

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj







1:1 奉我们的救主天主,和作我们希望的基督耶稣的命,作基督耶稣宗徒的保禄,
1:2 致书给在信德上作我真子的弟茂德。愿恩宠、仁慈与平安,由天主父和我们的主基督耶稣赐与你!

1:3 当我往马其顿去的时候,曾请求你留在厄弗所,为的是要你训令某些人,不要讲异端道理,
1:4 也不要探求无稽的传说,以及无穷尽的祖谱,因为这些事只会激起争辩,对于天主所立的那基于信德的救世计划,毫无益处。
1:5 这训令的目的就是爱,即由纯洁的心、光明磊落的良心和真诚的信仰所发出的爱;
1:6 但有些人离开这些而转向了空谈;
1:7 他们愿意充当法学士,却不明白自己所说和所主张的是什么事。
1:8 我们知道法律原是好的,只要人用的合法;
1:9 我们也知道法律不是为义人立的,而是为叛逆和不服从的,为不虔敬和犯罪的,为不敬神和渎圣的,为弒父弒母的,为杀人的,
1:10 为犯奸淫的,为行男色的,为拐卖人口的,为说谎言的,为发虚誓的,并为其他相反建全道理的事而立的;
1:11 这道理是按着真福的天主所托给我的光荣福音而宣讲的。

1:13 原先我是个亵渎者、迫害者和施暴者;但是我蒙受了怜悯,因为我当时是在不信之中,出于无知而做了那些事。
1:14 然而我们主的恩宠对我格外丰厚,使我在耶稣基督内有了信和爱。
1:15 这话是确实的,值得完全接纳:就是基督耶稣到世界上来,是为拯救罪人;而我就是其中的魁首。
1:16 但是我所以蒙受了怜悯,是为使基督耶稣在我这个魁首身上,显示他的完全坚忍,为给将来信靠他而获永生的人一个榜样。
1:17 愿尊崇和光荣归于万世的君王,那不死不灭,不可见的惟一天主,于无穷之世!阿们。

1:18 我儿弟茂德!我根据以前指着你所说过的那些预言,把这训令委托给你,为叫你借此打这场好仗,
1:19 保持信德和良心纯洁;有些人竟摈弃了良心,而在信德上遭了船破之灾;
1:20 其中有依默纳约和亚历山大,我已把他们交给撒殚,为叫他们学习不再亵渎。




2:2 并为众君王和一切有权位的人,为叫我们能以全心的虔敬和端庄,度宁静平安的生活。
2:3 这原是美好的,并在我们的救主天主面前是蒙受悦纳的。
2:4 因为他愿意所有的人都得救,并得以认识真理,
2:5 因为天主只有一个,在天主与人之间的中保也只有一个,就是降生成人的基督耶稣,
2:6 他奉献了自己,为众人作赎价:这事在所规定的时期已被证实,
2:7 而我也是为了这事,被立为宣道者和宗徒──我说的是实话,并非说谎──在信仰和真理上,做了外邦人的教师。

2:9 又愿意女人们服装端正,以廉耻和庄重装饰自己,不要用卷发和金饰,或珍珠和极奢华的服务,
2:10 而要以善行装饰自己,这才合乎称为虔敬天主的女人。

2:12 我不准许女人施教,也不准许她管辖男人,但要她安于沉静,
2:13 因为亚当是先受造的,以后才是厄娃。
2:14 亚当没有受骗,受骗陷于背命之罪的是女人。
2:15 但她若持守信德、爱德、圣德和庄重,借着生育,必能获救。




3:2 那么,监督必须是无可指摘的,只作过一个妻子的丈夫,有节制,应慎重,端庄,好客,善于教导;
3:3 不嗜酒,不暴戾,而应温良和善,不贪爱钱财,
3:4 善于管理自己的家庭,使子女们服从,凡事端庄;
3:5 谁若不知管理自己的家庭,如何能照管天主的教会?
3:6 不可是新奉教的,怕他妄自尊大,而陷于魔鬼所受的判决,
3:7 并且在外人中也必须有好声望,怕他遭人诽谤,落入魔鬼的罗网。

3:9 以纯洁的良心,保持信德的奥迹。
3:10 这些人应当先受试验,如果无瑕可指,然后才能作执事。
3:11 女人也必须端庄,不谗谤;有节制,凡事忠信。
3:12 执事应当只作过一个妻子的丈夫,善于管理自己子女和家庭,
3:13 因为善于服务的,自可获得优越的品位,而大胆宣扬基督耶稣内的信仰。

