
thousand experienced soldiers to him in Antioch; when they reached the king, he
was delighted at their arrival.
11:45 The citizens crowded
together in the centre of the city, to the number of some hundred and twenty
thousand, intending to kill the king.
11:46 The king took refuge in
the palace, while the citizens occupied the thoroughfares of the city and began
to attack.
11:47 The king then called on
the Jews for help; and these all rallied round him in a body, then spread out
through the city, and that day killed about a hundred thousand of its
11:48 They fired the city,
seizing a great deal of plunder at the same time, and secured the king's
11:49 When the citizens saw
that the Jews had the city at their mercy their courage failed them, and they
made an abject appeal to the king,
11:50 'Give us the right hand
of peace, and let the Jews stop their fight against us and the city'.
11:51 They threw down their
arms and made peace. The Jews were covered in glory, in the eyes of the king
and of everyone else in his kingdom. Having won renown in his kingdom they
returned to Jerusalem laden with booty.
11:52 King Demetrius continued
to occupy the throne of his kingdom, and the country was quiet under his
11:53 But he gave the lie to
all the promises he had made, and fell out with Jonathan, giving nothing in
return for the services Jonathan had rendered him, but thwarting him at every
Jonathan opposes
Demetrius II. Simon retakes Bethzur. The Hazor affair
11:54 After this Trypho came
back with the little boy Antiochus,[*d] who became king and was crowned.
11:55 All the troops that
Demetrius had summarily dismissed rallied to Antiochus, and made war on
Demetrius, and he turned tail and fled.
11:56 Trypho captured the elephants
and seized Antioch.
11:57 Young Antiochus then
wrote Jonathan the following letter, 'I confirm you in the high-priesthood and
set you over the four districts[*e] and appoint you one of the Friends of the
11:58 He sent him a service of
gold plate, and granted him the right to drink from gold vessels, and to wear
the purple and the golden brooch.
11:59 He appointed his brother
Simon as military commissioner of the region from the Ladder of Tyre to the
frontiers of Egypt.
11:60 Jonathan then set out
and made a progress through Transeuphrates and its towns, and the entire Syrian
army rallied to his support. He came to Askalon and was received in state by
the inhabitants.
11:61 From there he proceeded
to Gaza, but the people of Gaza shut him out, so he laid siege to it, burning
down its suburbs and plundering them.
11:62 The people of Gaza then
pleaded with Jonathan, and he made peace with them; but he took the sons of
their chief men as hostages and sent them away to Jerusalem. He then travelled
through the country as far as Damascus.
11:63 Jonathan now learned
that Demetrius' generals had arrived at Kadesh in Galilee with a great army,
with the object of diverting him from his mission,
11:64 and he went to meet
them, leaving his brother Simon inside the country.
11:65 Simon laid siege to
Bethzur, attacking it day after day, and blockading the inhabitants
11:66 till they sued for
peace, which he granted them, though he expelled them from the town and
occupied it, stationing a garrison there.
11:67 Meanwhile Jonathan and
his army, having pitched camp by the Lake of Gennesaret, rose early, and by
morning were already in the plain of Hazor.
11:68 The foreigners' army
advanced to fight them on the plain, after laying first an ambush for him in
the mountains. While the main body was advancing directly towards the Jews,
11:69 the troops in ambush
broke cover and attacked first.
11:70 All the men with
Jonathan fled; no one was left, except Mattathias son of Absalom and Judas son
of Chalphi, the generals of his army.
11:71 At this Jonathan tore
his garments, put dust on his head, and prayed.
11:72 Then he returned to the
fight and routed the enemy, who fled.
11:73 When the fugitives from
his own forces saw this they came back to him and joined in the pursuit as far
as Kadesh where the enemy encampment was, and there they themselves pitched
11:74 About three thousand of
the foreign troops fell that day. Jonathan then returned to Jerusalem.
Chapter 12
relations with the Spartans
12:1 When Jonathan saw that
circumstances were working in his favour he sent a select mission to Rome to
confirm and renew his treaty of friendship with the Romans.
