

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 当民长执政时代,国内发生了饥荒。有个人带了他的妻子和两个儿子,从犹大白冷到摩阿布乡间去侨居。
1:2 这人名叫厄里默肋客,他的妻子名叫纳敖米,他的两个儿子:一个名叫玛赫隆,一个名叫基肋雍,是犹大白冷厄弗辣大人。他们到了摩阿布乡间,就住在那里。
1:3 后来纳敖米的丈夫厄里默肋客死了,留下了她和她的两个儿子。
1:4 他们都娶了摩阿布女子为妻:一个名叫敖尔帕,一个名叫卢德;他们在那里大约住了十年。
1:5 玛赫隆和基肋雍二人也相继去世,只剩下了那妇人,没有儿子,也没有丈夫。
1:6 于是她便与她的两个儿媳打算从摩阿布乡间起程回家,因为她在摩阿布乡间听说天主垂顾了他的百姓,赐给了他们食粮。

1:7 当她和她的两个儿媳,要从寄居的地方出发,取道回犹大故乡的时候,
1:8 纳敖米就对她的两个儿媳说:「你们去罢!各自回娘家去!愿上主恩待你们,如同你们待了死者和我一样。
1:9 愿上主赐你们在新夫家里,各得安身!于是就吻了她们;她们便放声大哭,
1:10 向她说:「我们要同你回到你的民族中去。」
1:11 纳敖米回答说:「我的女儿,你们回去罢!为什么要跟我去呢﹖难道我还能怀妊生子给你们做丈夫吗﹖
1:12 我的女儿啊,你们回去罢!你们走罢!我已老了,不能再嫁人了;如说我尚有希望,今夜能嫁人,也怀妊生子,
1:13 你们又岂能等待他们长大,持身不嫁人﹖我的女儿啊!不要这样,有了你们我反而更苦,因为上主已伸出手来与我作对。」

1:14 她们于是又放声大哭。敖尔帕吻了自己的婆婆,便回自己的家乡去了;卢德对婆母仍依依不舍。
1:15 纳敖米向她说:「看,你的嫂子已回她民族和她的神那里去了,你也跟你的嫂子回去罢!
1:16 卢德答说:「请你别逼我离开你,而不跟你去。你到那里去,我也要到那里去;你住在那里,我也住在那里;你的民族,就是我的民族;你的天主,就是我的天主;
1:17 你死在那里,我也死在那里,埋在那里;若不是死使我与你分离,愿上主罚我,重重罚我!
1:18 纳敖米见她执意要与自己同去,就不再劝阻她了。
1:19 于是二人同行,来到了白冷。她们一到了白冷,全城的人都为她们所惊动。妇女们惊问说:「这不是纳敖米吗﹖」
1:20 她向她们说:「你们不要叫我纳敖米,应叫我玛辣,因为全能者待我好苦!
1:21 我去时富足,如今上主却使我空空而回。上主责罚了我,全能者降祸于我,你们为什么还叫我纳敖米呢﹖」
1:22 纳敖米同她的儿媳摩阿布女子卢德回来了,是从摩阿布乡间回来的。她们来到白冷,正是开始收大麦的时候。




2:2 摩阿布女子卢德对纳敖米说:「让我到田地里去,我在谁眼中蒙恩,就在谁后面拾麦穗。」纳敖米答应她说:「我女,你去罢!
2:3 她就去了,来到田间,在收割的人后面拾麦穗。可巧,她正来到了厄里默肋客家族人波阿次的田地里。
2:4 当时波阿次也正从白冷来到,向收割的人说:「愿上主与你们同在!他们回答他说:「愿上主降福你!
2:5 波阿次问监督收割的仆人说:「这是谁家的女子﹖」
2:6 监督收割的仆人答说:「是那由摩阿布乡间与纳敖米归来的摩阿布女子。
2:7 她事先请求过:请让我在收割的人后面拾取麦穗。她来到这里,从早晨到现在,从未休息片刻。」