3:15 假使我迟迟不到,你可以知道在天主的家中应当如何行动;这家就是永生天主的教会,真理的柱石和基础。
3:16 无不公认,这虔敬的奥迹是伟大的:就是他出现于肉身,受证于圣神,发显于天使,被传于异民,见信于普世,被接于光荣。




4:2 这训言是出于那些伪善的说谎者,他们的良心已烙上了火印。
4:3 他们禁止嫁娶,戒绝一些食物;这些食物本是天主所造,叫那信仰而认识真理的人,以感恩的心所享用的;
4:4 因为天主所造的样样都好,加以感恩的心领受,没有一样是可摈弃的;
4:5 因为样样都是借天主的话和祈祷祝圣了的。

4:7 至于凡俗和老妇的无稽传说,务要躲避!但要在虔敬上操练自己,
4:8 因为身体的操练益处不多,惟独虔敬在各方面都有益处,因为有今生与来生的应许。
4:9 这话是确实的,值得完全接纳。
4:10 我们劳苦奋斗,正是如此,因为我们已寄望于永生的天主,他是全人类,尤其是信徒们的救主。

4:12 不要让人小看你年轻;但要在言语行为上,在爱德、信德和洁德上,做信徒的模范。
4:13 直到我来时,你要专务宣读、劝勉和教导。
4:14 不要疏忽你心内的神恩,即从前因预言,借长老团的覆手赐于你的神恩。
4:15 你要专心做这些事,全神贯注在这些事上,为使众人看出你的进步。
4:16 应注意你自己和你的训言,在这些事上要坚持不变,因为你这样做,才能救你自己,又能救你的听众。




5:2 劝老妇如劝母亲;以完全纯洁的心,劝青年女子如劝姊妺。

5:4 假使寡妇有儿子或孙子,她们就应学着孝敬本家人,报答祖先,因为这是天主所喜悦的事。
5:5 那真正做寡妇的,孤独无依,已寄望于天主,黑夜白日常在恳求和祈祷;
5:6 但那任性纵欲的寡妇虽生犹死。
5:7 你要拿这些话去劝戒,使她们无可指摘。
5:8 如有人不照顾自己的戚族,尤其不照顾自己的家人,即是背弃信德,比不信的人更坏。

5:10 又必须有行善的声望,如:教育过儿女,款待过旅客,洗过圣徒的脚,周济过遭难的人,勤行过各种善工。
5:11 至于年轻的寡妇,你要拒绝录用,因为当她们情欲冲动违背基督的时候,便想再嫁,
5:12 这样必招致惩罚,因为她们摈弃了起初的信誓;
5:13 同时她们又游手好闲,习惯串门踏户;不但游手好闲而且还饶舌不休,好管闲事,说些不当说的话。
5:14 所以我要年轻的寡妇再嫁,生养儿女,治理家务,不给敌人以诽谤的任何借口,
5:15 因为有些已转身随从了撒殚。
5:16 若女信徒家中有寡妇,就应供养她们,不可加重教会的负担,为使教会能供养那些真正的寡妇。

5:18 因为经上记载:『牛在打场的时候,不可笼住它的嘴;』又说:「工人自当有他的工资。』
5:19 反对长老的控告,除非有两三个证人,你不可受理。
5:20 犯罪的人,你要在众人前加以斥责,为叫其余的人有所警愓。
5:21 我在天主与基督耶稣,以及蒙选的天使前恳求你,要遵守这些话,不可存成见,做事也不可有偏心。
5:22 不可轻易给人覆手:不可在别人的罪上有分子,务要守身清白。
5:23 至于你,你以后不要单喝清水,为了你的胃病和你屡次生病,却要用点酒。
5:24 有些人的罪过,在受审以前便是显明的,但有些人的罪过只在受审以后;
5:25 同样,善工也是显明的;即使不明显,也不能隐瞒住。




6:2 奴隶若是有信教的主人,也不可因他们是弟兄,便加以轻视,反要越发服事他们,因为得服事之惠的是信徒,是可爱的弟兄。你要拿这些事教训人,劝勉人。

6:4 他必是妄自尊大,一无所知,患有辩论和舌战之癖的人;由此而生出嫉妒、争吵、谩骂、恶意的猜疑,
6:5 以及心思败坏和丧失真理者的口角;他们以为虔敬是获利之源。
6:6 的确,虔敬是一个获利的富源,但应有知足的心,
6:7 因为我们没有带什么到世界上,同样也不能带走什么,
6:8 只要我们有吃有穿,就当知足。
6:9 至于那些向往致富的人,却陷于诱惑,堕入罗网和许多背理有害的欲望中,这欲望叫人沉溺于败坏和灭亡中,
6:10 因为贪爱钱财乃万恶的根源;有些人曾因贪求钱财而离弃了信德,使自己受了许多刺心的痛苦。

