

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 撒乌耳死后,达味击杀阿玛肋克人回来,在漆刻拉格住了两天。
1:2 第三天,有个人从撒乌耳营中跑来,衣服撕烂,满头灰尘,来到达味前,伏地叩拜。
1:3 达味问他说:「你从那里来﹖」他答说:「我从以色列营中逃命而来。」
1:4 达味又问他说:「战事怎样﹖请告诉我!」他答说:「军民从战场上逃跑了,许多人阵亡,撒乌耳和他的儿子约纳堂也死了。」
1:5 达味问那报信的少年人说:「你怎么知道撒乌耳和他儿子约纳堂死了呢﹖」
1:6 那报信的少年人答说:「我无意中来到基耳波亚山上,看见撒乌耳伏在自己的枪上,战车和骑兵都快要迫近他。
1:7 他转身见了我,就招呼我。我答说:我在这里。
1:8 他问我说:你是谁﹖我答说:我是阿玛肋克人。
1:9 他向我说:「来我身边,杀了我罢!我现在虽还完全活着,但十分晕眩。
1:10 我就来到他身边,明知他倒下后,决不能生存,便杀了他;取下他头上的王冠,腕上的手镯,带到这里来奉献给我主。」
1:11 达味就抓住自己的衣服撕破了;同他在一起的人也照样作了。
1:12 大家为撒乌耳和他的儿子约纳堂,以及上主的百姓和以色列的家族,举哀痛哭,禁食直到晚上,哀悼他们丧身刀下。

1:14 达味向他说:「怎么你不怕伸手杀害上主的受傅者﹖」
1:15 达味遂叫一个少年人来,向他说:「前来,杀了他!」少年把他一刀砍死了。
1:16 同时达味对他说:「你的血应归在你头上,因为你亲口作供说:我杀死了上主的受傅者。」

1:17 事后,达味作了这首哀歌,追悼撒乌耳和他的儿子约纳堂,
1:18 命令犹大子弟学习这首哀歌,这歌载在「壮士书」上:「
1:19 以色列的荣华,倒在你的高冈上;英雄怎会阵亡﹖
1:20 不要在加特报告,不要在阿市刻隆街市宣扬,免得培肋舍特的女子欢乐,免得未受割损者的女郎雀跃!
1:21 基耳波亚山,不祥的山野!在你那里露不再降,雨不再下!因为英雄的盾牌,受了亵渎,撒乌耳的盾牌,那傅油者的武器。
1:22 对伤者的血,英雄的脂油,约纳堂的弓总不后转,撒乌耳的剑决不空还。
1:23 撒乌耳与约纳堂,相亲相爱,生相聚,死不离,神速过鹰,勇猛胜狮。
1:24 以色列女郎!应痛悼撒乌耳,他给你们披上了愉快的紫衣,在你们衣服上点缀了金饰。
1:25 英雄怎会在战斗中阵亡!哎,约纳堂!对你的死,我极度哀痛!
1:26 我的兄弟约纳堂,我为你万分悲伤!你爱我之情,何等甜蜜!你对我的爱,胜于妇女之爱。
1:27 英雄怎会阵亡!战争的武器怎会丧亡!」





2:2 于是达味带着他两个妻子:依次勒耳人阿希诺罕和作过加尔默耳人纳巴耳妻子的阿彼盖耳,上那里去了。
2:3 凡跟随达味的人,他也叫他们各带家眷一起上去,住在赫贝龙城各区内。
2:4 以后,犹大人来,在那里给达味傅油,立他作犹大家族的君王。

2:6 愿上主对你们显示他的慈爱和忠信!因为你们作了这事,我也要恩待你们。
2:7 现在你们要加强自己的力量,作勇敢的人,因为你们的主上撒乌耳已经阵亡,但犹大家族已给我傅油,立我做了他们的君王。」

2:8 那时,撒乌耳的军长,乃尔的儿子阿贝乃尔,已带领撒乌耳的儿子依市巴耳过河,到了玛哈纳殷,
2:9 立他为基肋阿得、革叔尔、依次勒耳、厄弗辣因、本雅明,全以色列的君王。
2:10 撒乌耳的儿子依市巴耳为以色列王时,已四十岁,为王两年。此时随从达味的,只有犹大家族。
2:11 达味在赫贝龙作犹大家族君王的年数,共七年零六个月。

2:13 责鲁雅的儿子约阿布和达味的臣仆,也从赫贝龙出发,彼此在基贝红池旁相遇,双方就都停下,各立在水池一边。
2:14 阿贝乃尔对约阿布说:「让青年人出来,在我们面前比比武!」约阿布答说:「好,叫他们出来!」
2:15 他们就出来,点了人数,十二个本雅明人在撒乌耳的儿子依市巴耳一面,由达味仆从中,也出来十二个人。
2:16 每人抓住对方的头,用刀猛刺对方的腰,双方都同时倒下;因此那地方叫作匝得平原,离基贝红不远。
2:17 那天也发生了很激烈的战斗,阿贝乃尔和以色列人,竟为达味的臣仆打败。
2:18 责鲁雅的三个儿子约阿布、阿彼瑟与阿撒耳,那时都在场,阿撒耳的腿快捷像野羚羊。
2:19 阿撒耳便去追赶阿贝乃尔,不左不右,直追阿贝乃尔。
2:20 阿贝乃尔转过身来问说:「你是阿撒耳吗﹖」他答说:「我是。」
2:21 阿贝乃尔对他说:「你转左或转右,捉住一个青年,夺取他的装备罢!」但阿撒耳却不肯放松他。
2:22 阿贝乃尔就再对阿撒耳说:「你不要再追赶我了,为什么逼我将你击倒在地,叫我日后怎有脸再见你的兄弟约阿布﹖
2:23 阿撒耳仍不肯罢休。阿贝乃尔就调过枪来,击中了他的腹部,枪由背后穿出,他就倒在那里,当下死了。凡来到阿撒耳倒毙的地方的人,都站住了。

2:25 本雅明人集结成队,跟在阿贝乃尔后边,站在一座小山头上。
2:26 阿贝乃尔向约阿布喊说:「刀剑岂能永远击杀﹖你岂不知结局更为不幸﹖几时你纔命众人转身,不再追赶自己的兄弟﹖」
2:27 约阿布答说:「上主永在!若你不发言,众人直到早晨,连一个也不会停止追赶自己的兄弟!」
2:28 约阿布遂吹号,众人就停下,不再追赶以色列人,不再进攻。
2:29 阿贝乃尔同他的人,那一整夜走过了阿辣巴平原,过了约但河,以后,又走了一上午,终于到了玛哈纳殷。
2:30 约阿布追赶阿贝乃尔回来,召集了自己的人,达味仆人中,除阿撒耳外,少了十九人。
2:31 但阿贝乃尔所带的本雅明人中,有三百六十人,为达味的臣仆杀死。
2:32 人遂将阿撒耳的尸体带回,埋在白冷他父亲的坟墓内。约阿布同他的人走了一夜,天亮时已到赫贝龙。 




3:2 达味在赫贝龙生的儿子:长子阿默农,是依次勒耳人阿希诺罕所生;
3:3 次子基肋阿布,是曾作加尔默耳人纳巴耳妻子的阿彼盖耳所生;
3:4 四子阿多尼雅,是哈基特所生;五子舍法提雅,是阿彼塔耳所生;
3:5 六子依特兰,是达味妻子厄革拉所生:以上是达味在赫贝龙所生的儿子。

3:7 撒乌耳有一妾名叫黎兹帕,是阿雅的女儿,阿贝乃尔娶了她;依市巴耳对阿贝乃尔说:「你为什么亲近我父亲的妾﹖」
3:8 为了依市巴耳这句话,阿贝乃尔勃然大怒说:「莫非我是犹大的狗头﹖直到今天我怜恤你父亲撒乌耳,和他的兄弟以及他的朋友,没有使你落在达味手里;你今天竟为了一个女人挑我的错!
3:9 若我今后不依照上主对达味所誓许的去行:
3:10 废除撒乌耳家的王位,建立达味的宝座,使他由丹直到贝尔舍巴,统治全以色列和犹大,愿天主如此,并加倍地惩罚我!」
3:11 依市巴耳因为怕阿贝乃尔,连一句话也不敢回答。

3:13 达味答说:「好!我愿与你订立盟约,但是,我要求你一个条件:就是你来见我时,若不把撒乌耳的女儿米加耳带来,你休想见我。」
3:14 随后,达味就派使者到撒乌耳的儿子依市巴耳那里说:「请把我的妻米加耳归还给我,她是我以一百培肋特舍人的包皮聘定的。」
3:15 依市巴耳就派人,从拉依士的儿子帕耳提耳,她丈夫那里把她带来。
3:16 她的丈夫与她同行,一边走一边哭,送她到了巴胡凌。阿贝乃尔向他说:「你回去罢!」他就回去了。
3:17 阿贝乃尔同以色列的长老商议说:「你们早已渴望达味作你们的君王。
3:18 现在你们就进行罢!因为上主曾论及达味说:我要藉我的仆人达味,从培肋舍特人及一切仇敌手中,拯救我的百姓以色列。」
3:19 阿贝乃尔也游说了本雅明人;以后阿贝乃尔去赫贝龙见达味,向他报告以色列和本雅明全家共同赞成的事。
3:20 阿贝乃尔遂率领二十人去赫贝龙见达味。达味设宴款待了阿贝乃尔和他的随员。
3:21 阿贝乃尔向达味说:「我要动身去号召全以色列,来拥护我主大王,使他们与你立约:这样你能依照你的心愿来统治一切。」事后,达味放阿贝乃尔平安走了。

3:23 约阿布和他率领的军队一来到,就有人告诉他说:「乃尔的儿子阿贝乃尔曾来到君王前,君王放他平安走了。」
3:24 约阿布就去见君王说:「你作的是什么事﹖阿贝乃尔到你这里来,你为什么放他平安走了﹖
3:25 你岂不认识乃尔的儿子阿贝乃尔﹖他来是为欺骗你,愿探听你的出入,知道你的一切行动。」
3:26 约阿布离开达味就打发差役去追赶阿贝乃尔。他们从息辣的旱井旁,把他带回来,。达味一点也不知道。
3:27 阿贝乃尔一回到赫贝龙,约阿布就领他到大门旁,彷佛要与他暗地交谈,就在那里一刀剌穿了他的肚腹,他立即死了;这样替他兄弟阿撒耳报了血仇。

3:29 愿这罪归在约阿布的头上和他父的全家!愿约阿布家中不断有患淋症,长癞病,只会纺线,丧身刀下和缺粮的人!」
3:30 约阿布和他的兄弟阿彼瑟暗杀了阿贝乃尔,是因为他在基贝红打仗时,杀死了他们的兄弟阿撒耳。
3:31 达味向约阿布和同他在一起的民众说:「要撕裂你们的衣服,穿上丧服,为阿贝乃尔举哀!」达味王也跟在灵柩后送葬。
3:32 他们在赫贝龙埋葬了阿贝乃尔;君王在阿贝乃尔墓旁放声大哭,民众也都哭了。
3:33 君王作哀歌追吊阿贝乃尔说:「阿贝乃尔岂应像傻瓜一样死去﹖
3:34 你的手并未束拷,你的脚也没带镣,怎么你毙命,竟如凶犯毙命一样!」为此民众更加痛哭。
3:35 随后,众人前来劝君王进食,那时还是白天,达味却发誓说:「若我在日落前进食,或尝什么东西,愿天主如此,并加倍地惩罚我!」
3:36 众人见到此事,都心悦诚服,因为凡君王所行的,无不叫众人心悦诚服。
3:37 如此,众人和全以色列当天都知道,杀乃尔的儿子阿贝乃尔,不是出于君王的命令。
3:38 达味向他的臣仆说:「你们不知道今天在以色列丧失了一位将领和伟人吗﹖
3:39 我今天虽是傅油的君王,仍年幼无力,责鲁雅的儿子们又比我刚强;愿上主依照人所行的邪恶,来施行报复!」 




4:2 撒乌耳的儿子依市巴耳有两个土匪头目:一个名叫巴阿纳,一个名叫勒加布,是本雅明子孙贝洛特人黎孟的儿子,──贝洛特被认为是本雅明族,
4:3 因为贝洛特人逃到了基塔殷,侨居在那里,直到今日。
4:4 撒乌耳的儿子约纳堂有个儿子双足跛了,当撒乌耳与约纳堂的凶信由依次勒耳传来时,他只有五岁,他的乳母带他逃跑,在慌张逃跑中,他跌瘸了腿;他名叫默黎巴耳。
4:5 贝洛特人黎孟的儿子勒加布和巴阿纳出去,正当中午炎热的时候,到了依市巴耳家里,他正在床上睡午觉。
4:6 看门的女仆在筛麦子,也打盹睡着了。此时勒加布和他兄弟巴阿纳溜进去,
4:7 到了屋内,见依市巴耳正睡在卧室的床上,便将他打死,砍下他的头,带着头,在阿辣巴的大路上走了一夜。
4:8 他们带着依市巴耳的头,到了赫贝龙见达味王说:「大王的仇人撒乌耳常谋害你的性命;看,他儿子依市巴耳的头;上主今天为我主向撒乌耳和他的后代报了仇。」
4:9 但是,达味答复贝洛特人黎孟的儿子勒加布和他兄弟巴阿纳说:「我指着那救我脱离了一切患难的永生上主起誓:
4:10 那告诉我说:撒乌耳死了的,自以为是报喜信,我却拿住他,在漆刻拉格杀了,作为他报信的赏报;
4:11 那么,现在这些匪徒,偷进人屋,杀了睡在床上的义人,我岂不更该从你们手中追讨他的血债,将你们由地上铲除﹖」
4:12 达味遂命自己的僮仆,杀了他们,砍去他们的手足,挂在赫贝龙的池旁;至于依市巴耳的头,叫人拿去葬在赫贝龙,阿贝乃尔的坟墓内。 




5:2 以前,连撒乌耳当我们的君王时,也是你率领以色列出入征讨;上主曾对你说过:你应牧养我的百姓以色列,作以色列的领袖。」
5:3 随后,以色列所有的长老都到赫贝龙来见君王,达味君王就在赫贝龙,当上主的面同他们立了盟约;他们便给达味傅油,立他为以色列王。
5:4 达味登极时已三十岁,做王四十年;
5:5 在赫贝龙做犹大王,七年零六个月;在耶路撒冷做全以色列和犹大王三十三年。

5:7 但是达味却占领了熙雍山堡,即达味城。
5:8 那日达味宣布说:「凡攻打耶步斯人,从水道首先到达味所恼恨的那些瘸腿瞎眼的人那里的,他要升为军长和元帅。」责鲁雅的儿子约阿布首先上去了,因而成了元帅。但为此有句俗语说:「有瞎眼瘸腿的在此,人是进不去的!」

5:10 达味日渐强盛,上主万军的天主与他同在。
5:11 提洛王希兰派使臣来见达味,给他送来了香柏木,派来了木匠石匠,为他建造宫室。
5:12 那时,达味知道上主已坚定他为以色列王,并为了自己的百姓以色列,提高了他的王位。
5:13 达味从赫贝龙迁来以后,在耶路撒冷又娶了妻妾,生了一些子女。
5:14 他在耶路撒冷所生儿子的名字如下:沙慕亚、芍巴布、纳堂、撒罗满、
5:15 依贝哈尔、厄里叔亚、乃费格、雅非亚、
5:16 厄里沙玛、厄肋雅达和厄里培肋特。

5:18 培肋舍特人来到后,散布在勒法因平原内。
5:19 那时达味求问上主说:「我可以上去攻打培肋舍特人吗﹖你将他们交在我手中吗﹖」上主回答达味说:「你上去,我必将培肋舍特人交在你手中。」
5:20 达味于是来到巴耳培辣亲,在那里击败了他们。达味因此说:「上主使我的敌人在我面前崩溃,如水破堤。」为此,后人称这地方为巴耳培辣亲。
5:21 培肋舍特人把自己的神像都遗弃在那里,达味和他的人便将这些神像都带走了。
5:22 培肋舍特人又上来,散布在勒法因平原内。
5:23 达味又求问上主,上主说:「不要上去,但要绕到他们后方,从桑林那边抄他们的后路。
5:24 当你听到桑树梢上有脚步声时,你就赶快行动,因为那时正是上主在你前面出击培肋舍特人的军队。」
5:25 达味就照上主所命的行了,击杀培肋舍特人,从基贝红直到革则尔。 




6:2 达味和他身边所有的人,起身到犹大巴阿拉去,要从那里将天主的约柜运上来。这约柜名叫「坐于革鲁宾上的万军的上主。」
6:3 人遂将天主的约柜,从丘陵上的阿彼纳达布家里抬出,放在一辆新车上,阿彼纳达布的两个儿子,乌匝和阿希约驾驶新车。
6:4 乌匝走在天主约柜的后面,阿希约走在前面。
6:5 达味和以色列全家在上主面前兴高彩烈地舞蹈作乐,弹琴、击弦、敲鼓、摇铃、击钹。
6:6 当他们来到纳贡的禾场时,因为牛几乎使天主的约柜倾倒,乌匝便伸手扶住。
6:7 为了他一时的冒失,上主就向乌匝发怒,将他击杀,他更死在天主的约柜旁。
6:8 达味因为上主击杀了乌匝,很觉悲伤,于是那地方名叫培勒兹乌匝,直到今日。
6:9 那天,达味对上主害了怕,心想:「上主的约柜如何能进入我那里﹖」
6:10 因此,达味不愿上主的约柜迁入达味城自己那里,却运往加特人敖贝得厄东家中。
6:11 上主的约柜在加特人敖贝得厄东家中,存放了三个月,上主祝福了敖贝得厄东和他的全家。

6:13 每当抬上主约柜的人走六步,他就祭献一头牛和一只肥羊。
6:14 同时达味束着细麻的「厄弗得,」在上主面前尽力跳舞。
6:15 这样,达味与以色列全家大声欢呼,吹起号筒,将上主的约柜迎上来。
6:16 当上主的约柜进入达味城时,撒乌耳的女儿米加耳,由窗内窥看,见达味王在上主面前跳跃舞蹈,心中就轻视他。
6:17 他们将上主的约柜抬来,安置在预备好的地方,停在达味为约柜建立的帐幕中央;达味给上主奉献了全燔祭与和平祭。
6:18 达味献完了全燔祭与和平祭后,以万军上主的名祝福了百姓。
6:19 以后,分给所有百姓,全以色列民众,不论男女,每人一块饼,一块肉,一块葡萄干饼。然后百姓各自回了本家。

6:21 达味回答米加耳说:「在废弃你父和他全家,而选拔了我的上主面前,在派我为上主百姓以色列首领的上主面前,我甘愿舞蹈,
6:22 甘愿加倍卑贱我自己!我在你眼中被视为卑贱,但在你所说的婢女们前,我必受到尊敬。」
6:23 从此撒乌耳的女儿米加耳,到死再没有生育。 




7:2 君王遂对纳堂先知说:「请看,我住在香柏木的宫殿里,而天主的约柜却在帐幕内。」
7:3 纳堂回答君王说:「你心内打算的,你全可照办!因为上主与你同在。」
7:4 但是,当夜就有上主的话传于纳堂说:「
7:5 你去告诉我的仆人达味,上主这样说:你要建筑一座殿宇给我居住吗﹖
7:6 我自从埃及领以色列子民上来那一天起,直到今日,从没有居住过殿宇,只随帐棚和会幕漂泊。
7:7 我与以色列子民同行时,我何尝向我立为牧养我民以色列的一个民长说过:你们为什么不为我建造一座香柏木的殿宇﹖

7:9 你不论到那里去,我总是偕同你,由你面前消灭你的一切仇敌;我要使你成名,像世上出名的大人物;
7:10 我要把我民以色列安置在一个地方,裁培他们,在那里久住,再也不受惊恐,再也不像先前受恶人的欺压,
7:11 有如自从我为我民以色列立了民长以来一样;我要赐他们安宁,不受仇敌的骚扰。上主也告诉你:他要为你建立家室。
7:12 当你的日子满期与你祖先长眠时,我必在你以后兴起一个后裔,即你所生的儿子;我必巩固他的王权。
7:13 是他要为我的名建立殿宇;我要巩固他的王位直到永远。
7:14 我要作他的父亲,他要作我的儿子;若是他犯了罪,我必用人用的鞭,世人用的棍,来惩戒他;
7:15 但我决不由他收回我的恩情,就如在你以前由撒乌耳收回我的恩情一样。
7:16 你的家室和王权,在我面前永远存在,你的王位也永远坚定不移。」
7:17 纳堂便照这一切话,将整个启示告诉了达味。

7:19 我主上主!这在你眼中还以为太小,而你又说明了你仆人的家族未来的远景,并将此事显示给我这个人,我主上主!
7:20 达味还能对你说什么﹖我主上主!你认识你的仆人。
7:21 你为了你的预许,按照你的心意,成就了这些伟大的事,为叫你的仆人认识清楚。
7:22 我主上主!为此,你是伟大的,没有与你相似的;按照我耳所听的,除了你以外,没有别的神。
7:23 世上又那里有一个民族能比得上你的民族以色列﹖天主亲自去解救他们出来,作为自己的民族;为使他们成名,在你从埃及解救出来的人民前,行了大而可畏的奇事,驱除异民以及他们的神。
7:24 你将你民以色列永远坚定为你的民族,你,上主做了他们的天主。
7:25 我主上主!现在,求你永远坚持你论及你的仆人和他的家室所说的话,按照你所说的履行罢!
7:26 愿你的名永远受尊崇!人要说:万军的上主是以色列的天主!愿你仆人达味的家室,永远坚定在你面前!
7:27 万军的上主,以色列的天主!因为你曾启示你的仆人说:我要建立你的家室,因此,你的仆人纔敢在你面前向你如此祈祷。
7:28 我主上主,惟有你是天主!你的话是真理,是你向你仆人应许了这些恩惠。
7:29 求你如今就祝福你仆人的家室,使它永远你面前存立,因为是你,我主上主所预许的,因此,你仆人的家室,必因你的祝福永远获得祝福。」