2:9 你看仆人们在那块田里收割,你就跟着去,我已吩咐了仆人们不要难为你。你渴了,可到水罐那里去喝仆人打来的水。」
2:10 卢德遂俯首至地,向他下拜说:「我怎样竟蒙你如此垂青,眷顾我这外方的女子﹖」
2:11 波阿次答复她说:「自你丈夫死后,你怎样待了你的婆婆,以及你怎样离开了你的父母和故乡,来到这素不相识的民族中;这一切事,人家都一一告诉了我。
2:12 愿上主报答你的功德,愿你投奔于他翼下的上主,以色列的天主,赐与你的报答是丰富的!
2:13 卢德答说:「我主,我连你的一个婢女都不如,竟在你眼里蒙恩,你竟安慰我,对你的婢女说出这样动心的话!
2:14 到了吃饭的时候,波阿次对她说:「你上前来吃饼,将你的饼浸在酸酒里。」她就坐在收割的人旁,波阿次递给了她烘焙的麦穗;她吃了,也吃饱了,还有剩下的。
2:15 当她起来再拾取麦穗的时候,波阿次吩咐他的仆人说:「就连她在麦捆中拾取,你们也不要难为她;
2:16 并且要从麦捆中,为她抽出些来,留下让她拾取,不要叱责她。」
2:17 她在田间拾取麦穗,直到晚上,将所拾的打了约有一「厄法」大麦。

2:19 她的婆婆问她说:「你今天在那里拾麦穗,在那里工作﹖愿那眷顾你的人蒙受祝福!她就告诉她婆婆,她在谁那里工作,并且说:「我今天在他那里工作的人,名叫波阿次。」
2:20 纳敖米对她的儿媳说:「愿那位从未忘却对生者死者施慈爱的上主降福这人!」纳敖米又向她说:「这人是我们的亲人,且是有至亲义务的人。」
2:21 摩阿布女子卢德接着说:「并且他还对我说过:你要常同我的仆人在一起,直到收完了我的庄稼。」
2:22 纳敖米向自己的儿媳卢德说:「我女,你更好跟着他的使女去罢!免得在别人的田里受难为。」
2:23 卢德就紧随着波阿次的使女拾麦穗,直到收完了大麦和小麦。卢德时常与自己的婆婆住在一起。




3:2 如今你同他的使女常在一起的波阿次,不是我们的亲人吗?看,他今夜要在禾场上簸大麦,
3:3 你去沐浴,抹油,披上你的外衣,到禾场上去,但不要使那人认出你来,直等他吃喝完了,
3:4 到他睡觉的时候,你要看清他睡觉的地方;然后就去掀开他脚上的外衣,卧在那里,他会告诉你,你所应作的事。」
3:5 卢德回答她说:「你所嘱咐我的,我必依照遵行。」
3:6 她便下到禾场上,作了她婆婆所吩咐她的事。

3:8 到了半夜,那人惊起,往前屈身一看,见一个女人睡在他的脚旁,
3:9 便问说:「你是谁」她答说:「我是你的婢女卢德,请你伸开你的衣襟,覆在你婢女身上罢!因为你是我的至亲。」
3:10 波阿次说:「我女,愿你蒙上主的降福!你行的仁爱,后者实胜于前者,以致贫富的少年,你都没有跟随。
3:11 我女,如今你不必害怕,凡你向我所说的,我都愿为你做到,因为我本城的人,都知道你是一位贤德的妇女。
3:12 的确,我是你的至亲,不过还有一位至亲,比我更近。
3:13 今夜你在这里过夜,明早若他愿意对你尽至亲的义务,就由他尽好了!如果他不愿意──上主永在!我必对你尽至亲的义务。你尽管睡到天明。」

3:15 于是他说:「伸开你所披的外衣,双手拿住!她就拿着,波阿次量了六斗大麦给她,放在她肩上;她就背着回城去了。
3:16 到了婆婆那里,婆婆就问她说:「我女,事情怎样﹖」卢德就向她述说了那人对她所作的一切;
3:17 并说:「他还给了我这六斗大麦,因为他向我说:你不要空手回去见你的婆婆。」
3:18 纳敖米就说:「我女,你等着罢!看这事有什么结果;因为这人除非今日把这事办成,必不安心。」




