

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 耶稣基督的仆人和宗徒西满伯多禄,致书给那些因我们的天主和救主耶稣基督的正义,与我们分享同样宝贵信德的人。
1:2 愿恩宠与平安,因认识天主和我们的主耶稣,丰富地赐予你们。


1:3 因为我们认识了那借自己的光荣和德能,召叫我们的基督,基督天主性的大能,就将各种关乎生命和虔敬的恩惠,赏给了我们,
1:4 并借着自己的光荣和德能,将最大和宝贵的恩许赏给了我们,为使你们借着这些恩许,在逃脱世界上所有败坏的贪欲之后,能成为有分于天主性体的人。
1:5 正为了这个原故,你们要全力奋勉,在你们的信仰上还要加毅力,在毅力上加知识,
1:6 在知识上加节制,在节制上加忍耐,在忍耐上加虔敬,
1:7 在虔敬上加兄弟的友爱,在兄弟的友爱上加爱德。
1:8 实在,这些德行如果存在你们内,且不断增添,你们决不致于在认识我们的主耶稣基督上,成为不工作,不结果实的人,
1:9 因为那没有这些德行的,便是瞎子,是近视眼,忘却了他从前的罪恶已被清除。
1:10 为此,弟兄们,你们更要尽心竭力,使你们的蒙召和被选,赖善行而坚定不移;倘若你们这样作,决不会跌倒。
1:11 的确,这样你们便更有把握,进入我们的主和救主耶稣基督永远的国。

1:13 我以为只要我还在这帐幕内,就有义务以劝言来鼓励你们。
1:14 我知道我的帐幕快要拆卸了,一如我们的主耶稣基督指示给我的。
1:15 我要尽心竭力使你们在我去世以后,也时常记念这些事。

1:16 我们将我们的主耶稣基督的大能和来临,宣告给你们,并不是依据虚构的荒诞故事,而是因为我们亲眼见过他的威荣。
1:17 他实在由天主接受了尊敬和光荣,因那时曾有这样的声音,从显赫的光荣中发出来,向他说:「这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。」
1:18 这来自天上的声音,是我们同他在那座圣山上的时候,亲自听见的。
1:19 因此,我们认定先知的话更为确实,对这话你们当十分留神,就如留神在暗中发光的灯,直到天亮,晨星在你们的心中升起的时候。
1:20 最主要的,你们应知道经上的一切预言,决不应随私人的解释,
1:21 因为预言从来不是由人的意愿而发的,而是由天主所派遣的圣人,在圣神推动之下说出来的。





2:2 有许多人将要随从他们的放荡,甚至真理之道,也要因他们而受到诽谤。
2:3 他们因贪吝成性,要以花言巧语在你们身上营利;可是他们的案件自古以来,就未安闲,他们的丧亡也决不稍息。

2:5 既然没有宽免古时的世界,曾引来洪水淹灭了恶人的世界,只保存了宣讲正义的诺厄一家八口;
2:6 又降罚了索多玛和哈摩辣城,使之化为灰烬,至于毁灭,以作后世作恶者的鉴戒,
2:7 只救出了那因不法之徒的放荡生活而悲伤的义人罗特-
2:8 因为这义人住在他们中,他正直的灵魂,天天因所见所闻的不法行为,感到苦恼--
2:9 那么,上主自然也知道拯救虔诚的人,脱离磨难,而存留不义的人,等候审判的日子受处罚,
2:10 尤其是存留那些随从肉欲,而生活在污秽情欲中的人,以及那些轻视「主权者」的人。

2:12 然而这些人实在如无理性的牲畜,生来就是为受捉拿,受宰杀,凡他们不明白的事就要亵渎;他们必要如牲畜一样丧亡,
2:13 受他们不义的报应。他们只以一日的享受为快乐,实是些污秽肮脏的人;当他们同你们宴乐时,纵情于淫乐;
2:14 他们满眼邪色,犯罪不餍,勾引意志薄弱的人;他们的心习惯了贪吝,真是些应受咒骂的人。
2:15 他们离弃正道,走入了歧途,随从了贝敖尔的儿子巴郎的道路,他曾贪爱过不义的酬报,
2:16 可是也受了他作恶的责罚:一个不会说话的牲口,竟用人的声音说了话,制止了这先知的妄为。
2:17 他们像无水的泉源,又像为狂风所飘扬的云雾:为他们所存留的,是黑暗的幽冥。
2:18 因为他们好讲虚伪的大话,用肉欲的放荡为饵,勾引那些刚才摆脱错谬生活的人;
2:19 应许他们自由,自己却是败坏的奴隶,因为人被谁制胜,就是谁的奴隶。

2:21 因为不认识正义之道,比认识后而又背弃那传授给他们的圣诫命,为他们倒好得多。
2:22 在他们身上正应验了这句恰当的俗语:「狗呕吐的,它又回来再吃;」又「母猪洗净了,又到污泥里打滚。」