8:2 他也打败了摩阿布人,叫他们躺在地上,用绳子来量,两绳子内的人处死,一绳内的人生存;如此,摩阿布人遂臣服达味,给他纳贡。
8:3 当勒曷布的儿子,祚巴王哈达德则尔向幼发拉的河伸展自己的势力时,达味也打败了他,
8:4 掳获了他的马兵一千七百,步兵两万,割断了所有拉战车的马蹄筋,只留下了足以拉一百辆车的马。
8:5 后有大马士革的阿兰人,来援助祚巴王哈达德则尔,达味击杀了二万二千阿兰人。
8:6 达味遂在大马士革阿兰屯兵驻守,阿兰也臣服于达味,给他进贡。达味无论往那里去,上主总是辅助他。
8:7 达味夺了哈达德则尔臣仆所带的金盾牌,送到耶路撒冷。
8:8 达味王又由贝塔和贝洛泰,哈达德则尔的两座城内,夺取了大量的铜。
8:9 当哈玛特王托乌,听说达味打败了哈达德则尔,
8:10 便派自己的儿子哈多兰到达味王那里,向他致敬,祝贺他攻打了哈达德则尔,并将他打败,因为哈达德则尔原是托乌的敌人。哈多兰带来了一些金器银器和铜器。
8:11 达味也把这一切金银,和他从所征服的民族:
8:12 即阿兰、摩阿布、阿孟子民、培肋舍特人、阿玛肋克和祚尔王勒曷布之子哈达德则尔的战利品中所得,且已奉献了的金银,一同献给了上主。
8:13 达味战胜阿兰人归来时,在盐谷又击杀了一万八千厄东人,他的声誉就更大了。
8:14 他遂屯兵厄东,全厄东都臣服了达味;达味无论往那里去,上主总是辅助他。

8:16 责鲁雅的儿子约阿布统领军队,阿希路得的儿子约沙法特为后卸史。
8:17 阿希突布的儿子匝多克及阿希默肋客的儿子厄贝雅塔尔作司祭,沙委沙作秘书,
8:18 约雅达的儿子贝纳雅管理革勒提和培肋提人;达味的儿子也作司祭。




9:2 撒乌耳家有一个仆人,名叫漆巴,有人把他带到达味前;君王又问他说:「你是漆巴吗﹖」他答说:「你的仆人是。」
9:3 君王又问他说:「撒乌耳家中还有什么人在吗﹖我好对他表示天主的慈爱。」漆巴回答君王说:「还有约纳堂的一个双脚跛瘸的儿子。」
9:4 君王向他说:「他在那里﹖」漆巴回答君王说:「他在罗德巴尔,阿米耳的儿子玛基尔家里。」
9:5 达味派人从罗德巴尔,阿米耳的儿子玛基尔家里把他接来。
9:6 撒乌耳的孙子、约纳堂的儿子,默黎巴耳来到达味前,就俯伏在地,叩拜君王。达味说:「默黎巴耳!」他答说:「你的仆人在这里。」
9:7 达味向他说:「你不要害怕,为了你的父亲约纳堂,我要恩待你,将你祖父撒乌耳所有的土地全归还给你;你以后要享用我桌上的食物。」
9:8 他伏首至地叩拜说:「你的仆人算什么﹖你竟来眷顾像我这样的一个死狗。」
9:9 君王把撒乌耳的仆人漆巴召来,向他说:「撒乌耳和他全家所有的一切,我全给了你主人的儿子。
9:10 所以,你和你的儿子以及你的仆役,应为他耕种田地,将收获供给你主人的家庭作食粮;但你主人的儿子默黎巴耳要常享用我桌上的食物。」漆巴有十五个儿子,二十个仆役。
9:11 漆巴回答君王说:「凡我主大王吩咐你仆人的,你的仆人必全依照遵行。」如此,默黎巴耳享用君王桌上的食物,就如君王的一个儿子。
9:12 默黎巴耳有个小儿,名叫米加。凡住在漆巴家里的人,无不服事默黎巴耳。
9:13 默黎巴耳常住在耶路撒冷,因为他应常享用君王桌上的食物,只是他的双脚跛了。




10:2 达味心想:「我要善待纳哈士的儿子哈农,像他父亲善待我一样。」于是达味派自己的臣仆去慰问他,追悼他的父亲。当达味的臣仆来到阿孟子民国内时,
10:3 阿孟子民的公卿,对他们的主上哈农说:「达味派人来慰问你,你想他是为尊敬你的父亲吗﹖达味派臣仆到你这里来,岂不是来调查、探听、破坏城池吗﹖」
10:4 哈农遂拿住达味的臣仆,将他们的胡须剃去一半,又将他们下半截衣服割去,直到臀部;然后放他们走了。
10:5 有人把这事告诉了达味,王遂打发人去迎接他们,因为这些人很觉羞耻;王便吩咐他们说:「你们暂且留在耶里哥,等胡须长起后再回来。」
10:6 阿孟子民见自己在达味跟前惹下仇恨,便遣人去,向贝特勒曷布和祚巴的阿兰人雇了两万步兵,向玛阿加君王雇了一千人,向托布人雇了一万二千人。
10:7 达味听说这事,便派出约阿布和全队士兵和勇士。
10:8 阿孟子民出来,在城门前摆了阵,祚巴和勒曷布的阿兰人和托布人与玛阿加人,分别在田野间摆了阵。
10:9 约阿布见自己前后受敌,就由以色列劲旅中,选一队精兵摆阵进攻阿兰人,
10:10 将其余的军队,交给自己的兄弟阿彼瑟指挥,叫他列阵进攻阿孟子民,
10:11 并对他说:「若我打不下阿兰人,你就来援助我;若你打不下阿孟子民,我就来援助你。
10:12 要勇敢奋斗,为了我们的民族,为了我们天主的城池,我们应奋斗!愿上主成就他认为好的事!」
10:13 然后约阿布和跟随他的军队,向前进攻阿兰人,阿兰人就在他们前逃走了。
10:14 阿孟子民见阿兰人逃走,他们也在阿彼瑟前逃走,退入城中。约阿布便不再进攻阿孟子民,回了耶路撒冷。
10:15 阿兰人见自己为以色列打败,便再联合起来。
10:16 哈达德则尔派人去,将大河那边的阿兰人也调来,都到了赫蓝,由哈达德则尔的元帅芍巴客率领。
10:17 达味一得了情报,就调集所有的以色列人,渡过约但河,来到赫蓝。阿兰人遂列阵进攻达味,与他交战。
10:18 阿兰人在以色列面前溃退。达味击杀了阿兰人的七百匹拉车的马,和四万马兵;又攻击了他们的元帅芍巴客,他便死在那里。
10:19 所有臣属哈达德则尔的王子,一见自己败于以色列,便与以色列讲和,臣服于他们;从此阿兰人再不敢援助阿孟子民了。 




11:2 一天傍晚,达味由床上起来,在宫殿的房屋顶上散步;从房顶上看见一个女人在沐浴,这女人容貌很美。
11:3 达味遂派人打听这女人是谁;有人告诉他说:「这不是厄里安的女儿,赫特人乌黎雅的妻子巴特舍巴吗﹖
11:4 达味便派人将她接来;她来到他那里,达味就与她同寝,那时她的月经刚洁净了。事后,她便回了家。
11:5 不久,那女人自觉怀孕,就打发人告诉达味说:「我怀了孕。」
11:6 达味派人给约阿布说:「打发赫特人乌黎雅来见我。」约阿布就打发乌黎雅去见达味。
11:7 乌黎雅一来到他跟前,达味就问:「约阿布近来如何﹖士兵好吗﹖战事怎样﹖」
11:8 达味向乌黎雅说:「你下到家中洗洗脚吧!」乌黎雅刚离开皇宫,随后就送来了王的饮食。
11:9 乌黎雅却同他的主人的仆役一起睡在宫门旁,没有下到家里。
11:10 有人报告达味说:「乌黎雅并没有回到自己家里。」达味便向乌黎雅说:「你不是由远道回来的吗,为什么不下到你家里去呢﹖」
11:11 乌黎雅回答达味说:「约柜,以色列和犹大人都住在帐幕里,我主约阿布和我主的仆人都在野外露宿,我岂能回家吃喝,和我妻子一起睡觉﹖上主永在,陛下万岁!我绝不做这样的事。」
11:12 达味向乌黎雅说:「今天你还留在这里,明天我要打发你回去。」乌黎雅那天就留在耶路撒冷。第二天,
11:13 达味召他来与自己一起饮宴,将他灌醉,傍晚,乌黎雅出去,仍与他主人的仆役睡在一起,并没有到家里去。

11:15 他在信上写说:「你应派乌黎雅到战事最激烈的前线,然后,在他后边撤退,让他受攻击阵亡。」
11:16 约阿布查看那城以后,知道那里有最强悍的敌人,就派乌黎雅到那里去了。
11:17 城内的人出来,与约阿布交战,达味的仆役中,有些人阵亡了,赫特人乌黎雅也阵亡了。
11:18 约阿布派人去向达味报告这次战事的一切经过,
11:19 他吩咐使者说:「若你把战事的经过向君王报告完了以后,
11:20 王若向你发怒说:为什么你们靠近城墙作战﹖你们不知道有人会由城墙上射击吗﹖
11:21 谁击杀了耶鲁巴耳的儿子阿彼默肋客﹖不是一个女人从城墙上把一块磨石丢在他身上﹖他就死在特贝兹吗﹖为什么你们靠近城墙呢﹖你就答说:你的仆人赫特人乌黎雅也阵亡了。」
11:22 使 者就前来见达味,把约阿布打发他报告的一切全向达味报告了。达味对约阿布大怒,向使者说:「你们为什么靠近城墙作战﹖你们不知道有人会由城墙上射击吗﹖谁 击杀了耶鲁巴耳的儿子阿彼默肋客﹖不是一个女人从城墙上把一块磨石丢在他身上,他就死在特贝兹吗﹖为什么你们靠近城墙呢﹖」
11:23 报信的人向达味说:「那些人向我们冲来,下到平原来攻打我们,我们就追击他们一直到城门边,
11:24 射手就从城墙上射击我们 君王的仆役大约死了十八人,你的仆人乌黎雅,那个赫特人也死了。
11:25 「达味向报信的人说:「你去告诉约阿布说:不必对这事过伤心,因为刀剑有时砍这人,也有时砍那人;你只管加紧攻城,将城毁灭。你要鼓励他。


11:27 居丧期一满,达味就派人将他接到自己的宫中,成了他的妻子,给他生了一个儿子。达味这样行事,使上主大为不悦。




12:2 富的有很多牛羊;
12:3 贫的,除一只小母羊外,什么也没有。这只小母羊是他买来喂养的,在他和他儿女身边长大,吃他自己的食物,喝他自己杯中的饮料,睡在他的怀里,带它如同自己的女儿一样。
12:4 有一个客人,来到富人那里,他舍不得拿自己的牛羊,款待那来到他这里的旅客,却取了那贫穷人的母羊,来款待那到他这里来的人。」
12:5 达味对这人大发愤怒,向纳堂说:「上主永在!做这事的人该死!
12:6 并且,因为他这样行事,舍不得自己的牛羊,他应七倍偿还」。
12:7 约纳堂对达味说:「这人就是你!以色列的天主上主这样说:是我给你傅油,立你作以色列的君王,是我由撒乌耳手中将你救出,
12:8 是我将你主人的家室赐给你;我把你主人的妻妾放在你怀里,把以色列和犹大的家族也赐给了你;若还以为太少,我愿再给你这样那样的恩惠。
12:9 你为什么轻视上主,作出衪眼中视为邪恶的事,借刀杀了赫特人乌黎雅,为占取他的妻子,据为己有﹖你借阿孟子民的刀杀了乌黎雅。
12:10 从此刀剑永不离开你家!因为你轻视了我,占取了赫特的妻子,据为己有。
12:11 上主这样说:看,我要由你自己的家里激起灾祸反对你,我要当你的眼前拿你的妻妾给与你的近人,他要在光天化日之下与你的妻妾同寝。
12:12 你在暗中行的事,我却要叫这事在众以色列前和太阳下进行」。
12:13 达味对约纳堂说:「我得罪了上主!」约纳堂对达味说:「上主已赦免了你的罪恶,你不致于死;
12:14 但因你在这事上蔑视了上主,给你生是那个孩子,必要死去」。

12:16 达味就为孩子恳求天主,并且禁食,进入房内,穿著苦衣躺在地上过夜。
12:17 皇室的长老到他前,要将他从地上扶起来,他却不愿意,也不与他们一起吃饭。
12:18 到了第七天,孩子竟然死了。达味的臣仆怕告诉他孩子死了,因为他们说:「孩子活着的时候,我们劝他,他还不听我们的话;我们若告诉他孩子死了,岂不是更使他痛苦﹖」
12:19 达味见自己的臣仆低声耳语,就晓得孩子死了,便问臣仆说:「孩子死了吗﹖」他们答说:「死了!」
12:20 达味就由地上起来,沐浴、抹油、更衣,进了上主的庭院朝拜了;然后回到家里,叫人给他摆上饭来,他就吃了。
12:21 他的臣仆对他说:「你这作的什么事。孩子活着,你为他禁食哀哭;孩子死了你反而起来吃饭」。
12:22 他答说:「孩子活着,我禁食悲哭,因为我想:也许上主会可怜我,使孩子生存,有谁知道﹖
12:23 如今,他死了,我为什么还要禁食﹖难道我能叫他回来﹖是我要到他那里去,他不会回到我这里来了!」

12:25 派了先知约纳堂去,代替上主给他起了个别号,叫耶狄狄雅。

12:27 约阿布就派使者到达味那里说:「攻打辣巴,已占了水城;
12:28 如今你快调集其余的军队来围攻,占领这座城市,免得我攻下了,人拿我的名字作城名」。
12:29 达味遂召集了所有的军队,开到辣巴,攻取了那城。
12:30 达味从米耳公神的头上,取下了他那重一「塔冷通」的金冠来,上面嵌有一块宝石,达味将这宝石戴在自己头上,并由城中运走了大批胜利品。
12:31 至于城内的居民,达味将他们带走,叫他们拉锯、操斧、劈石、做砖;达味对待阿孟子民所有的城市都是如此。然后率领自己的军队回了耶路撒冷。




13:2 阿默农为了他妹妹塔玛尔的缘故,竟忧愁闷成疾;因为她还是处女,所以在阿默农看来,对她行事几乎不可能。
13:3 阿默农有个朋友,名叫约纳达布,是达味的兄弟史默亚的儿子。约纳达布是一个很狡猾的人。
13:4 他向阿默农说:「太子,为什么你一天一天如此萎靡不振﹖你不肯告诉我吗﹖」阿默农回答说:「我爱上我兄弟阿贝沙隆的妹妹塔玛尔」。
13:5 约纳达布向他说:「你在躺床装病,你父亲来看你时,你就对他说:我很希望我的妹妹塔玛尔来,给我准备食物,她要在我眼前准备,叫我看看着,并且由她手中取食。
13:6 阿默农就卧床装病,君王来看他时,阿默农向君王说:「求你叫我妹妹塔玛尔来,在我眼前做两块饼,好叫我从她手中取食」。
13:7 达味就派人到塔玛尔房中说:「请妳到妳哥哥房里去,给他准备食物」。
13:8 塔玛尔到了她哥哥阿默农房里,他正躺在床上。她取了面,在他眼前和好,烤成饼。
13:9 她就拿过锅来,在他面前将饼倒出,他却推辞不吃。阿默农说:「妳叫众人都由我面前出去」。众人就都由他面前出去了。
13:10 阿默农对塔玛尔说:「妳给我把食物拿到内室来,好叫我由妳手中取食」。塔玛尔拿着她做的饼,进了内室,送到她哥哥阿默农前。
13:11 她正递给他时,他就抓住她说:「我的妹妹,来与我同寝!」
13:12 她回答说:「我的哥哥!不可这样,不要作贱我!在以色列不应作这样木事,不要作这愚蠢的事!
13:13 我带着这耻辱到哪里去呢﹖你在以色列也成了一个愚妄人。请你向君王说明,他决不会拒绝使我属于你的!」
13:14 他却不肯听她的话,又比她有力,就强奸了她。
13:15 事后,阿默农立即十分憎恨她,并且他如今对她的憎恨,远超过以前对她的爱恋,就向她说:「起来,走吧!」
13:16 她答说:「我的哥哥,那不可以。你赶我走,比你对我所行的,更为无理!」他却不愿听从她,
13:17 就叫服侍自己的仆人来,向他说:「把这女人从我这里赶出去!她走后,随锁上门!」
13:18 她那时穿著彩色长衣,因为君王的女儿,在未出嫁以前,昔日都是如此装束。他的仆人将她赶出去,随后锁上了门。
13:19 塔玛尔把灰撒在头上,撕破自己所穿的彩色长衣,双手抱着头,一路边哭边走。
13:20 她的哥哥阿贝沙隆问她说:「莫非妳的哥哥阿默农与妳同寝了﹖妹妹,暂且不要出声,因为他是好的兄弟,不可把这事放在心上!」塔玛尔从此就忧闷不乐,住在她哥哥阿贝沙隆家里。
13:21 达味听说了这一切事,十分生气;怛他不愿伤他儿子阿默农的心,因为他是长子,格外爱他。
13:22 至于,无论好话歹话,一句也不向阿默农说。他恼恨阿默农,因为他污辱了他妹妹塔玛尔。

13:24 阿贝沙隆来到君王前说:「看,你的仆人剪羊毛的时节,请君王带着臣仆都到你仆人那里去!」
13:25 君王回答阿贝沙隆说:「我儿,不必如此!我们不必都去麻烦你」。他虽然恳求,君王仍不愿去,只祝福了他。
13:26 阿贝沙隆便说:「至少让我的兄弟阿默农同我们一起去!」君王回答说:「为什么要他同你一起去﹖」
13:27 阿贝沙隆还是再三恳求,达味便派阿默农和君王所有的儿子,同他一起去了。阿贝沙隆摆设筳席,好象御筳。
13:28 阿贝沙隆吩咐仆人说:「你们要注意!阿默农畅饮的时候,我向你们说:刺死阿默农!你们就打死他,不要害怕,是我吩咐了你们,要大胆勇敢」。
13:29 阿贝沙隆的仆人,就照他所吩咐的,对阿默农做了。君王所有的儿子遂起身,各自骑上骡子逃跑了。
13:30 他们还在路上,消息已传到达味前说:「阿贝沙隆杀了君王所有的儿子,没有一个幸免」。
13:31 君王便起来,撕裂了自己的衣服,俯伏在地;他身边的臣仆,也都撕裂了自己的衣服。
13:32 达味的兄弟史默亚的儿子约纳达布说道:「我主不要想:所有的青年,君王所有儿子都被杀了;其实只有阿默农一人死了。自从阿默农污辱了他的妹妹塔玛尔那日起,阿贝沙隆就决定了这事。
13:33 我主君王,且不要将这事放在心上,以为君王所有的儿子都死了,因为只有阿默农一人死了」。
13:34 阿贝沙隆逃走了。守卫的仆人举目一望,看见在往曷洛纳因山坡的路上,有一大群人下来。守卫的就去报告君王说:「我看见一群人,从曷洛纳因山坡的路上下来了」。
13:35 约纳达布就向君王说:「看,君王的儿子回来了,正如你仆人所说的,现在实现了」。
13:36 他刚说完这话,君王的儿子都来到了,放声大哭;君王和他的众臣仆也都号咷痛哭。

13:38 阿贝沙隆逃到革叔尔,在那里住了三年。
13:39 此时,君王的心渐渐不再恼怒阿贝沙隆,对阿默农的死,也不再难过了。




14:2 就派人到特科亚去,从那里叫来一位明智的妇人,对她说:「请妳装作一个居丧的妇人,穿上丧服,别抹油,像一个为死者居丧很久的妇人,
14:3 然后去见君王,对他这样这样说 」约阿布就把要说的话,口授给她。
14:4 科特亚的妇人一来到君王前,便俯伏在地,叩拜喊说:「大王,救命!」
14:5 君王对她说:「妳有什么事﹖「她答说:「哎!我是个寡妇,我的丈夫死了。
14:6 你的婢女有两个儿子,他们俩在田野里争斗,无人解劝,彼此对打,竟将一个打死了。
14:7 全族的人都起来反对你的婢女说:将那打死自己兄弟的交出来,让我们杀了他,抵偿他所杀的兄弟的命,既便是后嗣,我们也要消灭。这样,他们连我所剩下的一星之火,也要熄灭,不让我的丈夫在世上留名,或者留后」。
14:8 君王对妇人说:「妳回家去吧!我会为妳下令查办」。
14:9 特科亚的妇人立即对君王说:「我主,大王!愿此罪归于我及我父家,与大王,与陛下无干」。
14:10 君王说:「凡向妳再出言恐吓的,你把他带到我这里来,谁也不敢再麻烦妳了」。
14:11 她继续说:「望大王提及上主你的天主名,不许报复血仇的人再从事破坏,不将我的儿子消灭」。他答说:「我指着永生的上主起誓:妳儿子的一根头发,也决不会落在地上」。
14:12 妇人接着说:「望我主大王,许你的婢女再进一言!」他答说:「说吧!」
14:13 妇人说:「为什么大王想出这样的事来,反对天主的百姓。君王说出这话,若不将自己放逐的人召回来,就不免有罪了!
14:14 我们原来都该死,如同泼在地,上的水,不能再收回,天主也不再给人生命;所以大王要设法不使那放逐的人,成为一个永不能再回家的人。
14:15 我现今到这里来,向我主大王提及此事,是因为有些人恐吓我,为此你的婢女想:我得向君王说明,也许君王会实践他婢女的请求。
14:16 因为大王必会听从我,从那由天主产业中铲除我和我儿子之人的手中,救出自己的婢女来。
14:17 所以你的婢女说:我主大王的话,实能安慰人心,因为我主大王对于分辨善恶,实如同天主的使者。望上主你的天主,与你同在!」
14:18 君王回答妇人说:「我有一事问妳,妳可不要对我隐瞒」。妇人答说:「我主大王,请说!」
14:19 君王问说:「在这一切事上,是不是约阿布的手在妳后面﹖」妇人答说:「我大王万岁!我主君王所说的,丝毫不差,正是你的仆人约阿布吩咐了我,是他将这一切话,口授给你的婢女。
14:20 使事实改变真相的,确是你的仆人约阿布所做的;但是我主贤明,贤明得如同天主的使者,晓得地上所有的事」。
14:21 王便对约阿布说:「好,现在我就履行此事,召回孩子阿贝沙隆来!」
14:22 约阿布就俯首至地,叩拜祝福君王,随后说:「我主大王,今日你的仆人知道,我在你眼前获得了宠幸,因为大王实践了他仆人的请求」。
14:23 约阿布就起身,往革叔尔去,将阿贝沙隆领回耶路撒冷。
14:24 君王说:「叫他回自己家里去罢!不要让他来见我」。于是阿贝沙隆回到自己家里,没有见君王的面。