12:2 He also sent letters to
the same effect to the Spartans and to other places.[*a]
12:3 The envoys made their way
to Rome and entered the Senate, where they made this announcement: 'Jonathan
the high priest and the Jewish nation have sent us to renew your treaty of
friendship and alliance with them as before'.
12:4 The Romans gave them
letters to the authorities of each place, to procure their safe conduct to the
land of Judah.
12:5 The following is the copy
of the letter Jonathan wrote to the Spartans:
12:6 'Jonathan the high
priest, the senate of the nation, the priests and the rest of the Jewish people
to the Spartans their brothers, greetings.
12:7 In the past, a letter was
sent to Onias, the high priest, from Areios, one of your kings, stating that
you are indeed our brothers, as the copy subjoined attests.
12:8 Onias received the envoy
with honour, and accepted the letter, in which a clear reference was made to
friendship and alliance.
12:9 For our part, though we
have no need of these, having the consolation of the holy books in our
12:10 we venture to send to renew
our fraternal friendship with you, so that we may not become strangers to you,
for a long time has elapsed since you sent us the letter.[*b]
12:11 We may say that
constantly on every occasion, at our festivals and on other appointed days, we
make a remembrance of you in the sacrifices we offer and in our prayers, as it
is right and fitting to remember brothers.
12:12 We rejoice in your
12:13 As for ourselves, we
have been involved in many trials, many battles, and the surrounding kings have
fought against us.
12:14 We were unwilling to
trouble you or our other allies and friends during these wars.
12:15 But now, having the
support of heaven to help us, we have been delivered from our enemies, and it
is they who have been brought low,
12:16 and so we have chosen
Numenius son of Antiochus, and Antipater son of Jason, and sent them to the
Romans to renew our former treaty of friendship and alliance,
12:17 and we have ordered them
to make their way to you also, to greet you, and deliver to you this letter of
ours concerning the renewal of our brotherhood;
12:18 we shall be grateful for
an answer to it.'
12:19 The following is the
copy of the letter sent to Onias:
12:20 'Areios king of the
Spartans, to Onias the high priest, greetings.
12:21 lt has been discovered
in a document concerning the Spartans and Jews that they are brothers, and of
the race of Abraham.
12:22 Now that this has come
to our knowledge. we shall be obliged if you will send us news of your welfare.
12:23 Our own message to you
is this: your flocks and your possessions are ours, and ours are yours, and we
are instructing our envoys to give you a message to this effect.'
Jonathan in
Coele-Syria. Simon in Philistia
12:24 Jonathan learned that
Demetrius' generals had returned with a larger army than before to make war on
12:25 For that reason he left
Jerusalem and went to face them in the region of Hamath, giving them no respite
in which to mount an invasion of his own country.
12:26 He sent spies into their
camp, who told him on their return that the enemy were taking up positions for
a night attack on the Jews.
12:27 At sunset Jonathan
ordered his men to keep watch with their weapons at hand, in readiness to fight
at any time during the night, and posted advance guards all round the camp.
12:28 When they knew that
Jonathan and his men were ready to fight, the enemy became afraid, and with
quaking hearts they kindled fires in their camp.
12:29 Jonathan and his men,
watching the glow of the fires, were unaware of their withdrawal until morning,
12:30 and although Jonathan
pursued them, he failed to overtake them, for they had already crossed the
river Eleutherus.
12:31 So Jonathan wheeled
round on the Arabs called Zabadaeans, defeated them and plundered them;
12:32 then, breaking camp, he
went to Damascus, and travelled through the whole province. 33 Meanwhile Simon
had also set out and had penetrated as far as Askalon and the neighbouring
strongholds. He then turned on Joppa and moved quickly to occupy it,
12:34 for he had heard of
their intention to hand over this strong point to the supporters of Demetrius;
he stationed a garrison there to hold it.
Building work in
12:35 On Jonathan's return he
called a meeting of the elders of the people and decided with them to build
fortresses in Judaea
12:36 and to heighten the
walls of Jerusalem and erect a high barrier between the Citadel and the
city, to separate it from the city and isolate it, to prevent the occupants
from buying or selling.