3:2 叫你们想起圣先知们以前说过的话,以及你们的宗徒们传授的主和救世者的诫命。
3:3 首先你们该知道:在末日要出现一些爱嘲笑戏弄,按照自己的私欲生活的人,
3:4 他们说:「那里有他所应许的来临?因为自从我们的父老长眠以来,一切照旧存在,全如创造之初一样。」

3:6 又因天主的话和水,当时的世界为水所淹没而消灭了;
3:7 甚至连现有的天地,还是因天主的话得以保存,直存到审判及恶人丧亡的日子,被火焚烧。
3:8 亲爱的诸位,惟有这一件事你们不可忘记:就是在天主前一日如千年,千年如一日。
3:9 主决不迟延他的应许,有如某些人所想象的;其实是他对你们含忍,不愿任何人丧亡,只愿众人回心转意。
3:10 可是,主的日子必要如盗贼一样来到;在那一日,天要轰然过去,所有的原质都要因烈火而溶化,大地及其中所有的工程,也都要被焚毁。

3:12 以等候并催促天主日子的来临!在这日子上,天要为火所焚毁,所有的原质也要因烈火而溶化;
3:13 可是,我们却按照他的应许,等候正义常住在其中的新天新地。
3:14 为此,亲爱的诸位,你们既然等候这一切,就应该勉力,使他见到你们没有玷污,没有瑕疵,安然无惧;
3:15 并应以我们主的容忍当作得救的机会;这也是我们可爱的弟兄保禄,本着赐与他的智慧,曾给你们写过的;
3:16 也正如他在谈论这些事时,在一切书信内所写过的。在这些书信内,有些难懂的地方,不学无术和站立不稳的人,便加以曲解,一如曲解其它经典一样,而自趋丧亡。

3:18 你们却要在恩宠及认识我们的主,和救世者耶稣基督上渐渐增长。愿光荣归于他,从如今直到永远之日,阿们。



BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB 2 PETER Chapter 1





1:1 From Simeon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ; to all who treasure the same faith as ourselves, given through the righteousness of our God and saviour Jesus Christ.

1:2 May you have more and more grace and peace as you come to know our Lord more and more.


A call to Christian living, and its reward

1:3 By his divine power, he has given us all the things that we need for life and for true devotion, bringing us to know God himself, who has called us by his own glory and goodness.

1:4 In making these gifts, he has given us the guarantee of something very great and wonderful to come: through them you will be able to share the divine nature and to escape corruption in a world that is sunk in vice.

1:5 But to attain this, you will have to do your utmost yourselves, adding goodness to the faith that you have, understanding to your goodness,

1:6 self-control to your understanding, patience to your self-control, true devotion to your patience,

1:7 kindness towards your fellow men to your devotion, and, to this kindness, love.

1:8 If you have a generous supply of these, they will not leave you ineffectual or unproductive: they will bring you to a real knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1:9 But without them a man is blind or else short-sighted; he has forgotten how his past sins were washed away.

1:10 Brothers, you have been called and chosen: work all the harder to justify it. If you do all these things there is no danger that you will ever fall away.

1:11 In this way you will be granted admittance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.


The apostolic witness

1:12 That is why I am continually recalling the same truths to you, even though you already know them and firmly hold them.

1:13 I am sure it is my duty, as long as I am in this tent, to keep stirring you up with reminders,

1:14 since I know the time for taking off this tent is coming soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ foretold to me.

1:15 And I shall take great care that after my own departure you will still have a means to recall these things to memory.

1:16 It was not any cleverly invented myths that we were repeating when we brought you the knowledge of the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; we had seen his majesty for ourselves.

1:17 He was honoured and glorified by God the Father, when the Sublime Glory itself spoke to him and said, 'This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour'.

1:18 We heard this ourselves, spoken from heaven, when we were with him on the holy mountain.[*a]


The value of prophecy

1:19 So we have confirmation of what was said in prophecies; and you will be right to depend on prophecy and take it as a lamp for lighting a way through the dark until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your minds.

1:20 At the same time, we must be most careful to remember that the interpretation of scriptural prophecy is never a matter for the individual.

1:21 Why? Because no prophecy ever came from man's initiative. When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them.

JB 2 PETER Chapter 2


False teachers

2:1 As there were false prophets in the past history of our people, so you too will have your false teachers, who will insinuate their own disruptive views and disown the Master who purchased their freedom. They will destroy themselves very quickly;

2:2 but there will be many who copy their shameful behaviour and the Way of Truth will be brought into disrepute on their account.

2:3 They will eagerly try to buy you for themselves with insidious speeches, but for them the Condemnation, pronounced so long ago, is at its work already, and Destruction is not asleep.

2:4 When angels sinned, God did not spare them: he sent them down to the underworld and consigned them to the dark underground caves to be held there till the day of Judgement.