14:26 他剪发以后,──他每年年底剪发一次,因为头上积发太多,他必须剪去,──称了称剪的头发,依王家的衡制,重二百「协刻耳」。
14:27 阿贝沙隆有三个儿子,一个女儿;女儿名叫塔玛尔,是个容貌很美丽的女子。
14:28 阿贝沙隆在耶路撒冷住了两年,仍未得见君王的面。
14:29 阿贝沙隆遂派人到约阿布那里,求他引自己去见君王。但是,约阿布不愿到他那里去,他又派人去,他仍是不肯来。
14:30 他于是对自己的仆人说:「你们看,约阿布的庄田与我的相接,他在那里种了大麦,你们去放火烧田」。阿贝沙隆的仆人于是放火烧了田。
14:31 约阿布就起身来到阿贝沙隆的家里,对他说:「你的仆人为什么烧了我的田?」
14:32 阿贝沙隆回答约阿布说:「看,我派人到你那里说:请你到我这里来,我愿派你去见君王,问他为什么叫我从革叔尔回来﹖假如我仍留在那里,为我岂不更好﹖!如今我愿见君王的面,我若有罪,他可杀我!」
14:33 约阿布便去见君王,禀告了这些话。王遂召见阿贝沙隆;他来到君王前,俯首至地,叩拜君王;君王就吻了阿贝沙隆




15:2 阿贝沙隆常清早起来,站在进城门的大路旁;凡有争讼,要到君王前去要求裁判的人,阿贝沙隆就把他叫到自己跟前来问说:「你是那一城里的人﹖」他答说:「你仆人是以色列某支派的人」。
15:3 阿贝沙隆就向他说:「看你的案件是正直有理的,但是君王没有派人来听取你的案件」。
15:4 阿贝沙隆又接着说:「唉!谁若立我作了国家的判官,凡是有诉讼和案件的,来到我这里,我必使他获得公正的裁判」。
15:5 若有人近前来叩拜他,他就伸手将他抱住,与他亲吻。
15:6 凡是要到君王前去告状的以色列人,阿贝沙隆总是这样对待他们;如此他获得了以色列人的心。

15:8 因为你的仆人住在阿兰革叔尔时,曾许愿说:若上主领我再回耶路撒冷,我要在赫贝龙崇拜上主」。
15:9 君王向他说:「你平安去吧!」他便起身,便往赫贝龙去了。
15:10 阿贝沙隆打发特务到以色列各支派说:「你们一听见号声,就喊说:阿贝沙隆在赫贝龙为王了!」
15:11 由耶路撒冷与阿贝沙隆同来的,还有二百人,他们因为被请,就好心好意的来了,对于事情的真相,却一点不知。
15:12 当阿贝沙隆祭献时,就派人将达味的参谋,基罗人阿希托费耳由他的本城基罗请来参与祭祀。这样,叛乱就更形扩大,随从阿贝沙隆的民众也逐渐加多。

15:14 达味就对所有跟在耶路撒冷的臣仆说:「我们赶快逃跑,不然,我们就来不及逃避阿贝沙隆了。你们赶快上路,免得他忽然赶到,残害我们,用刀屠杀全城的人」。
15:15 王的臣仆向君王说:「凡我主大王所决定的,你的臣仆必都照办」。
15:16 君王带着全家徒步出走,只留下十个嫔妃看守王宫。
15:17 君王徒步前行,他的军民都跟着他;到了最后的住宅区,君王站住了。
15:18 所有的军民都由他身边走过,所有的革勒提人和培肋提人,还有从加特跟随依泰来的六百人,也都由君王面前过去。
15:19 君王逐向加特人依泰说:「你为什麽也同我们一起出走﹖你回去协同新王罢!因为你是个离乡背井的,流徙在外的侨民。
15:20 你昨天来了,今天我就要你同我们一起漂流吗﹖我还不知道我要往哪里去﹖你领着你的兄弟们一起回去罢!愿上主以仁慈忠诚对待你!」
15:21 依泰回答君王说:「上主永在!我主大王万岁!在我主大王所在的地方,无论生死,你的仆人也必在那里!」
15:22 达味向依泰说:「好,你过去吧!」加特人依泰与他率领的人民,和他全家也都过去了。
15:23 人民过去时,遍地一片哭声;君王停在克德龙谷中,人民在他面前过去,向旷野的路上走去。

15:25 君王对匝多克说:「你将天主的约柜抬回城去,放在原处!若我在上主眼中蒙恩,衪必会领我回来,再能见约柜和衪的圣所。
15:26 但若上主说:我不喜欢你,看,我在这里,衪看着怎样好,就怎样处置我罢!」
15:27 君王又向匝多克司祭说「看,你和厄贝雅塔尔可以平安回城,你的儿子阿希玛兹和厄贝雅塔尔的儿子约纳堂,你们的两个儿子,也应随你们回去。
15:28 我愿在旷野中的渡口暂且住下,等你们来给我报告消息」。
15:29 匝多克和厄贝雅塔尔抬着天主的约柜回了耶路撒冷,且住在那里。
15:30 以后,达味上了橄榄山:一边上,一边哭,蒙着头,赤着脚;随着他的人民也都蒙着头,哭着上山。

15:32 达味一到了山顶,敬拜天主的地方,见他的朋友阿尔基人胡瑟穿著撕裂的衣服,头上顶灰,出来迎接他。
15:33 达味向他说:「你若跟随我,为我反是负担;
15:34 但你若回去,向阿贝沙隆说:大王,我愿作你的仆人,先前我是你父亲的仆人,如今我作你的仆人;这样你反能为我破坏阿希托费耳的计谋。
15:35 在那里同你一起的,还有司祭匝多克和厄贝雅塔尔凡你在王宫听到的一切,你就通知匝多克和厄贝雅塔尔司祭。
15:36 与他们在一起的,还有他们的两个儿子,匝多克的儿子阿希玛兹和厄贝雅塔尔的儿子约纳堂,托他们把你们所听到的传报给我」。
15:37 达味的朋友胡瑟就回了城,同时阿贝沙隆也到了耶路撒冷。




16:2 君王对漆巴说:「你带这些东西来作什么﹖」漆巴说:「驴是为君王的家眷骑的,饼和水果是为僮仆吃的,酒是为在旷野里疲倦了的人喝的」。
16:3 君王问说:「你主人的儿子在哪里﹖」漆巴回答君王说:「他仍留在耶路撒冷,因为他说:今日以色列家会将我父亲的王位归还给我了!」
16:4 君王对漆巴说:「看,凡属默黎巴耳的,都归你所有!」漆巴答说:「我屈膝叩拜我主大王!愿我在你眼中获得宠幸」。

16:6 投石袭击达味和达味王的众臣仆,虽然百姓和勇士都围在王的左右,他毫不畏惧。
16:7 史米这样骂君王说:「滚吧!滚吧!你这个杀人王!你这个败类!
16:8 上主将撒乌耳一家的血都归在你身上,你夺了他的王位,现在,上主将王权交在你儿子阿贝沙隆手里,使你陷入绝境,足见你是个杀人王」。
16:9 责鲁雅的儿子阿彼瑟对君王说:「为什么让这死狗辱骂我主大王﹖让我去砍下他的头来!」
16:10 君王说:「责鲁雅的儿子,我和我和你们有什么关系﹖让他骂吧!如果上主吩咐他说:你咒骂达味!谁还敢说:你为什么这样做﹖」
16:11 达味对阿彼瑟和他的众臣仆说:「唉!我亲生的儿子,尚且谋害我的生命,这个本雅明人更将如何﹖让他骂吧!因为上主吩咐了他。
16:12 也许上主会怜视我的困苦,会将他今日的咒骂,变成我的幸福」。
16:13 达味与跟随自己的人沿路前行,史米也沿着山麓与他平排进行,边走边骂,向他拋石撒土。
16:14 君王与跟随他的众人,来到约旦河岸,十分疲倦,就在那里暂且休息。

16:16 当达味的朋友阿尔基人胡瑟来见阿贝沙隆时,便对阿贝沙隆说:「大王万岁!「大王万岁!」
16:17 阿贝沙隆对胡瑟说:「这是你对你朋友的恩情吗﹖为什么没有去跟随你的朋友﹖」
16:18 胡瑟回答阿贝沙隆说:「不,因为凡上主和这个民族以及全以色列人所拣选的,我就归顺他,与他住在一起。
16:19 再者,我要事奉的是谁呢﹖不是他儿子吗?先前我怎样服事了你父亲,如今也愿怎样服事你」。
16:20 阿贝沙隆对阿希托费耳说:「你们商讨一下,我们该作什么?」
16:21 阿希托费耳对阿贝沙隆说:「你应去亲近你父亲留下看守宫殿的嫔妃,叫全以色列人知道你已惹下了你父亲的仇恨,那些支持你的人,就必更加坚强」。
16:22 于是人们在屋顶上,给阿贝沙隆支搭了一座帐棚;阿贝沙隆当着众以色列人的面,亲近了他父亲的嫔妃。
16:23 那时,阿希托费耳所出的主意,好象是询问天主得来的神谕。凡阿希托费耳所出的主意,无论对达味,或对阿贝沙隆,都是如此。




17:2 正当他困乏疲倦时,我忽然赶到,使他惊惶失措,随从他的人,必会逃散,我只把君王一人杀了,
17:3 然后人民来归顺你,像新娘回到新郎那里;你只须害一人的性命,全民众就都平安无事了」。
17:4 阿贝沙隆和以色列的众长老,对这提议都很赞成。
17:5 阿贝沙隆说:「请把阿尔基人胡瑟召来,我们也愿听听他说什么」。
17:6 胡瑟来到阿贝沙隆前,阿贝沙隆向他说:「阿希托费耳说出这样的话,我们应按他的建议去行吗﹖若不,请你提议吧!」
17:7 胡瑟回答阿贝沙隆说:「阿希托费耳这次所出的计谋却不妙」。
17:8 胡瑟接着说:「你知道你父亲和随从他的人,都是勇将,现在心情恼怒,好象田野间丧子的母熊;何况,你父亲又是历经战阵的人,夜间决不会让军民安睡。
17:9 他现今必藏在一个山洞里,或另一个地方;若起初我们的人就有伤亡,人们听见必要说:跟随阿贝沙隆的人,惨遭失败;
17:10 那么,连性情凶猛如狮子的壮士,也要灰心丧胆,因为全以色列人都知道你父亲是个勇将,跟随他的人,也都是些骁勇的人。
17:11 我的计划,是先把所有的以色列人集合在你身边,从丹直到贝尔舍巴,像海边沙粒那样多,然后由你亲自率领,前去征讨;
17:12 他不论到那里,我们也突然到那里;像露降在地上一样袭击他,使他和随从他的人一个也不留下。
17:13 若他退入一座城内,全以色列就带着绳索去攻击那城,将那城拉到山谷里,连一块小石也不剩下」。
17:14 阿贝沙隆和全以色列人都说:「阿尔基人胡瑟的计谋比阿希托费耳的更为可取」。原是上主决定了要破坏阿希托费耳的好计谋,为给阿贝沙隆降下灾祸。

17:16 现在,快派人去报告达味说:今夜不可在旷野的渡口露宿,要赶快过河,免得君王和随从他的人民都遭歼灭」。
17:17 那时,约纳堂和阿希玛兹已在洛革耳泉傍等候,因怕被人看见,不敢进城;有个使女出来给他们传信,他们就去报告达味君王。
17:18 但有一个少年人看见了他们,便向阿贝沙隆报告了;他们二人就急速逃匿,来到巴胡陵的一个人家里,他院子里有一口井,他们便下到井里。
17:19 那家的妇人取了一个盖子盖在井口上,盖子上又撒上了些麦粒,免得有人注意。
17:20 阿贝沙隆的差役来到那家的妇人前问说:「阿希玛兹和约纳堂在哪里﹖那妇人答说:「他们早过了蓄水池」。差役就去搜索他们,却没有找着,便回了耶路撒冷。
17:21 差役走了以后,两人就从井里上来;去给达味君王报信,对达味说:「起身,赶快过河,因为阿希托费耳为害你们出了这样的计谋」。
17:22 达味和随从他的人就起身过了约旦河。到天亮时,没有一个没有过约旦河的。
17:23 阿希托费耳见人不依从他的计谋,就备上驴,动身回家,回了本城,安排了自己的家务以后,就上吊死了。人将他埋在他父亲的坟墓里。

17:25 阿贝沙隆派阿玛撒代约阿布为统帅。阿玛撒是依市玛耳人依特辣的儿子。依特辣曾走近过叶瑟的女儿,约阿布的母亲,责鲁雅的姐妹阿彼盖耳。
17:26 以色列人同阿贝沙隆在基肋阿得一带扎了营。

17:28 带来了床、铺盖、杯盘、炊具、小麦、大麦、面粉、炒麦、豆子、扁豆、
17:29 蜂蜜、奶油、奶饼、牛肉和羊肉,供给达味和随从他的人吃用,因为他们想:这些人经过了旷野,必定感到饥渴和疲劳。




18:2 将军人分为三队:一队由约阿布率领,一队由责鲁雅的儿子,约阿布的兄弟阿彼瑟率领,一队由加特人依泰率领;然后君王对军人说:「我自己也要同你们一起出征」。
18:3 军人回答说:「你万不可去!因为若我们逃散,无人对我们介意,既使我们死了一半,也无人对我们介意;但是,你一个却抵我们一万,所以,现今你更好留在城内,设法援助我们」。
18:4 君王对他们说:「你们看着怎样好,我就怎样做」。君王站在门旁,军人整队出发,或百人一组,或千人一组﹖
18:5 君王命令约阿布、阿彼瑟和依泰说:「对少年阿贝沙隆,你们应给我留情」。军人都听见了君王关于阿贝沙隆,给众将领所出的命令。
18:6 军人出发,来到平原,攻打以色列;在厄弗辣因森林发生了战事。
18:7 以色列人在那里为达味的臣仆打败,那天死伤惨重,阵亡的有二万人。
18:8 战争蔓廷全境,树林内死的人,比刀剑所杀的人还多。

18:10 有一个人看见,就告诉约阿布说:「我看见阿贝沙隆悬在橡树上」。
18:11 约阿布对那向他报信的人说:「你看见了,为什么不在那里把他砍倒在地﹖那么我必赏你十「协刻耳」银子和一条腰带」。
18:12 那人对约阿布说:「即使人交在我手里一千「协刻耳」银子,我也不愿伸手加害君王的儿子,因为我们亲耳听见君王吩咐你、阿彼瑟和依泰说:你们应为了我,保全少年阿贝沙隆。
18:13 并且,若我冒性命的危险,做错了事,也决不能瞒过君王,那时你也许不会保护我」。
18:14 约阿布说:「不愿在你面前这样耽搁时间!」他就手里拿了三根短箭,射在阿贝沙隆心中,那时,他在橡树上还活着。
18:15 约阿布的十个持戟少年围上前来,将阿贝沙隆击毙。
18:16 约阿布遂吹起号角,军人便回来,不再追赶以色列人,因为约阿布愿顾惜人民。
18:17 人们取下阿贝沙隆,将他丢在树林中的一个大坑内,在他上面堆上了一大堆石头。众以色列人各自逃回本家去了。
18:18 阿贝沙隆活着时,在君王山谷就曾为自己建立一石柱说:「我没有儿子,来怀念我的名字;」所以他给那石柱起了自己的名字。直至今日,人还称那石柱为阿贝沙隆纪念碑。

18:20 约阿布却对他说:「今日你不是报喜信的人,改天再去报吧!因为君王的儿子死了,今日你不可去报信」。
18:21 约阿布遂对一个雇士人说:「你去将所见的事报告君王」。雇士人就拜别约阿布跑去报信。
18:22 匝多克的儿子阿希玛兹又对约阿布说:「无论如何,我得跟着雇士人去!」约阿布答说:「为什么你要去﹖我儿,为这喜讯你得不到什么报酬!」
18:23 他说:「我无论如何要去!」他答说:「去罢!」阿希玛兹就沿着约旦平原的大路跑去,跑过了雇士人。
18:24 那时达味正坐在两门中间,守卫士兵上了门楼顶。守卫兵举目一望,见一人独自跑来,
18:25 就大声喊叫.报告君王。王说:「若是一人,必有喜讯传报」。他越来越近了。
18:26 守卫又看见一个人跑来,守卫兵立刻对看门的大声喊说:「看,又有一人独自跑来」。王说:「这也是来报喜信的」。
18:27 守卫兵说:「我看见前一个人的跑法,像匝多克的儿子阿希玛兹的跑法」。王说:「他是个好人,必是来报喜信的」。
18:28 阿希玛兹上前对君王说:「安好!」就俯首至地,叩拜君王,接着说:「上主,你的天主是可赞美的,因为他消灭了举手反抗我主大王的人」。
18:29 王问说:「少年阿贝沙隆是否无恙﹖」阿希玛兹答说:「当大王的臣仆约阿布打发你的仆人时,我见有大骚动,但不知是什么事﹖」
18:30 王说:「你退在一边,站在那里」。他便退在一边,站在那里。
18:31 雇士人也来到了,雇士人说:「有喜信报告给我主大王!上主今日对一切起来反抗你的人为你伸了冤」。
18:32 王问雇士人说:「少年阿贝沙隆是否无恙﹖」雇士人答说:「愿我主大王的仇敌,以及凡心怀恶意起来反抗你的人,都相似这个少年人!」




19:2 有人报告约阿布说:「看,君王在痛哭哀悼阿贝沙隆。」
19:3 那天的胜利为全军竟变成了悲哀,因为他们那天听说君王为自己的儿子悲伤。
19:4 因此,那天军人暗暗地进了城,好象由战埸上受辱回来的军队。
19:5 此时君王正在掩面大声哀哭说:「我儿阿贝沙隆!我儿阿贝沙隆!我儿!」

19:7 然而恨你的,你反而爱他;爱你的,你反恨他。今天你已明确表示:王侯和臣民为你不算什么。我也明明看出:阿贝沙隆今天若能活着,我们都死了,你才安心呢!
19:8 现今你快起来,出去,说几句使你仆人们安心的话罢!我指着上主起誓,如果你不出去,今夜再没有一个人同你一起了。这祸患于你要超过你从小至今所遭遇的一切祸患」。
19:9 君王就起来,坐在大门口。遂有人向军民传报说:「君王已坐在门口!」军人便都聚齐,来到君王前。

19:11 我们给阿贝沙隆曾傅过油为管理我们,他已经战死。现今你们等什么,还不把君王接回来﹖」
19:12 全以色列这提议传到君王那里。达味王遂派人对司祭匝多克和厄贝雅塔尔说:「你们应向犹大长老说:为什么你们等到最后才去迎接君王回宫呢﹖
19:13 你们是我的兄弟,我的骨肉,为什么你们要等到最后才去迎接君王呢﹖
19:14 你们要向阿玛撒说:你不是我的骨肉吗﹖若我不叫你一生代替约阿布作元帅,愿天主这样罚我,且更加倍地罚我!」
19:15 那时,全犹大人都同心合意,一致派使者到君王那里说:「请你和你的臣仆回来吧!