4:2 波阿次又由城内的长老中,邀请了十位,对他们说:「请你们在这里坐一坐!他们就都坐下。
4:3 波阿次便对那位至亲说:「从摩阿布乡间回来的纳敖米要卖我们兄弟厄里默肋客的一块田。
4:4 我认为我应在你面前说明这事,并请你当着在坐的诸位及民众的长老前,购买这块地。若你愿意尽你至亲的义务,就尽;若你不愿意尽,请告诉我知道;因为除你应尽这义务之外,没有别人了;你以后就是我。」那人答说:「我尽。」
4:5 波阿次接着说:「你从纳敖米手中购得田地的那一天,也应娶亡者之妻,即摩阿布女子卢德,好给死者在嗣业上留名。」
4:6 那位至亲答说:「那么我就不能尽这义务了,免得我的产业受害,你尽我应尽的义务罢!我不能尽了。」
4:7 从前在以色列中间,无论对于买卖或交易,为确定一事,有这样的一个风俗:就是一方应脱下自己的鞋,交与另一方:这在以色列就算为证据。
4:8 那位至亲对波阿次说:「你购买罢!遂就脱下了自己的鞋。
4:9 于是波阿次对长老及所有在坐的民众说:「今天你们作证,我从纳敖米手中购得了属于厄里默肋客及基肋雍与玛赫隆的一切产业;
4:10 同时我也取得了玛赫隆的妻,摩阿布的女子卢德为我的妻室,好给死者在嗣业上留名,不叫死者的名字,在自己的兄弟和故乡的门户中失传;今日你们为此作证!
4:11 在城门旁的民众和长老都回答说:「我们作证。愿上主使这走进你家中的妇女,像似那两位曾建立了以色列家的辣黑耳和肋阿!愿你在厄弗辣大昌盛,愿你在白冷得享盛名!
4:12 愿你的家借上主使这少妇给你所生的后裔,相似塔玛尔给犹大所生的培勒兹的家。」

4:14 妇女们就对纳敖米说:「愿上主受颂扬!因为他没有使你今日缺乏承继者。愿他在以色列中得享盛名!
4:15 他是你心灵的安慰,是你老年的依靠,因为他是爱你的儿媳所生的;像这样的儿媳,对你实胜过七个儿子。」
4:16 纳敖米接过婴儿来,抱在怀中,做了他的保母。
4:17 邻近的妇女喊着说:「纳敖米得了个儿子!他们就给他起名叫敖贝得;他就是达味的父亲叶瑟的父亲。

4:19 赫兹龙生兰,兰生阿米纳达布,
4:20 阿米纳达布生纳赫雄,纳赫雄生撒耳孟,
4:21 撒耳孟生波阿次,波阿次生敖贝得,
4:22 敖贝得生叶瑟,叶瑟生达味。


BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB RUTH Chapter 1



1:1 In the days of the Judges famine came to the land and a certain man from Bethlehem of Judah went - he, his wife and his two sons - to live in the country of Moab.

1:2 The man was called Elimelech, his wife Naomi and his two sons, Mahion and Chilion;[*a] they were Ephrathites from Bethlehem of Judah. They came to the country of Moab and settled there.

1:3 Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died, and she and her two sons were left.

1:4 These married Moabite women: one was named Orpah and the other Ruth. They lived there about ten years.

1:5 Then both Mahion and Chilion also died and the woman was bereft of her two sons and her husband.

1:6 So she and her daughters-in-law prepared to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard that Yahweh had visited his people and given them food.

1:7 So, with her daughters-in-law, she came away from the place where she was living and they took the road back to the land of Judah.

1:8 Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, 'Go back, each of you to her mother's house. May Yahweh be kind to you as you have been to those who have died and to me.

1:9 Yahweh grant that you find rest, each of you, in the house of a husband.' And she kissed them. But they wept aloud

1:10 and said to her, 'No, we will go back with you to your people'.

1:11 And Naomi said, 'You must return, my daughters; why come with me? Have I any more sons in my womb to make husbands for you?[*b]

1:12 Return my daughters, go, for I am too old now to marry again. Even if I said there is still hope for me, even if I were to have a husband this very night and bear sons,

1:13 would you be prepared to wait until they were grown up? Would you refuse to marry for this? No, my daughters, I should then be deeply grieved for you, for the hand of Yahweh has been raised against me.'

1:14 And once more they started to weep aloud. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and went back to her people. But Ruth clung to her.

1:15 Naomi said to her, 'Look, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her god. You must return too; follow your sister-in-law.'

1:16 But Ruth said, 'Do not press me to leave you and to turn back from your company, for 'wherever you go, I will go, wherever you live, I will live.Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.

1:17 Wherever you die, I will die and there I will be buried. May Yahweh do this thing to me and more also,[*c] if even death should come between us!'

1:18 Seeing that she was determined to go with her, Naomi said no more.

1:19 The two of them went on until they came to Bethlehem. Their arrival there set the whole town astir, and the women said, 'Can this be Naomi?'

1:20 But she said to them, 'Do not call me Naomi, call me Mara,[*d] for Shaddai has marred me bitterly.

1:21 'Filled full I departed, Yahweh brings me back empty. Why call me Naomi, then, since Yahweh has given witness against me and Shaddai has afflicted me?'

1:22 This was how Naomi, she who returned from the country of Moab, came back with Ruth the Moabitess her daughter-in-law. And they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.

