

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj








1:1 以色列的儿子们,各带了家眷,同雅各伯来到埃及;他们的名字记载如下:
1:2 勒乌本、西默盎、肋未和犹大,
1:3 依撒加尔,则步隆和本雅明丹,
1:4 和纳裴塔里,加得和阿协尔。
1:5 他们全是雅各伯所生的,一共七十人;若瑟那时已经在埃及。
1:6 若瑟和他的众兄弟,以及这一代的人死了以后,
1:7 以色列的子孙生育繁殖,数目增多,极其强盛,布满了那地。

1:8 有位不认识若瑟的新王兴起,统治了埃及。
1:9 他对自己的人民说:「看以色列子民,比我们又多又强。
1:10 来,我们要用智谋对付他们,免得他们繁盛起来,一遇战争,就去与我们的敌人联合,攻击我们,然后离开此地。」
1:11 于是派定督工管制他们,以苦役压迫他们,叫他们给法朗建筑丕通和辣默色斯两座贮货城。
1:12 但是越压迫他们,他们越增多,也越繁殖,以至埃及人都怕以色列子民。
1:13 于是埃及人更严厉地强迫以色列子民做苦工,
1:14 强迫他们作和泥做砖的苦工,田间的一切劳工,以及种种苦工,使他们的生活十分痛苦。

1:15 埃及王又吩咐为希伯来女人接生的收生婆,一个名叫史斐辣,一个名叫普亚的说
1:16 「你们为希伯来女人接生时,要看着她们临盆!若是男孩,就杀死;若是女孩,就让她活着。」
1:17 但是收生婆敬畏天主,没有照埃及王的吩咐去作,保留了男孩的性命。
1:18 埃及王将收生婆召来,问她们说:「你们为什么这样做,竟叫男孩活着呢﹖」
1:19 收生婆回答法朗说:「希伯来女人与埃及女人不同,她们富有生机,收生婆还没有来,她们已生产了。」
1:20 天主遂恩待了收生婆。以色列的子民更加增多起来,更加强盛。
1:21 因为收生婆敬畏天主,天主就使她们家门兴旺。
1:22 法朗于是训令他的全体人民说:「凡希伯来人所生的男孩,你们应把他丢在尼罗河里;凡是女孩,留她活着!




2:2 这女人怀孕生了一个儿子,见他俊美,就把他藏了三个月。
2:3 以后不能再藏了,就拿了一个蒲草筐子,涂上沥青和石漆,把孩子放在里面,将筐放在尼罗河边的芦苇丛中。
2:4 孩子的姐姐远远的站着,想知道孩子究竟怎样。
2:5 当时法朗的一个公主下到尼罗河边洗澡,使女们在河边上徘徊。公主发现芦苇丛中那个筐子,就吩咐自己的使女将筐子取来。
2:6 她打开一看,见有一个孩子正在哭涕,就动了可怜他的心说:「这必是一个希伯来人的孩子。」
2:7 孩子的姐姐就对法朗的公主说:「你愿意我去从希伯来妇女中给你请一个奶妈,为你乳养这个孩子吗﹖」
2:8 法朗的公主回答说:「你去罢!」少女便去叫了孩子的母亲来。
2:9 法朗的公主对她说:「你将这孩子抱去,为我乳养他,我必给你工钱。」那妇人就接过去,乳养这个孩子。
2:10 孩子长大了,那妇人就把他带到公主那里;公主遂收他作自己的儿子,给他起名叫梅瑟,说:「因为我从水里拉出了他。」

2:12 他向四面一望,见没有人,便将那埃及人打死,将他埋在沙土中。
2:13 第二天他又出去,见两个希伯来人打架,就对那无理的一方说:「你为什么打你同族的人﹖」
2:14 那人回答说:「谁立了你作我们的首领和判官﹖难到你想杀我,像杀那埃及人一样吗﹖」梅瑟就害怕了,心里想:「那事一定叫人知道了!
2:15 法朗听说这事,就想杀死梅瑟;而梅瑟却离开法朗逃走,去了米德杨地,坐在井边。
2:16 米德杨的司祭有七个女儿,她们来打水,灌满水槽,要饮父亲的羊群。
2:17 别的牧童来了,赶走了她们;梅瑟便起来保护了她们,也饮了她们的羊。
2:18 她们回到父亲勒乌尔那里,父亲问她们说:「你们今天为什么回来的这么快﹖」
2:19 她们回答说:「有一个埃及人救我们摆脱了牧童的手,还给我们打水饮了羊群。」
2:20 他对女儿们说:「他在那里﹖你们为什么撇下他﹖去请他来吃饭!
2:21 于是梅瑟决定住在那人那里,那人将自己的女儿漆颇辣给了梅瑟为妻。
2:22 她生了一个儿子,梅瑟给他起名叫革尔熊,因为他说:「我在外方作了旅客。」
2:23 过了很久,埃及王死了。那时以色列子民由于劳苦工作,都叹息哀号:他们因劳役所发出的求救声,升到天主面前。
2:24 天主听见了他们的哀号,就记起了他与亚巴郎、依撒格和雅各伯所立的盟约。
2:25 天主遂眷顾了以色列子民,特别垂念他们。




3:2 上主的使者从荆棘丛的火焰中显现给他;他远远看见那荆棘为火焚烧,而荆棘却没有烧毁。
3:3 梅瑟心里说:「我要到那边看看这个奇异的现象,为什么荆棘烧不毁﹖」
3:4 上主见他走来观看,天主便由荆棘丛中叫他说:「梅瑟!梅瑟!」他答说:「我在这里。」
3:5 天主说:「不可到这边来!将你脚上的鞋脱下,因为你所站的地方是圣地。」
3:6 又说:「我是你父亲的天主,亚巴郎的天主,依撒格的天主,雅各伯的天主。」梅瑟因为怕看见天主,就把脸遮起来。
3:7 上主说:「我看见我的百姓在埃及所受的痛苦,听见他们因工头的压迫而发出的哀号;我已注意到他们的痛苦。
3:8 所以我要下去拯救百姓脱离埃及人的手,领他们离开那地方,到一个美丽宽阔的地方,流奶流蜜的地方,就是客纳罕人、赫特人、阿摩黎人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人的地方。
3:9 现在以色列子民的哀号已达于我前,我也亲自看见埃及人加于他们的压迫。
3:10 所以你来,我要派你到法朗那里,率领我的百姓以色列出离埃及。」
3:11 梅瑟对天主说:「我是谁,竟敢去见法朗,率领以色列子民出离埃及﹖」
3:12 上主回答说:「我必与你同在;几时你将我的百姓由埃及领出来,你们要在这座山上崇拜天主,你要以此作为我派你的凭据。」

3:14 天主向梅瑟说:「我是自有者。」又说:「你要这样对以色列子民说:那「自有者」打发我到你们这里来。」
3:15 天主又对梅瑟说:「你要这样对以色列子民说:上主,你们祖先的天主,亚巴郎的天主,依撒格的天主和雅各伯的天主,打发我到你们这里来,这是我的名字,直到永远;这是我的称号,直到万世。
3:16 你去召集以色列的长老,对他们说:上主,你们祖先的天主,亚巴郎的天主,依撒格的天主和雅各伯的天主显现给我说:我实在注意到你们和你们在埃及所遭遇到的一切。
3:17 因此我决意领你们摆脱埃及人的压迫,到客纳罕人,赫特人,阿摩黎人,培黎齐人,希威人和耶步斯人的地方,即流奶流蜜的地方去。
3:18 他们必会听你的话。你要同以色列的长老去见埃及王,对他说:上主,希伯来人的天主遇见了我们;现今请让我们走三天的路程,到旷野里向上主我们的天主举行祭献。
3:19 但是我知道,若不用强硬的手段,埃及王决不会让你们走。
3:20 因此,我要在埃及伸手显各种奇迹,打击那地;以后他才放你们走。
3:21 我必要使这百姓在埃及人眼中蒙恩,因此,你们离去时不致空手而去。
3:22 各个妇人应向邻舍的妇女,向住在自己家中的女人索取金鉓、银饰和衣服,穿戴在你们子女身上:这样你们就剥夺了埃及人。」




4:2 上主问他说:「你手里拿的是什么﹖」他回答说:「一根棍杖。」
4:3 上主说:「将棍杖扔在地上!」他便将棍杖扔在地上,棍杖即刻变成了一条蛇;梅瑟一见,就逃避了。
4:4 上主向梅瑟说:「伸手捉着蛇的尾巴!──他便伸手捉住,那条蛇在他手里又变成一根棍杖?
4:6 上主又对他说:「将你的手插在怀里!」他就将手插在怀里;及至抽出手来,见手上患了癞疮,像雪那样白。
4:7 天主又说:「将你的手再插进怀里!──他就把手再插进怀里;及至从怀里抽出时,见手已经恢复原状,像别的肌肉一样?
4:9 如果连这两个奇迹也不信,也不听你的话,你就从尼罗河里取些水,倒在旱地上;你从河里取的水必在旱地上变成血。」
4:10 梅瑟对上主说:「吾主,请原谅!我不是个有口才的人,以前不是,你向你的仆人说话以后,也不是;我原是笨口结舌的人。」
4:11 上主回答他说:「是谁给人一个嘴﹖是谁使人口哑耳聋,眼明眼瞎呢﹖不是我上主吗﹖
4:12 现在你去,我要帮助你说话,指教你该说什么。」
4:13 梅瑟回答说:「吾主,请原谅!你要打发谁,就打发谁去吧!
4:14 上主向梅瑟发怒说:「不是有你的哥哥肋未人亚郎吗﹖我知道他是有口才的,他现在正前来迎接你;他见了你,心中必要快乐。
4:15 你可向他说话,将你应该说的话放在他口中。我要帮助你,也帮助他说话,指教你们应做什么。
4:16 他要代替你向百姓说话,作你的口舌;你对他是代替天主。
4:17 你手中要拿着这根棍杖,用来行奇迹。」

4:19 上主在米德杨对梅瑟说:「起身回埃及去!因为那些想杀害你的人都死了。」
4:20 梅瑟遂带着妻子孩子,叫他们骑在驴上,起身回埃及国去了;梅瑟手中拿着天主的棍杖。
4:21 上主对梅瑟说:「你回到埃及要将我交于你行的一切奇迹,行于法朗面前;但我要使他心硬,不肯放百姓走。
4:22 你要对法朗说:上主这样说:以色列是我的长子。
4:23 我命你,让我的儿子去崇拜我。你若拒绝放他们走,我必要杀你的长子。」
4:24 梅瑟在路上住宿的时候,上主遇着他,要想杀他。
4:25 漆颇辣急忙拿了一块石刀,将他儿子的包皮割下,拿包皮接触他的脚说:「你真是我的血郎。」
4:26 这样上主就放了他。当时漆颇辣说:「血郎。」是因了割损的原故。
4:27 其时上主向亚郎说:「你往旷野去迎接梅瑟!」他就去了。在天主的山旁预见了梅瑟,口亲了他。
4:28 梅瑟把上主打发他所说的一切话和命他行的奇迹,都告诉了亚郎。
4:29 梅瑟和亚郎遂去召集以色列子民所有的长老。
4:30 亚郎讲述了上主向梅瑟所说的一切话,也当着百姓行了那些奇迹;
4:31 百姓就都信了,也都高兴,因为上主眷顾了以色列子民,也垂念了他们的痛苦。他们遂都俯伏叩拜。




5:2 法朗问说:「谁是雅威,我该听他的命,放以色列走﹖我不认识雅威,也不放以色列走。」
5:3 他们回答说:「希伯来人的天主遇见了我们。请让我们走三天的路到旷野里,向上主我们的天主献祭,免得他用瘟疫刀兵击杀我们。」
5:4 埃及王回答他们说:「梅瑟、亚郎啊!你们为什么妨碍百姓工作呢﹖去服你们的劳役罢!
5:5 法朗又说:「现在他们比本地的人民还多,你们竟然叫他们歇工﹖」
5:6 那一天法朗命令那些百姓中的监工和工头说:
5:7 「你们以后不要再像往日一样,给百姓做砖用的草楷,叫他们自己去拾草。
5:8 但你们仍向他们要往日所做的同样砖数,一点也不可减少,因为他们懒惰,所以才吶喊说:我们要去向我们的天主献祭。
5:9 应给这些人加重工作,使他们只工作,而不听谎言。」

5:11 你们看那里能找到草楷,就到那里去拾罢!但应有的工作一点也不可减少。」
5:12 百姓就分散到埃及全境,拾取麦茎充当草楷。
5:13 监工催迫说:「你们每天应该完成当天的工作,像从前有草楷时一样。」
5:14 法朗的监工责打他们所派出的以色列子民的工头说:「你们昨天今天为什么没有完成像前天所做的砖数呢?
5:15 以色列子民的工头遂去向法朗诉苦说:「你为什么这样对待你的仆人们呢﹖
5:16 不给你仆人们草楷,只对我们说:做砖罢!原是你人民的错,你却来打你的仆人们。」
5:17 法朗回答说:「你们太懒惰了!所以说:让我们去祭献上主!
5:18 现在都快去作工!决不供给你们草楷,但是砖却该如数交上。
5:19 以色列子民的工头因所出的命令说:你们每天应做的砖数,不得减少,」便知自己更陷于困难中。

5:21 就对他们说:「愿上主鉴察惩罚你们!你们使我们在法朗和他臣仆眼中成了可恨的,就好象把刀交在他们手中,宰杀我们。」
5:22 梅瑟回到上主那里说:「吾主,你为什么折磨这百姓﹖为什么偏偏打发我呢﹖
5:23 自从我到法朗那里,奉你的名讲话以来,他更加折磨这百姓,而你也没有拯救你的百姓。」




6:2 天主训示梅瑟说:「我是雅威。
6:3 我曾显现给亚巴郎、依撒格和雅各伯为「全能的天主,」但没有以「雅威」的名字将我启示给他们。
6:4 我也与他们立了约,许下将他们寄居而作客的客纳罕地赐给他们。
6:5 如今我听见了以色列子民因埃及人的奴役而发的哀号,想起了我的约。
6:6 为此你应该对以色列子民说:我是上主,我要使你们摆脱埃及人的虐待,拯救你们脱离他们的奴役,用伸开的手臂,借严厉的惩罚救赎你们。
6:7 我要以你们作我的百姓,我作你们的天主。你们将承认我是上主,你们的天主,使你们摆脱埃及人的虐待。
6:8 我领你们要去的地方,就是我举手誓许给亚巴郎、依撒格和雅各伯的地方;我要把那地方赐给你们作产业?ぉの沂巧现鳌!?
9 梅瑟将这些话告诉了以色列子民,但他们由于苦工丧气,不肯听梅瑟的话。
6:10 上主训示梅瑟说:
6:11 「你去告诉埃及王法朗说:叫他将以色列子民由他国中放走。」
6:12 梅瑟当面回答上主说:「以色列子民既不肯听我,法朗又怎肯听我﹖况且我又是笨口结舌的人。」
6:13 上主训示梅瑟和亚郎,命令他们去见以色列子民和埃及王法朗,好领以色列子民出离埃及国。

6:15 西默盎的儿子:有耶慕耳、雅明、敖哈得、雅津、祚哈尔和客纳罕女子生的儿子沙乌耳:以上是西默盎的家族。
6:16 以下是肋未的儿子和他们后代的名字:格尔雄、刻哈特和默辣黎。肋未享年一百三十七岁。
6:17 革尔雄的儿子有:里贝尼和史米以及他们的家族。
6:18 刻哈特的儿子:有阿默兰、依兹哈尔、赫贝龙、乌齐耳。刻哈特享年一百三十三岁。
6:19 默辣黎的儿子有:玛赫里和慕史:以上是勒未各家族和他们的后代。
6:20 阿默兰娶了自己的姑母约革贝得为妻,她给他生了亚郎和梅瑟。阿默兰享年一百三十七岁。
6:21 依兹哈尔的儿子有:科辣黑、乃斐格和齐革黎。
6:22 乌齐耳的儿子:有米沙耳、厄里匝番和息特黎。
6:23 亚郎娶了阿米纳达布的女儿,纳赫雄的姊妹厄里舍巴为妻,她给亚郎生了纳达布、阿彼胡、厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔。
6:24 科辣黑的儿子:有阿息尔、厄耳卡纳和阿彼雅撒夫:以上是科辣黑的各家族。
6:25 亚郎的儿子厄肋阿匝尔娶了普提耳的一个女儿为妻,她给他生了丕乃哈斯:以上是肋未人各支属的族长。
6:26 天主曾向亚郎和梅瑟说过:「你们应领以色列子民一队一队地出埃及国。」
6:27 这个梅瑟和亚郎曾向埃及王法朗说过:要将以色列子民从埃及领出来。
6:28 当上主在埃及国对梅瑟说话的那一天,
6:29 上主曾对梅瑟说:「我是上主。你应该把我对你所说的一切话告诉埃及王法朗。」
6:30 梅瑟当面回答上主说:「看,我是个笨口结舌的人,法朗怎么肯听我﹖」




7:2 凡我吩咐你的一切,你要告诉你的哥哥亚郎,要他对法朗讲话,叫他放以色列子民离开他的国境。
7:3 我却要使法朗心硬,为此在埃及国要增多我的奇迹和异事。
7:4 但因法朗不听从你们,我要向埃及伸手,借严厉的惩罚,将我的军队,我的百姓以色列子民,从埃及国领出来。
7:5 当我向埃及人伸手,将以色列子民从埃及人中间领出来的时候,他们要承认我是上主。」
7:6 梅瑟和亚郎就受命行事;上主怎样吩咐,他们就怎样行了。
7:7 当他们去与法朗会谈的时候,梅瑟八十岁,亚郎八十三岁。
7:8 上主对梅瑟和亚郎说:
7:9 「如果法朗要求你们说:你们显个奇迹,给你们作证罢!你就吩咐亚郎说:将你的棍杖扔在法朗的面前,棍杖就会变成一条蛇。」
7:10 。梅瑟和亚郎就去见法朗,照上主的吩咐做了:亚郎将棍杖扔在法朗和他的臣仆面前,棍杖就变成了一条蛇。
7:11 法朗将他的智者和术士召来,这些埃及的巫士也用他们的巫术作了同样的事:
7:12 他们每人扔下自己的棍杖,也都变成了蛇,但亚郎的棍杖却吞了他们的棍杖。
7:13 法朗仍然心硬,不肯听他们的话,正如上主所说。

7:15 明天早晨你去见法朗。他去水边的时候,你要站在尼罗河边迎住他;手中拿着那根变过蛇的棍杖。
7:16 你对他说:上主,希伯来人的天主打发我来见你说:你应放我的百姓到旷野中去崇拜我;但到现在你仍没有听从。
7:17 上主这样说:看,我要用我手中拿的棍杖击打河水,水就变成血,如此你必承认,我是上主。
7:18 河中的鱼都要死,河水都要腥臭,埃及人不能再喝河中的水。」
7:19 上主对梅瑟说:「你向亚郎说:拿起你的棍杖,将手伸在埃及的水上,即伸在河、沟渠、池沼和一切水塘之上,水都要变成血;如此埃及全国,连木器石器中的水也都要变成血。」
7:20 梅瑟和亚郎就照了上主的吩咐作了:亚郎在法朗和他臣仆的面前,举起棍杖一打河水,所有的河水都变成了血;
7:21 河中的鱼都死了,河水都腥臭不堪,埃及人不能再喝河中的水;埃及遍地是血。
7:22 埃及的巫士用他们的巫术也行了同样的事,因此法朗仍旧心硬,不肯听信梅瑟和亚郎,正像上主所说的。
7:23 法朗转身回到宫中,没有把事放在心上。
7:24 因为全埃及的人不能喝河中的水,便在河的附近掘水喝。

7:26 上主又对梅瑟说:「你去见法朗向他说:上主这样说:你该放我的百姓走,好叫他们去崇拜我。
7:27 你若拒绝不放,我要用虾蟆打击你的全境。
7:28 河中要滋生虾蟆,它们要上来进入你的宫殿和卧室,爬上你的床榻,进入你臣仆和你百姓的房屋,进入你的炉灶和搏面盆。
7:29 这些虾蟆要爬到你、你百姓、你臣仆的身上。」



8:2 亚郎将手一伸在埃及的水上,虾蟆就上来遮盖了埃及地。
8:3 而巫士也用巫术作了同样的事,使虾蟆上到了埃及地。
8:4 法朗召梅瑟和亚郎来说:「请你们祈求上主,使这些虾蟆离开我和我的人民,我必放这百姓去祭献天主。」
8:5 梅瑟回答法朗说:「请给我指定,叫我几时为你,为你的臣仆和你的人民祈求,使虾蟆离开你和你的宫殿,而只留在河中!
8:6 法朗说:「明天。」梅瑟回答说:「就照你说的话作,为叫你知道,没有谁能相似上主,我们的天主。
8:7 虾蟆必要离开你,你的宫殿,你的臣仆和你的人民,而只留在河中。」
8:8 于是梅瑟和亚郎离开法朗走了。梅瑟遂呼求上主,除去加于法朗的虾蟆。
8:9 上主就照梅瑟所求的作了;在房屋、院庭和田地中的虾蟆都死了。
8:10 人把虾蟆堆成堆,遍地发出腥臭。
8:11 法朗见灾情减轻,又硬了心,不肯听梅瑟和亚郎的话,正如上主所说。

8:13 他们便照样作了;亚郎伸手,用棍杖击打地上尘土,蚊子就来到人和牲畜的身上。埃及全国的尘土都变成了蚊子。
8:14 巫士也想照样用巫术产生蚊子,但没有成功。蚊子仍留在人和牲畜的身上。
8:15 巫士向法朗说:「这是天主的手指。」但是法朗还是心硬,不肯听从梅瑟和亚郎,正如上主所说的。

8:17 你若不放走我的百姓,看,我要叫狗蝇到你和你臣仆,以及你人民身上,进入你的宫殿,埃及人的房屋和他们所在的地方都要充满狗蝇。
8:18 那时,我要使我百姓所住的哥笙地例外,在那里没有狗蝇,为叫你知道,在地上只有我是上主。
8:19 我要将我的百姓同你的百姓分开。明早必发生这奇事。」
8:20 上主就这样行了:成群的狗蝇进了法朗的宫殿和他臣仆的房屋,埃及全境的土地都为狗蝇毁坏。
8:21 法朗又召梅瑟和亚郎来说:「你们去,在此地祭献你们的天主!
8:22 梅瑟回答说:「决不能这样行,因为我们给上主我们的天主所献的祭物,是埃及人视为不可侵犯的。若是我们在埃及人前祭杀他们视为不可侵犯的东西,他们岂不用石头打死我们﹖
8:23 我们要走三天的路程,到旷野里给上主我们的天主献祭,全照他吩咐我们的。」
8:24 法朗回答说:「我让你们到旷野里给上主你们的天主献祭,但是不可走的太远。也请你们为我祈祷。」
8:25 梅瑟说:「我现在辞别你去祈求上主,明天狗蝇将会离开陛下,你的臣仆和你的人民,但希望陛下不再欺骗,不放百姓去给上主献祭。」
8:26 于是梅瑟离开法朗去祈求上主。
8:27 上主便照梅瑟祈求的行了,叫狗蝇离开法朗、他的臣仆和人民,一个也没有留下。
8:28 但是这一次法朗还是心硬,不肯放走百姓。




9:2 你若拒绝不放,仍然扣留他们,
9:3 看,上主的手必用一种严厉的瘟疫加在你田野间的一切牲畜:就是马、驴、骆驼、牛、羊身上。
9:4 上主要分清以色列子民的牲畜和埃及人的牲畜,凡是以色列子民的,一个也不死。
9:5 上主规定了时间说:明天上主要在此地实行这事。」
9:6 第二天上主便作了这事。埃及人的牲畜完全死了,但以色列子民的,一个也没有死。
9:7 法朗打发人去看,果然以色列子民的牲畜,连一个也没有死。但是法朗仍然心硬,不肯放走百姓。

9:9 这灰要在埃及全国变成尘土,使全埃及国的人和牲畜身上生出红疹和脓疮。
9:10 他们就取了炉灰站在法朗面前;梅瑟将灰向天扬起,人和牲畜身上便起了红疹和脓疮。
9:11 巫士们因为生了疮,不能站在梅瑟面前,因为巫士和一切埃及人身上都生了疮。
9:12 上主使法朗心硬,法朗仍不肯听梅瑟和亚郎的话,正如上主向梅瑟说过的。

9:14 因为这一次我要使我的一切灾祸降到你、你的臣仆和你的人民身上,为叫你知道全世界上没有相似我的。
9:15 现在如果我伸手用瘟疫打击你和你的人民,你早已从地上消灭了。
9:16 我所以保留你的原故,是为叫你看见我的能力,向全世界传扬我的名。
9:17 你若仍然固执压迫我的百姓,不放走他们,
9:18 看我明天此时要降下可怕的冰雹,是埃及建国以来直到现在所未有过的。
9:19 所以你快派人把你的牲畜和田野间的一切,带到安全地方,因为凡在田野间的人和牲畜而不聚到屋内的,冰雹必降在他们身上,将他们砸死。」
9:20 法朗的臣仆中凡害怕上主的话的,就叫自己的奴仆和牲畜逃避到家中;
9:21 那不把上主的话放在心上的,就将奴仆和牲畜舍在田野。
9:22 上主对梅瑟说:「向天伸开你的手,使冰雹降在埃及全国,降在人和牲畜身上,降在埃及国内田野间的植物上。」
9:23 梅瑟把他的棍杖向天一伸,上主便叫打雷,下雹,闪电打在地上。上主使冰雹降在埃及地时,
9:24 冰雹和冰雹中夹杂着不停的闪电,情形极其可怕,是全埃及国自从有人民以来所没有过的。
9:25 冰雹把埃及全境,田野间所有的一切,连人和牲畜都打死了,打坏了田野间的一切蔬菜,打断了郊野的一切树木;
9:26 只有以色列子民所居住的歌笙地没有冰雹。
9:27 法朗打发人召梅瑟和亚郎来,对他们说:「这次我犯了罪,上主是正义的,我和我的人民都有罪过。
9:28 请你们祈求上主!天主的雷和冰雹已够受了;我决放走你们,你们不要再留在这里。」
9:29 梅瑟回答他说「我出城后,就向上主伸手,雷必会停止,冰雹也不再降下,为叫你知道,大地是属于上主的。
9:30 但是我知道,你和你的臣仆,仍不敬畏上主天主。」
9:31 麻和大麦都被打坏,因为大麦已经吐穗,麻也开花,
9:32 只是小麦和粗麦,因为长的迟些,没有被打坏。
9:33 梅瑟离开法朗出了城,向上主伸手,雷和雹就停止了,雨也不往地上下了。
9:34 法朗见雨、雹、雷都停止了,又再犯罪,他和他的臣仆又心硬了。
9:35 法朗更加心硬,不肯放走以色列子民,正如上主借梅瑟所说的。




10:2 好叫你将我怎样戏弄了埃及人,在他们中行了什么奇迹,都讲给你的子孙听,使你们知道我是上主。」
10:3 于是梅瑟和亚郎去见法朗说:「上主,希伯来人的天主这样说:你不肯在我前低头要到几时呢﹖放走我的百姓去崇拜我罢!
10:4 如果你再拒绝放走我的百姓,看,明天我要使蝗虫进入你的境内。
10:5 蝗虫要遮盖地面,甚至看不见地;蝗虫要吃尽免于冰雹而给你们留下的一切,也要吃尽田野间给你们生长的一切树木。
10:6 你的宫殿,你的臣仆和所有埃及人的房屋都要充满蝗虫:这是你的祖宗和你祖宗的祖宗入世以来,直到今天所没有见过的灾祸。」梅瑟遂转身离开法朗走了。
10:7 法朗的臣仆们向法朗说:「这人陷害我们要到几时呢﹖释放这些人去崇拜上主他们的天主罢!埃及已经灭亡,你还不知道吗﹖」
10:8 梅瑟和亚郎被召到法朗那里,法朗对他们说:「你们去崇拜上主你们的天主罢!但那要去的是些什么人﹖」
10:9 梅瑟回答说:「我们要带领少年老年同去,要带领儿女,牛羊同去,因为我们要过上主的节日。」
10:10 法朗向他们说:「如果我放走你们和你们的孩子,就让上主同你们在一起罢!显然你们不怀好意!
10:11 绝对不成!只是你们的男子可以去崇拜上主,这原是你们所要求的。」随后把他们从法朗前赶出去。
10:12 上主对梅瑟说:「你向埃及地伸开你的手,使蝗虫来到埃及地,吃尽冰雹从地上所剩余的一切植物。」
10:13 梅瑟向埃及地伸开他的棍杖,上主就使东风在地上刮了一整天一整夜,到了早晨,东风吹来了蝗虫。
10:14 蝗虫到了埃及国,落在埃及全境,那样多法,确是空前绝后。
10:15 蝗虫遮盖了地面,大地变黑。蝗虫吃尽了冰雹所剩下的一切植物和一切果实,这样埃及全国无论是树上或是田野间的植物上,没有留下半点青叶。
10:16 法朗急速将梅瑟和亚郎召来,说:「我得罪了上主你们的天主,也得罪了你们。
10:17 现今请你们宽赦我的罪罢!只这一次!求上主你们的天主,快叫这致命的灾祸离开我。」
10:18 梅瑟从法朗那里出来,祈求了上主。
10:19 上主就换了强烈的西风,将蝗虫卷去,投入红海,在埃及四境没有留下一个蝗虫。
10:20 上主又使法朗心硬,他仍不肯放走以色列子民。

10:21 上主对梅瑟说:「将你的手向天伸开,使黑暗降在埃及国。这黑暗似乎可以触摸。」
10:22 梅瑟向天伸开手,浓密的黑暗就降在埃及国,有三天之久。
10:23 三天之内,人彼此不能看见,也不能离开自己的地方;但是以色列子民那边,却有光明照耀他们所住的地方。
10:24 法郎召梅瑟和亚郎来说:「你们去崇拜上主罢!你们的孩子可与你们同去,只把牛羊留下!
10:25 梅瑟回答说:「你本人应该给我们牺牲和全燔祭的祭品,叫我们献于上主我们的天主。
10:26 我们的牲畜也都要跟我们同去,连一个蹄子也不留下,因为我们要用这些来崇拜上主我们的天主;并且未到那里之前,我们还不知道要用什么崇拜上主。」
10:27 上主又使法朗心硬,他仍不肯放走他们。
10:28 法朗对梅瑟说:「离开我去罢!你要小心,不要再见我面,因为你见我面的那一天,你必要死!
10:29 梅瑟回答说:「就照你的话好了!我再不见你的面。」




11:2 你要讲给百姓听,叫他们男女各向自己的邻舍要求金银之物。」
11:3 上主使百姓在埃及人前蒙恩,同时梅瑟在埃及国,在法朗的臣仆和百姓眼中,也成了伟大的人物。
11:4 梅瑟说:「上主这样说:半夜时,我要走遍埃及。
11:5 凡埃及国,从坐宝座的法朗的长子,直到推磨的婢女的长子,以及牲畜的一切头胎,都要死亡。
11:6 埃及全国要有大哀号,是从前没有,以后也不会再有的哀号。
11:7 至于以色列子民,连狗也不敢向他们和他们的牲畜吠叫,为叫你们知道,上主已将以色列子民和埃及人分开,
11:8 以后你的这些臣仆全都要到我跟前,跪下哀求我说:你和那跟从你的百姓都去罢!然后我才离去。」梅瑟气愤愤地离开法郎出去了。
11:9 上主对梅瑟说:「法朗不听从你们,使我的奇迹在埃及国多起来。」
11:10 梅瑟和亚郎在法朗面前行了这些奇迹;但是上主使法朗的心硬,仍不肯放以色列子民离开自己的国家。