6:12 要奋力打这场有关信仰的好仗,要争取永生:你正是为此而蒙召,并为此在许多证人前宣示了你那美好的誓言。
6:13 我在使万有生活的天主前和曾对般雀比拉多宣过美好誓言的基督耶稣前命令你,
6:14 务要保守这训今,不受玷污,无可指摘,直到我们的主耶稣基督的显现:
6:15 在预定的时期使人看见这显现的,是那真福,惟一全能者,万王之王,万主之主,
6:16 是那独享不死不灭,住于不可接近的光中,没有人看见过,也不能看见的天主。愿尊崇和永远的威权归于他!阿们。

6:18 又要劝他们行善,在善工上致富,甘心施舍,乐意通财,
6:19 为自己积蓄良好的根基,以备将来能享受那真正的生命。

6:21 有些人自充有这知识,但终于失落了信德。

祝福辞 愿恩宠与你们同在!



BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.

JB 1 TIMOTHY Chapter 1



1:1 From Paul, apostle of Christ Jesus appointed by the command of God our saviour and of Christ Jesus our hope,

1:2 to Timothy, true child of mine in the faith; wishing you grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Lord.


Suppress the false teachers

1:3 As I asked you when I was leaving for Macedonia, please stay at Ephesus, to insist that certain people stop teaching strange doctrines

1:4 and taking notice of myths and endless genealogies; these things are only likely to raise irrelevant doubts instead of furthering the designs of God which are revealed in faith.

1:5 The only purpose of this instruction is that there should be love, coming out of a pure heart, a clear conscience and a sincere faith.

1:6 There are some people who have gone off the straight course and taken a road that leads to empty speculation;

1:7 they claim to be doctors of the Law but they understand neither the arguments they are using nor the opinions they are upholding


The purpose of the Law

1:8 We know, of course, that the Law is good, but only provided it is treated like any law,

1:9 in the understanding that laws are not framed for people who are good. On the contrary, they are for criminals and revolutionaries, for the irreligious and the wicked, for the sacrilegious and the irreverent; they are for people who kill their fathers or mothers and for murderers,

1:10 for those who are immoral with women or with boys or with men, for liars and for perjurers - and for everything else that is contrary to the sound teaching

1:11 that goes with the Good News of the glory of the blessed God, the gospel that was entrusted to me.


Paul on his own calling

1:12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, and who judged me faithful enough to call me into his service

1:13 even though I used to be a blasphemer and did all I could to injure and discredit the faith. Mercy, however, was shown me, because until I became a believer I had been acting in ignorance;

1:14 and the grace of our Lord filled me with faith and with the love that is in Christ Jesus.

1:15 Here is a saying that you can rely on and nobody should doubt: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I myself am the greatest of them;

1:16 and if mercy has been shown to me, it is because Jesus Christ meant to make me the greatest evidence of his inexhaustible patience for all the other people who would later have to trust in him to come to eternal life.

1:17 To the eternal King, the undying, invisible and only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.


Timothy's responsibility

1:18 Timothy, my son, these are the instructions that I am giving you: I ask you to remember the words once spoken over you by the prophets, and taking them to heart to fight like a good soldier

1:19 with faith and a good conscience for your weapons. Some people have put conscience aside and wrecked their faith in consequence.

1:20 I mean men like Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to teach them not to be blasphemous.

JB 1 TIMOTHY Chapter 2


Liturgical prayer

2:1 My advice is that, first of all, there should be prayers offered for everyone - petitions, intercessions and thanksgiving -

2:2 and especially for kings and others in authority, so that we may be able to live religious and reverent lives in peace and quiet.

2:3 To do this is right, and will please God our saviour:

2:4 he wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth.

2:5 For there is only one God, and there is only one mediator between God and mankind, himself a man, Christ Jesus,

2:6 who sacrificed himself as a ransom for them all. He is the evidence of this, sent at the appointed time, and

2:7 I have been named a herald and apostle of it and - I am telling the truth and no lie - a teacher of the faith and the truth to the pagans.

2:8 In every place, then, I want the men to lift their hands up reverently in prayer, with no anger or argument.


Women in the assembly

2:9 Similarly, I direct that women are to wear suitable clothes and to be dressed quietly and modestly, without braided hair or gold and jewellery or expensive clothes; their adornment is

2:10 to do the sort of good works that are proper for women who profess to be religious.

2:11 During instruction, a woman should be quiet and respectful.

