

Chinese-English Bible http://www.6art.net/sj








1:1 基督耶稣的仆人保禄和弟茂德,致书给斐理伯的众位在基督耶稣内的圣徒、监督及执事;
1:2 愿恩宠与平安由天主我们的父和主耶稣基督赐与你们!

1:3 我一想起你们,就感谢我的天主;
1:4 我每次祈祷,总怀着喜悦为你们众位祈祷,
1:5 因为你们从最初的一天直到现在,就协助了宣传福音的工作;
1:6 我深信,在你们内开始这美好工作的那位,必予以完成,直到耶稣基督的日子。
1:7 我这样想念你们众人,是理当的,因为我在心内常怀念你们,不论我带锁链,或辩护或确证福音时,你们常参与了我受的恩宠。
1:8 天主为我作证:我是怎样以基督耶稣的情怀爱你们众人。
1:9 我所祈求的是:愿你们的爱德日渐增长,满渥真知识和各种识见,
1:10 使你们能辨别卓绝之事,为叫你们直到基督的日子,常是洁净无瑕的,
1:11 赖耶稣基督满结义德的果实,为光荣赞美天主。

1:13 以致御营全军和其余众人都明明知道,我带锁链是为基督的缘故;
1:14 并且大多数的弟兄,因见我带锁链,就依靠主,更敢讲论天主的道理,一点也不害怕。
1:15 有些人宣讲基督,固然是出于嫉妒和竞争,有些人却是出于善意;
1:16 这些出于爱的人,知道我是被立为护卫福音的;
1:17 那些出于私见宣传基督的人,目的不纯正,想要给我的锁链更增添烦恼。
1:18 那有什么妨碍呢﹖无论如何,或是假意,或是诚心,终究是宣传了基督。为此,如今我喜欢,将来我仍然要喜欢,
1:19 因为我知道,赖你们的祈祷和耶稣基督的圣神的辅助,这事必有利于我的得救。
1:20 按照我所热切期待希望的,我在任何事上必不会蒙羞,所以现在和从前一样,我反而放心大胆,我或生或死,总要叫基督在我身上受颂扬。
1:21 因为在我看来,生活原是基督,死亡乃是利益。
1:22 但如果生活在肉身内,我还能获得工作的效果:我现在选择那一样,我自己也不知道。
1:23 我正夹在两者之间:我渴望求解脱而与基督同在一起:这实在是再好没有了;
1:24 但存留在肉身内,对你们却十分重要。
1:25 我确信不疑:我知道我必要存留,且必要为你们众人存留于世,为使你们在信德上,得到进展和喜乐,
1:26 并使你们因着我再来到你们中,同我在基督耶稣内更加欢跃。

1:27 你们生活度日只应合乎基督的福音,好叫我或来看望你们,或不在时,听到关于你们的事,而知道你们仍保持同一的精神,一心一意为福音的信仰共同奋斗,
1:28 一点也不为敌人所吓住:这样证明了他们必将丧亡,你们必将得救,因为这是出于天主,
1:29 因为,为了基督的缘故,赐给你们的恩赐,不但是为相信他,而且也是为为他受苦:
1:30 就是要遭受你们曾在我身上所见的,及如今由我所听到的同样的决斗。




2:2 你们就应彼此意见一致,同气相爱,同心合意,思念同样的事,以满全我的喜乐。
2:3 不论做什么,不从私见,也不求虚荣,只存心谦下,彼此该想自己不如人;
2:4 各人不可只顾自己的事,也该顾及别人的事。
2:5 你们该怀有基督耶稣所怀有的心情:
2:6 他虽具有天主的形体,并没有以自己与天主同等,为应当把持不舍的,
2:7 却使自己空虚,取了奴仆的形体,与人相似,形状也一见如人;
2:8 他贬抑自己,听命至死,且死在十字架上。
2:9 为此,天主极其举扬他,赐给了他一个名字,超越其它所有的名字,
2:10 致使上天、地上和地下的一切,一听到耶稣的名字,无不屈膝叩拜;
2:11 一切唇舌无不明认耶稣基督是主,以光荣天主圣父。
2:12 为此,我可爱的,就如你们常常听了命,不但我与你们同在的时候,就是如今不在的时候,你们更应该听命。你们要怀着恐惧战憟,努力成就你们得救的事,
2:13 因为是天主在你们内工作,使你们愿意,并使你们力行,为成就衪的善意。
2:14 你们做一切事,总不可抱怨,也不可争论,
2:15 好使你们成为无可指摘和纯洁的,在乖僻败坏的世代中,做天主无瑕的子女;在世人中你们应放光明,有如字宙间的明星,
2:16 将生命的话显耀出来,使我到基督的日子,有可自夸的,那我就没有白跑,也没有徒劳。
2:17 既使我应在你们信德的祭祀和供献上奠我的血,我也喜欢,且与你们众位一同喜欢;
2:18 同样,你们也该喜欢,也该与我一同喜欢。