12:2 「你们要以本月为你们的正月,为你们算是一年的首月。
12:3 你们应训示以色列会众,本月十日,他们每人照家族准备一只羔羊,一家一只。
12:4 若是小家庭,吃不了一只,家长应和附近的邻居按照人数共同预备,并照每人的饭量估计当吃的羔羊。
12:5 羔羊应是一岁无残疾的公羊,要由绵羊或山羊中挑选。
12:6 把这羔羊留到本月十四日,在黄昏的时候,以色列全体会众便将它宰杀。
12:7 各家都应取些血涂在吃羔羊的房屋的两门框和门楣上。
12:8 在那一夜要吃肉;肉要用火烤了,同无酵饼及苦菜一起吃。
12:9 肉切不可吃生的或水煮的,只许吃火烤的。头、腿和五脏都应吃尽。
12:10 一点也不许留到早晨;若是早晨还有剩下的,都要用火烧掉。
12:11 你们应这样吃:束着腰,脚上穿着鞋,手里拿着棍杖,急速快吃:这是向上主守的逾越节。
12:12 这一夜我要走遍埃及全国,将埃及国一切首生,无论是人是牲畜都要杀死,对于埃及的众神,我也要严加惩罚:我是上主。
12:13 这血在你们所住的房屋上,当作你们的记号:我打击埃及国的时候,一见这血,就越过你们去,毁灭的灾祸不落在你们身上。
12:14 这一天将是你们的纪念日,要当作上主的节日来庆祝;你们要世世代代过这节日,作为永远的法规。
12:15 你们应一连七天吃无酵饼。第一天务要从你们家内将酵子除去,因为从第一天直到第七天,凡吃有酵之物的人,都应从以色列中铲除。
12:16 第一天和第七天应召开圣会;这两天一切劳工都不可作,只准你们准备每人吃的东西。
12:17 你们应守无酵节,因为这一天我领你们的军旅出离了埃及国,所以你们要世世代代守这一天,作为永远的法规。
12:18 从正月十四日晚起,到二十一日晚为止,你们应吃无酵饼。
12:19 七天内,在你们的家内不准有酵子,因为凡吃了有酵之物的,不论他是外方人或是本地人,都应从以色列会众内铲除。
12:20 任何有酵之物,不准你们吃;在你们所居住之处,都应吃无酵饼。」

12:22 拿一束牛膝草蘸在盆中血里,用盆中的血,涂在门楣和两旁的门框上;你们中谁也不准离开自己的房门,直到早晨。
12:23 因为上主要经过,击杀埃及人;他一见门楣和两门框上有血,就越过门口,不容毁灭者进你们的房屋。
12:24 你们应遵守这规定,作为你们子孙的永远法规。
12:25 日后你们到了上主许给你们的地方,应守这礼。
12:26 将来你们的子孙若问你们这礼有什么意思,
12:27 你们应回答说:这是献于上主的逾越节祭:当上主击杀埃及人的时候,越过了在埃及的以色列子民的房屋,救了我们各家。」于是百姓都屈膝朝拜。
12:28 以色列子民就去奉行了。上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟和亚郎,他们就怎样作了。

12:30 在这一夜,法朗,他所有的臣仆和全埃及人都起来;在埃及发生了大哀号,因为没有一家不死人的。
12:31 夜间法朗召梅瑟和亚郎来说:「你们和以色列子民都起身离开我的百姓走罢!照你们所要求的,去崇拜上主罢!
12:32 也照你们所要求的,带着你的羊群牛群去罢!也为我求祝福。」
12:33 埃及人催迫这百姓赶快离开此地,因为他们说:「我们快要死尽!
12:34 百姓便把没有发酵的面团和面盆包在外衣内,背在肩上。
12:35 以色列子民也照梅瑟所吩咐的作了,向埃及人要求金银之物和衣服。
12:36 上主使百姓在埃及人眼中蒙恩,给了他们所要求的;他们这样劫夺了埃及人。

12:38 同他们一起走的,还有很多外族人,也带着自己的羊群、牛群和大批的牲畜。
12:39 他们把从埃及带出来的未发酵的面团烤成无酵饼,因为他们急迫离开埃及,不能耽搁,来不及准备行粮。
12:40 以色列子民居留埃及共有四百三十年。
12:41 四百三十年届满的那一天,上主的军旅离开了埃及
12:42 这一夜是上主领他们出离埃及所守的一夜,这一夜也是以色列子民世世代代向上主当守的一夜。

12:44 凡用钱买来的奴隶,受过割损礼后,方可参加。
12:45 旅客和佣工不得参加。
12:46 应在同一间房屋内吃尽,不可将肉块带到屋外,也不可将骨头折断。
12:47 以色列全会众都应举行此祭餐。
12:48 若有同你在一起居住的外方人,愿向上主举行逾越节祭餐,他家所有的男子应受割损礼,然后才准前来举行,如本地人一样;但未受割损礼的人决不许参加。
12:49 本地人和住在你们中间的外方人同属一例。」
12:50 全以色列子民就都奉行了。上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟和亚郎,他们就怎样作了。
12:51 就在这一天,上主将以色列子民一队一队地领出了埃及。




13:2 以色列子民中,无论是人或牲畜,凡是开胎首生的,都应祝圣于我,属于我。」
13:3 梅瑟向百姓说:「你们应当记念从埃及,从为奴之家出来的这一天,因为上主在这一天用强有力的手臂,从那里领出了你们,故此不可吃有酵的食物。
13:4 今天你们出来正在「阿彼布」月。
13:5 几时上主领你们进了客纳罕人、赫特人、阿摩黎人、希威人和耶步斯人的地方,就是他向你的祖先起誓应许给你那流奶流蜜之地,你应在这一月举行此礼:
13:6 七天之内应吃无酵饼,第七天是敬礼上主的节日。
13:7 七天之内吃无酵饼,在你面前不可有发酵之物,在你四境之内也不可见有酵母。
13:8 在那一天要告诉你们的儿子说:是因为上主在我出埃及时,为我所行的事。
13:9 应把这事做你手上的记号,做你额上的记念,好使上主的法律常在你口中,因为上主用强有力的手臂,领你出了埃及。
13:10 所以你应年年按照定期遵守这规定。
13:11 当上主照他起誓向你和你祖先所许的话,领你到了客纳罕人的地方,将那地给了你之后,
13:12 你应将一切开胎首生者归于上主;你牲畜中,凡开胎首生的牲畜,亦应归于上主。
13:13 凡首生的驴,应用羊赎回;你若不赎回,应打断它的颈项。你的子孙中,凡是长子,你应赎回。
13:14 将来若你的儿子问你:这是什么意思﹖你要回答他说:这是因为上主用强有力的手臂领我们出离了埃及,出离了为奴之家。
13:15 原来法朗顽固,不释放我们,上主就把埃及国一切首生者,不拘是人或牲畜的首生者都杀了,为此我把一切首开母胎的雄性都祭献于上主;但首生的男孩,我却要赎回。
13:16 应将这事作你手上的记号,作你额上的标志,记念上主用强有力的手臂领我们出了埃及。」

13:18 因此天主领百姓绕道,走向靠红海的旷野。以色列子民都武装着离开了埃及。
13:19 梅瑟也带了若瑟的骨骸,因为若瑟曾叫以色列的儿子们起誓说:「天主必要眷顾你们,那时你们应把我的骨骸从此地带回去。」
13:20 他从稣苛特起程前行,就在位于旷野边缘的厄堂安了营。
13:21 上主在他们前面行,白天在云柱里给他们领路,夜间在火柱里光照他们,为叫他们白天黑夜都能走路:
13:22 白天的云柱,黑夜的火柱,总不离开百姓面前。




14:2 「你吩咐以色列子民转回,在米革多耳及海之间的丕哈希洛特前,面对巴耳责丰安营,即在巴耳责丰之前,靠近海边安营。
14:3 如此,法朗必然以为以色列子民在国境内迷了路,旷野困住了他们。
14:4 我要使法郎心硬,在后面追赶他们,这样我将在法郎和他全军身上,大显神能,使埃及人知道我是上主。」以色列子民就照样作了。

14:6 法郎遂命人准备他的车,亲自率领兵士,
14:7 还带了六百辆精良战车和埃及所有的战车,每辆车上都有战士驾驶。
14:8 上主使埃及王法郎心硬,在后面追赶以色列子民;当以色列子民大胆前行的时候,
14:9 埃及人在后面追赶他们,法郎所有的车马、骑士和步兵就在靠近丕哈希洛特,巴耳责丰对面,以色列子民安营的地方赶上了。
14:10 当法郎来近的时候,以色列子民举目,看见埃及人赶来,都十分恐怖,向上主哀号,
14:11 也向梅瑟说:「你带我们死在旷野里,难道埃及没有坟墓吗﹖你为什么这样待我们,将我们从埃及领出来﹖
14:12 我们在埃及不是对你说过这话:不要扰乱我们,我们甘愿服侍埃及人,服侍埃及人比死在旷野里还好呀!
14:13 梅瑟向百姓说:「你们不要害怕,站着别动,观看上主今天给你们施的救恩,因为你们所见的埃及人,永远再见不到了。
14:14 上主必替你们作战,你们应安静等待。」

14:16 你举起棍杖,把你的手伸到海上,分开海水,叫以色列子民在海中干地上走过。
14:17 你看,我要使埃及人的心硬,在后面追赶以色列子民;这样我好在法郎和他全军,战车和骑兵身上,大显神能。
14:18 我向法郎,向他的战车和骑兵大显神能的时候,埃及人将会知道我是上主。」
14:19 在以色列大队前面走的天主的使者,就转到他们后面走,云柱也从他们前面转到他们后面停下,
14:20 即来到埃及军营和以色列军营中间;那一夜云柱一面发黑,一面发光,这样整夜军队彼此不能接近。
14:21 梅瑟向海伸手,上主就用极强的东风,一夜之间把海水刮退,使海底成为干地。水分开以后,
14:22 以色列子民便在海中干地上走过,水在他们左右好象墙壁。

14:24 到了晨时末更,上主在火柱和云柱上,窥探埃及军队,使埃及的军队混乱。
14:25 又使他们的车轮脱落,难以行走,以致埃及人说:「我们由以色列人前逃走罢!因为上主替他们作战,攻击埃及人。」
14:26 上主对梅瑟说:「向海伸出你的手,使水回流到埃及人、他们的战车和骑兵身上。」
14:27 到了天亮,梅瑟向海伸手,海水流回原处;埃及人迎着水逃跑的时候,上主将他们投入海中。
14:28 回流的水淹没了法郎的战车、骑兵和跟着以色列子民来到海中的法郎军队,一个人也没有留下。
14:29 但是以色列子民在海中干地上走过去,水在他们左右好象墙壁。
14:30 这样上主在那一天从埃及人手中拯救了以色列人。以色列人看见了埃及人的尸首浮在海边上。
14:31 以色列人见上主向埃及人显示的大能,百姓都敬畏上主,信了上主和他的仆人梅瑟。




15:2 上主是我的力量和保障,他作了我的救援。他是我的天主,我要颂扬他;是我祖先的天主,我要赞美他。
15:3 上主是战士,名叫「雅威。」
15:4 法郎的战车军队,他投于海中,使他的良将沉于红海。
15:5 浪涛淹没了他们,像大石沉入海底。
15:6 上主,你的右手大显神能;上主,你的右手击碎了敌人。
15:7 以你无比的威严,毁灭了你的敌人;你发出的怒火,烧灭他们像烧麦秸。
15:8 你鼻孔一喷气,大水聚集,浪涛直立如堤,深渊凝固于海心。
15:9 仇人说:「我要追击擒获,分得猎物,才心满意足;我要拔刀出鞘,亲手斩灭。」
15:10 但你一嘘气,海将他们覆没,像铅沉入深渊。
15:11 上主,众神谁可与你相比﹖谁能像你那样,神圣尊威,光荣可畏,施行奇迹!
15:12 你伸出右手,大地就吞了他们;
15:13 以你的慈爱,领出了你所救的百姓;凭你的能力,领他们进入了你的圣所。
15:14 外邦听了,必惊慌颤栗,恐怖笼罩了培肋舍特居民;
15:15 那时厄东的酋长惊惶失措,摩阿布的首领吓得发抖,客纳罕的居民胆战心寒。
15:16 惊慌与恐怖降在他们身上;因你大能的手臂,他们像石块僵立不动,直到你的百姓走过,上主!直到你所救赎的百姓走过。
15:17 上主,你引领他们,吾主,在你为物业的山上,在你为自己准备的住所,在你亲手建立的圣所,培植了他们。
15:18 上主为王,万世无疆!
15:19 法郎的马、战车和骑兵一到海中,上主就使海水回流,淹没了他们;以色列子民却在海中干地上走过。
15:20 此时亚郎的姊妹女先知米黎盎手中拿着鼓,众妇女也都跟着她,拿着鼓舞蹈。
15:21 米黎盎应和他们说:「你们应歌颂上主,因他获得全胜,将马和骑士投入海中。」

15:23 随后,到了玛辣,但不能喝玛辣的水,因为水苦;因此称那地为玛辣。
15:24 那时百姓抱怨梅瑟说:「我们喝什么呢﹖」
15:25 梅瑟遂呼号上主,上主便指给他一块木头;他把木头扔在水里,水就变成甜水。上主在那里给百姓立定了法律和典章,也在那里试探了他们。
15:26 上主说:「你若诚心听从上主你天主的话,行他眼中视为正义的事,服从他的命令,遵守他的一切法律,我决不把加于埃及人的灾殃,加于你们,因为我是医治你的上主。」
15:27 以后他们到了厄林,那里有十二股水泉,七十棵棕树。他们便在那里靠近水边安了营。




16:2 以色列子民全会众在旷野里都抱怨梅瑟和亚郎。
16:3 以色列子民向他们说:「巴不得我们在埃及国坐在肉锅旁,有食物吃饱的时候,死在上主的手中!你们领我们到这旷野里来,是想叫这全会众饿死啊!
16:4 上主向梅瑟说:「看,我要从天上给你们降下食物,百姓要每天出去收敛当日所需要的,为试探他们是否遵行我的法律。
16:5 但到第六天,他们准备带回来的食物要比每天多一倍。」
16:6 梅瑟和亚郎对全以色列子民说:「今晚你们要知道,是上主领你们出了埃及国;
16:7 明早你们要看见上主的荣耀,因为你们抱怨上主的话,他已听见了。我们算什么﹖你们竟抱怨我们!
16:8 梅瑟又说:「晚上上主要给你们肉吃,早晨你们可以吃饱,因为上主听见了你们抱怨他所说的怨言。我们算什么﹖你们不是抱怨我们,而是抱怨上主。」

16:10 亚郎正向以色列子民全会众说话的时候,他们转面朝向旷野,看见上主的荣耀显现在云彩中。
16:11 那时上主向梅瑟说:「
16:12 我听见了以色列子民的怨言。你给他们说:黄昏的时候你们要有肉吃,早晨要有食物吃饱,这样你们就知道,我是上主,你们的天主。」
16:13 到了晚上,有鹌鹑飞来,遮盖了营幕;到了早晨,营幕四周落了一层露水。
16:14 露水升化之后,在旷野的地面上,留下稀薄的碎屑,稀薄得好象地上的霜。
16:15 以色列子民一见,就彼此问说:「这是什么﹖」原来他们不知道这是什么。梅瑟告诉他们说:「这是上主赐给你们吃的食物。
16:16 上主曾这样吩咐说:你们应按每人的食量去收敛,按照你们帐幕的人数去拾取,每人一「曷默耳。」
16:17 以色列子民就照样作了;收敛的时候,有的多,有的少,
16:18 但他们用「曷默耳」衡量时,那多收的,也没有剩余;那少收的,也没有缺少;各人正按他们的食量收敛了。
16:19 梅瑟向他们说:「谁也不准将一些留到早晨。」
16:20 但他们没有听梅瑟的话;有些人把一些留到早晨,但都被虫子咬烂,发生臭味;梅瑟遂向他们发怒。
16:21 于是他们每天早晨按各人的食量去收敛;太阳一发热,就融化了。
16:22 到了第六天他们收敛了两倍的食物,每人二「曷默耳;」会众的首领来向梅瑟报告此事。
16:23 梅瑟向他们说:「上主曾这样吩咐说:明天是安息日;是祝圣于上主的安息圣日;你们要烤的就烤罢!要煮的,就煮罢!凡吃了剩下的,应保留到次日。」
16:24 他们就照梅瑟所吩咐的,把吃了剩下的,留到次日也没有发臭,也没有虫咬。
16:25 梅瑟说道:「今天吃这些罢!因为今天是敬上主的安息日,今天在野外什么也找不到。
16:26 六天你们可去收敛,但第七天是安息日,什么也没有。」
16:27 到了第七天,百姓中有人去收敛,但什么也没有找到。
16:28 上主向梅瑟说:「你们不守我的命令和我的法律要到何时呢﹖
16:29 看上主给你们立了安息日,为此到第六天他给你们两天的食物;到第七天各人都应留在家内,不准任何人离开自己的地方。」
16:30 这样百姓在第七天守了安息日。
16:31 以色列家给这食物取名叫「玛纳。」它像胡荽的种子那样白,滋味好似蜜饼。
16:32 梅瑟说:「上主这样吩咐说:装满一「曷默耳」玛纳,留给你们的后代子孙,为使他们能看到我领你们出离埃及国时,在旷野里养活你们的食物。」
16:33 梅瑟向亚郎说:「拿一个罐子,装满一「曷默耳」玛纳,放在上主面前,留给你们的后代子孙。」
16:34 亚郎就照上主吩咐梅瑟的话,将玛纳放在约版前面,保留起来。
16:35 以色列子民吃玛纳四十年之久,直到进入有人居住的地方为止;他们吃玛纳,直到进入客纳罕地的边界。
16:36 一「曷默耳」是一「厄法」的十分之一。




17:2 因此百姓与梅瑟争吵说:「给我们水喝罢!」梅瑟回答他们说:「你们为什么与我争吵,为什么试探上主﹖」
17:3 因百姓在那里渴望水喝,就抱怨梅瑟说:「你为什么从埃及领我们上来﹖难道要使我们,我们的子女和牲畜都渴死吗﹖」
17:4 梅瑟向上主呼号说:「我要怎样对待这百姓呢﹖他们几乎愿用石头砸死我!
17:5 上主回答梅瑟说:「你到百姓面前去,带上几个以色列长老,手中拿着你击打尼罗河的棍杖去!
17:6 看,我要在你面前站在曷勒布那里的盘石上,你击打盘石,就有水流出来,给百姓喝。」梅瑟就在以色列的长老眼前照样作了。
17:7 他称那地方为玛撒和默黎巴,因为以色列子民在那里争吵过,并试探过上主说:「上主是否在我们中间﹖」

17:9 梅瑟向若苏厄说:「你给我们选拔壮丁,明天去同阿玛肋克人作战,我手中拿着天主的棍杖,站在这高岗顶上。」
17:10 若苏厄就照梅瑟吩咐他的作了,去同阿玛肋克作战;同时梅瑟、亚郎和胡尔上了那高冈顶上。
17:11 当梅瑟举手的时候,以色列就打胜仗;放下手的时候,阿玛肋克就打胜仗。
17:12 终于梅瑟的手举疲乏了。他们就搬了块石头来,放在他下边,叫他坐下,亚郎和胡尔,一边一个托着他的手:这样他的手举着不动,直到日落的时候。
17:13 于是若苏厄用刀剑打败了阿玛肋克和他的人民。
17:14 上主向梅瑟说:「将这事写在书上作为记念,并训示若苏厄,我要从天下把阿玛肋克的记念完全消灭。」
17:15 梅瑟筑了一座祭坛,给它起名叫「雅威尼息,」
17:16 说「向上主的旌旗举手,上主必世世代代与阿玛肋克作战。」




18:2 梅瑟的岳父耶特洛便带回梅瑟送回去的妻子漆颇辣和
18:3 他两个儿子:──一个名叫革尔熊,因为梅瑟说:「我在外方作了旅客;」
18:4 一个名叫厄里厄则尔,意谓:「我父亲的天主是我的救援,救我脱离了法朗的刀剑。」──
18:5 梅瑟的岳父耶特洛同梅瑟的儿子和妻子来到了梅瑟那里,来到旷野,近天主的山,梅瑟安营的地方,
18:6 便叫人告诉梅瑟说:「看,你的岳父耶特洛来见你,你的妻子和两个儿子也一同来了。」
18:7 梅瑟就出来迎接他的岳父,向他下拜,口亲他,彼此问安,随后进了营幕。
18:8 梅瑟给他岳父讲述了上主为以色列的原故,对法朗和埃及人所行的一切,以及路上遭遇的一切困难,上主怎样拯救了他们。
18:9 耶特洛听了上主赐给以色列的各种恩惠,从埃及人手中拯救了他们,很是高兴。
18:10 耶特洛说:「上主应受赞颂,他从埃及人和法朗手中拯救了你们,由埃及人手中救出了这百姓。
18:11 现今我知道「雅威」是众神中最大的,因为他由那些傲慢对待以色列人的埃及人手中,救出这百姓。」
18:12 梅瑟的岳父耶特洛向天主献了全燔祭和牺牲,亚郎和以色列众长老都来到天主前,同梅瑟的岳父聚餐。

18:14 梅瑟的岳父看见他对百姓所行的种种,就说:「你对百姓所作的是什么事﹖为什么你独自一人管理,叫众百姓从早晨到晚上站在你前﹖」
18:15 梅瑟回答他岳父说:「因为百姓到我跟前询问天主。
18:16 他们有诉讼的事,就来到我跟前,我便在两造之间施行审判,讲明天主的典章和法律。」
18:17 梅瑟的岳父对他说:「你这样做不对。
18:18 这不但使你自己疲乏,而且也使你同你一起的百姓疲劳不堪,因为这事超过你的力量,你独自一人是不能胜任的。
18:19 现在你听我的话,我给你出一个主意。愿天主与你同在!你在天主前代表这个百姓,将他们的案件呈到天主前;
18:20 也将典章和法律教训他们,告诉他们应走的正路,应行的事项。
18:21 你要从百姓中挑选有才能,敬畏天主,忠实可靠,舍己无私的人,派他们作千夫长、百夫长,五十夫长、十夫长,
18:22 叫他们随时审断百姓的案件。若有任何重大案件,呈交你处理;其余一切小案件,可由他们自己处理;叫他们与你分担,你就轻松多了。
18:23 你若这样作,──天主也这样命你──你就抵受得住,众百姓也能平安,各归其所。」
18:24 梅瑟听从了他岳父的话,也都照他说的行了。
18:25 梅瑟从全以色列人中选拔了有才能的人,立他们作百姓的头目,作千夫长、百夫长、五十夫长和十夫长,
18:26 叫他们随时审断百姓的案件;重大的案件,呈交梅瑟处理;一切小案件,由他们自己处理。
18:27 以后梅瑟送他岳父回了本地。 




19:2 他们从勒非丁起程,来到西乃旷野,就在旷野中安了营;以色列人在那座山前安了营。
19:3 梅瑟上到天主前,上主从山上召唤他说:你要这样告诉雅各伯家,训示以色列子民说:
19:4 你们亲自见了我怎样对待了埃及人,怎样好似鹰将你们背在翅膀上,将你们带出来归属我。
19:5 现在你们若真听我的话,遵守我的盟约,你们在万民中将成为我的特殊产业。的确,普世全属于我,
19:6 但你们为我应成为司祭的国家,圣洁的国民。你应将这话训示以色列子民。」
19:7 梅瑟就去召集百姓的长老,将上主吩咐他的那一切话,都在他们前说明了。
19:8 众百姓一致回答说:「凡上主所吩咐的,我们全要作。」梅瑟遂将百姓的答复转达于上主。
19:9 上主向梅瑟说:「我要在浓云中降到你前,叫百姓听见我与你谈话,使他们永远信服你。」梅瑟遂向上主呈报了百姓的答复。

19:11 第三天都应准备妥当,因为第三天,上主要在百姓观望之下降到西乃山上。
19:12 你要给百姓在山周围划定界限说:应小心,不可上山,也不可触摸山脚;凡触摸那山的,应处死刑。
19:13 谁也不可用手触摸那人,而应用石头砸死或用箭射死;不论是兽是人,都不得生存;号角响起的时候,他们才可上山。」
19:14 梅瑟下山来到百姓那里,叫他们圣洁自己,洗净自己的衣服。
19:15 他向百姓说:「到第三天应准备妥当,不可接近女人。」

19:17 梅瑟叫百姓从营中出来迎接天主,他们都站在山下。
19:18 此时西乃全山冒烟,因为上主在火中降到山上;冒出的烟像火窑的烟,全山猛烈震动。
19:19 角声越响越高;梅瑟遂开始说话,天主借雷霆答复他。
19:20 上主降到西乃山顶上,召梅瑟上到山顶;梅瑟就上去了。
19:21 上主向梅瑟说:「下去通告百姓:不可闯到上主面前观看,免得许多人死亡。
19:22 连那些接近上主的司祭们,也应圣洁自己,免得上主击杀他们。」
19:23 梅瑟答复上主说:「百姓不能上西乃山,因你自己曾通告我们说:要在山的四周划定界限,也宣布这山是不可侵犯的。」
19:24 上主向他说:「下去,你同亚郎一起上来,但司祭和百姓不可闯到上主前,免得我击杀他们。」
19:25 梅瑟便下到百姓那里,通知了他们。




20:2 「我是上主你的天主,是我领你出了埃及地、奴隶之所。
20:3 除我之外,你不可有别的神。
20:4 不可为你制造任何彷佛天上、或地上、或地下水中之物的雕像。
20:5 不可叩拜这些像,也不可敬奉,因为我,上主,你的天主是忌邪的天主;凡恼恨我的,我要追讨他们的罪,从父亲直到儿子,甚至三代四代的子孙。
20:6 凡爱慕我和遵守我诫命的,我要对他们施仁慈,直到他们的千代子孙。
20:7 不可妄呼上主你天主的名;因为凡妄呼他名的人,上主决不让他们免受惩罚。
20:8 应记住安息日,守为圣日。
20:9 六天应该劳作,作你一切的事;
20:10 但第七天是为恭敬上主你的天主当守的安息日;你自己、连你的儿女、你的仆婢、你的牲口,以及在你中间居住的外方人,都不可作任何工作。
20:11 因为上主在六天内造了天地、海洋和其中一切,但第七天休息了,因此上主祝福了安息日,也定为圣日。
20:12 应孝敬你的父亲和你的母亲,好使你在上主你的天主赐给你的地方,延年益寿。
20:13 不可杀人。
20:14 不可奸淫。
20:15 不可偷盗。
20:16 不可作假见证,害你的近人。
20:17 不可贪你近人的房舍。不可贪恋你近人的妻子、仆人、婢女、牛驴及你近人的一切。
20:18 众百姓看见打雷、打闪、吹角、冒烟的山,都战兢害怕,远远站着,
20:19 对梅瑟说:「你同我们说话罢!我们定要听从,不要天主同我们说话,免得我们死亡。」
20:20 梅瑟回答百姓说:「不要害怕!因为天主降临是为试探你们,使你们在他面前常怀敬畏之情,不致犯罪。」
20:21 百姓远远站着,梅瑟却走近天主所在的浓云中。

20:23 为此,你们决不可制造金银神像,同我放在一起;你们万不可做。
20:24 你应用土为我筑一祭坛,在上面祭献你的全燔祭与和平祭,以及你的牛羊;凡在我叫你称颂我名的地方,我必到你那里降福你。
20:25 你若用石头为我筑一祭坛,不可用打成方块的石头建筑,因为在石头上动用了你的刀凿,就把石头亵渎了。
20:26 你不可沿着台阶登我的祭坛,免得暴露你的裸体。




21:2 假使你买了一个希伯来人作奴隶,他只劳作六年,第七年应自由离去,无须赎金。
21:3 他若单身而来,也应单身而去;他若娶了妻子来的,也应让他的妻子与他同去。
21:4 若主人给他娶了妻子,妻子也生了子女,妻子和子女都应归于主人,他仍要单身离去。
21:5 若是那奴隶声明说:我爱我的主人和妻子子女,我不愿离去作自由人。
21:6 他的主人应领他到天主前,然后领他到门口或门框前,用锥子穿透他的耳朵,如此他可长久服事主人。
21:7 假使有人将女儿卖作婢女,她不可像男仆那样离去。
21:8 若主人已定她为自己的妻子,以后又厌恶了她,应许她赎身,但因主人对她失了信,不能把她卖给外方人民。
21:9 若主人定了她作自己儿子的妻子,就应以待女儿的法律待她。
21:10 若主人为自己另娶了一个,对前妻的饮食、衣服与合欢之谊,不可减少。
21:11 若对她不实行这三条,她可以离去,无须赎金或代价。

21:13 但若不是有意杀人,而是天主许他的手行的,我给你指定一个他可以逃避的地方。
21:14 假使有人向人行凶,蓄意谋杀,应将他由我的祭坛前抓来处死。
21:15 凡打父亲或母亲的,应受死刑。
21:16 凡拐带人口的,无论已将人卖了,或者还在他手中,都应受死刑。
21:17 凡咒骂父亲或母亲的,应受死刑。
21:18 假使两人吵架,一人用石头或锄头打了另一人,被打的人未死,却应卧床休养,
21:19 他以后若能起床,能扶杖出外,打他的人,可免处分,但应赔偿他失业的损失,把他完成医好。
21:20 假使有人用棍杖打奴仆或婢女被打死在他手中,必受严罚。
21:21 但若奴婢还活了一两天,便不受处分,因为他是用银钱买来的。
21:22 假使人们打架,撞伤了孕妇,以致流产,但没有别的损害,伤人者为这罪应按女人的丈夫所提出的,判官所断定的,缴纳罚款。
21:23 若有损害,就应以命偿命,
21:24 以眼还眼,以牙还牙,以手还手,以脚还脚,
21:25 以烙还烙,以伤还伤,以疤还疤。
21:26 假使有人打坏奴仆或婢女的一只眼睛,为了他的眼睛应让他自由离去。
21:27 若有人打掉奴隶或婢女的一只牙,为了他的牙应让他自由离去。

21:29 但若这只牛以前牴过人,牛主也受过警告,而仍不加防范,这牛无论牴死男女,牛应砸死,牛主也应受死刑。
21:30 若是给他提出了赎价,他应照所提出的一切数目缴纳赎命罚金。
21:31 牛若牴死了男女儿童,也应照这法律处理。
21:32 牛若牴死了一个奴仆或婢女,应给仆婢的主人三十银「协刻耳,」牛应砸死。

21:34 井主应赔偿,应给牛主银钱,死的牲畜归自己。
21:35 假使一人的牛牴死别人的牛,应把活牛卖了,银钱平分,死牛也平分。
21:36 但若查明这只牛从前牴死过牛,牛主又不加以防范,牛主应该赔偿,以牛还牛,死牛归自己。




22:2 若太阳已出来,打的人就有流血的罪。窃贼必须偿还,他若一无所有,应卖身还他所偷之物。
22:3 所偷之物无论是牛或驴或羊,若在他手中被寻获时还活着,应加倍偿还。
22:4 假使有人在田地和葡萄园放牲口,让牲口到别人的田地去吃,应拿自己田地或园中最好的出产赔偿。
22:5 假使放火烧荆棘而烧了别人的麦捆或庄稼或田地,点火的人应赔偿。

22:7 若寻不到贼人,家主应到天主前作证,自己没有伸手拿原主之物。
22:8 关于任何争讼案件,不拘是对牛、驴、羊、衣服或任何遗失之物,若一个说:这是我的。两人的案件应呈到天主前;天主宣布谁有罪,谁就应加倍赔偿。
22:9 假使有人将驴、牛、羊,或任何牲口托人看守,若有死亡或断了腿,或被抢走,而又没有人看见,
22:10 应在上主前起誓定断两人的案件,证明看守者没有动手害原主之物;原主若接受起的誓,看守者就不必赔偿;
22:11 若是由他手中偷去,他应赔偿原主;
22:12 若被野兽撕裂了,他应带回作证明,为撕裂之物就不必赔偿。
22:13 假使有人借用人的牲口,牲口若断了腿或死亡,而原主不在场,就应赔偿。
22:14 若原主在场,就不必赔偿;若是雇来的,已有雇金作赔偿。