12:37 They gathered together
to rebuild the city. Part of the wall over the eastern ravine had fallen, and
he restored the quarter called Chaphenatha.
12:38 Meanwhile Simon rebuilt
Adida in the Lowlands, fortifying it, and erecting gates with bolts.
Jonathan falls into
the hands of his enemies
12:39 Trypho's ambition was to
become king of Asia, assume the crown, and overpower King Antiochus.
12:40 He was apprehensive that
Jonathan might not allow him to do so, and might even make war on him, so he
set out and came to Bethshan, in the hopes of finding some pretext for his
arrest and execution.
12:41 Jonathan went out to
intercept him, with forty thousand picked men in battle order, and arrived at
12:42 When Trypho saw him
there with a large force, he hesitated to make any move against him.
12:43 He even received him
with honour, commended him to all his friends and presented gifts to him, and
told his friends and his troops to obey him as they would himself.
12:44 He said to Jonathan,
'Why have you made all these people so tired, when there is no threat of war
between us?
12:45 Send them back home;
pick yourself a few men as your bodyguard, and come with me to Ptolemais. I
will hand it over to you, with the other fortresses and the remaining troops
and all the officials; then I will take the road for home, for that was my
purpose in coming here.'
12:46 Jonathan trusted him and
did as he said; he dismissed his forces, who returned to the land of Judah.
12:47 With him he retained
three thousand men, of whom he left two thousand in Galilee, while a thousand
accompanied him.
12:48 But as soon as Jonathan
had entered Ptolemais the people of Ptolemais closed the gates, seized him, and
put all those who had entered with him to the sword.
12:49 Trypho sent troops and
cavalry into Galilee and the Great Plain to wipe out all Jonathan's supporters.
12:50 These, concluding that
he had been taken, and had perished with his companions, encouraged one
another, marching with closed ranks and ready to give battle,
12:51 and when their pursuers
saw that they would fight for their lives, they turned back.
12:52 They all reached the
land of Judah safe and sound, but lamenting Jonathan and his companions, and in
a state of alarm; all Israel was plunged into mourning.
12:53 All the surrounding
pagans were now looking for ways of destroying them: 'They have no leader,'
they said 'no ally; we have only to attack them now, and we shall blot out
their very memory from mankind'.
Chapter 13
Simon takes command
13:1 Simon heard that Trypho
had collected a large army to invade and devastate the land of Judah,
13:2 and when he saw how the
people were quaking with fear, he went up to Jerusalem, called the people
13:3 and exhorted them thus,
'You know yourselves how much I and my brothers and my father's family have
done for the laws and the sanctuary; you know what wars and hardships we have
13:4 That is why my brothers
are all dead, for Israel's sake, and I am the only one left.
13:5 Far be it from me, then,
to be sparing of my own life in any time of oppression, for I am not worth more
than my brothers.
13:6 Rather will I avenge my
nation and the sanctuary and your wives and children, now that all the pagans
have united in their malice to destroy us.'
13:7 The spirit of the people
rekindled as they listened to his words,
13:8 and they shouted back at
him, 'You are our leader in place of Judas and your brother Jonathan.
13:9 Fight our battles for us,
and we will do whatever you tell us.'
13:10 So he assembled all the
fighting men and hurried on the completion of the walls of Jerusalem,
fortifying the whole perimeter.
13:11 He sent a considerable
force to Joppa under Jonathan, son of Absalom, who drove out the inhabitants
and remained there in occupation.
Simon repels Trypho
from Judaea
13:12 Trypho now left
Ptolemais with a large army to invade the land of Judah, taking Jonathan with
him under guard.
13:13 Simon pitched camp in
Adida, facing the plain.
13:14 When Trypho learned that
Simon had stepped into the place of his brother Jonathan, and that he intended
to join battle with him, he sent envoys to him with this message,
13:15 'Your brother Jonathan
was in debt to the royal exchequer for the offices he held; that is why we are
detaining him.
13:16 If you send a hundred
talents of silver and two of his sons as hostages, to make sure that on his
release he does not revolt against us, we will release him.'