JB RUTH Chapter 2



2:1 Now Naomi had a kinsman on her husband's side, well-to-do and of  Elimelech's clan. His name was Boaz.

2:2 Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, 'Let me go into the fields and glean among the ears of corn[*a] in the footsteps of some man who will look on me with favour'. And she said to her, 'Go, my daughter'.

2:3 So she set out and went to glean in the fields after the reapers. And it chanced that she came to that part of the fields which belonged to Boaz of Elimelech's clan.

2:4 Now Boaz, as it happened, had just come from Bethlehem. 'Yahweh be with you!' he said to the reapers. 'Yahweh bless you!' they replied.

2:5 Boaz said to a servant of his who was in charge of the reapers, 'To whom does this young woman belong?'

2:6 And the servant in charge of the reapers replied, 'The girl is the Moabitess, the one who came back with Naomi from the country of Moab,

2:7 and she said, "Please let me glean and gather the ears of corn after the reapers". So she came and has been on her feet from morning till now.'

2:8 Boaz said to Ruth, 'Listen, my daughter, and understand this. You are not to glean in any other field, do not leave here but stay with my servants.

2:9 Keep your eyes on whatever part of the field they are reaping and follow behind. I have ordered my servants not to molest you. And if you are thirsty, go to the pitchers and drink what the servants have drawn.'

2:10 Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground. And she said to him, 'How have I so earned your favour that you take notice of me, even though I am a foreigner?'

2:11 And Boaz answered her, 'I have been told all you have done for your mother-in-law since your husband's death, and how you left your own father and mother and the land where you were born to come among a people whom you knew nothing about before you came here.

2:12 May Yahweh reward you for what you have done! May rich recompense be made to you by Yahweh, the God of Israel, to whom you have come, to find shelter beneath his wings.'

2:13 Then she said, 'May I find favour in your eyes, my lord, since you have given me courage and spoken kindly to your maidservant, though indeed I am not the equal of one maidservant of yours'.

2:14 When it was time to eat Boaz said to her, 'Come, eat some of this bread and dip your piece in the wine'. Ruth sat with the reapers and Boaz made a heap of roasted grain for her and she ate till her hunger was satisfied, and she had some left over.

2:15 Then she got up to glean and Boaz gave orders to his servants, 'Let her glean among the sheaves themselves,' he said 'and do not check her.

2:16 And see you pull a few ears of corn from the bundles and let them fall. Let her glean them, and do not scold her.'

2:17 So she gleaned in the field till evening. Then she beat out what she had gleaned and it came to about an ephah of barley.

2:18 And taking it with her, she went into the town. She showed her mother-in-law what she had gleaned. and also showed her the food she had set aside after satisfying her hunger, and gave it to her.

2:19 And her mother-in-law said to her, 'Where did you glean today? Where have you been working? Blessed be the man who took notice of you!' Then Ruth told her mother-in-law in whose field she had worked, 'The name of the man with whom I have been working today' she said 'is Boaz'.

2:20 Then Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, 'May he be blessed by Yahweh who does not withhold his kindness from living or dead! This man' Naomi added 'is a relative of ours. He is one of those who has the right of redemption over us.'

2:21 Then Ruth said to her mother-in-law, 'He also said to me, "Stay with my servants until they have gathered in all my harvest"'.

2:22 And Naomi said to Ruth, her daughter-in-law, 'It is better for you, my daughter, to go with his servants than to go to some other field where you might be molested'.

2:23 So Ruth stayed with the servants of Boaz and gleaned until the barley and wheat harvests were done. And she went on living with her mother-in-law.

JB RUTH Chapter 3



3:1 Then Naomi, her mother-in-law, said to her, 'My daughter, is it not my duty to see you happily settled?

3:2 And is not Boaz, with whose servants you were, our kinsman? Now tonight he is winnowing the barley at the threshing-floor.

3:3 Come, wash and anoint and dress yourself. Then go down to the threshing-floor.  Do not make yourself known to him before he has finished eating and drinking.

3:4 But when he settles down to sleep, take careful note of the place where he lies, then go and turn back the covering at his feet and lie there yourself. He will tell you what to do.'

3:5 And Ruth said to her, 'I will do all you say'.

3:6 So she went down to the threshing-floor and did all that her mother-in-law had told her.

3:7 When Boaz had eaten and drunk, he was in a happy mood and went to lie down by the heap of barley. Then she came quietly and turned back the covering at his feet and lay there.