22:16 若她的父亲坚决不肯将女儿嫁给他,他应付出和给处女作聘礼一样多的银钱。
22:17 女巫,你不应让她活着。
22:18 凡与走兽交合的,应受死刑。
22:19 在唯一上主以外,又祭献外神的,应被毁灭。
22:20 对外侨,不要苛待和压迫,因为你们在埃及也曾侨居过。
22:21 对任何寡妇和孤儿,不可苛待;
22:22 若是苛待了一个,他若向我呼求,我必听他的呼求,
22:23 必要发怒,用刀杀死你们:这样,你们的妻子也要成为寡妇,你们的儿子也要成为孤儿。
22:24 如果你借钱给我的一个百姓,即你中间的一个穷人,你对他不可像放债的人,向他取利。
22:25 若是你拿了人的外氅作抵押,日落以前,应归还他,
22:26 因为这是他唯一的铺盖,是他盖身的外氅;如果没有它,他怎样睡觉呢﹖他若向我呼号,我必俯听,因为我是仁慈的。
22:27 不可咒骂天主,不可诅咒你百姓的首长。
22:28 不可迟延献你丰收的五谷和初榨的油;你子孙中的长子,都应献给我。
22:29 对于你牛羊的首生也应这样行;七天同它母亲在一起,第八天应把它献给我。
22:30 你们为我应做圣善的人;田间被野兽撕裂的肉,不可以吃,应扔给狗吃。




23:2 不可随从多数以附和恶事;在争讼的事上,不可随从多数说歪曲正义的话。
23:3 在争讼的事上,也不可偏袒弱小。
23:4 假使你遇见你仇人的牛或驴迷了路,应给他领回去。
23:5 假使你遇见你仇人的驴跌卧在重载下,不可弃而不顾,应帮助驴主卸下重载。
23:6 你对穷人的诉讼,不可歪曲他的正义。
23:7 作伪的案件,你应戒避。不可杀无辜和正义的人,因为我决不以恶人为义人。
23:8 不可受贿赂,因为贿赂能使明眼人眼瞎,能颠倒正义者的言语。
23:9 不可压迫外侨,因为你们在埃及国也作过外侨,明了在外作客的心情。

23:11 但第七年,你应让地休息,把出产留给你百姓中的穷人吃;他们吃剩的,给野兽吃。对葡萄和橄榄园,也应这样行。
23:12 六天内你应工作,第七天要停工,使你的牛驴休息,使你婢女的儿子和外侨都获得喘息。
23:13 凡我吩咐你们的,都应遵守。你们不可提及外神的名字,决不可让人由你口中听到。

23:15 应遵守无酵节:照我所命的,在阿彼布月所定的日期,七天之久吃无酵饼,因为你在这个月离开了埃及。谁也不可空着手到我台前来。
23:16 又应遵守收成节,即你在田地播种劳力之后,献初熟之果的庆节。还应遵守收藏节,即在年尾,由田地中收敛你劳力所得的庆节。
23:17 你所有的男子一年三次应到上主台前来。
23:18 不可同酵面一起祭献牺牲的血;不可把我节日的牺牲脂肪留到早晨。
23:19 你田中最上等的初熟之果,应献到上主你天主的殿中;不可煮山羊羔在其母奶中。

23:21 在他面前应谨慎,听他的话,不可违背他,不然他决不赦免你们的过犯,因为在他身上有我的名号。
23:22 如果你听从他的话,作我所吩咐的一切,我要以你的仇人为仇,以你的敌人为敌。
23:23 我的使者将走在你前,领你到阿摩黎人、赫特人、培黎齐人、客纳罕人、希威人和耶步斯人那里;我要消灭他们。
23:24 他们的神像,你不可朝拜,也不可事奉,也不可作那些人所作的;反之,应彻底破坏那些神像,打碎他们的神柱。
23:25 你们事奉上主你们的天主,他必祝福你们的饼和水,使疾病远离你们。
23:26 在你境内没有流产和不育的妇女;我要满你一生的寿数。
23:27 我要在你前显示我的威严;凡你所到之处,我要使那里的百姓慌乱,使你的一切仇敌见你而逃。
23:28 我要在你前打发黄蜂,将希威人、客纳罕人和赫特人,由你面前赶走。
23:29 我不在一年之内将他们由你们面前赶走,免得田地荒芜,野兽多起来害你。
23:30 我要渐渐将他们由你面前赶走,一直到你繁殖增多起来,能占领那地为止。
23:31 我要划定你的国界,由红海直到培肋舍特海,从旷野直到大河;并将那地的居民交在你手中,你要将他们由你面前赶走,
23:32 决不可与他们和他们的神立约,
23:33 决不准他们住在你境内,免得引你得罪我,引你事奉他们的神:这为你是一种陷阱。」




24:2 然后梅瑟一人要走近上主,别人不可走近,百姓也不准同他上山。」
24:3 梅瑟下来将上主的一切话和诫命讲述给百姓听,众百姓都同声回答说:「凡上主所吩咐的话,我们全要奉行。」
24:4 梅瑟遂将上主的一切话记录下来。第二天清晨,梅瑟在山下立了一座祭坛,又按以色列十二支派立了十二根石柱,
24:5 又派了以色列子民的一些青年人去奉献全燔祭,宰杀了牛犊作为献给上主的和平祭。
24:6 梅瑟取了一半血,盛在盆中,取了另一半血洒在祭坛上。
24:7 然后拿过约书来,念给百姓听。以后百姓回答说:「凡上主所吩咐的话,我们必听从奉行。」
24:8 梅瑟遂拿血来洒在百姓身上说:「看,这是盟约的血,是上主本着这一切话同你们订立的约。」
24:9 随后梅瑟、亚郎、纳达布、阿彼胡和以色列长老中的七十人上了山,
24:10 看见了以色列的天主,看见在他脚下好象有一块蓝玉作的薄板,光亮似蓝天。
24:11 他们虽看见了天主,天主却没有下手害以色列的首领们,他们还能吃能喝。

24:13 梅瑟和他的侍从若苏厄起身上天主的山时,
24:14 梅瑟向长老们说:「你们在这里等候我们回到你们这里。你们有亚郎和胡尔同你们在一起。谁有争讼的事,可到他们那里去。」
24:15 梅瑟上了山,云彩就把山遮盖了。
24:16 上主的荣耀停在西乃山上,云彩遮盖着山共六天之久,第七天上主从云彩中召叫了梅瑟。
24:17 上主的荣耀在以色列子民眼前,好象烈火出现在山顶上。
24:18 梅瑟进入云彩中,上了山;梅瑟在山上停留了四十天,四十夜。





25:2 「你吩咐以色列子民,叫他们送给我献仪。凡甘心乐捐的人,你们可以收下他们献于我的献仪。
25:3 以下是你们要接受的献仪:金银铜,
25:4 紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线,细麻和山羊毛,
25:5 染红的公羊皮、海豚皮和皂荚木,
25:6 灯油,为傅礼用的油和焚香的香料,
25:7 红玛瑙石和为镶在「厄弗得」和胸牌上的各种宝石。
25:8 他们要为我建造一座圣所,好让我住在他们中间。
25:9 我现今指示你作帐棚和其中一切器皿的式样,要完全按照式样去制造。

25:11 要内外全包上纯金,上端周围应镶上金花边。
25:12 铸四个金环,安在柜的脚上:这边两个,那边两个。
25:13 用皂荚木作两根杠杆,包上金;
25:14 将杠杆穿入柜边的环内,作抬柜之用。
25:15 穿入柜环内的杠杆,不可抽出。
25:16 将我要交给你的约版放在柜内。
25:17 用纯金做赎罪盖,长二肘半,
25:18 宽一肘半。在赎罪盖的两端用锤工造一对金革鲁宾,
25:19 在这端做一个革鲁宾,在那端做一个革鲁宾,应使两端的革鲁宾与赎罪盖连在一起。
25:20 革鲁宾的翅膀应伸开遮住赎罪盖;他们的脸彼此相对,面朝赎罪盖。
25:21 你把赎罪盖安装在约柜上面,将我交给你的约版放在柜内。
25:22 我要在那里与你会晤,从赎罪盖上,从约柜上的两革鲁宾中间,将我命令以色列子民的一切事,都告诉给你。

25:24 包上纯金,周围做上金花边。
25:25 周围做上一掌宽的框子,框子四周也做上金花边。
25:26 还要作四个金环,将这些金环安在桌四脚的角上。
25:27 环子要靠近框子,为穿抬供桌的杠杆。
25:28 用皂荚木做两根杠杆,包上金,为抬供桌之用。
25:29 再制造供桌上的盘、碟、杯和奠祭用的爵,全用纯金制造。
25:30 要常常在供桌上,在我面前摆上供饼。

25:32 灯台两面发出六叉:这面三叉,那面三叉。
25:33 在一叉上应有象杏花的三朵花,有花托和花瓣;在另一叉上应有像杏花的三朵花,有花托和花瓣;由灯台所发出的六叉都要这样。
25:34 在灯台的直杆上应有像杏花的四个花朵,有花托和花瓣。
25:35 由灯干发出的每两叉之下,各有一个花朵;从灯干发出的六个叉都应如此。
25:36 这些花朵和灯叉应由灯台发出,全用整块纯金锤成。
25:37 灯台上应做七盏灯,把七盏灯放上,使光照耀灯台前面的空间。
25:38 灯台的灯剪和碟子,应是纯金的。
25:39 为制造灯台和这些用具,应用一「塔冷通」钝金。
25:40 要留神按照在山上指示给你的式样去做。




26:2 每幅布幔长二十八肘,宽四肘;每幅布幔都是一样的尺寸。
26:3 五幅布幔相连缝在一起,另五幅也相连缝在一起。
26:4 在这一组布幔末幅的边上,应做上紫色的钮;另一组布幔末幅的边上,也应这样作。
26:5 在这一幅上应做五十个钮,在另一组布幔末幅的边上,也应做上五十个钮,这些钮彼此相对。
26:6 又做五十个金钩,用钩子使两组布幔彼此相连,成为一个帐棚。
26:7 再用山羊毛做布幔,作帐棚顶之用;共做布幔十一幅。
26:8 每幅长三十肘,宽四肘;十一幅布幔都是一样的尺寸。
26:9 五幅布幔缝在一起,另六幅也缝在一起,但第六幅应在棚顶前面叠起。
26:10 在这一组布幔末幅的边上,做上五十个钮,在另一组布幔末幅的边上,也做上五十个钮,
26:11 再制五十个铜钩穿入钮内:这样使棚顶连结在一起,成为一个。
26:12 至于棚顶布幔多出的那一部份,即余下的半幅布幔,应垂在帐棚后边。
26:13 棚顶布幔的长度多出来的每边一肘,应垂在帐棚的两边,好遮住帐棚。
26:14 再用染红的公羊皮蒙在棚顶上,上边再蒙上海豚皮。

26:16 每块木板高十肘,宽一肘半。
26:17 每块木板下要做两个笋头,彼此并列;帐棚所有的木板,全都这样做。
26:18 支帐棚的木板,在向阳的一面,即南边,应做二十块木板;
26:19 在二十块木板下边做四十个银卯座,每块木板下两个卯座,为安木板的两笋头。
26:20 为帐棚的另一面,即北边,也应做二十块木板,
26:21 也做四十个银卯座,每块木板下两个卯座。
26:22 为帐棚的后面,即西边,要做六块木板;
26:23 在帐棚后面的两角上,各做两块木板;
26:24 木板下端应是双的,直到上端第一环,都应是双的。两块木板都应这样做,形成两个角。
26:25 所以共有八块木板,十六个银卯座,每块木板下两个卯座。
26:26 再用皂荚木做横木:为帐棚的这一面木板做五根,
26:27 为帐棚另一面木板,也做五根横木;为帐棚后面,即西边的木板,也做五根横木。
26:28 在木板中间的那根横木,应从这头穿到那头。
26:29 木板应包上金,穿横木的环子应是金做的,横木也包上金。
26:30 应依照在山上指示给你的式样,建造帐棚。

26:32 将帐幔挂在四根包金的皂荚木柱子上;柱钉应是金的,柱子应安在四个银卯座上。
26:33 帐幔悬在钩上;将约柜抬到里面即帐幔后面:这样帐幔给你们隔成圣所和至圣所。
26:34 将赎罪盖安在至圣所内的约柜上。
26:35 将供桌放在帐幔外边;将灯台安置在帐棚的南边,对着供桌,所以应把供桌放在北边。
26:36 再用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻,编织会幕的门帘。
26:37 为挂门帘应做五根皂荚木柱子,包上金,柱钉应是金的;为柱子再铸五个铜卯座。




27:2 在祭坛四角上做四翘角,四翘角应由祭坛突出,祭坛要包上铜。
27:3 再做收灰的盆、铲、盘、肉叉和火盆:这一切用具都应是铜做的。
27:4 为祭坛要做一架铜格子,好象纲的制法,在纲的四角上安上四个铜环,
27:5 将纲安在坛下方的围腰下,直到祭坛半腰。
27:6 再为祭坛做两根扛杆,杠杆是皂荚木的,包上铜。
27:7 杠杆应穿在环子内;抬祭坛时,杠杆常在祭坛两边。
27:8 祭坛应用木板做成,中心是空的。在山上怎样指示了给你,就怎样去做。

27:10 柱子二十根,铜卯座二十个,柱钩和横棍是银的。
27:11 为北面也是一样:帐幔长一百肘,柱子二十根,铜卯座二十个,柱钩和横棍是银的。
27:12 庭院的西面,帷幔宽五十肘,柱子十根,卯座十个。
27:13 庭院的前面即东面,宽五十肘;
27:14 这一边帷幔十五肘,柱子三根,卯座三个;
27:15 另一边帷幔也十五肘,柱子三根,卯座三个。
27:16 庭院的大门:门帘宽二十肘,是用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻织成的:柱子四根,卯座四个。
27:17 庭院所有的柱子,周围用银横棍连贯起来;所有的钩子是银的,卯座是铜的。
27:18 庭院长一百肘,宽五十肘,高五肘;帷幔是细麻捻的,卯座是铜的。
27:19 帐棚内凡为敬礼用的一切器物,帐棚和庭院的一切橛子,都是铜的。

27:21 在会幕内,在约柜前的帐幔外,亚郎和他的子孙应使这灯,由晚上到早晨,常在上主前点燃:这是以色列子民世世代代当守的常例。




28:2 应给你的哥哥亚郎做圣衣,以示庄严美观。
28:3 凡我使之具备艺术天才的艺术人员,你应吩咐他们为亚郎做服装,祝圣他作我的司祭。
28:4 他们应做的服装如下:胸牌、厄弗得、无袖长袍、织成的长衣、礼冠和腰带。他们为你的哥哥亚郎和他的儿子们做这些圣衣,叫他们作我的司祭。
28:5 他们应用金线,紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和细麻去做。

28:7 两条肩带应结连在厄弗得的两端。
28:8 将厄弗得束在身上用的带子,也应像厄弗得一样的做法,与厄弗得连在一起,全是用金线、紫色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻做成。
28:9 再取两块红玛瑙石,将以色列的儿子的名字刻在上面,
28:10 六个名字刻在一块宝石上,另六个名字刻在另一块宝石上,全照他们出生的次序。
28:11 以玉工雕刻法,好似刻印章,把以色列的儿子们的名字刻在这两块宝石上,嵌在金框内。
28:12 再将这两块宝石,即以色列子民的纪念石,挂在厄弗得的肩带上;亚郎要在上主前常在两肩上带着他们的名字,好获得纪念。
28:13 要做两个金框,
28:14 两条纯金的链子,要像做绳子一样拧成,把这像绳子的金链接在框子上。

28:16 胸牌要方形,双层,一拃长,一拃宽。
28:17 将镶嵌的宝石安装在上面,排成四行:第一行:赤玉、青玉、翡翠:
28:18 第二行:紫宝石、蓝玉、金钢石;
28:19 第三行:黄玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶;
28:20 第四行:黄玉、红玛瑙、水苍玉;这些宝石都嵌在金框内。
28:21 按照以色列的儿子的名字,宝石应有十二块,按刻印法,每块刻一个名字,代表十二支派。
28:22 为胸牌再做两条纯金链子,像绳子一样拧成。
28:23 在胸牌上做两个金环,将两个金环安在胸牌的两端,
28:24 将那两条金链结在胸牌两端的环子上,
28:25 把两条链子的另两端,结在那挂在厄弗得的肩带前面的两个框子上。
28:26 再做两个金环,安在胸牌的下两端,靠近厄弗得的内边缘上。
28:27 再做两个金环,安在厄弗得前面两肩带的下边,靠近厄弗得带子的上边与肩带相连结的地方。
28:28 用一根紫绳把胸牌的环子系在厄弗得的环子上,使胸牌结在厄弗得的带子上,免得胸牌在厄弗得上移动。
28:29 如此亚郎进圣所时,在他的胸前,在判断的胸牌上带着以色列儿子们的名字,为在上主前常获得纪念。
28:30 在决断的胸牌内应放上乌陵和突明,几时亚郎进到上主前常带在亚郎胸前:如此亚郎在上主前时,胸前常带着为以色列子民行决断的工具。

28:32 中间留一领口,领口周围叫织工做上边,像战袍的领口,免得破裂。
28:33 在长袍底边周围做上紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线石榴;在石榴中间,周围再做上金铃铛:
28:34 如此在长袍底边周围,一个金铃铛,一个石榴;一个金铃铛,一个石榴。
28:35 当亚郎穿着行礼时,能听见他进圣所到上主前,或者出来的声音,免得他死亡。

28:37 用紫绳子将牌子系在礼冠上,即系在礼冠的前面。
28:38 那牌常在亚郎的额上,好叫亚郎担当以色列子民祝圣各种圣物时,干犯圣物的罪过;那牌常在亚郎的额上,为使人民在上主前获得悦纳。
28:39 应用细麻编制长衣,并用细麻做礼冠;腰带应是编成的。

28:41 你把这些服装给你哥哥亚郎和他的儿子穿上;给他们傅油,授与圣职,祝圣他们做我的司祭。
28:42 还应给他们用麻布做裤子,从腰部直到大腿,遮盖他们的裸体。
28:43 当亚郎和他的儿子们进入会幕或走近祭台,在圣所内行礼时,要穿上裤子,免得招致惩罚死亡:这为亚郎和他的后代是永远的规律。




29:2 准备无酵饼,油调的无酵糕,油抹的无酵薄饼:这些都应用细麦面做成,
29:3 放在篮子内,连篮子也带来,并将那头公牛和两只绵羊牵来;
29:4 然后领亚郎和他的儿子们到会幕门口,先叫他们沐浴,
29:5 以后拿过服装来,给亚郎穿上长衣,和挂厄弗得的无袖长袍,佩上厄弗得和胸牌,系上厄弗得带子,
29:6 把礼冠戴在他头上,将金牌系在礼冠上。
29:7 再拿傅礼用的油倒在他头上,给他傅油。
29:8 以后叫他的儿子们前来,给他们穿上长衣,
29:9 给他们束上腰带,缠上头巾;如此,使他们尽司祭之职,成为永远的规律:你要这样授与亚郎和他儿子们圣职。

29:11 你要在上主前,在会幕门口宰杀那牛犊,
29:12 取些牛血,用你的手指抹在祭坛的各角上,把其余的血倒在祭坛脚前。
29:13 再取出遮盖内脏的一切脂肪、肝叶、两肾和两肾上的脂肪,放在祭坛上焚烧,使烟升起。
29:14 牛犊的肉、皮和粪,应在营外用火焚化,因为这是赎罪祭。
29:15 以后把公绵羊牵来,亚郎和他的儿子们按手在羊头上。
29:16 然后你宰杀这羊,取些羊血洒在祭坛周围。
29:17 再把羊切成碎块,把内脏和腿洗净,放在肉块与羊头上,
29:18 在祭坛上焚烧整个公绵羊,使烟升起;这是献给上主的全燔祭,是中悦上主的馨香火祭。
29:19 再把另一只公绵羊牵来,亚郎和他的儿子们按手在羊头上。
29:20 此后你宰杀这羊,取一些血,抹在亚郎和他儿子们的右耳垂上,抹在他们的右手拇指和右脚大趾上,其余的血洒在祭坛周围。
29:21 以后取祭坛上的一点血和傅礼的油,洒在亚郎和他的衣服上,洒在他的儿子们和他们的衣服上:这样他和他的衣服,他们和他们的衣服,都成了圣的。
29:22 再从公绵羊身上取出脂肪、肥尾,遮盖内脏的脂肪、肝叶,两肾和两肾上的脂肪以及右后腿,──因为这是授圣职时所献的公绵羊;
29:23 然后从摆在上主前的无酵饼篮内,拿出一个圆饼,一个油调的饼,一个薄饼,
29:24 都放在亚郎和他儿子们手上,在上主前行奉献的摇礼;
29:25 以后从他们的手里接过来,在祭坛上按全燔祭的礼仪焚烧,使烟升起,作为上主悦纳的馨香:这是献给上主的火祭。
29:26 以后你把亚郎受圣职时所献的公绵羊的胸部拿来,在上主前行奉献的摇礼,它就成了你的一分。
29:27 你要声明摇过的胸,举过的腿,即亚郎和他儿子们受圣职时,所摇过的公绵羊的胸和所举过的腿是圣的。
29:28 这是亚郎和他的儿子们在以色列子民中永远所享的权利,因为是举过的祭品;举过的祭品,就是从以色列子民所献的和平祭品中,取出举献于上主的一部份。
29:29 亚郎的圣衣应传给他的子孙,他们穿上这些圣衣才能接受傅油,接受圣职。
29:30 他的子孙中凡接位当司祭,进会幕在圣所行礼的,应七天之久穿这些圣衣。

29:32 亚郎同他的儿子们须要在会幕门口吃这羊肉和篮中的饼,
29:33 只许他们吃授圣职和祝圣他们时所献的赎罪祭品,外人不许吃,因为是圣物。
29:34 授圣职时所献的祭肉和饼,若到早晨还有剩下的,应把剩下的用火焚化,不准再吃,因为是圣物。
29:35 你应照我吩咐你的,向亚郎和他的儿子们行这一切:七天之久给他们行授职典礼。

29:37 要七天之久为祭坛行洁净礼,使之为圣:如此祭坛就成了至圣的;凡触摸祭坛的,也成为圣的。

29:39 早晨献一只,傍晚献一只。
29:40 与头一只羊同献的,还有十分之一「厄法」细面,调和上四分之一「辛」榨得的油,和四分之一「辛」的酒作奠祭。
29:41 与傍晚那一只同献的,如早晨的素祭和奠祭一样,作为上主悦纳的一种馨香的火祭。
29:42 这是你们世世代代,在会幕门口,在上主前应不断献的全燔祭;我要在那里与你会晤,在那里向你讲话。
29:43 我也要在那里与以色列子民会晤,此地要因我的光荣被尊为圣。
29:44 我要祝圣会幕和祭坛,也要祝圣亚郎和他的儿子们,使他们成为我的司祭。
29:45 我要住在以色列子民中,作他们的天主。
29:46 他们要承认我上主是他们的天主,领他们出离了埃及地,为住在他们中间:我上主是他们的天主。




30:2 长一肘,宽一肘,方形,高二肘,四角从坛上突出。
30:3 坛、坛的上面、四壁、周围和四角,都包上纯金;坛周围做上金花边。
30:4 坛两侧花边下,做两个金环,两面都做,为穿杠杆,抬香坛之用。
30:5 用皂荚木做两根杠杆包上金。
30:6 把香坛安置在约柜前面挂的帐幔前,就是在我与你会晤的约柜上的赎罪盖之前。
30:7 亚郎要在坛上焚烧香料;每天早晨整理灯盏时要焚香;
30:8 晚间亚郎换放灯盏时也要焚香:这是你们世世代代在上主前不断的焚香礼。
30:9 在这坛上不准焚别的香,也不准献全燔祭和素祭或奠祭。
30:10 亚郎每年一次为在这坛的四角上行赎罪礼,用赎罪祭赎罪牺牲的血,每年一次为这坛行赎罪礼。你们世世代代应行此礼,将坛祝圣于上主为至圣之物。」

30:12 「当你统计以色列子民人数的时候,凡被统计的人,每人应献给上主赎命金,免得在统计的时候,灾祸降在他们身上。
30:13 凡被统计过的,每人应按圣所的衡量缴纳半「协刻耳,」──一「协刻耳」等于二十「革辣,」──这半「协刻耳」是给上主的献仪。
30:14 凡被统计过的,自二十岁以上起,要献给上主献仪:
30:15 富的不多纳,穷的也不少出,一概出半「协刻耳,」给上主作献仪,作你们的赎命金。
30:16 你从以色列子民所取得的赎命金,应拿来为会幕用。这是子民在上主前是一个记念,也赎回了你们的性命。」

30:18 「你应作一铜盆和铜盆座,为洗濯之用;把盆安在会幕和祭坛之间,盆中放上水,
30:19 好叫亚郎和他的儿子们在盆中洗手洗脚。
30:20 他们进会幕,或走近祭坛行礼,或向上主焚烧火祭时,要用水洗,免得死亡。
30:21 他们应洗手洗脚,免得死亡:这为他和他的子孙世世代代是永远的规律。」

30:23 「你要拿上等的香料:纯正没药五百「协刻耳,」香肉桂为没药的一半,即二百五十「协刻耳,」香菖蒲二百五十「协刻耳,」
30:24 桂皮按圣所的衡量五百「协刻耳,」橄榄油一「辛,」
30:25 用这些材料配制傅礼用的圣油,像配制香膏的方法配制,作为傅礼用的圣油。
30:26 用此油傅会幕和约柜,
30:27 供桌和其上的一切器具,灯台和一切用具,香坛,
30:28 全燔祭坛和坛上的一切用具、盆和盆座。
30:29 你祝圣过的,都成了至圣之物,凡接触这些对象的,也成为圣的。
30:30 你也要给亚郎和他的儿子们傅油,祝圣他们作我的司祭。
30:31 你要吩咐以色列子民说:你们应世世代代以此为傅礼用的圣油,
30:32 不准将此油倒在俗人身上,也不准用这配制的方法配制这样的油,因为是圣油,你们应以为圣物。
30:33 无论谁若配制这样的油,或用这油傅了凡人,应将他从百姓中铲除。」

30:35 以香膏的配制法配成香,再加上盐,使之成为纯洁和圣的。
30:36 将一部份研成碎末,献在会幕中的约柜前,即我与你会晤的地方;这为你是至圣之物。
30:37 你所配制的这种香,不准配制为自己用,应当作圣物,只为上主用。
30:38 无论谁若配制这样的香料,为闻香气,应将他从百姓中铲除。」




31:2 「看,从犹大支派,我已召叫了胡尔的孙子,乌黎的儿子贝匝肋耳来,
31:3 以天主的神充满了他,叫他有智慧、技能和知识,能制造各种工程,
31:4 能设计图案,能用金、银、铜制造器物,
31:5 能雕刻宝石,镶嵌,雕刻木头,制造各种工程。
31:6 我又使丹支派阿希撒玛客的儿子敖曷里雅布与他合作;也把智慧赐给一切有艺术技能的人,好完成我吩咐你的一切:
31:7 会幕、约柜和上面的赎罪盖及属于会幕的一切用具,
31:8 供桌和桌上的一切器物,纯金的灯台和灯台的一切器物和香坛,
31:9 全燔祭坛和一切器物,盆和盆座,
31:10 行礼的衣服,亚郎大司祭的圣衣和他儿子们行祭的服装,
31:11 傅礼用的油和为圣所焚的香。他们应全照我吩咐你的去作。」

31:13 「你要吩咐以色列子民说:你们务要守我的安息日,这是我与你们之间世世代代的记号,使你们知道,我是祝圣你们的上主。
31:14 所以你们应守安息日,因为这日为你们是圣日,那亵渎这圣日的,应受死刑;凡在这日工作的,应从百姓中铲除。
31:15 六日中可以工作,但第七日应完全安息,因为是献于上主的圣日;凡在安息日工作的,应受死刑。
31:16 以色列子民要守安息日,世世代代要过安息日,作为永远的盟约。
31:17 这是我与以色列子民之间的永远记号,因为上主六天造了天地,第七天停工休息。」





32:2 亚郎给他们说:「你们去摘下你们的妻子、儿女所配戴的金耳环,给我送来。」
32:3 众百姓即将他们耳上的金环摘下,送到亚郎跟前。
32:4 亚郎从他们手里接过来,制了一个模型,用来铸了一个牛像。他们遂说:「以色列,这就是领你出埃及国的天主。」
32:5 亚郎一见,就在牛犊前筑了一座祭坛,宣布说:「明日是上主的庆节。」
32:6 次日清晨,他们起来,就奉献了全燔祭和和平祭;以后百姓坐下吃喝,起来玩乐。

32:8 他们很快就离开了我给他们指示的道路,为自己铸了一个牛犊,朝拜它,向它祭献并且说:「以色列,这就是领你出埃及的天主。」
32:9 上主又向梅瑟说:「我看这百姓,真是一个执拗的百姓!
32:10 你且由我向他们发怒,消灭他们;我要使你成为一个大民族。」
32:11 梅瑟求上主他们的天主息怒说:「上主,你为什么要向你用大力,用强硬的手臂,由埃及国领出来的百姓发怒呢﹖
32:12 为什么要叫埃及人说:他是恶意领他们出来,要在山中杀死他们,由地面上绝灭他们呢﹖求你息怒,撤销要加于你百姓的灾祸。
32:13 求你记念你的仆人亚巴郎、依撒格和以色列,你曾指着自己向他们起誓说:我要使你们的后裔,像天上的繁星那样多;我所许的那整个地方,必赐给你们的后裔,叫他们永远占有。」
32:14 上主遂撤销了要加于百姓的灾祸。

32:16 版是天主做的,字是天主写的,刻在版上。
32:17 若苏厄一听见百姓喧哗的声音,就对梅瑟说:「营里有战争的声音。」
32:18 梅瑟回答说:「这不是战胜的歌声,也不是战败的吵声,我听见的是应和的歌声。」
32:19 当梅瑟走近营幕的时候,见了那牛犊,看见人歌舞,遂大发愤怒,把两块石版由手中拋出,摔碎在山下。
32:20 随后拿过他们所造的牛犊,投在火中焚烧,捣成细末,撒在水面上,叫以色列子民喝。
32:21 梅瑟对亚郎说:「这百姓对你作了什么,你竟使他们陷于重罪﹖」
32:22 亚郎回答说:「我主,请不要生气!你知道这百姓倾向于恶。
32:23 他们对我说:请给我们制一神像,在我们前面引路,因为那领我们出埃及国的梅瑟,不知道遭遇了什么事。
32:24 我给他们说:谁有金子,就摘下来!他们遂给我送来。我把金子投在火中,这牛犊便出来了。」

32:26 就站在营幕门口说:「凡属上主的,到我跟前来!」于是肋未的子孙聚到梅瑟前。
32:27 梅瑟向他们说:「上主,以色列的天主这样说:每人要把刀配在腰间,在营中往来,从这门到那门,要杀自己的兄弟、朋友和亲人。」
32:28 肋未的子孙就照梅瑟的吩咐作了,那一天百姓中被杀的约有三千人。
32:29 梅瑟说:「今天你们应接受奉事上主的圣职,因为你们每人牺牲了自己的儿子和兄弟,上主今日必赐福与你们。」
32:30 到了次日,梅瑟向百姓说:「你们犯了重罪,现在我要上到上主台前,也许我能为你们赎罪。」
32:31 梅瑟回到上主那里说:「唉!这百姓犯了重罪,为自己制造了金神像。
32:32 现在只求你赦免他们的罪,不然,就把我从你所记录的册子上抹去罢!
32:33 上主回答梅瑟说:「谁犯罪得罪我,我就把谁从我的册子上抹去。
32:34 现在你去领我的百姓到我吩咐你的地方去。看,我的使者在你前面引路。在我惩罚之日,我必惩罚他们的罪。」
32:35 以后上主打击了百姓,因他们敬拜了亚郎制造的牛犊。