19:17 那时,巴胡陵的本雅明人革辣的儿子史米,也赶快来同那些犹大人欢迎达味君王。
19:18 同他来的,还有一千本雅明人。撒乌耳的家仆,漆巴和他十五个儿子同二十个仆人,也来到约旦河欢迎君王!
19:19 他们都到渡口那边,协助君王的家族过河。听君王的调动;君王快要过约旦河时,革辣的儿子史米就俯伏在君王前,
19:20 向他说:「我主;,请不要归罪于我,求你不要怀念大王出离耶路撒冷时,你仆人所犯的罪;愿大王不要把这事放在心上!
19:21 因为你的仆人自知犯了罪。看,如今我是若瑟全家族中,首先来欢迎我主大王的」。
19:22 责鲁雅的儿子阿彼瑟立即发言说:「史米辱骂了上主的受傅者,难道为了他这番话就不该死吗﹖」
19:23 达味却答说:「责鲁雅的儿子们,我与你们有什么关系﹖竟使你们今天与我作对!今天还可以将一个以色列人处死吗﹖难道我不知道,我今天又作了以色列的君王﹖」
19:24 然后君王向史米说:「你不会死!」君王遂向他起了誓。

19:26 他由耶路撒冷来欢迎君王时,君王问他说:「默黎巴耳!你为什么不同我一起出走呢﹖」
19:27 他答说:「我主大王!我的仆人哄骗了我,你仆人曾向他说:给我备一匹驴,我好骑着跟王一齐去,因为你仆人脚跛。
19:28 他又在我主大王前毁谤了你的仆人;但我主大王像天主的天使,你看怎样好,就怎样作罢!
19:29 因为我父全家对于我主大王,都是该死的人,你反而使你的仆人与你同桌共食,我那里还有名分来向大王诉苦﹖」
19:30 君王对他说:「你何必再说﹖我已决定,你该和漆巴平分产业」。
19:31 默黎巴耳回答君王说:「我主大王既然平安回朝,让他全占有罢!」

19:33 巴尔齐来年纪很老,已八十岁。君王住在玛哈纳殷时,他供给了君王的吃用,他原很富有。
19:34 君王向巴尔齐来说:「你同我一起去吧!我愿在耶路撒冷供养你的老年」。
19:35 巴尔齐来回答君王说:「既使我同大王上耶路撒冷去,我还能活几年﹖
19:36 我现年已八十,还能分辨美丑么﹖你的仆人还能尝出吃喝的味道来么﹖还能细听伶人和歌女的乐声么﹖你的仆人为什么还要拖累我主大王﹖
19:37 你的仆人陪着大王过约旦河,只是一点小意思,为什么大王要给我一个这样的报答﹖
19:38 请让你的仆人回去,叫我死在靠近我父母坟墓的故乡!看,你的仆人基默罕在这里,他可跟我主大王同去,你看着怎样好,就怎样对待他罢!」
19:39 达味答说:「那么,让默基罕跟我去好了,你看着怎样好,我就怎样待他;凡你向我所要求的,我必为你做到」。
19:40 众人都过了约旦河,君王也过去了;然后与巴尔齐来亲吻,祝福道别。巴尔齐来遂回了本乡。

19:42 众以色列人来到君王前,向君王说:「为什么我们的兄弟犹大人将君王劫了去,领君王和君王的眷属过了约旦河。所有属达味的人不都是他的百姓吗﹖」
19:43 众犹大人回答以色列人说:「因为君王是我们的亲族,你们为什么因此愤怒﹖我们岂是吃过君王的饭,或是领过他的俸禄﹖」
19:44 以色列人回复犹大人说:「我们对君王有十倍权利,那么,我们对达味的名分也多过你们,你们为什么轻视我们﹖不是我们首先提议,要迎回我们的君王吗﹖」然而犹大的答复比以色列人所说的话,更为激烈。




20:2 因此,众以色列人离开达味,跟随了彼革黎的儿子舍巴;但犹大人仍然紧随他们的君王,由约旦河直到了耶路撒冷。
20:3 达味王进了耶路撒冷的宫殿,就将他留下看守宫殿的十个个嫔妃,留在禁官里,养活她们,却不再亲近她们。她们被禁在冷官内,一直到死,终身守寡。

20:5 阿彼撒去召集犹大人,但他迟延耽搁,过了君王他所定的期限。
20:6 达味就对阿彼瑟说:「现今彼革黎的儿子舍巴危害我们,恐怕甚于阿贝沙隆。你快领你主人的军队去追赶他,免得他占了设防的城,由我们眼前逃脱」。
20:7 约阿布的部下,革肋提人和培肋提人,以及所有的勇士,都跟阿彼瑟去了。他们由耶路撒冷出发,追赶彼革黎的儿子舍巴。
20:8 当他们来到基贝红的大石旁时,阿玛撒也迎面而来。约阿布身穿战袍,束着腰带,腰间挂着一把带鞘的刀。约阿布的刀出鞘落地。
20:9 约阿布对阿玛撒说:「吾兄,你好﹖」约阿布遂用右手抓住阿玛撒的胡须,与他亲吻。
20:10 阿玛撒没有提防约阿布手中的刀;约阿布就用刀刺穿了他的肚腹,五脏倾流在地上,没有再刺第二下,他就死了。约阿布与自己的兄弟阿彼瑟,便往前追赶彼革黎的儿子舍巴。
20:11 看守阿玛撒尸首的约阿布的一个兵士喊说:「谁喜爱约阿布,谁属达味,就跟约阿布去!」
20:12 阿玛撒此时卧在路中血泊中,那人见众人停留不前,就将阿玛撒的尸首,由路上搬到田里,上面盖上一件衣服,因为他见军人到了那里,就停在尸首前。
20:13 尸首由路上搬走后,军人就都过去,跟随约阿布追赶彼革黎的儿子舍巴。

20:15 约阿布大军前来,把他包围在贝特玛阿加的阿贝耳内,兴筑攻城壁垒。跟随约阿布的大军遂下手挖城墙,使墙倒塌。
20:16 当时城中有个聪明的妇人,站在城墙上喊说:「请听!请听!你们对约阿布说:来这里,我有话对你说」。
20:17 约阿布来到她那里,妇人便问说:「你是约阿布吗﹖」他答说:「我是」。她便对他说:「请你听你婢女一言!」他答说:「我听」。
20:18 她说:「从前有句话说:你去问问阿贝耳,事便可得解决。
20:19 我在以色列算是一座和平忠厚的城,你却图谋消灭一座以色列的母城。为什么你要吞灭上主的产业﹖」
20:20 约阿布答说:「决无此事,我决无意消灭或破坏。
20:21 完全不是这么一回事;只因厄弗辣因山地的一人,即彼革黎的儿子名叫舍巴的,造反抗拒达味王;只要你们将他交出来,我即撤离这城」。妇人对约阿布说:「请看,他的头由城墙上拋给你」。
20:22 妇人就去凭自己的智慧劝说众百姓。他们便砍了彼革黎的儿子舍巴的头,拋给约阿布。约阿布遂吹起号角,撤兵离城,各自回了本家。约阿布也回了耶路撒冷君王那里。

20:24 阿多兰管理奴役;阿希路得的儿子约沙法特作御史;
20:25 史沙作书记;匝多克和厄贝雅塔尔作司祭;
20:26 此外,雅提尔人依辣也也作达味的司祭。




21:2 君王遂将基贝红人召来,询问他们?ぉせ春觳皇粢陨腥耍前⒛枞说囊琶瘛R陨凶用裨瞧鸸鑫诙硎景泻陀檀蟮娜惹椋璺ㄍ郎惫?
3 达味向基贝红人说:「我该为你们作什么﹖该怎样赎罪,才可以使你们祝福上主的业产﹖」
21:4 基贝红人回答他说:「我们同撒乌耳和他家并不是金银的问题,也不愿在以色列杀一个人。」达味说:「你们无论要求什么,我必为你们作到。」
21:5 他们向君王说:「那破坏我们,设法消灭我们,使我们不能在以色列任何地方存在的人,
21:6 要将他七个子孙交给我们,我们要在基贝红上主的山上,将他们悬挂在上主面前」。君王答说:「我必将他们交出来」。
21:7 君王为了自己同撒乌耳的儿子约纳堂间对上主所起的誓约,饶恕了撒乌耳的孙子,约纳堂的儿子默黎巴耳,
21:8 只将阿雅的女儿黎兹帕给撒乌耳所生的两个儿子阿尔摩尼和默黎巴耳,以及撒乌耳的女儿默辣布给默曷拉人巴尔齐来的儿子阿德黎耳所生的五个儿子,
21:9 交在基贝红人手里;基贝红人把他们在山上悬挂在上主面前;他们七人死在一处,死在收割初期,开始收割大麦的时候。

21:11 有人把阿雅的女儿,撒乌耳的妾黎兹帕所行的事,报告给达味。
21:12 君王就去把撒乌耳和他的儿子约纳堂的骨骸,从雅贝士基肋阿得的居民那里收殓起来;这骨骸是他们从贝特商广场上偷来的。原来培肋舍特人那天在基耳波亚杀了撒乌耳,将他们悬在广场上。
21:13 达味由那里将撒乌耳和他儿子约纳堂的遗骸,并那七个被悬挂的遗骸,一同运了回来,
21:14 与撒乌耳和他儿子约纳堂的遗骸,一同埋在本雅明地方的责拉,撒乌耳的父亲克士的坟墓内。人们全依照君王所吩咐的作了;此后,天主才怜恤了那地方。

21:16 他是辣法巨人的后裔,他所持的矛的铜有三百「协刻耳」重,腰间佩着一把新剑,扬言要击杀达味。
21:17 责鲁雅的儿子阿彼瑟就来协助达味,打败了那培肋舍特人,将他杀死。那时,达味的臣仆向他起誓说:「你不可再跟随我们出征作战,怕你熄灭了以色列的明灯」。
21:18 此后,又在哥布与培肋舍特人发生了战事,这次胡沙人息贝开击杀了撒夫,他也是辣法巨人的后裔。
21:19 以后,在哥布又与培肋舍特人交战,白冷人雅依尔的儿子厄耳哈难,杀了加特城人哥肋雅的兄弟拉赫米;这人的长矛粗如织布机的横轴。
21:20 此后,在加特又起了战事,在那里有一巨人,两手各有六指,两脚也各有六趾,共有二十四个,也是辣法巨人的后裔。
21:21 由于他辱骂了以色列,达味的兄弟史默亚的儿子约纳堂,便击杀了他:
21:22 以上四人,都是加特城辣法巨人的后裔,都丧身在达味和他的臣仆手下。




22:2 说:「上主,我的盘石,我的保障,我的避难所;
22:3 我的天主是我所依靠的盘石,是我的盾牌,我的大能救主,我的堡垒,我的藏身处。我的救主,是你救我脱离了强暴。

22:5 死亡的波涛围绕我,凶险的急流惊吓我,
22:6 阴府的绳索缠住我,死亡的罗网绊着我;
22:7 在急难中我呼求上主,向我的天主呼号,衪由殿中听了我的声音,我的呼声达入衪的耳中。
22:8 因衪盛怒大作,大地震动战栗,上天的基础动荡摇撼,
22:9 由衪的鼻孔涌出浓烟,由衪的口中喷出烈火,由衪的身上射出火炭,
22:10 使天低垂亲自降下,在衪的脚下浓云密布。
22:11 衪乘坐革鲁宾飞腾,借着风的翼羽翱翔。
22:12 衪四周以黑暗做帷幔,以豪雨浓云为帐幕。
22:13 闪电在衪前闪烁,红炭发出了火光。
22:14 上主由高天兴雷,至高者发出了呼声。
22:15 衪射出羽箭,使敌人四散,发出闪电,使敌人惊乱。
22:16 上主的呵斥一发,鼻孔的怒气一出,苍海的海底即出现,大地的地基也外露。
22:17 衪由高处伸手将我拉住,由大水中将我提出。
22:18 救我脱离了我的劲敌,摆脱了强于我的仇人。
22:19 他们在我困厄之日,袭击了我,然而上主却作了我的后盾;
22:20 衪引我步坦途,因喜爱我而救了我。

22:22 因我遵行了上主的正道,没有作恶离弃我的天主。
22:23 衪的一切法令常在我前,我未曾违犯过衪的诫命;
22:24 我在他前常保成全,自知提防各种不义。
22:25 因此,上主照我的正义,照我在他眼前的纯洁,赏报了我。
22:26 仁慈的人,你待他仁慈;正直的人,你待他正直;
22:27 纯朴的人,你待他纯朴;乖戾的人,你待他乖戾。
22:28 卑微的人,你必拯救;傲慢的人,你必睥视。
22:29 上主,你是我的火炬,我的天主,照明我的黑暗。
22:30 仗着你,我冲入了敌营;靠着我的天主,我跳过了墙垣。
22:31 天主的道路是完善的;上主的言语是纯净的;凡投奔他的人,他必作他们的后盾。

22:33 是天主赐我毅力,使我一路顺利,
22:34 使我的脚快如鹿蹄,使我屹立高地,
22:35 教导我手作战,使臂膊能开张铜弓。
22:36 你把你的救生盾赐给了我,你的长甲作了我的掩护。
22:37 你为我的脚步拓宽了路,我的脚从未颠簸。
22:38 我追赶仇敌,消灭他们;不灭绝他们,决不返回。
22:39 我将他们打得一蹶不振,尽都倒毙在我脚下
22:40 你赐我毅力奋勇作战,把我的对手屈伏我下,
22:41 使我的敌人在前转背而逃,使我歼灭了一切仇恨我的人。
22:42 他们呼号,却无人施救;呼号上主,也不获应允。
22:43 我捣碎他们象地上的灰尘,践踏他们像道上的泥土。
22:44 你由百姓的叛乱中救拔了我,立我做了列国的首领;我不认识的人民竟给我服役;
22:45 外邦的子民谄媚奉承我,一听到是我,即刻服从我;
22:46 外方的子民惊惶失色,战战兢兢走出自己的堡垒。

22:48 天主是你为我报了仇,使万民屈伏于我,
22:49 是你救我脱离了我的仇敌,提拔我凌驾我的对手之上,救我脱免了强暴的人。
22:50 为此,上主!我要在异民中称谢你,歌颂你的圣名。
22:51 因为衪使自己的君王大获胜利,对自己的受傅者达味和他的子孙,广施仁慈,直到永远」。




23:2 上主的神借着我说话,他的话语在我唇舌上。
23:3 雅各伯的天主说过,以色列的盘石曾向我说:那以正义统治人的,那以敬畏天主之情统治人的,
23:4 有如日出时的晨光,无云的黎明,雨后射在绿草地上的光辉。
23:5 的确,我的家必屹立在天主前,因为衪与我结了永久的盟约,妥善而有保证的盟约,衪岂能不给我产生救恩和喜乐?
23:6 但匪徒败类必像被拋弃的荆棘,谁也不敢去用手拿;
23:7 谁若去触动,必先用刀或枪柄打伐,而后用火烧尽」。

23:9 其次为阿曷亚人多多的儿子厄肋阿匝尔,也是三杰之一。有一次他同达味在帕斯达明,当培肋舍特人正在那里集合准备交战时,以色列人退却,
23:10 他却固守阵地,击杀培肋舍特人,直到他的手麻痹无力,贴在刀柄上。上主在那一天使他大获胜利,民众折回,在他身后专夺财物。
23:11 再其次是哈辣黎人厄拉的儿子沙玛。那时,培肋舍特人在肋希集合;在那里有一块长满扁豆的田地。当民众由培肋舍特人面前逃走时,
23:12 他独自立在田间,保护了那块田地,杀败了培肋舍特人:如此上主又使他大获胜利。

23:14 达味恰在山岩内,而培肋舍特人当时在白冷驻防。
23:15 达味渴望着说:「谁能从白冷城门旁的井中,给我打一点水来喝﹖」
23:16 那三位勇士就冲过培肋舍特人的营幕,从白冷城门旁的井里打了水,将水取来,带到达味前,但他不肯喝,反而将水奠于上主前,
23:17 说:「上主决不许我做这事;我岂能喝那些冒生命危险者的血﹖」所以他不肯喝。这是这三位勇士所做的事。

23:19 他是三十勇士中最出名的,所以做了他们的领袖,但尚不及前三杰。
23:20 约雅达的儿子贝纳雅原是卡贝责耳人,是一位英勇,大有作为的人。他击杀了摩阿布人阿黎耳的两个儿子,又在下雪天,下到旱井里打死一只狮子。
23:21 他也曾打死了一个埃及大汉。这埃及人手中拿着长矛,他只拿着一根棍子,就下去与他对抗,从那埃及人手里把长矛夺过来,用那长矛将他杀死。
23:22 这是约雅达的儿子贝纳雅做的事,因此,他在三十勇士中也出了名。
23:23 他比三十勇士更有名望,但尚不及前三杰。达味派他作侍卫长。

23:25 哈洛得人沙玛,哈洛得人厄里卡,
23:26 帕耳提人赫肋兹,特科亚人依刻士的儿子依辣,
23:27 阿纳托特人阿彼厄则尔,胡沙人息贝开,
23:28 阿曷亚人匝耳孟,乃托法人玛哈赖,
23:29 乃托法人巴阿纳的儿子赫肋得,本雅明族基贝亚人黎拜的儿子依泰,
23:30 丕辣通人贝纳雅,加阿士溪人希待,贝特阿辣巴人阿彼巴耳,巴胡陵人阿次玛委特,
23:31 沙阿耳宾人厄里雅巴,基宗人雅笙,
23:32 哈辣黎人沙玛的儿子约纳堂,哈辣黎人沙辣尔的儿子阿希扬,
23:33 贝特玛阿加人阿哈斯拜的儿子厄里培肋特,基罗人阿希托费耳的儿子厄里安,
23:34 加尔默耳人赫兹赖,阿辣布人帕阿赖,
23:35 祚巴人约堂的儿子依加耳,加得人巴尼,
23:36 阿孟人责肋克,贝厄洛特人纳赫赖,他是责鲁雅的儿子约阿布的持戟者;
23:37 雅提尔人依辣,雅提尔人加勒布,
23:38 赫特人乌黎雅:共计三十七人。




24:2 王遂对在自己身边的约阿布和其余的军长说:「你们应走遍以色列各支派,由丹直到具尔舍巴,统计人民,我好知道人民的数目」。
24:3 约阿布对君王说:「愿上主你的天主将目前的百姓增加百倍,愿我主大王亲眼见到!但我主大王,为什么要行此事﹖」
24:4 可是君王坚持向约阿布和众军长所出的命令,约阿布和众军长便离开君王,去统计以色列百姓。
24:5 他们过了约旦河,由阿洛厄尔及山谷间的城市开始,经过加得直到雅则尔,
24:6 而后来到基肋阿得及赫特人地方的刻德士,再由此到丹,转到漆冬。
24:7 以后来到提洛的堡垒,希威人和客纳罕人的各城,然后经过犹大南部,来到了贝尔舍巴。
24:8 他们走遍了全国,经过九个月零二十天,回到了耶路撒冷。
24:9 约阿布将统计人民的数目,呈报给君王:以色列能执刀的士兵有八十万人,犹大有五十万人。
24:10 达味统计人民以后,心中感到不安,遂向上主说:「我做这事,实在犯了重罪。上主,现在我求你,赦免你仆人的罪,因为我所行的实在昏愚」。
24:11 达味清早一起来,上主有话向先知加得──达味的先见者说:
24:12 「你去告诉达味:上主这样说:我给你提出三件事,任你选择一件,我好向你实行」。
24:13 加得来到达味前,告诉他说:「你要在国内三年饥荒呢﹖或是要三个月逃避赶你的敌人呢﹖或是要在国内发生三天瘟疫呢﹖现在请你考虑一下,决定我应向那派我来者回复什么」。
24:14 达味对加得说:「我很作难!我们宁愿落在上主的手中,因为衪富于仁慈,而不愿落在人的手中」。

24:17 当 时,上主派一位使者往耶路撒冷去,要毁灭那城。达味看见那打击人民的使者,遂向上主说:「是我犯了罪,行了不义,然而这些羊作了什么﹖请你伸手打击我和我 的父家」。上主后悔降灾,遂吩咐那毁灭人民的使者说:「够了,现今收回你的手!」那时,上主的使者正站在耶步斯人敖尔难的打禾场上。

24:19 达味便照加得奉上主所吩咐的话上去了。
24:20 敖尔难望见君王和他的臣仆向他走来,敖尔难就上前去,俯首至地叩拜君王
24:21 说:「我主大王,为什么到他仆人这里来?达味回答他说:愿向你买这禾场,给上主建立一座祭坛,为平息民间的灾祸」。
24:22 敖尔难对达味说:「我主大王看着好的,就拿去祭献罢!看,这里有牛可作全燔祭,有打禾具和牛轭可作木柴。
24:23 大王,敖尔难愿将这一切献于大王!」继而又对君王说:「愿上主你的天主悦纳你的祭献!」
24:24 君王对敖尔难说:「不成,我非用钱向你买不可,我不愿用不化钱的全燔祭,献给上主我的天主」。于是达味以五十「协刻耳」银子,买了那块打禾场和牛。
24:25 达味在那里为上主建立了一座祭坛,奉献了全燔祭与和平祭。这样上主才怜恤了那地,以色列间的灾祸遂告平息。



BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 1


David learns of Saul's Death

1:1 After the death of Saul, David returned from his rout of the Amalekites and spent two days in Ziklag.

1:2 On the third day a man came from the camp where Saul had been, his garments torn and earth on his head. When he came to David, he fell to the ground and did homage.

1:3 'Where do you come from?' David asked him. 'I have escaped from the Israelite camp' he said.

1:4 David said to him, 'What happened? Tell me.' He replied, 'The people have fled from the battlefield and many of them have fallen. Saul and his son Jonathan are dead too.'

1:5 David then asked the young soldier who brought the news, 'How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?'

1:6 'I happened to be on Mount Gilboa,' the young soldier replied 'and there was Saul, leaning on his spear, with the chariots and the cavalry pressing him hard.

1:7 Then he turned round and saw me, and shouted to me. I answered, "Here I am".

1:8 He said, "Who are you?" "An Amalekite" I replied.

1:9 Then he said, "Stand over me and kill me, for a giddiness has come on me, though my life is wholly in me still".

1:10 So I stood over him and killed him, because I knew that once he fell he could not survive. Then I took the crown he wore on his head and the bracelet on his arm, and I have brought them here to my lord.'

1:11 Then David took hold of his garments and tore them, and all the men with him did the same.

1:12 They mourned and wept and fasted until the evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, for the people of Yahweh and for the House of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

1:13 David said to the young soldier who had brought the news, 'Where are you from?' 'I am the son of a resident alien,' he answered 'an Amalekite.'

1:14 David said, 'How is it you were not afraid to lift your hand to destroy Yahweh's anointed?'

1:15 Then David called one of his soldiers. 'Come here,' he said 'strike him down.' The man struck him and he died.

1:16 'Your blood be on your own head,' David said 'for your own lips gave evidence against you when you said, "I killed Yahweh's anointed".'


David's elegy over Saul and Jonathan

1:17 Then David made this lament over Saul and his son Jonathan.

1:18 It is written in the Book of the Just,[*a] so that it may be taught to the sons of Judah. It runs:

1:19 Alas, the glory of Israel has been slain on your heights! How did the heroes fall?

1:20 Do not speak of it in Oath, nor announce it in the streets of Ashkelon, or the daughters of the Philistines will rejoice, the daughters of the uncircumcised will gloat.

1:21 O mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew or rain on you; treacherous fields, for there the hero's shield was dishonoured! The shield of Saul was anointed not with oil

1:22 but with blood of the wounded, fat of the warriors; the bow of Jonathan did not turn back, nor the sword of Saul return idle.