13:17 Although Simon was aware
that the message was a ruse, he sent for the money and the boys for fear of
incurring great hostility from the people,
13:18 who would have said that
Jonathan died because Simon did not send Trypho the money and the boys.
13:19 He therefore sent both
the boys and the hundred talents, but Trypho broke his word and did not release
13:20 Next, Trypho set about
the invasion and devastation of the country; he made a detour along the Adora
road, but Simon and his army confronted him wherever he attempted to go.
13:21 The men in the Citadel
kept sending messengers to Trypho, urging him to get through to them by way of
the wilderness and send them supplies.
13:22 Trypho organised his
entire cavalry to go, but that night it snowed so heavily that he could not get
through for the snow, so he struck camp and moved off into Gilead.
13:23 As he approached
Baskama[*a] he killed Jonathan, and he was buried there.
13:24 Trypho turned back and
regained his own country.
Jonathan is buried
in the mausoleum built by Simon at Modein
13:25 Simon sent and recovered
the bones of his brother Jonathan, and buried him in Modein, the town of his
13:26 All Israel kept solemn
mourning for him, bewailing him for many days.
13:27 Over the tomb of his
father and brothers Simon raised a monument high enough to catch the eye, using
dressed stone back and front.
13:28 He erected seven
pyramids facing each other, for his father and mother and his four brothers,
13:29 raising them on plinths
and surrounding them with tall columns on which he had trophies of arms carved
to their everlasting memory and, beside the armour, sculptured ships to be seen
by all who sailed the sea.
13:30 Such was the monument he
constructed at Modein, and it is still there today.
The favours of
Demetrius II to Simon
13:31 Trypho treated the young
King Antiochus treacherously and put him to death.
13:32 He usurped his throne,
assuming the crown of Asia, and brought great havoc on the country.
13:33 Simon built up the
fortresses of Judaea, surrounding them with high towers, great walls and gates
with bolts, and stocked these fortresses with food.
13:34 He also sent a
delegation to King Demetrius to induce him to grant relief to the province,
because all that Trypho did was to confiscate.
13:35 King Demetrius replied
to his request in a letter framed as follows:
13:36 'King Demetrius to
Simon, high priest and Friend of Kings, and to the elders and nation of the
Jews, greetings.
13:37 It has pleased us to
accept the golden crown and the palm you have sent us, and we are disposed to make
a general peace with you, and to write to the officials to grant you
13:38 Everything that we have
decreed concerning you remains in force, and the fortresses you have built are
to remain in your hands.
13:39 We pardon all offences,
unwitting or intentional, committed up to this day, as well as the crown tax
which you owe, and any other duty that used to be paid in Jerusalem shall no
longer be payable.
13:40 If any of you are
suitable for enrolment in our bodyguard, let them be enrolled, and let there be
peace between us.'
13:41 lt was in the year one
hundred and seventy, that the rule of the pagans was lifted from Israel,
13:42 and the people began to
engross their documents and contracts, 'In the year one of Simon, great high
priest, military commissioner, and leader of the Jews.'
The capture of
Gezer by Simon
13:43 At that time Simon went
to lay siege to Gezer and surrounded it with his troops. He constructed a
mobile tower, brought it up to the city, opened a breach in one of the bastions
and took it.
13:44 The men in the mobile
tower sprang out into the city, where great confusion ensued.
13:45 The citizens,
accompanied by their wives and children, mounted the ramparts with their
garments torn and loudly implored Simon to make peace with them:
13:46 'Treat us' they said
'not as our wickedness deserves, but as your mercy prompts you'.
13:47 Simon came to terms with
them and stopped the fighting; but he expelled them from the city, purified the
houses which contained idols, and then made his entry with songs of praise.
13:48 He banished all
uncleanness from it, settled men in it who observed the Law, and having
fortified it, built a residence there for himself.
Simon occupies the
Citadel in Jerusalem
13:49 The men in the Citadel
in Jerusalem, prevented as they were from going out into the country and back
to buy and sell, were in desperate want of food, and numbers of them were
carried off by starvation.
