1:1 保禄和息耳瓦诺及弟茂德,致书给在天主我们的父及主耶稣基督内的得撒洛尼人的教会。
1:2 愿恩宠与平安,由天主父和主耶稣基督赐与你们!
1:3 弟兄们,我们常该为你们感谢天主,这真是相称的,因为你们的信德大有进步,你们众人之间彼此的爱德更为增进,
1:4 以致我们可在天主的各教会中,为你们夸口,因为你们在所受的一切迫害和磨难中,仍保持了坚忍和信德。
1:5 这正是天主公义审判的明证,好使你们堪得天主的国,你们也正是为了这国才受了苦难。
1:6 既然天主是公义的,必要以苦难报复难为你们的人,
1:7 却赏你们受难为的人,同我们一起安宁;主耶稣由天上偕同他大能的天使显现时,
1:8 要在火焰中报复那些不认识天主,和不听从我们的主耶稣福音的人。
1:9 这些人要受永远丧亡之罚,远离上主面,远离他威能的光荣。
1:10 当他在那一日降来的时候,要在他的圣徒身上受光荣,在一切信众身上受赞美。你们也在其中,因为你们确信了我们的证言。
1:11 为此,我们也为你们祈祷,求我们的天主使你们相称他的召叫;求他以德能,成全你们各种乐意向善的心,和信德的行为,
1:12 好使我们的主耶稣基督的名字,在你们内受光荣,你们也在他内,赖我们的天主和主耶稣基督的恩宠受光荣。
2:1 弟兄们,关于我们的主耶稣基督的来临,和我们聚集到他前的事,我们请求你们,
2:2 不要因着什么神恩,或什么言论,或什么似乎出于我们的书信,好象说主的日子迫近了,就迅速失去理智,惊慌失惜。
2:3 不要让人用任何方法欺骗你们,因为在那日子来临前,必有背叛之事,那无法无天的人,即丧亡之子必先出现。
2:4 他即是那敌对者,他高举自己在各种称为神或受崇拜者以上,以致要坐在天主的殿中,宣布自己是神。
2:5 你们不记得我还在你们那里时,给你们说过这些事吗﹖
2:6 你们也知道现今那阻止他在自己的时辰才出现的是什么。
2:7 罪恶的阴谋已经在活动,只待这阻止者一由中间除去,
2:8 那时,那无法无天的人就要出现,主耶稣要以自己口中的气息将他杀死,且以自己来临的显现把他消灭。
2:9 那人来到,依靠撒殚的力量,具有各种德能,行欺骗人的奇迹异事,
2:10 并以各种邪恶骗术,煽惑那些丧亡的人,因为他们没有接受爱慕真理之心,为获得拯救。
2:11 为此,天主使一种错误的信念在他们身上运行,叫他们相信谎谬,
2:12 为使一切不信真理而喜欢违法的人,被定罪受罚。
2:13 主所爱的弟兄们!我们该当时常为你们感谢天主,因为天主从起初就拣选了你们,藉圣神的祝圣和信从真理而得到拯救。
2:14 为此,他也借着我们宣讲的福音召叫了你们,为获得我们的主耶稣基督的光荣。
2:15 所以,弟兄们,你们要站立稳定,要坚持你们或由我们的言论,或由我们的书信所学得的传授。
2:16 愿我们的主耶稣基督,和那爱我们,并开恩将永远的安慰和美好的希望,赐与我们的父天主,
2:17 鼓励你们的心,并在各种善工善言上,坚固你们。
3:1 此外,弟兄们!请为我们祈祷,好叫主的圣道,也像在你们那里一样,顺利展开,并得到光荣;
3:2 也叫我们脱离坏人与恶人,因为不是人人都有信德。
3:3 主是忠信的,他必坚固你们,保护你们免于凶恶。
3:4 我们在主内信赖你们;你们既然现今实行了我们所吩咐的,将来也必实行。
3:5 愿主指引你们的心去爱天主,并学习基督的坚忍。
3:6 弟兄们,我们还因我们的主耶稣基督的名,吩咐你们,要远离一切游手好闲,或不按得自我们的传授生活的弟兄。
3:7 你们自己原来知道该怎样效法我们,因为我们在你们中没有闲散过,
3:8 也没有白吃过人的饭,而是黑夜白日辛苦勤劳地操作,免得加重你们任何人的负担。
3:9 这不是因为我们没有权利,而是为以身作则,给你们立榜样,叫你们效法我们;
3:10 并且当我们在你们那里的时候,早已吩咐过你们:谁若不愿意工作,就不应当吃饭,
3:11 因为我们听说,你们中有些人游手好闲,什么也不作,却好管闲事。
3:12 我们因主耶稣基督吩咐这样的人,并劝勉他们安静工作,吃自己的饭。
3:13 至于你们,弟兄们,行善总不可懈怠。
3:14 但是如果有人,不听从我们书信上的话,应把这人记出,不要与他交际来往,好叫他惭愧;
3:15 可是不要把他当仇敌看待,但要把他当弟兄规劝。
3:16 愿赐平安的主,亲自时时处处赐给你们平安!愿主与你们众人同在!
3:17 我保禄亲笔问候,这是我每封信的记号;这是我的字体。
3:18 愿我们的主耶稣基督的恩宠与你们众人同在!
BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.
Chapter 1
1:1 From Paul, Silvanus and
Timothy, to the Church in Thessalonika which is in God
our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ;
1:2 wishing you
grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
and encouragement. The Last Judgement
1:3 We
feel we must be continually thanking God for you, brothers; quite rightly, because
your faith is growing so wonderfully and the love that you have for one another
never stops increasing;
1:4 and among the churches of
God we can take special pride in you for your constancy and faith under all the
persecutions and troubles you have to bear.
1:5 It
all shows that God's judgement is just, and the
purpose of it is that you may be found worthy of the kingdom of God; it is for
the sake of this that you are suffering now.
1:6 God will very rightly
repay with injury those who are injuring you,
1:7 and reward you, who are
suffering now, with the same peace as he will give us, when the Lord Jesus
appears from heaven with the angels of his power.
1:8 He will come in flaming
fire to impose the penalty on all who do not acknowledge God[*a]
and refuse to accept the Good News of our Lord Jesus.
1:9 It
will be their punishment to be lost eternally, excluded from the presence of
the Lord and from the glory of his strength
1:10 on that day when he comes
to be glorified among his saints and seen in his glory[*b]
by all who believe in him; and you are believers, through our witness.
1:11 Knowing this, we pray
continually that our God will make you worthy of his call, and by his power fulfil all your desires for goodness and complete all that
you have been doing through faith;
1:12 because in this way the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in you and you in him, by the
grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Chapter 2
The coming of the
Lord and the prelude to it
2:1 To turn now, brothers, to
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we shall all be gathered round him:
2:2 please do not get excited
too soon or alarmed by any prediction or rumour or
any letter claiming to come from us, implying that the Day of the Lord has
already arrived.
2:3 Never
let anyone deceive you in this way. It cannot happen until the Great Revolt has
taken place and the Rebel, the Lost One, has appeared.
2:4 This
is the Enemy, the one who claims to be so much greater than all that men call
'god', so much greater than anything that is worshipped, that he enthrones
himself in God's sanctuary and claims that he is God.
2:5 Surely
you remember me telling you about this when I was with you?
2:6 And
you know, too, what is still holding him back from appearing before his
appointed time.
2:7 Rebellion
is at its work already, but in secret, and the one who is holding it back has
first to be removed
2:8 before the Rebel appears
openly. The Lord will kill him with the breath of his mouth[*a]
and will annihilate him with his glorious appearance at his coming.
2:9 But
when the Rebel comes, Satan will set to work: there will be all kinds of
miracles and a deceptive show of signs and portents,
2:10 and everything
evil that can deceive those who are bound for destruction because they would
not grasp the love of the truth which could have saved them.
2:11 The
reason why God is sending a power to delude them and make them believe what is
2:12 is to condemn all who refused
to believe in the truth and chose wickedness instead.
Encouragement to
2:13 But we feel that we must
be continually thanking God for you, brothers whom the Lord loves, because God
chose you from the beginning to be saved by the sanctifying Spirit and by faith
in the truth.
2:14 Through the Good News
that we brought he called you to this so that you should share the glory of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
2:15 Stand firm, then,
brothers, and keep the traditions that we taught you, whether by word of mouth
or by letter.
2:16 May our Lord Jesus Christ
himself, and God our Father who has given us his love and, through his grace,
such inexhaustible comfort and such sure hope,
2:17 comfort you and
strengthen you in everything good that you do or say.
Chapter 3
3:1 Finally,
brothers, pray for us; pray that the Lord's message may spread quickly, and be
received with honour as it was among you;
3:2 and pray that we may be
preserved from the interference of bigoted and evil people, for faith is not
given to everyone.
3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and
he will give you strength and guard you from the evil one,
3:4 and we, in the Lord, have
every confidence that you are doing and will go on doing all that we tell you.
3:5 May the Lord turn your hearts towards the love of God and the fortitude
of Christ.
Against idleness
and disunity
3:6 In the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, we urge you, brothers, to keep away from any of the brothers who
refuses to work or to live according to the tradition we passed on to you.
3:7 You
know how you are supposed to imitate us: now we were not idle when we were with
3:8 nor did we ever have our
meals at anyone's table without paying for them; no, we worked night and day,
slaving and straining, so as not to be a burden on any of you.
3:9 This
was not because we had no right to be, but in order to make ourselves an
example for you to follow.
3:10 We
gave you a rule when we were with you: not to let anyone have any food if he
refused to do any work.
3:11 Now
we hear that there are some of you who are living in idleness, doing no work
themselves but interfering with everyone else's.
3:12 In the Lord Jesus Christ,
we order and call on people of this kind to go on quietly working and earning
the food that they eat.
3:13 My
brothers, never grow tired of doing what is right.
3:14 If
anyone refuses to obey what I have written in this letter, take note of him and
have nothing to do with him, so that he will feel that he is in the wrong;
3:15 though you are not to regard
him as an enemy but as a brother in need of correction.
Prayer and farewell
3:16 May the Lord of peace
himself give you peace all the time and in every way. The Lord be with you all.
3:17 From
me, PAUL, these greetings in my own handwriting, which is the mark of
genuineness in every letter; this is my own writing.
3:18 May the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with you all.
2 THESSALONIANS [3 Chapters].