33:2 我要打发使者在你面前,我要驱逐客纳罕人、阿摩黎人、赫特人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人。
33:3 你往流奶流蜜之地时,我不与你同行,因为你是个执拗的百姓,免得我在路上消灭你。」
33:4 百姓一听这凶信,都表示悲痛,没有人再穿戴装饰品。
33:5 上主向梅瑟说:「你告诉以色列子民:你们是个执拗的百姓,我若与你同行,只一会儿,我必把你消灭。现在你把装饰品卸下,看我要怎样待你。」
33:6 以色列子民从离开曷勒布山,就卸去了装饰品。

33:8 每当梅瑟往会幕那里去的时候,众百姓都起来,每人站在自己帐幕门口,观望梅瑟直到他进入会幕。
33:9 当梅瑟进入会幕的时候,云柱降下,停在会幕门口,上主便同梅瑟谈话。
33:10 众百姓一见云柱停止在会幕门口,百姓就起来,俯伏在自己的帐幕门口。
33:11 上主同梅瑟面对面地谈话,就如人同朋友谈话一样。梅瑟回营以后,他的侍从,一个年轻人,即农的儿子若苏厄总不离开会幕。

33:13 如果我真在你眼中得宠,求你把你的道路指示给我,叫我认识你,好在你眼中得宠。也请记得这民族是你的百姓。」
33:14 上主回答说:「我必亲自去,使你获得安所。」
33:15 梅瑟对上主说:「你若不亲自去,也别叫我们从这里上去。
33:16 人怎样知道我和你的百姓在你眼中得宠,岂不是因你与我们同行,而我和你的百姓有别于地面上所有的人民﹖」
33:17 上主回答说:「连你所求的事,我也要作,因为你在我眼中得了宠,我提名选了你。」
33:18 梅瑟又说:「求你把你的荣耀显示给我。」
33:19 上主答说:「当我在你前呼喊「雅威」名号时,我要使我的一切美善在你面前经过。我要恩待的就恩待,要怜悯的就怜悯。」
33:20 又说:「我的面容你决不能看见,因为人见了我,就不能再活了。」
33:21 上主又说:「看,靠近我有个地方,你可站在那块盘石上。
33:22 当我的荣耀经过时,我把你放在盘石缝里,用我的手遮掩你,直到我过去。
33:23 当我缩回我的手时,你将看见我的背后,但我的面容,却无法看见。」




34:2 明天早晨你要准备好,清早上西乃山,在山顶上站在我前。
34:3 不准任何人同你上山,全山不可有一个人,也不准在这山下放牛羊。」
34:4 梅瑟便凿了两块石版,和先前的一样;照上主的吩咐,清早起来,上了西乃山,手中拿着两块石版。

34:6 上主由他面前经过时,大声喊说:「雅威,雅威是慈悲宽仁的天主,缓于发怒,富于慈爱忠诚,
34:7 对万代的人保持仁爱,宽赦过犯、罪行和罪过,但是决不豁免惩罚,父亲的过犯向子孙追讨,直到三代四代。」
34:8 梅瑟急忙俯伏在地朝拜,
34:9 说:「吾主,若是我真在你眼中得宠,求吾主与我们同行;这百姓固然执拗,但求你宽免我们的过犯和罪恶,以我们为你的所有物。」

34:11 你应注意我今日吩咐你的事:我要从你面前驱逐阿摩黎人、客纳罕人、赫特人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人。
34:12 你要注意:你每到一地,不可与那地方的居民立盟,恐怕他们成了你中间的陷阱。
34:13 你应拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的神柱,砍断他们的木偶。
34:14 不准你朝拜别的神,因为上主名为忌邪者,他是忌邪的天主。
34:15 不准你与当地的人民结盟,免得他们与自己的神行淫,给自己的神献祭时,请你去吃他们的祭物,
34:16 又免得你为你的儿子娶他们的女儿为妻;当他们的女儿与自己的神行淫的时候,也使你的儿子与她们的神行淫。
34:17 不准为你铸造神像。
34:18 你要按照我所吩咐的,在阿彼布月所定的日期内,守无酵节,七天之久吃无酵饼,因为在阿彼布月你出离了埃及。
34:19 凡初开母胎的都应归于我;你的牲畜中,凡首生的公牛羊,都应归于我。
34:20 首生的驴,应用羊赎回;若不赎回,应打断它的颈项。你的子孙中,凡是长子,你应赎回。空着手的,不可到我台前来。
34:21 你六天作工,但第七天应安息,连在耕种收获的时期,也要安息。
34:22 在收获初熟麦子时,应过七七节;在年尾过收藏节。
34:23 凡你所有的男子,一年三次应去朝拜主,上主,以色列的天主。
34:24 几时我从你面前赶走异民,扩展了你的疆域之后,你一年三次上去朝拜上主你天主的时候,没有人敢图谋你的国土。
34:25 不可同酵面一起给我祭献牺牲的血;逾越节的牺牲,不可留到早晨。
34:26 你田中最上等的初熟之果,应献到上主你的天主的殿中。不可煮羊羔在其母奶之中。」
34:27 以后上主向梅瑟说:「你要记录这些话,因为我依据这些话同你和以色列子民立了约。」
34:28 梅瑟在那里同上主一起,停留了四十天四十夜,没有吃饭,也没有喝水;把盟约的话,即十句话,写在石版上。

34:30 亚郎和全以色列子民一看见他的脸皮发光,都害怕接近他。
34:31 梅瑟召呼他们过来,亚郎和全会众的首领才敢回到他跟前,梅瑟就同他们谈了话。
34:32 以后全以色列子民也来到他跟前,他把上主在西乃山上同他所说的一切,都吩咐了他们。
34:33 梅瑟向他们讲完话,就用首帕蒙上自己的脸。
34:34 几时梅瑟到上主台前去同他谈话,就揭去首帕,直到出来的时候;他出来后,就对以色列子民讲明上主吩咐的事,
34:35 以色列子民观看梅瑟的脸,见梅瑟的脸皮发光。以后梅瑟再用首帕蒙上自己的脸,直到再去同上主谈话。




35:2 六日内作工,第七日为你们是圣日,应完全为上主安息;凡在这一日作工的,应受死刑。
35:3 安息日不准在你们住的一切地方生火。」

35:5 由你们财物中取一份作献仪,献给上主;凡甘心乐捐的,可献于上主的献仪是:金、银、铜,
35:6 紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线、细麻和山羊毛,
35:7 染红的公羊皮、海豚皮和皂荚木,
35:8 灯油,为制傅礼的油和焚香用的香料,
35:9 红玛瑙石和为镶在厄弗得和胸牌上的宝石。
35:10 你们中间凡有天才的人,都要来制造上主所命令的一切:
35:11 帐棚、棚顶和棚罩,钩子、木板、横木、柱子和卯座,
35:12 约柜和杠杆、赎罪盖、遮赎罪盖的帐幔,
35:13 供桌和杠杆,并一切器具,以及供饼,
35:14 灯台及其用具,灯盏和灯油,
35:15 香坛和杠杆,傅礼的油、香料、帐棚入口的门帘,
35:16 全燔祭坛和祭坛的铜格子、杠杆及一切器具,盆和盆座,
35:17 庭院的帷幔、柱子、卯座并院门的帘子,
35:18 帐棚的橛子、庭院的橛子和绳索,
35:19 圣所内行礼的祭服,亚郎大司祭的圣衣,以及他儿子们行祭的服装。」

35:21 凡甘心情愿捐献的人都来送给上主献仪,为制造会幕和会幕中的一切用具及圣衣之用;
35:22 无论男女,凡甘心乐捐的,都把金针、耳环、戒指、项链和各样金器送来,各人都把金子奉献给上主作献仪。
35:23 凡有紫色、红色、朱红色毛线、细麻、山羊毛、染红的公羊皮、海豚皮的,也都送来。
35:24 凡愿奉献银子和铜的,也送来,奉献给上主作献仪;凡有皂荚木的,也送来,为制造各种应用之物。
35:25 凡技巧的妇女都亲手纺线,把所纺的紫色、红色、朱红色毛线和细麻送来。
35:26 凡具有艺术才能的妇女都纺了毛线。
35:27 首长奉献了红玛瑙石,镶在厄弗得和胸牌上的宝石,
35:28 香料和油,为点灯,为制傅礼的油,为制焚香而用。
35:29 以色列子民,无论男女,凡甘心乐捐,为制造上主藉梅瑟所吩咐的一切工程的,都自愿向上主奉献了礼品。

35:31 使他充满天主的神,使他有智慧、技能和知识,能做各种工程,
35:32 能设计图案,能用金、银、铜制造器物,
35:33 能雕刻宝石,加以镶嵌,雕刻木头,制造各种艺术工程。
35:34 上主又赐给他和丹支派的阿希撒玛客的儿子敖曷里雅布领导的才能,
35:35 使他们充满艺术的才能,能雕刻刺绣,并用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和细麻作绣花及编织的各种工作,能作各种工程,能设计图案。」




36:2 梅瑟将贝匝肋耳和敖曷里雅布以及上主赐给他们才能的一切技工,并所有心甘情愿来工作的人,都叫了来。
36:3 他们当着梅瑟的面,接收了以色列子民为建造圣所的各种工程送来的一切献仪。但以色列子民仍天天早晨将自愿的献仪送来;
36:4 因此建造圣所各种工程的技工,人人都停止他们所做的工程,
36:5 来向梅瑟说:「百姓送来的太多,已超过上主命令为完成这工程所需要的。」
36:6 梅瑟遂吩咐在营中传令说:「无论男女,不必再为圣所的工程送献仪。」百姓这才停止不送。
36:7 送来的材料足够全工程之用,而且有余。

36:9 每幅布幔长二十八肘,宽四肘;每幅布幔都是一样的尺寸。
36:10 五幅布幔相连缝在一起,另五幅相连缝在一起。
36:11 在这一组布幔末幅的边上做了紫色的钮,在另一组布幔末幅的边上也照样做了;
36:12 在这一幅上做了五十个钮,在另一组布幔末幅的边上,也做了五十个钮;这些钮都彼此相对。
36:13 又做了五十个金钩,用金钩使布幔彼此相连,这样成了一个帐棚。
36:14 又用山羊毛做了布幔,作帐棚顶用,共做了十一幅布幔,
36:15 每幅长三十肘,宽四肘;十一幅布幔都是一样尺寸。
36:16 将五幅布幔缝在一起,
36:17 将另六幅也缝在一起;在这一组布幔末幅的边上做了五十个钮,在另一组布幔末幅的一边上,也做了五十个钮;
36:18 又制了五十个铜钩,使棚顶连结在一起,成为一个。
36:19 以后用染红的公羊皮作了棚顶的罩,上边又蒙上一块海豚皮的罩。

36:21 每块木板高十肘,宽一肘半。
36:22 每块木板下有两个笋头彼此并列;帐棚的一切木板,都是这样做。
36:23 支帐棚的木板,在向阳的一面,即南边,做了二十块木板;
36:24 在二十块木板下边做了四十个银卯座,每块木板下两个银卯座,为安木板的两笋头。
36:25 为帐棚的另一面,即北边,也做了二十块木板,
36:26 也做了四十个银卯座,每块木板下两个卯座。
36:27 为帐棚的后面,即西边做了六块木板。
36:28 在帐棚的后面的两角上,做了两块木板,
36:29 木板下端是双的,直到上端第一环都是双的;两块木板都照样做了,形成两个角。
36:30 所以共有八块木板,十六个银卯座,每块板下两个卯座。
36:31 又用皂荚木做了横木为帐棚这一面木板做了五根,
36:32 为帐棚另一面木板,也做了五根横木,为帐棚后面即西边的木板,也做了五根横木。
36:33 又做了木板中间的那根横木,从这头穿到那头。
36:34 木板上包了金;做了穿横木的金环,横木上也包了金。

36:36 为挂帐幔做了四根皂荚木柱子,包上金,柱钉是金的,又铸了四个银卯座。
36:37 又做了会幕的门帘,是用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻的细麻编成的。
36:38 为挂门帘,又做了五根柱子和柱钉,柱帽和横棍包了金;又做了五个铜卯座。




37:2 里外包上了纯金,周围做了金花边。
37:3 铸了四个金环,安在四个脚上:这边两个,那边两个。
37:4 又用皂荚木做了杠杆,包上了金。
37:5 将杠杆穿入约柜边的环内,作抬柜之用。
37:6 又用纯金做了赎罪盖,长二肘半,宽一肘半。
37:7 又做了一对金革鲁宾,由赎罪盖两端用锤工做成;
37:8 在这端做了一个革鲁宾,在那端做了一个革鲁宾;赎罪盖两端的革鲁宾与赎罪盖连在一起;
37:9 革鲁宾的翅膀,伸展其上,翅膀遮着赎罪盖;他们的脸彼此相对,面朝赎罪盖。

37:11 包上了纯金,周围做了金花边,
37:12 周围做了一掌宽的框子,框子周围,也做了金花边。
37:13 又铸了四个金环,将金环安在桌四脚的角上。
37:14 环子靠近框子,为穿抬供桌的杠杆
37:15 又用皂荚木做了杠杆,包上金,为抬供桌之用。
37:16 又用纯金做了供桌上的器物:盘、碟、杯和为奠祭用的爵。

37:18 灯台两面发出了六叉:这面三叉,那面三叉。
37:19 在一叉上,有像杏花的三朵花,都有花托和花瓣;在另一叉上也有像杏花的三朵花,都有花托和花瓣;由灯台发出的六叉都是一样。
37:20 在灯台的直干上,有像杏花的四个花朵,都有花托和花瓣。
37:21 由灯干发出的每两叉之下,各有一个花朵;从灯干发出的六个叉都是如此。
37:22 这些花朵和灯叉,都从灯台发出,全是用整块纯金锤成。
37:23 又做了灯台上的七盏灯,以及纯金的灯剪和碟子。
37:24 为做灯台和一切用具,用了一塔冷通纯金。

37:26 又用纯金包了坛、坛的上面、四壁、周围和四角;坛周围做了金花边。
37:27 坛两侧花边下,做了两个金环,两面都有,为穿杠杆抬坛之用。
37:28 又用皂荚木做了杠杆,包上了金。
37:29 以后又以配制香料的方法,做了为傅礼用的圣油,和为焚香用的纯香料。




38:2 在祭坛四角上做了四翘角,四翘角由祭坛突出;祭坛包上了铜。
38:3 以后做了祭坛的一切用具:盆、铲、盘、肉叉和火盆:这一切用具是铜做的。
38:4 为祭坛做了一架铜格子,好象纲的制法,安在祭坛下方的围腰下,直到祭坛半腰。
38:5 又铸了四个环子,安在铜格子的四角上,为穿杠杆用。
38:6 用皂荚木做了杠杆,包了铜。
38:7 把杠杆穿入祭坛两侧的环子内,好抬祭坛;祭坛是用木板做的,中心是空的。
38:8 又用在会幕门口服务的妇女所用的铜镜,做了铜盆以及盆座。

38:10 柱子二十根,铜卯座二十个;柱钩和横棍是银的。
38:11 北面的帷幔也是一百肘,柱子二十根,铜卯座二十个;柱钩和横棍是银的。
38:12 西面的帷幔共五十肘,柱子十根,卯座十个;柱钩和横棍是银的。
38:13 前面,即东面,共五十肘;
38:14 这边的帷幔十五肘,柱子三根,卯座三个;
38:15 那边也是如此。庭院门口的两边,皆有帷幔十五肘,柱子三根,卯座三个。
38:16 庭院四周所有的帷幔,都是用捻的细麻编成的。
38:17 柱的卯座是铜的,柱钩和横棍是银的,柱帽包上了银;庭院所有的柱子都用银横棍连贯起来。
38:18 庭院的门帘是用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻成的细麻编成的,宽二十肘,高五肘,与庭院的帷幔高度相等。
38:19 门帘的柱子四根,铜卯座四个,银柱钩;柱帽包上了银,横棍是银的。
38:20 帐棚和庭院的一切橛子是铜的。

38:22 猷大支派乌黎的儿子,胡尔的孙子贝匝肋耳完成了上主吩咐梅瑟的一切;
38:23 与他同事的有丹支派阿希撒玛客的儿子敖曷里雅布,他会雕刻,会设计,会用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和细麻织绣。
38:24 为建造圣所整个工程所使用的金子,即献的金子,按圣所的衡量,共计二十九「塔冷通」零七百三十「协刻耳。」
38:25 会众登记者所缴纳的银子,按圣所的衡量,共计一百「塔冷通」零一千七百七十五「协刻耳。」
38:26 凡二十岁以上来登记的,共六十万三千五百五十人;每人缴纳一「贝卡,」按圣所的衡量,合半「协刻耳。」
38:27 为铸圣所的卯座和门帘的卯座,用了一百「塔冷通」银子:一百卯座,用一百「塔冷通」银子,一「塔冷通」铸一卯座。
38:28 用那一千七百七十五「协刻耳」银子做了柱钩,包了柱帽,并做了连接柱子的横棍。
38:29 所奉献的铜,共计七十「塔冷通」零二千四百「协刻耳。」
38:30 用此铜做了会幕门口的卯座、铜坛和坛下的铜格子,并坛的一切用具,
38:31 庭院四周的卯座,庭院门口的卯座,帐棚所有的橛子,以及庭院四周所有的橛子。





39:3 就是将金子锤成了薄片,切成细线,以织工编织在紫色、红色、朱红色毛线和细麻之中。
39:4 为厄弗得做了肩带,结在厄弗得的两端,连结在一起。
39:5 那将厄弗得束在身上的带子,像厄弗得一样做成,与厄弗得连在一起,是用金线,紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线和捻成的细麻做成的,全按上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
39:6 将两块红玛瑙石修好崁在金框内,以刻印之法雕刻了以色列的儿子们的名字。
39:7 将金框安在厄弗得的肩带上,作为以色列子民的记念石,全照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。

39:9 做的胸牌是方形的,双层,一拃长,一拃宽。
39:10 上面安装了四行宝石:第一行:赤玉、青玉、翡翠;
39:11 第二行:紫宝石、蓝玉、金钢石;
39:12 第三行:黄玛瑙、白玛瑙、紫晶;
39:13 第四行:黄玉、红玛瑙、水苍玉:这些宝石都镶在金框内。
39:14 宝石上有以色列的儿子们的名字,按他们的名字共十二块;按刻印的方法,每块刻上一个名字,代表十二支派。
39:15 在胸牌上做了金的链子,像绳子一样拧成。
39:16 又做了两个金框和两个金环;将两个金环安在胸牌的两端。
39:17 将两条金链接在胸牌两端的环子上。
39:18 把两条链子的另两端结在两框子上;把两框子结在厄弗得肩带的前面。
39:19 又做了两个金环,安在胸牌下两端,靠近厄弗得的内边缘上。
39:20 还做了两个金环,安在厄弗得的前面肩带的下边,靠近厄弗得带子的上边与肩带相结连的地方。
39:21 用一根紫绳,把胸牌的环子系在厄弗得的环子上,使胸牌结在厄弗得的带上子上,免得胸牌在厄弗得上移动:全照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。

39:23 长袍中间有一领口,像战袍的领口;领口周围镶上边,免得破裂。
39:24 又在长袍底边上,用捻的紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线做了石榴;
39:25 又用纯金做了铃铛,将铃铛系在长袍底边周围的石榴中间,
39:26 如此在长袍底边周围,一个铃铛,一个石榴;一个铃铛,一个石榴,为行敬礼穿:全照上主向梅瑟所吩附的。

39:28 也做了细麻的礼冠,细麻的华丽头巾,捻的细麻布裤子;
39:29 又用捻的细麻及紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线编织了腰带:全按上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
39:30 又用纯金做了圣冠上的牌子,在上面像雕刻印章,刻上了「祝圣于上。」
39:31 又用紫色绳子将这牌子系在礼冠上:全按上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。

39:33 他们遂把帐棚运到梅瑟前,即帐幕和帐幕的一切用具:钩子、木板、横木、柱子、卯座,
39:34 染红的公山羊皮的顶罩,海豚皮的顶罩,作屏障的帐幔,
39:35 约柜和杠杆,赎罪盖,
39:36 供桌和桌上的一切用具,供饼,
39:37 纯金的灯台与灯盏,即摆在灯台上的灯盏及其一切用具,灯油,
39:38 金祭坛,傅礼的油,馨香的香料,帐棚的门帘,
39:39 铜祭坛、祭坛的铜格子、杠杆和一切用具,盆和盆座,
39:40 庭院的帷幔、柱子和卯座,庭院的门帘、绳子和橛子,以及一切为会幕圣所内使用的器皿;
39:41 圣所内行礼的祭服,司祭亚郎的圣衣,和他儿子们尽司祭职的衣服:
39:42 以色列子民所作的一切工程,全是照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
39:43 梅瑟查看了一切工程,见他们所行的,完全是照上主所吩咐的,遂祝福了他们。




40:2 「正月初一,你要竖立会幕的帐棚。
40:3 把约柜安放在里面,用帷幔将约柜遮起。
40:4 把供桌搬进,摆上当供之物;把灯台搬进,安放上灯盏。
40:5 把焚香的金坛安放在约柜前边,悬上帐棚的门帘。
40:6 把全燔祭坛安置在会幕门口,
40:7 把盆安置在会幕和祭坛之中,盆里放上水。
40:8 随后竖立庭院四周的帷幔,悬上庭院的门帘。
40:9 以后拿傅礼的油,给帐棚和其中的一切器具傅油,祝圣帐棚和其中的一切器具,使之成为圣物:
40:10 即给全燔祭坛及其一切用具傅油,祝圣祭坛,使之成为至圣的;
40:11 给盆和盆座傅油,使之成圣。
40:12 以后叫亚郎和他的儿子们来近会幕门口,用水洗他们。
40:13 给亚郎穿上圣衣,给他傅油,祝圣他作我的司祭。
40:14 再叫他的儿子们前来,给他们穿上长衣,
40:15 像给他们的父亲傅油一样,也给他们傅油,叫他们作我的司祭。给他们行傅油礼,表示他们世世代代,永远尽司祭之职。
40:16 梅瑟行了一切;上主怎样吩咐他的,他就怎样作了。

40:18 梅瑟竖立了帐棚,安上卯座,放上木板,安上横木,竖起柱子。
40:19 将幕顶展开放在帐棚上,将幕顶的罩放在上面,全照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
40:20 随后取了约版放在柜内,柜旁穿上杠杆,将赎罪盖安在约柜上面。
40:21 将柜抬到帐棚内,悬上帐幔,遮住约柜,如上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
40:22 以后把供桌放在会幕内,放在帐棚北面,帐幔以外;
40:23 在桌上于上主前摆上供饼,如上主吩咐梅瑟的。
40:24 把灯台安置在会幕内,对着供桌,在帐棚南面。
40:25 在上主前放上灯盏,如上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
40:26 把金祭坛安置在会幕内,帐幔的前边。
40:27 在坛上燃烧馨香的香料,如上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
40:28 又悬起帐棚的门帘。
40:29 将全燔祭台安放在会幕门口,在上面奉献全燔祭和素祭,如上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
40:30 将盆安置在会幕和祭坛之中,盆内放了水,为洗濯之用。
40:31 梅瑟亚郎和他的儿子们在盆内洗脚。
40:32 他们进入会幕或接近祭坛时,必先洗濯,如上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
40:33 随后在帐棚和祭坛四周,竖起了庭院的帷幔,悬起了庭院的门帘:这样梅瑟完成了所有的工程。

40:35 梅瑟不能进入会幕,因为云彩停在上面,上主的荣耀充满了帐棚。
40:36 在以色列子民整个的行程中,云彩一从帐棚升起,他们就拔营前行;
40:37 云彩若不升起,他们就安营不动,直等云彩升起。
40:38 在他们整个行程中,上主的云彩白天停在帐棚上,黑夜在云中有火,以色列全家都能见到。

BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB EXODUS Chapter 1





The prosperity of the Hebrews in Egypt

1:1 These are the names of the sons of Israel who went with Jacob to Egypt, each with his family:

1:2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah,

1:3 Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin,

1:4 Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.

1:5 In all, the descendants of Jacob numbered seventy persons. Joseph was in Egypt already.

1:6 Then Joseph died, and his brothers, and all that generation.

1:7 But the sons of Israel were fruitful and grew in numbers greatly; they increased and grew so immensely powerful that they filled the land.


The Hebrews oppressed

1:8 Then there came to power in Egypt a new king who knew nothing of Joseph.

1:9 'Look,' he said to his subjects 'these people, the sons of Israel, have become so numerous and strong that they are a threat to us.

1:10 We must be prudent and take steps against their increasing any further, or if war should break out, they might add to the number of our enemies. They might take arms against us and so escape out of the country.'

1:11 Accordingly they put slave-drivers over the Israelites to wear them down under heavy loads. In this way they built the store-cities of Pithom and Rameses[*a] for Pharaoh.

1:12 But the more they were crushed, the more they increased and spread, and men came to dread the sons of Israel.

1:13 The Egyptians forced the sons of Israel into slavery,

1:14 and made their lives unbearable with hard labour, work with clay and with brick, all kinds of work in the fields; they forced on them every kind of labour.

1:15 The king of Egypt then spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah, and the other Puah.

1:16 'When you midwives attend Hebrew women,' he said 'watch the two stones[*b] carefully. If it is a boy, kill him; if a girl, let her live.'

1:17 But the midwives were God-fearing: they disobeyed the command of the king of Egypt and let the boys live.

1:18 So the king of Egypt summoned the midwives. 'Why' he asked them 'have you done this and spared the boys?'

1:19 'The Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women,' they answered Pharaoh 'they are hardy, and they give birth before the midwife reaches them.'

1:20 God was kind to the midwives. The people went on increasing and grew very powerful;

1:21 since the midwives reverenced God he granted them descendants.

1:22 Pharaoh then gave his subjects this command: 'Throw all the boys born to the Hebrews into the river, but let all the girls live'.

JB EXODUS Chapter 2




The birth of Moses

2:1 There was a man of the tribe of Levi who had taken a woman of Levi as his wife.

2:2 She conceived and gave birth to a son and, seeing what a fine child he was, she kept him hidden for three months.

2:3 When she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him; coating it with bitumen and pitch, she put the child inside and laid it among the reeds at the river's edge.

2:4 His sister stood some distance away to see what would happen to him.

2:5 Now Pharaoh's daughter went down to bathe in the river, and the girls attending her were walking along by the riverside. Among the reeds she noticed the basket, and she sent her maid to fetch it.

2:6 She opened it and looked, and saw a baby boy, crying; and she was sorry for him. 'This is a child of one of the Hebrews' she said.

2:7 Then the child's sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, 'Shall I go and find you a nurse among the Hebrew women to suckle the child for you?'

2:8 'Yes, go' Pharaoh's daughter said to her; and the girl went off to find the baby's own mother.

2:9 To her the daughter of Pharaoh said, 'Take this child away and suckle it for me. I will see you are paid.' So the woman took the child and suckled it.

2:10 When the child grew up, she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter who treated him like a son; she named him Moses because, she said, 'I drew him out of the water'.[*a]


Moses escapes to Midian

2:11 Moses, a man by now, set out at this time to visit his countrymen, and he saw what a hard life they were having; and he saw an Egyptian strike a Hebrew, one of his countrymen.

2:12 Looking round he could see no one in sight, so he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.

2:13 On the following day he came back, and there were two Hebrews, fighting. He said to the man who was in the wrong, 'What do you mean by hitting your fellow countryman?'

2:14 'And who appointed you' the man retorted 'to be prince over us, and judge? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?' Moses was frightened. 'Clearly that business has come to light' he thought.

2:15 When Pharaoh heard of the matter he would have killed Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and made for the land of Midian.[*b] And he sat down beside a well.

2:16 Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters. They came to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father's sheep.

2:17 Shepherds came and drove them away, but Moses came to their defence and watered their sheep for them.

2:18 When they returned to their father Reuel, he said to them, 'You are back early today!'

2:19 'An Egyptian protected us from the shepherds;' they said 'yes, and he drew water for us and watered the flock.'

2:20 'And where is he?' he asked his daughters. 'Why did you leave the man there? Ask him to eat with us.'

2:21 So Moses settled with this man, who gave him his daughter Zipporah in marriage.

2:22 She gave birth to a son, and he named him Gershom because, he said, 'I am a stranger in a foreign land'.




God remembers Israel

2:23 During this long period the king of Egypt died. The sons of Israel, groaning in their slavery, cried out for help and from the depths of their slavery their cry came up to God.

2:24 God heard their groaning and he called to mind his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

2:25 God looked down upon the sons of Israel, and he knew...

JB EXODUS Chapter 3


The burning bush

3:1 Moses was looking after the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, priest of Midian. He led his flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb,[*a] the mountain of God.

3:2 There the angel of Yahweh appeared to him in the shape of a flame of fire, coming from the middle of a bush. Moses looked; there was the bush blazing but it was not being burnt up.

3:3 'I must go and look at this strange sight,' Moses said 'and see why the bush is not burnt.'

3:4 Now Yahweh saw him go forward to look, and God called to him from the middle of the bush. 'Moses, Moses!' he said. 'Here I am' he answered.

3:5 'Come no nearer' he said. 'Take off your shoes, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.

3:6 I am the God of your father,' he said 'the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.' At this Moses covered his face, afraid to look at God.


The mission of Moses

3:7 And Yahweh said, 'I have seen the miserable state of my people in Egypt. I have heard their appeal to be free of their slave-drivers. Yes, I am well aware of their sufferings.

3:8 I mean to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians and bring them up out of that land to a land rich and broad, a land where milk and honey flow, the home of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites.

3:9 And now the cry of the sons of Israel has come to me, and I have witnessed the way in which the Egyptians oppress them,

3:10 so come, I send you to Pharaoh to bring the sons of Israel, my people, out of Egypt.'

3:11 Moses said to God, 'Who am I to go to Pharaoh and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?'

3:12 'I shall be with you,' was the answer 'and this is the sign by which you shall know that it is I who have sent you... After you have led the people out of Egypt, you are to offer worship to God on this mountain.'


The divine name revealed

3:13 Then Moses said to God, 'I am to go, then, to the sons of Israel and say to them, "The God of your fathers has sent me to you". But if they ask me what his name is, what am I to tell them?'

3:14 And God said to Moses, 'I Am who I Am. 'This' he added 'is what you must say to the sons of Israel: "I Am has sent me to you".'

3:15 And God also said to Moses, 'You are to say to the sons of Israel: "Yahweh,[*b] the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you". This is my name for all time; by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come.


Moses instructed for his mission

3:16 'Go and gather the elders of Israel together and tell them, "Yahweh, the God of your fathers, has appeared to me, - the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob; and he has said to me: I have visited you and seen all that the Egyptians are doing to you.

3:17 And so I have resolved to bring you up out of Egypt where you are oppressed, into the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, to a land where milk and honey flow."

3:18 They will listen to your words, and with the elders of Israel you are to go to the king of Egypt and say to him, "Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, has come to meet us. Give us leave, then, to make a three days' journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to Yahweh our God."

3:19 For myself, knowing that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless he is forced by a mighty hand,

3:20 I shall show my power and strike Egypt with all the wonders I am going to work there. After this he will let you go.


The Egyptians to be plundered

3:21 I will give this people such prestige in the eyes of the Egyptians that when you go, you will not go empty-handed.

3:22 Every woman will ask her neighbour and the woman who is staying in her house for silver ornaments and gold. With these you will adorn your sons and daughters; you will plunder the Egyptians.'

JB EXODUS Chapter 4


Moses granted miraculous powers

4:1 Then Moses answered, 'What if they will not believe me or listen to my words and say to me, "Yahweh has not appeared to you"?'

4:2 Yahweh asked him, 'What is that in your hand?' 'A staff' Moses said.

4:3 'Throw it on the ground' said Yahweh; so Moses threw his staff on the ground - it turned into a serpent and he drew back from it.

4:4 'Put your hand out and catch it by the tail' Yahweh said to him. And he put out his hand and caught it, and in his hand the serpent turned into a staff. . .

4:5 'so that they may believe that Yahweh, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has really appeared to you.'

4:6 Again Yahweh spoke to Moses, 'Put your hand into your bosom.' He put his hand into his bosom and when he drew it out, his hand was covered with leprosy, white as snow.

4:7 'Put your hand back into your bosom.' He put his hand back into his bosom and when he drew it out, there it was restored, just like the rest of his flesh.

