1:1 天主在古时,曾多次并以多种方式,借着先知对我们的祖先说过话;
1:1 基督耶稣的被囚者保禄,和弟茂德弟兄,致书给我们可爱的合作者费肋孟,
1:2 并给姊妹阿丕雅,和我们的战友阿尔希颇,以及在你家中的教会。
1:3 愿恩宠与平安,由天主我们的父及主耶稣基督赐与你们!
1:4 在我的祈祷中记念你时,我常感谢我的天主,
1:5 因为,听说你对主耶稣,和对众圣徒所表现的爱德与信德。
1:6 我祈求天主,为使你因信德而怀有的慷慨发生功效,使你认清我们所能行的一切善事,都是为基督而行的。
1:7 弟兄,我由於你的爱德,确实获得了极大的喜乐和安慰,因为藉着你,圣徒们的心都舒畅了。
1:8 为此,我虽然在基督内,能放心大胆地命你去作这件该作的事,
1:9 可是,我这年老的保禄,如今且为基督耶稣作囚犯的,宁愿因着爱德求你,
1:10 就是为我在锁链中所生的儿子敖乃息摩来求你。
1:11 他曾一度为你是无用的,可是,如今为你为我都有用了;
1:12 我现今把他给你打发回去,你收下他,他是我的心肝。
1:13 我本来愿意将他留在我这里,叫他替你服侍我这为福音而被囚的人,
1:14 可是没有你的同意,我什麽也不愿意做,好叫你所行的善不是出於勉强,而是出於甘心。
1:15 也许他暂时离开了你,是为叫你永远收下他,
1:16 不再当一个奴隶,而是超过奴隶,作可爱的弟兄:他为我特别可爱,但为你不拘是论肉身方面,或是论主方面,更加可爱。
1:17 所以,若你以我为同志,就收留他当作收留我罢!
1:18 他若亏负了你或欠下你什麽,就算在我的账上罢!
1:19 我保禄亲手签字:「我必要偿还。」至於你,你所欠於我的,竟是你本身;这我就不必对你说了!
1:20 弟兄!望你使我在主内得此恩惠,并在基督内使我的心舒畅!
1:21 我自信你必听从, 给你写了这信;我知道,就是超过我所说的,你也必作。
1:22 同时,也请你给我准备一个住处,因为我希望因你们的祈祷,主必要把我赐与你们。
1:23 为基督耶稣与我一同被囚的厄帕夫辣、
1:24 我的合作者马尔谷、阿黎斯塔苛、德玛斯、路加都问候你。
1:25 愿主耶稣基督的恩宠,与你们的心灵同在!阿们。
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
1:1 From Paul, a prisoner of
Christ Jesus and from our brother Timothy; to our dear fellow worker Philemon,
1:2 our sister Apphia, our fellow soldier Archippus
and the church that meets in your house;
1:3 wishing you the
grace and the peace of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanksgiving and
1:4 I
always mention you in my prayers and thank God for you,
1:5 because I hear of the love
and the faith which you have for the Lord Jesus and for all the saints.
1:6 I
pray that this faith will give rise to a sense of fellowship that will show you
all the good things that we are able to do for Christ.
1:7 I am so delighted, and
comforted, to know of your love; they tell me, brother, how you have put new
heart into the saints.
The request about Onesimus
1:8 Now,
although in Christ I can have no diffidence about telling you to do whatever is
your duty,
1:9 I am appealing to your
love instead, reminding you that this is Paul writing, an
old man now and, what is more, still a prisoner of Christ Jesus.
1:10 I am appealing to you for
a child of mine, whose father I became while wearing these chains: I mean Onesimus.
1:11 He was of no use to you
before, but he will be useful[*a] to you now, as he
has been to me.
1:12 I am sending him back to you, and with him - I could say - a part of my own self.
1:13 I should have liked to
keep him with me; he could have been a substitute for you, to help me while I
am in the chains that the Good News has brought me.
1:14 However, I did not want
to do anything without your consent; it would have been forcing your act of
kindness, which should be spontaneous.
1:15 I know you have been
deprived of Onesimus for a time, but it was only so
that you could have him back for ever,
1:16 not as a slave
any more, but something much better than a slave, a dear brother; especially
dear to me, but how much more to you, as a blood-brother as well as a brother
in the Lord.
1:17 So
if all that we have in common means anything to you, welcome him as you would
1:18 but if he has wronged you
in any way or owes you anything, then let me pay for it.
1:19 I am writing this in my
own handwriting: I, Paul, shall pay it back - I will not add any mention of
your own debt to me, which is yourself.
1:20 Well then, brother, I am
counting on you, in the Lord; put new heart into me, in Christ.
1:21 I am writing with
complete confidence in your compliance, sure that you will do even more than I
personal request. Good wishes
1:22 There
is another thing: will you get a place ready for me to stay in? I am hoping
through your prayers to be restored to you.
1:23 Epaphras,
a prisoner with me in Christ Jesus, sends his greetings;
1:24 so do my colleagues Mark,
Aristarchus, Demas and Luke.
1:25 May the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
PHILEMON [1 Chapter].