2:12 I am not giving permission for a woman to teach or to tell a man what to do. A woman ought not to speak,

2:13 because Adam was formed first and Eve afterwards,

2:14 and it was not Adam who was led astray but the woman who was led astray and fell into sin.

2:15 Nevertheless, she will be saved by childbearing, provided she lives a modest life and is constant in faith and love and holiness.

JB 1 TIMOTHY Chapter 3


The elder-in-charge

3:1 Here is a saying that you can rely on: To want to be a presiding elder[*a] is to want to do a noble work.

3:2 That is why the president must have an impeccable character. He must not have been married more than once, and he must be temperate, discreet and courteous, hospitable and a good teacher;

3:3 not a heavy drinker, nor hot-tempered, but kind and peaceable. He must not be a lover of money.

3:4 He must be a man who manages his own family well and brings his children up to obey him and be well-behaved:

3:5 how can any man who does not understand how to manage his own family have responsibility for the church of God?

3:6 He should not be a new convert, in case pride might turn his head and then he might be condemned as the devil was condemned.

3:7 It is also necessary that people outside the Church should speak well of him, so that he never gets a bad reputation and falls into the devil's trap.



3:8 In the same way, deacons must be respectable men whose word can be trusted, moderate in the amount of wine they drink and with no squalid greed for money.

3:9 They must be conscientious believers in the mystery of the faith.

3:10 They are to be examined first, and only admitted to serve as deacons if there is nothing against them.

3:11 In the same way, the women must be respectable, not gossips but sober and quite reliable.

3:12 Deacons must not have been married more than once, and must be men who manage their children and families well.

3:13 Those of them who carry out their duties well as deacons will earn a high standing for themselves and be rewarded with great assurance in their work for the faith in Christ Jesus.


The Church and the mystery of the spiritual life

3:14 At the moment of writing to you, I am hoping that I may be with you soon;

3:15 but in case I should be delayed, I wanted you to know how people ought to behave in God's family - that is, in the Church of the living God, which upholds the truth and keeps it safe.

3:16 Without any doubt, the mystery of our religion is very deep indeed: He was made visible in the flesh, attested by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed to the pagans, believed in by the world, taken up in glory.

JB 1 TIMOTHY Chapter 4


False teachers

4:1 The Spirit has explicitly said that during the last times there will be some who will desert the faith and choose to listen to deceitful spirits and doctrines that come from the devils;

4:2 and the cause of this is the lies told by hypocrites whose consciences are branded as though with a red-hot iron:[*a]

4:3 they will say marriage is forbidden, and lay down rules about abstaining from foods which God created to be accepted with thanksgiving by all who believe and who know the truth.[*b]

4:4 Everything God has created is good, and no food is to be rejected, provided grace is said for it:

4:5 the word of God and the prayer make it holy.

4:6 If you put all this to the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus and show that you have really digested the teaching of the faith and the good doctrine which you have always followed.

4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales. Train yourself spiritually.

4:8 'Physical exercises are useful enough, but the usefulness of spirituality is unlimited, since it holds out the reward of life here and now and of the future life as well';

4:9 that is a saying that you can rely on and nobody should doubt it.

4:10 I mean that the point of all our toiling and battling is that we have put our trust in the living God and he is the saviour of the whole human race but particularly of all believers.

4:11 This is what you are to enforce in your teaching.

4:12 Do not let people disregard you because you are young, but be an example to the believers in the way you speak and behave, and in your love, your faith and your purity.

4:13 Make use of the time until I arrive by reading to the people, preaching and teaching.

4:14 You have in you a spiritual gift which was given to you when the prophets spoke and the body of elders laid their hands on you; do not let it lie unused.

4:15 Think hard about all this, and put it into practice, and everyone will be able to see how you are advancing.

4:16 Take great care about what you do and what you teach; always do this, and in this way you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.

JB 1 TIMOTHY Chapter 5


Pastoral practice

5:1 Do not speak harshly to a man older than yourself, but advise him as you would your own father; treat the younger men as brothers

5:2 and older women as you would your mother. Always treat young women with propriety, as if they were sisters.



5:3 Be considerate to widows; I mean those who are truly widows.

5:4 If a widow has children or grandchildren, they are to learn first of all to do their duty to their own families and repay their debt to their parents, because this is what pleases God.

5:5 But a woman who is really widowed and left without anybody can give herself up to God and consecrate all her days and nights to petitions and prayer.

5:6 The one who thinks only of pleasure is already dead while she is still alive:

5:7 remind them of all this, too, so that their lives may be blameless.

5:8 Anyone who does not look after his own relations, especially if they are living with him, has rejected the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

5:9 Enrolment as a widow is permissible only for a woman at least sixty years old who has had only one husband.