13:50 They begged Simon to
make peace with them, and he granted this, though he expelled them and purified
the Citadel from its pollutions.
13:51 The Jews made their
entry on the twenty-third day of the second month in the year one hundred and
seventy-one, with acclamations and carrying palms, to the sound of harps, cymbals
and zithers, chanting hymns and canticles, since a great enemy had been crushed
and thrown out of Israel.
13:52 Simon made it a day of
annual rejoicing. He strengthened the fortifications of the Temple hill by the
side of the Citadel, and took up residence there with his men.
13:53 Seeing that his son John
had come to manhood, Simon appointed him commander of all the forces, with his
residence in Gezer.
Chapter 14
A eulogy of Simon
14:1 In the year one hundred
and seventy-two King Demetrius assembled his forces and marched into Media to
muster help, in order to fight Trypho.
14:2 When Arsaces[*a] king of
Persia and Media heard that Demetrius had entered his territory, he sent one of
his generals to capture him alive.
14:3 The general went and
defeated the army of Demetrius, seized him and brought him to Arsaces, who put
him in prison.
14:4 The country was at peace
throughout the days of Simon. He sought the good of his nation and they were
well pleased with his authority, and his magnificence throughout his life.
14:5 And to crown all his
magnificence he took Joppa and made it his harbour, gaining access to the
islands of the sea.
14:6 He enlarged the frontiers
of his nation, keeping his mastery over the homeland,
14:7 and resettled a host of
the captives. He conquered Gezer, Bethzur, and the Citadel and cast out the
unclean things from it; and no one could resist him.
14:8 They farmed their land in
peace, the land gave its produce, the trees of the plain their fruit.
14:9 The elders sat at ease in
the streets, all their talk was of their prosperity; the young men wore finery
and armour.
14:10 He kept the towns
supplied with provisions and furnished with fortifications; until his fame
resounded to the ends of the earth.
14:11 He established peace in
the land, and Israel knew great joy.
14:12 Each man sat under his
own vine and his own fig tree, and there was no one to make them afraid.
14:13 No enemy was left in the
land to fight them, and the kings in those days were crushed.
14:14 He gave strength to all
the humble folk among his people and cleared away every renegade and wicked
man. He strove to observe the Law,
14:15 and gave new splendour
to the Temple, replenishing it with sacred vessels
Renewal of the
alliances with Sparta and with Rome
14:16 When it became known in
Rome and later in Sparta that Jonathan was dead, people were deeply grieved.
14:17 But as soon as they
heard that his brother Simon had succeeded him as high priest and was master of
the country and the cities in it,
14:18 they wrote to him on
bronze tablets to renew the treaty of friendship and alliance which they
had made with his brothers, Judas and Jonathan,
14:19 and the document was
read out before the assembly in Jerusalem.
14:20 This is the copy of the
letter sent by the Spartans: 'The rulers and the city of Sparta to Simon the
high priest and to the elders and priests and the rest of the people of the
Jews, greetings.
14:21 The ambassadors whom you
sent to our people informed us of your glory and honour, and we were delighted
by their visit.
14:22 We recorded their
declarations in the minutes of our public assemblies, as follows
,"Numenius son of Antiochus, and Antipater son of Jason, ambassadors of
the Jews, came to us to renew their friendship with us.
14:23 And it was the people's
pleasure to receive these personages with honours and to deposit a copy of
their statements in the public archives, so that the people of Sparta may
preserve a record of them; they also made a copy for Simon the high
14:24 After this Simon sent
Numenius to Rome as the bearer of a large gold shield weighing a thousand
minas, to confirm the alliance with them.
Official honours
decreed for Simon
14:25 When these events were
reported to the people they said, 'What mark of appreciation shall we give to
Simon and his sons?
14:26 He stood firm, he and
his brothers and his father's House; he fought off the enemies of Israel and
secured its freedom.' So they recorded an inscription on bronze tablets and set
it up on pillars on Mount Zion.