2:20 实在,我没有一个像他那样诚心关照你们的人,
2:21 因为其它的人都谋求自己的事,而不谋求基督耶稣的事。
2:22 至于他,你们知道他所受过的考验,他对我如同儿子对待父亲一样,与我一同从事了福音的工作。
2:23 所以,我希望,几时我一看出我的事怎样了结,就立即打发他去;
2:24 并且在主内我自信,我自己也快去。

2:26 因为他常想念你们众人,又因你们听说他病了,他更为心焦。
2:27 实在,他曾病得几乎要死;但天主可怜了他,不但他,而且也可怜了我,免得我愁上加愁。
2:28 那么,我尽速打发他回去,好叫你们看见他再感到喜乐,而我也减少忧苦。
2:29 所以你们应该在主内满心喜欢接待他;像这样的人,你们应当尊敬,
2:30 因为他为了基督的工作,曾冒性命的危险,接近了死亡,为弥补你们未能事奉我的亏缺。




3:2 你们要提防狗,要提防邪恶的工人,要提防自行割切的人。
3:3 其实,真受割损的人是我们,因为我们是以天主的圣神实行敬礼,在耶稣基督内自豪,而不信赖外表的人,
3:4 虽然我对外表也有可信赖的。如果有人以为自己能将信赖放在外表上,那我更可以:
3:5 我生后第八天受了割损,出于以色列民族,属于本雅明支派,是由希伯来人所生的希伯来人;就法律说,我是法利赛人;
3:6 就热忱说,我曾迫害过教会;就法律的正义说,是无瑕可指的。
3:7 凡以前对我有利益的事,我如今为了基督,都看作是损失。
3:8 不但如此,而且我将一切都看作损失,因为我只以认识我主基督耶稣为至宝;为了衪,我自愿损失一切,拿一切当废物,为赚得基督,
3:9 为结合于他,并非借我因守法律获得的正义,而是借由于信仰基督获得的正义,即出于天主而本于信德的正义。
3:10 我只愿认识基督和他复活的德能,参与他的苦难相似他的死,
3:11 我希望也得到由死者中的复活。

3:13 弟兄们!我并不以为我已经夺得,我只顾一件事:即忘尽我背后的,只向在我前面的奔驰,
3:14 为达到目标,为争取天主在基督耶稣内召我向上争夺的奖品。
3:15 所以,我们凡是成熟的人,都应怀有这种心情;即使你们另有别种心情,天主也要将这种心情启示给你们。
3:16 但是,不拘我们已达到什么程度,仍应照样进行。

3:18 因为有许多人,我曾多次对你们说过,如今再含泪对你们说:他们行事为人,是基督十字架的敌人;
3:19 他们的结局是丧亡,他们的天主是肚腹,以羞辱为光荣,只恩念地上的事。
3:20 至于我们,我们的家乡原是在天上,我们等待主耶稣基督我们的救主从那里降来,
3:21 他必要按他能使一切屈服于自己的大能,改变我们卑贱的身体,相似他光荣的身体。