4:8 'Even so: should they not believe you nor be convinced by the first sign, the second will convince them;

4:9 but if they should believe neither of these two signs and not listen to your words, you must take water from the river and pour it on the ground, and the water you have drawn from the river will turn to blood on the ground.'


Aaron, the mouthpiece of Moses

4:10 Moses said to Yahweh, 'But, my Lord, never in my life have I been a man of eloquence, either before or since you have spoken to your servant. I am a slow speaker and not able to speak well.'

4:11 'Who gave man his mouth?' Yahweh answered him. 'Who makes him dumb or deaf, gives him sight or leaves him blind? Is it not I, Yahweh?

4:12 Now go, I shall help you to speak and tell you what to say.'

4:13 'If it please you, my Lord,' Moses replied 'send anyone you will!'

4:14 At this, the anger of Yahweh blazed out against Moses, and he said to him, 'There is your brother Aaron the Levite, is there not? I know that he is a good speaker. Here he comes to meet you. When he sees you, his heart will be full of joy.

4:15 You will speak to him and tell him what message to give. I shall help you to speak, and him too, and instruct you what to do.

4:16 He himself is to speak to the people in your place; he will be your mouthpiece, and you will be as the god inspiring him.

4:17 And take this staff into your hand; with this you will perform the signs.'


Moses returns to Egypt. He leaves Midian

4:18 Moses went away and returned to his father-in-law Jethro, and said to him, 'Give me leave to go back to my relatives in Egypt to see if they are still alive'. And Jethro said to Moses, 'Go in peace'.

4:19 Yahweh said to Moses in Midian, 'Go, return to Egypt, for all those who wanted to kill you are dead'.

4:20 So Moses took his wife and his son and, putting them on a donkey, started back for the land of Egypt; and Moses took in his hand the staff of God.

4:21 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Now that you are going back to Egypt, be prepared to perform before Pharaoh all the marvels that I have given you power to do. I myself will harden his heart, and he will not let the people go.

4:22 Then you will say to Pharaoh, "This is what Yahweh says: Israel is my first-born son.

4:23 I ordered you to let my son go to offer me worship. You refuse to let him go. So be it! I shall put your first-born to death".'


The son of Moses circumcised

4:24 On the journey, when Moses had halted for the night, Yahweh came to meet him and tried to kill him.

4:25 At once Zipporah, taking up a flint, cut off her son's foreskin and with it she touched the genitals of Moses 'Truly, you are a bride-groom of blood to me!' she said.

4:26 And Yahweh let him live. It was then that she said, 'bridegroom of blood' on account of the circumcision.


Moses meets Aaron

4:27 Yahweh said to Aaron, 'Go into the wilderness to meet Moses'. And so he went, and met him at the mountain of God; and he kissed him.

4:28 Moses then told Aaron all that Yahweh had said when he set him his task and all the signs he had ordered him to perform.

4:29 Moses and Aaron then went and gathered all the elders of the sons of Israel together,

4:30 and Aaron told all that Yahweh had said to Moses, and in the sight of the people he performed the signs.

4:31 The people were convinced, and they rejoiced that Yahweh had visited the sons of Israel and

JB EXODUS Chapter 5


seen their misery, and they bowed down and worshipped.


The first audience with Pharaoh

5:1 After this, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him, 'This is what Yahweh, the God of Israel, has said, "Let my people go, so that they may keep a feast in the wilderness in honour of me."'

5:2 'Who is Yahweh,' Pharaoh replied 'that I should listen to him and let Israel go? I know nothing of Yahweh, and I will not let Israel go.'

5:3 'The God of the Hebrews has come to meet us' they replied. 'Give us leave to make a three days' journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to Yahweh our God, or he will come down on us with a plague or with the sword.'

5:4 The king of Egypt said to them, 'Moses and Aaron, what do you mean by taking the people away from their work? Get back to your labouring.'

5:5 And Pharaoh said, 'Now that these common folk have grown to such numbers, do you want to stop them labouring?'


Instructions to the slave-drivers

5:6 That same day, Pharaoh gave this command to the people's slave-drivers and to the overseers.

5:7 Up to the present, you have provided these people with straw for brickmaking. Do so no longer; let them go and gather straw for themselves.

5:8 All the same, you are to get from them the same number of bricks as before, not reducing it at all. They are lazy, and that is why their cry is, "Let us go and offer sacrifice to our God".

5:9 Make these men work harder than ever, so that they do not have time to stop and listen to glib speeches.'

5:10 The people's slave-drivers went out with the overseers to speak to the people. 'Pharaoh has given orders' they said: '"I will not provide you with straw.

5:11 Go out and collect straw for yourselves wherever you can find it. But your output is not to be any less."'

5:12 So the people scattered all over the land of Egypt to gather stubble for making chopped straw.

5:13 The slave-drivers harassed them. 'Every day you must complete your daily quota,' they said 'just as you did when straw was provided for you.'

5:14 And the foremen who had been appointed for the sons of Israel by Pharaoh's slave-drivers were flogged, and they were asked, 'Why have you not produced your full amount of bricks as before, either yesterday or today?'


The Hebrew foremen complain

5:15 The foremen for the sons of Israel went to Pharaoh and complained. 'Why do you treat your servants so?' they said.

5:16 'No straw is provided for your servants and still the cry is, "Make bricks!" And now your servants have been flogged!...'

5:17 'You are lazy, lazy' he answered 'that is why you say, "Let us go and offer sacrifice to Yahweh".

5:18 Get back to your work at once. You shall not get any straw, but you must deliver the number of bricks due from you.'


The dilemma of the foremen. Moses prays

5:19 The foremen for the sons of Israel saw themselves in a very difficult position when told there was to be no reduction in the daily number of bricks.

5:20 As they left Pharaoh's presence they met Moses and Aaron who were waiting for them.

5:21 'May Yahweh see your work and punish you as you deserve!' they said to them. 'You have made us hated by Pharaoh and his court; you have put a sword into their hand to kill us.'

5:22 Once more Moses turned to Yahweh. 'Lord,' he said to him 'why do you treat this people so harshly? Why did you send me here?

5:23 Ever since I came to Pharaoh and spoke to him in your name, he has ill-treated this nation, and you have done nothing to deliver your people.'

JB EXODUS Chapter 6


6:1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'You will see now how I shall punish Pharaoh. He will be forced to let them go; yes, he will be forced to send them out of his land.'


Another account of the call of Moses

6:2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, 'I am Yahweh.

6:3 To Abraham and Isaac and Jacob I appeared as El Shaddai; I did not make myself known to them by my name Yahweh.

6:4 Also, I made my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land they lived in as strangers.

6:5 And I have heard the groaning of the sons of Israel, enslaved by the Egyptians and have remembered my covenant.

6:6 Say this, then, to the sons of Israel, "I am Yahweh. I will free you of the burdens which the Egyptians lay on you. I will release you from slavery to them, and with my arm outstretched and my strokes of power I will deliver you.

6:7 I will adopt you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that it is I, Yahweh your God, who have freed you from the Egyptians' burdens.

6:8 Then I will bring you to the land I swore that I would give to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and will give it to you for your own; I, Yahweh, will do this!"'

6:9 Moses told this to the sons of Israel, but they would not listen to him, so crushed was their spirit and so cruel their slavery.

6:10 Yahweh then said to Moses,

6:11 'Go to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and tell him to let the sons of Israel leave his land'.

6:12 But Moses answered to Yahweh's face: 'Look,' said he 'since the sons of Israel have not listened to me, why should Pharaoh listen to me, a man slow of speech?'

6:13 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron and ordered them both to go to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and to bring the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt.


The genealogy of Moses and Aaron

6:14 These are the heads of their families: The sons of Reuben, Israel's first-born: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron and Carmi: these are the clans of Reuben.

6:15 The sons of Simeon: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, son of the Canaanite woman: these are the clans of Simeon.

6:16 These are the names of the sons of Levi with their descendants: Gershon, Kohath and Merari. Levi lived for a hundred and thirty-seven years.

6:17 The sons of Gershon: Libni and Shimei and their clans.

6:18 The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. Kohath lived for a hundred and thirty-three years.

6:19 The sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi. These are the clans of Levi with their descendants.

6:20 Amram married Jochebed, his aunt, who bore him Aaron and Moses. Amram lived for a hundred and thirty-seven years.

6:21 The sons of Izhar were: Korah, Nepheg and Zichri.

6:22 And the sons of Uzziel: Mishael, Elzaphan and Sithri.

6:23 Aaron married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon, and she bore him Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.

6:24 The sons of Korah: Assir, Elkanah and Abiasaph. These are the clans of the Korahites.

6:25 Eleazar, son of Aaron, married one of Putiel's daughters who bore him Phinehas. These are the heads of families of the Levites according to their clans.

6:26 It was to this same Aaron and Moses that Yahweh had said, 'Bring the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt in battle order'.

6:27 It was they who spoke with Pharaoh, king of Egypt, about bringing the sons of Israel out of Egypt. It was the same Moses and Aaron.


The narrative of Moses' call resumed

6:28 On the day when Yahweh spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt,

6:29 he said this to him, 'I am Yahweh. Tell Pharaoh, king of Egypt, all that I say to you.'

6:30 But Moses said to Yahweh's face, 'I am slow of speech, why should Pharaoh listen to me?'

JB EXODUS Chapter 7


7:1 Yahweh said to Moses, 'See, I make you as a god for Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother is to be your prophet.

7:2 You yourself must tell him all I command you, and Aaron your brother will tell Pharaoh to let the sons of Israel leave his land.

7:3 I myself will make Pharaoh's heart stubborn, and perform many a sign and wonder in the land of Egypt,

7:4 Pharaoh will not listen to you and so I will lay my hand on Egypt and with strokes of power lead out my armies, my people, the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt.

7:5 And all the Egyptians shall come to know that I am Yahweh when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the sons of Israel from their midst.'

7:6 Moses and Aaron obeyed; they did what Yahweh commanded them.

7:7 Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three at the time of their audience with Pharaoh.




The staff turned into a serpent

7:8 Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron,

7:9 'If Pharaoh says to you, "Produce some marvel", you must say to Aaron, "Take your staff and throw it down in front of Pharaoh, and let it turn into a serpent"'.

7:10 To Pharaoh, then, Moses and Aaron duly went, and they did as Yahweh commanded. Aaron threw down his staff in front of Pharaoh and his court, and it turned into a serpent.

7:11 Then Pharaoh in his turn called for the sages and the sorcerers, and with their witchcraft the magicians of Egypt did the same.

7:12 Each threw his staff down and these turned into serpents. But Aaron's staff swallowed up the staffs of the magicians.

7:13 Yet Pharaoh's heart was stubborn and, as Yahweh had foretold, he would not listen to Moses and Aaron.


The first plague: the water turns to blood

7:14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Pharaoh is adamant. He refuses to let the people go.

7:15 In the morning go to him as he makes his way to the water and wait for him by the bank of the river. In your hand take the staff that turned into a serpent.

7:16 Say to him, "Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say: Let my people go to offer me worship in the wilderness. Now, so far you have not listened.

7:17 Here is Yahweh's message: That I am Yahweh you shall learn by this: with the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the river and it shall be changed into blood.

7:18 The fish in the river will die, and the river will smell so foul that the Egyptians will not want to drink the water of it."'

7:19 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Say this to Aaron, "Take your staff and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers and their canals, their marshland, and all their reservoirs, and let them turn to blood throughout the land of Egypt, even down to the contents of every tub or jar"'.

7:20 Moses and Aaron did as Yahweh commanded. He raised his staff and in the sight of Pharaoh and his court he struck the waters of the river, and all the water in the river changed to blood.

7:21 The fish in the river died, and the river smelt so foul that the Egyptians found it impossible to drink its water. Throughout the land of Egypt there was blood.

7:22 But the magicians of Egypt used their witchcraft to do the same, so that Pharaoh's heart was stubborn and, as Yahweh had foretold, he would not listen to Moses and Aaron.

7:23 Pharaoh turned away and went back into his palace, taking no notice even of this.

7:24 Meanwhile, all the Egyptians dug holes along the banks of the river in search of drinking water; they found the water of the river impossible to drink.

7:25 After Yahweh had struck the river, seven days passed.


The second plague: the frogs

7:26 Then Yahweh said to Moses; 'Go to Pharaoh and say to him "This is Yahweh's message: Let my people go to offer me worship.

7:27 If you refuse to let them go, know that I will plague the whole of your country with frogs.

7:28 The river will swarm with them; they will make their way into your palace, into your bedroom, on to your bed, into the houses of your courtiers and of your subjects, into your ovens, into your kneading bowls.

7:29 The frogs will even climb all over you, over your courtiers, and over all your subjects."'

JB EXODUS Chapter 8


8:1 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Say this to Aaron, "Stretch out your hand, with your staff, over the rivers, the canals, the marshland, and make frogs swarm all over the land of Egypt"'.

8:2 So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.

8:3 But the magicians did the same with their witchcraft, and made frogs swarm all over the land of Egypt.

8:4 Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron, 'Entreat Yahweh' he said 'to rid me and my subjects of the frogs, and I promise to let the people go and offer sacrifice to Yahweh.'

8:5 Moses answered Pharaoh, 'Take this chance to get the better of me! When I pray on your account and for your courtiers, and for your subjects, what time am I to fix for the frogs to leave you and your subjects and your houses, and stay in the river?'

8:6 'Tomorrow' Pharaoh said. 'It shall be as you say' answered Moses. 'By this you shall learn that Yahweh our God has no equal.

8:7 The frogs will go from you and your palaces, your courtiers and your subjects; they will stay in the river.'

8:8 When Moses and Aaron had gone from Pharaoh's presence, Moses pleaded with Yahweh about the frogs with which he had afflicted Pharaoh.

8:9 And Yahweh granted Moses' prayer: in house and courtyard and field the frogs died.

8:10 They piled them up in heaps and the land reeked of them.

8:11 But as soon as he saw that relief had been granted, Pharaoh became adamant again and, as Yahweh had foretold, he refused to listen to Moses and Aaron.


The third plague: the mosquitoes

8:12 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Say this to Aaron, "Stretch out your rod and strike the dust on the ground: throughout the land of Egypt it will turn into mosquitoes"'.

8:13 Aaron stretched out his hand, with his staff, and struck the dust on the ground. The mosquitoes attacked men and beasts; throughout the land of Egypt the dust on the ground turned into mosquitoes.

8:14 The magicians with their witchcraft tried to produce mosquitoes and failed. The mosquitoes attacked men and beasts.

8:15 So the magicians said to Pharaoh, 'This is the finger of God'. But Pharaoh's heart was stubborn and, as Yahweh had foretold, he refused to listen to Moses and Aaron.


The fourth plague: the gadflies

8:16 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Get up early in the morning and wait for Pharaoh as he makes his way to the water. Say to him, "This is Yahweh's message: Let my people go to offer me worship.

8:17 But if you do not let my people go, I shall send gadflies on you, on your courtiers and your palaces. The houses of the Egyptians will be infested with them, and even the very ground they stand on.

8:18 But I shall set apart the land of Goshen, where my people live, on that day; there will be no gadflies there, and so you may know that I, Yahweh, am in the midst of the land.

8:19 I shall make a distinction between my people and yours. This sign shall take place tomorrow."'

8:20 Yahweh did this, and great swarms of gadflies found their way into Pharaoh's palace, into the houses of his courtiers, and into all the land of Egypt, and ruined the country.

8:21 Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. 'Go' he said 'and offer sacrifice to your God, but in this country!'

8:22 'That would not be right' Moses answered. 'We sacrifice to Yahweh our God animals which Egyptians count it sacrilege to slaughter. If we offer in front of the Egyptians sacrifices that outrage them, will they not stone us?[*a]

8:23 We must make a three days' journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to Yahweh our God, as he has commanded us.

8:24 Pharaoh replied, 'I will let you go to offer sacrifice to Yahweh your God in the wilderness, provided you do not go far. And intercede for me.'

8:25 'The moment I leave you,' said Moses 'I will pray to Yahweh. Tomorrow morning the gadflies will leave Pharaoh and his courtiers and his subjects. Only, Pharaoh must not play false again, and refuse to let the people go to offer sacrifice to Yahweh.'

8:26 So Moses went out of Pharaoh's presence and prayed to Yahweh.

8:27 And Yahweh did as Moses asked; the gadflies left Pharaoh and his courtiers and his subjects; not one remained.

8:28 But Pharaoh was adamant this time too and did not let the people go.

JB EXODUS Chapter 9


The fifth plague: death of the Egyptians' livestock

9:1 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Go to Pharaoh and say to him, "This is the message of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews: Let my people go to offer me worship.

9:2 If you refuse to let them go and detain them any longer,

9:3 you will find that the hand of Yahweh will fall on your livestock in the fields, horse and donkey and camel, herd and flock, with a deadly plague.

9:4 Yahweh will discriminate between the livestock of Israel and of Egypt: nothing shall die of all that belongs to the sons of Israel.

9:5 Yahweh has fixed the hour. Tomorrow, he has said, Yahweh will carry out this threat in all the land."

9:6 Next day Yahweh kept his word; all the Egyptians' livestock died, but none owned by the sons of Israel died.

9:7 Pharaoh had inquiries made, but it was true: none was dead of the livestock owned by the sons of Israel. But Pharaoh became adamant again and did not let the people go.


The sixth plague: the boils

9:8 Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, 'Take handfuls of soot from the kiln, and before the eyes of Pharaoh let Moses throw it in the air.

9:9 It shall spread like fine dust over the whole land of Egypt and bring out boils that break into sores on man and beast all over the land of Egypt.'

9:10 So they took soot from the kiln and stood in front of Pharaoh, and Moses threw it in the air. And on man and beast it brought out boils breaking into sores.

9:11 And the magicians could not face Moses, because the magicians were covered with boils like all the other Egyptians.

9:12 But Yahweh made Pharaoh's heart stubborn and, as Yahweh had foretold, he refused to listen to them.


The seventh plague: the hail

9:13 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Get up early in the morning and present yourself to Pharaoh. Say to him, "This is the message of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews: Let my people go to offer me worship.

9:14 This time I mean to send all my plagues on you and your courtiers and your subjects so that you shall learn that there is no one like me in the whole world.

9:15 Had I stretched out my hand to strike you and your subjects with pestilence, you would have been swept from the earth.

9:16 But I have let you live for this: to make you see my power and to have my name published throughout all the earth.

9:17 High-handed with my people still, you will not let them go.

9:18 Tomorrow, therefore, at about this time, I will let fall so great a storm of hail as was never known in Egypt from the day of its foundation.

9:19 So now have your livestock, and everything that is yours in the fields put under cover: on man and beast, on all that remains in the fields and is not brought indoors, the hail will fall and they will die."'

9:20 Some of Pharaoh's courtiers, terrified by Yahweh's threat, brought their slaves and livestock indoors,

9:21 but those who disregarded Yahweh's threat left their slaves and livestock, in the fields.

9:22 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand towards heaven so that hail may fall on the whole land of Egypt, on man and beast and all that grows in the fields in the land of Egypt'.

9:23 Moses stretched out his staff towards heaven, and Yahweh thundered and rained down hail. Lightning struck the earth. Yahweh rained down hail on the land of Egypt.

9:24 The hail fell, and lightning flashing in the midst of it, a greater storm of hail than had ever been known in Egypt since it first became a nation.

9:25 Throughout the land of Egypt the hail struck down everything in the fields, man and beast. It struck all the crops in the fields, and it shattered every tree in the fields.

9:26 Only in the land of Goshen where the Hebrews lived, was there no hail.

9:27 Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron. 'This time' he said 'I admit my fault. Yahweh is in the right; I and my subjects are in the wrong.

9:28 Entreat Yahweh to stop the thunder and the hail; I promise to let you go, and you shall stay here no longer.'

9:29 Moses answered him, 'The moment I leave the city I will stretch out my hands to Yahweh. The thunder will stop, and there will be no more hail, so that you may know that the earth belongs to Yahweh.

9:30 But as for you and your courtiers, I know very well that you have no fear yet of Yahweh our God.'

9:31 The flax and the barley were ruined, since the barley was in the ear and the flax budding.

9:32 The wheat and the spelt, being late crops, were not destroyed.

9:33 Moses left Pharaoh and went out of the city. He stretched out his hands to Yahweh and the thunder and the hail stopped and the rain no longer poured down on the earth.

9:34 When Pharaoh saw that rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned yet again.

9:35 He became adamant, he and his courtiers. The heart of Pharaoh was stubborn and, as Yahweh had foretold through Moses, he did not let the sons of Israel go.

JB EXODUS Chapter 10


The eighth plague: the locusts

10:1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Go to Pharaoh, for it is I who have made his heart and his courtiers stubborn, so that I could work these signs of mine among them;

10:2 so that you can tell your sons and your grandsons how I made fools of the Egyptians and what signs I performed among them, to let you know that I am Yahweh'.

10:3 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They said to him, 'This is the message of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, "How much longer will you refuse to submit to me? Let my people go to offer me worship.

10:4 If you refuse to let my people go, then tomorrow I will send locusts over your country.

10:5 They shall cover the surface of the soil so thick that the soil will not be seen. They shall devour the remainder that is left to you, all that has survived from the hail; they shall devour all your trees growing in the fields; they shall fill your palaces, the houses of your courtiers, the houses of all the Egyptians.

10:6 Your forefathers and their ancestors will never have seen the like since first they lived in the country."' Then Moses turned away and left Pharaoh's presence.

10:7 And Pharaoh's courtiers said to him, 'How much longer is this man to be the cause of our trouble? Let the people go to offer worship to Yahweh their God. Do you not understand that Egypt is now on the brink of ruin?'

10:8 So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh. 'You may go' he said to them 'and offer worship to Yahweh your God. But who are to go?'

10:9 'We shall take our young men and our old men' Moses answered. 'We shall take our sons and daughters, our flocks and our herds, because for us it is a feast of Yahweh.'

10:10 'May Yahweh be with you if ever I let you and your little ones go!' Pharaoh retorted. 'It is plain you are up to no good.

10:11 Oh no! You men may go and offer worship to Yahweh, since that is what you wanted.' And with that they were dismissed from the presence of Pharaoh.

10:12 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt to bring the locusts. Let them invade the land of Egypt and devour all its greenstuff, all that the hail has left.'

10:13 And over the land of Egypt Moses stretched his staff, and Yahweh brought up an east wind over the land and it blew all that day and night. By morning, the east wind had brought the locusts.

10:14 The locusts invaded the whole land of Egypt. On the whole territory of Egypt they fell, in numbers so great that such swarms had never been seen before, nor would be again.

10:15 They covered the surface of the soil till the ground was black with them. They devoured all the greenstuff in the land and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left. No green was left on tree or plant in the fields throughout the land of Egypt.

10:16 Pharaoh sent urgently for Moses and Aaron. 'I have sinned against Yahweh your God,' he said 'and against yourselves.

10:17 Forgive my sin, I implore you, this once, and entreat Yahweh your God just to rid me of this deadly plague.'

10:18 So Moses left Pharaoh's presence and interceded with Yahweh.

10:19 Then Yahweh made the wind veer till it blew so strongly from the west that it caught up the locusts and carried them off towards the Sea of Reeds. There was not one locust left in the whole land of Egypt.

10:20 But Yahweh made Pharaoh's heart stubborn, and he did not let the sons of Israel go.


The ninth plague: the darkness

10:21 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand towards heaven, and let darkness, darkness so thick that it can be felt, cover the land of Egypt'.

10:22 So Moses stretched out his hand towards heaven, and for three days there was deep darkness over the whole land of Egypt.

10:23 No one could see anyone else or move about for three days, but where the sons of Israel lived there was light for them.

10:24 Pharaoh summoned Moses. 'Go and offer worship to Yahweh,' he said but your flocks and herds must remain here. Your children may go with you too.'

10:25 Moses replied, 'But you must let us have means of offering sacrifices and holocausts to Yahweh our God.

10:26 Our livestock, too, must go with us; not one head of cattle must be left behind: it must be from our livestock that we provide for the worship of Yahweh our God; until we reach the place, we do not know ourselves what worship we shall have to offer Yahweh.'

10:27 But Yahweh made Pharaoh's heart stubborn, and he refused to let them go.

10:28 Pharaoh said to Moses, 'Out of my sight! Take care! Never appear before me again, for on the day you do, you die!'

10:29 Moses replied, 'You yourself have said it: never again shall I appear before you.'

JB EXODUS Chapter 11


Moses proclaims the death of the first-born

11:1 Yahweh said to Moses, 'One disaster more I shall bring on Pharaoh and on Egypt, just one. After this he will let you go from here . . Indeed, he will drive you out!

11:2 Instruct the people that every man is to ask his neighbour, every woman hers, for silver ornaments and gold.'

11:3 And Yahweh gave the people prestige in the eyes of the Egyptians, while Moses himself was a man of great importance in the land of Egypt, and of high prestige with Pharaoh's courtiers and with the people.

11:4 Moses said, 'This is Yahweh's message, "Towards midnight I shall pass through Egypt.

11:5 All the first-born in the land of Egypt shall die: from the first-born of Pharaoh, heir to his throne, to the first-born of the maidservant at the mill, and all the first-born of the cattle.

11:6 And throughout the land of Egypt there shall be such a wailing as never was heard before, nor will be again.

11:7 But against the sons of Israel, against man or beast, never a dog shall bark, so that you may know that Yahweh discriminates between Egypt and Israel.

11:8 Then all these courtiers of yours will come down to me and bow low before me and say: Go away, you and all the people who follow you! After this, I shall go."' And, hot with anger, Moses left Pharaoh's presence.

11:9 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Pharaoh will not listen to you; so that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt'.

11:10 All these wonders Moses and Aaron worked in the presence of Pharaoh. But Yahweh made Pharaoh's heart stubborn, and he did not let the sons of Israel leave his country.

JB EXODUS Chapter 12


The Passover

12:1 Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt,

12:2 'This month is the first of all the others for you, the first month of your year.

12:3 Speak to the whole community of Israel and say, "On the tenth day of this month each man must take an animal from the flock, one for each family: one animal for each household.

12:4 If the household is too small to eat the animal, a man must join with his neighbour, the nearest to his house, as the number of persons requires. You must take into account what each can eat in deciding the number for the animal.

12:5 It must be an animal without blemish, a male one year old; you may take it from either sheep or goats.

12:6 You must keep it till the fourteenth day of the month when the whole assembly of the community of Israel shall slaughter it between the two evenings.[*a]

12:7 Some of the blood must then be taken and put on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses where it is eaten.

12:8 That night, the flesh is to be eaten, roasted over the fire; it must be eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

12:9 Do not eat any of it raw or boiled, but roasted over the fire, head, feet and entrails.

12:10 You must not leave any over till the morning: whatever is left till morning you are to burn.

12:11 You shall eat it like this: with a girdle round your waist, sandals on your feet, a staff in your hand. You shall eat it hastily: it is a passover[*b] in honour of Yahweh.

12:12 That night, I will go through the land of Egypt and strike down all the first-born in the land of Egypt, man and beast alike, and I shall deal out punishment to all the gods of Egypt, I am Yahweh!

12:13 The blood shall serve to mark the houses that you live in. When I see the blood I will pass over you and you shall escape the destroying plague when I strike the land of Egypt.

12:14 This day is to be a day of remembrance for you, and you must celebrate it as a feast in Yahweh's honour. For all generations you are to declare it a day of festival, for ever.


The feast of Unleavened Bread

12:15 "For seven days you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day you are to clean all leaven out of your houses, for anyone who eats leavened bread from the first to the seventh day shall be cut off from Israel.

12:16 On the first day you are to hold a sacred gathering, and again on the seventh day. On those days no work is to be done; you are allowed only to prepare your food.

12:17 The feast of Unleavened Bread must be kept because it was on that same day I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Keep that day from age to age: it is an irrevocable ordinance.

12:18 In the first month, from the evening of the fourteenth day and until the evening of the twenty-first day, you are to eat unleavened bread.

12:19 For seven days no leaven must be found in your houses, because anyone who eats leavened bread will be cut off from the community of Israel, whether he be stranger or native-born.

12:20 You must eat no leavened bread; wherever you live you must eat unleavened bread."'


Injunctions relating to the Passover

12:21 Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, 'Go and choose animals from the flock on behalf of your families, and kill the Passover victim.

12:22 Then take a spray of hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and with the blood from the basin touch the lintel and the two doorposts. Let none of you venture out of the house till morning.

12:23 Then, when Yahweh goes through Egypt to strike it, and sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, he will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to enter your homes and strike.

12:24 You must keep these rules as an ordinance for all time for you and your children.

12:25 When you enter the land that Yahweh is giving you, as he promised, you must keep to this ritual.

12:26 And when your children ask you, "What does this ritual mean?"

12:27 you will tell them, "It is the sacrifice of the Passover in honour of Yahweh who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt, and struck Egypt but spared our houses".' And the people bowed down and worshipped.

12:28 The sons of Israel then departed, and they obeyed. They carried out the orders Yahweh had given to Moses and Aaron.


The tenth plague: death of the first-born

12:29 And at midnight Yahweh struck down all the first-born in the land of Egypt: the first-born of Pharaoh, heir to his throne, the first-born of the prisoner in his dungeon, and the first-born of all the cattle.

12:30 Pharaoh and all his courtiers and all the Egyptians got up in the night, and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house without its dead.

12:31 And it was night when Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. 'Get up,' he said 'you and the sons of Israel, and get away from my people. Go and offer worship to Yahweh as you have asked and, as you have asked, take your flocks and herds, and go.

12:32 And also ask a blessing on me.'

12:33 The Egyptians urged the people to hurry up and leave the land because, they said, 'Otherwise we shall all be dead'.

12:34 So the people carried off their dough, still unleavened, on their shoulders, their kneading bowls wrapped in their cloaks.


The Egyptians plundered

12:35 The sons of Israel did as Moses had told them and asked the Egyptians for silver ornaments and gold, and for clothing.

12:36 Yahweh gave the people such prestige in the eyes of the Egyptians, that they gave them what they asked. So they plundered the Egyptians.


Israel's departure

12:37 The sons of Israel left Rameses for Succoth, about six hundred thousand on the march - all men - not counting their families.

12:38 People of various sorts joined them in great numbers; there were flocks, too, and herds in immense droves.

12:39 They baked cakes with the dough which they had brought from Egypt, unleavened because the dough was not leavened; they had been driven out of Egypt, with no time for dallying, and had not provided themselves with food for the journey.[*c]

12:40 The time that the sons of Israel had spent in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years.

12:41 And on the very day the four hundred and thirty years ended, all the array of Yahweh left the land of Egypt.

12:42 The night, when Yahweh kept vigil to bring them out of the land of Egypt, must be kept as a vigil in honour of Yahweh for all their generations.


Ordinances for the Passover

12:43 Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, 'This is what is ordained for the Passover: No alien may take part in it,

12:44 but any slave bought for money may take part when you have had him circumcised.

12:45 No stranger and no hired servant may take part in it.

12:46 It is to be eaten in one house alone, out of which not a single morsel of the flesh is to be taken; nor must you break any bone of it.

12:47 The whole community of Israel must keep the Passover.

12:48 Should a stranger be staying with you and wish to celebrate the Passover in honour of Yahweh, all the males of his household must be circumcised: he may then be admitted to the celebration, for he becomes as it were a native-born. But no uncircumcised person may take part.

12:49 The same law will run for the native and for the stranger resident among you.'

12:50 The sons of Israel all obeyed. They carried out the orders Yahweh had given to Moses and Aaron.

12:51 And that same day Yahweh brought the sons of Israel in their armies out of Egypt.

JB EXODUS Chapter 13


The first-born

13:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

13:2 'Consecrate all the first-born to me, the first issue of every womb, among the sons of Israel. Whether man or beast, this is mine.'


The feast of Unleavened Bread

13:3 Moses said to the people, 'Keep this day in remembrance, the day you came out of Egypt, from the house of slavery, for it was by sheer power that Yahweh brought you out of it; no leavened bread must be eaten.

13:4 On this day, in the month of Abib, you are leaving Egypt.

13:5 And so, in this same month, when Yahweh brings you to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Hivites, the Jebusites, the land he swore to your fathers he would give you, a land where milk and honey flow, you are to hold this service.