14:27 This is a copy of the
text: 'On the eighteenth of Elul in the year one hundred and seventy-two, which
is the third year of Simon the great high priest, in Asaramel,
14:28 in the grand assembly of
priests and people, leaders of the nation and elders of the country, we were
notified as follows:
14:29 'When there was frequent
fighting in the country, Simon, son of Mattathias, a scion of the line of
Joarib, and his brothers courted danger and withstood the enemies of their
nation to safeguard the integrity of their sanctuary and the Law, and so
brought their nation great glory.
14:30 Jonathan rallied his
nation and became their high priest, and was then gathered to his people.
14:31 Their enemies planned to
invade their country in order to devastate their territory and lay hands on
their sanctuary.
14:32 Simon then arose to
fight for his nation. He spent much of his own wealth on arming the
nation's fighting men and providing their pay;
14:33 he fortified the cities
of Judaea and Bethzur on the frontier of Judaea, where the enemy arsenal had
formerly been, and stationed there a garrison of Jewish soldiers.
14:34 He also fortified Joppa
on the coast and Gezeron the borders of Azotus, a place formerly inhabited by
the enemy; he founded a Jewish settlement there, providing everything they
needed to set them on their feet.
14:35 The people saw Simon's
faith and the glory he had resolved to win for his nation; they made him their
leader and high priest because of all these achievements of his and the justice
and faithfulness he had maintained towards his own nation, and because he
sought every means to enhance the honour of his people.
14:36 In his day and under his
guidance they succeeded in rooting out the pagans from their country, including
those in the City of David in Jerusalem, who had converted it into a citadel
for their own use from which they would sally out to defile the surroundings of
the sanctuary and violate its sacred character.
14:37 He settled Jewish
soldiers in it and fortified it as a protection for the country and city, and
heightened the walls of Jerusalem.
14:38 In consequence of this,
King Demetrius confirmed him in the high-priestly office,
14:39 made him one of his
Friends and advanced him to high honours;
14:40 he had heard that the
Romans named the Jews friends, allies and brothers, and that they had given
Simon's ambassadors an honourable reception;
14:41 and further, that the
Jews and the priests had agreed that Simon should be their perpetual leader and
high priest until a trustworthy prophet should arise;
14:42 he was also to be their
commissioner and to be responsible for the sanctuary and for the appointment of
officials to supervise the fabric, to administer the country, and to control
the arsenal and fortresses;
14:43 he was to take charge of
the sanctuary, and everyone had to obey him; all official documents in the
country were to be drawn up in his name; he was to assume the purple and wear
golden ornaments.
14:44 No member of the public
or the priesthood was to be allowed to set aside any one of these articles or
contest his decisions, or convene a meeting anywhere in the country without his
leave, or assume the purple or wear the golden brooch.
14:45 Anyone contravening or
rejecting any of these articles was to be liable at law.
14:46 All the people consented
to grant Simon the right to act on these decisions.
14:47 And Simon accepted and
consented to assume the high-priestly office and to act as military commissioner
and ethnarch[*b] of the Jews and their priests, and to preside over all.'
14:48 They ordered that this
decree should be inscribed on bronze tablets and set up in the Temple precinct
in a prominent place,
14:49 and that copies should
be deposited in the treasury, and made available to Simon and his sons.
Chapter 15
Antiochus VII
recognises Simon's titles, and besieges Trypho in Dor
15:1 Antiochus, son of King
Demetrius, addressed a letter from the islands of the sea to Simon, priest and
ethnarch of the Jews, and to the whole nation;
15:2 this was how it read:
'King Antiochus to Simon, high priest and ethnarch, and to the Jewish nation,
15:3 Whereas certain
scoundrels have seized control of the kingdom of our fathers, and I propose to
claim back the kingdom so that I may re-establish it as it was before, and
whereas I have accordingly recruited very large forces and fitted out warships,
15:4 intending to make a
landing in the country and deal with the men who have ruined it and laid waste
many towns in my kingdom,
15:5 now therefore I confirm
in your favour all the remissions of tribute that my royal predecessors granted
you, with any other concessions that they granted to you.
15:6 I hereby authorise you to
mint your own coinage as legal tender for your own country.
15:7 I declare Jerusalem and
the sanctuary exempt; all the arms you have manufactured and the fortresses you
have built and now occupy are to remain yours.