5:10 She must be a woman known for her good works and for the way in which she has brought up her children, shown hospitality to strangers and washed the saints' feet, helped people who are in trouble and been active in all kinds of good work.

5:11 Do not accept young widows because if their natural desires get stronger than their dedication to Christ, they want to marry again,

5:12 and then people condemn them for being unfaithful to their original promise.

5:13 Besides, they learn how to be idle and go round from house to house; and then, not merely idle, they learn to be gossips and meddlers in other people's affairs, and to chatter when they would be better keeping quiet.

5:14 I think it is best for young widows to marry again and have children and a home to look after, and not give the enemy any chance to raise a scandal about them;

5:15 there are already some who have left us to follow Satan.

5:16 If a Christian woman has widowed relatives, she should support them and not make the Church bear the expense but enable it to support those who are genuinely widows.


The elders

5:17 The elders who do their work well while they are in charge are to be given double consideration, especially those who are assiduous in preaching and teaching.

5:18 As scripture says: You must not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the corn;[*a] and again: The worker deserves his pay[*b].

5:19 Never accept any accusation brought against an elder unless it is supported by two or three witnesses.

5:20 If any of them are at fault, reprimand them publicly, as a warning to the rest.

5:21 Before God, and before Jesus Christ and the angels he has chosen, I put it to you as a duty to keep these rules impartially and never to be influenced by favouritism.

5:22 Do not be too quick to lay hands on any man, and never make yourself an accomplice in anybody else's sin; keep yourself pure.

5:23 You should give up drinking only water and have a little wine for the sake of your digestion and the frequent bouts of illness that you have.

5:24 The faults of some people are obvious long before anyone makes any complaint about them, while others have faults that are not discovered until afterwards.

5:25 In the same way, the good that people do can be obvious; but even when it is not, it cannot be hidden for ever.

JB 1 TIMOTHY Chapter 6



6:1 All slaves 'under the yoke' must have unqualified respect for their masters, so that the name of God and our teaching are not brought into disrepute.

6:2 Slaves whose masters are believers are not to think any the less of them because they are brothers; on the contrary, they should serve them all the better, since those who have the benefit of their services are believers and dear to God.


The true teacher and the false teacher

This is what you are to teach them to believe and persuade them to do.

6:3 Anyone who teaches anything different, and does not keep to the sound teaching which is that of our Lord Jesus Christ, the doctrine which is in accordance with true religion,

6:4 is simply ignorant and must be full of self-conceit - with a craze for questioning everything and arguing about words. All that can come of this is jealousy, contention, abuse and wicked mistrust of one another;

6:5 and unending disputes by people who are neither rational nor informed and imagine that religion is a way of making a profit.

6:6 Religion, of course, does bring large profits, but only to those who are content with what they have.

6:7 We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it;

6:8 but as long as we have food and clothing, let us be content with that.

6:9 People who long to be rich are a prey to temptation; they get trapped into all sorts of foolish and dangerous ambitions which eventually plunge them into ruin and destruction.

6:10 'The love of money is the root of all evils' and there are some who, pursuing it, have wandered away from the faith, and so given their souls any number of fatal wounds.


Timothy's vocation recalled

6:11 But, as a man dedicated to God, you must avoid all that. You must aim to be saintly and religious, filled with faith and love, patient and gentle.

6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith and win for yourself the eternal life to which you were called when you made your profession and spoke up for the truth in front of many witnesses.

6:13 Now, before God the source of all life and before Christ, who spoke up as a witness for the truth in front of Pontius Pilate, I put to you the duty

6:14 of doing all that you have been told, with no faults or failures, until the Appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,

6:15 who at the due time will be revealed by God, the blessed and only Ruler of all, the King of kings and the Lord of lords,

6:16 who alone is immortal, whose home is in inaccessible light, whom no man has seen and no man is able to see: to him be honour and everlasting power. Amen.


Rich Christians

6:17 Warn those who are rich in this world's goods that they are not to look down on other people; and not to set their hopes on money, which is untrustworthy, but on God who, out of his riches, gives us all that we need for our happiness.

6:18 Tell them that they are to do good, and be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share -

6:19 this is the way they can save up a good capital sum for the future if they want to make sure of the only life that is real.


Final warning and conclusion

6:20 My dear Timothy, take great care of all that has been entrusted to you. Have nothing to do with the pointless philosophical discussions and antagonistic beliefs of the 'knowledge' which is not knowledge at all;

6:21 by adopting this, some have gone right away from the faith. Grace be with you.


END OF JB 1 TIMOTHY [6 Chapters].