1:23 Saul and Jonathan, loved and lovely, neither in life, nor in death, were divided. Swifter than eagles were they, stronger were they than lions.

1:24 O daughters of Israel, weep for Saul who clothed you in scarlet and fine linen, who set brooches of gold on your garments.

1:25 How did the heroes fall in the thick of the battle?

1:26 O Jonathan, in your death I am stricken, I am desolate for you, Jonathan my brother. Very dear to me you were, your love to me more wonderful than the love of a woman.

1:27 How did the heroes fall and the battle armour fail?

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 2






David consecrated king at Hebron

2:1 After this David consulted Yahweh. 'Shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah?' he asked. Yahweh answered, 'Go up'. 'Which shall I go to?' David asked. 'To Hebron' was the reply.

2:2 So David went up, with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail the wife of Nabal from Carmel.

2:3 The men who were with him, David made go up too, each with his family, and they settled in the towns of Hebron.

2:4 There the men of Judah came and anointed David king over the House of Judah.


David's message to Jabesh

2:5 They told David that the people of Jabesh-gilead had given Saul burial, so David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh-gilead. 'May you be blessed by Yahweh' he said 'for doing this kindness to Saul your lord, and for burying him.

2:6 And now may Yahweh show kindness and faithfulness to you! I too shall treat you well because you have done this.

2:7 And now take courage and be men of valour. Saul your lord is dead, but the House of Judah has anointed me to be their king.'


Abner makes Ishbaal king over Israel

2:8 Abner son of Ner, Saul's army commander, had taken Ishbaal son of Saul and brought him over to Mahanaim.

2:9 He had made him king over Gilead, over the Ashurites, over Jezreel and Ephraim and Benjamin, and indeed over all Israel.

2:10 Ishbaal son of Saul was forty years old when he became king of Israel, and he reigned for two years. Only the House of Judah supported David.

2:11 The length of David's reign over Judah in Hebron was seven years and six months.


War between Israel and Judah. The battle of Gibeon

2:12 Abner son of Ner with Ishbaal's followers marched out from Mahanaim to Gibeon.

2:13 Joab son of Zeruiah with David's followers also marched out, encountering them by the Pool of Gibeon. There they halted, one party on one side of the pool, and the other opposite.

2:14 Then Abner said to Joab, 'Let the young soldiers come forward and hold a contest before us'. 'Let them come forward' Joab replied.

2:15 So they came forward and were numbered off, twelve from Benjamin for Ishbaal son of Saul, and twelve of David's followers.

2:16 Each caught his adversary by the head and drove his sword into his side so that they all fell together. Hence the place was called the Field of Sides; it is at Gibeon.

2:17 That day a very fierce battle took place, and Abner and the men of Israel were beaten by David's followers.

2:18 The three sons of Zeruiah were there, Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Now Asahel was as swift-footed as a wild gazelle.

2:19 Asahel set off in pursuit of Abner turning neither to right nor to left as he went in pursuit of him.

2:20 Abner turned. 'Asahel,' he said 'is that you?' He answered, 'It is'.

2:21 'Turn to your right or your left,' Abner said 'catch one of the soldiers and take his spoil.' But Asahel would not break off the pursuit.

2:22 Again Abner spoke to Asahel, 'Stop pursuing me, unless you want me to strike you to the ground; and then how could I look your brother Joab in the face again?'

2:23 But he refused to turn away, so Abner struck him in the belly with the butt of his spear so that the spear came out at his back; and he fell there and died on the spot. On coming to the place where Asahel had fallen and died, everyone halted.

2:24 Joab and Abishai took up the pursuit of Abner and at sunset reached the Hill of Ammah, which is to the east of the valley, on the road to Giah.

2:25 The Benjaminites gathered behind Abner in close formation and halted at the top of the Hill of Ammah.

2:26 Abner called out to Joab, 'Is the sword to go on eating its fill for ever?' he said. 'Do you not know that this will end in disaster? How long will it be before you order these people to stop pursuing their brothers?'

2:27 'As Yahweh lives,' Joab replied 'if you had not spoken, these men would not have given up the pursuit of their brothers until morning.'

2:28 Joab then sounded the trumpet and all the troops halted; they pursued Israel no further and fought no more.

2:29 All that night Abner and his men made their way through the Arabah;[*a] they crossed the Jordan and, marching throughout the morning, came to Mahanaim.

2:30 Joab, giving up the pursuit of Abner, mustered his whole force; David's followers had lost nineteen men in addition to Asahel,

2:31 but had killed three hundred and sixty of Benjamin, Abner's men.

2:32 They took up Asahel and buried him in his father's tomb, which is at Bethlehem. Then Joab and his men marched throughout the night and day dawned as they reached Hebron.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 3


3:1 So the war dragged on between the House of Saul and the House of David, but David grew steadily stronger, and the House of Saul ever weaker.


The sons horn to David at Hebron

3:2 Sons were born to David at Hebron: his first-born Amnon, by Ahinoam of Jezreel;

3:3 his second Chileab, by Abigail the wife of Nabal from Carmel; the third Absalom the son of Maacah, daughter of Talmai king of Geshur;

3:4 the fourth Adonijah the son of Haggith; the fifth Shephatiah the son of Abital;

3:5 the sixth Ithream, by Eglah wife of David. These were born to David at Hebron.


The rift between Abner and Ishbaal

3:6 This is what took place during the war between the House of Saul and the House of David. Abner took complete control in the House of Saul.

3:7 Now there was a concubine of Saul's named Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah, and Abner took her. Ishbaal said to Abner, 'Why have you slept with my father's concubine?'

3:8 At these words of Ishbaal Abner flew into a rage. 'Am I a dog's head?' he shouted. 'Here am I full of goodwill towards the House of Saul your father, his brothers and his friends, not leaving you to the hands of David, and now you find fault with me about a woman!

3:9 May God do this to Abner and more if I do not bring about what Yahweh has promised on oath to David,

3:10 to take the sovereignty from the House of Saul, and set up the throne of David over Israel and Judah, from Dan to Beersheba.'

3:11 Ishbaal dared not say a single word in answer to Abner, because he was afraid of him.


Abner negotiates with David

3:12 Abner sent messengers to say to David, '...Come to an agreement with me and I will give you my support to win all Israel over to you'.

3:13 'Very well,' David said 'I will come to an agreement with you. I impose one condition however; you will not be admitted to my presence unless you bring me Michal, Saul's daughter, when you come to see me.'

3:14 David then sent messengers to Ishbaal son of Saul. 'Give me back my wife Michal,' he said 'whom I won with a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.'

3:15 So Ishbaal sent for her to be taken from her husband Paltiel son of Laish.

3:16 Her husband set off with her and followed her, weeping, as far as Bahurim; but Abner said to him, 'Go back', and he went.

3:17 Now Abner had conferred with the elders of Israel. 'For a long time now' he said 'you have wanted David for your king.

3:18 Now you must take action; Yahweh has given this promise about David, "By the hand of my servant David I will deliver my people Israel from the hands of the Philistines and all their enemies'."

3:19 Abner also spoke to the men of Benjamin, and then went to Hebron to tell David all that had been agreed by Israel and the House of Benjamin.

3:20 Abner accompanied by twenty men came to David at Hebron, and David held a feast for Abner and the men who were with him.

3:21 Then Abner said to David, 'I must be off. I am going to rally all Israel to my lord the king. They will make an alliance with you, and you will reign over all that you desire.' So David allowed Abner to go, and he went unmolested.


The murder of Abner

3:22 The followers of David were just then coming back with Joab from a raid, bringing a great amount of booty with them. Abner was no longer with David at Hebron, since David had allowed him to go, and he had gone unmolested.

3:23 When Joab arrived and the whole force that was with him, Joab was told, 'Abner son of Ner has been to the king and he has allowed Abner to go away unmolested'.

3:24 Then Joab went to the king. 'What have you done?' he said. 'Abner comes to you and you allow him to go unmolested? Why?

3:25 Do you not know Abner son of Ner? He came to trick you, to know your every move, to find out what you are doing.'

3:26 Joab left David's presence and sent messengers after Abner and these, unknown to David, brought him back from the Well of Sirah.

3:27 When Abner reached Hebron, Joab drew him apart to the side of the gate as if to have a word with him in private, and there struck him in the belly. And so, for the blood of Joab's brother Asahel, he died.

3:28 Afterwards when David heard of this, he said, 'I and my kingdom are innocent for ever before Yahweh of the blood of Abner son of Ner;

3:29 may it fall on the head of Joab and on all his family! May the House of Joab never lack men with the discharge or the leprosy, or only fit to hold a distaff, or falling by the sword, or short of bread!'

3:30 (Joab and his brother Abishai had murdered Abner because he killed their brother Asahel at the battle of Gibeon.)

3:31 David then said to Joab and all the troops who were with him, 'Tear your garments, put on sackcloth, and mourn before Abner'; and King David walked behind the bier.

3:32 They buried Abner at Hebron, and the king wept aloud at Abner's grave, and the people all wept too.

3:33 The king made this lament over Abner: 'Should Abner have died as a fool dies?

3:34 Your hands were not tied, your feet not chained; you fell as a man falls at the hands of criminals.' And all the people wept once more over him.

3:35 They all tried then to persuade David to have some food while it was still daylight, but David took this oath, 'May God do this to me and more if I taste bread or anything whatever until the sun is down!'

3:36 All the people took note of this and it pleased them; indeed, everything the king did pleased the people.

3:37 That day all the people and all Israel understood that the king had no part in the death of Abner son of Ner.

3:38 The king said to his officers, 'Do you not know that in Israel a prince, a great man, has fallen today?

3:39 I, though I am king by anointing, am weak at this present time, and these men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too ruthless for me. May Yahweh pay back the wrong-doer in proportion to the wrong he has done.'

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 4


The murder of Ishbaal

4:1 When Ishbaal son of Saul heard the news that Abner had died at Hebron, his heart failed him, and the whole of Israel was alarmed.

4:2 Now Ishbaal son of Saul had two freebooting chieftains; one was called Baanah, the other Rechab. They were the sons of Rimmon of Beeroth, and Benjaminites-for Beeroth is regarded as belonging to Benjamin.

4:3 The people of Beeroth had taken refuge in Gittaim where they have remained to this day as resident aliens.

4:4 Jonathan son of Saul had a son with crippled feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel. His nurse picked him up and fled, but as she hurried away he fell and was lamed. His name was Meribbaal.

4:5 The sons of Rimmon of Beeroth, Rechab and Baanah, set out; they came to Ishbaal's house at the hottest part of the day when he was taking his midday rest.

4:6 The woman who kept the door had been cleaning wheat, and she had drowsed off to sleep. Rechab and his brother Baanah stole by

4:7 and entered the house where Ishbaal was lying in his bedroom on his bed. They struck and killed him and cut off his head; and taking the head with them, they travelled all night by the road of the Arabah.

4:8 They brought Ishbaal's head to David at Hebron. 'Here' they said to the king 'is the head of Ishbaal son of Saul, your enemy, who sought your life. Yahweh has avenged my lord the king today on Saul and on his offspring.'

4:9 But David answered Rechab and his brother Baanah by saying, 'As Yahweh lives, who has delivered me from all adversity,

4:10 the man who thought to bring me good news when he told me Saul was dead, this man I seized and killed at Ziklag, rewarding him for his good news.

4:11 How much more when bandits have killed an honest man in his house, and on his bed! Am I not bound to demand account of his blood from you, and wipe you from the earth?'

4:12 Then David gave an order to his soldiers, who put them to death, cut off their hands and feet, and hung them up beside the Pool of Hebron. Ishbaal's head they took and buried in Abner's grave at Hebron.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 5




David is anointed king of Israel

5:1 All the tribes of Israel then came to David at Hebron. 'Look' they said 'we are your own flesh and blood.

5:2 In days past when Saul was our king, it was you who led Israel in all their exploits; and Yahweh said to you, "You are the man who shall be shepherd of my people Israel, you shall be the leader of Israel".'

5:3 So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David made a pact with them at Hebron in the presence of Yahweh, and they anointed David king of Israel.

5:4 David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned for forty years.

5:5 He reigned in Hebron over Judah for seven years and six months; then he reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel and Judah for thirty-three years.


The capture of Jerusalem

5:6 David and his men marched on Jerusalem against the Jebusites living there. These said to David, 'You will not get in here. The blind and the lame will hold you off.' (That is to say: David will never get in here.)

5:7 But David captured the fortress of Zion, that is, the Citadel of David.

5:8 That day David said, 'Whoever strikes the Jebusites and goes up by the conduit. . .' As for the blind and the lame, David hated them in his soul. (Hence the saying: the blind and the lame shall not enter the Temple.)

5:9 David went to live in the fortress and called it the Citadel of David. David then built a wall round it, from the Millo going inwards.

5:10 David grew greater and greater, and Yahweh, God of Sabaoth, was with him.

5:11 Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David with cedar wood and carpenters and stonemasons, who built David a palace.

5:12 David then knew that Yahweh had confirmed him as king over Israel, and for the sake of his people Israel was making his reign glorious.


The sons horn to David in Jerusalem

5:13 After coming from Hebron, David took other concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and sons and daughters were born to him.

5:14 These are the names of those born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,

5:15 Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia,

5:16 Elishama, Eliada, Eliphelet.


Victory over the Philistines

5:17 When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king of all Israel, they all marched up to seek him out. On hearing this, David went down to the stronghold[*a]

5:18 When the Philistines arrived they deployed in the Valley of the Rephaim.

5:19 David consulted Yahweh; 'Shall I attack the Philistines?' he asked. 'Will you deliver them into my power?' Yahweh answered David, 'Attack! I will most surely deliver the Philistines into your power.'

5:20 Accordingly David went to Baal-perazim and there defeated them. David said, 'Yahweh has made a breach in my enemies for me like a breach the waters make'. For this reason that place was called Baal-perazim.

5:21 They had left their gods behind them there, and David and his men carried them off.

5:22 Again the Philistines marched up and deployed in the Valley of the Rephaim.

5:23 David consulted Yahweh, who answered, 'Do not attack them from the front; go round to their rear and engage them opposite the balsam trees.

5:24 When you hear the sound of steps in the tops of the balsam trees, advance, for that will be Yahweh going out ahead of you to rout the army of the Philistines.'

5:25 David did as Yahweh had ordered and routed the Philistines from Gibeon as far as the Pass of Gezer.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 6


The ark in Jerusalem

6:1 David again mustered all the picked troops of Israel, thirty thousand men.

6:2 Setting off with the whole force then with him, David went to Baalah of Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God which bears the name of Yahweh Sabaoth who is seated on the cherubs.

6:3 They placed the ark of God on a new cart, and brought it from Abinadab's house which is on the hill. Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, were leading the cart,

6:4 Uzzah walked alongside the ark of God and Ahio went in front.

6:5 David and all the House of Israel danced before Yahweh with all their might, singing to the accompaniment of lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals.

6:6 When they came to the threshing-floor of Nacon, Uzzah stretched his hand out to the ark of God and steadied it, as the oxen were making it tilt.

6:7 Then the anger of Yahweh blazed out against Uzzah, and for this crime God struck him down on the spot, and he died there beside the ark of God.

6:8 David was displeased that Yahweh had broken out against Uzzah, and that place was called Perez-uzzah, as it still is now.

6:9 David went in fear of Yahweh that day. 'However can the ark of Yahweh come to me?' he said.

6:10 So David decided not to take the ark into the Citadel of David and took it to the house of Obed-edom of Gath.

6:11 The ark of Yahweh remained in the house of Obed-edom of Gath for three months, and Yahweh blessed Obed-edom and his whole family.

6:12 Word was brought to King David that Yahweh had blessed the family of Obed-edom and all that belonged to him on account of the ark of God. David accordingly went and brought the ark of God up from Obed-edom's house to the Citadel of David with great rejoicing.

6:13 When the bearers of the ark of Yahweh had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fat sheep.

6:14 And David danced whirling round before Yahweh with all his might, wearing a linen loincloth round him.

6:15 Thus David and all the House of Israel brought up the ark of Yahweh with acclaim and the sound of the horn.

6:16 Now as the ark of Yahweh entered the Citadel of David, Michal the daughter of Saul was watching from the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before Yahweh; and she despised him in her heart.

6:17 They brought the ark of Yahweh in and put it in position inside the tent that David had pitched for it; and David offered holocausts before Yahweh, and communion sacrifices.

6:18 And when David had finished offering holocausts and communion sacrifices, he blessed the people in the name of Yahweh Sabaoth.

6:19 He then distributed among all the people, among the whole multitude of Israelites, men and women, a roll of bread to each, a portion of dates, and a raisin cake. Then they all went away, each to his own house.

6:20 As David was coming back to bless his household Michal, the daughter of Saul, went out to meet him. 'What a fine reputation the king of Israel has won himself today,' she said 'displaying himself under the eyes of his servantmaids, as any buffoon might display himself.'

6:21 David answered Michal, 'I was dancing for Yahweh, not for them. As Yahweh lives, who chose me in preference to your father and his whole House to make me leader of Israel, Yahweh's people, I shall dance before Yahweh

6:22 and demean myself even more. In your eyes I may be base, but by the maids you speak of I shall be held in honour.'

6:23 And to the day of her death Michal, the daughter of Saul, had no children.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 7


The prophecy of Nathan

7:1 Once David had settled into his house and Yahweh had given him rest from all the enemies surrounding him,

7:2 the king said to the prophet Nathan, 'Look, I am living in a house of cedar while the ark of God dwells in a tent'.

7:3 Nathan said to the king, 'Go and do all that is in your mind, for Yahweh is with you'.

7:4 But that very night the word of Yahweh came to Nathan:

7:5 'Go and tell my servant David, "Thus Yahweh speaks: Are you the man to build me a house to dwell in?

7:6 I have never stayed in a house from the day I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today, but have always led a wanderer's life in a tent.

7:7 In all my journeying with the whole people of Israel, did I say to any one of the judges of Israel, whom I had appointed as shepherds of Israel my people: Why have you not built me a house of cedar?"

7:8 This is what you must say to my servant David, "Yahweh Sabaoth says this: I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, to be leader of my people Israel;

7:9 I have been with you on all your expeditions; I have cut off all your enemies before you. I will give you fame as great as the fame of the greatest on earth.

7:10 I will provide a place for my people Israel; I will plant them there and they shall dwell in that place and never be disturbed again; nor shall the wicked continue to oppress them as they did,

7:11 in the days when I appointed judges over my people Israel; I will give them rest from all their enemies. Yahweh will make you great; Yahweh will make you a House.

7:12 And when your days are ended and you are laid to rest with your ancestors, I will preserve the offspring of your body after you and make his sovereignty secure.

7:13 (It is he who shall build a house for my name, and I will make his royal throne secure for ever.)

7:14 I will be a father to him and he a son to me; if he does evil, I will punish him with the rod such as men use, with strokes such as mankind gives.

7:15 Yet I will is not withdraw my favour from him, as I withdrew it from your predecessor.

7:16 Your House and your sovereignty will always stand secure before me and your throne be established for ever."'

7:17 Nathan related all these words to David and this whole revelation.


David's prayer

7:18 King David then went in and, seated before Yahweh, said: 'Who am I, Lord Yahweh, and what is my House, that you have led me as far as this?

7:19 Yet in your sight, Lord Yahweh, this is still not far enough, and you make your promises extend to the House of your servant for a far-distant future...

7:20 What more can David say to you, when you yourself have singled out your servant, Lord Yahweh?

7:21 For your servant's sake, this dog of yours, you have done so great a thing by revealing this to your servant.

7:22 In this is your greatness, Lord Yahweh; there is none like you, no God but you alone, as our own ears have heard.

7:23 Is there another people on the earth like your people Israel, with a God setting out to redeem them and make them his people, make them renowned, work great and terrible things on their behalf, drive nations out and gods before his people?

7:24 You have constituted your people Israel to be your own people for ever; and you, Yahweh, have become their God.

7:25 Now, Lord Yahweh, always keep the promise you have made your servant and his House, and do as you have said.

7:26 Your name will be exalted for ever and men will say, "Yahweh Sabaoth is God over Israel." The House of your servant David will be made secure in your presence,

7:27 since you yourself, Yahweh Sabaoth, God of Israel, have made this revelation to your servant, "I will build you a House"; hence your servant has ventured to offer this prayer to you.

7:28 Yes, Lord Yahweh, you are God indeed, your words are true and you have made this fair promise to your servant.

7:29 Be pleased, then, to bless the House of your servant, that it may continue for ever in your presence; for you, Lord Yahweh, have spoken; and with your blessing the House of your servant will be for ever blessed.'

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 8


The wars of David

8:1 After this, David defeated the Philistines and subdued them. From the hands of the Philistines he took. . .

8:2 He also defeated the Moabites, and making them lie down on the ground measured them off by the line; he measured out two lines to be put to death and one full line to have their lives spared. The Moabites became subject to David, paying him tribute.

8:3 David defeated Hadadezer son of Rehob, king of Zobah, on his way to extend his power over the river.[*a]

8:4 David captured one thousand seven hundred charioteers and twenty thousand foot soldiers from him; David hamstrung all the chariot teams, keeping only a hundred of them.

8:5 The Aramaeans of Damascus came to the help of Hadadezer king of Zobah, but David killed twenty-two thousand men of the Aramaeans.

8:6 Then David imposed governors on Aram of Damascus, and the Aramaeans became subject to David, paying him tribute. Wherever David went, Yahweh gave him victory.

8:7 David took the golden shields carried by the guards of Hadadezer and brought them to Jerusalem.

8:8 From Betah and Berothai, towns belonging to Hadadezer, King David took a great quantity of bronze.

8:9 When Tou king of Hamath heard that David had defeated Hadadezer's entire army,

8:10 he sent his son Hadoram to King David to greet him and to congratulate him on fighting and defeating Hadadezer, since Hadadezer was the enemy of Tou. Hadoram brought with him articles of silver, gold and bronze,

8:11 which King David also consecrated to Yahweh as he had already consecrated the silver and gold taken from all the nations he had subjugated:

8:12 Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, Amalek; from the spoil, too, of Hadadezer son of Rehob, king of Zobah.