4:2 我奉劝厄敖狄雅和欣提赫,要在主内有同样的心情。
4:3 至于你,我忠诚的同伴,我也求你援助她们,因为她们曾伴随我为福音而奋斗,与克肋孟以及我的其它的同事一样,他们的名字已写在生命册上了。
4:4 你们在主内应当常常喜乐,我再说:你们应当喜乐!
4:5 你们的宽仁应当叫众人知道:主快来了。
4:6 你们什么也不要挂虑,只在一切事上,以恳求和祈祷,怀着感谢之心,向天主呈上你们的请求;
4:7 这样,天主那超乎各种意想的平安,必要在基督耶稣内固守你们的心思念虑。
4:8 此外弟兄们!凡是真实的,凡是高尚的,凡是正义的,凡是纯洁的,凡是可爱的,凡是荣誉的,不管是美德,不管是称誉:这一切你们都该思念:
4:9 凡你们在我身上所学得的,所领受的,所听见的,所看到的:这一切你们都该实行:这样,赐平安的天主必与你们同在。

4:11 我说这话,并不是由于贫乏,因为我已学会了,在所处的环境中常常知足。
4:12 我也知道受穷,也知道享受;在各样事上和各种境遇中,或饱饫,或饥饿,或富裕,或贫乏,我都得了秘诀。
4:13 我赖加强我力量的那位,能应付一切。
4:14 但是,你们也实在做的好,因为你们分担了我的困苦。
4:15 你们斐理伯人也知道:当我在传福音之初,离开马其顿时,没有一个教会在支收的事项上供应过我,惟独只有你们;
4:16 就连我在得撒洛尼时,你们不只一次,而且两次曾给我送来我的急需。
4:17 我并不是贪求馈赠,我所贪求的,是归入你们账内的丰厚的利息。
4:18 如今我已收到了一切,已富足了;我由厄帕洛狄托收到了你们所送来的芬芳的馨香,天主所悦纳中意的祭品,我已满够了。
4:19 我的天主必要以自己的财富,在基督耶稣内,丰富满足你们的一切需要。
4:20 愿光荣归于天主,我们的父,至于世世。阿们。

4:22 众位圣徒,特别是凯撒家中的圣徒,都问候你们。
4:23 愿主耶稣基督的恩宠与你们的心神同在。阿们。

BOOK ENDS. Seraphim, April 2009.






1:1 From Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, together with their presiding elders and deacons.

1:2 We wish you the grace and peace of God our Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Thanksgiving and prayer

1:3 I thank my God whenever I think of you; and

1:4 every time I pray for all of you, I pray with joy,

1:5 remembering how you have helped to spread the Good News from the day you first heard it right up to the present.

1:6 I am quite certain that the One who began this good work in you will see that it is finished when the Day of Christ Jesus comes.

1:7 It is only natural that I should feel like this towards you all, since you have shared the privileges which have been mine: both my chains and my work defending and establishing the gospel. You have a permanent place in my heart,

1:8 and God knows how much I miss you all, loving you as Christ Jesus loves you.

1:9 My prayer is that your love for each other may increase more and more and never stop improving your knowledge and deepening your perception.

1:10 so that you can always recognise what is best. This will help you to become pure and blameless, and prepare you for the Day of Christ,

1:11 when you will reach the perfect goodness which Jesus Christ produces in us for the glory and praise of God.


Paul's own circumstances

1:12 I am glad to tell you, brothers, that the things that happened to me have actually been a help to the Good News.

1:13 My chains, in Christ, have become famous not only all over the Praetorium but everywhere,

1:14 and most of the brothers have taken courage in the Lord from these chains of mine and are getting more and more daring in announcing the Message without any fear.

1:15 It is true that some of them are doing it just out of rivalry and competition, but the rest preach Christ with the right intention,

1:16 out of nothing but love, as they know that this is my invariable way of defending the gospel.

1:17 The others, who proclaim Christ for jealous or selfish motives, do not mind if they make my chains heavier to bear.

1:18 But does it matter? Whether from dishonest motives or in sincerity, Christ is proclaimed; and that makes me happy;

1:19 and I shall continue being happy, because I know this will help to save me,[*a] thanks to your prayers and to the help which will be given to me by the Spirit of Jesus.

1:20 My one hope and trust is that I shall never have to admit defeat, but that now as always I shall have the courage for Christ to be glorified in my body, whether by my life or by my death.

1:21 Life to me, of course, is Christ, but then death would bring me something more;

1:22 but then again, if living in this body means doing work which is having good results-I do not know what I should choose.

1:23 I am caught in this dilemma: I want to be gone and be with Christ, which would be very much the better,

1:24 but for me to stay alive in this body is a more urgent need for your sake.