15:8 All debts to the royal
treasury, present or future, shall be cancelled from henceforth in perpetuity.
15:9 When we have gained
possession of our kingdom we will bestow such great honour on yourself, your
nation and the Temple as shall exhibit your glory to the whole world.'
15:10 In the year one hundred
and seventy-four Antiochus mounted his expedition against the land of his
ancestors, and all the troops rallied to him, so that few remained with Trypho.
15:11 Antiochus pursued the
usurper, who took refuge in Dor on the coast,
15:12 knowing that misfortunes
were piling up on him and that his troops had deserted him.
15:13 Antiochus pitched camp
before Dor with a hundred and twenty thousand fighting men and eight thousand
15:14 He laid siege to the
city while the ships closed in from the sea, so that he had the city under
attack from land and sea, and allowed no one to go in or come out.
The ambassadors
return from Rome to Judaea; the alliance with Rome proclaimed
15:15 Meanwhile Numenius and
his companions arrived from Rome carrying letters addressed to various kings
and states, in the following terms:
15:16 'Lucius[*a], consul of
the Romans, to King Ptolemy, greetings.
15:17 The Jewish ambassadors
have come to us as our friends and allies to renew our original friendship and
alliance in the name of the high priest Simon and the Jewish people.
15:18 They have brought a gold
shield worth a thousand minas.
15:19 Accordingly we have
decided to write to various kings and states, warning them not to molest them
nor to attack them or their towns or their country, nor ally themselves with
any such aggressors.
15:20 We have decided to
accept the shield from them.
15:21 If then any scoundrels
have fled their country to take refuge with you, hand them over to Simon the
high priest to be punished by him according to their law.'
15:22 The consul sent the same
letter to King Demetrius, to Attalus, Ariarathes and Arsaces,
15:23 and to all states,
including Sampsames, the Spartans, Delos, Myndos, Sicyon, Caria, Samos,
Pamphylia, Lycia, Halicarnassus, Rhodes, Phaselis, Cos, Side, Aradus, Gortyna,
Cnidus, Cyprus and Cyrene.
15:24 They also drew up a copy
for Simon the high priest.
Antiochus VII,
besieging Dor, becomes hostile to Simon and sends him a reprimand
15:25 Meanwhile Antiochus,
from his positions on the outskirts of Dor, was continually throwing
detachments against the town. He constructed siege-engines, and blockaded
Trypho, preventing movement in or out.
15:26 Simon sent him two
thousand picked men to support him in the fight, with silver and gold and
plenty of equipment.
15:27 But Antiochus would not
accept them; instead, he repudiated all his previous agreements with Simon, and
completely changed his attitude to him.
15:28 He sent him Athenobius,
one of his friends, for an interview at which he was to say, 'You are now
occupying Joppa and Gezer and the Citadel in Jerusalem, which are towns in my
15:29 You have laid waste
their territory and done immense harm to the country; and you have seized many
localities belonging to my kingdom.
15:30 Now either surrender the
towns you have taken, with the revenue from the localities you have seized
beyond the limits of Judaea,
15:31 or else pay me five
hundred talents of silver in compensation for them and for the destruction you
have done, and another five hundred talents for the revenues of the towns;
otherwise we shall come and make war on you.'
15:32 When Athenobius, one of
the Friends of the King, reached Jerusalem and saw Simon's magnificence, his
cabinet of gold and silver plate, and his large retinue, he was dumbfounded. He
delivered the king's message,
15:33 but Simon gave him this
answer, 'It is not any foreign land that we have taken, nor any foreign
property that we have seized, but the inheritance of our ancestors, for some
time unjustly wrested from us by our enemies;
15:34 now that we have a
favourable opportunity, we are merely recovering the inheritance of our
15:35 As for Joppa and Gezer,
which you claim, these were towns that did great harm to the people and laid
waste the countryside; we are prepared to give a hundred talents for them.'
Without so much as a word in answer,
15:36 the envoy went back to
the king in a rage and reported on Simon's answer and his magnificence, and on everything
he had seen, at which the king fell into a fury.
governor of the Littoral, harasses Judaea
15:37 Trypho now boarded a
ship and escaped to Orthosia.