13:6 For seven days you will eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there is to be a feast in honour of Yahweh.

13:7 During these seven days unleavened bread is to be eaten; no leavened bread must be seen among you, no leaven among you in all your territory.

13:8 And on that day you will explain to your son, "This is because of what Yahweh did for me when I came out of Egypt".

13:9 The rite will serve as a sign on your hand would serve, or a memento on your forehead, and in that way the law of Yahweh will be ever on your lips, for Yahweh brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hand.

13:10 You will observe this ordinance each year at its appointed time.


The first-born

13:11 'When Yahweh brings you to the land of the Canaanites - as he swore to you and your fathers he would do - and gives it to you,

13:12 you are to make over to Yahweh all that first issues from the womb, and every first-born cast by your animals: these males belong to Yahweh.

13:13 But every first-born donkey you will redeem with an animal from your flocks. If you do not redeem it, you must break its neck. Of your sons, every first-born of men must be redeemed.

13:14 And when your son asks you in days to come, "What does this mean?" you will tell him, "By sheer power Yahweh brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

13:15 When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, Yahweh killed all the first-born in the land of Egypt, of man and of beast alike. For this I sacrifice to Yahweh every male that first issues from the womb, and redeem every first-born of my sons."

13:16 The rite will serve as a sign on your hand would serve, or a circlet on your forehead. for Yahweh brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.'




The departure of the Israelites

13:17 When Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not let them take the road to the land of the Philistines, although that was the nearest way. God thought that the prospect of fighting would make the people lose heart and turn back to Egypt.

13:18 Instead, God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness to the Sea of Reeds. The sons of Israel went out from Egypt fully armed.

13:19 Moses took with him the bones of Joseph who had put the sons of Israel on solemn oath. 'It is sure that God will visit you,' he had said 'and when that day comes you must take my bones from here with you.'

13:20 From Succoth they moved on, and encamped at Etham, on the edge of the wilderness.

13:21 Yahweh went before them, by day in the form of a pillar of cloud to show them the way, and by night in the form of a pillar of fire to give them light: thus they could continue their march by day and by night.

13:22 The pillar of cloud never failed to go before the people during the day, nor the pillar of fire during the night.

JB EXODUS Chapter 14


From Etham to the Sea of Reeds

14:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

14:2 'Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and pitch camp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, facing Baal-zephon. You are to pitch your camp opposite this place, beside the sea.

14:3 Pharaoh will think, "Look how these sons of Israel wander to and fro in the countryside; the wilderness has closed in on them".

14:4 Then I shall make Pharaoh's heart stubborn and he will set out in pursuit of them. But I shall win glory for myself at the expense of Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will learn that I am Yahweh.' And the Israelites did this.


The Egyptians pursue the Israelites

14:5 When Pharaoh, king of Egypt, was told that the people had made their escape, he and his courtiers changed their minds about the people. 'What have we done,' they said 'allowing Israel to leave our service?'

14:6 So Pharaoh had his chariot harnessed and gathered his troops about him,

14:7 taking six hundred of the best chariots and all the other chariots in Egypt, each manned by a picked team.

14:8 Yahweh made Pharaoh, king of Egypt, stubborn, and he gave chase to the sons of Israel as they made their triumphant escape.

14:9 So the Egyptians gave chase and came up with them where they lay encamped beside the sea - all the horses, the chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen, his army - near Pi-hahiroth, facing Baal-zephon.

14:10 And as Pharaoh approached, the sons of Israel looked round - and there were the Egyptians in pursuit of them! The sons of Israel were terrified and cried out to Yahweh.

14:11 To Moses they said, 'Were there no graves in Egypt that you must lead us out to die in the wilderness? What good have you done us, bringing us out of Egypt?

14:12 We spoke of this in Egypt, did we not? Leave us alone, we said, we would rather work for the Egyptians! Better to work for the Egyptians than die in the wilderness!'

14:13 Moses answered the people, 'Have no fear! Stand firm, and you will see what Yahweh will do to save you today: the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again.

14:14 Yahweh will do the fighting for you: you have only to keep still.'


The crossing

14:15 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Why do you cry to me so? Tell the sons of Israel to march on.

14:16 For yourself, raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and part it for the sons of Israel to walk through the sea on dry ground.

14:17 I for my part will make the heart of the Egyptians so stubborn that they will follow them. So shall I win myself glory at the expense of Pharaoh, of all his army, his chariots, his horsemen.

14:18 And when I have won glory for myself, at the expense of Pharaoh and his chariots and his army, the Egyptians will learn that I am Yahweh.'

14:19 Then the angel of Yahweh, who marched at the front of the army of Israel, changed station and moved to their rear. The pillar of cloud changed station from the front to the rear of them, and remained there.

14:20 It came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. The cloud was dark, and the night passed without the armies drawing any closer the whole night long.

14:21 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. Yahweh drove back the sea with a strong easterly wind all night, and he made dry land of the sea. The waters parted

14:22 and the sons of Israel went on dry ground right into the sea, walls of water to right and to left of them.

14:23 The Egyptians gave chase: after them they went, right into the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.

14:24 In the morning watch, Yahweh looked down on the army of the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and of cloud, and threw the army into confusion.

14:25 He so clogged their chariot wheels that they could scarcely make headway. 'Let us flee from the Israelites,' the Egyptians cried 'Yahweh is fighting for them against the Egyptians!'

14:26 'Stretch out your hand over the sea,' Yahweh said to Moses 'that the waters may flow back on the Egyptians and their chariots and their horsemen.'

14:27 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and, as day broke, the sea returned to its bed. The fleeing Egyptians marched right into it, and Yahweh overthrew the Egyptians in the very middle of the sea.

14:28 The returning waters overwhelmed the chariots and the horsemen of Pharaoh's whole army, which had followed the Israelites into the sea; not a single one of them was left.

14:29 But the sons of Israel had marched through the sea on dry ground, walls of water to right and to left of them.

14:30 That day, Yahweh rescued Israel from the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore.

14:31 Israel witnessed the great act that Yahweh had performed against the Egyptians, and the people venerated Yahweh; they put their faith in Yahweh and in Moses, his servant.

JB EXODUS Chapter 15


Song of victory

15:1 It was then that Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song in honour of Yahweh: 'Yahweh I sing: he has covered himself in glory, horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.

15:2 Yah is my strength, my song, he is my salvation. This is my God, I praise him; the God of my father, I extol him.

15:3 Yahweh is a warrior; Yahweh is his name.

15:4 The chariots and the army of Pharaoh he has hurled into the sea; the pick of his horsemen lie drowned in the Sea of Reeds.

15:5 The depths have closed over them; they have sunk to the bottom like a stone.

15:6 Your right hand, Yahweh, shows majestic in power, your right hand, Yahweh, shatters the enemy.

15:7 So great your splendour, you crush your foes; you unleash your fury, and it devours them like stubble.

15:8 A blast from your nostrils and the waters piled high; the waves stood upright like a dyke; in the heart of the sea the deeps came together.

15:9 "I will give chase and overtake," the enemy said "I shall share out the spoil, my soul will feast on it; I shall draw my sword, my hand will destroy them."

15:10 One breath of yours you blew, and the sea closed over them; they sank like lead in the terrible waters.

15:11 Who among the gods is your like, Yahweh? Who is your like, majestic in holiness, terrible in deeds of prowess, worker of wonders?

15:12 You stretched your right hand out, the earth swallowed them!

15:13 By your grace you led the people you redeemed, by your strength you guided them to your holy house.

15:14 Hearing of this, the peoples tremble; pangs seize on the inhabitants of Philistia.

15:15 Edom's chieftains are now dismayed, the princes of Moab fall to trembling, Canaan's inhabitants are all unmanned.

15:16 On them fall terror and dread; through the power of your arm they are still as stone as your people pass, Yahweh, as the people pass whom you purchased.

15:17 You will bring them and plant them on the mountain that is your own, the place you have made your dwelling, Yahweh, the sanctuary, Yahweh, prepared by your own hands.

15:18 Yahweh will be king for ever and ever.'

15:19 Pharaoh's cavalry, both his chariots and horsemen, had indeed entered the sea, but Yahweh had made the waters of the sea flow back on them, yet the sons of Israel had marched on dry ground right through the sea.[*a]

15:20 Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took up a timbrel, and all the women followed her with timbrels, dancing.

15:21 And Miriam led them in the refrain: 'Sing of Yahweh: he has covered himself in glory, horse and rider he has thrown into the sea'.





15:22 Moses made Israel move from their camp at the Sea of Reeds, and they made for the wilderness of Shur where they travelled for three days without finding water.

15:23 They reached Marah but the water there was so bitter they could not drink it; this is why the place was named Marah.

15:24 The people grumbled at Moses. 'What are we to drink?' they said.

15:25 So Moses appealed to Yahweh, and Yahweh pointed out some wood to him; this Moses threw into the water, and the water was sweetened. There it was he charged them with statute and with ordinance, there that he put them to the test. Then he said,

15:26 'If you listen carefully to the voice of Yahweh your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commandments and keep his statutes, I shall inflict on you none of the evils that I inflicted on the Egyptians, for it is I, Yahweh, who give you healing'.

15:27 So they came to Elim where twelve water-springs were, and seventy palm trees; and there they pitched their camp beside the water.

JB EXODUS Chapter 16


The manna and the quails

16:1 From Elim they set out again, and the whole community of the sons of Israel reached the wilderness of Sin - between Elim and Sinai - on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had left Egypt.

16:2 And the whole community of the sons of Israel began to complain against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness

16:3 and said to them, 'Why did we not die at Yahweh's hand in the land of Egypt, when we were able to sit down to pans of meat and could eat bread to our heart's content! As it is, you have brought us to this wilderness to starve this whole company to death!'

16:4 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Now I will rain down bread for you from the heavens. Each day the people are to go out and gather the day's portion; I propose to test them in this way to see whether they will follow my law or not.

16:5 On the sixth day, when they prepare what they have brought in, this will be twice as much as the daily gathering.'

16:6 Moses and Aaron said to the whole community of the sons of Israel, 'In the evening you shall learn that it was Yahweh who brought you out of the land of Egypt,

16:7 and in the morning you shall see the glory of Yahweh, for he has heard your complaints against him - it is not against us you complain, for what are we?'

16:8 Moses said, 'In the evening Yahweh will give you meat to eat, in the morning bread to your heart's content, for Yahweh has heard the complaints you made against him; your complaining is not against us - for what are we? - but against Yahweh'.

16:9 Moses said to Aaron, 'To the whole community of the sons of Israel say this, "Present yourselves before Yahweh, for he has heard your complaints"'.

16:10 As Aaron was speaking to the whole community of the sons of Israel, they turned towards the wilderness, and there was the glory of Yahweh appearing in the form of a cloud.

16:11 Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

16:12 'I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel. Say this to them, "Between the two evenings you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall have bread to your heart's content. Then you will learn that I, Yahweh, am your God."'

16:13 And so it came about: quails flew up in the evening, and they covered the camp; in the morning there was a coating of dew all round the camp.

16:14 When the coating of dew lifted, there on the surface of the desert was a thing delicate, powdery, as fine as hoarfrost on the ground.

16:15 When they saw this, the sons of Israel said to one another, 'What is that?' not knowing what it was. 'That' said Moses to them 'is the bread Yahweh gives you to eat.

16:16 This is Yahweh's command: Everyone must gather enough of it for his needs, one omer a head, according to the number of persons in your families. Each of you will gather for those who share his tent.'

16:17 The sons of Israel did this. They gathered it, some more, some less.

16:18 When they measured in an omer what they had gathered, the man who had gathered more had not too much, the man who had gathered less had not too little. Each found he had gathered what he needed.

16:19 Moses said to them, 'No one must keep any of it for tomorrow'.

16:20 But some would not listen to Moses and kept part of it for the following day, and it bred maggots and smelt foul; and Moses was angry with them.

16:21 Morning by morning they gathered it, each according to his needs. And when the sun grew hot, it dissolved.

16:22 Now on the sixth day they gathered twice the amount of food: two omers a head. All the leaders of the community came to tell Moses,

16:23 and he said to them, 'This is Yahweh's command: Tomorrow is a day of complete rest, a sabbath sacred to Yahweh. Bake what you want to bake, boil what you want to boil; put aside all that is left for tomorrow.'

16:24 So, as Moses ordered, they put it aside for the following day, and its smell was not foul nor were there maggots in it.

16:25 'Eat it today,' Moses said 'for today is a sabbath in honour of Yahweh; you will find none in the field today.

16:26 For six days you are to gather it, but on the seventh day - the sabbath - there will be none.'

16:27 On the seventh day some of the people went from the camp to gather it, but they found none.

16:28 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'How much longer will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?

16:29 Listen! Yahweh has laid down the sabbath for you; for this he gives you two day's food on the sixth day; each of you is to stay where he is; on the seventh day no one is to leave his home.'

16:30 So on the seventh day the people abstained from all work.

16:31 The House of Israel named it 'manna'. It was like coriander seed; it was white and its taste was like that of wafers made with honey.

16:32 Moses said, 'This is Yahweh's command: Fill an omer with it, and let it be kept for your descendants, to let them see the food that I fed you with in the wilderness when I brought you out of the land of Egypt'.

16:33 Moses said to Aaron, 'Take a jar and put in it a full omer of manna and place it before Yahweh, to be kept for your descendants'.

16:34 Accordingly, Aaron put a full omer of manna in the jar, as Yahweh had ordered Moses, and placed the manna before the Testimony,[*a] to be kept there.

16:35 The sons of Israel ate manna for forty years, up to the time they reached inhabited country: they ate manna up to the time they reached the frontier of the land of Canaan.

16:36 An omer is one tenth of an ephah.

JB EXODUS Chapter 17


The water from the rock

17:1 The whole community of the sons of Israel moved from their camp in the desert of Zin at Yahweh's command, to travel the further stages; and they pitched camp at Rephidim[*a] where there was no water for the people to drink.

17:2 So they grumbled against Moses. 'Give us water to drink' they said. Moses answered them. 'Why do you grumble against me? Why do you put Yahweh to the test?'

17:3 But tormented by thirst, the people complained against Moses. 'Why did you bring us out of Egypt?' they said. 'Was it so that I should die of thirst, my children too, and my cattle?'

17:4 Moses appealed to Yahweh. 'How am I to deal with this people? he said. 'A little more and they will stone me!'

17:5 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Take with you some of the elders of Israel and move on to the forefront of the people; take in your hand the staff with which you struck the river, and go.

17:6 I shall be standing before you there on the rock, at Horeb. You must strike the rock, and water will flow from it for the people to drink.' This is what Moses did, in the sight of the elders of Israel.

17:7 The place was named Massah and Meribah[*b] because of the grumbling of the sons of Israel and because they put Yahweh to the test by saying, 'Is Yahweh with us, or not?'


A battle against the Amalekites

17:8 The Amalekites[*c] came and attacked Israel at Rephidim.

17:9 Moses said to Joshua, 'Pick out men for yourself, and tomorrow morning march out to engage Amalek. I, meanwhile, will stand on the hilltop, the staff of God in my hand.'

17:10 Joshua did as Moses told him and marched out to engage Amalek, while Moses and Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

17:11 As long as Moses kept his arms raised, Israel had the advantage; when he let his arms fall, the advantage went to Amalek.

17:12 But Moses' arms grew heavy, so they took a stone and put it under him and on this he sat, Aaron and Hur supporting his arms, one on one side, one on the other; and his arms remained firm till sunset.

17:13 With the edge of the sword Joshua cut down Amalek and his people.

17:14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Write this action down in a book to keep the memory of it, and say in Joshua's hearing that I shall wipe out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.'

17:15 Moses then built an altar and named it Yahweh-nissi

17:16 because he said, 'Lay hold of the banner of Yahweh! Yahweh is at war with Amalek from age to age!'

JB EXODUS Chapter 18


The meeting of Jethro and Moses

18:1 Jethro priest of Midian, father-in-law of Moses, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel his people, and how Yahweh had brought Israel out of Egypt.

18:2 So Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, brought Moses' wife Zipporah - after she had been dismissed -

18:3 with her two sons. One of these was named Gershom because, he had said, 'I am a stranger in a foreign land';

18:4 the name of the other was Eliezer[*a] because 'The God of my father is my help and has delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh.'

18:5 So Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, came with his son-in-law's wife and children to the wilderness where his camp was, at the mountain of God.

18:6 'Here is your father-in-law, Jethro, come to visit you,' Moses was told 'with your wife and her two sons.'

18:7 So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and bowing low before him he kissed him; and when each had enquired of the other's health, they went into the tent.

18:8 Then Moses told his father-in-law all that Yahweh had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for the sake of Israel, and all the hardships that had overtaken them on the way, and how Yahweh had rescued them.

18:9 And Jethro rejoiced at all Yahweh's goodness to Israel in rescuing them from the Egyptians' hands.

18:10 'Blessed be Yahweh' said Jethro then 'who has rescued you from the Egyptians and from Pharaoh, and has rescued the people from the grasp of the Egyptians.

18:11 Now I know that Yahweh is greater than all the gods...'

18:12 Then Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, offered a holocaust and sacrifices to God; and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to share the meal with the father-in-law of Moses in the presence of God.


The appointment of judges

18:13 On the following day, Moses took his seat to administer justice for the people, and from morning till evening they stood round him.

18:14 Observing what labours he took on himself for the people's sake, the father-in-law of Moses said to him, 'Why do you take all this on yourself for the people? Why sit here alone with the people standing round you from morning till evening?'

18:15 Moses answered his father-in-law, 'Because the people come to me to bring their enquiries to God.

18:16 When they have some dispute they come to me, and I settle the differences between the one and the other and instruct them in God's statutes and his decisions.'

18:17 'It is not right' the father-in-law of Moses said to him 'to take this on yourself.

18:18 You will tire yourself out, you and the people with you. The work is too heavy for you. You cannot do it alone.

18:19 Take my advice, and God will be with you. You ought to represent the people before God and bring their disputes to him.

18:20 Teach them the statutes and the decisions; show them the way they must follow and what their course must be.

18:21 But choose from the people at large some capable and Godfearing men, trustworthy and incorruptible, and appoint them as leaders of the people: leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties, tens.

18:22 Let these be at the service of the people to administer justice at all times. They can refer all difficult questions to you, but all smaller questions they will decide for themselves; so making things easier for you and sharing the burden with you.

18:23 If you do this - and may God so command you - you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied.'

18:24 Moses took his father-in-law's advice and did as he said.

18:25 Moses chose capable men from the ranks of the Israelites and set them over the people: leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties, tens.

18:26 They were at the service of the people to administer justice at all times. They referred hard questions to Moses, and decided smaller questions by themselves.

18:27 Then Moses allowed his father-in-law to go, and he made his way back to his own country.

JB EXODUS Chapter 19






The Israelites come to Sinai

19:1 Three months after they came out of the land of Egypt... on that day the sons of Israel came to the wilderness of Sinai.[*a]

19:2 From Rephidim they set out again; and when they reached the wilderness of Sinai, there in the wilderness they pitched their camp; there facing the mountain Israel pitched camp.


Yahweh promises a covenant

19:3 Moses then went up to God, and Yahweh called to him from the mountain, saying, 'Say this to the House of Jacob, declare this to the sons of Israel,

19:4 "You yourselves have seen what I did with the Egyptians, how I carried you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself.

19:5 From this you know that now, if you obey my voice and hold fast to my covenant, you of all the nations shall be my very own for all the earth is mine.

19:6 I will count you a kingdom of priests, a consecrated nation." Those are the words you are to speak to the sons of Israel.'

19:7 So Moses went and summoned the elders of the people, putting before them all that Yahweh had bidden him.

19:8 Then all the people answered as one, 'All that Yahweh has said, we will do.' And Moses took the people's reply back to Yahweh.


Preparing for the Covenant

19:9 Yahweh said to Moses, 'I am coming to you in a dense cloud so that the people may hear when I speak to you and may trust you always'. And Moses took the people's reply back to Yahweh.

19:10 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Go to the people and tell them to prepare themselves today and tomorrow.

19:11 Let them wash their clothing and hold themselves in readiness for the third day, because on the third day Yahweh will descend on the mountain of Sinai in the sight of all the people.

19:12 You will mark out the limits of the mountain and say, "Take care not to go up the mountain or to touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain will be put to death.

19:13 No one must lay a hand on him: he must be stoned or shot down by arrow, whether man or beast; he must not remain alive." When the ram's horn sounds a long blast, they are to go up the mountain.'

19:14 So Moses came down from the mountain to the people and bade them prepare themselves; and they washed their clothing.

19:15 Then he said to the people, 'Be ready for the third day; do not go near any woman'.


The theophany on Sinai

19:16 Now at daybreak on the third day there were peals of thunder on the mountain and lightning flashes, a dense cloud, and a loud trumpet blast, and inside the camp all the people trembled.

19:17 Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God; and they stood at the bottom of the mountain.

19:18 The mountain of Sinai was entirely wrapped in smoke, because Yahweh had descended on it in the form of fire. Like smoke from a furnace the smoke went up, and the whole mountain shook violently.

19:19 Louder and louder grew the sound of the trumpet. Moses spoke, and God answered him with peals of thunder.

19:20 Yahweh came down on the mountain of Sinai, on the mountain top, and Yahweh called Moses to the top of the mountain; and Moses went up.

19:21 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Go down and warn the people not to pass beyond their bounds to come and look on Yahweh, or many of them will lose their lives.

19:22 The priests, the men who do approach Yahweh,[*b] even these must purify themselves, or Yahweh will break out against them.'

19:23 Moses answered Yahweh, 'The people cannot come up the mountain of Sinai because you warned us yourself when you said, "Mark out the limits of the mountain and declare it sacred"'.

19:24 'Go down,' said Yahweh to him 'and come up again bringing Aaron with you. But do not allow the priests or the people to pass beyond their bounds to come up to Yahweh, or he will break out against them.'

19:25 So Moses went down to the people and spoke to them...

JB EXODUS Chapter 20


The Decalogue[*a]

20:1 Then God spoke all these words. He said,

20:2 'I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

20:3 'You shall have no gods except me.

20:4 'You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth;

20:5 you shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God and I punish the father's fault in the sons, the grandsons, and the great-grandsons of those who hate me;

20:6 but I show kindness to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

20:7 'You shall not utter the name of Yahweh your God to misuse it,[*b] for Yahweh will not leave unpunished the man who utters his name to misuse it.

20:8 Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.

20:9 For six days you shall labour and do all your work,

20:10 but the seventh day is a sabbath for Yahweh your God. You shall do no work that day, neither you nor your son nor your daughter nor your servants, men or women, nor your animals nor the stranger who lives with you.

20:11 For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that these hold, but on the seventh day he rested; that is why Yahweh has blessed the sabbath day and made it sacred.

20:12 'Honour your father and your mother so that you may have a long life in the land that Yahweh your God has given to you.

20:13 'You shall not kill.

20:14 'You shall not commit adultery.

20:15 'You shall not steal.

20:16 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

20:17 'You shall not covet your neighbour's house. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or his servant, man or woman, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is his.'

20:18 [*c] All the people shook with fear at the peals of thunder and the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the smoking mountain; and they kept their distance.

20:19 'Speak to us yourself' they said to Moses 'and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, or we shall die.'

20:20 Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid; God has come to test you, so that your fear of him, being always in your mind, may keep you from sinning'.

20:21 So the people kept their distance while Moses approached the dark cloud where God was.




Law concerning the altar

20:22 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Tell the sons of Israel this, "You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven.

20:23 You shall not make gods of silver or gods of gold to stand beside me; you shall not make things like this for yourselves.

20:24 "You are to make me an altar of earth, and sacrifice on this the holocausts and communion sacrifices from your flocks or herds. In every place in which I have my name remembered I shall come to you and bless you.

20:25 If you make me an altar of stone, do not build it of dressed stones; for if you use a tool on it, you profane it.

20:26 You shall not go up to my altar by steps for fear you expose your nakedness."

JB EXODUS Chapter 21


Laws concerning slaves

21:1 'This is the ruling you are to lay before them:

21:2 "When you buy a Hebrew slave, his service shall be for six years. In the seventh year he may leave; he shall be free, with no compensation to pay.

21:3 If he came single, he shall leave single; if he came married, his wife shall leave with him.

21:4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons and daughters, wife and children shall belong to her master, and the man must leave alone.

21:5 But if the slave declares, "I love my master and my wife and children; I renounce my freedom",

21:6 then his master shall take him to God, leading him to the door or the door post. His master shall pierce his ear with an awl, and he shall be in his service for all time.

21:7 If a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not regain her liberty like male slaves.

21:8 If she does not please her master who intended her for himself, he must let her be bought back: he has not the right to sell her to foreigners, thus treating her unfairly.

21:9 If he intends her for his son, he shall deal with her according to the ruling for daughters.

21:10 If he takes another wife, he must not reduce the food of the first or her clothing or her conjugal rights.

21:11 Should he cheat her of these three things she may leave, freely, without having to pay any money.



21:12 "Anyone who strikes a man and so causes his death, must die.

21:13 If he has not lain in wait for him but God has delivered him into his hands,[*a] then I will appoint you a place where he may seek refuge.

21:14 But should a man dare to kill his fellow by treacherous intent, you must take him even from my altar to be put to death.

21:15 "Anyone who strikes his father or mother must die.

21:16 Anyone who abducts a man - whether he has sold him or is found in possession of him - must die.

21:17 Anyone who curses father or mother must die.


Blows and wounds

21:18 "If men quarrel and one strikes the other a blow with stone or fist so that the man, though he does not die, must keep his bed,

21:19 the one who struck the blow shall not be liable provided the other gets up and can go about, even with a stick. He must compensate him, however, for his enforced inactivity, and care for him until he is completely cured.

21:20 "If a man beats his slave, male or female, and the slave dies at his hands, he must pay the penalty.

21:21 But should the slave survive for one or two days, he shall pay no penalty because the slave is his by right of purchase.

21:22 "If, when men come to blows, they hurt a woman who is pregnant and she suffers a miscarriage, though she does not die of it, the man responsible must pay the compensation demanded of him by the woman's master; he shall hand it over, after arbitration.

21:23 But should she die, you shall give life for life,

21:24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

21:25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stroke for stroke.

21:26 "When a man strikes at the eye of his slave, male or female, and destroys the use of it, he must give him his freedom to compensate for the eye.

21:27 If he knocks out the tooth of his slave, male or female, he must give him his freedom to compensate for the tooth.

21:28 "When an ox gores a man or woman to death, the ox must be stoned. Its flesh shall not be eaten, and the owner of the ox shall not be liable.

21:29 But if the ox has been in the habit of goring before, and if its owner was warned but has not kept it under control, then should this ox kill a man or woman, the ox must be stoned and its owner put to death.

21:30 If a ransom is imposed on him, he must pay whatever is imposed, to redeem his life.

21:31 If the ox gores a boy or a girl, he must be treated in accordance with this same rule.

21:32 If the ox gores a slave, male or female, the owner must pay over to their master a sum of money - thirty shekels - and the ox must be stoned.

21:33 "When a man leaves a pit uncovered, or when he digs one but does not cover it, should an ox, or donkey, fall into it,

21:34 then the owner of the pit shall make up for the loss: he must pay its owner money, and the dead animal shall be his own.

21:35 If one man's ox harms another's so that it dies, the owners must sell the live ox and share the price of it; they shall also share the dead animal.

21:36 But if it is common knowledge that the ox has been in the habit of goring before, and its owner has not kept it under control, he must repay ox for ox; the dead animal shall be his own.


Theft of animals

21:37 "If a man steals an ox or a sheep and then slaughters or sells it, he must pay five oxen for the ox, four sheep for the sheep.

JB EXODUS Chapter 22


22:1 "If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck a mortal blow, there is to be no blood-vengeance for him,

22:2 but there shall be blood-vengeance for him if it was after dawn. Full restitution must be made; if he has not the means, he must be sold to pay for what he has stolen.

22:3 If the stolen animal is found alive in his possession, ox or donkey or sheep, he must pay double.


Offences demanding compensation

22:4 "When a man puts his animals out to graze in a field or vineyard and lets his beasts graze in another's field, he must make restitution for the part of the field that has been grazed in proportion to its yield. But if he has let the whole field be grazed, he must make restitution in proportion to the best crop recorded in the injured party's field or vineyard.

22:5 "When a fire spreads, setting light to thorn bushes and destroying stacked or standing corn or the field itself, the man responsible for the fire must make full restitution.

22:6 "When a man has entrusted money or goods to another's keeping and these are stolen from his house, the thief, if he can be caught, must repay double.

22:7 Should the thief not be caught; the owner of the house must swear before God that he has not laid hands on the other man's property.

22:8 "Whenever there is breach of trust in the matter of ox, donkey, sheep, clothing, or any lost property for which it is claimed 'Yes, this is it', the dispute shall be brought before God. The person whom God pronounces guilty[*a] must pay double to the other.

22:9 "When a man has entrusted to another's keeping a donkey, ox, sheep, or any beast whatever, and this dies or is injured or carried off, without a witness,

22:10 an oath by Yahweh shall decide between the two parties whether one man has laid hands on the other's property or not. The owner shall take what remains, the other shall not have to make good the loss.

22:11 But if the animal has been from him, he must make restitution to the owner.

22:12 If it has been savaged by wild beasts, he must bring the savaged remains of the animal as evidence, and he shall not be obliged to give compensation.

22:13 "When a man borrows an animal from another, and it is injured or dies in the owner's absence, the borrower must make full restitution.

22:14 But if the owner has been present, the borrower will not have to make good the loss. If the owner has hired it out, he shall settle for the price of its hire.


Violation of a virgin

22:15 "If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and sleeps with her, he must pay her price[*b] and make her his wife.

22:16 If her father absolutely refuses to let him have her, the seducer must pay a sum of money equal to the price fixed for a virgin.


Moral and religious laws

22:17 "You shall not allow a sorceress to live.

22:18 "Anyone who has intercourse with an animal must die.

22:19 "Anyone who sacrifices to other gods shall come under the ban.

22:20 "You must not molest the stranger or oppress him, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt.

22:21 You must not be harsh with the widow, or with the orphan;

22:22 if you are harsh with them, they will surely cry out to me, and be sure I shall hear their cry;

22:23 my anger will flare and I shall kill you with the sword, your own wives will be widows, your own children orphans.

22:24 "If you lend money to any of my people, to any poor man among you, you must not play the usurer with him: you must not demand interest from him.

22:25 "If you take another's cloak as a pledge, you must give it back to him before sunset.

22:26 It is all the covering he has; it is the cloak he wraps his body in; what else would he sleep in? If he cries to me, I will listen, for I am full of pity.

22:27 "You shall not revile God nor curse a ruler of your people.


First-fruits and first-born

22:28 "Do not be slow to make offering from the abundance of your threshing floor and your winepress. You must give me the first-born of your sons;

22:29 you must do the same with your flocks and herds. The first-born must remain with its mother for seven days; on the eighth day you must give it to me.

22:30 "You are to be men consecrated to me. You must not eat the flesh of an animal that has been savaged by wild beasts; you must throw it to the dogs.

JB EXODUS Chapter 23


Justice. Duties towards enemies

23:1 "You must not make false assertions. You must not support a guilty man by giving malicious evidence.

23:2 You must not take the side of the greater number in the cause of wrong-doing nor side with the majority and give evidence in a lawsuit in defiance of justice;

23:3 nor in a lawsuit must you show partiality to the poor.

23:4 "If you come on your enemy's ox or donkey going astray, you must lead it back to him.

23:5 If you see the donkey of a man who hates you fallen under its load, instead of keeping out of his way, go to him to help him.

23:6 "You must not cheat any poor man of yours of his rights at law.

23:7 Keep out of trumped-up cases. See that the man who is innocent and just is not done to death, and do not acquit the guilty.

23:8 You must not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds clear-sighted men and is the ruin of the just man's cause.

23:9 "You must not oppress the stranger; you know how a stranger feels, for you lived as strangers in the land of Egypt.


The sabbatical year and the sabbath

23:10 "For six years you may sow your land and gather its produce,

23:11 but in the seventh year you must let it lie fallow and forego all produce from it. Those of your people who are poor may take food from it, and let the wild animals feed on what they leave. You shall do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.