1:25 This weighs with me so much that I feel sure I shall survive and stay with you all, and help you to progress in the faith and even increase your joy in it;

1:26 and so you will have another reason to give praise to Christ Jesus on my account when I am with you again.


Fight for the faith

1:27 Avoid anything in your everyday lives that would be unworthy of the gospel of Christ, so that, whether I come to you and see for myself, or stay at a distance and only hear about you, I shall know that you are unanimous in meeting the attack with firm resistance, united by your love for the faith of the gospel

1:28 and quite unshaken by your enemies. This would be the sure sign that they will lose and you will be saved. It would be a sign from God

1:29 that he has given you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well.

1:30 You and I are together in the same fight as you saw me fighting before and, as you will have heard, I am fighting still.



Preserve unity in humility

2:1 If our life in Christ means anything to you, if love can persuade at all, or the Spirit that we have in common, or any tenderness and sympathy,

2:2 then be united in your convictions and united in your love, with a common purpose and a common mind. That is the one thing which would make me completely happy.

2:3 There must be no competition among you, no conceit; but everybody is to be self-effacing. Always consider the other person to be better than yourself,

2:4 So that nobody thinks of his own interests first but everybody thinks of other s people's interests instead.

2:5 In your minds you must be the same as Christ Jesus:[*a]

2:6 His state was divine, yet he did not cling to his equality with God

2:7 but emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave, and became as men are; and being as all men are,

2:8 he was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross.

2:9 But God raised him high and gave him the name which is above all other names

2:10 so that all beings in the heavens, on earth and in the underworld, should bend the knee[*b] at the name of Jesus

2:11 and that every tongue should acclaim Jesus Christ as Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Work for salvation

2:12 So then, my dear friends, continue to do as I tell you, as you always have; not only as you did when I was there with you, but even more now that I am no longer there; and work for your salvation 'in fear and trembling'.

2:13 It is God, for his own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into you.

2:14 Do all that has to be done without complaining or arguing

2:15 and then you will be innocent and genuine, perfect children of God among a deceitful and underhand brood,[*c] and you will shine in the world like bright stars

2:16 because you are offering it the word of life. This would give me something to be proud of for the Day of Christ, and would mean that I had not run in the race and exhausted myself for nothing.

2:17 And then, if my blood has to be shed as part of your own sacrifice and offering-which is your faith[*d] I shall still be happy and rejoice with all of you,

2:18 and you must be just as happy and rejoice with me.


The mission of Timothy and Epaphroditus

2:19 I hope, in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you soon, and I shall be reassured by having news of you.

2:20 I have nobody else like him here, as wholeheartedly concerned for your welfare:

2:21 all the rest seem more interested in themselves than in Jesus Christ.

2:22 But you know how he has proved himself by working with me on behalf of the Good News like a son helping his father.

2:23 That is why he is the one that I am hoping to send you, as soon as I know something definite about my fate.

2:24 But I continue to trust, in the Lord, that I shall be coming soon myself.

2:25 It is essential, I think, to send brother Epaphroditus back to you. He was sent as your representative to help me when I needed someone to be my companion in working and battling,

2:26 but he misses you all and is worried because you heard about his illness.

2:27 It is true that he has been ill, and almost died, but God took pity on him, and on me as well as him, and spared me what would have been one grief on top of another.

2:28 So I shall send him back as promptly as I can; you will be happy to see him again, and that will make me less sorry.

2:29 Give him a most hearty welcome, in the Lord; people like him are to be honoured.

2:30 It was for Christ's work that he came so near to dying, and he risked his life to give me the help that you were not able to give me yourselves.



3:1 Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord.[*a]


The true way of Christian salvation

It is no trouble to me to repeat what I have already written to you, and as far as you are concerned, it will make for safety.

3:2 Beware of dogs! Watch out for the people who are making mischief. Watch out for the cutters.[*b]

3:3 We are the real people of the circumcision, we who worship in accordance with the Spirit of God; we have our own glory from Christ Jesus without having to rely on a physical operation.

3:4 If it came to relying on physical evidence, I should be fully qualified myself. Take any man who thinks he can rely on what is physical: I am even better qualified.