3:8 In the middle of the night the man started up and looked about him; and there lying at his feet was a woman.

3:9 'Who are you?' he said; and she replied, 'I am Ruth, your maidservant. Spread the skirt of your cloak over your servant for you have right of redemption over me.'[*a]

3:10 'May Yahweh bless you, my daughter,' said Boaz 'for this last act of kindness of yours is greater than the first, since you have not gone after young men, poor or rich.

3:11 Have no fear then, my daughter, I will do whatever you ask, for the people of Bethlehem all know your worth.

3:12 But, though it is true I have right of redemption over you, you have a kinsman closer than myself.

3:13 Stay here for tonight, and in the morning if he wishes to exercise his right over you, very well, let him redeem you. But if he does not wish to do so, then as Yahweh lives, I will redeem you. Lie here till morning.'

3:14 So she lay at his feet till morning. Boaz rose before the hour when one man can recognise another, 'For' said he 'it must not be known that this woman came to the threshing-floor'.

3:15 Then he said is to her, 'Bring the cloak you are wearing and hold it out'. She held it out while he put six measures of barley into it and then gave it to her to carry. And she went into the town.

3:16 When Ruth came back, her mother-in-law asked her, 'How did things go with you, my daughter?' Then she told her all that the man had done for her.

3:17 'He gave me these six measures of barley,' she added 'and he said to me, "You must not go back to your mother-in-law empty-handed".'

3:18 Naomi replied, 'Wait, my daughter, and see how things will go, for he will not rest until it is settled, and settled today'.

JB RUTH Chapter 4



4:1 Meanwhile Boaz had gone up to the gate of the town and sat down, and the relative of whom he had spoken chanced to come past. Boaz said to him, 'Come here, man, and sit down'; and he came and sat down.

4:2 Then Boaz picked out ten of the town's elders and said to them, 'Sit down here', and they sat down.

4:3 Then Boaz said to the man who had right of redemption, 'Naomi, who has come back from the country of Moab, is selling the piece of land that belonged to our brother, Elimelech.

4:4 I thought I should tell you about this and say: Buy it in the presence of the men who are sitting here and in the presence of the elders of my people. If you want to use your right of redemption, redeem it; if you do not, tell me so and I shall know, for there is no one but you to redeem it except me, though I come after you, myself.' And he said, 'I am willing to redeem it'.

4:5 But Boaz continued, 'On the day you purchase the land from Naomi, you purchase Ruth the Moabitess also, the wife of the dead man,[*a] and so restore his name to his inheritance'.

4:6 And the man with right of redemption said, 'Then I cannot use my right of redemption, without jeopardising my own inheritance. As I cannot use my right of redemption, exercise the right yourself.'

4:7 Now in former times it was the custom in Israel, in matters of redemption or exchange, to confirm the transaction by one of the parties removing his sandal and giving it to the other. In Israel this was the form of ratification in the presence of witnesses.

4:8 So when the man with right of redemption said to Boaz, 'Purchase it for yourself', he took off his sandal.

4:9 Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, 'You are witnesses this day that I buy from Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech, to Chilion and to Mahlon.

4:10 You are witnesses too that I buy Ruth the Moabitess, Mahlon's widow, to be my wife, to keep the name of the dead man in his inheritance, so that the dead man's name may not die out among his brothers and at the gate of his town.'

4:11 All the people at the gate said, 'We are witnesses'; and the elders said, 'May Yahweh make the woman who is to enter your House like Rachel and Leah who together built up the House of Israel.'Grow mighty in Ephrathah, be renowned in Bethlehem.

4:12 And through the children Yahweh will give you by this young woman, may your House become like the House of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah.'

4:13 So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. And when they came together, Yahweh made her conceive and she bore a son.

4:14 And the women said to Naomi, 'Blessed be Yahweh who has not left the dead man without next of kin this day to perpetuate his name in Israel.

4:15 The child will be a comfort to you and the prop of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you and is more to you than seven sons has given him birth.'

4:16 And Naomi took the child to her own bosom and she became his nurse.[*b]

4:17 And the women of the neighbourhood gave him a name. 'A son has been born for Naomi' they said; and they named him Obed. This was the father of David's father, Jesse.



4:18 These are the descendants of Perez. Perez was the father of Hezron,

4:19 Hezron of Ram, Ram of Amminadab,

4:20 Amminadab of Nahshon, Nahshon of Salmon,

4:21 Salmon of Boaz, Boaz of Obed,

4:22 Obed of Jesse, and Jesse of David.


END OF JB RUTH [4 Chapters].