8:13 Thus David won fame for himself. On his return he defeated the Edomites in the Valley of Salt,[*b] eighteen thousand of them.

8:14 He imposed governors on Edom and all the Edomites became subject to David. Wherever David went, Yahweh gave him victory.


The administration of the kingdom

8:15 David ruled over all Israel, administering law and justice to all his people.

8:16 Joab son of Zeruiah was in command of the army; Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud was recorder;

8:17 Zadok son of Ahitub and Abiathar son of Ahimelech were priests; Seraiah was secretary;

8:18 Benaiah son of Jehoiada was in command of the Cherethites and Pelethites;[*c] David's sons were priests.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 9






David's kindness to Jonathan's son

9:1 David asked, 'Is there anyone still left of Saul's family so that I can show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?'

9:2 Now there was a servant of Saul's household whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David. 'You are Ziba?' the king asked. 'At your service' he answered.

9:3 The king said, 'Is there no one still left of Saul's family for me to show him God's kindness?' 'There is still one of Jonathan's sons,' Ziba answered the king 'a man with crippled feet.'

9:4 'Where is he?' the king asked. Ziba replied, 'He is living in the household of Machir son of Ammiel at Lo-debar'.

9:5 So King David sent to have him brought from the house of Machir son of Ammiel at Lo-debar.

9:6 On entering David's presence, Meribbaal son of Jonathan, son of Saul, fell on his face and did homage. David said, 'Meribbaal!' He answered, 'I am at your service'.

9:7 Then David said, 'Do not be afraid; I intend to show you kindness for your father Jonathan's sake. I will restore all the land of Saul your father to you and you shall always eat at my table.'

9:8 And Meribbaal did homage. 'What is your servant' he said 'that you should show favour to a dead dog like me?'

9:9 Then the king called Ziba, Saul's servant, and said, 'Everything belonging to Saul and his family I give to your master's son.

9:10 You must work the land for him, you and your sons and your slaves; you must harvest the produce to provide food for your master's family to eat. But Meribbaal, your master's son, shall always take his meals at my table.' Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty slaves.

9:11 Ziba said to the king, 'Your servant will do everything my lord the king has ordered his servant'. So Meribbaal ate at David's table like one of the king's sons.

9:12 Meribbaal had a young son whose name was Mica. All those who lived in Ziba's house became Meribbaal's servants.

9:13 Meribbaal lived in Jerusalem, since he always ate at the king's table. He was crippled in both feet.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 10




David's ambassadors are insulted

10:1 After this, the king of the Ammonites died and his son Hanun succeeded him.

10:2 David thought, 'I will show the same kindness for Hanun son of Nahash as his father showed me'. And through his servants David sent him his condolences on his father's death. But when David's servants reached the land of the Ammonites,

10:3 the Ammonite leaders said to Hanun their master, 'Do you imagine David means to honour your father when he sends you messengers of sympathy? On the contrary, the reason why David has sent his servants to you is to explore the city,[*a] to reconnoitre it and so overthrow it.'

10:4 Whereupon Hanun seized David's servants, shaved off half of each man's beard, cut their clothes half-way up to the buttocks, and sent them away.

10:5 When David was told, he sent someone to meet them, for the men were covered with shame. 'Stay in Jericho' the king said 'until your beards have grown again, and come back then.'


The first Ammonite campaign

10:6 The Ammonites saw that they had incurred the enmity of David and accordingly sent messengers to hire the Aramaeans of Beth-rehob and the Aramaeans of Zobah, twenty thousand foot; also the king of Maacah with one thousand men, and the men of Tob, twelve thousand men.

10:7 When David heard this, he sent Joab with all the common soldiers and the champions.[*b]

10:8 The Ammonites marched out and drew up their line of battle at the approaches to the gate, while the Aramaeans of Zobah and of Rehob and the men of Tob and Maacah kept their distance in the open country.

10:9 Joab, seeing that he had to fight on two fronts, to his front and to his rear, chose the best of Israel's picked men and drew them up in line facing the Aramaeans.

10:10 He entrusted the rest of the army to his brother Abishai, and drew them up in line facing the Ammonites.

10:11 'If the Aramaeans prove too strong for me,' he said 'you must come to my help; if the Ammonites prove too strong for you, I will go to yours.

10:12 Take courage and stand firm for the sake of our people and the towns of our God. And may Yahweh do as he thinks right.'

10:13 Joab and the force with him joined battle with the Aramaeans, who fled before him.

10:14 When the Ammonites saw that the Aramaeans had taken flight, they too fled before Abishai and withdrew into their town. Then Joab returned from the war with the Ammonites and came back to Jerusalem.


Victory over the Aramaeans

10:15 Seeing that they had been defeated by Israel, the Aramaeans consolidated their forces.

10:16 Hadadezer sent messengers and mobilised the Aramaeans from beyond the river. They came to Helam with Shobach, commander of Hadadezer's army, at their head.

10:17 Word of this was brought to David, who mustered all Israel, crossed the Jordan and reached Helam. The Aramaeans drew up in line facing David and engaged him.

10:18 But the Aramaeans gave ground before Israel, and David killed seven hundred of their chariot teams and forty thousand men; he also struck down Shobach their general, who died then and there.

10:19 When all the vassal kings of Hadadezer saw that they had been defeated by Israel, they made peace with the Israelites and became subject to them. The Aramaeans were afraid to give any more help to the Ammonites.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 11


The second Ammonite campaign. David's sin

11:1 At the turn of the year,[*a] the time when kings go campaigning, David sent Joab and with him his own guards and the whole of Israel. They massacred the Ammonites and laid siege to Rabbah. David however remained in Jerusalem.

11:2 It happened towards evening when David had risen from his couch and was strolling on the palace roof, that he saw from the roof a woman bathing; the woman was very beautiful.

11:3 David made inquiries about this woman and was told, 'Why, that is Bathsheba, Eliam's daughter, the wife of Uriah the Hittite.'[*b]

11:4 Then David sent messengers and had her brought. She came to him, and he slept with her; now she had just purified herself from her courses. She then went home again.

11:5 The woman conceived and sent word to David, 'I am with child'.

11:6 Then David sent Joab a message, 'Send me Uriah the Hittite', whereupon Joab sent Uriah to David.

11:7 When Uriah came into his presence, David asked after Joab and the army and how the war was going.

11:8 David then said to Uriah, 'Go down to your house and enjoy yourself'. Uriah left the palace, and was followed by a present from the king's table.

11:9 Uriah however slept by the palace door with his master's bodyguard and did not go down to his house.

11:10 This was reported to David; 'Uriah' they said 'did not go down to his house'. So David asked Uriah, 'Have you not just arrived from a journey? Why do you not go to your home?'

11:11 But Uriah answered, 'Are not the ark and the men of Israel and Judah lodged in tents; and my master Joab and the bodyguard of my lord, are they not in the open fields? Am I to go to my house, then, and eat and drink and sleep with my wife?[*c] As Yahweh lives, and as you yourself live, I will do no such thing!'

11:12 Then David said to Uriah, 'Stay on here today; tomorrow I shall send you back'. So Uriah stayed that day in Jerusalem.

11:13 The next day David invited him to eat and drink in his presence and made him drunk. In the evening Uriah went out and lay on his couch with his master's bodyguard, but he did not go down to his house.

11:14 Next morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by Uriah.

11:15 In the letter he wrote, 'Station Uriah in the thick of the fight and then fall back behind him so that he may be struck down and die'.

11:16 Joab, then besieging the town, posted Uriah in a place where he knew there were fierce fighters.

11:17 The men of the town sallied out and engaged Joab; the army suffered casualties, including some of David's bodyguard; and Uriah the Hittite was killed too.

11:18 Joab sent David a full account of the battle.

11:19 To the messenger he gave this order: 'When you have finished telling the king all the details of the battle,

11:20 the king's anger may be provoked; he may say, "Why did you go so near the town to fight? Did you not know they would shoot from the ramparts?

11:21 Who killed Abimelech son of Jerubbaal? Was it not a woman who dropped a millstone on him from the ramparts, causing his death at Thebez? Why did you go so near the ramparts?" If so, you are to say, "Your servant Uriah the Hittite has been killed too".'

11:22 So the messenger left, and on his arrival told David all that Joab had instructed him to say. David was angry with Joab. 'Why did you go so near the ramparts?' he said to the messenger. 'Who killed Abimelech son of Jerubbaal? Was it not a woman who dropped a millstone on him from the ramparts, causing his death at Thebez? Why did you go so near the ramparts?'

11:23 The messenger answered David, 'Because their men made a show of force against us and sallied out against us in the open. We drove them back to the approaches of the gate,

11:24 but the bowmen shot at your bodyguard from the ramparts; some of the king's bodyguard perished, and your servant Uriah the Hittite was killed too.'

11:25 Then David said to the messenger, 'Say this to Joab, "Do not take the matter to heart; the sword devours now one and now another. Storm the town in greater force and overthrow it." That is the way to encourage him.'

11:26 When Uriah's wife heard that her husband Uriah was dead, she mourned for her husband.

11:27 When the period of mourning was over, David sent to have her brought to his house; she became his wife and bore him a son. But what David had done displeased Yahweh.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 12


David is rebuked by Nathan. His repentance

12:1 Yahweh sent Nathan the prophet to David. He came to him and said: 'In the same town were two men, one rich, the other poor.

12:2 The rich man had flocks and herds in great abundance;

12:3 the poor man had nothing but a ewe lamb, one only, a small one he had bought. This he fed, and it grew up with him and his children, eating his bread, drinking from his cup, sleeping on his breast; it was like a daughter to him.

12:4 When there came a traveller to stay, the rich man refused to take one of his own flock or herd to provide for the wayfarer who had come to him. Instead he took the poor man's lamb and prepared it for his guest.'

12:5 David's anger flared up against the man. 'As Yahweh lives,' he said to Nathan 'the man who did this deserves to die!

12:6 He must make fourfold restitution for the lamb, for doing such a thing and showing no compassion.'

12:7 Then Nathan said to David, 'You are the man. Yahweh the God of Israel says this, "I anointed you king over Israel; I delivered you from the hands of Saul;

12:8 I gave your master's house to you, his wives into your arms; I gave you the House of Israel and of Judah; and if this were not enough, I would add as much again for you.

12:9 Why have you shown contempt for Yahweh, doing what displeases him? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword, taken his wife for your own, and killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.

12:10 So now the sword will never be far from your House, since you have shown contempt for me and taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife."

12:11 'Thus Yahweh speaks, "I will stir up evil for you out of your own House. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to your neighbour, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun.

12:12 You worked in secret, I will work this in the face of all Israel and in the face of the sun."'

12:13 David said to Nathan, 'I have sinned against Yahweh'. Then Nathan said to David, 'Yahweh, for his part, forgives your sin; you are not to die.

12:14 Yet because you have outraged Yahweh by doing this, the child that is born to you is to die.'

12:15 Then Nathan went home.


The death of Bathsheba's child. The birth of Solomon

Yahweh struck the child that Uriah's wife had borne to David and it fell gravely ill.

12:16 David pleaded with Yahweh for the child; he kept a strict fast and went home and spent the night on the bare ground, covered with sacking.

12:17 The officials of his household came and stood round him to get him to rise from the ground, but he refused, nor would he take food with them.

12:18 On the seventh day the child died. David's officers were afraid to tell him the child was dead. 'Even when the child was alive' they thought 'we reasoned with him and he would not listen to us. How can we tell him the child is dead? He will do something desperate.'

12:19 David, however, noticed that his officers were whispering among themselves, and realised that the child was dead. 'Is the child dead?' he asked the officers. They answered, 'He is dead'.

12:20 David got up from the ground, bathed and anointed himself and put on fresh clothes. Then he went into the sanctuary of Yahweh and prostrated himself. On returning to his house he asked for food to be set before him, and ate.

12:21 His officers said, 'Why are you acting like this? When the child was alive you fasted and wept; now the child is dead you get up and take food.'

12:22 'When the child was alive' he answered 'I fasted and wept because I kept thinking, "Who knows? Perhaps Yahweh will take pity on me and the child will live."

12:23 But now he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him but he cannot come back to me.'

12:24 David consoled his wife Bathsheba. He went to her and slept with her. She conceived and gave birth to a son whom she named Solomon. Yahweh loved him

12:25 and made this known through the prophet Nathan who named him Jedidiah in accordance with the word of Yahweh.[*a]


The capture of Rabbah

12:26 Joab attacked Rabbah of the Ammonites and captured the water town.

12:27 He then sent messengers to tell David, 'I have stormed Rabbah and captured the water town.

12:28 So now muster the rest of the troops and pitch camp against the town and take it, unless you want me to capture the town and give it my name.'

12:29 So David mustered the whole army and marched on Rabbah; he stormed the town and captured it.

12:30 He took the crown from the head of Milcom;[*b] it weighed one talent of gold, and in it was set a precious stone which made an ornament for David's head. He carried off great quantities of spoil from the town.

12:31 He brought away its population and set them to work with saws, iron picks and iron axes, and employed them in brickmaking. He treated all the Ammonite towns in the same way. Then David and the whole army returned to Jerusalem.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 13




Amnon violates Tamar his sister

13:1 After this, the following events took place. Absalom son of David had a beautiful sister whose name was Tamar; Amnon son of David fell in love with her.

13:2 Amnon was so obsessed with his sister Tamar that it made him ill, for she was a virgin and it seemed to Amnon impossible to do anything to her.

13:3 But Amnon had a friend called Jonadab son of Shimeah, David's brother, and Jonadab was a very shrewd man.

13:4 'Son of the king,' he said 'tell me why, morning after morning, you look so worn? Will you not tell me?' Amnon answered, 'I am in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister'.

13:5 Then Jonadab said, 'Lie down on your bed, pretend to be ill and when your father comes to visit you, say, "Let my sister Tamar come and give me something to eat; let her prepare the food before my eyes for me to see; only at her hands will I eat"'.

13:6 So Amnon lay down and pretended to be ill. Then the king came to visit him and Amnon said to the king, 'Let my sister Tamar come and make a cake or two; I will eat at her hands'.

13:7 David then sent word to Tamar at the palace, 'Go to your brother Amnon's house and prepare some food for him'.

13:8 Tamar went to the house of her brother Amnon who was lying there in bed. She took dough and kneaded it, and she made cakes there before his eyes and baked the cakes.

13:9 Then she took the pan and dished them up in front of him, but he refused to eat. 'Let everyone leave me' he said; so they all withdrew.

13:10 Then Amnon said to Tamar, 'Bring the food to the inner room so that I can eat at your hands'. So Tamar took the cakes she had made and brought them to her brother Amnon in the inner room.

13:11 And as she was offering the food to him, he caught hold of her and said, 'Come; lie with me, my sister'.

13:12 But she answered, 'No, my brother! Do not violate me. This is not a thing men do in Israel. Do not commit such an outrage.

13:13 Wherever should I go, bearing my shame? While you would become an outcast in Israel. Go now and speak to the king; he will not refuse to give me to you.'

13:14 But he would not listen to her; he overpowered her and, raping her, lay with her.

13:15 Then Amnon was seized with extreme hatred for her; the hatred he now felt for her was greater than his earlier love. 'Get up and go' he said.

13:16 'No, my brother,' she said 'to send me away would be a greater wrong than the other you have done me.' But he would not listen to her.

13:17 He called the soldier who was his servant. 'Get rid of this woman for me,' he said 'throw her out and bolt the door after her.'

13:18 (She was wearing a long-sleeved gown, for this was what the king's unmarried daughters wore in days gone by.) So the servant put her out and bolted the door after her.

13:19 Tamar took dust and put it on her head, tore the long-sleeved gown she was wearing, laid her hand on her head, and went away uttering cries as she went.

13:20 Her brother Absalom said to her, 'Has Amnon your brother been with you? Be quiet now, my sister; he is your brother; do not take this so much to heart.' But Tamar remained disconsolate in her brother Absalom's house.

13:21 When King David heard the whole story, he was very angry; but he had no wish to harm his son Amnon, since he loved him; he was his first-born.

13:22 Absalom however would not so much as speak to Amnon, for he hated Amnon for having raped his sister Tamar.


Absalom kills Amnon and flees

13:23 Two years later, when Absalom had the sheep-shearers at Baal-hazor, which is near Ephraim, he invited the entire royal household.

13:24 Absalom went to the king and said, 'At this moment your servant has the sheep-shearers. Will the king and his officers be pleased to come with your servant?'

13:25 'No, my son,' the king replied 'we must not all come and be a burden to you.' And though Absalom was insistent, he would not go but dismissed him.

13:26 Absalom persisted, 'Then at least let my brother Amnon come with us'. The king said, 'Why should he go with you?'

13:27 But Absalom insisted, so he allowed Amnon and all the king's sons to go with him. Absalom prepared a royal banquet

13:28 and then gave this order to his servants: 'Listen carefully; when Amnon's heart is merry with wine and I say, "Strike Amnon down", then kill him. Have no fear. I myself have given you the order. Take courage, be brave.'

13:29 Absalom's servants treated Amnon as Absalom had ordered. Then all the king's sons started up, mounted their mules and took flight.

13:30 While they were on the road, a rumour reached David, 'Absalom has killed all the king's sons; not one of them is left'.

13:31 The king rose and tore his garments and lay down on the ground. All his officers in attendance tore their garments too.

13:32 But Jonadab son of Shimeah, David's brother, spoke up. 'Let not my lord imagine' he said 'that they have killed all the young men, the sons of the king; Amnon alone is dead, for Absalom's face gave warning of this ever since Amnon violated his sister Tamar.

13:33 Let not my lord the king imagine that all the king's sons are dead; Amnon alone is dead

13:34 and Absalom has taken flight.' The soldier on sentry duty looked up and saw a large troop advancing down the slope on the Bahurim road. The sentry came to tell the king. 'I saw men' he said 'coming down the Bahurim road on the mountainside.'

13:35 Then Jonadab said to the king, 'Here come the king's sons; it has turned out just as your servant said'.

13:36 He had scarcely finished speaking when the king's sons arrived, and they cried aloud and wept; the king and all his officers wept bitterly too.

13:37a Absalom a however had taken flight and gone to Talmai son of Ammihud, king of Geshur,

13:38b where he stayed for three years.

13:37b And all that time the king observed mourning for his son.


Joab negotiates the return of Absalom

13:39 The king's heart was now no longer set against Absalom, once he had recovered from Amnon's death.

13:13 a. By ancient custom, Ammon could have married his half-sister. Such marriages were

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 14


forbidden by the laws of Lv 18 and Dt 27.

14:1 Now Joab son of Zeruiah observed that the heart of the king was again turning to Absalom,

14:2 so he sent to Tekoa[*a] for a quick-witted woman. 'Pretend to be in mourning' he said. 'Put on mourning garments; do not anoint yourself with oil; act like a woman who has long been mourning for the dead.

14:3 Go then to the king and say this to him.' And Joab put into her mouth the words she had to say.

14:4 So the woman of Tekoa went to the king and fell with her face to the ground and did homage. 'Help, O king!' she said.

14:5 The king said, 'What is the matter?' 'Alas,' she replied 'I am a widow; my husband is dead.

14:6 Your servant had two sons and out in the fields, where there was no one to intervene, they quarrelled with each other. And one of them struck the other and killed him.

14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant. "Give up the man who killed his brother" they say. "For the life of the brother he murdered we will have his death, and so destroy the heir too." By this means they will put out what embers remain to me, and leave my husband neither name nor survivor on the face of the earth.'

14:8 The king then said to the woman, 'Go to your house; I myself will give orders concerning your case'.

14:9 The woman of Tekoa said to the king, 'My lord king! May the guilt be on me and on my family; the king and his throne are innocent of it.'

14:10 'Bring me the man who threatened you,' the king replied 'and he shall never hurt you again.'

14:11 Then she said, 'Let the king be pleased to pronounce the name of Yahweh his God, so that the avenger of blood may not do greater harm and destroy my son'. 'As Yahweh lives,' he said 'not one hair of your son shall fall to the ground.'

14:12 Then the woman said, 'Permit your servant to say something else to my lord the king.' 'Go on' he said.

14:13 'Why then' the woman said 'has the king - who in making this decision convicts himself - so conspired against God's people by not bringing back home the one he has banished?

14:14 We must all die; we are like water spilt on the ground that can never be gathered up again, nor does God raise up a corpse; let the king make plans then for the one who has been banished not to remain far away from him in exile.

14:15 'Now the reason why I have come to speak about this to my lord the king is because people have frightened me, and your servant thought, "I will speak to the king; perhaps the king will do what his servant asks.

14:16 For the king will consent to deliver his servant from the hands of the man who would cut us off, myself and my son with me, from God's heritage.

14:17 May the word of my lord the king" your servant thought "set me at rest. For my lord the king is like the angel of God for discerning good and evil." May Yahweh your God be with you!'

14:18 Answering her the king said, 'Please do not evade the question I am about to ask you'. The woman said, 'Let my lord the king ask his question'.

14:19 'Is not the hand of Joab behind you in all this?' the king asked. The woman replied, 'As surely as you live, my lord king, I cannot get away from the things which my lord the king has said. Yes, it was your servant Joab who asked me to do this; he put all these words into your servant's mouth.

14:20 Your servant Joab acted in this way to disguise the matter, but my lord has the wisdom of the angel of God; he knows all that takes place on earth.'

14:21 The king then said to Joab, 'Very well, the suit is granted. Go and bring the young man Absalom back.'

14:22 Joab fell with his face to the ground, did homage and blessed the king. 'My lord king,' Joab said 'your servant knows now that he has won your favour, since the king has done what his servant asked.'

14:23 Joab then set off and went to Geshur, and brought Absalom back to Jerusalem.

14:24 The king, however, said, 'Let him retire to his own house; he is not to appear in my presence'. So Absalom retired to his own house and was not received by the king.