3:5 I was born of the race of Israel and of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrew parents, and I was circumcised when I was eight days old. As for the Law, I was a Pharisee;

3:6 as for working for religion, I was a persecutor of the Church; as far as the Law can make you perfect, I was faultless.

3:7 But because of Christ, I have come to consider all these advantages that I had as disadvantages.

3:8 Not only that, but I believe nothing can happen that will outweigh the supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For him I have accepted the loss of everything, and I look on everything as so much rubbish if only I can have Christ

3:9 and be given a place in him. I am no longer trying for perfection by my own efforts, the perfection that comes from the Law, but I want only the perfection that comes through faith in Christ, and is from God and based on faith.

3:10 All I want is to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and to share his sufferings by reproducing the pattern of his death.

3:11 That is the way I can hope to take my place in the resurrection of the dead.

3:12 Not that I have become perfect yet: I have not yet won, but I am still running, trying to capture the prize for which Christ Jesus captured me.

3:13 I can assure you my brothers, I am far from thinking that I have already won. All I can say is that I forget the past and I strain ahead for what is still to come;

3:14 I am racing for the finish, for is the prize to which God calls us upwards to receive in Christ Jesus.

3:15 We who are called 'perfect' must all think in this way. If there is some point on which you see things differently, God will make it clear to you;

3:16 meanwhile, let us go forward on the road that has brought us to where we are.

3:17 My brothers, be united in following my rule of life. Take as your models everybody who is already doing this and study them as you used to study us.

3:18 I have told you often, and I repeat it today with tears, there are many who are behaving as the enemies of the cross of Christ.

3:19 They are destined to be lost. They make foods into their god and they are proudest of something they ought to think shameful; the things they think important are earthly things.

3:20 For us, our homeland is in heaven, and from heaven comes the saviour we are waiting for, the Lord Jesus Christ,

3:21 and he will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body. He will do that by the same power with which he can subdue the whole universe.



4:1 So then, my brothers and dear friends, do not give way but remain faithful in the Lord. I miss you very much, dear friends; you are my joy and my crown.


Last advice

4:2 I appeal to Evodia and I appeal to Syntyche to come to agreement with each other, in the Lord;

4:3 and I ask you, Syzygus,[*a] to be truly a 'companion' and to help them in this. These women were a help to me when I was fighting to defend the Good News-and so, at the same time, were Clement and the others who worked with me. Their names are written in the book of life.

4:4 I want you to be happy, always happy in the Lord; I repeat, what I want is your happiness.

4:5 Let your tolerance be evident to everyone: the Lord is very near.

4:6 There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving,

4:7 and that peace of God, which is so much greater than we can understand, will guard your hearts and your thoughts, in Christ Jesus.

4:8 Finally, brothers, fill your minds with everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honour, and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise.

4:9 Keep doing all the things that you learnt from me and have been taught by me and have heard or seen that I do. Then the God of peace will be with you.


Thanks for help received

4:10 It is a great joy to me, in the Lord, that at last you have shown some concern for me again; though of course you were concerned before, and only lacked an opportunity.

4:11 I am not talking about shortage of money: I have learnt to manage on whatever I have,

4:12 I know how to be poor and I know how to be rich too. I have been through my initiation and now I am ready for anything anywhere: full stomach or empty stomach, poverty or plenty.

4:13 There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength.

4:14 All the same, it was good of you to share with me in my hardships.

4:15 In the early days of the Good News, as you people of Philippi well know, when I left Macedonia, no other church helped me with gifts of money. You were the only ones;

4:16 and twice since my stay in Thessalonika you have sent me what I needed.

4:17 It is not your gift that I value; what is valuable to me is the interest that is mounting up in your account.

4:18 Now for the time being I have everything that I need and more: I am fully provided now that I have received from Epaphroditus the offering that you sent, a sweet fragrance-the sacrifice that God accepts and finds pleasing.

4:19 In return my God will fulfil all your needs, in Christ Jesus, as lavishly as only God can.

4:20 Glory to God, our Father, for ever and ever. Amen.


Greetings and final wish

4:21 My greetings to every one of the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send their greetings.

4:22 All the saints send their greetings, especially those of the imperial household.[*b]

4:23 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.