23:12 "For six days you shall do your work, but stop on the seventh day, so that your ox and your donkey may rest and the son of your slave girl have a breathing space, and the stranger too.

23:13 "Take notice of all I have told you and do not repeat the name of other gods: let it not be heard from your lips.


The great feasts

23:14 "Three times a year you are to celebrate a feast in my honour.

23:15 You must celebrate the feast of Unleavened Bread: you must eat unleavened bread, as I have commanded you, at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in that month you came out of Egypt. And no one must come before me empty-handed.

23:16 The feast of Harvest, too, you must celebrate, the feast of the first-fruits of the produce of your sown fields; the feast of Ingathering also, at the end of the year when you gather in the fruit of your labours from the fields.

23:17 Three times a year all your menfolk must present themselves before the Lord Yahweh.

23:18 "You must not offer unleavened bread with the blood of the victim sacrificed to me, nor put by the fat of my festal victim for the following day.

23:19 "You must bring the best of the first-fruits of your soil to the house of Yahweh your God. "You must not boil a kid in its mother's milk.[*a]


Preparatory promises and instructions for the entry into Canaan

23:20 "I myself will send an angel before you to guard you as you go and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.

23:21 Give him reverence and listen to all that he says. Offer him no defiance; he would not pardon such a fault, for my name is in him.

23:22 If you listen carefully to his voice and do all that I say, I shall be enemy to your enemies, foe to your foes.

23:23 My angel will go before you and lead you to where the Amorites are and the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, the Jebusites; I shall exterminate these.

23:24 You must not bow down to their gods or worship them; you must not do as they do: you must destroy their gods utterly and smash their standing-stones.[*b]

23:25 You are to worship Yahweh your God, and I shall bless your bread and water, and remove sickness from among you.

23:26 In your land no woman will miscarry, none be barren. I shall give you your full term of life.

23:27 "I shall spread panic ahead of you; I shall throw into confusion all the people you encounter; I shall make all your enemies turn and run from you.

23:28 I shall send hornets in front of you to drive Hivite and Canaanite and Hittite from your presence.

23:29 I shall not drive them out before you in a single year, or the land would become a desert where, to your cost, the wild beasts would multiply.

23:30 Little by little I will drive them out before you until your numbers grow and you come into possession of the land.

23:31 For your frontiers I shall fix the Sea of Reeds and the Philistine sea, the desert and the river;[*c] yes, I shall deliver the inhabitants of the country into your hands, and you will drive them out before you.

23:32 You must make no pact with them or with their gods.

23:33 They must not live in your country or they will make you sin against me; you would come to worship their gods, and that would be a snare for you indeed!"'

JB EXODUS Chapter 24



24:1 To Moses he had said, 'Come up to Yahweh, yourself and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel and bow down in worship at a distance.

24:2 Moses alone must approach Yahweh; the others must not, nor must the people go up with him.'

24:3 Moses went and told the people all the commands of Yahweh and all the ordinances. In answer, all the people said with one voice, 'We will observe all the commands that Yahweh has decreed'.

24:4 Moses put all the commands of Yahweh into writing, and early next morning he built an altar at the foot of the mountain, with twelve standing-stones for the twelve tribes of Israel.

24:5 Then he directed certain young Israelites to offer holocausts and to immolate bullocks to Yahweh as communion sacrifices.

24:6 Half of the blood Moses took up and put into basins, the other half he cast on the altar.

24:7 And taking the Book of the Covenant he read it to the listening people, and they said, 'We will observe all that Yahweh has decreed; we will obey.'

24:8 Then Moses took the blood and cast it towards the people. 'This' he said 'is the blood of the Covenant that Yahweh has made with you, containing all these rules.'

24:9 Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy elders of Israel.

24:10 They saw the God of Israel beneath whose feet there was, it seemed, a sapphire pavement pure as the heavens themselves.

24:11 He laid no hand on these notables of the sons of Israel: they gazed on God. They ate and they drank.


Moses on the mountain

24:12 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Come up to me on the mountain and stay there while I give you the stone tablets - the law and the commandments - that I have written for their instruction'.

24:13 Accordingly Moses rose, he and his servant Joshua, and they went up the mountain of God.

24:14 To the elders he had said, 'Wait here for us until we come back to you. You have Aaron and Hur with you; if anyone has a difference to settle, let him go to them.'

24:15 And Moses went up the mountain. The cloud covered the mountain,

24:16 and the glory of Yahweh settled on the mountain of Sinai; for six days the cloud covered it, and on the seventh day Yahweh called to Moses from inside the cloud.

24:17 To the eyes of the sons of Israel the glory of Yahweh seemed like a devouring fire on the mountain top.

24:18 Moses went right into the cloud. He went up the mountain, and stayed there for forty days and forty nights.

JB EXODUS Chapter 25




Contributions for the sanctuary

25:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

25:2 'Tell the sons of Israel to set aside a contribution for me; you shall accept this contribution from every man whose heart prompts him to give it.

25:3 You shall accept from them the following contributions: gold, silver and bronze;

25:4 purple stuffs, of violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, fine linen, goats' hair;

25:5 rams' skins dyed red, fine leather, acacia wood;

25:6 oil for the lamps, spices for the chrism and for the fragrant incense;

25:7 onyx stones and gems to be set in ephod and pectoral.

25:8 Build me a sanctuary so that I may dwell among them.

25:9 In making the tabernacle and its furnishings you must follow exactly the pattern I shall show you.


The tabernacle and its furnishings. The ark

25:10 'You are to make me an ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, one and a half cubits high.[*b]

25:11 You are to plate it, inside and out, with pure gold, and decorate it all round with a gold moulding.

25:12 You will cast four gold rings for the ark and fix them to its four supports: two rings on one side and two rings on the other.

25:13 You will also make shafts of acacia wood plated with gold

25:14 and pass the shafts through the rings on the sides of the ark, to carry the ark by these.

25:15 The shafts must remain in the rings of the ark and not be withdrawn.

25:16 Inside the ark you will place the Testimony that I shall give you.

25:17 'Further, you are to make a throne of mercy, of pure gold, two and a half cubits long, and one and a half cubits wide.

25:18 For the two ends of this throne of mercy you are to make two golden cherubs;[*c] you are to make them of beaten gold.

25:19 Make the first cherub for one end and the second for the other, and fasten them to the two ends of the throne of mercy so that they make one piece with it.

25:20 The cherubs are to have their wings spread upwards so that they overshadow the throne of mercy. They must face one another, their faces towards the throne of mercy.

25:21 You must place the throne of mercy on the top of the ark. Inside the ark you must place the Testimony that I shall give you.

25:22 There I shall come to meet you; there, from above the throne of mercy, from between the two cherubs that are on the ark of the Testimony, I shall give you all my commands for the sons of Israel.


The table for the offertory bread

25:23 'You are to make a table of acacia wood, two cubits long, one cubit wide, and one and a half cubits high.

25:24 You are to plate it with pure gold, and decorate it all round with a gold moulding.

25:25 You are to fit it with struts, one hand's breadth wide, and decorate these with a golden moulding.

25:26 You are to make for it four gold rings and fix these at the four corners where the four legs are.

25:27 The rings must lie close to the struts to hold the shafts for carrying the table.

25:28 You are to make the shafts of acacia wood and plate them with gold. The table is to be carried by these.

25:29 You are to make dishes, cups, jars and libation bowls for it; you are to make these of pure gold.

25:30 On the table; before me, you must place the bread of continual offering.


The lamp-stand

25:31 'You are to make a lamp-stand of pure gold; the lamp-stand must be of beaten gold, base and stem. Its cups - calyx and petals - must be of one piece with it.

25:32 Six branches must extend from the sides of it, three from one side, three from the other.

25:33 The first branch is to carry three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its calyx and petals; the second branch, too, is to carry three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its calyx and petals, and similarly for all six branches extending from the lamp-stand.

25:34 The lamp-stand itself is to carry four cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its calyx and petals,

25:35 thus: one calyx under the first two branches extending from the lamp-stand, one under the next pair, one under the last pair: corresponding to the six branches extending from the lamp-stand.

25:36 The calyxes and the branches must be of one piece with the lamp-stand, and the whole made from a single piece of pure gold, beaten out.

25:37 Then you are to make lamps for it, seven of them, and set them so that they throw their light towards the front of it.

25:38 The snuffers and trays must be of pure gold.

25:39 You are to use a talent of pure gold for making the lamp-stand and all its accessories.

25:40 See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.

JB EXODUS Chapter 26


The tabernacle. Fabrics and hangings

26:1 The tabernacle itself you are to make with ten sheets of fine twined linen, of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, and of crimson stuffs; you are to have these sheets finely brocaded with cherubs.

26:2 The length of a single sheet is to be twenty-eight cubits, its width four cubits, all the sheets to be of the same size.

26:3 Five of the sheets must be joined to each other, and the other five similarly.

26:4 You must attach loops of violet stuff to the border of the last sheet in one set, and do the same for the border of the last sheet in the other set.

26:5 You are to put fifty loops on the first sheet and, matching them one by one, fifty loops on the border of the last sheet in the second set.

26:6 And you are to make fifty gold clasps to draw the sheets together. In this way the tabernacle will be a unified whole.

26:7 'You are to make sheets of goats' hair to form a tent over the tabernacle; you will make eleven of these.

26:8 The length of a single sheet is to be thirty cubits, its width four cubits, the eleven sheets to be all of the same size.

26:9 You must join five of these sheets together into one set, the remaining six into another; the sixth you will fold double over the front of the tent.

26:10 You must attach fifty loops to the border of the last sheet in one set, and do the same for the border of the last sheet in the second set.

26:11 You must make fifty bronze clasps and put them into the loops, so as to draw the tent together and make it a unified whole.

26:12 'As one sheet of the tent will be left over, half of this extra sheet is to hang over the back of the tabernacle.

26:13 The extra cubit on either side along the length of the tent sheets is to hang over the sides of the tabernacle as a covering for it.

26:14 'For the tent you will further make a covering of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering of fine leather to spread over that.


The framework

26:15 'You are to make frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle, these to stand upright.

26:16 Each frame is to be ten cubits long and one and a half cubits wide.

26:17 Each frame must be fitted with twin tenons; for all the frames of the tabernacle you must do this.

26:18 You are to make the frames for the tabernacle: twenty frames for the southern side, facing the south country.

26:19 You are to make forty silver sockets for putting under the twenty frames thus: two sockets under the first frame to receive its two tenons, and so on for the other frames.

26:20 The other side of the tabernacle, on the north, is to have twenty frames

26:21 supported by forty silver sockets, two sockets under each frame.

26:22 For the back of the tabernacle, on the west, you must make six frames.

26:23 You are to make two frames for the corners at the back of the tabernacle.

26:24 These frames must be coupled at their lower end and so to the top, up to the level of the first ring; this for the two frames that are to form the two corners.

26:25 Thus there will be eight frames with their sixteen silver sockets: two sockets under the first frame and so on.

26:26 'You are to make crossbars of acacia wood: five to hold together the frames for one side of the tabernacle,

26:27 five to hold the frames for the other side of the tabernacle, and five to hold the frames that form the west end of the tabernacle.

26:28 The middle bar, fixed half-way up, is to run from one end to the other.

26:29 The frames are to be plated with gold, and with gold rings on them to take the cross-bars which you are to plate with gold.

26:30 This is how you are to erect the tabernacle according to the model shown to you on the mountain.


The veil

26:31 'You are to make a veil of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, of crimson stuffs, and of fine twined linen; you are to have it finely embroidered with cherubs.

26:32 You are to hang it on four posts of acacia wood plated with gold and furnished with golden hooks and set in four silver sockets.

26:33 You must hang the veil from the clasps and there behind the veil you must place the ark of the Testimony, and the veil will serve you to separate the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies.

26:34 The throne of mercy you must place on top of the ark inside the Holy of Holies.

26:35 The table you must set outside the veil, and the lamp-stand on the south side of the tabernacle, opposite the table. You must put the table on the north side.

26:36 For the entrance to the tent you are to make a screen of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, and of crimson stuffs and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer.

26:37 For this screen you are to make five posts of acacia wood plated with gold, with golden hooks; for these you are to cast five bronze sockets.

JB EXODUS Chapter 27


The altar of holocaust

27:1 'You are to make the altar out of acacia wood, a square five cubits long and five cubits wide, its height to be three cubits.

27:2 At its four corners you are to put horns, the horns to be of one piece with it, plating it with bronze.

27:3 For the altar you are to make pans for the ashes from the fat, shovels, sprinkling basins, hooks, fire pans; you must make all the vessels for the altar out of bronze.

27:4 You are also to make a grating for it of bronze network, and on the four corners of this fix four bronze rings.

27:5 This grating you must set under the altar's ledge, below, so that it reaches half-way up the altar.

27:6 And for the altar you are to make shafts of acacia wood and plate them with bronze.

27:7 These are to be passed through the rings, so that they are on either side of the altar when it is carried.

27:8 You are to make the altar hollow, of boards; you will make it in the way that was shown to you on the mountain.


The court

27:9 'You are to make the court of the tabernacle. Facing the south country, on the southern side, the hangings of the court are to be of fine twined linen, one hundred cubits long for one side.

27:10 Their twenty bronze posts are to be set in twenty bronze sockets and to have their hooks and rods of silver.

27:11 So too for the northern side there are to be hangings one hundred cubits long, and twenty posts set in twenty bronze sockets, with their hooks and rods of silver.

27:12 Across the width of the court, on the western side, there are to be fifty cubits of hangings, carried on ten posts set in ten sockets.

27:13 The width of the court on the eastern side facing the sunrise is to be fifty cubits.

27:14 On one side of the gateway there are to be fifteen cubits of hangings, carried on three posts set in three sockets.

27:15 On the other side of the gateway there are also to be fifteen cubits of hangings, carried on three posts set in three sockets.

27:16 The gateway to the court is to consist of a screen twenty cubits wide made of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, of crimson stuffs and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer, carried on four posts set in their four sockets.

27:17 All the posts enclosing the court are to be connected by silver rods; their hooks are to be of silver, their sockets of bronze.

27:18 The length of the court is to be one hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, its height five cubits. All the hangings are to be made of fine twined linen, and their sockets of bronze.

27:19 All the furnishings for whatever use in the tabernacle, all the pegs of it and of the court, must be of bronze.


The oil for the lamps

27:20 'You are to order the sons of Israel to bring you pure olive oil for the light, and to keep a flame burning there perpetually.

27:21 Aaron and his sons are to set this flame in the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil that is before the Testimony. It must burn there before Yahweh from evening to morning perpetually. This is an irrevocable ordinance for their descendants, to be kept by the sons of Israel.

JB EXODUS Chapter 28


The priestly vestments

28:1 From among the sons of Israel summon your brother Aaron and his sons to be priests in my service: Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, sons of Aaron.

28:2 For Aaron your brother you are to make sacred vestments to give dignity and magnificence.

28:3 You are to instruct all the ablest craftsmen, whose ability I have given them, to make Aaron's vestments for his consecration to my priesthood.

28:4 These are the vestments they must make: pectoral, ephod, robe, embroidered tunic, turban and girdle. They are to make sacred vestments for your brother Aaron and his sons to be priests in my service.

28:5 They must use gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen.


The ephod

28:6 'They are to make the ephod of gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer.

28:7 It must have two shoulder-straps fitted to it to join its two ends together.

28:8 The woven band on it to hold it is to be of similar workmanship and form one piece with it: this must be of gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen.

28:9 You will then take two onyx stones and engrave them with the names of the sons of Israel,

28:10 six of their names on one stone, the remaining six on the other, in the order of their birth.

28:11 With the art of a jeweller, of an engraver of seals, you are to engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel, and mount them in settings of gold mesh.

28:12 You are to fasten the two stones commemorating the sons of Israel to the shoulder-straps of the ephod. In this way Aaron will bear their names on his shoulders in the presence of Yahweh, so as to commemorate them.

28:13 You must also make golden rosettes,

28:14 and two chains of pure gold twisted like cord; you are to attach these cord-like

chains to the rosettes.


The pectoral of judgement

28:15 'You are to make the pectoral of judgement, finely brocaded, of the same workmanship as the ephod. You are to make it of gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen.

28:16 It is to be square and doubled over, a span in length and a span in width.

28:17 In this you are to set four rows of stones. Sard, topaz, carbuncle, for the first row;

28:18 emerald, sapphire, diamond the second row;

28:19 the third row, hyacinth, ruby, amethyst;

28:20 the fourth row, beryl, onyx, jasper. These are to be mounted in gold settings.

28:21 They are to bear the names of the sons of Israel and, like the names on them, are to be twelve in number. They are to be engraved like seals, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes.

28:22 For the pectoral you will make chains of pure gold twisted like cords.

28:23 For the pectoral you must make two gold rings and fix them to its two upper corners.

28:24 You must fasten the two gold cords to the two rings fixed on the corners of the pectoral.

28:25 The other two ends of the cords you must fasten to the two rosettes, so that they will be attached to the shoulder-straps of the ephod, on the front.

28:26 You are to make two gold rings and fix them to the two lower corners of the pectoral, on the inner hem, next to the ephod.

28:27 You are to make two more gold rings and fix them low down on the front of the two shoulder-pieces of the ephod, close to the join, above the woven band of the ephod.

28:28 You must secure the pectoral by passing a ribbon of violet-purple through its rings and those of the ephod, so that the pectoral will sit above the woven band and not come apart from the ephod.

28:29 Thus by means of the pectoral of judgement, when Aaron enters the sanctuary, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel on his breast to call them to mind continually in the presence of Yahweh.

28:30 To the pectoral of judgement you will add the Urim and the Thummim so that Aaron may have them on his breast when he goes into Yahweh's presence. Thus in the presence of Yahweh Aaron will continually bear on his breast the oracle of the sons of Israel.


The robe

28:31 'You are to make the robe of the ephod entirely of violet-purple.

28:32 In the centre it must have an opening for the head, the opening to have round it a border woven like the neck of a coat of mail to keep the robe from being torn.

28:33 The lower hem you are to decorate with pomegranates of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen, with golden bells between:

28:34 gold bells and pomegranates alternately all round the lower hem of the robe.

28:35 Aaron is to wear it when he officiates, so that the tinkling of the bells will be heard whenever he enters the sanctuary into Yahweh's presence, or leaves it; thus he will not die.


The diadem

28:36 'You are to make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it "Consecrated to Yahweh" as a man engraves a seal.

28:37 You will secure this to the turban with a ribbon of violet-purple; it is to be placed on the front of the turban.

28:38 Aaron is to wear it on his brow, and so take on himself any shortcomings there may be in what the sons of Israel consecrate in any of their sacred offerings. Aaron must always wear it on his brow, to draw down on them the goodwill of Yahweh.

28:39 The tunic you must weave of fine linen, and make a turban of fine linen, and a girdle, the work of a skilled embroiderer.


The vestments of the priests

28:40 'For the sons of Aaron you are to make tunic and girdle and head-dress to give dignity and magnificence.

28:41 You will put these on your brother Aaron and his sons. You will then anoint and invest and consecrate them to serve me in the priesthood.

28:42 You are to make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from loin to thigh.

28:43 Aaron and his sons must wear these when they go into the Tent of Meeting and when they approach the altar to serve in the sanctuary, as a precaution against incurring some fault that would mean death. This is an irrevocable ordinance for Aaron and for his descendants after him.

JB EXODUS Chapter 29


The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Preparations

29:1 'This is the ritual you must use for them when you consecrate them to serve me in the priesthood. Take one young bull and two rams without blemish,

29:2 unleavened bread, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers spread with oil, made from fine wheat flour.

29:3 You must put these into a basket and present them in the basket, at the same time as the young bull and the two rams.


Their purification, clothing, and anointing

29:4 'You are to bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting and they are to be bathed.

29:5 Take the vestments and dress Aaron in the tunic, the robe of the ephod, the ephod, and the pectoral, and gird him with the woven band of the ephod.

29:6 Put the turban on his head, and on the turban fix the sacred diadem.

29:7 Then take the chrism and pour it on his head, and so anoint him.

29:8 'Next, bring his sons and clothe them with tunics.

29:9 Pass the girdles round their waists and put the head-dresses on their heads. And by irrevocable ordinance the priesthood will be theirs. This is how you are to invest Aaron and his sons.


The offerings

29:10 'You are to bring the bull in front of the Tent of Meeting. Aaron and his sons are to lay their hands on its head.

29:11 Immolate the bull there before Yahweh at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

29:12 Then take some of its blood and with your finger put it on the horns of the altar. Next, pour out the rest of the blood at the foot of the altar.

29:13 And then take all the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty mass which is over the liver, the two kidneys with their covering fat, and burn them on the altar.

29:14 As for the bull's flesh, its skin and its dung, you must burn them outside the camp, for it is a sin-offering.

29:15 'Next you are to take one of the rams. Aaron and his sons are to lay their hands on its head.

29:16 You are to immolate the ram, take up its blood and pour it out on the surrounds of the altar.

29:17 Next, divide the ram in pieces and wash the entrails and legs and put them on top of the pieces and the head.

29:18 Then burn the whole ram on the altar. This will be a burnt offering whose fragrance will appease Yahweh; it will be a holocaust in honour of Yahweh.

29:19 'Next you are to take the other ram. Aaron and his sons are to lay their hands on its head.

29:20 You are to immolate the ram, take some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron's right ear, on the lobes of his sons' right ears, the thumbs of their right hands, and the big toes of their right feet, and pour out the rest of the blood on the surrounds of the altar.

29:21 Then take some of the blood that remains on the altar, together with the chrism, and sprinkle it on Aaron and his vestments and on his sons and their vestments: so that he and his vestments will be consecrated and his sons too, and their vestments.


The investiture of the priests

29:22 'You are to take the fatty parts of the ram: the tail, the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty mass which is over the liver; the two kidneys with their covering fat and also the right thigh, for this is a ram of investiture.

29:23 You are to take a loaf of bread, a cake of bread made with oil, and a wafer, from the basket of unleavened bread placed before Yahweh,

29:24 and put it all into Aaron's hands and those of his sons and make the gesture of offering before Yahweh.

29:25 Then you are to take them back and burn them on the altar, on top of the holocaust, an appeasing fragrance before Yahweh. This will be a holocaust in honour of Yahweh.

29:26 'You are to take the breast of the ram of Aaron's investiture and make the gesture of offering before Yahweh; this is to be your portion.

29:27 You are to consecrate the breast that has been thus offered, as also the thigh that is set aside - the breast, that is, which has been offered and the thigh that has been set aside from the ram of investiture of Aaron and his sons.

29:28 This, by perpetual law, will be the portion that Aaron and his sons are to receive from the sons of Israel, since it is the portion set aside, a portion the sons of Israel are to set aside from their communion sacrifices, the portion they owe to Yahweh.

29:29 'Aaron's sacred vestments are to pass to his sons after him, and they will wear them for their anointing and investiture.

29:30 The son of Aaron who succeeds him in the priesthood and enters the Tent of Meeting to serve in the sanctuary must wear them for seven days.


The sacred meal

29:31 'You are to take the ram of investiture and cook its meat in a holy place.

29:32 Aaron and his sons will eat the meat of the ram, and also the bread that is in the basket, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

29:33 They are to eat what was used in making atonement for them at their investiture; their consecration. No layman may eat these; they are holy things.

29:34 If any of the meat from the investiture sacrifice, or the bread, should be left till morning, you must put what is left in the fire. It is not to be eaten; it is a holy thing.

29:35 For Aaron and his sons you are to do exactly as I have commanded you: you are to take seven days over their investiture.


The consecration of the altar of holocaust

29:36 'On each of the days you are also to offer a bull as a sacrifice for sin, in atonement; by offering an atonement sacrifice for sin you will take away sin from the altar; then you must anoint it, and so consecrate it.

29:37 For seven days you are to repeat the atonement sacrifice for the altar and consecrate it. So it will excel in holiness, and whatever touches it will be holy.


The daily holocaust

29:38 'This is what you are to offer on the altar: two yearling lambs each day in perpetuity.

29:39 The first lamb you must offer in the morning, the second between the two evenings.

29:40 With the first lamb you must offer one-tenth of a measure of fine flour mixed with one quarter of a hin of purest oil and, for a libation, one quarter of a hin of wine.

29:41 The second lamb you must offer between the two evenings; do this with the same oblation and the same libation as in the morning, as an appeasing fragrance, an offering burnt in honour of Yahweh.

29:42 This is to be a perpetual holocaust from generation to generation, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting in the presence of Yahweh; that is where I shall meet you and speak to you.

29:43 'I will meet the sons of Israel in the place consecrated by my glory.

29:44 I will consecrate the Tent of Meeting and the altar. I will consecrate Aaron too, and his sons, to be priests in my service.

29:45 I will remain with the sons of Israel, and I will be their God.

29:46 And so they will know that it is I, Yahweh their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt to live among them: I, Yahweh their God.

JB EXODUS Chapter 30


The altar of incense

30:1 'You must make an altar on which to burn incense;[*a] you are to make it out of acacia wood.

30:2 It is to be one cubit long, and one cubit wide - that is to say, square - and to stand two cubits high; its horns are to be of one piece with it.

30:3 The top of it, its surrounding sides, and its horns, are to be plated with pure gold, and decorated with a gold moulding all round.

30:4 You are to fix two gold rings to it below the moulding on its two opposite sides: these are to take the shafts used for carrying it.

30:5 These shafts you must make of acacia wood and plate with gold.

30:6 You are to set up the altar before the veil that is in front of the ark of Testimony, opposite the throne of mercy that covers the Testimony, the place appointed for my meeting with you.

30:7 There Aaron must burn fragrant incense each morning when he trims the lamps,

30:8 and between the two evenings, when Aaron puts the lamps back, he must burn it again. You must make these offerings of incense before Yahweh unfailingly from generation to generation.

30:9 You must not offer profane incense on it, no holocaust, no oblation; and you must pour no libation on it.

30:10 Once a year Aaron is to perform the rite of atonement on the horns of the altar; with the blood of the sacrifice offered for sin he is to perform the rite of atonement once a year. And you shall do the same in the generations to come. This altar of supreme holiness is to be consecrated to Yahweh'.


The poll tax

30:11 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

30:12 'When you take a census and make a register of the sons of Israel, each is to pay Yahweh a ransom for his life, so that no plague comes on them when the census is being made.

30:13 Everyone subject to the census must pay half a shekel, reckoning by the sanctuary shekel which is twenty gerahs, and this half-shekel shall be set aside for Yahweh.

30:14 Everyone subject to the census, that is to say of twenty years and over, must pay the sum set aside for Yahweh.

30:15 The rich man is not to give more, nor the poor man less, than half a shekel as payment of the sum set aside for Yahweh, the ransom for your lives.

30:16 You will devote this ransom money given to you by the sons of Israel to the service of the Tent of Meeting. It will remind Yahweh of the sons of Israel and will be the ransom for your lives'.


The bronze basin

30:17 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

30:18 'You must also make a bronze basin on a stand, for washing. You must place it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar and put water in it.

30:19 In this Aaron and his sons must wash their hands and feet.

30:20 When they are to enter the Tent of Meeting they must wash in water for fear they die, and when they have to approach the altar for their service, to burn the offering burnt in honour of Yahweh.

30:21 They must wash their hands and feet for fear they die. This is a lasting ordinance for them, for Aaron and his descendants from generation to generation'.


The chrism[*b]

30:22 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

30:23 'Take the choicest spices: of liquid myrrh five hundred shekels, half this weight of fragrant cinnamon - that is, two hundred and fifty shekels - and of scented cane two hundred and fifty shekels;

30:24 of cassia five hundred shekels (reckoning by the sanctuary shekel) and one hin of olive oil.

30:25 These you are to compound into a holy chrism, such a blend as the perfumer might make; it is to be a holy chrism.

30:26 With it you are to anoint the Tent of Meeting and the ark of the Testimony,

30:27 the table and all its furnishings, the lamp-stand and all its accessories, the altar of incense,

30:28 the altar of holocaust with all its furnishings, and the basin with its stand.

30:29 These you are to consecrate. Thus they will excel in holiness, and whatever touches them will be holy.

30:30 You must also anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them, so that they may be priests in my service.

30:31 Then you are to say this to the sons of Israel, 'You must hold this chrism holy from generation to generation.

30:32 It is not to be poured on the bodies of common men, nor are you to make any other of the same mixture. It is a holy thing; you must consider it holy.

30:33 Whoever copies the composition of it or uses it on a layman shall be outlawed from his people"'.


The incense

30:34 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Take sweet spices: storax, onycha, galbanum, sweet spices and pure frankincense in equal parts,

30:35 and compound an incense, such a blend as the perfumer might make, salted, pure, and holy.

30:36 Crush a part of it into a fine powder, and put some of this in front of the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting, the place appointed for my meetings with you. You must regard it as most holy.

30:37 You are not to make any incense of similar composition for your own use. You must hold it to be a holy thing, reserved for Yahweh. Whoever copies it for use as perfume shall be outlawed from his people'.

JB EXODUS Chapter 31


The craftsmen for the sanctuary

31:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

31:2 'See, I have singled out Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.

31:3 I have filled him with the spirit of God and endowed him with skill and perception and knowledge for every kind of craft:

31:4 for the art of designing and working in gold and silver and bronze;

31:5 for cutting stones to be set, for carving in wood, for every kind of craft.

31:6 Here and now I give him a partner, Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and to all the men that have skill I have given more, for them to carry out all that I have commanded you:

31:7 the Tent of Meeting; the ark of the Testimony; the throne of mercy that covers it, and all the furniture of the tent;

31:8 the table and all its furnishings; the pure lamp-stand and all its accessories; the altar of incense;

31:9 the altar of holocaust with all its furnishings; the basin with its stand;

31:10 the sumptuous vestments - sacred vestments for Aaron the priest, and vestments for his sons - for the priestly functions;

31:11 the chrism and the fragrant incense for the sanctuary. In this they are to do exactly as I have directed you'.


The sabbath rest

31:12 Yahweh said this to Moses,

31:13 'Speak to the sons of Israel and say, "You must keep my sabbaths carefully, because the sabbath is a sign between myself and you from generation to generation to show that it is I, Yahweh, who sanctify you.

31:14 You must keep the sabbath, then; it is to be held sacred by you. The man who profanes it must be put to death; whoever does any work on that day shall be outlawed from his people.

31:15 Work is to be done for six days, but the seventh day must be a day of complete rest, consecrated to Yahweh. Whoever does any work on the sabbath day must be put to death.

31:16 The sons of Israel are to keep the sabbath, observing it from generation to generation: this is a lasting covenant.

31:17 Between myself and the sons of Israel the sabbath is a sign for ever, since in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, but on the seventh day he rested and drew breath"'.


The tablets of the Law committed to Moses

31:18 When he had finished speaking with Moses on the mountain of Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.

JB EXODUS Chapter 32




The golden calf

32:1 When the people saw that Moses was a long time before coming down the mountain, they gathered round Aaron and said to him, 'Come, make us a god to go at the head of us; this Moses, the man who brought us up from Egypt, we do not know what has become of him'.

32:2 Aaron answered them, 'Take the gold rings out of the ears of your wives and your sons and daughters, and bring them to me'.

32:3 So they all took the gold rings from their ears and brought them to Aaron.

32:4 He took them from their hands and, in a mould, melted the metal down and cast an effigy of a calf. 'Here is your God, Israel,' they cried 'who brought you out of the land of Egypt!'

32:5 Observing this, Aaron built an altar before the effigy. 'Tomorrow' he said 'will be a feast in honour of Yahweh.'

32:6 And so, early the next day they offered holocausts and brought communion sacrifices; then all the people sat down to eat and drink, and afterwards got up to amuse themselves.


Moses forewarned by Yahweh

32:7 Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, 'Go down now, because your people whom you brought out of Egypt have apostasised.

32:8 They have been quick to leave the way I marked out for them; they have made themselves a calf of molten metal and have worshipped it and offered it sacrifice. "Here is your God, Israel," they have cried "who brought you up from the land of Egypt!"'

32:9 Yahweh said to Moses, 'I can see how headstrong these people are!