Some details about Absalom

14:25 In the whole of Israel there was no man who could be praised for his beauty as much as Absalom; from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was not a blemish on him.

14:26 When he cut the hair of his head-and he would cut it every year; he would cut it then because it grew too heavy for him-he would weigh the hair; two hundred shekels, king's weight.

14:27 To Absalom were born three sons and one daughter called Tamar; she was a beautiful woman.


Absalom obtains his pardon

14:28 Absalom lived in Jerusalem for two years without being received by the king.

14:29 Then Absalom sent for Joab to send him to the king, but Joab would not come to him. He sent for him a second time, but Joab would not come.

14:30 So he said to his servants, 'Look, Joab's field is next to mine and he has barley in it; go and set fire to it'. Absalom's servants set fire to the field.

14:31 At this, Joab went off to Absalom at his house. 'Why' he asked him 'have your servants set fire to the field belonging to me?'

14:32 Absalom answered Joab, 'Look now, I sent word to you to say I wanted you to go to the king with this message, "Why did I come back from Geshur? Better for me to be there still. Now I wish to be received by the king, and if I am guilty, let him put me to death." '

14:33 Joab went to the king and told him this. He then summoned Absalom who went to the king and bowed low before him, throwing himself on his face to the ground before the king. And the king kissed Absalom.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 15


Absalom's intrigues

15:1 After this, Absalom procured a chariot and horses, with fifty men to run ahead of him.

15:2 He would rise early and stand beside the road leading to the gate; and whenever a man with some lawsuit had to come before the king's court, Absalom would call out to him and ask, 'What town are you from?' He would answer, 'Your servant is from one of the tribes in Israel'.

15:3 Then Absalom would say, 'Look, your case is sound and just, but there is not one deputy of the king's who will listen to you'.

15:4 Absalom would go on to say, 'Oh, who will appoint me judge in the land? Then anyone with a lawsuit or a plea could come to me and I would see he had justice.'

15:5 And whenever anyone came up to do homage to him, he would stretch out his hand and take him and kiss him.

15:6 Absalom acted in this way with all the Israelites who came to the king for justice, and so Absalom seduced the hearts of the men of Israel.


Absalom's rebellion

15:7 At the end of four years Absalom said to the king, 'Allow me to go to Hebron[*a] to fulfil the vow I made to Yahweh;

15:8 for when I was at Geshur in Aram, your servant made this vow: "If Yahweh brings me back to Jerusalem," I said "I will offer worship to Yahweh in Hebron".'

15:9 The king said to him, 'Go in peace'. So he set off and went to Hebron.

15:10 Absalom sent couriers throughout the tribes of Israel saying, 'When you hear the trumpet sound you are to say, "Absalom is king at Hebron!"'

15:11 With Absalom there went two hundred men from Jerusalem; they were invited guests and came in all innocence, quite unaware.

15:12 Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counsellor, from Giloh his town, and had him with him while he was offering the sacrifices. The conspiracy grew in strength and Absalom's supporters grew in number.


David's flight

15:13 A messenger came to tell David, 'The hearts of the men of Israel are now with Absalom.'

15:14 So David said to all his officers who were with him in Jerusalem, 'Let us be off, let us fly, or we shall never escape from Absalom. Leave as quickly as you can in case he mounts a surprise attack and worsts us and puts the city to the sword.'

15:15 The king's officers answered, 'Whatever my lord the king decides, we are at your service'.

15:16 The king left on foot with all his household, leaving ten concubines to look after the palace.

15:17 The king left on foot with all the people and stopped at the last house.

15:18 All his officers stood at his side. All the Cherethites and all the Pelethites, with Ittai and all the six hundred Gittites who had come in his retinue from Gath, marched past the king.

15:19 The king said to Ittai the Gittite, 'You, why are you coming with us? Go back and stay with the king, for you are a foreigner, an exile too from your homeland.

15:20 You came only yesterday; should I take you wandering today with us, when I do not know myself where I am going? Go back, take your fellow countrymen with you, and may Yahweh show you kindness and faithfulness.'

15:21 But Ittai answered the king, 'As Yahweh lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, for death or life, there will your servant be too'.

15:22 So David said to Ittai, 'Go then, pass on'. And Ittai of Gath passed on with all his men and retinue.

15:23 All the people wept aloud. The king took his stand in the wadi Kidron, and all the people marched past him towards the wilderness.


The ark leaves the city

15:24 Zadok was there too and all the Levites carrying the ark of God. They set down the ark of God beside Abiathar until the people had all passed out of the city.

15:25 Then the king said to Zadok, 'Take the ark of God back to the city. Should I win the favour of Yahweh, he will bring me back and permit me to see it and its dwelling place again.

15:26 But should he say, "I take no pleasure in you", then here I am, let him deal with me as he likes.'

15:27 The king said to Zadok the priest, 'Look, you and Abiathar go back in peace to the city, with your two sons, your own son and Jonathan son of Abiathar.

15:28 I intend to wait in the plains of the wilderness until word comes from you bringing me news.'

15:29 So Zadok and Abiathar took the ark of God back to Jerusalem and remained there.


Hushai undertakes to work for David

15:30 David then made his way up the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went, his head covered and his feet bare. And all the people with him had their heads covered and made their way up, weeping as they went.

15:31 Then David was told that Ahitophel was among the conspirators with Absalom. David said, 'Yahweh, turn Ahithophel's counsels to folly'.

15:32 As David reached the summit, where God is worshipped, he saw Hushai the Archite, the companion of David, coming to meet him with his tunic torn and with earth on his head.

15:33 David said, 'If you go on with me, you will be a burden to me.

15:34 But if you go back to the city and say to Absalom, "I will be your servant, my lord king; once I was in your father's service, but now I will serve you", you will be able to thwart the counsels of Ahithophel for me.

15:35 Will not the priests Zadok and Abiathar be with you? Anything you hear from the palace you must report to the priests Zadok and Abiathar.

15:36 With them, you will find, are their two sons, Zadok's son Ahimaaz, and Abiathar's son Jonathan; through them you are to send me word of all you hear.'

15:37 Hushai, the companion of David, re-entered the city just as Absalom was reaching Jerusalem.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 16


David and Ziba

16:1 When David had passed a little beyond the summit, Ziba the servant of Meribbaal came to meet him with a pair of donkeys, saddled and laden with two hundred loaves of bread, a hundred bunches of raisins, a hundred of the season's fruits, and a skin of wine.

16:2 The king said to Ziba, 'What are you going to do with that?' 'The donkeys' Ziba replied 'are for the king's family to ride, the bread and the fruit for the soldiers to eat, the wine is for drinking by those who grow weary in the wilderness.'

16:3 'And where is your master's son?' the king asked. Ziba answered the king, 'Why, he has stayed in Jerusalem because, he says, "The House of Israel will give me back my father's kingdom today"'.

16:4 Then the king said to Ziba, 'All that Meribbaal owns is now yours'. Ziba said, 'My homage, lord king! May I deserve your favour!'


Shimei curses David

16:5 As David was reaching Bahurim, out came a man of the same clan as Saul's family. His name was Shimei son of Gera, and as he came he uttered curse after curse

16:6 and threw stones at David and at all King David's officers, though the whole army and all the champions flanked the king right and left.

16:7 The words of his curse were these, 'Be off, be off, man of blood, scoundrel!

16:8 Yahweh has brought on you all the blood of the House of Saul[*a] whose sovereignty you have usurped; and Yahweh has transferred that same sovereignty to Absalom your son. Now your doom has overtaken you, man of blood that you are.'

16:9 Abishai son of Zeruiah said to the king, 'Is this dead dog to curse my lord the king? Let me go over and cut his head off.'

16:10 But the king replied, 'What business is it of mine and yours, sons of Zeruiah? Let him curse. If Yahweh said to him, "Curse David", what right has anyone to say, "Why have you done this?"'

16:11 David said to Abishai and all his officers, 'Why, my own son, sprung from my body, is now seeking my life; so now how much the more this Benjaminite? Let him curse on if Yahweh has told him to.

16:12 Perhaps Yahweh will look on my misery and repay me with good for his curse today.'

16:13 So David and his men went on their way. But Shimei continued along the mountainside opposite him, cursing as he went, throwing stones and flinging earth.

16:14 The king and all the people who were with him arrived exhausted at...[*b] where he refreshed himself.


Hushai with Absalom

16:15 Absalom entered Jerusalem with all the men of Israel; with him was Ahithophel.

16:16 When Hushai the Archite, the companion of David, came to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, 'Long live the king! Long live the king!'

16:17 'Is this your affection for your friend?' Absalom said to Hushai. 'Why did you not leave with your friend?'

16:18 Hushai answered Absalom, 'No, I belong to the man whom Yahweh and these people and all the men of Israel have chosen, and on his side I will remain.

16:19 Besides, whom should I serve, if not his son? As I served your father, so I shall serve you.'


Absalom and David's concubines

16:20 Absalom said to Ahithophel, 'Think carefully. What shall we do?'

16:21 Ahithophel answered Absalom, 'Go to your father's concubines whom he left to look after the palace; then all Israel will hear that you have incurred your father's enmity, and the resolution of all your supporters will be strengthened'.

16:22 So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the housetop and in the sight of all Israel Absalom went to his father's concubines.

16:23 In those days the advice Ahithophel gave was like an oracle asked from God; and so was all Ahithophel's advice respected, as by David, so by Absalom.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 17


Hushai thwarts Ahithophel's plans

17:1 Ahithophel said to Absalom, 'Let me choose twelve thousand men and set off this very night in pursuit of David.

17:2 I shall fall on him while he is tired and dispirited; I shall strike terror into him, and all the people who are with him will take flight. Then I shall strike down the king alone

17:3 and bring all the people back to you, as a bride returns to her husband. You seek the life of only one man; the rest of the people will go unharmed.'

17:4 The suggestion appealed to Absalom and all the elders of Israel.

17:5 'Next call Hushai the Archite' Absalom said. 'Let us hear what he too has to say.'

17:6 When Hushai came to Absalom, Absalom said, 'This is what Ahithophel says. Are we to do as he suggests? If not, say something yourself.'

17:7 Hushai answered Absalom, 'On this occasion the advice Ahithophel has offered is not good.

17:8 You know' Hushai went on 'that your father and his men are champions and as angry as a wandering bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is used to warfare; he will not let the army rest during the night.

17:9 At this very moment he is hiding in a hollow or somewhere else. If at the outset there are casualties among our troops, word will go round of disaster to the army supporting Absalom.

17:10 And then even the valiant, with a heart like the heart of a lion, will be quite unmanned; for all Israel knows that your father is a champion and that the men with him are valiant.

17:11 For my part, I offer this advice: Let all Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, muster round you, numerous as the sand on the seashore, with your royal person marching in their midst.

17:12 We shall come up with him wherever he is to be found; we shall fall on him as the dew falls on the ground, and not leave him or one of the men with him alive.

17:13 Should he retire into a town, all Israel will bring ropes to that town, and we will drag it into the wadi until not a pebble of it is to be found.'

17:14 Then Absalom and all the people of Israel said, 'The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel'. Yahweh had determined to thwart Ahithophel's shrewd advice and so to bring disaster on Absalom.

17:15 Hushai then told the priests Zadok and Abiathar, 'Ahithophel gave such and such advice to Absalom and the elders of Israel, but I advised so and so.

17:16 Now send quickly and tell David this, "Do not camp in the plains of the wilderness tonight but cross to the other side as fast as you can, or the king and all the army with him will be annihilated".'


David is warned and crosses the Jordan

17:17 Jonathan and Ahimaaz were stationed at the Fuller's Spring; a maidservant was to go and warn them and they in turn were to warn King David, for they dared not let themselves be seen entering the town.

17:18 A young man saw them nonetheless and told Absalom. Then both of them hastily made off and came to the house of a man of Bahurim. In his courtyard was a cistern and they got down into it.

17:19 The woman took a covering and, spreading it over the mouth of the cistern, scattered crushed grain on it so that nothing showed.

17:20 Absalom's servants came to the woman in the house and said, 'Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?' 'They have gone further on towards the water' the woman answered. They searched, but finding nothing went back to Jerusalem.

17:21 When they had gone, the men climbed out of the cistern and went to warn King David. 'Be on your way' they told David 'and cross the water quickly, for Ahithophel has given such and such advice about you.'

17:22 So David and all the troops with him set off and crossed the Jordan. By dawn no one was left who had not crossed the Jordan.

17:23 When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and set off and went home to his own town. Then having set his house in order, he strangled himself and so died. He was buried in his father's tomb.


Absalom crosses the Jordan. David at Mahanaim

17:24 David had reached Mahanaim when Absalom crossed the Jordan with all the men of Israel.

17:25 Absalom had put Amasa in command of the army in place of Joab. This Amasa was the son of a man called Ithra the Ishmaelite, who had married Abigail the daughter of Jesse and sister of Zeruiah, Joab's mother.

17:26 Israel and Absalom pitched camp in the land of Gilead.

17:27 When David reached Mahanaim, Shobi son of Nahash from Rabbah of the Ammonites, Machir son of Ammiel from Lodebar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim

17:28 brought mattresses, rugs, bowls and crockery, wheat, barley, meal, roasted grain, beans, lentils,

17:29 honey, curds and cheese, sheep and oxen, which they presented to David and the people with him for them to eat. 'The army' they said 'has been hungry and tired and thirsty in the wilderness.'

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 18


The defeat of Absalom's party

18:1 David reviewed the troops that were with him, and appointed commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds to lead them.

18:2 David divided the army into three groups, one under the command of Joab, another under the command of Abishai son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, and the third under the command of Ittai the Gittite. Then David said to the troops, 'I too will march with you in person'.

18:3 But the troops replied, 'You must not go. If we are routed, they will not give us a thought; and if half of us die, they will not give us a thought; but you, you are the equal of ten thousand of us. Besides, it is better for you to be ready to reinforce us from the town.'

18:4 David said, 'I will do as you think best'. And the king stood by the gate as the troops marched out by their hundreds and their thousands.

18:5 The king gave orders to Joab, Abishai and Ittai, 'For my sake treat young Absalom gently'. And all the troops heard that the king had given these orders about Absalom to all the commanders.

18:6 So the troops marched out to take the field against Israel, and battle was joined in the Forest of Ephraim.

18:7 There Israel's army was beaten by David's followers; it was a great defeat that day, with twenty thousand casualties.

18:8 The fighting spread throughout the region and, of the troops, the forest claimed more victims that day than the sword.


The death of Absalom

18:9 Absalom happened to run into some of David's followers. Absalom was riding a mule and the mule passed under the thick branches of a great oak. Absalom's head caught fast in the oak and he was left hanging between heaven and earth, while the mule he was riding went on.

18:10 Someone saw this and told Joab. 'I have just seen Absalom' he said 'hanging from an oak.'

18:11 Joab said to the man who told him, 'If you saw him, why did you not strike him to the ground then and there? I would have taken it on myself to give you ten silver shekels and a belt too.'

18:12 But the man answered Joab, 'Even were I to feel the weight of a thousand silver shekels in my hand, I would not lift my hand against the king's son. In our own hearing the king gave you and Abishai and Ittai these orders, "For my sake spare young Absalom".

18:13 Had I acted treacherously, thus endangering my life, nothing is hidden from the king, and you yourself would have stood by idle.'

18:14 Then Joab said, 'I cannot waste my time with you like this'. And he took three lances in his hand and thrust them into Absalom's heart while he was still alive there in the oak tree.

18:15 Then ten soldiers, Joab's armour-bearers, stepped forward, cut Absalom down and finished him off.

18:16 Then Joab had the trumpet sounded and the troops stopped pursuing Israel, for Joab held the troops back.

18:17 They took Absalom, flung him into a deep pit in the forest and reared a great cairn over him. All the Israelites had fled, each man to his tent.

18:18 Now Absalom during his lifetime had undertaken the erection of the pillar to himself which is in the Valley of the King. 'I have no son' he said 'to preserve the memory of my name.' So he had given the pillar his name, and it is called to this day the Pillar of Absalom.


The news is brought to David

18:19 Ahimaaz son of Zadok said, 'I must run and tell the good news to the king that Yahweh has vindicated his cause by ridding him of his enemies'.

18:20 But Joab said, 'Today you would be no bearer of good news, some other day you will be; but today you would not be bringing good news, for the king's son is dead'.

18:21 Then Joab said to the Cushite, 'Go and tell the king what you have seen'. The Cushite bowed to Joab and ran off.

18:22 But Ahimaaz son of Zadok persisted. 'Come what may,' he said to Joab 'I must myself run after the Cushite.' 'My son,' Joab said 'why run? You will get no reward for your news.'

18:23 But he replied, 'Come what may, I am going to run.' 'Then run' Joab said. And Ahimaaz set off to run by way of the plain and passed the Cushite.

18:24 David was sitting between the two gates. The lookout had gone up to the roof of the gate, on the ramparts; he looked up and saw a man running all by himself.

18:25 The watch called out to the king and told him. The king said, 'If he is by himself, he has good news to tell'. As the man drew still nearer,

18:26 the watch saw another man running, and the watch who was on top of the gate called out, 'Here comes another man running by himself'. David said, 'He too is a bearer of good news'.

18:27 The watchman said, 'I recognise the way the first man runs; Ahimaaz son of Zadok runs like that'. 'He is a good man' the king said 'and he comes with good news.'

18:28 Ahimaaz approached the king. 'All hail!' he said, and bowed down before the king with his face to the earth. 'Blessed be Yahweh your God' he said 'who has handed over the men who rebelled against my lord the king!'

18:29 'Is all well with young Absalom?' the king asked. Ahimaaz replied, 'I saw there was a great uproar when Joab despatched your servant, but I do know what it was'.

18:30 The king said, 'Move aside and stand there'. He moved aside and stood waiting.

18:31 Then the Cushite arrived. 'Good news for my lord the king!' cried the Cushite. 'Yahweh has vindicated your cause today by ridding you of all who rebelled against you.'

18:32 'Is all well with young Absalom?' the king asked the Cushite. 'May the enemies of my lord the king' the Cushite answered 'and all who rebelled against you to your hurt, share the lot of that young man.'

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 19


David mourns for Absalom

19:1 <33 The king shuddered. He went up to the room over the gate and burst into tears, and weeping said, 'My son Absalom! My son! My son Absalom! Would I had died in your place! Absalom, my son, my son!'

19:2 <1 Word was brought to Joab, 'The king is now weeping and mourning for Absalom'.

19:3 <2 And the day's victory was turned to mourning for all the troops, because they learned that the king was grieving for his son.

19:4 <3 And the troops returned stealthily that day to the town, as troops creep back ashamed when routed in battle.

19:5 <4 The king had veiled his face and was crying aloud, 'My son Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!'

19:6 <5 Then Joab went indoors to the king. 'Today' he said 'you are covering the faces of all your servants with shame when they have saved your life today, and the lives of your sons and daughters, of your wives too and your concubines,

19:7 <6 all because you love those who hate you and hate those who love you. Today you have made it plain that commanders and soldiers mean nothing to you, since now I see that if Absalom were alive today and we all dead, you would be pleased.

19:8 <7 Now get up, come out and reassure your soldiers, for if you do not come I swear by Yahweh not one man will stay with you tonight; and this will be a worse misfortune for you than all that has happened you from your youth until now.'

19:9 <8 So the king rose and took his seat at the gate. All the troops soon heard the news: 'The king' they say 'has taken his seat at the gate'. And the whole army assembled in front of the king.


Preparations for David's return

Israel had fled, each man to his tent.

19:10 <9 Throughout the tribes of Israel all were quarrelling. 'The king' they said 'delivered us from the power of our enemies, he saved us from the hands of the Philistines, and now he himself has had to flee the country to escape from Absalom;

19:11 <10 while Absalom, whom we had anointed to reign over us, has now died in battle. So now why not do something about bringing the king back?'

19:12a Word of what was being said throughout Israel reached the king.

19:12b Then King David sent word to the priests Zadok and Abiathar, 'Say to the elders of Judah, "why should you be the last to bring the king home?

19:13 <12 You are my brothers, you are my own flesh and blood, why should you be the last to bring the king back?"

19:14 <13 Say to Amasa[*a] too, "Are you not my own flesh and blood? May God do this to me and more, if you are not my army commander from now on, in place of Joab."'

19:15 <14 Then all the men of Judah were won over as one man, sending word to the king, 'Come back, you and all who serve you.'


Episodes connected with David's return: Shimei

19:16 <15 So the king turned about and reached the Jordan. Judah, coming to meet the king to escort the king across the Jordan, had arrived at Gilgal.

19:17 <16 Shimei son of Gera the Benjaminite from Bahurim hurried down with the men of Judah to meet King David.

19:18 <17 With him were a thousand men from Benjamin. Ziba, the servant of the House of Saul, with his fifteen sons and twenty servants, arrived at the Jordan before the king

19:19 <18 and worked manfully ferrying the king's family across and doing whatever he wanted. While the king was crossing the Jordan, Shimei son of Gera fell at his feet

19:20 <19 and said to the king, 'Let not my lord hold me guilty. Do not remember the wrong your servant did, the day my lord the king left Jerusalem. Put it out of your mind.

19:21 <20 For your servant admits that he has sinned, and here I am today, first of all the House of Joseph to come down and meet my lord the king.'

19:22 <21 Then Abishai son of Zeruiah spoke out. 'Does not Shimei deserve death for cursing Yahweh's anointed?'

19:23 <22 But David said, 'What is there between me and you, sons of Zeruiah, for you to be my enemies today? On such a day, could anyone in Israel be put to death? Today I know for sure that I am king over Israel.

19:24 <23 Your life is spared' the king said. And the king gave him his oath.[*b]



19:25 <24 Meribbaal son of Saul had also gone down to meet the king. He had not cared for his feet or his hands, he had neither trimmed his moustache nor washed his clothes from the day the king left to the day he came back in peace.

19:26 <25 When he arrived from Jerusalem to greet the king, the king asked him, 'Why did you not come with me, Meribbaal?'