2:5 Nor did he spare the world in ancient times: it was only Noah he saved, the preacher of righteousness, along with seven others, when he sent the Flood over a disobedient world.

2:6 The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, these too he condemned and reduced to ashes; he destroyed them completely, as a warning to anybody lacking reverence in the future;

2:7 he rescued Lot, however, a holy man who had been sickened by the shameless way in which these vile people behaved -

2:8 for that holy man, living among them, was outraged in his good soul by the crimes that he saw and heard of every day.

2:9 These are all examples of how the Lord can rescue the good from the ordeal, and hold the wicked for their punishment until the day of Judgement,

2:10 especially those who are governed by their corrupt bodily desires and have no respect for authority.


The punishment to come

Such self-willed people with no reverence are not afraid of offending against the glorious ones,

2:11 but the angels in their greater strength and power make no complaint or accusation against them in front of the Lord.

2:12 All the same, these people who only insult anything that they do not understand are not reasoning beings, but simply animals born to be caught and killed, and they will quite certainly destroy themselves by their own work of destruction,

2:13 and get their reward of evil for the evil that they do. They are unsightly blots on your society: men whose only object is dissipation all day long, and they amuse themselves deceiving you even when they are your guests at a meal;

2:14 with their eyes always looking for adultery; men with an infinite capacity for sinning, they will seduce any soul which is at all unstable. Greed is the one lesson their minds have learnt. They are under a curse.

2:15 They have left the right path and wandered off to follow the path of Balaam son of Beor, who thought he could profit best by sinning,

2:16 until he was called to order for his faults. The dumb donkey put a stop to that prophet's madness when it talked like a man.

2:17 People like this are dried-up rivers, fogs swirling in the wind, and the dark underworld is the place reserved for them.

2:18 With their high-flown talk, which is all hollow, they tempt back the ones who have only just escaped from paganism, playing on their bodily desires with debaucheries.

2:19 They may promise freedom but they themselves are slaves, slaves to corruption; because if anyone lets himself be dominated by anything, then he is a slave to it;

2:20 and anyone who has escaped the pollution of the world once by coming to know our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, and who then allows himself to be entangled by it a second time and mastered, will end up in a worse state than he began in.

2:21 It would even have been better for him never to have learnt the way of holiness, than to know it and afterwards desert the holy rule that was entrusted to him.

2:22 What he has done is exactly as the proverb rightly says: The dog goes back to his own vomit[*a] and: When the sow has been washed, it wallows in the mud.

JB 2 PETER Chapter 3


The Day of the Lord; the prophets and the apostles

3:1 My friends, this is my second letter to you, and in both of them I have tried to awaken a true understanding in you by giving you a reminder:

3:2 recalling to you what was said in the past by the holy prophets and the commandments of the Lord and saviour which you were given by the apostles.

3:3 We must be careful to remember that during the last days there are bound to be people who will be scornful, the kind who always please themselves what they do, and they will make fun of the promise

3:4 and ask, 'Well, where is this coming? Everything goes on as it has since the Fathers died, as it has since it began at the creation.'

3:5 They are choosing to forget that there were heavens at the beginning, and that the earth was formed by the word of God out of water and between the waters,

3:6 so that the world of that time was destroyed by being flooded by water.

3:7 But by the same word, the present sky and earth are destined for fire, and are only being reserved until Judgement day so that all sinners may be destroyed.

3:8 But there is one thing, my friends, that you must never forget: that with the Lord, 'a day' can mean a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.[*a]

3:9 The Lord is not being slow to carry out his promises, as anybody else might be called slow; but he is being patient with you all, wanting nobody to be lost and everybody to be brought to change his ways.

3:10 The Day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then with a roar the sky will vanish, the elements will catch fire and fall apart, the earth and all that it contains will be burnt up.


Conclusion and doxology

3:11 Since everything is coming to an end like this, you should be living holy and saintly lives

3:12 while you wait and long for the Day of God to come, when the sky will dissolve in flames and the elements melt in the heat.

3:13 What we are waiting for is what he promised: the new heavens and new earth, the place where righteousness will be at home.

3:14 So then, my friends, while you are waiting, do your best to live lives without spot or stain so that he will find you at peace.

3:15 Think of our Lord's patience as your opportunity to be saved: our brother Paul, who is so dear to us, told you this when he wrote to you with the wisdom that is his special gift.

3:16 He always writes like this when he deals with this sort of subject, and this makes some points in his letter hard to understand; these are the points that uneducated and unbalanced people distort, in the same way as they distort the rest of scripture - a fatal thing for them to do.

3:17 You have been warned about this, my friends; be careful not to get carried away by the errors of unprincipled people, from the firm ground that you are standing on.

3:18 Instead, go on growing in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory, in time and in eternity. Amen.


END OF JB 2 PETER [3 Chapters].