15:38 The king appointed
Cendebaeus commander-in-chief of the coastal region and allotted him a force of
infantry and cavalry.
15:39 He ordered him to deploy
his men facing Judaea, and instructed him to strengthen Kedron and fortify its
gates, and to make war on the people, while the king himself went in pursuit of
15:40 Cendebaeus arrived at
Jamnia and began to harry the people forthwith, invading Judaea, imprisoning
the people and massacring them.
15:41 He strengthened Kedron
and stationed cavalry and troops there to make sorties and patrol the roads of
Judaea, as the king had instructed him.
Chapter 16
The victory of
Simon's sons over Cendebaeus
16:1 John then went up from
Gezer and reported to his father Simon what Cendebaeus was busy doing.
16:2 At this, Simon summoned
his two elder sons, Judas and John, and said to them, 'I and my brothers and my
father's House have fought the enemies of Israel from our youth until today;
the enterprises we directed have been successful, and many a time have we
brought Israel deliverance.
16:3 But now I am an old man,
while you, mercifully, are old enough; take my place and my brother's, go out
and fight for our nation, and may the support of heaven be with you.'
16:4 Then he selected from the
country twenty thousand fighting men and cavalry, and these marched against
Cendebaeus, spending the night at Modem.
16:5 Making an early start,
they marched into the plain, to find a large army opposing them, both infantry
and cavalry; there was, however, a wadi in between.
16:6 John drew up facing them,
he and his people, and seeing that the men were afraid to cross the wadi he
crossed over first himself. When his men saw this, they too crossed after him.
16:7 He divided his army into
two bodies of foot, with the horse in the centre, the enemy's cavalry
being very numerous.
16:8 The trumpets rang out,
and Cendebaeus was routed with his army; many of them fell mortally wounded,
and the remainder took refuge in the fortress.
16:9 It was then that Judas,
John's brother, was wounded, but John pursued them until Cendebaeus reached
Kedron, which he had strengthened.
16:10 Their flight took them
as far as the towers in the countryside of Azotus, and John burnt these down.
The enemy losses amounted to ten thousand men; John returned safely to Judaea.
Simon's tragic
death at Dok. His son John succeeds him
16:11 Ptolemy son of Abubus
had been appointed military commissioner for the plain of Jericho; he owned
much silver and gold,
16:12 and was the high
priest's son-in-law.
16:13 His ambition was fired;
he hoped to make himself master of the whole country, and began to plot the
ruin of Simon and his sons.
16:14 Simon, who was
inspecting the towns up and down the country and attending to their
administration, had come down to Jericho with his sons Mattathias and Judas, in
the year one hundred and seventy-seven, in the eleventh month, the month of
16:15 The son of Abubus lured
them into a small fortress called Dok[*a], which he had built, where he offered
them a great banquet, having men concealed about the place.
16:16 When Simon and his sons
were drunk, Ptolemy leapt to his feet with his men, and, grasping their
weapons, they rushed on Simon in the banqueting hall and killed him with his
two sons and some of his servants.
16:17 So he committed a great
act of treachery, and rendered evil for good.
16:18 Ptolemy wrote a report
of the affair and sent it to the king, in the expectation of being sent
reinforcements and having the cities and the province made over to him.
16:19 He sent other men to
Gezer to murder John, and sent written orders to the military commanders to
come to him so that he could present them with silver and gold and gifts;
16:20 he also sent others to
take possession of Jerusalem and the Temple hill.
16:21 But someone had been too
quick for him and had already informed John in Gezer that his father and
brothers had perished, adding, 'He is also sending people to kill you too!'
16:22 Overcome as he was by
the news, John arrested the men who had come to kill him and put them to death,
since he already knew their murderous design.
16:23 The rest of John's acts,
the battles he fought and the exploits he performed, the city walls he built,
and all his other achievements,
16:24 are to be found recorded
in the Annals of his pontificate from the day he succeeded his father as high
MACCABEES [16 Chapters].