32:10 Leave me, now, my wrath shall blaze out against them and devour them; of you, however, I will make a great nation.'


The prayer of Moses

32:11 But Moses pleaded with Yahweh his God. 'Yahweh,' he said 'why should your wrath blaze out against this people of yours whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with arm outstretched and mighty hand?

32:12 Why let the Egyptians say, "Ah, it was in treachery that he brought them out, to do them to death in the mountains and wipe them off the face of the earth"? Leave your burning wrath; relent and do not bring this disaster on your people.

32:13 Remember Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, your servants to whom by your own self you swore and made this promise: I will make your offspring as many as the stars of heaven, and all this land which I promised I will give to your descendants, and it shall be their heritage for ever.'

32:14 So Yahweh relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.


Moses breaks the tablets of the Law

32:15 Moses made his way back down the mountain with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, tablets inscribed on both sides, inscribed on the front and on the back.

32:16 These tablets were the work of God, and the writing on them was God's writing engraved on the tablets.

32:17 Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting. 'There is the sound of battle in the camp', he told Moses.

32:18 Moses answered him: 'No song of victory is this sound, no wailing for defeat this sound; it is the sound of chanting that I hear'.

32:19 As he approached the camp and saw the calf and the groups dancing, Moses' anger blazed. He threw down the tablets he was holding and broke them at the foot of the mountain.

32:20 He seized the calf they had made and burned it, grinding it into powder which he scattered on the water; and he made the sons of Israel drink it.[*a]

32:21 To Aaron Moses said, 'What has this people done to you, for you to bring such a great sin on them?'

32:22 'Let not my lord's anger blaze like this' Aaron answered. 'You know yourself how prone this people is to evil.

32:23 They said to me, "Make us a god to go at our head; this Moses, the man who brought us up from Egypt, we do not know what has become of him".

32:24 So I said to them, "Who has gold?", and they took it off and brought it to me. I threw it into the fire and out came this calf.'


The zeal of the Levites

32:25 When Moses saw the people so out of hand - for Aaron had allowed them to lapse into idolatry with enemies all round them -

32:26 he stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, 'Who is for Yahweh? To me!' And all the sons of Levi rallied to him.

32:27 And he said to them, 'This is the message of Yahweh, the God of Israel, "Gird on your sword, every man of you, and quarter the camp from gate to gate, killing one his brother, another his friend, another his neighbour"'.

32:28 The sons of Levi carried out the command of Moses, and of the people about three thousand men perished that day.

32:29 'Today' Moses said 'you have won yourselves investiture as priests of Yahweh at the cost, one of his son, another of his brother; and so he grants you a blessing today.'


Moses prays again

32:30 On the following day Moses said to the people, 'You have committed a grave sin. But now I shall go up to Yahweh: perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.'

32:31 And Moses returned to Yahweh. 'I am grieved,' he cried 'this people has committed a grave sin, making themselves a god of gold.

32:32 And yet, if it pleased you to forgive this sin of theirs...! But if not, then blot me out from the book that you have written.'

32:33 Yahweh answered Moses, 'It is the man who has sinned against me that I shall blot out from my book.

32:34 Go now, lead the people to the place of which I told you. My angel shall go before you but, on the day of my visitation, I shall punish them for their sin.'

32:35 And Yahweh punished the people for moulding the calf that Aaron had made.

JB EXODUS Chapter 33


The Israelites ordered to depart

33:1 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Leave this place, with the people you brought out of the land of Egypt, and go to the land that I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I would give their descendants.

33:2 I will send an angel in front of you; I will drive out the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, the Jebusites.

33:3 Go on to the land where milk and honey flow. I shall not go with you myself - you are a headstrong people - or I might exterminate you on the way.'

33:4 On hearing these stern words the people went into mourning, and no one wore his ornaments.

33:5 Then Yahweh said to Moses, 'Say to the sons of Israel, "You are a headstrong people. If I were to go with you, even for a moment only, I should exterminate you. Take off your ornaments, then, that I may know how to deal with you!"'

33:6 So, from Mount Horeb onwards, the sons of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments.


The Tent

33:7 Moses used to take the Tent and pitch it outside the camp; at some distance from the camp. He called it the Tent of Meeting. Anyone who had to consult Yahweh would go out to the Tent of Meeting, outside the camp.

33:8 Whenever Moses went out to the Tent, all the people would rise. Every man would stand at the door of his tent and watch Moses until he reached the Tent;

33:9 the pillar of cloud would come down and station itself at the entrance to the Tent, and Yahweh would speak with Moses.

33:10 When they saw the pillar of cloud stationed at the entrance to the Tent, all the people would rise and bow low, each at the door of his tent.

33:11 Yahweh would speak with Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.[*a] Then Moses would turn back to the camp, but the young man who was his servant, Joshua son of Nun, would not leave the Tent.


Moses prays

33:12 Moses said to Yahweh, 'See, you yourself say to me, "Make the people go on", but you. do not let me know who it is you will send with me. Yet you yourself have said, "I know you by name and you have won my favour".

33:13 If indeed I have won your favour, please show me your ways, so that I can understand you and win your favour. Remember, too, that this nation is your own people.'

33:14 Yahweh replied, 'I myself will go with you, and I will give you rest'.

33:15 Moses said, 'If you are not going with us yourself, do not make us leave this place.

33:16 By what means can it be known that I, I and my people, have won your favour, if not by your going with us? By this we shall be marked out, I and my people, from all the peoples on the face of the earth.'

33:17 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Again I will do what you have asked, because you have won my favour and because I know you by name'.


Moses on the mountain

33:18 Moses said, 'Show me your glory, I beg you'.

33:19 And he said, 'I will let all my splendour pass in front of you, and I will pronounce before you the name Yahweh. I have compassion on whom I will, and I show pity to whom I please.

33:20 You cannot see my face,' he said 'for man cannot see me and live.'

33:21 And Yahweh said, 'Here is a place beside me. You must stand on the rock,

33:22 and when my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and shield you with my hand while I pass by.

33:23 Then I will take my hand away and you shall see the back of me; but my face is not to be seen.'

JB EXODUS Chapter 34


The Covenant renewed. The tablets of the Law

34:1 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones and come up to me on the mountain, and I will inscribe on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.

34:2 Be ready by morning, and come up to the mountain of Sinai at dawn; await my orders there at the top of the mountain.

34:3 No one must come up with you, no one be seen anywhere on the mountain; even the flocks and herds may not graze in front of this mountain.'

34:4 And so Moses cut two tablets of stone like the first and, with the two tablets of stone in his hands, he went up the mountain of Sinai in the early morning as Yahweh had commanded him.

34:5 And Yahweh descended in the form of a cloud, and Moses stood with him there.


God appears

He called on the name of Yahweh.

34:6 Yahweh passed before him and proclaimed, 'Yahweh, Yahweh, a God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithfulness;

34:7 for thousands he maintains his kindness, forgives faults, transgression, sin; yet he lets nothing go unchecked, punishing the father's fault in the sons and in the grandsons to the third and fourth generation'.

34:8 And Moses bowed down to the ground at once and worshipped.

34:9 'If I have indeed won your favour, Lord,' he said 'let my Lord come with us, I beg. True, they are a headstrong people, but forgive us our faults and our sins, and adopt us as your heritage.'


The Covenant

34:10 Yahweh said, 'I am about to make a covenant with you. In the presence of all your people I shall work such wonders as have never been worked in any land or in any nation. All the people round you will see what Yahweh can do, for what I shall do through you will be awe-inspiring.

34:11 Mark, then, what I command you today. I mean to drive out the Amorites before you, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, the Jebusites.

34:12 Take care you make no pact with the inhabitants of the land you are about to enter, or this will prove a pitfall at your very feet.

34:13 You are to tear down their altars, smash their standing-stones, cut down their sacred poles.[*a],

34:14 'You shall bow down to no other god, for Yahweh's name is the Jealous One; he is a jealous God.

34:15 Make no pact with the inhabitants of the land or, when they prostitute themselves to their own gods and sacrifice to them, they may invite you and you may consent to eat from their victim;

34:16 or else you may choose wives for your sons from among their daughters and these, prostituting themselves to their own gods, may induce your sons to do the same.

34:17 'You shall make yourself no gods of molten metal.

34:18 'You shall celebrate the feast of Unleavened Bread: you shall eat unleavened bread, as I have commanded you, at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in the month of Abib you came out of Egypt.

34:19 'All that first issues from the womb is mine: every male, every first-born of flock or herd.

34:20 But the first-born donkey you must redeem with an animal from your flocks. If you do not redeem it, you must break its neck. You must redeem all the first-born of your sons. And no one is to come before me empty-handed.

34:21 'For six days you shall labour, but on the seventh day you shall rest, even at ploughing time and harvest.

34:22 'You shall celebrate the feast of Weeks, of the first-fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of Ingathering at the close of the year.

34:23 'Three times a year all your menfolk must present themselves before the Lord Yahweh, the God of Israel.

34:24 'When I have dispossessed the nations for you and extended your frontiers, no one will covet your land, if you present yourselves three times in the year before Yahweh your God.

34:25 'You must not offer the blood of the victim sacrificed to me at the same time as you offer unleavened bread, nor is the victim offered at the feast of Passover to be put aside for the following day.

34:26 'You must bring the best of the first-fruits of your soil to the house of Yahweh your God. You must not boil a kid in its mother's milk.'

34:27 Yahweh said to Moses, 'Put these words in writing, for they are the terms of the covenant I am making with you and with Israel'.

34:28 He stayed there with Yahweh for forty days and forty nights, eating and drinking nothing. He inscribed on the tablets the words of the Covenant - the Ten Words.


Moses comes down from the mountain

34:29 When Moses came down from the mountain of Sinai - as he came down from the mountain, Moses had the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands - he did not know that the skin on his face was radiant after speaking with Yahweh.

34:30 And when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, the skin on his face shone so much that they would not venture near him.

34:31 But Moses called to them, and Aaron with all the leaders of the community came back to him; and he spoke to them.

34:32 Then all the sons of Israel came closer, and he passed on to them all the orders that Yahweh had given him on the mountain of Sinai.

34:33 And when Moses had finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face.

34:34 Whenever he went into Yahweh's presence to speak with him, Moses would remove the veil until he came out again. And when he came out, he would tell the sons of Israel what he had been ordered to pass on to them,

34:35 and the sons of Israel would see the face of Moses radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he returned to speak with Yahweh.

JB EXODUS Chapter 35




The sabbath rest

35:1 Moses assembled the whole community of the sons of Israel and said to them, 'These are the things Yahweh has ordered to be done:

35:2 Work is to be done for six days, but the seventh is to be a holy day for you, a day of complete rest, consecrated to Yahweh. Whoever does any work on that day shall be put to death.

35:3 You must not light a fire on the sabbath day in any of your homes.'


The materials are collected

35:4 Moses spoke to the whole community of the sons of Israel. 'This' he said 'is what Yahweh has commanded:

35:5 Set aside a contribution for Yahweh out of your possessions. Let all give willingly and bring this contribution for Yahweh: gold, silver and bronze;

35:6 purple stuffs, of violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, fine linen, goats' hair,

35:7 rams' skins dyed red and fine leather, acacia wood,

35:8 oil for the light, spices for the chrism and for the fragrant incense;

35:9 onyx stones and gems to be set in ephod and pectoral.

35:10 Let all the most skilled craftsmen among you come and make all that Yahweh has commanded:

35:11 the tabernacle, its tent and its covering, its hooks and its frames, its crossbars, its posts, and its sockets;

35:12 the ark with its shafts, the throne of mercy and the veil that screens it;

35:13 the table with its shafts and all the furnishings for it, and the loaves of offering;

35:14 the lamp-stand for the light, with its accessories, its lamps, and the oil for the light;

35:15 the altar of incense with its shafts, the chrism, the fragrant incense, and the screen for the entrance to the tent;

35:16 the altar of holocaust with its bronze grating, its shafts, and all the furnishings for it, the basin and its stand;

35:17 the hangings of the court, its posts, its sockets, and the screen for the gateway to the court;

35:18 the pegs of the tabernacle and of the court, together with their cords;

35:19 the sumptuous vestments for service in the sanctuary - sacred vestments for Aaron the priest, and his sons' vestments - for the priestly functions.'

35:20 Then the whole community of Israel's sons withdrew from Moses' presence.

35:21 And all those whose heart prompted them to give came, bringing their contribution for Yahweh for making the Tent of Meeting, for all its functions and for the sacred vestments.

35:22 They came, men and women, all giving willingly, bringing brooches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, gold things of every kind, all those who had vowed to Yahweh some article of gold.

35:23 All those who happened to own purple stuffs, of violet shade or red, crimson stuffs, fine linen, goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, or fine leather, brought them.

35:24 All who could contribute to the collection of silver and bronze brought their contribution for Yahweh. And all who happened to own acacia wood, suitable for any of the work to be done, brought it.

35:25 All the skilled women set their hands to spinning, and brought purple stuffs, of violet shade and red, crimson stuffs and fine linen, from what they had spun.

35:26 All the women willingly used their special skill and spun the goats' hair.

35:27 The leaders brought onyx stones and gems to be set in ephod and pectoral,

35:28 and the spices and oil for the light, for the chrism and for the fragrant incense.

35:29 All the men and women whose heart prompted them to contribute to all the work that Yahweh had ordered through Moses to be done - the sons of Israel brought their free offering to Yahweh.


The craftsmen for the sanctuary

35:30 Moses said to the sons of Israel, 'See, Yahweh has singled out Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.

35:31 He has filled him with the spirit of God and endowed him with skill and perception and knowledge for every kind of craft:

35:32 for the art of designing and working in gold and silver and bronze;

35:33 for cutting stones to be set, for carving in wood, for every kind of craft.

35:34 And on him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, he has bestowed the gift of teaching.

35:35 He has filled them with skill to carry out all the crafts of engraver, damask weaver, embroiderer in purple stuffs, of violet shade and red, in crimson stuffs and fine linen, or of the common weaver; they are able to do work of all kinds, and to do it with originality'.

JB EXODUS Chapter 36


36:1 Bezalel and Oholiab and all the skilled craftsmen whom Yahweh had endowed with the skill and perception to carry out all that was required for the building of the sanctuary, did their work exactly as Yahweh had directed.


A halt is called to the collection

36:2 Moses then summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and all the skilled craftsmen whose hearts Yahweh had endowed with skill, all whose heart prompted them to offer to do the work.

36:3 From Moses they received all that the sons of Israel had brought as contributions for the work of building the sanctuary. As these continued each morning to bring

36:4 their offerings, the skilled craftsmen, busy with the various works on the sanctuary, all left their work

36:5 and went to tell Moses, 'The people are bringing more than is needed for the work Yahweh has directed us to do'.

36:6 At Moses' command, therefore, this proclamation was made throughout the camp: 'Let no one, man or woman, do anything more towards the collection for the sanctuary.' So the people were stopped from bringing any more;

36:7 the material they had was enough, and more than enough, to complete all the work.


The tabernacle

36:8 All the most skilled craftsmen among the workers made the tabernacle. He made it with ten sheets of fine twined linen, of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, and of crimson stuffs, finely brocaded with cherubs.

36:9 The length of a single sheet was twenty-eight cubits, its width four cubits, all the sheets being of the same size.

36:10 He joined five of the sheets together, and the other five similarly.

36:11 He attached loops of violet stuff to the border of the last sheet in one set, and did the same for the border of the last sheet in the other set.

36:12 He put fifty loops on the first sheet and, matching them one by one, fifty loops on the border of the last sheet in the second set.

36:13 He made fifty gold clasps and with them drew the sheets together. In this way the tabernacle was a unified whole.

36:14 Next he made sheets of goats' hair to form a tent over the tabernacle; he made eleven of these.

36:15 The length of a single sheet was thirty cubits, its width four cubits; the eleven sheets were all of the same size.

36:16 He joined five of these sheets together into one set, the remaining six into another.

36:17 He attached fifty loops to the border of the last sheet in one set, and fifty loops to the border of the last sheet in the second set.

36:18 And he made fifty bronze clasps, so as to draw the tent together and make it a unified whole.

36:19 For the tent he made a covering of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering of fine leather to spread over it.


The framework

36:20 For the tabernacle he made frames of acacia wood, these to stand upright.

36:21 Each frame was ten cubits long and one and a half cubits wide.

36:22 Each frame was fitted with twin tenons; this he did for all the frames of the tabernacle.

36:23 He made the frames for the tabernacle: twenty frames for the southern side, facing the south country.

36:24 He made forty silver sockets for putting under the twenty frames: two sockets under the first frame to receive its two tenons, and so on for the other frames.

36:25 For the other side of the tabernacle, on the north, he made twenty frames

36:26 and forty silver sockets, two sockets under each frame.

36:27 For the back of the tabernacle, on the west, he made six frames.

36:28 And he made two frames for the corners at the back of the tabernacle.

36:29 These frames were coupled at their lower end and so to the top, up to the level of the first ring; this he did with the two frames that were to form the two corners.

36:30 Thus there were eight frames with their sixteen silver sockets; two sockets under each frame.

36:31 He made crossbars of acacia wood: five to hold the frames together that were to form one side of the tabernacle,

36:32 five on the other side to hold the frames that were to form the end of the tabernacle on the west.

36:33 He made the middle bar, fixed half-way up, to run from one end to the other.

36:34 He plated the frames with gold, and put gold rings on them to take the crossbars which he plated with gold.


The veil

36:35 He made the veil of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, of crimson stuffs, and of fine twined linen, skilfully embroidered with cherubs.

36:36 For hanging this veil he made four posts of acacia wood and plated them with gold, with golden hooks, and he cast four silver sockets for them.

36:37 For the entrance to the tent he made a screen of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, and of crimson stuffs and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer.

36:38 For the hanging of this he made five posts, and their hooks; their capitals and rods he plated with gold; their five sockets were of bronze.

JB EXODUS Chapter 37


The ark

37:1 Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood, two and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, one and a half cubits high.

37:2 He plated it, inside and out, with pure gold, and decorated it all round with a gold moulding.

37:3 He cast four gold rings for the ark, attaching them to its four feet: two rings on one side and two rings on the other.

37:4 He also made shafts of acacia wood plating them with gold;

37:5 and he passed the shafts through the rings on the sides of the ark, for carrying it.

37:6 Also he made of pure gold a throne of mercy, two and a half cubits long, and one and a half cubits wide.

37:7 For the two ends of this throne of mercy he made two golden cherubs; he made them of beaten gold,

37:8 the first cherub for one end and the second for the other, and fastened them to the two ends of the throne of mercy so that they made one piece with it.

37:9 The cherubs had their wings spread upwards so that they overshadowed the throne of mercy. They faced one another, their faces towards the throne of mercy.


The table for the offertory bread

37:10 He made the table of acacia wood, two cubits long, one cubit wide, and one and a half cubits high.

37:11 He plated it with pure gold, and decorated it all round with a gold moulding.

37:12 He fitted it with struts, one hand's breadth wide, and decorated these with a golden moulding.

37:13 He cast four gold rings for it and fixed these at the four corners where the four legs were.

37:14 The rings lay close to the struts to hold the shafts for carrying the table.

37:15 He made the shafts of acacia wood and plated them with gold; these were for carrying the table.

37:16 He made the furnishings of pure gold for the table: dishes, cups, jars and libation bowls.


The lamp-stand

37:17 He made the lamp-stand of pure gold, and made the lamp-stand, base and stem, of beaten gold. Its cups - calyx and petals - were of one piece with it.

37:18 Six branches extended from the sides of it, three from one side, three from the other.

37:19 The first branch carried three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its calyx and petals; the second branch, too, carried three cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its calyx and petals, and similarly all six branches extending from the lamp-stand.

37:20 The lamp-stand itself carried four cups shaped like almond blossoms, each with its calyx and petals,

37:21 thus: one calyx under the first two branches extending from the lamp-stand, one under the next pair, one under the last pair: corresponding to the six branches extending from the lamp-stand.

37:22 The calyxes and the branches were of one piece with the lamp-stand, and the whole was made from a single piece of pure gold, beaten out.

37:23 Then he made the lamps for it, seven of them, and its snuffers and trays of pure gold.

37:24 He used a talent of pure gold for making the lamp-stand and all its accessories.


The altar of incense. Chrism and incense

37:25 He made the altar of incense out of acacia wood. It was one cubit long, and one cubit wide - that is to say, square - and two cubits high; its horns were of one piece with it.

37:26 The top of it, its surrounding sides, and its horns, he plated with pure gold, and decorated it all round with a gold moulding.

37:27 He fixed two gold rings to it below the moulding on its two opposite sides, to take the shafts used for carrying it.

37:28 These shafts he made of acacia wood and plated with gold.

37:29 He also made the sacred chrism and the pure, fragrant incense, blending it as perfumers do.

JB EXODUS Chapter 38


The altar of holocaust

38:1 He made the altar of holocaust out of acacia wood, a square five cubits long and five cubits wide, its height three cubits.

38:2 At its four corners he put horns, the horns being of one piece with it, and plated it with bronze.

38:3 He made all the altar vessels: pans for the ashes, shovels, sprinkling basins, hooks, fire pans; he made all the vessels for the altar out of bronze.

38:4 He made a grating for it of bronze network which he set under the ledge, below, so that it reached half-way up the altar.

38:5 He cast four rings and fixed them on the four corners of the bronze grating to take the shafts.

38:6 He made the shafts of acacia wood and plated them with bronze.

38:7 He placed these through the rings fixed to the sides of the altar for carrying it, and he made the altar hollow, of boards.


The bronze basin

38:8 He made the bronze basin and its bronze support from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.


The court

38:9 He made the court. For the southern side of the court, facing the south country, there were one hundred cubits of hangings of fine twined linen.

38:10 Their twenty posts with their twenty sockets were of bronze, their hooks and rods of silver.

38:11 For the northern side there were one hundred cubits of hangings; their twenty posts with their twenty sockets were of bronze, their hooks and rods of silver.

38:12 For the western side, fifty cubits of hangings, carried on ten posts set in ten sockets, with their hooks and rods of silver.

38:13 Fifty cubits, too, for the eastern side facing the sunrise.

38:14 On one side of the gateway there were fifteen cubits of hangings, carried on three posts set in three sockets.

38:15 On the other side - either side of the entrance to the court - there were fifteen cubits of hangings with their three posts and three sockets.

38:16 All the hangings enclosing the court were of fine twined linen.

38:17 The sockets for the posts were of bronze and their hooks of silver, like the plating on their capitals. The posts for the court all had their rods of silver.

38:18 The screen for the gateway of the court, the work of a skilled embroiderer, was made of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, of crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen. It was twenty cubits long and, along the width of it, five cubits high, like the hangings of the court.

38:19 Its four posts with their four sockets were of bronze. The hooks for the posts were of silver, like the plating on their capitals and like their rods.

38:20 The pegs for the tabernacle and for the court enclosure were all of bronze.


The amount of metal used

38:21 Here is the account of metals used for the tabernacle - the tabernacle of the Testimony - the account drawn up by order of Moses, the work of the Levites[*a] under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron, the priest.

38:22 Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that Yahweh had directed Moses to have made.

38:23 His partner was Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, engraver, damask weaver, embroiderer in purple stuffs, of violet shade and red, in crimson stuffs and fine linen.

38:24 The amount of gold used in the work - the entire work for the sanctuary - (this was gold consecrated by offering) was twenty-nine talents and seven hundred and thirty shekels (reckoning by the sanctuary shekel).

38:25 The silver collected when the census of the community was taken weighed one hundred talents and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels (reckoning by the sanctuary shekel),

38:26 one beqa per head, or half a shekel (reckoning by the sanctuary shekel) for everyone of twenty years and over included in the census. These numbered six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.

38:27 The hundred talents of silver were used for casting the sockets for the sanctuary and for the veil: one hundred sockets out of the hundred talents, or one talent per socket.

38:28 With the one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels he made the hooks for the posts, the plating for their capitals, and their rods.

38:29 The bronze consecrated by offering amounted to seventy talents and two thousand four hundred shekels,

38:30 and with this he made the sockets for the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, the bronze altar with its grating of bronze and all the furnishings for it,

38:31 the sockets for the enclosure of the court, those for the gateway to the court, all the pegs for the tabernacle, and all the pegs for the court enclosure.

JB EXODUS Chapter 39


The vestments of the high priest

39:1 From the purple stuffs, violet shade and red, the crimson stuffs, and the fine linen he made sumptuous vestments for service in the sanctuary. They made the sacred vestments for Aaron, as Yahweh had directed Moses.


The ephod

39:2 They made the ephod of gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen.

39:3 They beat gold into thin plates, and cut these into fine strips to weave into the purple stuffs, violet shade and red, into the crimson stuffs and the fine linen, as does the weaver of damask.

39:4 For the ephod they made two shoulder-straps, joined to it at its two ends.

39:5 The woven band on it to hold it formed one piece with it and was of similar workmanship: this was of gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

39:6 They fashioned the onyx stones, mounted in settings of gold mesh and engraved, as a seal is engraved, with the names of the sons of Israel.

39:7 They fastened the stones to the shoulder-straps of the ephod, stones commemorating the sons of Israel, as Yahweh had directed Moses.


The pectoral of judgement

39:8 They made the pectoral, finely brocaded, of the same workmanship as the ephod, of gold, purple stuffs, violet shade and red, and fine twined linen.

39:9 It was square and they doubled it over, a span in length and a span in width.

39:10 In this they set four rows of stones. Sard, topaz, carbuncle, for the first row;

39:11 emerald, sapphire, diamond, the second row;

39:12 the third row, hyacinth, ruby, amethyst;

39:13 the fourth row, beryl, onyx, jasper. These were mounted in settings of gold mesh.

39:14 They bore the names of the sons of Israel and, like their names, were twelve in number. They were engraved as seals are, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes.

39:15 For the pectoral they made chains of pure gold twisted like cords.

39:16 They made two gold rosettes and two gold rings,

39:17 and they fastened the two gold cords to the two rings fixed on the corners of the pectoral.

39:18 The other two ends of the cords they fastened to the two rosettes; they were thus attached to the shoulder-straps of the ephod, on the front.

39:19 They made two gold rings and fixed them to the two lower corners of the pectoral, on the inner hem, next to the ephod.

39:20 And they made two more gold rings and fixed them low down on the front of the two shoulder-straps of the ephod, close to the join, above the woven band of the ephod.

39:21 They secured the pectoral by passing a ribbon of violet-purple through its rings and those of the ephod, so that the pectoral would sit above the woven band and not come apart from the ephod, as Yahweh had directed Moses.


The robe

39:22 Then they made the robe of the ephod woven entirely of violet-purple.

39:23 The opening in the centre of it was like the neck of a coat of mail; round the opening was a border to keep the robe from tearing.

39:24 The lower hem of the robe they decorated with pomegranates of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, crimson stuffs, and fine twined linen.

39:25 They also made bells of pure gold and placed them all round the lower hem of the robe between the pomegranates,

39:26 bells and pomegranates alternately all round the lower hem of the robe of office, as Yahweh had directed Moses.


The vestments of the priests

39:27 Then they made the tunics of finely woven linen for Aaron and his sons,

39:28 the turban of fine linen, the head-dresses of fine linen, the breeches of fine twined linen,

39:29 the girdles of fine twined linen, of purple stuffs, violet shade and red, and of crimson stuffs, finely embroidered, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

39:30 They also made the plate, the holy diadem, of pure gold, and engraved on it 'Consecrated to Yahweh', as a man engraves a seal.

39:31 They attached to this a ribbon of violet-purple to secure it to the top of the turban, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

39:32 So all the work of the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, was completed. In carrying it out the sons of Israel had done exactly as Yahweh had directed Moses.


The finished work presented to Moses

39:33 They brought to Moses the tabernacle, the Tent and all its furnishings: its hooks, frames, crossbars, posts, sockets;

39:34 the covering of rams' skins dyed red, the covering of fine leather, and the screening veil;

39:35 the ark of the testimony with its shafts and the throne of mercy;

39:36 the table with all its furnishings, and the loaves of offering;

39:37 the lamp-stand of pure gold with its lamps - the lamps that were to be set on it - and all its accessories; the oil, too, for the light;

39:38 the golden altar, the chrism, the fragrant incense, the screen for the entrance to the tent;

39:39 the bronze altar with its grating of bronze, its shafts and all its furnishings; the basin and its stand;

39:40 the hangings of the court, its posts, its sockets, and the screen for the gateway to the court, its cords, its pegs, and all the furniture for the service in the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting;

39:41 the sumptuous vestments for service in the sanctuary - sacred vestments for Aaron the priest, and vestments for his sons - for the priestly functions.

39:42 The sons of Israel had done all the work exactly as Yahweh had directed Moses.

39:43 Moses examined the whole work, and he could see they had done it as Yahweh had directed him. And Moses blessed them.

JB EXODUS Chapter 40


The sanctuary erected and consecrated

40:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,

40:2 'On the first day of the first month you are to erect the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting,

40:3 and place the ark of the Testimony in it, screening it with the veil.

40:4 Bring in the table, arranging what is to be set in order on it. Bring in the lamp-stand, too, and set up its lamps.

40:5 Place the golden altar of incense in front of the ark of the Testimony, and set up the screen at the entrance to the tabernacle.

40:6 Place the altar of holocaust in front of the entrance to the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting.

40:7 Place the basin between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and fill it with water.

40:8 Set up the enclosure of the court and hang the screen at the gateway of the court.

40:9 Then, taking the chrism, anoint the tabernacle and everything in it, consecrating it with its furniture, to make it a holy place.

40:10 Anoint the altar of holocaust with all its furnishings; and consecrate the altar which henceforth will be a most holy thing.

40:11 Anoint the basin with its stand, and consecrate it.

40:12 Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting and see that they bathe.

40:13 Then clothe Aaron with the sacred vestments, and anoint and consecrate him, to serve me in the priesthood.

40:14 Next, bring his sons and clothe them with tunics.

40:15 Anoint them as you have anointed their father, to serve me in the priesthood. This anointing of them is to confer the priesthood on them in perpetuity from generation to generation.'


The divine commands are carried out

40:16 Moses did this; he did exactly as Yahweh had directed him.

40:17 The tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month in the second year.

40:18 Moses erected the tabernacle. He fixed the sockets for it, put up its frames, put its crossbars in position, set up its posts.

40:19 He spread the tent over the tabernacle and on top of this the covering for the tent, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:20 He took the Testimony and placed it inside the ark. He set the shafts to the ark and placed the throne of mercy on it.

40:21 He brought the ark into the tabernacle and put the screening veil in place; thus he screened the ark of Yahweh, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:22 He placed the table in the Tent of Meeting, on the north side of the tabernacle, outside the veil,

40:23 and on it arranged the loaves before Yahweh, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:24 He put the lamp-stand in the Tent of Meeting, opposite the table, on the south side of the tabernacle;

40:25 and he set up the lamps before Yahweh, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:26 He put the golden altar in the Tent of Meeting in front of the veil,

40:27 and on it burnt fragrant incense, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:28 Then he put the screen at the entrance to the tabernacle.

40:29 He put the altar of holocaust at the entrance to the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, and on it offered the holocaust and the oblation, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:30 He put the basin between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and filled it with water for the ablutions;

40:31 this was for Aaron and his sons to wash their hands and feet:

40:32 whenever they entered the Tent of Meeting or approached the altar they washed, as Yahweh had directed Moses.

40:33 Moses then set up the court round the tabernacle and the altar and placed the screen at the gateway to the court. Thus Moses completed the work.


Yahweh takes possession of the sanctuary

40:34 The cloud covered the Tent of Meeting and the glory of Yahweh filled the tabernacle.

40:35 Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting because of the cloud that rested on it and because of the glory of Yahweh that filled the tabernacle.


The cloud guides the Israelites

40:36 At every stage of their journey, whenever the cloud rose from the tabernacle the sons of Israel would resume their march.

40:37 If the cloud did not rise, they waited and would not march until it did.

40:38 For the cloud of Yahweh rested on the tabernacle by day, and a fire shone within the cloud by night, for all the House of Israel to see. And so it was for every stage of their journey.


END OF JB EXODUS [40 Chapters].