19:27 <26 'My lord king,' he answered 'my servant deceived me. Your servant said to him, "Saddle my donkey; I shall ride it and go with the king", for your servant is lame.

19:28 <27 He has slandered your servant to my lord the king. But my lord the king is like the angel of God; do as you think right.

19:29 <28 For all my father's family earned no better than death from the hands of my lord the king, and yet you have admitted your servant among those who eat at your table. What right have I to make further appeal to the king?'

19:30 <29 The king said, 'Why say any more? I rule that you and Ziba are to share the property.'

19:31 <30 'Let him take it all,' Meribbaal said to the king 'since my lord the king has come home in peace.'



19:32 <31 Barzillai the Gileadite, too, had gone down from Rogelim and had stayed with the king to escort him as far as the Jordan.

19:33 <32 Barzillai was a man of great age; he was eighty years old. He had kept the king in provisions during his stay at Mahanaim, for he was a very rich man.

19:34 <33 'Come with me' the king said to Barzillai 'and I will provide for your old age in Jerusalem with me.'

19:35 <34 But Barzillai answered the king, 'How many years have I left to live, for me to go up to Jerusalem with the king?

19:36 <35 I am eighty years old now; can I tell the good from the bad? Has your servant any taste for his food and drink? Can I still hear the voices of men and women singers? Why should your servant be a further burden to my lord the king?

19:37 <36 Your servant will just cross the Jordan with the king; why should the king grant me such reward?

19:38 <37 Allow your servant to go back to die in my own town near the grave of my father and mother. But here is your servant Chimham[*c]; let him go with my lord the king; treat him as you think right.'

19:39 <38 The king said, 'Let Chimham go with me then; I will do things for him that will please you, and anything you request I will do for him for your sake'.

19:40 <39 All the people then crossed the Jordan and the king crossed too; he kissed Barzillai and blessed him, and the latter returned to his home.


Judah and Israel dispute over the king

19:41 <40 The king went on to Gilgal and Chimham stayed with him. All the people of Judah accompanied the king and half the people of Israel too.

19:42 <41 Then all the men of Israel came to the king. 'Why' they asked the king 'have our brothers,

the men of Judah, carried you off and brought the king and his family across the Jordan, and all David's men with him?'

19:43 <42 All the men of Judah retorted to the men of Israel, 'Because the king is more closely related to us. Why do you take offence at this? Have we eaten at the king's expense or levied portions for ourselves?'

19:44 <43 The men of Israel replied to the men of Judah, 'We have ten shares in the king. We are your elder too. Why have you despised us then? Were we not the first to speak of bringing back the king?' But the language of the men of Judah was more vehement than that of the men of Israel.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 20


The revolt of Sheba

20:1 Now there happened to be a scoundrel there called Sheba son of Bichri, a Benjaminite, who sounded the trumpet and cried: 'We have no share in David, we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, Israel!'

20:2 At this all the men of Israel deserted David and followed Sheba son of Bichri. But the men of Judah stayed with their king on his way from Jordan to Jerusalem.

20:3 So David came to his palace at Jerusalem. He took the ten concubines he had left to look after the palace and put them under guard. He provided for their upkeep but never went to them again; they were shut away until the day they died, widows, as it were, of a living man.


The assassination of Amasa

20:4 The king said to Amasa, 'Summon the men of Judah to me, and be here yourself within three days'.

20:5 Amasa went to summon Judah, but he delayed beyond the time David had fixed.

20:6 David then said to Abishai, 'Sheba son of Bichri is more dangerous to us than ever Absalom was, so take your master's guards and be after him, or he may reach fortified towns and elude us'.

20:7 Behind Abishai marched Joab, the Cherethites, the Pelethites and all the champions, marching from Jerusalem in pursuit of Sheba son of Bichri.

20:8 They were near the great stone at Gibeon when Amasa came face to face with them. Joab was wearing his uniform, over which he had buckled on a sword hanging from his waist in its scabbard; the sword came out and fell.

20:9 Joab said to Amasa, 'Are you well, my brother?' And with his right hand he took Amasa by the beard to kiss him.

20:10 Amasa paid no attention to the sword Joab was holding, and Joab struck him with it in the belly and spilled his entrails on the ground. He did not need to strike a second blow; and so Amasa died. Joab and Abishai hurried on in pursuit of Sheba son of Bichri.

20:11 One of Joab's soldiers stood on guard beside Amasa. 'Whoever is on Joab's side,' he said 'whoever is for David, let him follow Joab.'

20:12 Meanwhile Amasa lay in the middle of the road in pools of his blood. Seeing that everyone was stopping, the man dragged Amasa off the road into the field and threw a cloak over him, because he saw that everyone stopped on reaching him.

20:13 When Amasa had been taken off the road, the men all went on their way, following Joab in pursuit of Sheba son of Bichri.


The rebellion ends

20:14 The latter went all through the tribes of Israel as far as Abel of Beth-maacah and all the Bichrites. . . . They mustered and went in after him.

20:15 Besieging him in Abel of Beth-maacah, they threw up earthworks against the city.

20:16 As all the troops who were with Joab were sapping the wall to bring it down, a quick-witted woman stood on the outer wall and shouted from the town, 'Listen! Listen! Say to Joab, "Come here, I want to speak to you".'

20:17 He came forward, and the woman said, 'Are you Joab?' 'I am' he answered. She said to him, 'Listen to what your servant says'. 'I am listening' he replied.

20:18 Then she spoke. 'In olden days' she said 'they used to say, "Let them ask in Abel and in Dan if all is over

20:19 with what Israel's faithful ones have laid down". Yet you are trying to destroy a town, yes a mother city, in Israel. Why do you wish to devour the heritage of Yahweh?'

20:20 'Far, far be it from me' Joab said. 'I neither wish to devour nor to destroy.

20:21 This is not the issue; but a man of the highlands of Ephraim called Sheba son of Bichri has revolted against the king, against David. Hand that one man over and I will raise the siege of the town.' 'Very well,' the woman said to Joab 'his head shall be thrown over the wall to you.'

20:22 The woman went back into the town and spoke to all the people as her intelligence dictated. They cut off the head of Sheba son of Bichri and threw it down to Joab. He had the trumpet sounded and they withdrew from the town, each man to his tents. Joab himself returned to the king in Jerusalem.


David's officials

20:23 Joab commanded the whole army; Benaiah son of Jehoiada commanded the Cherethites and Pelethites;

20:24 Adoram was in charge of forced labour; Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud was recorder;

20:25 Sheva, secretary; Zadok and Abiathar, priests.

20:26 Ira the Jairite was also a priest of David.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 21




The great famine and the execution of Saul's descendants[*a]

21:1 In the time of David there was a famine lasting for three whole years. David consulted Yahweh, and Yahweh said, 'There is blood on Saul and his family because he put the Gibeonites to death'.

21:2 The king then summoned the Gibeonites and said to them - now the Gibeonites were not Israelites, they were a remnant of the Amorites to whom the Israelites had bound themselves by oath; but Saul in his zeal for the Israelites and for Judah had tried to crush them -

21:3 'What must I do for you?' David therefore asked the Gibeonites, 'how make amends, for you to call down a blessing on the heritage of Yahweh?'

21:4 The Gibeonites answered, 'It is no mere matter of silver or gold between ourselves and Saul and his family; nor is it for us to have any man in Israel put to death'. David said, 'Say what you want and I will do it for you'.

21:5 So they told the king, 'It is about the man who decimated us and planned to annihilate us so that we should no longer exist anywhere in Israelite territory.

21:6 Let seven of his sons be handed over to us, for us to impale them before Yahweh at Gibeon on the mountain of Yahweh.' 'I will band them over' the king said.

21:7 The king spared Meribbaal son of Jonathan, son of Saul, on account of the oath by Yahweh that bound them together, David and Jonathan son of Saul.

21:8 But the king took the two sons that Rizpah the daughter of Aiah had borne Saul, Armoni and Meribbaal; also the five sons that Merab the daughter of Saul had borne Adriel son of Barzillai, of Meholah.

21:9 He handed these over to the Gibeonites who impaled them on the mountain before Yahweh. The seven of them perished together; they were put to death in the first days of the harvest, at the beginning of the barley harvest.

21:10 Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth and spread it for herself on the rock from the beginning of the barley harvest until the rain fell from the sky on them;[*b] she did not allow the birds of heaven to come at them by day nor the wild beasts by night.

21:11 David was told what Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, Saul's concubine, had done.

21:12 David went and took the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan from the chief men of Jabesh-gilead. These had stolen them from the square in Beth-shan where the Philistines had hung them when the Philistines had defeated Saul at Gilboa.

21:13 David brought the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan from there and put them together with the bones of those who had been impaled.

21:14 They buried the bones of Saul, of his son Jonathan, and of those who had been impaled, in the land of Benjamin at Zela in the tomb of Saul's father, Kish. They did all that the king ordered; and after that, God took pity on the country.


Various exploits against the Philistines

21:15 Once again the Philistines made war on Israel. David went down with his guards; they pitched camp at Gob and fought the Philistines. Then there arose Dodo

21:16 son of Joash, a descendant of Rapha. His spear weighed three hundred shekels of bronze; he was wearing a new sword and was confident he could kill David.

21:17 But Abishai son of Zeruiah went to his rescue; he struck down the Philistine and killed him. It was then that David's men urged him, 'You must never again go into battle with us' they said 'in case you put out the lamp of Israel.'

21:18 After this, war with the Philistines broke out at Gob again. This was when Sibbecai of Hushah killed Saph, a descendant of Rapha.

21:19 Again war with the Philistines broke out at Gob, and Elhanan son of Jair from Bethlehem killed Goliath of Gath, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

21:20 There was another battle at Gath, where there was a man of huge stature with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in all. He too was a descendant of Rapha.

21:21 Jonathan, son of David's brother, Shimeah, killed him when he defied Israel.

21:22 These four were descended from Rapha of Gath and fell at the hands of David and his guards.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 22


A psalm of David

22:1 David addressed the words of this song to Yahweh when Yahweh had delivered him from all his enemies and from the hands of Saul.

22:2 He said: Yahweh is my rock and my bastion,

22:3 my deliverer is my God. I take refuge in him, my rock, my shield, my horn of salvation, my stronghold and my refuge. From violence you rescue me.

22:4 He is to be praised; on Yahweh I call and am saved from my enemies.

22:5 The waves of death encircled me, the torrents of Belial burst on me;

22:6 the cords of Sheol girdled me, the snares of death were before me.

22:7 In my distress I called to Yahweh and to my God I cried; from his Temple he heard my voice, my cry came to his ears.

22:8 Then the earth quivered and quaked, the foundations of the heavens trembled (they quivered because he was angry);

22:9 from his nostrils a smoke ascended, and from his mouth a fire that consumed (live embers were kindled at it).

22:10 He bent the heavens and came down, a dark cloud under his feet;

22:11 he mounted a cherub and flew, and soared on the wings of the wind.

22:12 Darkness he made a veil to surround him, his tent a watery darkness, dense cloud;

22:13 before him a flash enkindled hail and fiery embers.

22:14 Yahweh thundered from heaven, the Most High made his voice heard;

22:15 he let his arrows fly and scattered them, launched the lightnings and routed them.

22:16 The bed of the seas was revealed, the foundations of the world were laid bare at Yahweh's muttered threat, at the blast of his nostrils' breath.

22:17 He sends from on high and takes me, he draws me from deep waters,

22:18 he delivers me from my powerful enemy, from foes too strong for me.

22:19 They assailed me on my day of disaster, but Yahweh was my support;

22:20 he freed me, set me at large, he rescued me, since he loves me.

22:21 Yahweh requites me as I act justly, as my hands are pure so he repays me,

22:22 since I have kept the ways of Yahweh, and not fallen away from my God.

22:23 His judgements are all before me, his statutes I have not put from me;

22:24 I am blameless in his presence, I keep sin at arm's length.

22:25 And Yahweh repays me as I act justly, as my purity is in his sight.

22:26 Faithful you are with the faithful, blameless with the blameless,

22:27 pure with the one who is pure, but crafty with the devious,

22:28 you save a people that is humble and humiliate eyes that are haughty.

22:29 Yahweh, you yourself are my lamp, my God lights up my darkness;

22:30 with you I storm the barbican, with my God I leap the rampart.

22:31 This God, his way is blameless, the word of Yahweh is without dross. He it is who is the shield of all who take refuge in him.

22:32 Who else is God but Yahweh, who else a rock save our God?

22:33 This God who girds me with strength and makes my way without blame,

22:34 who makes my feet like the hinds' and holds me from falling on the heights,

22:35 who trains my hands for battle, my arms to bend a bow of bronze.

22:36 You give me your saving shield and your armour covers me over.

22:37 Wide room you have made for my steps under me; my feet have never faltered.

22:38 I pursue my enemies and destroy them, nor turn back till an end is made of them;

22:39 I strike them down, and they do not rise, they fall, they are under my feet.

22:40 You have girt me with strength for the fight, bent down my assailants beneath me,

22:41 made my enemies turn their backs to me; and those who hate me I destroy.

22:42 They cry out, there is no one to save, to Yahweh, but there is no reply;

22:43 I crush them fine as the dust of the squares, trample them like the mud of the streets.

22:44 You deliver me from a people in revolt, you place me at the head of the nations, a people I did not know are now my servants,

22:45 foreigners come wooing my favour, no sooner do they hear than they obey me,

22:46 foreigners grow faint of heart, they come trembling out of their fastnesses.

22:47 Life to Yahweh! Blessed be my rock! Exalted be the God of my salvation,

22:48 the God who gives me vengeance and crushes the peoples beneath me,

22:49 who rescues me from my enemies. You lift me high above those who attack me, you deliver me from the man of violence.

22:50 For this I will praise you, Yahweh, among the heathen, and sing praise to your name.

22:51 His king he saves and saves again, displays his love for his anointed, for David and his heirs for ever.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 23


The last words of David

23:1 These are the last words of David: Oracle of David son of Jesse, oracle of the man raised to eminence, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the singer of the songs of Israel.

23:2 The spirit of Yahweh speaks through me, his word is on my tongue;

23:3 the God of Jacob has spoken the Rock of Israel has said to me: He who rules men with justice, who rules in the fear of God,

23:4 is like morning light at sunrise (on a cloudless morning) making the grass of the earth sparkle after rain.

23:5 Yes, my House stands firm with God: he has made an everlasting covenant with me, all in order, well assured; does he not bring to flower all that saves me, all I desire?

23:6 But godless men are all like desert thorns, for these are never gathered by hand:

23:7 no one touches them unless with iron or the shaft of a spear, and then they are burnt in the fire.


David's champions

23:8 These are the names of David's champions: Ishbaal the Hachmonite, leader of the three; it was he who wielded his battle-axe against eight hundred whom he killed at one time.

23:9 After him there was Eleazar son of Dodo, the Ahohite, one of the three champions. He was with David at Pas-dammim when the Philistines mustered for battle there and the men of Israel retreated before them.

23:10 But he stood his ground and struck down the Philistines until his hand was so numb that it stuck to the sword. Yahweh brought about a great victory that day, and though the army rallied behind Eleazar it was only to plunder.

23:11 After him there was Shamma son of Elah, the Hararite. The Philistines had mustered at Lehi. There was a field full of lentils there; the army took flight before the Philistines,

23:12 but he positioned himself in the middle of the field, defended it, and struck down the Philistines. So Yahweh brought about a great victory.

23:13 Three out of the thirty went down at the beginning of the harvest and came to David at the Cave of Adullam while a company of Philistines was encamped in the Valley of the Rephaim.

23:14 David was then in the stronghold, and there was a Philistine garrison in Bethlehem.

23:15 'Oh,' David sighed 'if someone would fetch me a drink of water from the well that stands by the gate at Bethlehem!'

23:16 At this the three champions, forcing their way through the Philistine camp, drew water from the well that stands by the gate of Bethlehem, and bringing it away presented it to David. But he would drink none of it and poured it out as a libation to Yahweh.

23:17 'Yahweh keep me' he said 'from drinking this! This is the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives.' And so he would not drink. Such were the deeds of the three champions.

23:18 Abishai, the brother of Joab and son of Zeruiah, was leader of the thirty. It was he who wielded his spear against three hundred whom he killed, winning himself a name among the thirty.

23:19 He was more famous than the thirty and became their captain, but he was no rival for the three.

23:20 Benaiah son of Jehoiada, a hero from Kabzeel, a man of many exploits, struck down the two champions of Moab and, one snowy day, went down and killed the lion in the cistern.

23:21 He was also the man who killed an Egyptian of great stature. The Egyptian had a spear in his hand, but he went down against him with a staff, tore the spear from the Egyptian's hand and killed the man with it.

23:22 Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoiada, winning him a name among the thirty champions.

23:23 He was more famous than the thirty, but he was no rival for the three. David put him in command of his bodyguard.

23:24 Asahel the brother of Joab was one of the thirty; Elhanan son of Dodo, from Bethlehem;

23:25 Shammah from Harod; Elika from Harod;

23:26 Helez from Beth-pelet; Ira son of Ikkesh, from Tekoa;

23:27 Abiezer from Anathoth; Sibbecai from Hushah;

23:28 Zalmon from Ahoh; Maharai from Netophah;

23:29 Heled son of Baanah, from Netophah; Ittai son of Ribai, from Gibeah of Benjamin;

23:30 Benaiah from Pirathon; Hiddai from the wadis of Gaash;

23:31 Abialbon from Beth-arabah; Azmaveth from Bahurim;

23:32 Eliahba from Shaalbon; Jashen from Gimzo; Jonathan

23:33 son of Shammah, from Harar; Ahiam son of Sharar, from Harar;

23:34 Eliphelet son of Ahasbai, from Beth-maacah; Eliam son of Ahithophel, from Gilo;

23:35 Hezro from Carmel; Paarai from Arab;

23:36 Igal son of Nathan, from Zobah; Bani the Gadite;

23:37 Zelek the Ammonite; Naharai, from Beeroth, armour-bearer to Joab son of Zeruiah;

23:38 Ira from Jattir; Gareb from Jattir;

23:39 Uriah the Hittite - thirty-seven in all.

JB 2 SAMEUL Chapter 24


The census

24:1 The anger of Yahweh once again blazed out against the Israelites and he incited David against them. 'Go,' he said 'take a census of Israel and Judah.'

24:2 The king said to Joab and to the senior army officers who were with him, 'Now go throughout the tribes of Israel from Dan to Beersheba and take a census of the people; I wish to know the size of the population.'

24:3 Joab said to the king, 'May Yahweh your God multiply the people a hundred times while my lord the king still has eyes to see it, but why should my lord the king be so set on this?'

24:4 But the king enforced his order on Joab and the senior officers, and Joab and the senior officers went from the king's presence to take a census of the people of Israel.

24:5 They crossed the Jordan and made a start with Aroer and the town that is in the middle of the wadi, moving on to the Gadites and towards Jazer.

24:6 They then went to Gilead and to Kadesh in the land of the Hittites; next they went on to Dan and from Dan made their way round towards Sidon.

24:7 They then came to the fortress of Tyre and to all the towns of the Hivites and Canaanites, ending up in the Negeb of Judah at Beersheba.

24:8 Having covered the whole country, they returned to Jerusalem at the end of nine months and twenty days.

24:9 Joab gave the king the figures for the census of the people; Israel numbered eight hundred thousand armed men capable of drawing sword, and Judah five hundred thousand men.


The Pestilence. God's forgiveness

24:10 But afterwards David's heart misgave him for having taken a census of the people. 'I have committed a grave sin' David said to Yahweh. 'But now, Yahweh, I beg you to forgive your servant for this fault. I have been very foolish.'

24:11 But when David got up next morning, the following message had come from Yahweh to the prophet Gad, David's seer,

24:12 'Go and say to David, "Yahweh says this: I offer you three things; choose one of them for me to do to you".'

24:13 So Gad went to David and told him. 'Are three years of famine to come on you in your country' he said 'or will you flee for three months before your pursuing enemy, or would you rather have three days' pestilence in your country? Now think, and decide how I am to answer him who sends me.'

24:14 David said to Gad, 'This is a hard choice. But let us rather fall into the power of Yahweh, since his mercy is great, and not into the power of men.'

24:15 So David chose pestilence. It was the time of the wheat harvest. Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel from the morning till the time appointed and plague ravaged the people, and from Dan to Beersheba seventy thousand men of them died.

24:16 The angel stretched out his hand towards Jerusalem to destroy it, but Yahweh thought better of this evil, and he said to the angel who was destroying the people, 'Enough! Now withdraw your hand.' The angel of Yahweh was beside the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite.

24:17 When David saw the angel who was ravaging the people, he spoke to Yahweh. 'It was I who sinned;' he said 'I who did this wicked thing. But these, this flock, what have they done? Let your hand lie heavy on me then, and on my family.'


An altar is built

24:18 Gad went to David that day and said, 'Go up and erect an altar to Yahweh on the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite'.

24:19 So at Gad's bidding David went up as Yahweh had ordered him.

24:20 When Araunah looked down and saw the king and his officers advancing towards him - Araunah was threshing the wheat - he came forward and with his face to the ground did the king homage.

24:21 'Why has my lord the king come to his servant?' Araunah asked. David answered, 'To buy the threshing-floor from you, in order to build an altar to Yahweh, so that the plague may leave the people'.

24:22 'Let my lord the king take it' Araunah said to David 'and offer up what he thinks right. Here are the oxen for the holocaust, the threshing-sled and the oxen's yoke for the wood.

24:23 The servant of my lord the king gives all this to the king. And' Araunah said to the king 'may Yahweh your God accept your offering.'

24:24 But the king said to Araunah, 'No, I must pay you money for it; I will not offer Yahweh my God holocausts that have cost me nothing'. So David paid fifty shekels in silver for the threshing-floor and Oxen.

24:25 David built an altar to Yahweh there and offered holocausts and communion sacrifices. Then Yahweh took pity on the country and the plague was turned away from Israel.


END OF JB 2 SAMEUL [24 Chapters].